« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

Trump Treats the Pandemic Like a P.R. Problem | Alphonso David & Matt Ryan


President Trump downplays COVID-19, Alphonso David discusses the Supreme Court's LGBTQ+ anti-discrimination ruling, and NFL quarterback Matt Ryan talks about his activism.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You listening to Carmody Central, hey, everybody. Welcome to another episode of the daily social distancing, show I'm Travilla, and also my episode. We're gonna be speaking to any fell, quarterback MAC Ryan about what's happening in Atlanta and what he thinks of calling cap and ex possible future and then fell will also be joined by the presidents of the human rights campaign. Alfonso David and we'll find out what everyone has learned from corona virus. It's nothing we ve learned, but before that that's catch up on today, headlines welcome to the danish social distancing, show from troubling melt in New York City to yours out somewhere in the world. This is the daily social differences. Traveled, all yours, let's kick things off with the most important meal of the day racism,
a familiar face and breakfast for more than a century rules by a thing of the past, Quaker Oats announcing that they're getting rid of the one hundred thirty year old, aunt German, a brand name is born pancake mixes, maple syrup and other breakfast moves in a statement to embassy news quicker oats riding in part. We recognised Andrew Mimus origins are based on racial stereotype, while we're has been done over the years to update the brand in a manner intended to be appropriate and respectful. We realise those changes are not enough. That's right! After a hundred and thirty years, it is officially time to pull one out for undermine nor upper pancakes on the floor now you don't understand what the big deal is onto my muff from the beginning was a classic slave Mammy stereotype, who got her name from an old black face, minstrel character and along the company has Travis
Strip away most of the racist stuff over the years, people still associate onto my Emma with ads like this one from nineteen. Forty five we're onto my mom is saying law, see folks show Wolf with joy over Anshar mammas pancakes, so yeah those adds was so racist, trumps, probably gonna point one to attorney general. This also raising them? The brand new that undermine was racist and then, instead of just changing it, they chose to instead slowly phase out the racism over time. So ridiculous, can you imagine you Quartier partnership? and instead of stopping they sent here, yeah you're right baby. This is so wrong. I I think I'm gonna slowly phasing out all of my affairs from now on no sex just hand stuff, but I guess that's how powerful racism is. They can even use it to sell food. Do you think black people,
less than human will. Then you're gonna love these flapjacks, but let's move on because we ve learned yet again. Over the past few weeks, the wash racism isn't in your breakfast, it's often what happens when you leave the house and for people who are worried. Getting harassed by the police, there's an app that might not be able to stop it, but can at least make sure that everyone finds out with widespread protests and Moreover, police brutality and Iphone Short cut that allows users to automatically record their interactions with the police is gaining popularity at her installing a short cut you have to do is say: hey SIRI, I'm getting pulled over and opens your front facing camera and stuff. The video recording and sends a message to somebody you designate as a contact once you stop the recording. It sends the message to that contact and allows you to send it to your Icloud or Dropbox,
hell, yeah SIRI, I always knew you were an ally. Did you say, find local bowling, alleys, god dammit? I hate you now. Obviously this is a helpful tool for many many people, but the fact that this apis even necessary just shows you how widespread the problem is. I mean it's thirty years after running king and the only thing is basically changed. Is the cameras are smarter. In fact, the cops have now released their own up. Yet when they start to pull over a black person, their body can automatically malfunctions in other news, while most of the planet's has been focused on fighting racism and corona virus D. In the Himalayas China and India have decided. They also want to fight each other to nuclear powers are facing off in a remote corner of the Himalayas, and now officials from China and India are scrapped. To try to ease tensions. On Monday soldiers from
Countries fought undisputed land and the indian side lost around twenty soldiers and that's prompted anger in several sees. You see people here stomping on chinese made products, others I learned and effigy of China's president. Ok, I'm sorry, China and India. You guys need a cool off, because this is not. The time We can't handle a world war right now, we're ready dealing with so many things. Corona virus economies of tanking global protests are happening and at any minute more would act as could release one of those black and white videos. I take responsibility now this dispute between China and India is about where exactly a remote border in the Himalayas should be, and they ve been arguing about this part of the border for fifty years. Praise. This is basically what most beefs between countries come down to. Every country is basically just a kid in the back of a
China claim as much of the middle seat as they can't man. It's meant it's mine and I don't know if I'm fighting for their land. Anyway, I mean it's in the Himalayas River winds. It's gonna be stuck dealing with actual mountain climbers, four thousand years: Korea, China, you might push India out, but you never getting rid of rock and speaking of wool present trumpets aiming or his twitter fingers at his form a national security. And Cartoon owl John Bolton tonight a new twist in the president's rift with his former national security adviser, John Bolton, the Justice Department suing him to block publication of his tell all book scheduled to be released next week, or I will consider every conversation with me is and highly glass survive. If the book it's out he's broken the law, and I would think that he would have criminal problems. A publisher, fear an author. You have a book coming out.
Your dream is to have the president attacking you. What was the result of that of the book is number one on Amazon, Donald J Trump has got to be one of the most short sighted people in history. Of course, the book is number one on Amazon now, because you trying so hard to keep it locked up just makes more people want to read it. Nobody should ever read these hack. She actually secrets, especially on page thirty. Two. You don't want to see those don't look. Nobody Sheila and look at the same time also understand why Trump is so scared, because already the stuff that's been leaking out of this book is pretty wild Bolton says the Trump openly asked China to help him when reelection and constantly twisted american policy to help himself politically, which I think has severely damaged trumps reputation with gray.
You don't Gregg the one remaining guy who didn't believe that yet, but was still open to the possibility. Now, if you ask me, this is also some bullshit from John Bolton because he could have testified and sent a trial, but instead- His warning is coming in the form of a memoir six months later, who seized their country and terrible danger from an unhinged president and goes. I need one. The people chapter one I was born on a bright autumn day and nineteen forty and by the way, while trumpets fighting off vis book. He is also the subject of another tell all book by his own niece yeah,
Apparently tromp is considering showing her as well because, like all normal families, his niece signed in India in two thousand and one- and I can't even begin to imagine how awkward thanksgiving is going to be for the term family. Can you imagine that vibe trump is gonna, be there like? I'm not sitting knows to marry, not after what she wrote about me, the other. She does next to Eric. Ok, Mary, less chapters, Did you know two out of three guys will experience some form of male pattern baldness by the time, they're. Thirty, five. The best way to prevent hair loss is to do something about it. While you still have hair left, you used to have to go to the doctors office for your hair loss prescription. Now, thanks to keeps you can visit a doctor online and get hair loss better
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daily shoe. Welcome back to the daily social distancing show. Now you may remember the reason that I'm shooting the show in my apartment is not because I forgot to pay the Ici bullet the studio, but because core of ours shut down the planets and although the krona virus devastated the globe, some countries manage to beat it which gave the rest of us hope. Countries like New Zealand, the Canada, Australia they ve been celebrating because they had completely gotten rid of corona virus, but then this week they discuss. But even they can't go back to normal? Just yet, after more than three weeks of no new cases covered nineteen in New Zealand with authorities believing the country had managed to eliminate the virus. The Ministry of Health today announced to new cases, variable women who had travelled from the UK via Australia. It's a major blow country that has aggressively tackled the virus only last week and museum
lifted, almost all domestic corona via restrictions or no New Zealand. You made the Classic zombie movie mistake when you were in the house, and everything is fine. We're knock on the door. You do not let that person in good. When you open the door, it's be a zombie or Jehovah's witnesses, either way, don't open the door. That said, it is crazy that two cases is described as a major blow to the country and that's how Really New Zealand is taking this to other places Clement. If that's a major blow America's taken corona like the guy in an old wooden tunnel experiments, and I mean that just goes to show how hard it's gonna be too. To see call of irish lot of vaccine. Could all it takes is one little slip up for all your work to collapse. Come like the gang gender the sense that it's not fun at all and I wish it was over. Are you looking to spend ten minutes nervous but also board? Try J
now, while New Zealand is racing to contain these two cases in the country where the sole started there looking at an outbreak that could be a lot worse China is racing to contain a new outbreak of covert nineteen. After reporting known, factions in Beijing for more than fifty days, the virus has returned parts of Beijing under lock down again officials they're, calling it wartime mode. Schools closed tray sport in and out of the city shut down There are no more than one hundred corona virus cases linked to Beijing's Sheen faddy wholesale market. Officials scrambling to quickly contact trace testing an estimated two hundred thousand people for market workers to recent visitors near the area images scene of hundreds of military police deployed to freeze the flow of people. Wait a minute. China is shutting down Beijing because of a hundred cases. Even China takes this
way more seriously than everyone else will there's something there not telling us again now look China. I know it's embarrassing to have more clout especially when everyone in the world is blaming you for this thing. But you need to be honest with us about what's happening because you saw what sequence did the last time one minute it was a few cases and move on to the next You know we all making fish must sign of our roommates underwear. Now there are some good news in the battle against covert nineteen researchers at Oxford say that a common stairway that's been around for sixty years can dramatically reduce the risk of death is severely ill curve virus patients. Basically, scientists have now just started doing the same thing than you do at home. You know when you get sick, you just go through a medicine cabinet trying random stuff
to see the work of petrol business cure, piecemeal, is worth a shot and in another big research, development exports and now confidence that the virus, mostly isn't spread by touching surfaces or brief outdoor contact. Instead, there saying that there is now a consensus that most spreading comes from close up person to person into actions for extended periods and crowded events where people are talking loudly. So basically, this is good news for us we're understanding for all you know like now. We know that total nightmare scenario for catching corona virus would be like, like gonna. Look like a like a big crowded, indo event with thousands of people are packed together, screaming and chanting about locking someone up, but luckily no one would do such a thing. Speaking of no one present trump and his administration have
under fire for not encouraging Americans to take this pandemic seriously, which is unfortunate because the pandemic is still taking America very seriously. This morning, regular rigging one day increases Arizona floor. In Texas all reporting their largest one day increases in new covert cases. They are among twenty states that have seen the number of newly reported cases grow over the last two weeks, both presidents Vice president pounds, however, are yet again downplaying the seriousness of the outbreak, blaming testing for the climb. Numbers, and I can tell you are covered- virus or whatever you want to call it plenty and aims. Tremendous progress is being made a lot of cases that other guy trees who don't even test dont have if you don't test of any cases of we step testing right now. Whatever, if you can,
If any, ok, ok, technically Trump is right. If you don't test anybody, then you don't have any cases the same way of black people stop recording the cops. We would have zero cases of police brutality. Ignorance is bliss. You know the problem is here. The problem is that Trump thinks of corona virus as a pr issue and not as a pandemic. This concern with fixing coronal virus and more concerned with fixing how corona virus makes him look, which probably explains those pictures. You bawtree yesterday's press conference, I mean yeah, it looks better, but it doesn't help now look if all of this seems a little like deja vu to you, you know I'm losing my mind tryna. It's saying that the virus is completely under control, but at the same time, the shutting down one of the largest cities and the? U S is seeing a surgeon, many states, yet Trump is claiming that everything is fine, so the
news? Is the world might be going down a path that we ve already been down? It's happening all over again. The good news is that means that I know the winning lottery numbers ironical play that should now don't go away after the break will be talking to the presidents of the Human rights campaigner Faso David and met Ryan quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons, we'll be right back sixteen forty to eighty six, I was seven fulsome acts of daily social distancing show. Earlier today I spoke with Alfonso David, the presidents of the human rights campaign. We talked about the landmark Supreme Court ruling this week that text, L Gb you, workers from discrimination of also welcome to the daily social distancing, show beg you somewhere grabbing me. This saw a major ruling for algae Bt Q plus advocates all over America who were petrified that support.
Court would rule that the Civil Rights ACT did not protect them. You know, and and and this ruling came on and people ready breathed a collective sigh of relief as the president of the Human Rights Council. In one of his ruling mean for you and what do you think it meant for everybody out there? This ruling is so incredibly significant. Work is central to our lives. There are so few of us who can afford not to work and when we were able to take care of ourselves were able to take care of our families and to have the Supreme Court say that algae Bt Q people are protected by federal civil rights laws is so significant because there are so many people that are fearful of coming out of work. They are fearful of telling their co workers that they got married. They are fearful of just being themselves. So
score. This decision provides a level of dignity to El Gb, keep people. They have been fearful that the court would issue a different ruling, but were really happy that the court's stood on the side. The right side of history. If, if we look at the ruling, though, a lot of people are worried that this now sets up a battle for people to try and claw back so those oppressions of the algae meeting you community. Do you have any concerns about that? Do you think that I'll be a backlash. I don't I don't I what I see this decision as is: are we affirmation of the rule of law? Here we had twenty years of court decisions, twenty years of federal court, saying that algae b, t keep people or indeed protected, and the poor recognise those cases and said we have to respect the rule of law. We have to respect their decisive, and this is so important, particularly now when we have some one in the White House.
Who doesn't understand the rule of law. He doesn't understand their decisive. He doesn't understand providing dignity to marginalize communities, so I don't have that fear. I think the port the rule of law. After this ruling, man. You know whether it was religious leaders or just conservatives coming out saying all this is an appeal all of religious freedoms shouldn't a religious can be allowed to fire somebody from their job because they are gay, lesbian, or trans or queer and an end. It seemed like it. It's setting America for this conflict, tween you're religious freedoms versus the freedom to not be discriminated against. I think that's how they framing it, but in fact the already have that right religious groups and the individuals who are claiming this is going to result in the sky. Falling only need to look at other states that have had
On discrimination, laws on their books for decades, New York is one of them. New York has had a nondiscrimination statute for elderly B. T keep people for a long time, since two thousand, to wit the Sunday, and it was recently amended to include gender, but the sky didn't fall. Religious institutions are still able to protect themselves, so the contention that you need to create a new provision or new laws is just how it doesn't ring. True, and I know what they're doing their seeking to expand, will just liberties. The law already provides for religious protections, and we don't need to expand this felt, like oh, you know, and in invigorating wind, for so many people. But what does the fight go from here is isn't over was? Was this it's? No? We are so far from from being reaching what I view as how do we get to liberation. How do we get to a place? Where were liberated as marginalize communities, my position is
more marginalized community has achieved liberation in this country, and we have so many battles ahead. One is the equality at is a piece of federal legislation that would provide protections to energy B. T keep people in other facets of them I'll give you one example, and many people surprised at this, but if I get into an goober or into a lift tonight, there is no federal law that would protect me from discrimination. No, it's no statute that would protect me. The equality at provides that protection, the equality at state law does so. If I live in New York, state law would protect me, but in rows says there is no federal protection that exist and in some cases, no state law protection. Twenty nine states in this country, twenty nine- do not have comprehensive protections for educating people. We also
the fight against violence for transfer the transponder community. This year alone we ve lost at least fifteen members of the transgender community. They ve been killed last year, twenty seven. We have so much work to do, but I dont want to detract from this ruling. It's fantastic. It provides us with meaningful protections, but we have a lot of work to do people said. Well, if you, if you see from this ruling alone, if you work to create laws that protect black people's rights because of where black people in society, especially in America, those laws will protect and help. So many other people that the more wasn't intended to help. Do you think that this helps to bridge the gap? Can we ve seen that, even within the algae b, you community, where you know some people have said I'm black and I'm gay am. I feel like these two worlds, sometimes conflict, because there isn't a camaraderie between them do think this might be the bridge this. I think this is one of the bridges. I agree, as we think
marginalized communities that are fighting to be treated equally? Well, all driving in the same direction will all driving to make sure that were respected under the constitution. You know when they say liberty and justice for all when they talk about equal protection under the law is supposed to be equal, equal protection under the law and, unfortunately, we see that the application of the law is different depending on whether or not a gay and black, I'm transgender, I'm latin next. So
goal is the same getting to that place of equality and- and I think for all for far too long, our policies have been driven by fear. It's always driven by fear. Donald Trump is driving fear and division, as opposed to driving policies of inclusion. How is it that if you protect me from discrimination, you are threatened? How is it that, if I'm able to work openly as an l, GB tissue person, a compromise is the work environment, it doesn't and that's why I think my liberty, my My quest for liberation as a black man is intricately tied with my quest for liberation as a gay men, and I am hopeful that more people see that they see that as the algae boutique you community leaders, we stand on the shoulders of others
who came before us on the shoulders of Martin Luther king of Rosa parts of so many people, Vanunu, hammer who thought and thought and fought to make sure that they were treated with the dignity that they deserve as black people and they created constructs. They created foundations that we're not using to provide greater protection two elder me take you people, while it's been an amazing weakened, as you say, one of the most monumental rulings in american history, especially for the algae BT community, but for everybody who believes in a just and fair society. So thank you so much joining us on the show, and I hope you find
found a way to pop quarantine. Sheriff tend to celebrate this moment in time. Tequila for me, you will they have it also. Thank you so much for joining us on the show. Thank you. Thank you run after the break, I'm gonna be talking to met Ryan. The quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons stick around we'll come back to the daily social distancing show. My ex guest is met Ryan as quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons, he's one envy peel wards and taken his team to the suitable, and now he speaking out about social justice and racial in quality marine, welcomes with any social distancing, show major driving me man. This is our unique experience. It really ready as a unique experience before we get into the conversations in and around race and the protests and everything that's happening just for you as an athletes. You know that's how many people know you as it has an elite athlete? What does this period been like
Are you training? Are you? Are you able to work out? Are you able to create a cent of a normal life as you prepare for what may or may not be an NFL season. You know I think, I'm lucky. I have a good That happened my house to be able to to be able to train, make sure I'm getting my running in make sure I'm getting my way training. You know that that's nice, but it's been, you know it's been different. I think, as we ve gotten further along, I think I've found ways to properly social distance, but also get word with my guys on the field in and we found some some places that have allowed us to to get out there and get some work done, but it's been unique, but you find a way and endow you figure out. You know how to get yourself ready go regardless of the circumstances, yeah and the second, it is genuinely have been unique in this time period you are in one of the citizen, America that is experiencing some of the greatest chum all turmoil. You know Atlanta,
seen Ahmad Aubrey? As you know, in Georgia we ve seen array shod, Brooks we ve seen the protests we ve seen. The riots taught me through what you ve been experiencing, as somebody who calls Atlanta home what's been difficult. To see everything on. You know City and endorse day you're. Your heart goes out to to their families and their loved ones. Because it's you know it's just death that should have happened. You know, that's that's been part of me. Wanting to you know, speak out in and help out in in ways that I can you know you mention I dont. Have these other eyes you notepaper to my professional life right now. We have this time. We have this opportunity to be able to put our energy and our effort in into that- and I think it's you know it's an important thing to be able to do that right now, because we need to make a change. The waiting
have operated in the way things have gone up until this point is a good enough, and so you know, my hope is- is to be able to use the platform that I have to be able to create awareness and help in the way that I can help. It's been interest in how you share your feelings. Honestly, you know you, you haven't tried to act like you a perfect. You haven't said that I think this thing on, but you also said that that you want to help as a white person with a platform which is now easy for a lot of people to say because you you're so scared of the backlash that may come with that taught me through that experience and why you felt it was necessary for yourself as an athlete I mean you could even say hey, it's I'm an athlete. I can't talk about this. Why do you think it was important for you to speak out in the way that you have will never work? You know this. This was something
You know my friends and my teammates were saying as I was listening, you know that some of the comments that were made were that you know we appreciate you guys having our back and having. You know telling us that you support us, but I think it would help more. If you, you did it publicly and you are able to go out and and use the platform that you have to. You know to encourage change, and so that was one of the parts you know adjusted as a friend and listening to my friends, my teammates, it just seemed like that was the next step that needed to happen, because you know what we what been doing up until this point. This point really work, and so you know, if you continue to train, do the same things the same done up until this point. You're gonna continue to get the same results and same for whatever reason. The timing I just I felt like I had to do it because I
read it not doing that up until this point you know I read it just kind of staying on the sidelines and am not helping out in the ways that I could. So it really stand. You know from from conversations that I've had with with my friends about you, What can I do to try to make a difference? Yan one Differences. You you you started to make is actually using the resources that you have to give? african american members of the Atlantic Community Community, a leg up, you ve, started to go. Find me, you don't get it five hundred thousand dollars of your own money, so that go fund mean and what s interesting is where some people have said: hey, I'm gonna this thing out, you should normally be talking to black community leaders. And figure out where we can get money to the people who, for whenever they needed most. For that, that's an interesting way to do it. Why do you choose that path? Like chose the calf,
is number one. I knew I wanted to do something, but number two. You know I knew that I too, I didn't know how to do it or how to help, and typically what I found throughout my life is when it's an area that I dont know the most about. I think it's important to find people that do and find people that you trust in and have them kind of guide you the direction you need to go, and so that's what I'm currently in the process of doing I've, I've had gone conversations with probably about eight different people from the from the Atlanta community right now that are heavily involved at the grassroots level in terms of Timor. Community, organizers and people that that do this every day I have been trying to make a change for a long time
and in our much more knowledgeable about the hurdles that that we have to jump, but also the things that we can do, that that are really going to make an impact immediately and then long term. To that's. That's kind of you know my focus with this This is to make a difference now for sure, but but you know not rush into doing something. Just do it. Is the momentum? Is there right now? Let's, let's do something it that's gonna impact making change for the long haul spots has always been seen, as you know, a place away from politics, but, as we ve seen throughout history, when politics can no longer be looked away from sports often becomes the platform for politics. The NFL has become a lightning rod for so many of these conversations, and obviously this has been sparked by calling cabinet and his protest. Now you spoken in support of Colin and Russia.
Now come out saying he thinks that NFL team should look at hiring calling again and then what? What would you hope to see from the league going forward from here? Of course, we would have liked for this to have taken place much sooner than it has, but we can't really change. What is what has happened up until this point? We can only control the change that that that we can have moving forward. And I think you know what the last couple of weeks- you have seen positive steps in the right direction, but we need to continue to take those steps and we need to continue to push forward and I feel like I can no longer sit on the sidelines and just kind of let it happen the way you know. Other people wanted to happen. I think it's our responsibility as as leaders and as players in this league, you have a platform to be able to speak, to continue to push your pushed. The narrative for an end to you know make the change that we want to make. Love
I think you doing amazing work the community of Atlanta has really rallied around you saying the proud to have you as a hero, especially during this time. So thank you for taking the time good luck out there, and If I need you for my touch, football league I'll, let you know but right now, I gotta have a perfect, steady, Gb Gregor. Thank you. So much joining us makes Trevor, although social for tonight, but before we go the Danish, when comedy central, have been donating. Two three groups fighting against police brutality and systemic racism, the underbelly CP legal defence fund, the equal justice initiative and the bail project. Now, if you would like to chip in then all you need to do is go to the following link and donates whatever you can
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Transcript generated on 2020-06-27.