« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

This Week's Top Stories - Oil Spil, Religious Exemptions for Vaccines & Meghan Trainor's Toilets


A huge oil spill occurs off the West Coast, Americans seek religious exemptions from vaccine mandates, and Meghan Trainor installs two toilets in her bathroom to use alongside her husband.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You listening to Carmody Central the daily show. In this part, gas get support from coal and core HANS new fall arrivals. I hear with tons of new footwear bags out aware in assessors meant, equip and power and inspire people everywhere, get out there and changed the world and don't be afraid to right. New rules along the way become a call hon above and beyond member today for free and receives. Job was inputs all year, long, physical, behind our calm voice, lash, the daily show tax bill,
all the new fall arrivals support for the daily show is brought to you by Danny's, Danny's, pumpkin, p, cam, pancakes or back a mayor. The spotlight stack of the season. This pancake breakfast features pumpkin pancakes, made with real pumpkin and cook with peak hands than driven with a p camp. I saw, and it comes with two eggs, Hash browns and your choice of bacon, strips or sausage links. Plus you can get any of your tried and true favorite in his breakfast and upgrade your buttermilk pancakes a pumpkin to embrace the fall sees it. You can order seasonal items or any diamond favorites online games, Dotcom Theo Danny's than democratic party. They fight just as much of the room Housewives of Atlanta, only they get less done for months now. President Biden has been,
to pass a major spending bill that includes every single priority for the Democrats: funding child care, tackling climate change. organizing a search party to find common Harris, but the bill is being blocked by two sentences: Joe Mansion and Kirsten Cinema, and after weeks of negotiations, tensions
are getting really high. Frustration on Capital Hill as lawmakers still can come to a deal on. President Biden government overhaul spending plan how to bigger Nancy Glossy delayed abode, saying it was not enough support. At least two Democrats oppose the plant. They say three point: five trillion dollars is simply too costly. Protesters arrive by small boats and kayaks. It mentions houseboat in Washington DC to voice their frustrations on Sunday in Arizona activists, followed Senator Kirsten Cinema into Ladies Room angered by her opposition to a three point: five trillion dollars social policy built. We not under three you just like these. We can get you out of everything. You don't work. Well you, while our why'd, you guys but like I am all for holding officials accountable,
On the other hand, though, I think, following someone into a bathroom at work, might be a step too far. I'm in the office bathroom is, is a sanctuary. You know it's a little oasis. We can just take a few minutes out of your day to do your business. check. Your phone now watch an entire season of wood game and you'll impresses me is all those people who are using the bathroom while this was going on. and I can't imagine that level of focus if a coworker even try to talk to me at the urinal compete for the rest of the day. But I do understand the frustration here right Probably the only choice true Democrats have to pass so many of the big parties, and just these two people are standing in the way of the whole thing. I mean this is why your mention has the right idea. If I'm pissed off as many of you, as he did. I live in the house but too well, sorry for kids. that girl see you in international waters losers
or I will move on to our next story, which is about oil, its earths, lube and right. Now it's looming up all the wrong places. Persian it's off of southern California crews working to contain a major oil spill, one of the largest there in recent history, at least one hundred and twenty six thousand gallons of oil leaking into the pacific source, believed to be. Pipeline four and a half miles off shore. They area impacted. thirteen square Mile stretched between Huntington and Newport Beach. People urged to stay away from the beaches images coming in late today of oil, washing ashore officials say they have stopped the flow, but warnings tonight of a potential ecological disaster. Ok, look as I'm no scientist, but I feel like the last thing estate. That's currently on fire needs is a wave of oil washing towards I mean cradles, wildfires, don't wish the ocean or the holes
they just gonna be fried worse than does the bounty hunter like? Why can't California, Let's just cancel each other out for once you're. Just one time let go. I can there be a major flood that puts out the wildfires on earthquake that swallows up the high pouch and I feel terrible those birds covenant black oil and are not only their health in danger, but there also India, of getting cancelled on Twitter. Settled. The good news is that the price of gas right now they probably gonna get a lot of volunteers to clean this mess up. People are gonna, be ringing, see dolls over their gas tanks like come on. just made enough to get to work on, and you know it's especially awful about this is that Animals only see the downside of oil in passing, We and I think that every animal that gets covered in an oil spill they should get a free
Dodge Durango comfy right. Yet now you see where we keep doing this And finally, let's get into the video that everyone is talking about on Tik Tok. You know the EP: we're p watch ten second videos for still our streets right now, one of those Videos is the subject of the most intense forensic investigation. Since Kennedy assassination? Officially down the saga of couch guy and I'm not allowed to be original. Video has been due to fifty million times alone. This is eight. It shows a young woman named Lauren surprising, her boyfriend at college. His name is Robbie. That's him in the red on the couch, the video is dividing the internet. Many people saying he is not happy enough to see her one comment saying red flag: he did not get up and jump out of the window and excitement another saying he looked like a hug.
like she was his aunt at Christmas dinner, but take talkers are digging deeper into the mystery here, saying that when Robbie bends over ok, you can see it in slow motion here. The girl sitting next to him on the couch sneak The past is his cell phone underneath his arm. It's like this ban job. Ok, why did she have the phone in the first why did they have to hide that she had it? That's shady other tick, talkers analyzing, the girl in the couches movements, when Lauren walks in ok, they're, saying it's weird that felt like she needed to scooter way, not once formed Robbie these, but through times has this morning no law and is still the vending him unheard tik Tok. So, while this is so intense. And look, I know everyone's having fun with the story, but you gotta feel for this couple intercourse normal. The people who come under this level of scrutiny, the mega celebrities, people acting
their branches, lino acumen cognate, but they just a normal couple. That's gonna break up. but if we are going to give in to this, might not be a popular opinion, but I am siding with couch guy here yet I said: yes, maybe he could have been more excited, but in his defence you have to remember these a covert times and she just got off the plane, so If he's really happy to see her he's, probably thinking is it a hug her while she tested it. She gonna give covered to my side chick are we for real guys? What we need to remember here is how jarring it is to see somebody out of context doesn't matter who it is it's cool you off like if my mom showed up right here right now. I wouldn't be like a program like whoa. What mom, when you don't mind, trouble what I've been Tell the stove on again Saddam here, is delayed reaction is damning evidence here
What is damning evidence is that he's sitting next to a guitar, because I'm sorry people, but if you're in college and using next to a girl- and you ve- got a guitar next to you, you definite China Smash, I mean that's a rule, isn't it as the law, whilst you people by getting to play them. The daily show in the following message are brought you by best, buy led best, buy, keep you ahead of the curve with tech and introduce you, two layers and greatest of small homes best buy home experts can provide you with incredible, sir our homes set up that will keep you more organise throughout the day day normal looking for keys, because you're smart locks with a smart doorbell installed. You can keep my I'll for packages scheduled to arrive at the front door, Smart lighting will make a house more energy efficient and next time you are grocery shopping and can remain,
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a warm chocolate chip cookies, fill the chocolate top of vanilla, ice cream and glaze pecans Mp Camp. I thought you could ordered these items or any diner favorites online. It didn't dot com, see you at Danny's every day. More and more companies are announcing a vaccine mandate for the employees and if you work in one of those companies and you dont want to comply, there are a couple of options for you. You can find a new job. You can hide in the office bathroom until twenty twenty seven or you can follow the hot new trend claiming a religious exemption. A growing number of people are claiming religious reasons to dodge covered vaccine mandates in Washington,
Thousands of state workers are doing at four hundred. Nineteen DC fire and EMS employees are asking for religious exemption as about one out of five of the departments employs one of the largest districts and the country Montgomery County. Their public school is now facing a lawsuit for not having a religious exemption s morning. Every service minded airlines, employees firing lawsuits against the airline over its vaccine policy, seeing their religious exemptions were denied. We emulating July the request of Golden State Warrior Andrew Wiggans to be exempt from vaccine requirements. The twenty six year old, based the request on religious exemption as a covert nineteen vexing mandate, deadline for city of LOS Angeles employees looms. Twenty six hundred LAPD officer said they will seek religious exemptions to refuse the vaccine. That's right! Twenty six hundred l, a officers are trying to get a religious exemption to avoid getting the shots, and black people heard this and they were like
a can. We get an exemption to. We also have a deep believe and not getting shot, but this is where we have right now: countless people across Amerika who have already been vaccinated we four million other diseases, are now professing a very let's convenient religious belief against taking the covert vaccine when you might be seeing this unthinking. Damn religious exemptions seem like a really bad idea, and maybe maybe it's turned into that now, but wasn't always. This way in fact, will look at how a good idea when
so wrong in our brand new segment, red white and broken for most of human history, religious freedom was not a thing. Most. Governments had a state religion and if you didn't believe in it, you either prayed a very quietly. Will you burned at the stake very loudly, but America's founders didn't want a country torn apart by religious conflict so when they wrote the constitution, they guaranteed freedom of religion in the first amendment, that's why they but at the top of the constitution because of how important they thought it was and also because they knew nobody reads pass page to now. This was an incredibly progressive idea at the time. Actually, we think of it as one of the greatest ideas from that era,
certainly much better than the idea that you shouldn't leave the house without seven layers of clothing its summer at least take off the whig freak show part of that religious freedom meant that the government can't force you to do things that your religion forbids you from doing. For instance, if you're a devout Quaker, you dont have to fighting a war. If you're amish, you don't have to send your kids to high school if you're a latter day saints, you don't have to come into work until later. In the day. Well, that's not what it is. Steve told me that that's why he comes in three for God: Dammit Steve, but vaccines became widespread, it turned out. Some religious people had objections to those two and that's when things started to get me. but even really to the twentyth century that we start to see people using religion as a basis for opposing a vaccine, and it doesn't really pick up steam until the nineteen fifties and sixtys. Yet all takes root in the nineteen sixty four civil rights ACT,
The law essentially requires employers to make reasonable accommodation for employees who can't fulfil a job requirement. Do too religious beliefs, but the law doesn't give a lot of guidance when it comes to defining religion. According to rules laid out by the equal employment opportunity. Commission. Just believe does not have to be recognised by an organised religion and it can be new unusual or seem illogical or unreasonable to others in twenty. While they, U S, district court ruled that the egotism was sincerely held religious belief which gave one employee pass from a flu shot. Yeah. You can love but I can see how mechanism could be considered a religion. I mean think about it. This super dedicated they follow strict rules, and they think anyone who doesn't show they believe should go to hell and in fact now that I think about it. My vision, friends, talk way more about being vegan than my christian friends talk about,
Jesus like I don't even know what Church Dave goes to, but I know exists: what Maria had for lunch. The point is: America got into a situation where it was giving exemptions for religious beliefs while being very open minded about what a religious belief was look. There are good reasons why you don't want the government picking a pot. Every rule. and like it's, a cheating boyfriend on Tik, Tok literally, have the governments say, vision, ISM is a religion then have the governments say legalism? Isn't a religion, and also neither is Islam, unfortunately, both the flip side of being that tolerant is that people can take advantage of the system, You don't like how, when airlines didn't define what an emotional support animal was at first, you had genuinely traumatized people bring their pets on the plane, but then before long I was fighting an alligator foreign armrest,
Tell me again what was animal is out. Then you would because you ve, given me anxiety man, so because it men chose not to pick what a religious belief could be. It didn't take long for the idea of religious exemptions to start showing cracks because of vaccines. We were able to do something that is hardly ever done, which is to actually eliminate a disease. We eliminated Measle United States in the year two thousand and almost everything changed state of emergency. That's been declared, as the nation faces. One of the worst measles outbreaks in decades in two thousand about one percent of Oregon, kindergartners were not fully vaccinated for philosophic go or religious reasons last, a jump to seven percent behind rate in the country, Enver mine. There was a six hundred and forty percent increase in kindergarten, children with religious, seeing exemptions. The fact that we have had so many cases in two thousand eighteen is really quite discouraging. This is a completely
avoidable situation, man, poor doktor faulty this guy has spent his whole career, trying to convince people that dying from disease is bad, add cove id measles, and but if you went back to the fourteenth century, there was a doktor parching begging people not to get the black plague. Paypal plays don't have sex with those rats. This is very real void of both situation. So thanks to those religious exemptions, measles became the flow back fat that nobody asked for, which is not fair to everyone else, and it's definitely also not fair to me. rules mean think about measles, been retired all these years and then suddenly ass to start working again and all because the gardeners have philosophical objections to the vaccine will appreciate only for the
see that a kindergarten has, as we should turn on call patrol. I mean think about how crazy it is that in America you can send your kids school with measles right, but if they bring peanut butter with them, then little ass is getting thrown out in the snow. and it shows up that the same way. Sarah Palin was just a trial run for balance from the measles anti vexes would just a trial run for covert, because now even more people are seeking religious exemptions from vaccines and then finding a lot of help from their fellow wish buzz online. We found websites that help people request exemptions, one urge include words like sacred, wholly worship, blessed.
and others. Thousands of Facebook users are actually teaching each other how to obtain religious exemptions from the vaccine. Pleaser folks, who are swapping temps who are showing each other? How to evade filters on Instagram, believe, pastor of destiny, christian church issues, an open invitation to anyone seeking religious exemption do feel morally compromised by taking vaccine. We have a forum for you. Numerous churches across the country are offering the same. We found a self described, evangelist, stammering, vaccine exemption letters to anyone who wants was curious. Our producer emailed her he's probably vaccinated already by the way she offered to write letters not just for him, but three family members. Once you pay pal thoroughly, twenty five dollars: ten dollar minimum donation for each additional family. Member. After that, this woman says she's, a Christian are producer, is jewish? No questions asked about religion or medicine or anything while ok
That's not exactly that, inter religious harmony that I've been hoping for and it s shocking as it may seem. I think it's pretty is that some religious leaders are going to try to keep people on vaccinated mean, after all, they may money from getting the letters and then they make a ton of money from doing the funerals, but still it doesn't take a genius to see how the great idea of religious freedoms has been corrupted. You know the question used to be: do you have a sincere religious belief, and now it's do you have a Paypal account and the reason that people need to work so hard to cheat. The system with fake religious beliefs is that basically, every actual religion has told its followers to get thine ass, vaccinated faith organizations have come out to see the benefits of getting. The vaccine far outweigh any ethical concerns about its development Julie scholars say the Torah requires it. Muslim leaders endorse it to leave
legitimate religious excuses to skip the shots. Foreign between today's sermon or foot by an Islam is a mom crisis. Arms fact check for the faithful. This vaccine is absolutely how long the covert nineteen vaccines got a wholly endorsement on Wednesday converging Pope France was told reporters that humanity has a history of friendship with vaccines and urged everyone to get their shots in India, the Dalai Lama, getting his first corona virus vaccine, shot the Tibetans spiritual leader, urging his followers to do the same courage to day His indecision, yeah leaders of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Buddhism all agree that there's nothing in religion that stops people from getting the vaccine now we just need beyond, say to put our statement and then all religions are covered but think about how crazy it is to have
all the major religions saying there's no religious objection to the vaccine. These guys don't agree on anything. How Buddhists relieve the middle seats of an airplane is one of the best free yourself from the desire for a night of seats. The only window that matters is the window in your mind. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom scares me scares me. Sorry scares me, sorry watch what the rope. Let's go good shoes and you get out of the whigs. So that's how religious exemptions became red white and broken a fantastic idea that was once the foundation for a society where people could pray. The way they wished to pray has now walked into an excuse that people can use. Just to avoid the rules. I mean the one upside is now I get to steal people's cause. I get to eat fish on a plane cut in line everywhere. I go and even punch toddlers in the street and if people say hey Trevor,
stopping and ass. All I can say Yo Yo Yo, I'm not being an asshole. These are just my religious beliefs, I have your ear. This is something exciting folks across Pennsylvania, our scratching, the way to all kinds of one thanks to Pierre Lottery, scratch off with new games every month, big tall prizes and even set chance drawings excitement is always an order, no matter what game you play so get your ticket defined today with appear lottery, scratch off and oh yeah, one more thing, keep on scratch and must be eighteen or older. Please play responsibly benefits older pensive, Indians every day the daily show with triple Noah who supported my expensive, fi expensive. I money moving more than ten million people
global view is expensive ice, pre, accounting platform to reimburse expenses manage business credit cards, generate invoices, pay bills and planned trips from one easy to use up whether you're working for yourself management team or closing the books for your clients, expensive I'd makes it easy. So you have more time to focus on what really matters download the or sign up at expensive I'd, dotcom, slash the daily show today. the public library the best place to find a faded post of local J as much as people of libraries. Nobody likes those late fees that pile up. If you forget to return a book consumer rights like librarians or the nicest gentlest people in the world and then, we just spring on you, it's like enjoy the captain had sweetie and have it back by Tuesday. Arrival in drown you in death. Well, now some libraries are throwing in the towel. The nations largest public library system says it's true
only fees for overdue books and other borrowed materials for ever and a day library cardholders have had the their accounts white clean of any earlier finds. The idea is to encourage more people to use library resources. A spokesperson said that for people who can afford them finds do little to encourage more, turning books on time, but for people. Wars, show financially, those finds become a barrier to using libraries. three hundred library systems across the country have already cancelled fees and while they typically generate three to four million dollars a year here in New York Library, official say they can make up the difference from other revenue sources, wow, no, more lope fees, that's actually ready, exciting. I've never been to a booklet library before note, but with his actually is great news right. Instead of late fees, just piling up forever, they'll just charge you the price of the book. If you never return it, which makes them.
Whole library experience so much more relaxed. You know, but I love libraries but the so many rules. So many rules, no talking no smoking, no cock fighting rings loosen up people, although I will be honest, I'm gonna miss late fees. You know it was the only thing forcing me to We finished my library books like. If I didn't have that nickel a week hanging over me, I never would have found out whether Caterpillar was so hungry. I should never found out. I just I just never did and like they said Ivories, don't need late fees; they can find other sources of revenue in
I don't know a vending machine that only cells, food, you eat quietly or renting out hollow books for assassins to keep their guns and how they can start writing on libraries on Ebbene, be, I think, it's a perfect idea. It's quiet this furniture. You can have sex in it. There's a seventy five year old woman who lives there, who you can talk to, but don't have to talk to its just like an ebbene be moving on these days. We talk a lot about systemic racism and how subtle discrimination is baked into all levels of society, but It's important to remember that America is not all like that. There's also very obvious one on one racism, so imagine moving your family into your dream home to start a new life only to find yourself subjected to nuts harassment from your new neighbour. That's family in Virginia Beach has been living with they describe and s the waiting campaign of racial slurs, loud music and money,
noises whenever we will step out of our house the monkey noises with starts so racist and it's disgusting, like I don't even know how else to explain it. The minute I open my phone nor his lights blink or my muse. They call my song comes, I broke a police say, while the behaviour is appalling, it is not criminally actionable. Shitting me a kind of and believe that this is a real story in real life and honestly I actually find this kind of I'm so baffling because this guy maybe playing loud music and noises to harass his neighbours, but he's the one. closer to the music and the loud noises like
Racism really worth it. If you can't even have a conversation in your own house coming back from anything, no family, I'm going down. I love you and I'm sorry claiming that they can't do anything that such bull shit. What are they?
one of those big laws that they charge black people with all the time like disturbing the peace or your house has broken tail like sir, but I guess some people just assholes and without the police on their side, the Martinez family doesn't have a lot of options to stop the music and the monkey noises from playing. Although one thing they could do is released some actual monkeys into the neighborhood because think about it being racist is fun until a monkey. Here's mating sounds next thing. You know you're racist ass is getting pounded by monkey or because you didn't want black neighbours and finally, to the big celebrity news that everyone is talking about.
no, not Brittany, finally, being able to watch pity thirteen movies. I'm talking about the radical interior decorating of pop star, then again trainer when you're married. They can often feel, like you, do everything together with your significant other. You know watching shows going shopping, you name it, but one celebrity well. Let's just say this couple is taken it to the next level. When it comes to togetherness, singer, Megan trainer had to toilets install next to each other. Inner bathrooms that she and her husband can go to the bathroom. At the same time, we ve only move together. Twice you e p. At the same time a lot worse people. This really shows you how different relationships can be right, but you have some people who are like I never fart in front of my spouse and then you have on the couples going honey. I just bought
a couple dump for later tonight and I hope to see there and get that they put together not once or twice I mean twice as alot twice as you did it once and then looked at each other like we should do that again and they think this brings them close as a couple, but I also think it could backfire excuse the pun like if her husband never gets constipated she's gonna think he's having an affair. All I'm saying is, I would never do. This only poop the normal way right next to a stranger with one inch wall between us how God intended the NBA the only place where told people aren't asked if they play basketball now, MBA players are used to taking charges, but usually from other players. This
it's from the FBI breaking news. Former NBA players are charged with trying to defraud the leagues. Health and welfare benefit plan of nearly four million dollars: ex nets player, Tyrants Williams, Ex next player, Shannon Brown, Ronald Glenn Davis and fifty Other foreign players were indicted for conspiracy, commit health fraud and why a fraud there queues of submitting claims for medical and dental services, they were never done. The Ex players got about two five million dollars, ok, look look. Oh, a lot of people are shocked by this, but guys, why are we surprised? Pretending to be heard is a huge part playing in the NBA which, by the way for, I think men shouldn't be afraid to express when there and, once you were tire, or make money. Somehow I mean, what's more dishonest
using money from the health fund or shack, claiming that Papa Jones is good. Pizza is low fraud. World friends here, but hey getting court is bad news for these players and it's gonna be great news for whatever jail is about to get the best prison basketball team of old time. Can you imagine having these guys play now? I'm I'm not guarding big baby Davis, their gas huge, might be murder, but I'm not crazy, but let's move onto a story about the mafia. You know the guys who know a guy if you needed die guy for that the mob has been an american institution since the nineteenth century, but now it's in the hands of millennials, and it turns out that just like mailing lets her dressing up for work they're, not very good. At it. Organised crime in New York is less organised than it used to be mob.
ass to get her say, many of the plans are being fundamentally mismanage nowadays. There's a common thought among the old guard of lobsters that the millennial generation has it properly. Learned, the ropes, also something that the old guard says is that the younger mobsters are always texting which makes it so much easier for them to get caught. Ok, ok, fair criticism! No, I understand the tick it makes it way easier to get caught doing crimes, but here's, my question as a millennium. I would like to know what else are we supposed to do talk on the phone people? Take life in prison over then should any day. If you ask me that The problem here with the mobsters texting is not getting caught. It's getting your point across because threatening to beat someone to death, isn't a terrifying. What is done in the series of emerges, and obviously this isn't just a mafia thing: every workplace is dealing with this kind of boom
versus millennial, culture clash and I've been even in the vampire community. You have all the vampires man at the younger ones. Lotos I've told you about. Some time been more dried blood on your very malls and finally, data breaches. There are part of everyday life from credit card companies to government agencies trustee I told you my pen in confidence Steve, but today video games who are getting on be popular game streaming. Platform. Twitch is the latest online victim of a hack attack. Several tech media outlets see the company which is owned by Amazon, confirmed it anonymous individual posted a one hundred and twenty five gb file containing twitches data reports, say the platform source code was leaked along with how much top streamers on the service get paid. So far, no user data was lead which says it's working on the problem. That's right tons of dates
A video gaming site twitch was hacked, although when you see what was actually leaked, I think this could have been way worse now. Let's be grateful that we don't see any of thousands. Dick picks. I'm curious now, though, giving the carpet mentioned the show, but there was some eye opening stuff in that leak. We learned just how much some of these twitch game is make up to nine million dollars, and that's going to add insult to injury, knowing that the guy who cheat add you last night and quota duty was doing it from a private jet or any case. You ring who the highest earning games are talking. The list was a gaming group, critical role and at the bottom of the list, once again was Chuck Summa playing snake on an old Nokia. Before we go
This week is mental illness awareness week. So please consider supporting the a coma project that a common project offers free virtual therapy and workshops for teens and young adults of color, as well as educating youth and their families on the importance of mental health. So if you want to support them in this work, please donates at the link below what's the deal we should rejoice in mother Teresa companies episodes anytime paramount plus, while I have your ear, this is something exciting folks across Pennsylvania, our scratching, the way to all kinds of and thanks to pay a lottery scratch off with new games every month. Big tall prizes in even second chance drawings
excitement is always an order, no matter what game you play so get your ticket defined today with appear lottery, scratch off and oh here, one more thing keep on scratch and must be eighteen or older. Please play responsibly benefits older pencil. Indians every day the daily show with triple Noah who supported my expensive, fi expensive. I money moving more than ten million people, global view is expensive ice, pre accounting platform to reimburse expenses manage business credit cards, generate invoices, pay bills and planned trips from one easy to use up whether you're working for yourself management team or closing the books for your clients. Expensive I'd makes it easy. So you have more time to focus on what really matters download the or sign up at expensive I'd dotcom, slash the daily show. Today this has been a comedy central podcast.
Transcript generated on 2021-10-10.