« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

This Week's Top Stories - Capitol Riot Fallout, Biden's Venmo Account & Cops Target Code of Silence


The lawyer for the Capitol riot's "QAnon Shaman" rolls out an offensive defense, reporters find President Biden's personal Venmo account, and police unions might end their "code of silence."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You listening to Carmody Central after a long time off summers back and whole foods market has, sectional ingredients. You need to make the most of it. That means chilled animal welfare certified chicken Sustainable Wild caught Saki salmon. and have you seen, those organic peaches, epic, so, whether its succulent pork ribs or a towering plant based burger in the backyard? Take the guard reels off and summarised had. Whole foods market has been a little over five months since a violent mobs stormed the. U S. Capital took over the floor of the Senate and passed a law giving tax breaks to in cells, and even now the FBI is still tracking down the rioters. Sometimes in the hilarious ways possible. Another western New York has been arrested, accused of taking part in the
at the United States, capital, Daniel warmest of Alden was arrested last night for his alleged rule in the right, inside the? U S, capital January. Sixth, now here's the official FBI complaint, which started with an anonymous tip from someone who says just six days after the insurrection. They overheard warmest bragging to his dentist about his trip to Washington, even playing videos, and this experience that day that person told FBI. They could hear warm, is talking about how we smoke marijuana inside the capital and how he refused police officers. Instructions to leave the building. Ok, look look way way way way. You can laugh at the sky, but he's not alone. So many capital writers have gotten busted because they bragged about it afterwards, which honestly, as I cannot understand, I mean how could you not tell people about the craziest most interesting thing? You ever done you
bombed, the captain. You have to tell people I mean that's why I could never be bought of iced so Trevor. How is your weekend? I broke into a casino bottom most exciting thing: ever men we got inside and though lasers arose pilgrim, and nor does it believe that are going to crack the boat that I've got the money in Burma, Wrench Mammy Road was. Why are you can call the cops now you know. What is surprising to me, though, is that this guy confessed his crimes to his dentist Lenny. How can you be then open with your dentist? I'm to even tell my dentist, I haven't been flushing and what really blows my mind is that someone could even on this Anything. This guy was saying to his dentist. Have you ever tried to have a conversation with a dentist arrived just open wide. I'm gonna move your tongue over here and tell me show how your summer been going high while I wonder if we are still working
idea. Everyone who stole the capital that day the one They have already found a working on staying out of prison like remember this guy, the most effective anti fur add of all time. Well, his lawyer has come up with one of the most novel defences You will ever hear the attorney for Jacob Chancellor, the so called Q and on Sharm and how strong the capital on January six is drawing criticism over remarks here, may when he was talking about the defence strategy for his clients. I want to warn you this is offensive, but they are his words Albert walk and said quote a lot of these defendants, and I'm going to use this colloquial terms, perhaps disrespectfully, but they're. All effing short bus people- these are people with brain damage, their effing retorted there on the goddamn. Spectrum, but there are brothers, are sisters are neighbours. Our co workers are part of our country. They are bad people, they don't have prior criminal history ass they were subject to.
four plus years of God, Damn propaganda, the likes of which the world has not seen since Effing Hitler, God damn people. That's his lawyer saying that shit about him, you gotta admit that's one hell of a legal strategy way. in Germany we love the jury. My client seems like a brain dead. Anyone who can be convinced into combating treason. I rest my case honestly people. This is the craziest thing. I have ever heard from a lawyer in my life. I mean this guy managed to use inflammatory remarks, offend an entire group of people and completely distract everyone from what his client was court on camera. Doing, don't trumpets, probably back watching this like well. There's this guy one hour's getting and waged I'm all sources of dual moron. You know. What's we though, is that, even though the Loi used all these horribly offensive words in a strange way, his heart
is kind of in the right place, because what he's ready saying is we shouldn't criminalize mental disability, the Neuro Divergent and the easily manipulated he's? Basically the most and walk, walk, personal old and also like an old man saying well outside the blacks bit as valuable as normal folk negative, matter, but people it's We need to remember that a mob of neurons didn't just materialise out of nowhere. People encouraged and inspired these morons and they security decisions that allowed these neurons to break into what should be the most secure place in America. Aside from wherever Marianna Grundy held her wedding, which is why many people in Congress a thing it's important to investigate how this happened, although interestedly enough other people in Congress are saying
it's better, not to ask that we are voting today on nine eleven Style Commission to investigate the January capital Attack, Housman ordered leader, Kevin Mccarthy, came out against creating the commission yesterday, followed later by a formal recommendation by House GEO, be leadership for members to vote no Senate minority later Mitch, Mcconnell just announcing on the floor that he opposes the by partisan bill to form in January six commission as it currently drafted a careful consideration a major decision to oppose the House Democrats slatted and on balanced proposal
the commission, to study the events of January, the sex and a statement? Former president Trot said: Barbicane law makers should not approve the commission calling it a democrat trap is just more partisan unfairness and unless the murders, riots and fire bombings in Portland, Minneapolis Seattle, Chicago in New York, are also going to be studied. This discussion should be ended immediately. Not unlike my man, Trump is right. How is this commission just gonna investing in January sick when this so much on the ship to figure out like what happened in Portland who killed to bargain Biggie monster who created jobs? The people need to know that seriously, though, is Trumpery any trial, all rights matter. This commission, I mean look, I'm not surprised. Ized, but the GEO Peace leaders of trauma derail. This thing in investigating the insurrection means the Republican Party would have to take a good hard look at itself and if I was much Mcconnell looking at my
is the last thing I want to do then vote in all the apt that lets friends and the same twenty five dollars back and forth to each other. The money transfer EP has become one of the most popular ways for people to pay for definitely not we'd but as usual kind of social network with all of the privacy risks that go along with and it turns out that no one is safe to anybody who uses Van knows the apple. Your followed. It allows you to send money to people with the click of a button. You have the ability to me. Those transactions public or private. However, one thing is apparently not private. Your contacts on vulnerable users were able to find president binds personal then account recently XVI was able to look at everybody. Joe Biden is connected with the Van nor at the White House was alluded to this. They scrub the president's account soon after venues
said whether they plan to make contact less private drafted this report. Ok, this is shocking. Joe Biden has a van more account. How do you like, Andrew fifty years old, I thought about he paid for everything with silver dollars or some shit? I don't even know they had been more one: Rosemary phones, pizza, Mogi cash emerging, harsh emotion and also people. What does Joe Biden even need? Event? More council, I mean he's the president of the United States, whose asking him to chip in for drinks of Brian's birthday body, if I'm the only one, I always thought that anyone who commanded the draw me didn't pay for anything. But the fact is that even the president's data is publicly available on venerable, which is kind of scary. I mean not ready. For me, I become known to how dangerous Tec is. You know I'm used to take companies abusing my privacy like
I know that at that shows me what I look like a bird. Tubing used to create an artificially intelligent killing machine. But what am I supposed to do not see what I look like as a bird, I mean it's going to bring me joy for like three seconds guys. It's worth but I can't imagine that Joe Biden is losing too much sleep over this May. First of all, I ve seen by speech he's sleeping one is awake and second he's the presence of the United States right. Do you know how much other shit he's gotten his plate? He's gonna end unemployment he's gonna The immigration system and he's gonna get major to let go of people to judge, and on top of all of that now he's got to deal with ufos here's a question you probably been asked before? Do you believe in you have both a former Navy pilots as his every teen squadron began, seen unidentified flying objects consistently? The Pentagon confirms these are images of objects. It can identify lieutenant green Told us, pilots, training off the Atlantic Coast, see things like that. All the time, every day, every day for
at least a couple years- women every day for a couple of years The intelligence committee has ordered the director of national intelligence and the Secretary of Defence to deliver a report on the mysterious sightings. I next month's, ok, all up AV has had UFO sightings every day. For to yours, too, these areas, zoom popping in popping out popping up, but not doing the most passiveaggressive alien invasion, abba Listen here. Any minute should not play either you probably to death, or you don't bug you leave me in suspense, oh by the way, if any of you aliens have been watching us recently. You realize This is not how we normally role rights on a clarify, a few things for you aliens, it means don't usually where mosques? Ok?
we don't usually just talk to each other over the computer and we don't usually scratch our bucks and then snippet to make sure it smells like, but I know that we actually do that, but I just want to look back in its making us look good by the way I got to say: I'm not surprised that this pilot was a white guy. I mean this dude sure you have both Bree Day for years, and then he has kept on going back to work every single day like well. I wonder, if they'll be back there tomorrow, guess I'll find out, because I'll tell you now man if that was an african pilots the moment he saw a? U if both in lending that planet finding himself a new job. I have no business with those Rosa. I don't know why they are coming, but I have no business but look people all joking aside, there's no such thing as aliens right. I know that whenever we hear about Ufos people get all excited, but
always a perfectly reasonable explanation for what you see. For instance, those could be secrets, military planes or even just clouds. yeah, so just ignore the ufos, but if they, and ever do come to kill us all. I just hope that they give us an option on how to die some like what South Korea I am doing breaking news here and quite a choice to make here really in South Carolina the governor is just signed, a law that would force Made on death row to choose electric chair or firing squad is not carried out an execution in a decade this, due to a shortage of drugs for lethal injection, so New law keeps lethal injection as the preferred method, but it does require either the chair or this firing squad. If those
drugs are not available right. If South Carolina can't get the drugstore lithely inject you, then you choose either electrocution, in which case they take it to the electric chair all death by firing squad, in which case they take you to an american high school, and I just have a car. your people, however, even coming up with these options, whose doing this on the german wounds, sprint boarding, ideas, show how about a firing squad or a gear chain or o o one this evening to mining Gulf peppers. What do you think or We can always just not kill them up just kidding how about if they get trampled by elephants
look, I guess, props to South Carolina for being the only republican state, giving more black people the right to vote on something. But my question is: how do you expect people to choose an option like? How do you even know which one is better, but the people who ve been through college Ex Post a yelp review shown? How do you know? I mean personally, I probably picked the chair. it's going be horrible, but at least I have a little last minute: revenge yeah, you might be executing me, wait until you see your electric bill, the police to answer the question: what am I happened to that bully for my school ever since the black lives matter movement began, there has been a debate over the best way to stop police abuse. Should the police be reformed, defended abolished and police have consistently replied. Let's do none of that, but now even the most stubborn police
positions of giving at least a little ground, please hands across the country endorsing a potential shift in the way that officers defend each other. The union's committee approved plan calls on the more than three hundred and fifty thousand members of law enforcement to intervene when they see Another union member doing something wrong. A rejection of the so called code of silence among police officers. Interesting show your telling pull this office as their starting now, if they cease one committing a crime they'll have to stop it. I guess we can try it for real people. Saunders concerning the police even have to be told this
It's like the employees must washhand signs in restaurants, bathrooms oil doing before in this room. Now, there's always the potential that this could be a slippery slope, because knowing cops once they start policing each other will they can also start over policing each other and pretty soon, then, why PD could just be ten thousand cops planting crack pipes in each other's squad cause, but I still think that this is the right move, because a code of silence is pretty much always a bad thing. I mean the only acceptable code of silence is the one where you hey of grandmother casually fought just pretend it didn't happen. When you think about. It is actually ironic that police even have a code of silence because half of their job convincing you to snatch, tell us who told you that drugs Brad it's the right thing to do. Ok, but first you tell me which officer beat me up. While I was handcuffed, I'm not telling you nothing
no snatch moving onto news from the world of politics will o Roon Giuliani right former advisers. Trump and the only loyal, loyal enough to go to jail with his clients. But did you know then Giuliani once spawned offspring, it's true, and now one of them is following in his foot Perhaps we have new developments in the New York governors raise just ended the live desk this morning, Andrew Giuliani, the sun, former New York City mayor and former Tromp attorney Rudy Giuliani, throwing his name in the half is wanting Julio. Only political. Science is his former role as President trumps sports liaison where he how to organise. the White House visits for sports teams. I worked trot administration or yours, and I'm proud of many of the policies that we were able to occur, wishing there, but I think I'm gonna be pushing policies. That's gonna be pro economic development. It's gonna be record setting crime reduction, which I think the Giuliani name is certainly associated with. We have that label ready to go
The Giuliani name, is associated with crime reduction. I mean, I guess, if one person is personally doing all the crimes that does reduce the number of criminals, but yeah we're off Giuliani son is now for governor off of his dad's name and is not bad move. I'm in considering how much Americans love political dynasties, push Clinton, Cheney, Kennedy Cuomo, so much like America fought the revolution to say we don't want to king. We want like six to eight kings and make it won't take. What surprises me is that any politicians can we want to go into politics you meant personally, I would steer clear of any job that turn my dad into a melting piece of licorice, our none of that action, but, of course energy on it isn't just running as the sea
of America's. Only living gargoyle he's also running off of his extensive experience as President trumps sports liaison, and I know some people think sport sneeze on so like a bullshit job like influenza or consultant or astronauts. But personally I think he crushed it as the sports he's on I mean who do you think help Trump get those championship teens, although cheeseburgers you think it's easy exchange rates, five hundred burgers was not a mistake. Europe New York needs that executive experience so that we can get all those Burma's and finally, let's talk bout debts, then the reason you occasionally talk like this. Yes, you do,
you knew adopting. A pat was one of the most popular things to do during the corona virus lockdown they provided companionship comfort and gave you something to post pics of aside from your ugly lozenges, but about the country's reopening. Some of those pets are learning about petals return policy first hand. Animal shelters across the country are starting fill up with pets that are being returned after a pandemic. Adoption boom stay at home orders from last year prompted a lot of people to take on a dog or a cat as a companion during those difficult months, but now shelter say a lot of those very friends are being returned shelter say the return. Pets have no behavioral problems. Instead,
owners are heading back to work or travel and is didn't feel that they fully understood the gravity of pet adoptions. Ok, there's no Kuhlmann, like I understand some people's pets. Don't live up to their expectations. I mean I've bought rhetorical ones and invaded any karate, but pets don't deserved be treated like this. The members of the family it'll just return a member of your family. No, you put them in and affordable group home and visit than just enough times to stand. There will not what seriously people pets are a real commitment. I think a lot of people don't understand that going in social media doesn't help by the way you know, based on people's posts, using only It was a stress free, cuddle, kaluza. Nobody is on Instagram walking around like hey fan out. Another three m walk to watch my little for babies but whole open up hope. He pulls out the thumb drive with all my work files on hashtag, pat life.
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whom access dot, org number thirty, thirty insects there how we all get to experience the thrill of word people don't usually get excited about bugs, but when you ve got ones only appear about as often as friends reunion. Well, that's worth buzzing about. The latest buzz is that billion, of cicadas are emerging in the eastern. U S: brood ten is coming the ground. After seventeen years, the sick, it is a been underground living on trees sat at now as the ground temperature hits sixty four degrees they're. Making their way to the tree tops to make their goal is to reach the tree branches, where they will made lay eggs and then die. Two weeks later, the eggs will hatch Young tumbled off the ground and the whole seventeen year cycle will start all over again and so on.
the greatest swarm scientists note there. Bizarre behaviour is all part of their survival strategy. It's called predator safie they're, going to emerge in such massive numbers. Synchronously they'll filled the belly of every predator that wants to eat them and now still be enough left over to perpetuate their species, why how seven chain. Yours man, think about how do when the world was the last time these guys, what up here in two thousand and four I mean Tom Brady had just won the Superbowl. We were getting ready, what you ve been diesel and a brand new foster furious movie Ben Ethnic was dating jailer, who is gonna, be hard for them to adjust, but basically cicadas hide for seventeen years and then emerge all at once. To try and have sex is classed as they can I feel like right now, I'm coming out of the pandemic is that you get the get their crucial anal as witness the seems. It actually makes sense
that they only do this once every seventeen years I mean anytime. I try to get more than three friends together. We always end being like aren't, you know on what is someone twenty thirty eight look like for. You guys are great. We'll have Russian then as interesting as it is, though, this life cycle is completely insane. I mean how did the cicadas, even come up with this. Ok guys, you know. Almost most species hang out in the sun old there having fun about we stay underground for seventeen years second roots, then we jump out only ones and have sex once before we get eaten a last chance. My words boyfriend, don't change at bang, but let's move, from the Cicada orgy to some alarming news about human reproduction, because you see it turns out that when brood ten returns in seventeen years, we might not be around to see them
Could humans one day become an endangered species? I just say we are not only grappling with the corona virus pandemic: Andy Climate, emergency sensation. energy is also facing a sperm count. Crisis also suggests that sperm counts in the West have dropped by over fifty percent. In the last forty years and if the downward trend continues its fear that the planet could be seeing what scientists are calling a sperm again by you're, twenty forty five scientists say modern life is behind this decline, none, healthy lifestyles who just smoking in obesity and expose you're too dangerous chemicals founded plastics, cosmetics and pesticides, while ok There are some really bad news, although the way
delivered. It is probably not gonna hit right with some people dude. Are you telling me that if I smoke get really fat and live and unhealthy lifestyle, then I can have sex without birth control here do Samia up, but for real guys. This is bad news. If we don't stop sperm levels from dropping, that means the end of pregnancies and that means no more episodes of teen mom, I mean I'm programme, be other effects to aren't bottled through yet bomb team mom people I mean. I know sperm gettin sounds like a spin off to the sharp NATO movies, but I think we have to start conserving our
sperm because it be wasting it anymore, just because we shall somewhat hot in a shameful commercial. Most importantly, we men have to stop treating our bodies better, because you're sperm is only as healthy as you are few spending all day smoking and eating badly. You can't be surprised when you're sperm is also hell out of shape. Ok guidelines. Do it thanks again to ban all wait, a crab Rick? I grabbed me, oh boy, further than I thought. Why do we have to go through the acknowledged gonna? Do there right now, because this is the whole boy, I'm not. I don't think I'm gonna make. You know why I'm just gonna call an upper I see were furnished pricing and finally, this time of year for spring cleaning. You know when you take out all of the old tee shirts decided.
throw any of them away and then put them all back slightly folded. But if you find some stuff, going through your house that you really don't want any more, please think carefully before giving away We all know that saying one man's trash as another man's treasure will sometimes it is just trash. This morning? Good well, is urging people to reconsider what we're donating it turns out Goodwill is getting a lot of stuff. I can't use like broken furniture and leaky batteries and that's hurting the damp for more than helping garbage disposal, costs are going through the roof. A spokesperson goodwill says, if you wouldn't to your judging mother in law. Then don't donate it. That's right. Some people out there are actually trying to give the goodwill fresh, like broken furniture, leaky batteries in Cairo last elbowed out, and what I want to know is who the hell is trying to donate leaking batteries? What actual is up
going. Well, I don't like getting burned by Battery Asher, but maybe poorer people. Well, I don't know what they are and to, and you know that this has become a real problem for good will because they never say negative stuff like this. They literally cold good will if their mad, then there's a good reason like if you show Mr Rogers going off on Daniel Tiger. While you know that that little perpetrated pull some shit so guys, please make sure that the items you donate are useful and when it's time to throw away back be responsible, you take them and you put them in a drawer where they just stay farmer, because no one really knows how to throw batteries wailings I just keep them before we go. May is mental health awareness month So please consider supporting the National Alliance on Mental health there than they. largest grass roots Mental Health organization, dedicated to support.
Seeing the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. If you want to help them, provide advocacy education and support for mental health, then please go to the link below and donate whatever. You can. What's the daily show, we take some leather, ten central and company central in stream, full episodes anytime paramount, plus why warmer rewards member? can now get a free, hotter, iced coffee, every Tuesday, through the. Why? Why try or new the planned hot coffee, with twenty two percent, more caffeine and more energy to get through the day. Why Tuesday, because he made it through Monday, Free coffee Tuesdays through May, includes our new boosted, Glenn Coffee with twenty two percent more coffee. It's our way of saying thank you for being a regular. It Y Y see store for details. Gotta have allowed. This has been a comedy central podcast.
Transcript generated on 2021-05-23.