« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

Things Get Awkward at Alex Jones's Trial | Ryuji Chua

2022-08-04 | 🔗

Kansas voters protect abortion rights, America's student debt crisis is putting the squeeze on elderly borrowers, and Ryuji Chua discusses his documentary "How Conscious Can a Fish Be?"

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Peace to the planet, ivo by the name of Charlemagne god in this summer, umbria must show back the comedy central. Would it who title in a new plan gas. call called hell of a week, but don't worry every monday ivy keeping this same called out the bullshit energy and I have some of the biggest. It was a comedy politics and entertainment whip me so No, the tear out in your time line and causing you anxiety, derive hide and gas prices. Don't worry. We Gach listened a hell of a week, we charlemagne god and I are radio or whether you get your buyer gas age, Roy wood, jr host of the daily show podcast beyond the scenes, and we are back for season. Two beyond the scenes is the podcast where we take the topics and segments that were on the daily show and give them a little more love. We chat with writers and producers from the show, and we bring in experts on each topic to give us some extra knowledge that we didn't have time for on television, listen to beyond the scene starting august night on the iheart radio EP apple pod, or what ever you get your part gas
you listening to carmody central.
no you're, the only one I can save the bullshit you're student. I cannot leave you and real judge you on the daily. So what robert we shall for you tonight. Kansas is now the best state in america. Shootin debt is coming for you grandma, and
the answer is making a whole new album. So let's do this. People must demonstrate in today headlines the alright before we get into the big stories, let's catch up on a few other things going on in the news. First things: first, according to astronomers, the earth is actually spinning faster than ever before, and because of that, it recently set the record for the shortest day ever yeah june. Two thousand. It was apparently one point, five, nine milliseconds shorter than a normal day. The, and that's how you know things are going bad. Even the earth is like our lives, let's go, let's go get this guy one point: five, nine minutes seconds foster me: you do know what this means right, we'll get to
work. One point: five, nine milliseconds earlier the it gives people a great excuse if they get pulled over. It's like sure. If you've been drinking, know that this Britain's zip event isn't making me dizzy, man, then why we all dizzy. I do drug drafted a question. Meanwhile, in environmental news, a man in Utah has been arrested for accidentally starting a sixty acre, wildfire. While trying to burn a spider with a cigarette life. And yes, the sounds terrible, but that's why they learned his lesson. Learned that spider in entertainment, news, Brad pitt wore a skirt to his latest movie premier and when he was asked why he did it, he said quote: we're all going to die. So let's just have some fun before we get out.
I love that what an inspirational way to say it's laundry day, it's also been like two hundred degrees outside everyday. The question: isn't: why is brad pitt wearing a skirt? It's? Why isn't every guy wearing a skirt you kidding me before everything is you walk outside EU would spend five minutes in this weather before you know it you walking around with two likely put eggs in your pants brief oh that's! Ok! This is a wild story in travelling use. Ebbene be has announced that it will no longer allow people to list form a slave cabins as vacation rentals after one listing caused an uproar online and dismay,
one of those things that probably white people I mean no, because as a black person there's no way. I'm vacationing in a slave cabin. I don't give us a former slave camp. I don't care if it's renovate there's no black person he's like yeah. This is where I want to spend my vacation so good for a bnb. I will say this: if I owned a bnb, I wouldn't cancel these listings. I would say yet you can stay there if you want, but you're going to have to have the real experience to surprise those people bhajans of the cabinet at six, am like here's, your brass get what you want. I wanted to see what it was like. Well now you see, but anyway, let's move onto some of the bigger news stories of the day. First, up yesterday, we had another round of primary elections in america and I'm just going to say this country has too many elections every week. It's like it's time to vote voted last week now? That was the vote to vote, for whom we voting for this. We then went on when will vote for the next vote. Vote. Vote. Vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote so, let's check and on the results of the
boats. Ongoing coverage of vote democrats, twenty twenty two last night was a very good night for Donald jitney puffed in Michigan his candidate defeated Republican, who votes to impeach him in arizona his candidates, one the primary school Senate and secretary of state and in Missouri the Eric he endorsed, beats the other Eric.
that he endorsed was the best night for trump has had that didn't end with someone signing in india, and these arizona races could have national implications, because these republicans, you have to understand the ones who are winning now. They all believe in crazy conspiracy theories about Biden, stealing the election in two thousand and twenty. So if they win the final races, they could end up in charge of counting the votes in two thousand and twenty four. I know about you, but I know for certain. I do not trust them with their job. Can you imagine what will be like? I am not about another bomb for drop. That's right! Now! That's it! that's our trump yeah. I saw that our from what you're doing their debts are not yet. I am counting that front, but well yet put it, but that's it from again what what? What would look at that person spent properly used The idea was that I was the final generally worked dead, drunk
Brazilian bite and minors can, I think, John now there is. There is some good news other than the trump virus spreading through the republican party like vector last night was actually a really good night for anyone who believes a woman should have a right to choose what happens in her own body and it's all thanks to kansas this morning of political weight and a big wind for abortion rights. Supporters, kansas voters rejecting an amendment that would have removed abortion protections from the state constitution in effect keeping access to the procedure there. The turn out on a hundred degree day in the middle of summer, with fifteenth three percent
store equally high. They ve never seen anything like this. This is colossal. Vamos numbers staying and said now, where the first ones to say now, so I'm just am overjoyed while Kansas amazing. The regulations kansas it's moments like these. I wish I knew which one of these states you were either way. Congratulations not for real for real. This is a huge pro choice, victory and it's especially amazing that it happened in kansas, state, so red that trump won it by fourteen points. No one expects This was a big a shock than wouldn't bet girl found out that her real nemesis, the ceo of warner brothers- and this is where you realize where you realise as well: the anti abortion views of right wing law makers and some people on the supreme court. They dont mirror what actual
icons once and that's a huge problem in this country is regulating the crew. Dude in your friend group plan, your bachelor party, you're going to be like. I just wanted to play beer bong. How did we end up in a bangkok president? Not cool samuel, oh and speaking of earth. Shattering news beyond sea is changing her album again yeah. First, she took out the woods spaz from a song, because some people complained that it was ablest and now she's removing a sample from one of her other songs, because Kelly's complained that she didn't get any credit from it and look I get what beyonce is doing. It's very nice, but I also should point out this could turn into a mate,
disaster because you realize now, depending on when you listen to the album, you could be hearing completely different songs that just going to change you don't even know what the thing is going to be. Like I heard you won't break my soul, someone else just like you won't score a goal. Someone else someone check this mole, you don't know. How can you imagine the chaos? The next time you have to be onsite concert. Dance is going to like everyone sing along we're, going to be quick on which raj here nah fuck, oh and because beyond is now taking requests. Monica lewinsky sent out a tweet, basically saying what about removing her name in one of beyond, say his old songs partition. I saw somewhere beyond, say saying he monica lewinsky all on my gown
and I mean I think we can all see why monica wouldn't want that in the song and for me personally, I also think beyond say should changes in the song, because it's not right technically, it should be. He bill Clinton on my guy, the I'm not saying he did anything wrong, I'm just saying beyond, so you have to understand with the way american schools teach history, your songs might be the only way children learn. It needs to be accurately as it is. So whether you agree with it or not be say, has made our choice and good for her. In fact, you know what I think they should say. Some artists have to be forced to do it. The answer was nice. Someone has to be forced, like R kelly, yeah part of his Pensions should be that he has to go back and redo all of his old songs, because age is not just a number
you weren't back in the studio, my mind telling me no and now my body understands why it's a no my body completing our party completely this speaking of people who wish they could go back and change the past Alex Jones. Far right, commentators and men who makes Donald trump look like a reasonable human being is currently on trial for spreading lies about the sandy hook, shooting at seeing that it was all a hoax and today, in the trial, one of the funniest moments came when he found out that his inept lawyer had screwed up and sent the prosecution evidence
That proved Alex Jones committed perjury, mister Jones. Did you know that, twelve days ago, twelve days ago, your attorneys messed up and sitting an entire digital copy of your entire cell phone, with every text message you've sent for the past two years and will inform it did not take any steps to identify it as privileged or protected in any way, and as of two days ago, it felt free and clear into my possession, and that is how I know you lied to me when you said you didn't have text message about saying: did you know that only by studying the rotor, a tech guy, I told you, I gave my testimony the phone to the lord, before wherever you got my father, we too
Alex body than we use users shot he's got a turning into every mode. Use will add one point even forgive himself covert. Do you see that I can't speak? You know the disease, I said is frank yeah I got it. I've got it now. I got it. You know you're trouble. When the true chokes you up, like you, want an episode of hot ones, you know those spicy wings. Like I'm sorry, what did I say? Ah, but you realize you knows this moment this moment is huge because it shows that action was probably committed. Perjury, which means Alex Jones lies about stuff. I know that shocking, because now I'm starting to wonder, does that mean came trails from planes on turning the front that also alarmed by the way. Where did you get that lawyer? We will talk about that
Could you see? Other lawyers are sitting there, let's hope above all, but what about? But ever ever there I would love to be there for the classic. a clan conversation during recess it we're just standing together. So how do you think it's going like? Well, apart from the fact that I, screwed. This whole thing up worse than any lawyer in history. I think we still have a shot. I think we still have a shot all right, that's it for the headlines, but before we go to a quick break, let's check in on the stock market with our very own finance expert, Michael costa, everybody, the what's happening in the market today, I'm crushing it
I would try today. I'm like Jackie chan and Chris Tucker, because I'm in crush our too lazy to say this, but I got a hot tip for you. You want to make some money like costume, makes money. Alright, I got a hot tip for you. So pay attention all right. So what we got here is the last five months, the gasoline price. Actually before you might hear that story, but the air bnb slavery story. Yeah. You know what I'm saying. like it look, they should be renting that out, but I appreciate them being honest. You know every time, I read an airbus and be they're, not honest about the pictures you said you said it was two bedroom quaint apartment- I don't know quite met- haunted. Ok, let's be honest, airbus He is just catfish for a house. Ok, I don't want to sleep or slavery happen. I prefer hotel I'd rather sleep where lifeless middle aged missionary position. Sex happened about this.
terrible, mean marketing off of slavery is not cool, rising slavery to make a buck, exploiting suffering. That's why I dont use air being be instead trevor, I'm a slave to bargain hotels, dot net book a bargain today. What's that here too the charter itself, These are the gas, but actually the other story about the earth. Spinning the earth spinning so I'm I'm a financial, accurate, another scientist, but I'm pretty sure this is, because of the large population and asia. Ok, bad, if
am part of the earth is a lot heavier than the other. When the earth spends gay, spinning, spinning spinning gets to asia away with the asia, with the think about what you're right you're, not a scientist just tell tells what's happening. This is the price of gasoline over the last five months and it's been a wild ride. Okay, this is reminds me of the last time I took iowa basket and went on the c train. Okay, I mean those showtime guys they were my father. Ok, but look here is the good news. The price of gas is back down. The bad news is that as gasoline gets, cheaper arson is gonna, go up. Ok, it's just so much cheaper to commit arson. Now, even I've been thinking about it. More ok, javert between us guys are. It leaves no evidence, you get the insurance money and it kills all this
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It was the junior host of the daily show podcast beyond the scenes, and we are back for season. Two beyond the scenes is the podcast where we take the topics and segments that were on the daily show and give them a little more love. We chat with writers and producers from the show and we bring in experts on each topic to give us some extra knowledge that we didn't have time for on television, listen to beyond the scene, starting august night on the iheart radio, apple podcast, or what ever you get your part. As the danish, let's talk about student debts, it's as american as milk that isn't, milk millions of americans. A college graduates which is great college, provides you job skills and exposes you can new ideas. It gives you a friend,
Chad was like a brother, even though he spilled, bonn water all inside your car. I love you chad, but you're, a dick. What? Because america doesnt properly subsidize higher education like almost every other developing nation in the world, the number of americans with student debt is high and now than ever before, and student debt is a lot like an std. Yes, you can get it by. Actually, in college, but then it follows you around for the rest of your life. When I see the rest of your life, I mean it. There is a ticking time bomb of looming over the american economy, merely two trillion dollars and stern loans owed by fifty million bhaers, and this is not just a problem for younger americans does or fifty years old have the fastest growing student loans, debt burden of Aimee s. Forty percent of american sixty five, an older, are in default and washington will collapse. garnishing the social security of seniors in default. We
at sarafina golan on the campus of san diego state go onto had to pause, making payments for times for various life problems, but bigger issue. She got older She can only work part time, her monthly payment, one hundred seventy six dollars is income based and doesn't even cover the interest missis while you forever, this will follow me to my grave yeah. When you picture someone with student dead, you might think the cost of girls, but you should be thinking The cost of golden goes because eight million borrow is over fifty whole, nearly a quarter of all federal student debts and the craziest thing is: some of them are even having their social security checks. Ghana, to pay it off and by the way when they say garnished, it means the money is taken out of the check or they're not putting a little, possibly one, the czechs and events. It's terrifying
we patients should be an embarrassing. I met you at that moment. Her loans might follow her to her great that is discussed When you know when you and your death bed, you should be thinking about college loans, and we should be thinking of like a cool deathbed confessed It'll mess with your family when you're gone it'll just be like your real father, is the keep everybody guessing the point is america needs solutions to the student debt crisis and it could be cancelling student loans. It could be guaranteeing free education. You know it could even be punishing colleges if their graduates can't get the jobs that pay them and yeah. I think that's actually an interesting idea. The money you'll get a job, you'll get a job and then what happens? If you don't, if I was a college dean, I'd be a lot more concerned about my students getting jobs and graduating. If otherwise, I'd have to let them move in with me, then people will be committed, drama chad, your spilled, bong, water, all over my fire. I love you, but your deck
whatever the solution is? America cannot allow people to me so burdened by debt. It follows them to the grave, especially because it will make for a very awkward reading of the will today will be reading from the will of standing economic who died at the age of eighty nine last month, while having sex on a hot air balloon sorry, one or two ago Mr Mccormick has left instructions but the distribution of his state. First, his life savings, all of which go to brent, I'm sorry, hill, brent, tonight we adopt. I loans, cipher loss. Dad was paying student loans for sixty years, just fifty more years to go home
Let's move onto the material assets the car has been left to. grant? I thought I was getting that herself. The rhetoric located at one ten pine lane brent school family china set smuggled out of poland dawn of world war. Two dont say brent bennett come I don't even like John ranking. Please have that one. It's really I to our family. Don't worry, there's gonna be in bring the interest rate on his loan up to seven percent. Sorry, it's going up to seven percent student loans are funny anti watch french, the pipe collection- the beloved banjo brand keyboard, tickets, rent and finally His grandchildren drawings brent, how are those gonna pick?
slums and turn the shouldn T. that covers everything he. Not do well in life. We went to a dragon we get. Nothing didn't you guys. Grandad's have to pay up your student loans, I know I love you because I have to find out. Why might have feelings don't go away This episode is brought to you by lego. Do blow kids discover the world through play and lego, dupe, low, big red open, a world of endless possibilities, dupe low themes, character, then colorful bricks hope toddlers builders
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the young man by the name of uv here even activists, and a filmmaker who makes educational content about animal rights. He's here to talk about his independence documentary. How conscious can a fish be? Please come religion to honour its. It's a really interesting conversation that that you're having not just in this document robot on line, you know what what I love about the world we live in today is you you can see so many interesting people, so many different points of view, and it's all because we connected on social media. You built up quite a following as someone who is a passionate and rights activists, and this document from particular is one way. Some people are shut,
Because they go away, would red you reared you ve gone too far. You saying that fish can be conscious. The yeah. So you know the thing is that growing up? I didn't think this right. I think, like many people, I grew up to think that fish were these stupid unconscious animals who have a three second memory and can't feel pain, and that would have been fine forgivable. If I was like in seventy no three, but the thing is that today there is a mountain of evidence produced through years of research that suggests that fish feel think and suffer like dogs, cats and other animals. It's interesting that you say that because like when we, when we think about the world we're living in today, there's no denying that no know. We have to change the ways we think about our food, there's, no, denying that it's it's becoming unsustainable. It's also terrible in the way that we treat animals, and you know we were just trying to make the world a better place. Yet now many people will say: oh, I can't be vegan, but I am a
the charity. Some people say why not that, but I'm pesky terrier and I can eat fish, because I don't like how everything else happens, but now you basically come in and you appended that whole thing, because there are many people like I'm good, I eat fish and you like. Will you not as good as you think it's not about judging people in saying you're, not as good as you think it's more about thinking about it from the animals perspective. So the reason that I we can, for example, is because I just look at things from the animals perspective and I think to myself would I want to be in their shoes right or in their fins? Ok, maybe
and the thing is that when you look at it, that way will the things that we do not liking to we're missing two things. Yes, first is the fact that, for a lot of these animals, we stereotyping ways where we think that we call animals informs livestock. Ok, we always look at them like a something someone when in fact, all of them they can play and have families and build connections, just like dogs, cats and other animals, and the second thing is, I think, people vastly underestimate the degree to which they suffer in these systems, because what is led the industry is not going to be talking to broadcast of themselves and the the information is accessible, but it's also uncomfortable to face. I think a lot of people me myself included for a long time. Just don't know how much these animals suffer. How many animals suffer it is it is. It is a difficult thing to
I think, consumo even process, because you know you grow up eating meat? You grow up eating. Whatever diet, you grow up, some people don't, but but then, for instance, you write, you see a documentary like wow, that's how they treat cows. I don't want cause. I want, you know free range cows. I want free range chickens. I don't think that's good and then you you see something else and you're like ok. I won't do that either, but then many people would argue they'll be like okay, but fish are in the ocean just swimming around, and so, if I eat wild caught fish, then Why is that a bad thing or you or you you're, saying it's not good or bad, though, is that what you're arguing yeah? Unless it will you don't even try to moralize it? You know I I would moralize it, but it's not about good or bad. It's just that whether or not me or you or anyone else thinks this is good or bad. Fishing causes tremendous suffering to an immeasurable number of fish, and that's the issue to me and for me an issue is an issue when there's someone who suffers right. So I don't care that, like look, I'm not going to sit here and be like. I emotionally feel compelled to care about fish the same way I care about dogs. I didn't grow up around fish,
like a grip around dogs and they don't do cool tricks yeah, they don't well. Some of them do cool tricks. I mean not as quick but okay, yes, yeah yeah, but yeah. So the thing is because they suffer and their suffering matters to them. That's why I flag it as an issue, but it's interesting that you say suffer so so. Let's talk a little bit about it because I know in the documentary- and you cite the research that there is mounting evidence that talks about suffering or pain, etc. We know that pain extends far further than we thought it ever did. We learn new things. today. People, for instance, watch the the documentary about the octopus on netflix people like oh, the octopus has feelings and not be like. I don't eat octopus anymore, which is which is fine, but but when we think of it through the lens of suffering, do you not think? Sometimes we are imbuing animals with a level of almost complicated consciousness that they don't necessarily need, because circle of life. So, like, let's say when a lion is, is is hunting and then it goes in and it grabs like an antelope or whatever whether the antelope or like bob that sucked and then they just carry on,
lives. No, no! No. I mean this honestly. I watch them. Sometimes in the you know, the the antelope thing happens and antelope just carry on I'm like wow. I I'm a lot more devastate, My couch than they are so they suffering or do you think we're in viewing them with the idea of what we think suffering is yet I mean, I think, the it's a complicated conversation. Definitely, but the facts like the way that we define suffering with the way that I would think about suffering is inexperience. That's unpleasant! You ok, that's kind of like the definition of of suffering right and in that sense I think its undeniable
animal suffer see like when an antelope gets eaten. That's probably a painful experience. Yeah, probably yeah, like jeremy and at the end of the day, like whether or not like how complicated that suffering is. I don't think is that relevant to whether or not we should care about that suffering. I mean whether or not they're as devastated as you are. I would be in a similar situation. Doesn't change the fact that they're being eaten alive for saying, right and similar, for example, with fish, when they're being grabbed out of the ocean in a huge nets, will die in horrific ways, they're being crushed under the weight of other fish and then they're just spilled into this boat oftentimes? They are put in this mixture of ice and water, they're suffocating the whole time and that experiences them may not be so different to the experience of you or me, drowning in a way, it's a very primal form of of suffering that they experience in the moment. So We talk about it through the lens of just animals and helped me understand that. If I said to you, then okay ryuji, what's going to happen, is we're going to get rid of all industrialized farming. There will be no boats that are catching thousands of fish were going to go back to the olden days. Like one person, you catch a fish, I catch my fish when we do the whole
would you be happy with that for yourself or using? No, you would and engage with the eating of a living thing should again. For me. about meeting happy, ok rates. For me, it's about doing the best possible for the animals looking at it from their perspective. For what about us, no. I don't, I don't even mean dislike southern Israel and the reason I say this. What about us is because I go sometimes as humans you'd feel like we forget that we are also animal here. Ok, so we also animals and then those animals, like you, long time we'll go like the animal, but then the animal thing to you. Like. Let's say you see like a bear, you are the best cute. Then some people go. Let me go touch the bed, then the basic bar, then the people that bears an asshole then I'm going to the base just a bad thing. Are we not just doing human things in that way like is it is it does it need to be moralized in any way shape, or should we all? We not just meant to keep the thing, because it's it's it's food for us yeah sure I mean you could see that it's a human,
but again, whether or not you or me or anyone else considers this a human thing doesn't change the fact that an action would cause suffering and in my view, if we can prevent suffering for happening, then why not do it? Because I was in that position, then I would not want to suffer ha. I was in that position. I would not. I agree. If I was a fish, I would not want to be caught yeah. I completely agree with you. They uncle tried to be caught. They don't want to like have to have that existence. So what would you say to somebody who wants to get into this life because one thing I do appreciate you about you honestly, as this is like oftentimes usual provisions and one we'll let you know that their vehicles about you asking them and to they will judge people, but you don't judge that something I've. I've really appreciate your you inform people, you you do the research you talk about, but you're, not judge you not like you or not for doing this you're wrong for doing this? You know this is why I am making the decision, and this is what we should be cognisance of. So if somebody says you ok, I want to explore getting into this world but I may not have been nutrition. I may not
Look at america was people who live in food deserts, those people who don't have access to revert to the right food. How can even be the journey of a more ethical existence when it comes to what they eat. So I think there were three things really. The first thing would be to change our view on. How is the animals ok rights for me The big thing that change becoming a vision is that I started seeing all animals as someone not a something. Ok previously, I never spend time with cows or chickens or pigs, but it turns out that didn't just like dogs and cats, and I think the more we can have that mindset is really good. The second thing is to get informed about what we actually due to them, because again I think that many people vastly resting, needs the amount of suffering that we call them, even in just the legal things that we do to them. A lot of those things are things that would be outraged have done. Two dogs and cats you'll be illegal, deploy they would get cancer and arrested. If we didn't, tat? Is we have rights? Why rate so I think informed on that And thirdly, there are so many resources on how to live. Asean lysol it many times, jameson forms like. I think one of the misconceptions is that division is all about eating.
no beyond needs, and these fancy meet substitutes. but in fact you can have a very simple whole food plant based lifestyle that is could be while cheaper and a lot healthier as well. There are many many ways to go about it, and so you can just do research on that and find what works for you I'll, tell you this you're fascinating I've really enjoyed talking to you. Thank you. So much for joining me on the show in which you have the this episode is brought to you by adobe, acrobat running a business means paperwork and lots of it between contracts, invoices and everything else. You need to keep things running smoothly. Well, it never ends. Luckily acrobat makes it simple to track and manage your documents. If you need to edit
e signatures and secure pdf, all in one app acrobats got it gets started at adobe dot com. Hey it's roy wood, jr host of the daily show podcast beyond the scenes, and we are back for season. Two beyond the scenes is the podcast where we take the topics and segments that were on the daily show and give them a little more love. We chat with writers and producers from the show and we bring in experts on each topic to give us some extra knowledge that we didn't the time for television listen to beyond the scene, starting august, nine on the ilo, radio, apple podcast, or what ever you get your party Yes, I remember recovery efforts are under way off. The record. Breaking floodwaters have hit eastern kentucky. We can help them and we should the foundation for appellation. Kentucky is doing all of the older they can to help in these efforts. So please, if you can consider supporting them in the important work that they do at the link below
next time they say out there and remember you're, not singing the lyrics wrong beyond, say just change the album, What's the deal we shall we take another ten central and probably central and stream. Full episodes. Anytime paramount was. This has been a comedy central podcast me, your money go further and work harder with a certified financial planner from facet wealth, inflation, interest rates, stock market changes, home prices, every advisor at facet is a certified financial, planner and fiduciary, and they're legally bound to do what's in your best interest facet as a simple flat fee. There.
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Transcript generated on 2022-08-10.