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The Unraveling of Rudy Giuliani

2023-08-02 | 🔗

How did Rudy Giuliani go from son of a small-time criminal to “America’s Mayor” to the best – and possibly last – friend Donald Trump ever had? 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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her place since the twenty sixteen election, Rudy giuliani, has been a national leader spreading his patriotic message, a political trial by landscaping, company parking, lots and arenas. A process a nation, and how does he become the man and or manlike creature? He is today. This is the We show all feet of Rudy giuliani, oozing, greatness, rudolph, william louis giuliani, was born in nineteen forty four, your father, the legend mob enforce repeated time at sing, sing for armed robbery. He would tell me no materials money material with paper and they want to make sure that I didn't make the same mistakes that he believed It was an inspiring message from a father come up with your own original crimes and he would keep Rudy away.
If from new york city's criminal element, the family moved to the suburbs, I can remember as a youngster that my father would sometimes threatened me with putting me in public school if my behavior didn't improve, and that was a very frightening thought. But I was a product of like education and didn't stolen me from a very early age, a desire to be a priest? That's right, giuliani, almost became a man of the claw instead of a man of sweaty handkerchiefs. Ultimately, he chose not to pursue the priesthood deciding instead to marry his childhood sweetheart, who also happen to be his second cousin and well. Today. That may be seen as weird back then it was seen as super groves after graduating law, school giuliani began, his media or a career quickly, rising to the third highest,
position at president reagan's justice department. He was the youngest person ever to hold the job, but he was already supporting the comb over of a man twice his age. Soon, Rudy was: u s attorney for the southern district of new york. Rudy? Wasn't afraid to take on criminals or to get lots of press conferences about how we took on criminals I of five or six or seven years ago? Nobody would it is possible to convict ahead of the sicilian mafia I haven't sitting in the much vaunted correction for he loved the camera and the camera just wanted to be soon taking credit for rest burden enough. He had to pretend to make them rests himself. I board crack, The agents like there would have been my date and we went out movie for just a crack and washing huts. Now, that's what I call going under cup. Tell me you don't think he's not track before picking out that outfit with his crime fighting career burning hot then totally normal lust between second cousins, Rudy
his sight, some elected office. He first ran for mayor of new york and eighteen, eighty nine, but he didn't quite had the name recognition he needed to win. I would like to commend republican candidate rudolf de giovanni broody, sorry about the LAO tough break for rudy geo, the you four years later, Rudy tried again and this time he had the perfect foil, to rally his voters against new york's first blackmail denouncing David, Hence a soft on crime, giuliani led off duty police officers in a piecemeal approach. As the minutes later, thousands of cop going through the barricade and ran on top of cars as the charge, the scourge of city hall, okay, it was a peaceful lynch, protests,
at least hyping up the crowd to storm a government building would be good practice for him, so through sheer charisma and just a little hint of police intimidation. He finally became mayor g, oh honey, sorry giuliani! over the next decade, giuliani took new york city from a gutter toilet violence, saxon piss in turn it into a in safe utopia, with ample magazine jobs that allowed young women to live in giant apartments, with walk in closet and so many shoes under giuliani. The new york police department pioneered some of the most iconic anti crime tactics of the era like stop and frisk broken windows policing She will assault with a broom hand and shooting and innocent guys so many times for springsteen wrote a song, or do you want
This is and giuliani, didn't just go after criminals, he went after all, people the most hilarious ways luggage lying there, like that, don't you have any dignity lying on you but all day collecting welfare yeah. I think he was so buying crack giuliani was bringing glamour back to new york city and if he was making a few enemies, he was also making some. Friends you're really be. If you took finally Rudy found, disguised that manage to full someone dumber than a crack dealer buying I'll Giuliani was ready to shake things up. He dumped is.
I can wife at a press conference without telling her first in many ways, we've grown grown to live, independent and separate lives, leaving her to respond with her own statement about how he was a cheating hoe. For several years. It was difficult to participate in Rudy's public life because of his relationship with one staff. Member Rudy moved out of the mayor's mansion in crash with some friends a gay couple and their pet shit soup, while running a losing senate race against Hillary Clinton. Honestly, his life was a lot simpler when he was just banging his cousin and then just as his term was, Coming to an end, Rudy giuliani found himself right where he needed to be reviewed we're going to rebuild
stronger than we were before nine eleven gave Rudy his big promotion to america's mayor that when the party starts, that is gentlemen. Please welcome the no one rose to greater prominence after nine eleven rudy giuliani, except maybe bin laden by two thousand made giuliani was finally confident enough to admit he was bald and to make a play for the highest office in the land. Rudy is in america's mayor wants to be america's president. Anyway. He came in sixth in iowa and was out of the race by february. By the time the two thousand and sixteen election year came around giuliani had realized. He'd need to be president. He could just be friends with one.
It was a win win. Friendship trump gave Rudy the power he was longing for and rudy made trump look attractive by comparison as trumps bf ass rudy was really going places, even if he didn't always seem to know where he was. from the top to the bottom, from the middle of the next four years, we're a whirlwind of campaigning: lawyering, cheerleading, extorting treason, ing and insurrectionists time. It was over giuliani, lost his long licence. Several gallons of hair die of a right of electronic devices seized by the fbi, and most of all, his dignity are rooted in our work. Damn you pay for place, but rudy still using are enjoying life to the fullest, maybe even tumor, I don't think I've ever done an interview drunk I have sometimes I mean I drink normally likes.
I drink scotch, so you do not believe they drink, and I hope I don't believe it. I know what I mean: prince Andrew is very questionable. Now I never went out with him ever: never never had a drink with him. Never was with a woman or a young girl with him ever one time and met him in my office and one time when we had the party right bernie, you were there once whether he's standing tall through nine, eleven or a blood alcohol level of nine eleven Giuliani is born making his mark wherever he goes, one that no state can ever take away either check out this news, boost infinite. You can now get the latest iphone. Every year and unlimited wireless for just sixty dollars a month, this includes the new iphone fifteen, proud. Now just think about that you get the latest iphone, not just this year. Every year, europe goes around the sun. You get the latest iphone
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slash news to save twenty five percent. Your first year, life lock identity theft. Protection starts here. The trump campaign held a press conference to challenge the election results at forces. total landscaping in northeast philadelphia. Some people suspect the campaign intended to reserve the four seasons hotel, but accidentally books. This landscaping company, located between a crematorium and its toy store. Trumps lawyer, Rudy giuliani, was speaking when he was told the election had been called for by the call by all than oh, my goodness. All the network Y, all the world,
as cover. How is this real like? How is this real? How are you going to hold a press conference at a landscaping warehouse between a crematorium and a sex toy store? I mean, as a general, If you ever out declaring war, you don't do it twenty feet from a dildo alarming In some ways it makes sense, because if you ask people what halfway between a pawn shop and a crematorium they probably say when giuliani and by the way. I have a feeling that rudy junior uses that sarcastic response a lot. I'm sorry who wants me to put my clothes back on
everyone, oh wow, everyone. Every single person in this denny's wants me to put my clothes back on now. The campaign says that they did mean to have the press conference at this venue, and I hope that that's true, but it really just sounds like trump's legal team accidentally booked the wrong four seasons, and if that is the case, that would be so sad I mean. Do you know how incompetent you gotta be to get catfish by a landscaping business? Also, I love how the real four seasons tweeted, that it has nothing to do with them, because even hotel chains are trying to get away from trump. Now I bid motel six was like get outta here. You scumbags you're grossing out our bed bugs also feel ready before. Anyone who was inside that sex shop during that press conference because imagine being in a assent shop and then seeing every camera in america putting up next door, I hired an do those of six hours. That's a long time pretend to be browsing, useful
the edible underwear. It is a gluten free, yeah yeah, this legside. Okay, you do to samples. So, even though most of the world has accepted that Joe Biden will be the next president, Donald trump is clearly planning to drag out this fight- for weeks? Donald Joe Biden beat my ass trump none of his legal efforts to undo the election have been working so now he's trying to different approach. But on the other hand, what might save america from donald trump trying to overthrow the government is that its donald trump trying to overthrow the governments, because his people on for being that great at what they do. I mean just today, we giuliani the presents personal lawyer and something kids fear is the closets gave a press.
In france to explain why Donald trump actually won the election right. That's what he was doing was trying to explain to us why Donald trump actually won the election that we all saw him lose, but we couldn't pay attention to this conspiracy theory, because we were all distracted by this many of the absentee ballots were fraudulent and they knew that they didn't to have a counter that two hundred percent of the registered voters district vote. What does that mean in this? Basically, we have indicated in red george pennsylvania. Michigan we ve taught in nevada arizona. We move then double the number of votes needed to overturn the elections. All you gotta do to find out if I'm misleading you off,
look at the logic. That's the reason why he probably didn't have to go on campaign. Ok, I know that this could be the end of american democracy, but guys this shit is hilarious. I mean trump always said that he had liquors has in his administration, but animal was this bad? What the hell was going on with rudy honest question: was was his head. Die dripping was his brain shooting itself. Honestly, I didn't even know that sideburns got periods you know your legal strategies when even your hair start crying about its was going down both his cheeks, Growing was growing a beard in real time. I look. I'm not gonna lie. Part of me feel bad food, because this was the biggest press conference on his life, his big chance to get donald trump another term as president and his hair ruined the entire moment. Can you imagine if Abraham lincoln was reading them,
It's a patient proclamation and his beard just walked away. People would be like a yo yo yo yeah may forget about the slaves man, yo, yo, yo, chin, hair, just bows be yeah. You gotta you gotta looking at shit, but maybe this is the perfect combination of evil and ridiculous to end the trump era. I think it's perfect because think about it, if someone said in two thousand and sixteen that this whole thing would end with Rudy giuliani, openly planning a coup against the government, but no one would take him seriously because he had had die running down his based the entire time. You'd be like yeah, you know one, it sounds rights may boost mobile, passionate determination. View would have me to get after it s why they build their offers. Keeping in mind those go. The extra mile whose mobile is with champions from across the nation to empower the devices servants they won't break the bank joint blue smoke get after it boosts mobile.
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what way more disgusting, and if there's one thing america loves it's a big come back and last night his has on controversy on the mass singer last night, personal lawyer to former president donald trump and former new york city, mere routine giuliani, popped out of a giant rooster suit, while singing a rendition of bad to the bone, but as he revealed himself. This is what happened. Judge KEN junk stormed off the stage, apparently didn't like it saying I'm done, yeah rudy giuliani just got voted off the masked singer, which means he's about to spend the next five years claiming that he actually won the mosques? And I guess history if you were made last night, because for the first time in the most thing as history contestant took off the mosque and avoid like normal,
back on what we don't want to get its way and how rudy has the time to be on a game show, but he's too busy to testify in front of congress, like maybe that you have just trick the right course like made it seem like goes amassing a combined. The whole thing prevent the giant cocksucker mercury Bernie sanders would be sitting there like or based on his utter disregard for democracy. Are gonna, get the rooster? Wouldn't you we must see bogle milk until about cocaine Inner circle was well aware that the election did not go their way and they told trump, except for one person who had the liquid courage to say that trump
Did when president from projected the advice of his campaign, experts on election night and instead follow course recommended. and apparently inebriated rudy giuliani. Claim he won and insist that the vote counting stop. Anyone in the conversation in europe's innovation had cannot do much to drink. I think, where giuliani was definitely intoxicated yeah. According to this, former trump aide, Rudy giuliani was wasted on election night when he told trump that the election was stolen from him and I'm just curious. Well, how you even know when Rudy giuliani is drunk because when a normal person is drunk, they say crazy things they yell, they sweat a lot. So how does that work with rudy doesn't work in reverse, like does he start talking
well, he has hair dye sucks back into his hair. How does this work- and you know it actually says a lot about trump- that a whole team of sober advisers, his attorney general, his campaign manager, has his daughter who he wants. To bang? Yet we haven't forgotten turning him. You lost this election, sir, but then Tromp was like yeah yeah. there are drunk vampire. What do you think the you know what you think about? It actually makes sense that trump would listen to a drunk person, because that's the one time people probably sound like You know it's just like what are you guys think we should do you think we should do their shop? They get back this guy. You we get it right. You know there are a lot of depressing things going on in america right now, so we decided, let's start of today, show with some good news and I'm talking
about what happened to rudy julianne form, a new city mare and America's most illegal lawyer. You see he wasn't a supermarket on staten island sunday campaigning for his son, andrew giuliani, who's trying to make history as new york's first caveman governor and thankfully Rudy is now doing. Ok after just barely severe, having heinous drive by on his upper back staten island grocery store workers facing assault charges, queues of slapping former new york city mayor, rudy, giuliani. This surveillance venue shows they encounter inside a shop right store. The worker appears to hit Julie
on the back, prompting a reaction from the former mayor. In my view, he has said that this man was a fairy nine year old sets back to approach. We already slapped him in the back and said: what's up, scumbag giuliani, refuse medical attention at the sea and the thirty nine year old was taken into custody what they might be recommending charters of second degree assault. Don't you love? Don't you? There is a second degree of that's how tough new york's laws are. Third degree is, if you like, blow and someone's ear and first degree as if you book them on the nose, I have been here, I've been iD, please please don't get me wrong. I don't think it is right for anyone to be putting their hands on politicians or anyone for that matter without their consent. I'm not saying that, but no way in hell is that second degree assault, but I ability,
That's no! Second! If that's assault, then what I guess will smith murdered chris rock better now amend the gray. I love how they say: Rudy declined medical attention, medical digital thought, that's the kind of injury where the only thing you could do is kiss it make it feel better. That is it. Is it better routing it better? In fact, if anyone needs medical attention, here is the guy who touched ruby, giuliani, do temporary looks like dumbledore after he'd be handed over crooks, and yes, I will admit- I will admit this. Guy did sound aggressive, but you ve gotta, understand what's up. Scumbag is just help we'll say hello on staten island. You know, that's not good conversation. What's a scumbag not been much your mother are. I would like to see your grandma,
but to me so me, the best part of the story is that the more rudy told it the more the slip. seem to heart. He heard me hard enough: do not move forward about. Like you know. Elderly people die mostly from falls. I got here. Bad a bolder not me forward shepherd to all of a sudden I feel a shot at my back. Like somebody shot me down that one that was the woman robbing my back. The guy hit me so hard, but she is now almost trust me. That's why each lack Brazil are our eyeballs by louder, and I had to pick them up and put them back and you also use peace. Let me show hard, I I should
I sat on my face two years ago: yeah, that's how hard it was inside everybody. I felt at the thought that rudy was lying about the election being stolen because he was a trump sycophant. It turns out, he just lives in another world. This is just his brain and I will say in his defense in his defense. He was already in a weakened state. You know you have to acknowledge that he was out during the day in a store that sells. Garlic, I mean you know, was hot, for him was hot it's more shows from an early job. I guess universe by searching the daily show. Wherever you get your PA just watch the daily show. We know it's it'll, never dreamt central globally, central stream, full episodes any time on their work. This has been a comedy central podcast, introducing over teen accounts
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-14.