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The Tucker Carlson Files

2023-07-19 | 🔗

Who is Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson, and why doesn’t he have more than one facial expression? Here’s how Tucker Carlson went from entitled aristocrat to former Fox News superhero.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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learn more ibm, dot com, slash watts, annex ibm, let's create you listening to carmody central What makes a legendary journalist gravitas, honesty I so piercing they can give you a nose ring. No, it's adaptability and no one's better at that then tackle karlsson, man of a thousand faces, but also somehow only one face: tucker, swans and mc near karlsson. His father was a journalist.
And who s ambassador to the seychelles. A popular vacation spot for people's money has stepmom was an heiress to swans and frozen foods, a heritage he still pays tribute to with his trademark frozen facial expressions. He has a brother buckley, swans and peck karlsson. You don't really need to know anything about him, but how about those names hung others might have tried to downplay their wealth but downplaying was never tucker style. One word extraordinarily loader like money I inherited were needed to work. He didn't need to work. We can, living in a world where Tucker bronson mc chant karlsson isn't on tv every night, but luckily for america that didn't happen after college tucker took his talents to journalism, rising to prominence as the liberals, favorite conservative.
one liked him. He seemed normal and on white supremacist e tucker swan lake mc nord stream karlsson took palatable conservatism to see it and people, s eventually becoming their perpetually boat, tied composed of siemens crossfire there. He help steer cable news away from meaningful discourse and or towards people shouting talking points at each other. Like a housewives reuse, it was going to wait until one day when a comedy central extremists infiltrated the set my tab egg europe, citizen when he caught hacks. Now this is theater. I mean it's. Not how old are you thirty, five anywhere a boat after surviving that ugly attack tucker made the differ
the decision to redefine desperate times call for desperate tuckers, so the butterfly emerged from yet another cocoon and flew to MSNBC, where he was both respected and likeable someone. You could definitely trust like Matt lauer. You know who is pals with him back then, rachel maddow, weird We see now like emperor palpatine, going to brunch with baby yoda or carlson's low rated MSNBC gig didn't last long, but his personal brand only grew stronger. He was not going to
rest until the world knew all thirty six of his names having flunked out of t v, twice tucker Seamus MC duck. Carlson began rebuilding his journalism career by working with one of radio's, most respected broadcasters bubba the love sponge, where he was able to channel his inner shock jock. I love women are extremely primitive you're talking to a feminine given year. Well, you know men really need to be more sensitive, and no actually you just need to be quiet how to do what you're told, depending on your age, marriage at all. I just don't think it's the same thing exactly at pulling a child ribbons out and sexually assaulting a child.
In this case, has made a wife one commitment. The women take care of the person who gave a little rocket crappy place filled with a bunch of you now hear me literate perimeter monkey because I call them I regarded cut. It does seem a little you said, and I just agreeing with one thing couldn't be denied, took our car wilson said all that out loud on purpose. Knowing other people would hear him, plenty of people would be proud to coastal calling women the sea were.
Not tucker in two thousand and ten. He remade himself yet again as a public intellectual behind the new website, the daily caller. Soon he was ready for his most important role. Yet fox news, superhero tucker, vanderpump, make read. Carlson was home, and this time he became something completely new. A man of the people. Democrats have become the party of the elite professional class eager to lecture you about open borders, global warming from their gated communities, the most privileged people in our society, shouting down at trump's, voters yup,
working class americans, you must be quiet. Tucker. You went to the elite. Schools of this kind did idea. We should finance. As I know it is man, it was the performance of a lifetime, an aristocrat he spent his entire adult life working in media, acting as if he had just crawled out of the coal mines and sat in front of a tv camera in karlsson wasn't afraid to use his new cloud to uplift, the most needy. Among us, people who hate immigrants are leaders, worship body, ultra, listen because all cultures are equal except that are not all equal, our civilization is superior and we need to defend it. Latin american countries are tortured demographic change on this country to raise that american voters consistently say they don't want. You have a moral obligation to admit the world's poor. They tell us, even if it makes our own country poor and dirty or and more divided, isn't it crowding your country the fastest way to despoiling tipp, polluted tapirs swamp thing. The craft karlsson was like a beautiful
first statue of liberty telling everyone to get their tired huddle masses out here, but any fox news hosts could hate emigrants. Fact most of them did so tucker up to the anti. How precisely is diversity or strength you get along better with your neighbors, your co workers, if you can't understand each other or share no common values, white supremacy, that's the problem! This is a hoax. This may be a lot of things. This moment we are living through, but it is definitely not about black lives and remember that when they come for you at this rate they will. We have every right to fight to preserve our nation and our heritage and our culture and the scale of the african air
associated with submissiveness is larger than inhuman or any of the subhuman species on planet earth tucker was on fire like a cross on a black family's long, but as twenty twenty one began, he was once again restless for a change so carlson put on yet another hat. This time made of tinfoil Democrats rig, election in front of all of us, and nobody did anything about what about this fact seen. Why I or americans being discouraged from asking simple, straightforward questions about it. Questions like how effective are these drugs? Are they safe and by the way? How much of the drug companies making off this stuff, the bible, affection is totally real. It's no way part of a slick. Pr campaigns devised by civil consultants, determined to hide sensibility by misdirection of better off there, Israel is climate change, a little nuts well, maybe, but unlike
moon landing or a forty four year, marriage. You can't fake ratings like this, and while yes, at least one person did sue for defamation, a judge dismissed the case on the grounds that any reasonable viewer knows that even things Tucker says are. Facts are not actual facts, so whatever the future holds for him. One thing we know is that tucker severus mcfly carlson will do it with a while whatever is going on there at ford, pride ourselves on building strong, capable vehicles but we're only as strong as the people who drive them. People, like you, you don't just see enough one fifty or afford super duty, but see what they can build look at a four hundred and fifty horsepower mustang and invasion where it can take them or see the new, bronco or bronco sport and think that thing,
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these are voting machines made by dominion who no one had ever heard of until Fox put them at this. A mass conspiracy fox said dominion, storm the election with these are two data. Looking janitor Cox now, dominion is suing fox for one point, six billion dollars in the lawsuit is airing out. who put murdoch's dirty laundry. There is breaking news tonight involving fox news and honour rupert murdoch, acknowledging under oath that fox news hosts endorsed false election fraud claims it's a candid admission from fox news, boss, rupert Murdoch about how his network handled donald trump lie about the twenty twenty election more, Acknowledging quote. Some of our commentators were endorsing false claims that the election was somehow stolen from former president tromp explosive newly reveal testimony in the dominion voting systems lawsuit shocking. You revelations, new bombshell admissions under of awe
but a bombshell isn't shocking examples. Fox knew the election wasn't stolen, but they said it anyways. That's not shock, Brian kill me ever completed a word all that would be shocked when I say I am very entertained because of this lawsuit bunch of fox news house had to release their text messages and you all know this now not a you know this there's linked in you,
and then there's imessage you, the deep dark underbelly of who you really are and boy. Oh boy, were these imessages guy court filings show that in private fox host, tucker carlson, laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity were brutally ridiculing the claims of election fraud and the people who were making them top fox host privately trash. The trump legal team for lying as Tucker carlson texted, laura ingram sidney powell is lying. It's insane, ingram responded. Sydney is a complete nut. Tucker Carlson referred to donald trump as a demonic force. The private mockery, also targeted trump lawyer, Rudy giuliani, Sean Hannity, wrote giuliani, is acting like an insane person, while ingram remarked such an idiot. Oh my god, do you realize what this means these?
both are secretly saying These guys are texting each other all day about how bull shit box loses. Their group shadow basically MSNBC but out of everything we learn about fox news, there was one text that came out and discovery that truly freaked me out. It's when Tucker Carlson's fox news had to be more supportive of donald trump selection claims, Tucker karlsson, his producer, Alex pfeiffer. Do the executors understand how much credibility and trust we ve lost with our audience, we're playing with I am for real and alternative like news max could be devastating us donor. Somebody saying here he's saying If I don't say this bullshit, my viewers will leave me This whole time we thought fox news was manipulating its viewers, but it
turns out the viewers, women relating hobbs, so you think talking karlsson is a moral vacuum. If you will, there are five election deniers, so a glory He's viewers expect him to please them with his mouth and instantly terrified that they'll find a new, more satisfying glory hole, and that's why Tucker carlson will never stop sucking the daily show. So, let's talk about pots rose I the deal, what a big law so right now and because of it, a bunch of fox news, has had to give up all their private decks. So we and find out what they really think about donald trump and its whole.
according to core documents, hosted tucker karlsson, texted a producer of january fourth, twenty twenty one. We are very, very close to being able to ignore trump most nights, referring to tromp karlsson says I hate him passionately. I can't handle much more of this cross about it will offer tending. We ve got a lot to show for it because it meeting what a disaster it's in is to tap to digest that come on. There really isn't an upside to trump. That's why you are what all I cry was gone. I know this looks bad, but their make em sex is gonna, be so much harder. This simple fact whose, if they want to keep their shit quite nation, knew what the crack gillis do use
if all sucker listen black lives matter really do give me back my burner I want you this, though I have never seen citizens private text that was so opposite from their public persona. There's like binding, Nicky clearly has a black said. She got text oh yeah come a new model. We bobo, I gave a fox news which yesterday agreed to pay seven hundred eighty seven point: five million dollars for saying dominion. Voting machines helped Joe Biden steal the election that more details of the settlement have come out. It turns out it's not all bad news for facts.
Deal, sparing fox from what would have been a very high profile trial with some of the network's one stars likely testify dominions. Legal team says there will be no on air apologies or retractions on fox news. In a statement saying this settlement reflects fox's continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards, the right high, journalistic standards like this, the great eminem got our boots back. But apparently snl lesbian, maybe like I'm happy for dominion, but dominion was the only injured party here. What about you know our faith in democracy? There are people who trust elections for the rest of their lives, and I have to talk to those
but I'm going to argue with them from rallies every four years for the rest of my life, and you know what I'm alive. I didn't expect this law suit to restore our country, spain and elections, or for me to get a little cash all I know, but I was at least hoping to get a couple weeks: joy out odyssey. Sean Sean hannity up there on the stand. Sweating throws short like a beach manatee that have saved democracy. I don't know, but it would have been nice to see or any of that very to apologize and frankly, we deserve that bare minimum. The settlement won't give it to you. Then. I shall
There is much fall out this evening and there will be four months. We are admitting that we lied to you for saying a wrong things about the twenty twenty election. But why is that? While the truth is donald trump lost the election, but no, we didn't tell you because we do care. What you think now we have hundreds of millions of dollars. We were wrong. We are completely irresponsible and we're sorry, america, I'm sure for repeating something that was untrue inside sorry. I take a quick break and cry in a closet. It was losing their stuffed animals there well has the power to automate. But if it's you untrusted data. Can you trust the results? This doesn't just need a it needs the right ay I for your business
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Let's move onto the big story rocking the media world today, you know that's stupid. Look, that's always on Her carlson's, very good reason for this just to see in and took her curls and is at fault choose the one two hundred ways feeling, although dorsey is here with more on this. What are you learning he was out on friday? Will we see him say goodbye, we're not going to see him say goodbye. This is really stunning news coming from fox, they say: have lasher was April twenty first, they put out a very short statement. They said thinking for a service, and that's it. That's all. We know right now. wow. I can't believe that a network that so opposed to gender affirming surgeon,
just cut off their own deck. Now, apparently, jogger was forced out by rupert murdoch, which is pretty chronic tucker so many years saying that mexican people were coming to take our jobs away turns out. should have been worrying about is, and we we do not know exactly what led rupert murdoch to fire has networks biggest star, but reportedly he was concerned over carlson's conspiracy theories about january six. So let this be a lesson to ever petty. If you try to topple america's democracy, you can stay on tv for two more years and that that the whatever the reason was Tucker's firing is going to leave a huge white power vacuum at fox and I'm glad he's gone. But if I'm being honest,
also a little nervous about what is going to do next. You now its leg after pop John got fired. You just knew he was out there somewhere working on a pizza gave her even worse diarrhoea by the way tucker carmathon in then the only cable news anger to get the cnn just spire don lemon after seven. t new year's eve blackouts years of service. So it's been a tough day to be a news anchor on cable in sorry. Sorry, what that? Oh, Oh I'm also being fire. I would guess I'll pack up my things, stabler scissors, photos.
Giant fish, the colony, a girly girl, the best I just got here, I'm finishing this out. The yesterday Carl then got fired from his job at fox news, and it was a huge surprise to everyone, including tucker. Apparently they only told him ten minutes before announcing it publicly, which is so cold and that's barely enough time to pack up. was nazi memorabilia, not to mention he was boxes most popular anchor and they still fired. Him then be like if MSNBC fired,
Well, the imagine if there was a show people watched on MSNBC, it would be like firing them and look. I know people love making fun of tucker, but just just put yourself in his shoes say you're this massive piece of shit with no you gotta giggle, like attack on me, elmo and floppy hair cut me always have your I'll, hang in open like your dry in your teeth, I forgot where I was going with this tapirs it asshole. Now we soon exactly what got tucker fire urging maybe it was election, lies that cost box new, seven hundred and eighty seven million dollars. Maybe it was insulting his bosses in private tax, maybe
it was his overall vibe of creepy dad driving the babysitter home, or maybe it was this. The daily beast reports that Tucker's repeated use of the seaward was a key factor in his demise. According to text messages from the dominion lawsuit Tucker referred to trump lawyer sidney. How will, as the sea word and a former pretty throughout. His show alleges she heard the word around the office constant. Female politicians who came on the show were marks. There were debates about who they rather sleep with sea word. all the time they use a sailor. All the time How do you we use the seaward at the office all the time? Oh susan's, taking launch orders, tell them I'll. Just have a salad hold the you know. What do you want to share for the audience at home? I know that just got leaved. I just said
The word fini why you know what it's ok, Tucker's allowed to say the sea word, because he is one I things off with Tucker karlsson, the world's most unemployed boat, shoe no one's heard from tucker senses. Surprise firing on Monday accept the pillow here and screaming into it turns out. There may be a good reason for that. Fox news executives reportedly have a dossier of dirt on hand, to keep him from attacking the network. That's right, they appear Currently, have him saying the most vile things you can imagine and the way? They compiled it, and this is genius, is,
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-03.