« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

The Coronavirus Wreaks Havoc in Italy and the U.S. | Mikki Kendall


Trevor covers the effects of the coronavirus in Italy and the U.S., Jaboukie Young-White offers tips on staying coronavirus-free, and Mikki Kendall discusses "Hood Feminism."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You listening to Carmody Central. March nine? Two thousand and one from probably said, rose Wall NEWS Headquarters in New York. This is the daily revenue years. Our guests tonight is an offer, an activist whose new book is called feminism, make
Kendall is gonna, be joining us. Everyone onto my show, Joe Biden, makes a surprising friend, Djibouti on. Why tells us how to stop Corona and Donald Trump might should we be a genius. So, let's catch up on Sundays headlines, let's kick it off with the democratic primary Rick's or, as I like to call it too, Two furious it's down to Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden and tomorrow could be the day we find out who's going all the way former vice president, Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders are both in Michigan today, ahead of tomorrow's Democrat, presidential contest. Six states will hold votes, Three hundred and fifty two delegates of those Michigan is the big prize it as the most delegates. A hundred and twenty five of them tenders is half a dozen events in Michigan. Since rhino release but this is where he can block bindings momentum on Sunday bite a nerd get another endorsement from a former opponent, this time centre.
Coverlet heiress, five decided then I am with great enthusiasm, went indoors still by proposing that the United States, I believe in job. I really believe in him, and I have known for a long time now. Please send ten thousand dollars an unmarked rules so that my family can see me again. I am very happy to be here. I don't understand, our common heritage, shoppers hostage style, video to show her support for Joe Biden. It looks with it really does not even that how they bond is looking at this video like we had better lighting and we would in a cave much better much better. Also, it's a little range from. Among our american politics, it illustrates that House Camelot Gonna, endorse Joe Biden and not acknowledge that she once called him a friend of races to opposed integrated public schools like for me. You have to at least say look, I know we ve had our differences, but
or something like that. Otherwise you make it seem like we're crazies, you guess waiting is like I've. And for a long time and is greater than the during the debates? All that was different like when you were a kid, give us legal, whether friends, house and you could hear their parents you at each other in the next room, and then they come out like hey, there's one so for dinner on you like, we acknowledge that deadline NBC should that just window, because I'll have pepperoni arbalist move onto some international news, because while America We have to worry about one presidential inauguration next year over in Afghanistan. There dealing with two And Afghanistan to different politicians who both claim to on the presidential election staging their integration. Ceremonies are got me. The first be sworn on this point Europe has been afghan presidencies. Twenty fourteen and the country's Election Commission say hey one second term in September last year.
We are hearing. Mr Gandhi has made his inaugural speech. When that happened, several explosions half a nearby with just had the footage through heavy listen. Like what Ok, I don't know what's crazier than two peoples. The president or that, while guys giving his speech explode. Are shaking the building- and he just On going like, as was saying I am very happy to be of residence. So now Afghanistan is in the sticky situation, because two people are claiming to be the president. No one knows
two. If you ask me what you just get Morey over there to solve this hoping we like you, are not the leader, although at the same time, why? Why do? What do we fixes the worst? I did you have to present? We never thought of it. Maybe the notion that the like prison should have day shift in my chief. Maybe that could be a new thing. It would be easier for the present then they could have void the blame for bad news. He would like. Mr President, the people are starving is just like all I just clock, then I get a second night shift problem. Sorry I didn't. Finally, as you know, yesterday was the beginning of daylight. Savings. Time is the day When all the clocks leave the microwave clock behind and then I'd savings has already had its critics. But now it looks like people in power have also had an
for the senator marker. Rubio is calling for people to reach out to their representatives and senators and asked them to lock the clock and support his bill to make daylight saving time permanent, it's time to go permanent, billboard savings, and then this once and for all, we have a duty to do them. Assuming you have done, this year's stupid remember I remember tat. You senator in time stop this changing at the time and walk the clock. Ok, why do american senators shoes if he's like hostage videos? What is it what's going on dark hole was bare walls, weird lighting outside it the corona virus might be worse than they are telling us and every as already in a fallout, shelter like Rubio, just faking us out with this video yeah daylight savings. Am I right guys, let my family then seal the doors we are we really going to turn back the clock to just shoot, dab dab? We don't have enough grey
anyway Guys- and one thing: why is Senator Mako Rubio telling us to call center It's like bitch, you worked there tell them yourself. Can you hold my job? I know it's actually create that sounds as even have the power to change what time it is because they can just vote, and then time goes back and our two good thing, I'm not a senator, because I would be proposing these bills. Every day I was gonna change time five times a day, Albion Instagram, like hey, guys, Apple genius boss, as they can see me until three p m. Please call Yosemite is how did you get my phone fixed limit traveller Europe lacks thanks, guys, you gotta gray, that's over the headlines us move on top story. The virus- it's not only will pandemic. It's also every
these new excuse for cancelling plans, which reminds me Dave I go to your birthday party. I might corona virus and find your very annoying, but the question remains: how serious is the spiral threat going to get? Well, let's go and on the latest developments in our ongoing segment. Is this how we die outside of China, one of the countries hardest hit The corona virus has been ITALY, corona cases they see to be doubling overnight, and it's gotten so bad that the sis in chapel: God is now refusing to touch man, that's what the government of ITALY they just decided to shut it all down. All in ITALY he's going on lockdown type.
Prime Minister, announcing drastic new measures just a short time ago? Essentially telling everyone in his country to stay home for Prime Minister Giuseppe Conti, announcing tonight severe restrictions on the entire nation of around sixty million people tomorrow morning. All sporty then Seraph, including soccer, the general black should only go to work and work from home possible in a room suburb, faithful, celebrated mass outdoors noticed the disks between them. Adhering to government did vice that members of the public should stay three feet away from one another. Less right. Folks, nicer, Corona ITALY is completely locked. No shock matches no cinema Even church has changed because worship is don't want to close and it's gonna be to take communion seriously when the peace process, the throne,
It wasn't a people's mouse from across the room. Can you imagine that just gonna be like the body of cries from downtown? What does not just Europe? Corona virus is also reckon havoc here in the? U S and is becoming clear that no one is safe. Back here in this country to members of Congress are putting themselves under a quarantine, because a man attending a large gathering of Republicans tested positive for the corona virus. Senator ten crews and congressmen Paul goes or say they had caught with the man at last month's event, known as sea pack, two additional Republican, Congressmen will undergo self quarantine. Gaze and dug Collins, drawing Senator TED crews, crews, unleashing a street machine. Everyone should continue to treat this outbreak seriously and be driven by fax in medical science yeah, because corona virus was at sea pack for republican lawmakers are now quarantined and can have no human
human contact now what's like concerning human contact. If it turns out it turns out. Multiple people in Congress have Akerana contact. They might have to send all of Congress Home, which would be a disaster. Because there's no one in Congress than who would be left to not pass any law and look with corona virus spreading across the country. I know a lot of people are scared right now, but there is no need to fear my friends, because you see the stable genius. Chief is on the case and he's gonna do everything he can to help all of us through this thing, unless your sick man, then you're on your own this morning, thirty five, more people on the grand princess cruise ship will disembark in Oakland, California other just forty five people tested twenty one have confirmed cases. All will remain in isolation for
eighteen days, political importance that pension health department officials reason that quickly removing passengers was the safest outcome, but the president he had very different idea. They would like to have the people come off I'd rather have the people state what I'd go with them? I told them to make the decision. I would rather because I, like the numbers being where they are. I dont need to have the numbers double because of one ship. That was our fault One thing I appreciate about from is that, even if he does the right thing, he still tell that he wanted to do their own thing. Everyone tell me to save those people in the boat, but if it was up to me I'd, let those bastards dad just give me one fire arrow and I saw the boat problem. Viking style, boom, Corona Valhalla problem now, what's fascinating about Trump. Is that even ass. He bumbled his way through the corona response. He thinks
he's doing an amazing job. I like most of you, my uncle pursues at MIT retorted MIT for things like a record number of years in great super genius, Doktor John Trump. I like your stuff. I really get it surprise that I understand the reward of these actions. Have you know so much about this? Maybe I have a natural ability, maybe I shouldn't than that instead of running for president, maybe I should have done a lot of what we are now and I'll be honest, even if Trump head from other job. I still think you find a way to somehow ruin things. Even if he was a mailman he'd still screw things up with doing down larger corona vaccine, but I ran over it with my truck. If you search on the cardboard, you should be fine and by the way I am not sure that Trump, has a natural ability for science expression
considering that he thinks scientific knowledge can be passed down through. Is uncle, doesn't have a natural the brain of a natural anything. I mean that's where we can all see his task, wiping before his call out. There's nothing natural about this man. That's not a normal thing, but when clearly Trump is not a natural expert at this because he said the vaccine could be ready in a few months it can't couple weeks ago, so the number of cases would quickly go down to zero. It has been the opposite, even said that you can spread the disease, if you sneeze with your eyes open, but it doesn't tromp trump can afford to be missing, What about corona much is because he's president, but because, as an older man, who's not ingrate shape and spends his time touching strangers he's definitely at risk. If trumpets, not careful, he could get sick. He could be incapacitated away.
Of all, he could be trapped in quarantine, would TED mother Teresa pursued is brought you buy irresistible from focus features written and directed by John Stewart, starring, Steve Corral Chris Cooper, Mackenzie Davis and rose burn. In theatres and on demand? Now John Stewart is back and he's bringing you the comedy events of this summer irresistible The story of a democratic political consultants who helps a retired marine, Colonel run for mayor in a small Wisconsin town Watch, Steve Corral and rose burn face. In a local election that garners national attention. John Stewart Irresistible is in theatres and on demand. Now.
Has the corner virus continues to spread it's time for us to face the uncomfortable truth that we're all going to come in contact with it at some point, it's everywhere, Europe has its Africa. Has America has known who doesn't have it is that guy in the bud, and parasites he's got other problems now, if you're in sparsely populated area, you might be ok, but one of the worst things you can do right now is being any kind of cramped. Space where people are packed, taking together, like alive studio audience for late. Like most people are school, but now you guys you there's a cool years, go by worse, if you in a city like New York, which is basically one big studio, audience the goods there's no, the governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, is taking action
governor Andrew Como, has declared a state of emergency in New York. Has dozens of new cases of corona virus are determined each day with testing happy? around the clock contain in get leave chase it down, get elite chase down, find a positive quarantine. Governor Andrew Cuomo sounding the alarm against riding the subways if you're sick. You see a pact train car, let it go by wait for the next train, yes to minimize your risk New York City, you should wait for less crowded train and we actually have a live image of someone who still waiting for less crowded. Three. Let me give you a tip about New York, there are no less crowded trains and if there is an empty call on the train, whatever is in
is worse than cologne. Even corona virus would be like if we wait for the next one yeah just wait like me: I'm going I'm waiting for the next one Although the governor gave some unhelpful advice, he does have a plan to help ensure that there's plenty of hand sanitize for the rest, of New York, we're introducing new York State clean hands. Ties are made conveniently by the state of New York. This, is a superior product to profit. Now on the market. This is seventy. Five percent alcohol It has a very nice floral, I detect a lilac,
I dreamed Tulip Sweden's Nike Why are you putting your hands on someone else's polina virus? Will you do look cool? the kind of guy who would open the door to prove the zombies are gone? I swear. I don't hear them. Let me jack, but look I will say a state making its own hand sanitizing give people free and sense, as it is a great idea. I love this, Although I don't know why almost trying to sell us on the great smelt this corner virus buying the hands on his eyes, I'm taking it. You'll have to sell boom the free. Imagine if the captain of the Titanic was like everyone get involved, wraps hears upon bonus. They smell like fresh begged cookies. Also they come in a really fun shade of yellow just in time for spring excitement. You had me we're thinking, I mean I'm not while we
waiting on governments, to figure out a solution to corona the World Health organization? Keep reminding us that there is a lot that US individuals can do to prevent the spread of this disease so for more information. We are joined by our senior health experts, Djibouti and whites. Everybody ferry, and everyone knows what it wanted. Some of the things that people can do themselves about the corona virus. Okay, so, first of all Trevor, there is no need to panic all right. Supper old people, you guys screwed, you as a non muddle, ok well will occur, only be the judge of the oil anyway Djibouti. I asked you to to help us find the best hygiene practices sanctioned by the World Health Organization. What what does your research shown? Yeah? Ok, so I read this really interesting. Tweet between yeah? I read this tweet thread, which is basically a book.
Ok, I learned that we need to stop shaking hands. You know Do we even do that in the first place, like seriously, whose idea. Was it for us to be like hey, you know those things used to wipe our butts. Let's run, Rudy fingers so my first it if you are still shaking hands with people, stop it right now stop that you dirty bitch why'd. I don't think anyone is disagreeing with you about shaking hands. It's actually what I've been using the elbow that way you don't even touch hands with people. Elbows Trevor you're using your elbow. How do you cough went with its basically
eating someone's our call for a bed just shook like what do you do when you can tell me what you do anything I caught a cough into into my elbow, and then I touch it to somebody's. Exactly your coughing directly into some once ass. Elbows are not as clean as people think, as someone it takes a lot of showers of people. I can tell No one ever washes their elbow. Ok, so Djibouti, then, what's the best way to greek people? Okay, so where I recommend, is you put your hand over your heart, like so then Yuba? That's easy! That's easy! Social, just like like this is like a little below oh, like this year, Will you wanna go low enough to kiss your all that's good by Canada, Japan
Would you like to an activist who offers a critique of mainstream feminism in her new book Hood Feminism notes from the women that movement forgot. Please welcome. Mickey Kendall working through, thank you for having thank you for writing, what is one of the most interesting books? I've read on feminism in a very were long time. Hood feminism is a really interesting title because somebody people, I believe this is a different type of feminism in the hood that we don't know about. I think that there is I would argue that feminism in the herd is really about survival and less about becoming steel. And more about becoming you know, a person who can afford to keep your house stay home for two steering corona virus and generally feed your kids through that press rights. If it
just that. You say that, because many people have said that the term femme feminism itself is starting to lose its. I guess it's power, because everyone has a different definition of what it means. You know some have accused certain. Rise of the feminist movement of leaving black women behind some people have said that feminism itself from its mainstream feminism doesn't think about all of the additional factors facing certain people. What do you think needs to improve? What is hood feminism if you think about applying it to everybody? bout it this way. If we made sure that everyone who is currently on the margins is centred in our work and we make sure that they ve got housing, matchless hierarchy of needs, re housing, food, health care. We make sure that people have access to education and opportunity. It's a better world for everyone right. So your answer, for we want to reduce crime Well, make sure people dont have a reasonably criminals rights. We want to reduce the spread of the corona virus, make sure people can stay home for two weeks and be paid a living wage rights and be able to access, groceries and medical care, and all of these things like every answer. Basically,
down to forget new feminism for all women. We have to make sure that the poorest women have everything they need to survive. You can't fight for your rights if you can barely stay alive. It's interesting that you bring that up in the book in a completely different way, because you talk about it from a personal perspective. You know you you talk about it as it as as it affects people today. How did your life Fine, how you think about feminism. So I was raised by my grandmother- and I was one of those kids who we would now casually say was address gray, and it was fine. I You know I gotta jail or any of those things, but I marry the guy who was not great more and then I got a divorce and one of the fun things about getting a divorce. We ve left and abusive relationship and you don't have any money as a single parent is that you find out really quick whether or not you have a safety net while right. So I lived in the process,
ass. I went to college jobs, but U S vat. So I went to college while living in the projects and raising my son, my ex husband didn't pay child support, yadda yadda. So there is food, stamps and Medicaid, and all of those things, I was one of those people we always see talked about this. You know someone who's siphoning from the system right except they paid into the system. I get help from the system and I promise you I pay more in tax is now more than ever got great, I mean that's a great success story. It's wonderful that you you you you! You came from that place to this place, but is also interesting that you Don't stop looking back and going like I'm lucky, because I here's the thing, if you say well, I made it out at me. Everybody else has to make it to want to ignore the people who are who helped you make it outright, and me you just keep the problem going. There are always another girl. Like me, there was always in other parent like there's always another person who is struggling and we are,
We do ourselves no favours when we don't take care of people right. You'll need a hand up right, and it's really is we love a bootstrap in America. Bootstraps are stupid. We can pull themselves by their boots. Right, that's never happened. I want you to go your shoe ways and try and pull yourself up and right and breaking your shoe lead nowhere. So what what people do get help from right is lift as we climb reach back and help someone and the next one, each one teach one is another saying that from like the eighties animals with loathing, but as you move forward and bring people with you, everything gets better. How does this applies specifically to feminism local? Someone might read this book and say will make everything you're saying here just seems like a progressive platform. You know health care and and and and job opportunities, and you know paid maternity leave etc. How are these things besides? the key aim feminism? Why do you think we have to think of those policies, ideas specifically through a feminist lens, because, if we're
the right policy that says we're. Gonna, look at a movement that says it's for all women, but that movements work only focuses on a pretty a group of women and ignores everyone else. Well, one fact you may have noticed that this last election cycle, we, the fifty three percent number, because we haven't talked about race in class and women right white women. Will vote based on race more, they will vote based on gender. Shall that's what does with Warren? Who just learn that lesson. So therefore, when we talk about them, and we talk about women. We have to talk about all women and issues that affect all women, not just issues that affect some women should be the focus, I'm not going to be a ceo. Why guess it could be a really try to allow quickly you change perspective on life like the two boys, I'm never going to be. I can do it. I think I think I can do anything about what right do it, but I do also recognise there's what a hundred or We hundred women ceos in America given pawing right How many sea do we need
how many nurses, teachers, doctors right moms all of these things. So do you think Then you know, because when I read through the book, what was interesting as an argument and on an idea was that a lot of feminism seems to have been focused around like powerful positions, only your people, gone like we need more women seals. We need more women in power. We need more women, a ruling in doing this, which we do need. But in addition to that, you argue that many waves of feminism have left out. Just women in general and what they need to just survive. Yes, because when we look at the world right, most women were fifty one percent of the world's population or the round that that percentage for the? U S, how many are the ninety nine percent and how many are the one percent, how many women are going to be living act or below the poverty line? Even if Europe, Wolden quote middle class and you make unless they fifty thousand dollars a year. I think the way the latest round of math for New York is it.
Living wage in New York is something like a hundred thousand dollars a year between eighty and a hundred so you're still. We come in New York, even if you're, not low income in right, Kansas or relatively useful around him Reyes. So, if you're looking at, these things in your saying? Well, I dont know how you're supposed to be here pay these bills and Bob. Why? But that it's gonna be see also, maybe she'll fix it, but she still paying her employees fifteen dollars an hour, alas, that the woman in we're help anyone wanted to just gets in power, so Feminism Haslets, the women who have power and also with the women who needs be able to survive, because if we want all women to do better, if we want a movement that is for all women, we need to meet the needs. Of every woman. As best we can.
It's a powerful statement that makes sense, which means a lot of people are going to hate it. I love it though. Thank you so much for being on the show, a really wonderful book. Daily, shall determine oh here's. A dish wants unavailing show recognised that eleven ten central on family, central and calmly, several watch full episodes. Videos at the daily showed was on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and subscribe to the daily show on Youtube or exclusive competence in this is better comedy central podcast,
Transcript generated on 2020-06-28.