« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

Supreme Court Victory for LGBTQ Employees | Stacey Abrams & Alicia Keys


The Supreme Court rules to protect LGBTQ employees' rights, Stacey Abrams discusses "Our Time Is Now," and Alicia Keys talks about her new song "Perfect Way to Die."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You listening to Carmody central everybody was gone on. Welcomes another episode of the danish social distancing, show entrepreneur and still in my apartment building the show- and you know it's crazy- is here. We are another Monday, another Monday in the middle of corrupt, in the middle of protests about police brutality and it is another Monday of another police brutality incident like another story that has people going. How long, how much when? Is it enough? The stories out of Atlanta
Rashad Brooks, and forgive me if I get any of the details wrong before so far. As I know, you've probably seen the video you read the story. Richard was in his car in a Wendy's drive thru. He was uncle tipsy or had had alcohol and fell. Asleep fell asleep people driving around his car, and so somebody at the windows call the cops. The cops arrive at Wendy's and you know they get restoration of the car and they start talk. To him for about thirty minutes now asking him. Is he drank wisely driving? What's going on, I mean it seems pretty standard and the whole time throughout this video you have human beings being human beings. You have reassured whose clearly any bruited and he's talking to the cops, and you have the cops asking the question that was interesting, but for me about those videos like in the beginning, it seems like everything is going to be fine. The cow
talking to him like a person, then not being there not being a girl did not being disrespectful than are being mean or anything he's being respectful he's calling them. Sir he's not he's not cussing the Maltese he's offering to to walk everything is going well. Everything is going well. And then in one moment in just a few seconds, every part of that normal story turns into
abnormal ending that we ve come to know as interactions with police and black people, because the police trying to arrest him. He he resists any free reasons with the police in the scuffle. They try and take him while he's being tasty grabs the taser he gets up. He runs away and are missing a few bits of the story, because I want to take you through too much of it. But but that's essentially what happens reassured runs away and the police chased him. As he's running, he shoots off the taser and one of the copse switches, his weapons from attains a tool gun and shoetrees shod. Two or three times in the back and he's dead and immediately everyone. Everyone goes around goes to their battle stations. That's that's what place me about these stores ever scarcer their battle stations. You know immediately people go well once again. Another example of black people resisting the
some being criminals and why you driving drunken you're running away from the police in war? And then, of course, you have other people, you know in their battle stations sing all of course. Another story of hops? Who immediately should a black man for just sleeping in his collar, but like its messy? No one wants to admit that thing is messy. Its messy. If the story didn't happen now, maybe we'll do we would be looking at a differently, but it's a messy story. It's not the perfect, and in a way it not being the perfect story means we should look at it in the most perfectly possible. We should try and break it down and understand how something like this comes to be because we don't always have been like this. We don't always have stories like this, and we don't even know why? Don't you always look at it like this, but let us take a moment to talk about what and you have, you have, a man who is sleeping in his car, managed sleeping in his car and he's drunk was drunk driving. Let's say he is
Right so he's broken some low or no not worth dying, for I think we can all agree on that. The police approach him and even then I asked the question: why are armed police dealing with a man who sleeping in his car. He pose no threat to anybody, know one and when these felt afraid causa driving around him he's not stopping people for more influential, so while armed police then the first place. Basically, nothing like these are the questions. We should ask why why why why why why? Why are armed police, the first people who have to go and respond to somebody who snipping in their car whose drunk, secondly, why do the police not give? I mean the man said to them. I will walk home if you're, protecting and serving people. What is the true purpose of you? Not wanting people to drive drunk is that you don't want them killing themselves and other people. In this instance, no one had died because of his driving and he didn't kill himself because of his driving
It was a police officer. Maybe it's because I live in a utopian world where the police are truly just trying to protect and serve not trying to write enough tickets, not trying to get enough people arrested, not going to fool, quote to know they're trying to protect and serve in that instance. You would hope a policeman would say sure you do not look fit to drive. You said your sister lives around the corner, you said you'll take. You will take you home when it's fine. You driving we found you sleep in a car, so we'll give you the benefit of the doubt the country's burning down, because the way black people are dealt with by the police. So let us show you just in a moment, but it doesn't always have to end the way you think it has to end. I'm not saying they had to do that, but it would have been nice. They arrest him. He fights now. You know. What's messy about this whole thing is we forget, you are dealing with a drunk person, you're dealing with some of the very fact that
a lot of signed, a contract when you're drunk the very fact that you know what you do anything when you're drunk tells us something about drunk. We not drunk person is in society, they're, not gonna. Do the logical thing shows a policeman if, when drunk person doesn't illogical thing like when, I think of you should ignore the fact that the trunk it doesnt mean they deserve to die been drunk. We know one drunk people do I've been drunk. You been drunk no one has been drunk, you don't deserve to die so being drunk, and if police cannot respond, handle a droll presently woman. Then they should be responding. If you responding personal he's drunk means that person can be dead. The whole point of view going there was to make sure people don't die because of what has happened. But if the people than end up dead anyway, then, what's the point.
And people say he shouldn't have recent yet he's drunk, I'm not excusing, is but he's drunk in a situation like that. The sober person, in my opinion, the sober person, the onus, is upon them to make sure the situation doesn't get out of hand use sober he's, drunk how to Solomon wrestling with a drawing personal aground. How does it get that far? How does it in with him losing his life and people We say the same thing they go well, you know. If you didn't do that, then you would still be alive. They say the shit all the time if you didn't do that, but the truth is that if we keep up changing? Oh, if you didn't, you didn't resist a rest. If you didn't resist arrest, you would still be alive or if you didn't run away from the cops, you would still be alive, If you didn't have a toy gun and would twelve years old in the middle of a pact, then you would have still been alive. Well, you know what, if you,
during a hoodie, you would have still been alive. Well, you know. If you didn't talk back to the cops you would have still been like. If you weren't sleeping in your bed as a black woman, you would have still been alive. There's one common thread: beyond all the ifs, if you weren't black, maybe it'll be a life. That's what I have to say. The daily shoe is brought. You implored by Harry's. Here is news? Sometimes it's better to stay inside. That's why
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Jackie rolling, tries to do what Voldemort couldn't and destroy Harry Potter, but this year, pride month had been made worse by the Trump administration, may kill the rule that blocks doctors from refusing to treat transgender people and on Saturday they announced a new proposal allowing single sex homeless shelters to turn away transgender people. Were quote not really the right gender Minos amazing that even during a pandemic and national protests from pistol found a way to say screw you to the algae beating, you can just think of Hannibal Lecter was on his way to kill someone and then took a quickly towards burned. Community gotten, how much hate does one person need so much pride month? Wasn't looking great, but then This happened: a major civil rights decision out of the United States Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has ruled that algae BT, Americans are protected by the end, discrimination laws of this country at their work
cases. They cannot be fired or otherwise discriminated against at work, simply because there lesbian gay. Sexual or transgender it was written by, just as Neil Gorse Edge and joined by chief Justice, John Roberts Gore such appointed by President Trump she's, just a joke. Words the leader of the conservative wing of the court. It is sixty three opinion which in ringing terms, holds that the Civil Rights ACT of nineteen sixty four income is lesbian gay sexual and transgender people in this country, protecting them from discrimination by their employers. Yes, gay people across Amerika just got a huge win and my pants just got a huge and yours. The Supreme Court has ruled that people cannot be discriminated against at work. Simply because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, and the reason is because they are protected by the nineteen. Sixty four civil rights act.
Gotta admit that is one bad ass law to still be helping more groups get equal rights, I mean we have to buy a new Iphone every two years, but somehow this act is rolling on new features. Fifty six years later, and obviously this should all be basic decency. Nobody should be fired just for being gay lonely reed you should be fired if you're doing a job poorly. What are you doing a job? So well. Did you make let us look at him and then you also need to go now. The Supreme Court ruling isn't the only good news for human rights That is coming out right now, because over the weekend, black lives matter, rallies continued spreading around the globe, black lives matter and Anti as a protests continue around the world. Thousands in Europe, Asia and the South Pacific continued March
to call for equality. Black lives matters still reverberating around the world. Massive protests in Japan, New Zealand, South Korea. This is the: U S embassy, that thousands of people have formed a human chain in Berlin to unite against racism and discrimination. Participants were asked to wear masks and to keep socially distance from one another, and they were linked by colorful ribbons. Forming will organise is called a ribbon of solidarity protesters chanting. Black trans lives matter outside the broken museum. A number of groups took part in yesterday's demonstration with transgender activists leaving a marsh. Nearly thirty thousand people, all dressed in white in honour of black trans lives. Representative unity in the fight for equality, for justice, for to deepen
marginalized groups in New York City. Yes, from Brooklyn to Europe and all the way to New Zealand, thousands of people from all walks of life are still assembling in the streets to say that black lives matter, and it really is a power For things to see, I'm in the last thing this many people agreed on was the Carol Basque and probably killed her husband. I mean they're even coming, Japan didn't even have black people in Japan. Japan is basically saying when we finally see a black person. We will welcome with open arms. The whole world is watching. These rallies take place around the globe, its clear that one person is starting to feel jealous Donald Trump presence of the United States, and the only human who has ever fired a secretary of state and Meatloaf from hasn't been able to will the rally of his own since before the krona virus pandemic. But after months of waiting, he announced His first rally in months would take place this Friday in Tulsa Oklahoma. There was just
one problem reversal from president from now delay is controversial. Tulsa rally, it was initially scheduled for June teeth a day, marking the end of slavery, but after critic. As for the timing and tolls as history as a city scarred by century old race riots, the president tweeted many of my african american friend in supporters have reached out to suggest that we consider changing the date out of respect for this holiday. I have therefore decided to move our rallied to Saturday June twentieth in order to honour their request. Now, one way to look at this as the trumpets so Bolivia's haven't even realise how messed up it would be to have a really on June thirteenth. In a city, where one of America's worst racial massacres took place, but I guess the glass half full version of the story is that Even someone has recently Insensitiveness Trump is now
recognising the importance of June teeth and that's one nothing. I mean, let's be honest a year ago, if you told trumpet he couldn't hold a rally on June change. What would you have said he probably would have been like if I cared about a man, Sir nation- I would have freed millennia a long time ago. So the point as Trump is right, Rising in his own small grudging way the importance of June change and I think it's good. The trunk made the decision to move the rally because nobody was buying his first solution, which was to pretend that the rally was for June thirteenth. Your rally in Oklahoma is set for June nineteenth, sat on purpose No, but I know exactly what you're going to say: it's on the day of African American Administration is right in mister. I'm having a rally on that day. You can really think not every positively as celebration is a rally to me as a celebration. It's going to be really a celebration, and it's interesting day,
It wasn't done for that reason, but it's in adjusting date, but it's a celebration. Rarely you wanted to celebrate the end of slavery with a stadium full of white people. What is this? Do China gentrified June team it's a celebration. Bullshit excuse in old trumpets troubles that dead, who tries to act like he didn't just forget his kids birthday, I'd son, I'm off to the bar up daddy, it's my birthday, that's right! What better way to celebrate your birthday them by getting drunk with all my friends, you know I'm glad that Trump didn't go through with this ready, because if It was a good chance that was only one black family who showed up thinking it really was a jewel team celebration. I brought the potato salad. Oh shit, I'm misjudged this situation so luckily trumps seems to have solved the June team rally dilemma but, as is usually the case with Trump, so let me just one problem. Because, while he's really no longer conflicts with June teens, it still has a major conflict with the corona virus
with President Rob now just days away from his first rally since the corona virus outbreak of new warning this morning from tolls as health department, director Doktor Bruce Dark telling Tulsa World a large indoor rally with nineteen to twenty thousand people is a huge risk factor today in tolls Oklahoma, noting significant increase in cases, doktor DART, says he's concerned about our ability to protect anyone who attends, including our ability to ensure the president stays safe, acknowledged the risk. The campaigners now requiring anyone who attends to sign a liability waiver giving up their right to hold and pain or venue responsible. If they can tracked the virus. Ok, look and other social distancing has been falling out of fashion recently. But it's one thing for people to be gathering outdoors wearing mosques to fight against police brutality and racial oppression is another thing for thousands of people together, doors, probably without mosques, to watch a boxing match between a man,
mouth in his brain. I mean the fact, the trumpets making attendees agree to not him if they get corona virus at his really should be a pretty good signal that this whole thing is a bad idea. It also would you how full of shit trump has been about? Corona viruses whole time, because what is the contract even say promised not just show me if you get this deadly disease, which is basically a hoax and not that bad but totally under control, and you can cured with bleach also how is Donald Trump going to tell other people they comes to him. That is the most hypocritical thing. I've ever heard suing people is Trump's favorite thing in
Ty world as we speak, the men issuing Yankee candles for not having a hot dog sent so either way. It looks like this trump rarely is officially happening, corona virus be damned, and if you are planning on going to this, really I mean go with God, but just remember every time trump makes you sign something in advance. It means you're about to get screwed, when we come back I'll, be speaking to activists and form a democratic cabin for Georgia, Governor Stacy Abrams, welcome acts of a daily social distancing show my first Gaston Stacy Abrams, an activist and leader in the Democratic party. Earlier today we spoke about her new book time is now and a fight to end voter suppression. These Abrams welcome the danish social distancing, show it thank you
having me or not, yet that's that's a great way to put it having you and not. At the same time, we are living through a very strange time where you know it. Felt like carogne virus was need biggest issue affecting America and very quickly? We ve come to realize that there is a much longer ending issue that America has had that people are now standing up against and fighting about in the streets and, that's you know racial disparity. Police brutality, the lack of justice, full black people in this country for brown people who often times oppressed you lived that life in more ways than one. You know, as a black woman and as someone who has been in politics, you instant americana, very unique way. How do you feel about
America's going on right now. I think that we do ourselves a disservice if we actually separate these moments from one another. What has happened with covert nineteen is that it exposed the fractures and they inequities and our health care system and the expectations we have were essential workers. Essentially were the people we work protecting, but we demanded their obeisance to our needs anyway, and then what we saw been with George Floyd and Brianna Taylor and about our Brian Brie Brooks just in the last month or so. What happened to Tony MC date Mcdade is that we see that part of the dehumanization that we experience with cove. It translates into how we are viewed by those who are charged with protecting us, that police brutality, that systemic injustice, that systemic inequities or all the part of the original
then of America, which is the devaluation and the dehumanization of people of color primarily end most clearly, black people Atlanta, have become a hotbed of these conversations. Georgia has become a hotbed of these conventions, since everything from Ahmad Aubrey to- Racial brooks, as you just mentioned, has thrown Atlanta into turmoil. You know you, ve had police officials, resigning. You ve had the mayor coming out in condemning the violence and it feels like answer is more an edge than we ve seen I mean almost ever when you, when you look at what has happened, what is happening and and and the conversations around it? What do you think can these to go when you think Atlanta needs to the anything Georgia needs to go. I approach this in a different space, because my first
Major activism on my own was in the ninety two Rodney King protest. It was being a part of a community separated by gates the college on one side, housing projects on the other, but we were all cordoned, often tear gassed by the city of Atlanta by the state of Georgia. I understand the outrage and the pain that is discomfitting to some and offensive to others, because I understand where it begins and what we have to understand that these moments cannot be allowed to dissipate and let us return to not a normal but to a state of numbness, where we just accept that our deaths are gonna happen, we accept their degradation is going to happen. My hope, my expectation, the reason I wrote this book is because there is a pathway for more, but it doesn't happen if we just assume that we get what We get every dont deserve more. It really is interesting, but you have written a book that I think effects
many, including yourself, in an already personal way, to write a book about voter suppression, you know is. Is too many people would be it a tall task because they say: can you prove it? Can you show it? We just saw primers take place in Georgia where people were forced to wait an hour's. Some people even left before they could vote, was injured is that this took place in predominantly african american communities, but also an republican communities as well. Then a prominently white MIKE Mike. Since you is when I look at the book that your writing now and what's happening in Georgia, what are you looking for Georgia that America needs to learn about voting and protecting people's rights to vote. First of all, voters. Depression has a singular way of being expressed in Georgia. I experienced didn't eighteen experienced it on Tuesday, twenty twenty and it's happened for the last twenty years. But what singular to Georgia is not,
solely limited to Georgia, because we also watch on April, the seventh, as men and women were forced to stand and lines and at the height of Covert nineteen in Wisconsin we saw the owl long lines in Texas, because the shut down a precincts. We know that in November in South Carolina on Tuesday, while Georgia got the lion's share of the attention because of the size of our population. There were also challenges. Hours long lines because they shut down precincts and Clark County in Nevada what we at fair fight, the organization I started, what we are trying to do and when I'm trying to do through this book is make us pay attention to those oppression now in the primaries. So we can fix it for the general, because the other side, the conservatives that have architecture the suppression, they hoped that we give up, they hope we look away and they hope that the conflagration and then that the explosions of anger and pain that they have basically died down before
member in that we allow the system to continue the way it's been designed for entry. About. Georgia was the fact that you know some republican precincts were affected as well. Do you think that undermines the arguments of voters, oppression or do you think it shows something else it actually it? It's! The through line that I've tried to push since twenty teen in specific, which is that the targets may be people of color, and maybe young people, be the poor. But when you break the machinery of democracy, you break it for everyone, incompetence and malfeasance. When they come together, it can't distinguish who is the target and who is a bystander and that's why you saw republican communities, new areas that the speaker of the house overseas. They couldn't boat, black folks couldn't but round brown folks couldn't vote. It happens when you, when you harm the infrastructure of what holds us as a nation together everyone
suffers. They may not suffering the same amount and at the same time, but eventually it takes us all down the there's, no getting around the fact that one of the reasons you ve been put forth as a potential VP is because you speak, so many of the issues that Americans are facing today and because many people feel like you would bolster Joe by these presidential run, you know you would bring not just from angles, but I guess a different experience and different demographic Well, who support you? You know you have shown me. We ve seen your numbers in Atlanta was seen how strong YO with hispanic voters with younger voters etc. That's that's been the biggest conversation in and around the names Stacy Abrams my question to you, instead of
Are you gonna be the VP? Are you running should be the VP etc, which I wish I seen you mean asked a thousand times is. Rather, what do you think the role of a vice president should be especially in this climate? The role of the vice president is to be the leader, the chief lieutenant choose the person in charge. It's to shore up where additional support is needed is to take on specific task when they need to be delegated. But most of all, it is to reaffirm for an entire nation that the leader seized them and part of me background is that I come from a working poor community, but as a legislator, I did the work of holding police accountable, passing legislation. I did the work of criminal justice reform, ensuring that people had access. I worked on concrete issues helping bring together communities, as you pointed out, there are often separated I was able to commit,
Republicans to work tea party to work with me on environmental legislation, and I was able to get Republicans to do what's right to hold police accountable. I know how the systems work, because I've been a part of them, but I also know how they work because I've been a victim of them. I come from an activist community and an activist family that believes you fix the problems you see you dont lament then you work on them and that's what I would do and if I were so honoured it would be my role any role. The role of any person who the the vice president chooses to be his running made and his partner to use what we have to bring our experiences to add to the near if what America can be and that's why I'm I'm so excited to even have my name mentioned. To have you back on again and again and again- and I hope everybody reads the book, because I think every American released
and how important it is to maintain the safety and sanctity of their votes or states Abrams. Thank you so much for joining us on the trail. Thank you, MR now, it's been an honour. Thank you. So much mosaic after the break I'll, be talking to the legendary Alicia Keys state you will to the daily social distancing, show only yesterday I spoke with Grammy Award Winning Musician, Alisha Keys. We talked about her new song perfect way to die, which speaks to everything. Happening in America right now, and we got to talk about how she's, using her platform to raise awareness about Brianna Taylor check it out Keys war crimes in the daily social distancing ship. Thank you thank you. Has it been for you have you have you been here, and with all of this conversation communication so far away, I feel I feel more come didn't disconnect them than ever before and if you're feeling the same thing in ochres everything we do like this now, but then
you know you're talking to someone but they're, not then, and I'm trying to see your face, but then I see my face. Corner causes another picture than the cameras and alone is like how you dealing with it. Are you? Are you coping yeah? I mean you know. First of all, the family is help me, the families good, so that that's why I think I didn't They have gotten more used to communicating in this more digital space. Where I know at first, I was completely where now by the now I'm embracing, and I feel I feel like I get it so Workin out, you you ve written a new song and again you know she's right, songs about love, Alisha, keys, right songs about like the journey of falling in love with. You know, heartbreak central, but this is a different type of heartbreak you know you ve written a song and, and the time The song is perfect, waited die. Tell me tell me
but about the, why of the song? Why did you write the song and, and and what does it signify to wait to hear it? mean, oh, my gosh. Is it really started the catalyst for the song was might round and Sandra Bland And- and so you, you here, these stories and you hear their stories in his legs and and Devastating thing is that it's never not going to irrelevant and where we are right now in the world, this country in America. Particular me we are in a real real place that we can all see that there is a maid is the most major pandemic. Aha, you know this deeply. Racism. This police brutality, this treatment of black people. That is,
completely unacceptable to the point where Daily were seeing. You know, lives lost people, murdered Ford, nothing for being black you know, and- and so this song really does in camps, that, and also the fire of the cities that we're all in the fire of energy of the of the rallies and protesting and ended, ended in the end, the outrage in the place where we ve all reach, for we will not be silent anymore and end. It says I guess you picked the perfectly Is there a perfect way to die? It's so powerful, and I'm just honoured that this sum can be alive in this town When you know we really are on the precipice of great change as really amazing
I would argue you know you. One of the people were seen. Rarely mobilizing every resource that you have to make change happen, your music, your neck. You know that the spaces that you inhabits, because some of the music, would be enough, but Parliament initiative, that's really beautiful! Where you you, you ve put together this group women sisters in the industry who all have a voice, everyone from from yourself to COD Ii, be in and Tracy S Rossen and just amazing women in the space who you ve brought together and have worked. What's it to come together and say: hey, let's speak out specifically not just about the issue, but difficulty about what happens in Brianna Taylor, a woman who was killed in her bed, because, these knocked on around or broke down the wrong, or rather an killed, her ass, she slept and- and as an element, as was speaking now. They still have been no arrests. The only person who was arrested was
friend who was protecting his life, because people just came in with guns, and you You ve been working on this, I believe with Brad tailors mother as well, to tell me about the initiative and tell me what you're trying to achieve yeah we spoke to her family, her mother, her sister, who actually had a bedroom right next to Vienna and for whatever reason, thank God that night she was there could you imagine. This mom would have very two daughters to and it's terrible but she has a very one and has thus been wants that this has been going on and to your point, no charges, no arrest, no fire rings and its outrageous. So we got together. We, We did a simple thing saying to you, know: Brianna, tell a story, and so we also knew that that that that that the her city Louisa was with voting on. Banning this not warrant, which is the reason why all of this happened, and so we had to be very timely because of all this
meeting on Thursday and I believe our collective kind of voice voices Anwar posts came out on Tuesday, and on Thursday sure enough, along with everybody else than doing so much work around this sharing, if it was a unanimous vote that they ban not warrant so. I think that one step, obviously those officers needs to be charged, needs to be arrested me to become victims. And so I actually on the until freedom website is a very clear outline of call the mayor and the attorney General Desert Desert the General twenty? Does it a nice list of people they impose on the matter we live where you from and is continuing to be remembered. I think, as a part of all that the justice is that we want to see. If I let you go, you no part of the journey and of being a black person, is living between two states of in and joy and for this June teens. You you're gonna, be
a piano battling against John Legend is dry, doing stems Camisa, there's gonna, be a battle and also between journalists, and then it gets a piano battle and, like I've never heard of this, this is like the most highbrow like a good thing that I heard a because I love battles and those like, but it's gonna be pianos is like one, something a little bit about the June teens John Legend, Alisha Keys Piano battle. Will you know versus my husband, Swiss beats created and Timberline created this forum, which is really makes a celebration of greatness. You know where to really awesome. Artists will come together and battle have a verses opportunity to share their music to share them their moments, and been incredible, and especially during this time of called it, an US being, you know so kind of you know confined to our spaces. I think it's at is really been something that so many people afford to sew on June team is is happening on June. Nineteen than it really camera
AIDS and it's a celebration to commemorate the liberation of the last and slave people in America and to me you know it's it's it's, it's far more accurate of a time to celebrate Benda July fourth, which still had many people who were not free and were not we're, not liberated, and so I think this is what was celebrated. So man, John weeds. You come together for verses and we are going to have a beautiful battling celebration of music piano songs. I'm excited, I mean you know what's gonna happen. I myself, I don't even know it's gonna having nobody knows what those versus battles which is exciting fastened on sand. So I'm just excited too. You know have this morning. I think it does not help so much with with all that we have found the boy and he shook. His thanks
how much we have time today will tune into the June thirteenth battle. Congratulations on all the work that doing will make sure we direct everybody's trying to open. Thank you, I'm so, and you too, such so much love. Thank you for but you're doing. Thank you to everybody. This watch infringes being awake, aware and open to. You know a change that we all want to see. Thank you so much. I mournfully Asia to thank you. So much again. Lucia keys will thus chauffeur tonight, but before we go, the danish, showing comedy central, have been donating. Two three groups who are fighting against police brutality and systemic racism and doubly cp legal defence fund, the equal justice initiative and the bail project, now, if you'd like to help- and you have anything to give, then all you need to do is go to the following links and don't each one of you can until tomorrow, though, so safe out there remember the way, a mosque,
show the trouble no ears at once the daily show. We know it's better living and central on family, central and calmly central watch episodes videos at the daily show that not all of us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and subscribe to the daily show on Youtube or exclusive content, and this has been a key many central podcast
Transcript generated on 2020-06-27.