« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

Stacey Abrams - Solving Georgia's Voting Access Problem

2022-11-06 | 🔗

"Voting rights, voting access, is about who gets to show up. Election outcomes – that's up to the voters. But access is the responsibility of government." Democratic nominee for Georgia governor Stacey Abrams discusses her candidacy, how she distinguishes herself from her opponent Brian Kemp, and the reason she fights for all eligible Georgians' right to vote.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
what if you were a gigantic snack food maker who needs to satisfy cravings from tokyo to toledo so you partner with ib and consulting to managers supply chain with real time data driven precision let's create supply chains that have an appetite for performance idea let's create learn more at i b m dot com if listening to comedy central stacy able back i mean it's a strange because the fourth time that we which having this is the first time i'm chatting and your neck of the woods yes it's the final stage of the race it's it's been up it's been a particularly interesting racial let's let's start with this i know what your profile in your images in most parts of america coming to georgia has been really interesting because every add that i watch makes us seem like you are a very evil person the well and my parents were surprised to learn that i was responsible for the kidnap
the limburg baby i know we're half his body is buried and i may have stolen something rex day add but ok i'm going to check that you know it it feels ridiculous it feels like people don't believe it it feels but it really feels like the campaign against you has been particularly personal it's been particularly vile part of standing for office as you know people are going to attack you you can either internalize the attacks or you can it has fuel to remind you of why you're doing this every single day and the and yeah brian kemp wants to say vile things about me my daddy's watching and i'm gonna tell
the you're in this race you're trying to position yourself as as somebody who can move georgia forward one thing that has particularly overshadowed your campaign though is how national politics has started to infect no state level politics so i'd love to know how do you distinguish yourself as stacey abrams and and how do you speak to people you know from under the shadow of them saying joe biden because again half of the ads are not you funny enough it's joe biden's economy joe biden's inflation stacey abrams is joe biden and so when when you speak that's literally what one of the ads and says they show abrams is joe biden how do you get out from under that and what do you think people need to understand that does separate you funny enough from joe biden slash the national agenda well first of all people remember who was in the office before joe biden and
they are very happy he's gone number to the money the resources that have come to georgia the billions of dollars they kept this data float came because a federal democrats not because of the current governor working georgia in the end i remind them that but but it's also brian kemp banned abortion he banned background checks he banned children he banned books he banned the truth and he intends to go further if he gets reelected reminding women that you do not have the right to control your body's hershel walker can do whatever he wants brian kim's good with that but if you're a woman he believes he should control who you are he made he flooded our streets with guns and there is a story about gun violence every day in georgia and so part of it is just reminding people of his record
he's been doubled over four years i haven't you make sure that so if you're the governor you don't get to take credit but not take responsibility it is to be a hotly contested race logo there that they're gonna be stories coming out about polling stations that closed when they shouldn't haven't people who kicked out of lines and purging eccentric cedric what it creates is a really paradoxical world where on the one hand you want to call out you know election processes that on fair and make it as easy as possible for people to vote on the other hand people will be quickly turned it on you and say oh but if trump doesn't except the election that he's bad but you also don't accept the election so you bad how do you navigate that and how do you speak to the issues around voting in georgia without making it seem like you don't accept the democratic process you have actually done a great job of this but
colleagues have been very easily duped into conflation there is one thing to be used to winning everything you want and being told no and whining about it inciting insurrection that's what right that's what donald donald trump denied the outcome of an election i know i'm not governor i haven't been governor for whole years i've been very clear about that so i got to go on star trek the way i have always fought for in its mean you can go back i was on the march on washington when i was nineteen so this is i've got a pretty clear track record on this voting rights voting access is about who gets to show up election outcomes that's up to the voters but access is the response
quality of government and ryan his greatest it rained him is the architect of utter suppression and the reality is they try to stop us from talking about the access so they can give up the outcome they want and what i will never stop talking about is the fact that no american no georgian should be denied access if they are legally eligible there's no amount of that chain and blaming and conflation and false equivalents that will ever make me say that it is ok to tell a georgian you don't have the right to be heard that does not right and it will not happen as long about that but you can t see i see why you swore that use these aims thank you so much i don't know what you're doing the daily show with trevor no ears addition subscribed to the daily show on youtube for exclusive content and stream
episodes anytime paramount plus this has been a comedy central podcast
Transcript generated on 2023-02-19.