« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

Rep. Nancy Mace On Trump VP Speculation | Nikki Haley On Her Presidential Bid

2023-11-05 | 🔗

Charlamagne Tha God sat down with the Representative for South Carolina’s 1st Congressional District Nancy Mace about dropping out of the same high school as Charlamagne, what she finds intriguing about Trump VP speculation, and her thoughts on a Biden impeachment. Plus, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley discusses her thoughts on term limits, how she hopes to get young voters behind her candidacy, and why she doesn’t want to talk about labels. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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staggering one billion dollars to programmes, partners and initiatives focused on historically excluded communities, build your financial we print today at prudential dot com, slash blueprints the comedy central my guess tonight from my home state of south carolina? Please welcome republic in congress. When Nancy made the happy to have you here. It's an honor, your first night, debut hosting the daily show. It's awesome, absolutely fun. Fact me and Nancy went to the same high school, yet stratford high school in our mothers taught as graduate high school the same time. The same time area nancy drop down. I dropped out before you did. I got
now. The second I've got kicked out of the occupiers. I did data before you that people are saying you're on the shortlist to to be trumps vp. What happened to my pits? So what do you know with one's claim? The future of the gnp by s income being troms running late, really worth it well. I haven't been asked yet, and my focuses is now in south carolina as it always well being, and I understand why people might be talking about. I do a lot from women's issues and republicans lost women last year, but my focus today, as it always will be. I love the low country where you and I grew up That's where my focuses pivot intriguing. I think it's intriguing it's interesting and I and I think it's it's a conversation. We need to have because I want my little girl to know that she can be president one day and I want to see republicans put women on the ticket vice president presidential, I mean I want to see that
and because I want little girls everywhere to know they too can be president one day. So I think it's an important conversation to have, but so are to a lot of other converse Do you like one heart attack away? If you like is gdp while majority, than just say I'm just why republic the old in primary. When we know it will be dropped. Well, I mean democratic, our primary dean, philips entering into the their presidential nomination ross S, but if I do think it's gonna be tromp, but will say it's part of democratic, good democratic process to have primaries and have general elections, and just like the speakers fight, that's part of democracy, that's how we nominate people in and those are fights and elections that we have to have now that the decay us is over. You got some probable vote coming up. Some asked you a couple: will you vote to expel santos, even though, in my call to do if you see, I have not read the resolution to expel santos, I have to make
did his resignation from day one. When I found out, he lied to get into office. The right and honorable thing would be to resign. He hasn't done that yet, and I'd want to read it and see what the process as if it goes through, I'm a civil rights person. I do a lot of civil rights work, but there has to be due process. So does it go through the ethics committee that My first question before I make a decision on that we may actually be voting on that this week, bolt since, since their representatives, you didn't have to lead to lab unknown for nothin our neighbour for her israel gather statement that first amendment is something I. I make sure that we're not violating the constitution, people get elected, but what we're seeing this week there's going to be a tit for tat. I think Democrats want to censure marjorie taylor green, like we just got a new speaker, Israel is under attack. Our economy is, rumbling, we have millions of people coming across the border, and this is what we're doing this week. I mean I just to me just we have much bigger problems to figure out. Would you vote for ukraine in Israel aid together for a separate?
I want. I want separate votes, because when we're doing these spending package's, they should be separate individuals, I think bills like there's a law, the nineteen, seventy four budget control act, which says the government. The congress is supposed to have a budget and twelve different spending bills, but what they're going to do is they're going to try to combine it together. so we jam through over one hundred billion dollars in spending. It would be better if they were separate, so people can have an up or down vote. Do we support this or not because the two, the two wars are completely separate and different and their needs differently and it would be better for the american people, but would also would be whether they are combined into one vote or they are separate votes. We have to have this conversation about. The southern border and what are we going to do to protect our border? Protect our national security because there are individuals that are on the terrorism watch list are coming across our southern border, it'll be over one hundred and thirty hundred and fifty this year, and so to have this conversation? We want to make sure not spending more money overseas for other people
borders and our own, and then these are all worthy conversations that we ve gotta have while we are discussing supplemental aid packages Why have you know? How do you talk to appoint disenfranchised present in south carolina? Can barely you know, put food on it it will have a roof over their head. How do you explain to them why all this money is going overseas? I explain that is the part SF all of the parties we are. We are thirty three trillion dollars in debt, because both sides, no matter who is president no matter who's in the majority or who speaker of the house. They have added this debt and that debt ceiling deal that republicans just did back in the spring will make our debt over fifty trillion over the next ten years, and that is why eggs costs six dollars for a dozen while a gallon of milk is six dollars, which is why you're paying in south carolina in some cases over four dollars, a gallon of gas people cannot afford what they're doing and we had august recess, and I was back home for a couple of weeks and in working, but I took my kids to the grocery store. We have seven days on seven days off. You know when you're, a two parent house, two separate households- and I took my kids to the grocery store and
almost five hundred dollars for a family of four for a week- and I just that is not affordable and that was just meat, fruit and vegetables and no junk food. Abt yeah, the average american family can't afford two thousand dollars of groceries or eighteen hundred dollars a month in groceries. How who can afford that nobody can, but that is the fault of republicans and Democrats have spent us into oblivion who refused to balance the budget. The former speaker promised to have a plan to balance a budget and he buried it in a drawer. It exists, but we need to have a plan, whether it's ten, twelve fifteen. Sixteen twenty year is that gets spending in order and the last time we balance a budget, for example, was in nineteen ninety eight under bill Clinton and before that it was in the seventies under Nixon. It is ridiculous that both parties can't set their differences aside and do what's right for america, everybody no matter their political affiliation
republic is wanting peace by for corruption and bribery. Does valid, or are they just like a tit for tat because it at all times trumpeted unimpeached Well, I can tell you the former speaker went to conservatives a few months ago and today we are definitely impeaching Joe Biden and then went to house moderates the same day, two hours later and said we're never going to impeach Joe Biden. That should not be the answer. That's not leadership. What we should do is follow the facts, follow the truth and then come to a decision at the right time. Once we've had process. Once we ve shown evidence whether or not an impeachment is warranted. That's what the american people want. That's what they deserve, and that's what we should do, and I do believe that the new speaker will follow due process. Is a constitutional treaty but won't make that decision in haste. It should be made. When its warranted, together with a downward everything else, is going on. Well, Corruption is a real problem in this country and I
seen bank account, but I am seem bank accounts of the president's grandchildren with money directly from communist china. That should not be happening in our country and it should be exposed for every american to see and then decide and whether or not that's, ok, whether there is an impeach or not. I want people to see the evidence that I've seen em the decision for themselves. You relieved evidence against dominant what which which evidence all the coin. One hundred and ninety one charge, which I mean which which indictment, which one is a lot of- let's just say, george georgia. Now, over the election fraud. I haven't seen the evidence yet
I believe there will be a trial and everyone is allowed again. I do a lot of civil rights work and everyone is allowed due process under the law and, if they're found guilty, they take responsibility for that. But I I haven't seen it it's to show that he is guilty of that. Now there are a lot of people around him that did a lot of things. There's that sidney powell, that that took like a database like a voter database, maybe- and I dunno so it's. Yeah congresswoman people are excessive about what I will do for them.
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Earlier I had the opportunity to interview to form a government. My home state of south carolina. She served is trumps ambassador to the united nations and now she's a republican candidate for president here's. My conversation with How are you going I'm great very debate with you so acutely in south carolinians in the building you don't. Let's talk term limits, could you you said you support term limits we agree with you on that think that term limits should be measured in years. Are freezing episodes, I think you should get one freezing episode. You just want one freebie any more after that you've got to retire. What do you think? I think that we'd be kicking a lot of people out there right now. I think that we have to have term limits, it's two reasons one is you know I told you. I think the Senate is the most privileged nursing home in the country. They stay too long. They get used to the power, but the other side of it is when you run for office. Sure is close to the people as it gets. You've listened,
You know what people want and you really know how to go in there and get things down the longer. You stay, the more you move away from the people and I think that's what's happened. Is you look at what is happening in DC are so tone deaf. Both republicans and democrats don't understand the value of it expire dollar? They don't undressed, and we ve had serious issues with education. They don't understand the fact that crime is high and there doing anything about it. They don't understand that we ve got threats facing us everywhere from terrorist and there are continuing talk about things that don't matter and so yeah. I think we need to have term limits because I think we have a lot of people in dc who literally lost what their miracle people want, and I think that we need to start having that again, we had term limits. When I ran for governor. Oh you ve got.
In limits for anyone that runs for president. That way you go in there. You focus on the people and you focus on your legacy and, I think that's important you're, a relatively young candidate, a woman of color, a child of immigrant parents, which all people makes you more appealing to a lot of younger voters, but besides, your identity, how do you plan to appeal to voters were much further to the life of europe level? we're doing that. Now. I've done over one hundred town halls in iowa, new Hampshire, we're also doing them in south carolina. We are going to do them around the country and we let them ask any question: they want wheedle, filter the questions, and so what I can tell you, the younger generation, their different, then my generation, they dont care about money as much as they do about really wanting to make a difference really wanting to contribute to our country. They care more the environment and they want to talk about that. They care more
about making sure that they don't watch news because they don't. They think both sides are crazy and I don't think they're wrong about that, and I think that the younger generation's going to be the group that saves us They actually have a lot of good common sense. We have to start gauging that we have to start bringing them the you eater. I look at my kids. There are twenty two and twenty five there very sober. what's happening in the country right now, and they really know that this is not how they want to live and that they deserve better, and so my job is gonna be to engage them. We ve got forty plus hayley campaign programmes in campuses across the country we ve got women for Nicky, groups in every state in the country, and we are really appealing to everybody. I dont want to just get a party. I don't wanna just get a demo. I think I really want to talk to everybody and let them know I'm gonna work for them and I'm gonna work hard to earn their support You ain't gain young borders. I want you to earn their support, but are you willing to promise right now that you will,
Try to wrap in order to do that. Can I just say this I loved Eminem, and that song before then and ramos, on wages, ruin that for me he ruined it like. I will never rap euro. What made a rap I've always said. If you ever see me carry ok, you better. Take me home. Can something really wrong with me? Yet now? Why don't you played identity politics? Games could have some democrats like the newly always somewhat diversity. Are? Why don't you get it? identity, politics, game play a meeting in the a lot of order, just think, you're, a white woman. I mean look. I grew up with are the only indian family and a small rural southern town in south carolina. We weren't wide enough to be why we weren't black enough to be black I remember when I would get teased on the playground and I would come
my mom, what I always say, your job is not to show them how you're different your job is to show them how you're similar and that lesson on the playground has played out about my life when it was in the corporate world, whether it was as governor whether this is ambassador, when your face. For the challenge. If you first talk about the things you agree on people, what their guard down, and then you can talk about how you want to get to the solution. I think the problem is when you start labeling people you are assuming that there are different than you. I dont want to just be a war. And I dont- want to just be india- and I dont- want to just be a mom. I dont want to just be a republic, and I dont want to just be all of those things are more than that and I think every person is more than that and what I know is: if you look across amerika We agree on eighty percent of the things it's the twenty percent. We fight over Why add more divisions by talking about labels? I don't wanna talk about labels. I think that that's what's caused us to get into this situation, where everybody in this country
so divided. I want to talk more about what we can agree on and how we move forward. As a country knew. Did you know being a woman will keep to deal people fully supporting you think that the sexism in the glp could get behind you, There has never been any lines to the women's bathroom in any of the jobs I've ever had. You know when I defended a third. Erin combat when I ran for the state healthy we were south carolina was the lowest in the country round. Women, elected officials, when I one gun I was the first female first minority governor and in history and of the entire country, much less I've carolina when I was ambassador at the security council? I was only woman there, I don't worry about. Being a woman at all I mean I wear heels, it's not for a fashion statement. It's because if I get mad, you know I'm ready. Kick any time, and I think that the people have always respected, maybe they know I do my homework. They know I fight for what I believe in, and I tell the truth. I tell the hard truths
they want to hear it or not, and I think that's why I've always been different and that a few more questions as a former un ambassador when you see it's in Israel goin at it. talk to. I ran my get involved here. Rushing hamas are growing closer china. My move on Taiwan Biden says the? U s a different philippines against china pentagon's they may have a nuclear weapon. Twenty boy times stronger than what they dropped on Japan, china and building up a nuclear weapon arsenal. How closer we two world war? Three. Do you think the world is on fire and america better. Wake up. because right now, America's acting like september tenth. Better remember what September twelve felt like, because all it takes is in time and what I will tell you is
all of our enemies, and I dealt with them every day. For two years when I was at the united nations, every one of them is looking at Joe Biden and they know he's not at the top of his game. They see him freezing up. They see that he can't hear they. They look at the fact that they see donald trump and they see all the chaos that comes but that and there just banking on us continuing down this path. That is not good. For us we need to be strong, we need to be clear and we need to do everything it takes to prevent war. A strong america doesn't star wars. A strong america prevents what right now, our enemies, don't fear us and that's the problem, what we have to do with startling, reactionary and start letting other countries know what we expect of them. That's what I did at the united nations. That's what I'll do as your president. Do you think it potential for A nuclear war in our lifetime. I think that we have to do everything we can to prevent it. You know charlemagne. My husband is in the military he's deployed right now and every bill
terry family knows that we can only stop a war that we can only stop bad things from happening if we are still if you have a strong leader, if you have a strong military and if you have people that support our country and that's what we have Do we have to remember what it means to be patriotic again? We, have to support our men and women who are fighting overseas for us because they still think this country's worth fighting for, and we need a president. That's not be scared of our enemies but someone instead, that's gonna, sit there and talks toto with them and let them know what we expect of them. We should assume a nuclear war is inevitable. We should work every data sure that they know that they don't ever want to touch test us on that and that they'll be held a pay. if they ever try and do anything, that's gonna hurt one single american you ve been a staunch supporter of Israel. Israel's war against Hamas has already killed over eight thousand gaza civilians, including over three doubt
thousand children is there anything Israel could ever do to lose your support. What there is no perfect country out there, you know there are a lot of things that countries could do to lose my support, but let's the situation and- and this is the hard truth- that we need to look at first of all happen on october. Seventh and Israel was horrific. I mean the fact that bodies were burnt babies were beheaded, girls were raped and never forget, but when they were dragging those naked girls through the streets of Gaza, what were they saying? They were saying death to Israel, but they were also saying death to america. This is iran what iran wants to do. What we are saying all these people who do feel sympathetic to the palestinians. I understand when they talk about patient. Yes, there is occupation in Gaza. Yes, there has been occupation for a long time, but the misconception- and all this is the occupied She is not from israelis, there's not a single israeli person in Gaza, theirs
a single jewish person in Gaza. Their Hamas is the one that has occupied how Hamas is the one that won't let the palestinians out Hamas, as the one that has treated them so bored away and not allowed them to have the things that they should have. Hamas is the one that, uses them as human shields, so that an children, get killed. I've been on the border. There, I've seen it it's not that Israel perfect it's that Hamas is. evil, and we have to see evil for what it is. And yes, if we want the palestine, is to have a better life, and I do want to palestine. instead of a better life. The way we do that is we eliminate Hamas. They no longer have to live the way Hamas is making them live right now. Can you eliminate Hamas will evolve, eliminating all the palestinian citizens Our long giorgio, I know that we have hostages there, we lost thirty three americans died, this is gonna, be surgical, presented, precision, lives are going to be lost, but
Now they are taking out hamas leaders, which is what they need to do. But I've been in those terms, charlemagne. They are very sophisticated and what Hamas has done as those tunnels, they put him under schools, they put him under hospitals, they put him under civility sites because they know israelis oh yeah, human life. Hamas does not. human life. This is gonna, be messing. This is going hard, but we need to remember. Hamas has said death to america once their done with Israel are wrong. make sure they do it here and that's why we ve got a secure the border and gotta make sure that we never let those threats come on american soil nikki haley are making you hope to see you in studio whenever you come to new york, whether it's the breakfast club or the daily show charlemagne can't kick in at south caroline as proud of you, I'm proud of you keep doing what you're doing let's get back. Thank you.
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-30.