« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

Pelosi Won't Seek Re-Election | Former President Barack Obama

2022-11-17 | 🔗

Herschel Walker gives a wild speech about vampires and werewolves, Pelosi will not seek re-election to a House leadership post and former President Barack Obama stops by.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
what if you were a gigantic snack food maker and you had to wrestle a massively complex supply chain to satisfy cravings from tokyo to toledo so you partner with ib and consulting to bring together data and workflows so that every driver and merchandiser conserve our jalapeno sesame and chocolate covered goodness with real time data driven precision let's create supply chains that have an appetite for performance i bm let's create learn more at i bm dot com slash consulting you listening to carmody central
indeed we do here to remove you president obama we think a thing we ve got a very special shown lined up where you tonight we're all going back to the moon republicans storming the house again and herschel walker gets involved in a fight between werewolves and vampires plus we being joined by one of my favorite black american president's barack obama's lessons if its rays headlights people i wanna be honest with all the news happening right now i don't think we have
space intraday show there's not enough time and i tried everything i tried it i've tried putting the news in the sauna circuits sweated out for a little while but it didn't work than you came up listening and sexier than ever were still don't have enough time fortunately though not in time is just enough time for a segment we call a nobody got time for kit clings off with the moon a k a ashy earth the last time human set foot on its was nineteen seventy two but now we might find be getting a sequel
nasa going back to the moon for the first time in five decades launching the most powerful rocket in the world into space kicking off its high stakes artemus one vision this is a test flight with tests dummies but if this succeeds astronauts could do the same in two years and nasa says that this really opens the door to a whole new world of space exploration the long term goal here is to set up a base on the moon where people can actually live yes unlike crypto will actually going to the moon and before you heinous thoughts i do we really need to go back to the moon yes we do of course we do was altered
if these keys up they do they locked out of his house and fifty career i hear us think it wouldn't it be funny if when we got back up here we find out that the original astronauts at a bunch of crazy shit that they can tell us about like the new astronauts step out and there's a bunch of moon babies that look like neil armstrong like daddy you finally back from your trip to get cigarettes that way why are you still babies not as much as i love space travel and i really do but my one issue with nasa is why do they keep musing greek names this problem this autumn is the old one was apollo one doesn't nasa update things you know name rocket today's mythical heroes everyone we're sending out a message to the moon ball rang
everyone we're sending john wick to the moon if we had more time we could talk about whether humans should be going anywhere in the universe given the fact that we can't even get covert under control down here because if we are not careful we might turn into the conquistadores of the solar system right just like is their life on mars there was but we don't have time to talk about life forms in space because there are some new lifeforms coming to congress how speaker nancy pelosi just said that she will not seek a leadership position in the new congress her announcement comes after republicans one control of the house of representatives in the mid term elections with great confidence in our carcass i will not seek reelection to democratic leadership in the next congress yes that's right it is a new era in congress nancy pelosi is stepping down and republicans have official
we won control of the house and this time they did it without shitting on the floor that's growth that is grown and you know kevin mccarthy might be happy right now you know that he's he could replace nancy pelosi extra speaker of the house but remember remember half of his caucus believe in jewish space lasers that stole the election using venezuelan mind control so good luck to him controlling them he's going to be trying to get more tax cuts for corporations meanwhile they'll be like oh we want some peanut one hundred binders painters painters are all the republicans are finally going to learn that being in charge brings its own set of promises you know you've you ve got to deliver we have to deliver on your campaign promises that's that's a challenge more is the number one issue that they campaigned on joe biden
and now that they won voters will be expecting them to joe biden the they have to do it the gonna have to pass a bill to ask them out they're going to have to agree you know on the restaurant to take him out to and then when they take him home they going to have to listen to his stories before he lets them smash does it tell you about the time that went by the pool married to a great term is nigger yeah good luck keeping one around through that republicans now if we had more time we could talk more about all the news coming out of american politics for instance we could
about the senate moving closer to protecting gay marriage finally all we could talk about first female the house will be able to beat nancy below these high school in the stock market but we don't have the time for that because there's one man who god forbid might be during these people in the capital and boy is gonna be bringing the greatest idiots wanted it needed outside nights written some guy tonight would have been ten days on the phone a web to kill a vampire i never knew that i didn't want to be a very apply anymore i want to be a werewolf don't watch my t v or these kids watching their tv the guy jumped in front of him with his holy water on a vampire for you he covered his all then he took his hand away you started last word each a big calls it put it very powerfully independent body leave doing today is that there is no work it s wages novel i didn't work you monsieur got things
we gotta have faith in this country we've got gotta have faith in his elected officials and right now that's the reason i'm here the step aside gettysburg address the america of the new greatest speech of all time because you tell me the last time you heard a speech about vampires werewolves faith politics and garlic and i dunno if hershel walker should be a us senator but he should definitely be elected as america
the official movie review or did you hear that i want to watch that movie i don't even know what it was he did this for every movie i've seen the little mermaid is one more of the fish but boyfriend to a fork in the ocean because of an octopus she lost her voice and we need a new voice in washington and now that little mermaid is black the only we had more time we could watch more of the herschel walker speech all we could talk about how elon musk said that he will eventually let someone else run towards which is a genius idea that everyone else had before he took over we can talk about how this fdx crush could actually bring all of crypto down because the regulators looking into crypto we could talk about how congress might be bringing ticketmaster in for hearings because i guess they couldn't get taylor swift tickets either but we don't have the time for any of that because there's someone backstage by the name of barack obama we've got to make time the
here too the stuff of amr foundation democracy forum and how he's training the next generation of young leaders in the u s and around the world please welcome the forty four presence of united states rocco by do i should have a broad michel here this is how i'd like to be greeted when i come home but let me show you stole my lab from over mr president welcome to the danish it is wonderful to see you do you miss your name by the way
because everyone calls you mister president but like i feel like i would like if people call me like mr daly i would miss just being called a young miss your names of my best friends call me barack okay you should mr provide workers we show let let's not with me in the most pressing used the midterms just happened you know america voted the house's flipping democrats have held onto the senate many you for coming anne and pushing out you know people to vote i would love to know two parts to that number one do you do pressure whenever you ought to come up is like in the movies when you know they need that home run and the bases are loaded the team's losing and they go barack we need you to hit this out of the park we might lose everything do you feel the pressure doesn't get to you and second of all what does it say but the state of the damage party that their we need you to come out and do that before intellectually look i think that the reason we d better than expected
can be attributed to not me or anything i did but it has today the criticism excellent candidates if you look like good to more in maryland josh shapiro in pennsylvania you look at our son of candidates on fishermen martello bit they are committed passionate down to earth they connect with people and so i come in mainly to shine a spotlight on them for number one and the second thing that happened in iraq mid term and we ve seen it now for three election so i'm starting to feel pretty hopeful this is a habit people are voting it has been many times remarked ally that bumped during
terms during my presidency part of it was that voting rights will really love people in some sense i think a lot of democrats obama's there will be ok and at all if it turns out the mcconnell and vainer another's suddenly have power then that greatly strix what a present can do and i think that lesson was learned trump comes in suddenly twenty eighteen twenty twenty and now this one you senior people come in and their typically voting at a rate of seventeen thirty sixty two forty democratic public and right and that makes a huge difference and send so there
i met premier limo enthusiasm i think is what really drove this election i i agree with that in terms of the the the people who actually voted but young people don't seem to be turning out as much you know so the ones who did vote voted overwhelmingly democratic yes but then the number of young voters seems to be dwindling from election to election and many young voters saying they feel disillusioned they feel like hasn't made away for them they don't see a future for themselves well look what is always true is young people are going to vote at slightly lower rates than old people like me dr lecter better things to vote michel myerson at all even dinner we gotta run thanks to say well let's go about young people molly incisive sasha they're out they got all kinds of stuff so so that's always gonna be the case that young people's voting rights are a little bit more
our higher now than they were in the mid terms when i was press and in such a polarized environment one to three percent if they're turning out twenty one percent instead of eighteen percent makes a different that can make an enormous step right when you look at that tiny difference still see the places where i mean people into power despite the fact that they deny elections i think republicans got gonna hundred seventy election denies into congress people who don't believe in them i was running its elections people who don't believe joe biden should be president or they do you know they will be vague about their answers what are you what do you think it says about american democracy that so many people are getting these positions when they may seem to dismiss the election itself what the interesting thing is you noticed election deniers don't deny their own election funny how they work
how many of them actually believe that some of them nonsense that that circulates versus those who think it's convenient or its away to own the liberalism or its away to send the message or align themselves with trump that's hard to say but what is important is that because i was merely concerted efforts in a lot of important states some of the most a grievous prominent potentially dangerous election deniers they got fucked they got beat and particularly in the secretary of states races and in some cases governors races where in a ex presidential election you could have somebody who could really do some damage there i think we held the line now what it does say more broadly is the fact that not just here in the united states but around the world the fundamental point
steps of democracy are being challenged right we're not having arguments about policy but we're having arguments about the the rules of the game which previously we all agreed to ride i there was a notion that we run elections whoever gets the most votes actually wins the loser concedes goes back and tries to do better next time and what we see now for a whole host of reasons is a creeping that the outcomes not what we want then we can do whatever we want and say whatever was in order mr wynn and that is profound dangerous and as i said it is not unique to the united states but when it has in the united states it sends a signal all around the world that weakens democracy
and that's why i think us getting our house in order as so important when we look at the discourse on the countries will end in and around the world but again i think you're correct in that america is a leader in what's happening right now this course has become so toxic you were in every single state you were meeting with people all the way from iowa through to california wet weather you you were meeting people on the ground they were listening to you they therefore there was an openness even though people had different political affiliations it seems like that has eroded over time i wonder what you make of that what will we do you think it's coming from giving social media thing do you think it's the tenor of politicians in the capital adds that is to fix that the biggest change has taken place when i ran for let's go you are set in eleanor you go down state that's the south i mean rural its conservative there a lot of folks who look like you or me
and certainly there are more travers than there are barracks so driving around i've got a map young people here that this paper you can forget not uphold it back but that's how you find your way on roads and but i go to a town and it be seventy percent republican lotta angelic calls etc but i could go to a diner or vfw hall or county fair i could go to the local newspaper and the owner there's conservative and he's got a boat time buzz cut his gonna score all about my ideas but there wasn't the filter that had been created by
fox news or the media infrastructure the sort of right wing conspiracy theory folks and so they came at me with an open mind and i could i could listen to them and they could listen to me in that the end of the day they might say well is a low liberal for our taste but we have some in common he talked about it he held his mom gains i remember my mom getting sick it's like he loves us kids i love my kids and there were some sense of connection and i think that turn now has become so pick it started with fox news and some of the other traditional media and now with social media that's gonna turbocharging if you go into those same communities now they have so many preconceptions about what somebody like me
these cares about cetera that it's very hard to penetrate so i think the answer is both thinking about information flow and media and how to how can we break through that information bubbled people earn requires by the way progressed to get out of them media as we ve got some preconceptions that i think create barriers as well and then work a lot more locally because you notice that you're on the ground doing stuff harder the stereotype people and the nationalization of our politics i think has been damaging more we can focus on grassroots efforts real world rather than this virtual meetings
conversations that's what over time i think and can help strengthen democracy and that's all what the hell bar emphasis has been at the the foundation is with young later who are working on that might come ap with new ideas to create those connections so i i definitely wanna speak to you about that i want to speak to about direct democracy worldwide i want to speak to you about disinformation and what we can do to immunize ourselves from it but we've got to take a quick break back after this with more from present
president falafel bomber chatting democracy disinformation and who is better looking between us i won let's start with what the real question is how will we look what he fixed it returned to bremen remove almost everybody knows very almost stare almost the last little overly let's talk about i plan to listen about your your your foundation this song about what you doing we see you out there you know wish you talkin about democracy in the world is in a really interesting place in that you know few years ago i think the wolves and like forty nine fifty percent of the world was you know you could
the country's word democratic democratic you know they they had they had actions people one those elections there was an exchange of power etc and now seventy percent of the world is living to state whether either ruled it waits a complete in old autocracy or did isn't a democracy to think again one why do you think the world has gotten you know if if democracy and freedom everybody wishes to have why doesn't seem like the world is moving away from that and then secondly what kind we do or why shouldn't we then try get back to this democracy if you look at the trend lines lives there buncher factors i think globalization the glow what economy this did a lot of traditional societies what are we welcome i will supply chain eliminates industries limits jobs god increases
wealth gap not only between come is but within countries rights so and then modernity challenges people's traditional notions of religion and family and generals and you ve got these culture clashes right ear been some village in yemen and suddenly your kid has fallen and its look it up the carnations and write an end you're so so you get this vertical and what happened what you ve seen happen i think in a whole bunch of places is essentially a push back a backlash to change that is happening too fast for their comfort and when people are pushing back against change than their vulnerable to politicians who say you know what i mean make things just like it was back then when you word feeling more important you had higher status
then are you didn't have people who don't lie like you said testing somehow that europe doing something wrong that somehow your traditions are flawed and in that appeal usually also involve saying the price you're feeling or somebody else's fault is its those folks there it's immigrants its gaze its he knows it's muslims its fourth and so on and and then gets turbo charged with the information issues that we talked about and look democracy requires is by definition getting along with people who don't agree with you and
the other thing that happens is that these countries are becoming less homogeneous right and so do you just eta a right wing party in sweden which we always use the swedes right there so chill democratic right but if you've got a whole bunch of immigrants coming in suddenly people start getting nervous and and so part of what i think we have to do is to stand firm asked on the principles of equality self governance and representation and everybody gets a seat at the table i think we have also find a language and a story way of telling the story about how we can get to gather that does not threaten people who are on company it would change as much and
and that's you're going different for different countries but i'll give you an example there's a young leader who we worked with from slovenia is part of our network who was an advocate for doing something about domestic violence the laws of that country didn't have domestic violence was a real problem a referendum got crushed and we worked weather and just a well maybe you want to talk to the people who didn't both for four she goes out to these rural villages with these the traditional rural very religious very conservative women and as energy and listen to them and talk to them and it's not that i agreed with the stick abuse its that they thought their way of life was being challenged shit after their language ran the referendum again a few years later and past right because she
adopted the language that made them feel as if ok this is not so much of a earthquake a huge change in how we live but it's rather affirming our best value and and i think a finding ways to do that a consistent way will help but it's hard for most of human history democracies relatively recent trying to blip that's a book tribe a nation state race sex that typically been how we organise things and it's always easy to say versus them that's that's the easy politics what democracy demands is always a little bit more difficult it it also feels like when when when you observe its there are two elements that i often seize on the one hand story tat as you said
often easier to tell a story of blame that's why things going wrong because of that personal it's simple there's the person and we shall why things going on well there's a confluence of factors and you have this and you have the economy going understand the supply to that's not an answer for many people and will you sell freedom they got i don't i can't eat freedom i can't buy a house with freedom i can't you know and then there's the second is what you're talking about you know that the us versus the them the who is and who isn't sometimes i think for many people it feels like it feels like the pie he lists come in and just do you know whether it is in brazil and or whether it's more scenario you know where with its in america with trump when they go they're just going to do and what did they do or don't actually do it feels like they're going to do but then some go all but when we get the freedom people they want to talk and they want to discuss and it seems incremental and it seems like things won't change do it is there it took combat that because it is a feeling a lot of the time well look
if you want to be progressive pluralist tolerant democrat and i don't mean small be democratic and i don't mean democratic party it can be a was about me you ve got to have a story that with some swag you be able to sell end the level and and also call out the fact that what those folks say they're gonna do they almost never do right big does the truth of the matter is is that when you look at what we have experiments those countries that have been the harness every one big and everybody participates in their consent and feel like i've this is working for us versus
places at our failed states the track record of democracy is is is pretty good but we have to be forceful in making our argument and what true is that we can't just talk we got a walk the walk which is why you were having for and in new york one other topics that work talking about as inclusive capitalism it people are when you think about what they are here in the united states there is good appeal of right wing populism in a lot of communities rural communities that they're not wrong that the economy the global the economy has shifted away from them to urban centres even in their own states and so the
opportunities in austin texas are different than in a rural only an easter and people notice that so we have to spend some time thinking about how are we delivered on behalf of people whose lives who used to work in a fight who used to the farm for eleven and and habits have dignity and worth and stability and security in those laws and now suddenly they don't feel as if they the lottery ticket this in this existing economy that does have to be addressed and in places like africa right now you have let's say china coming in heavy presence i had a lot of these countries providing a lot of foreign aid lot of strings attached lot of china workers coming in to build
big building muslim owning the etc etc but if word not bear if we're not helping to build that road if we're a bear a bill that port then naturally people start thinking well maybe that's a that's a recipe for better in my life as opposed to flowery language but has not been behind the right right i wondered what do you think inclusive capitalism is this is somewhat of a paradox and it feels like it's possible it feels you think it's because it feels it feels like i mean capitalism is designed to extract as much wealth as possible from every single interaction that can that look i mentioned sweden and some of the problems there having because immigration on the other hand you look at scandinavian countries their capitalist countries would by some and those worked very well but something would argue that they found nation is more in our socialist and then they go with its action was i think i'll wait with social
first and then capitalism is our under current lab really even though if you go there essentially the people are it's more than that our common gryce you're still gonna run a job and you get paid and it's not like you're going into the store just grabbing whatever you want walk it out feed the fish when you gotta pay for it then the guy at the cash register check and emma did i make a profit here today but the reason i'm asking that is because i and maybe it's the woods that fail us sometimes i often you know i'll talk to my friends about this it's interesting that we sort of stopped we went all is socialism there's you know there's this there's the communism this capital and then we just stopped we like this is it this capitalism and that's that i sometimes wonder is there not something better is that we could be or is that what the media should be all inclusive capital reason i just used
what said a denmark as an example is now because it's gonna work perfectly in india the united states etc the point though is that they ve got some blend some mix rights there is an advantage in terms efficiency and also freedom to a market system we have a control system some guy in an office is deciding how many potatoes we're gonna grow this year that usually doesnt work rights what side of it is that what we also learned is that if some gonna boardroom is deciding i'm gonna ravage the environment do whatever i want that doesn't work either right so what have a blend of some sort we want some collective decision making about the social good and we want something efficient and dynamic and allows us to exercise our innovation in britain
and we don't need the worried so much about the labels as we do about being practical and thinking about what's working and what isn't and this is going back to the information issues as part of why to me one of the biggest challenges democracy is not the mechanics of elections or independent judiciary those things are all important but but this is why this information and media issue is so important because we ve seen here and there dates and elsewhere is a abandonment of a commitment to facts and reason and logic and better stuff but is useful and necessary necessary and if we can have a debate based on facts then we can get to better solutions right we start
talking and slogans and nonsense and there's no reality check we just makes bob i lose an election somethin broken over there and it doesn't it and its impervious to facts so so part of what i think why am i ve been spending a lot of time thinking about this this information issue is how do we in how we it's our kids in the old either industry standards or or regulation of these social media platforms how do we get to the point where you can have opinions we all do but facts matter anne and proof matters and an architect to debate and say in a what if we do things this way work better and then you may disagree but at least we entered
we agree to a set of rules whereby we can arrive at a better solution he doing is possible to get to that place when almost half licious talking about the united states almost half the country says well what are those rules and why even deciding them and why are we having this conversation you are not even affect how do you i honestly mean how do you get to that place with people like that we can we're not the interest thing is even those places that are just inundated with what i consider to be nonsense and end listen and distortions people operate in their own lives there still operating on facts on their jobs when their coach in their kids the league or their soccer game and border they don't let the rest just gonna say you know what this time we're just going to five points for the touch them why why why why
both on the sidelines or not points where the touch them and then you go back to your point and so we abide by all kinds of facts in our own lives it's just this national story that is being told where we allow lies to be told and we accept them mainly because it too but when we tell a story about the other side it makes us feel better it's like yeah you know trevor he's a i guess you should say tell me why and so we enjoy the performance of aspects of making stuff up and and part of that is because we don't think there are consequences to it now what we learned from the election of my successor from the pandemic from the insurrection is actually the stories we tell do matter and
your having some baseline of sticking to the truth when you're stories about our country about policy but also about the other side that matters and and i i like to think that part of what happened in this election is people said ok you know what well this stuff's a little too crazy it turns out that there is a a majority of country that does prefer normal not crazy i see and that is that's a basis for you don't have the time it could have been wonderful having you here though it's also been wonderful seeing you know what you're getting up to because of you you know we had the pleasure of interview at the white house just before you left and then
towards us or you kite surfing and i loved it i loved it by the way great technique but often wonders like what you know what is mr president going to do next what does he go and you know you started producing shows about issues around the world and now you ve got forum i wondered if maybe you know if you have any tips for me as you know why because i could you unite likely basic you know it s i think you're gonna have to
really focus on real earning thinks like driving pressing your own elevator but have you heard from whether the lie jeweller live what you under the dragon later on fifty felt strangely go i take him yeah we're very you you you don't like you very like you you know that's like us and you mr president for ever you have secret service forever that's correct eyes you and ended i leave like my either i i i i still am in a bubble i thought i thought i could escape a quick stories were in new york i used so all in all at once i get out of here i'm gonna
be able to like walk through central park and going to you know and i'll just put like on a baseball cap and it's going to be fine and yeah michelle's all like yeah okay good luck with that and the first time i tried it like half a block suddenly versus small bones and traffic stop and it didn't work so so oh i guess what i would say though is that you will be missed here but but we were told the most aid
are the following one piece of advice that i would have as i leave when your poll numbers are high that i don't remember yeah fuck yeah i'm excited i'm going to i'm going to go on the road yes i mean i've said this to before
you're not the witness the winners correspondence dinner in georgia when you didn't we you're very funny get so you want me to open boy from some money in open how would he then you could call you know you can't win for me you're the president mr president matter we just do like a man or woman lining tour you not mean in half an hour every line where
what's the daily show we take settlement of ten central and probably central and stream full episodes anytime paramount plus this has been a comedy central podcast
Transcript generated on 2023-02-19.