« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

Narcos in the Time of the Coronavirus | Eric Garcetti & Billy Porter


Trevor highlights COVID-19's effects on the drug trade, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti discusses concerns about reopening, and Billy Porter talks about his art and activism.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You listening to Carmody Central. Why hello? Everybody welcome to another episode of the daily social distancing, show I'm and it is now day fifty eight of us sting inside to try and stop the spread of kroner virus. You're Quarantine Tipp of the day. If you want to create a little bit of segment in your life steal your. Does Amazon packages and the swap them with yours. Then everyday becomes a secret. Santa emergency hot medicine. Take immediately so, let's anyway on tonight's episode, Corona turning people into insects Mitch Mcconnell caused a wrong president closeness and we look at some of the biggest teams of the corona pandemic, your neighbour, drug Lord. So, let's get into it. Welcome to the date Social distancing, show Rome troubles couch in New York City to yours out somewhere in the world. This is the daily social differences.
We traveled all yours, you know these days. It can sometimes feel like when drowning in bad news. So let us put you up out of the water and also that floating door with a square this plenty of room in our ongoing segments A ray of sunshine? Let's kick it off with restaurants in all the place where someone takes you to break up with you when they could have just sent you a text undermine. Is there now we wouldn't have these were the meal, but I bid fully for the hot brute Sheila health officials, so that when restaurants reopened in the age of corona, people will need to sit a few feet apart from each other for safety. But the question is: how do we do that? Well, one of the country's top restaurants has come up with an imaginative way to avoid the awkwardness having a bunch of empty seats. What some places that way,
Now you know, social distancing can feel a little awkward, like maybe lots of empty spaces in a restaurant, for example, so a north Virginia. Restaurant is filling in the missing people with Manner Kinsey Little Wash ten, which is a renowned fancy place. I have learned three Michelin stars will soon open for half capacity likely at the end of the month, but the empty tables Wolf feature, these frozen friends, even vintage Eighteen, forty style outfits: yes, if eating a half empty restaurant makes you uncomfortable. Now you have the option of eating. Final scene of a horror movie, much more relaxing. Also, how bad would you feel if you eating alone, and then you local. When you see that even the guy metal out of plastic was able to get a date and look I get what this restaurant was trying to do, but I think they are
too far, when they will change mannequin to occupy all the bottom stalls. Excuse me was taken so long in their collide. I don't get back to my table. I think she is going to propose and meanwhile swiftly bring me here. Why would someone really good they're not gonna, throw a proper. You know, he's probably really gonna love. This restaurant mocks Zuckerberg. How everyone at this place is so lifelike bartender run of shots for my fellow humans. Speaking of the zinc facebook, the world's largest Social
network and elderly Tik Tok, it is bringing millions of uses together in a really unexpected way. More than a million people are spent in time during quarantine. Pretending to be ants Cindy's face. Could group is called group where we all pretends to be ants in a colony. Look at one is opposed tier ants crawling on ice cream. One person says lunch with me and then take some to the queen. You can see the comments say: Manon fleur Lift to clean, ok. This is a really interesting to take. Minds off of the stress of corona. Millions of Facebook uses are pretending to be ants and thought you were the only one in quarantine feeling a little and see back to you Sandra, look man, I get it. I get it who wouldn't want to live the carefree life of
and you spend all your time carrying crumbs five thousand times your body wait until the day, some asshole kids steps on you, because its board smells like a dream now. I know a lot of people are just having fun, but please remember whenever this something really fun on Facebook, there's a good chance, it's created by the Russians. Let's all within the we we bring sugar to win, win win. Would you buy them? And finally here's another way people are keeping from going crazy during this pandemic. Taking the corona virus outside breeding Bad omit. Will this strange sight showed up in the backyard in Ellida? What is it? It's a call, the nineteenth any author, of course, Jennifer. Worse all, tells us our friend, maybe for her sons. Eighteenth birthday last weekend will apparently people live the idea of using up any author for some stress release and a few laughs ABC Party in Oak cliff known for the color opening up, as it makes to celebrate special occasions as ad.
The corona virus penny out there to its line up. We can visit indifferent for different occasions, like r r R gives. That being have a graduation, we're gonna put a cab, and maybe down on it. They can just hit it frustration. That's what I'm talking about I'm making corona bananas and showing the virus move boss, except instead of candy, a bunch of hydroxide consequent pulls falls out self medication. But here's a tip if you ve got corona virus strung up make sure to interrogated before you destroyed. We need to find out its secrets. Do you the chinese virus? Are you the european vires or do people just change your name depending on their political affiliations? I just pray. The trump doesn't see. One of these videos, because you know he's gonna proposal- that the next briefing and I saw some people
seeing sticks to destroy the curse of hours? Maybe we can put sticks inside people. Maybe we shrink down the sticks and beat the corona version said the bodies can we had better is as something we can do. So go out, there have some fun and smash a corona pinata. Just one of you you don't use about because Corona loves bats. Thank you guys, like you, beg you, I doesn't silliness that's catch up on today's headlines. Our first headline is about twitter the only place on the internet, where Pulitzer Prize winning journalists can get into fights with ukrainian teenagers. Yesterday Twitter seal Jack Dorsey five thousand of his employees working at home that they should never come back to work. Some twitter employees will never have to go back to the office if they What to twitter see oh Jack doors, he told them yesterday. They may work from home for ever if they prefer to do that in their job.
People's them to do so that companies, five thousand employees, were asked to work from home at the beginning of March and the spread of the corona virus Twitter says that the past few months have proven they can make it work. Yeah, that's right. Twitter is telling its employees, but even after corona viruses over they can continue working from home for as long as they want, which is amazing, and I hope more companies follow suit because there are so many advantages to working from home. First of all, your daily commutes is like five seconds. Second, your office affair is actually good for your marriage and third good luck to them. Trying to fire you over zoom call such sorry. What what did you say? Boss, sorry, I I know I am going to take some extra vacation days and we'll talk in a few weeks. Ok, bye, Bye I guess the only problem is working from home makes it much harder to steal your coworkers lunch. Lasagna three for mixed up
Jared cushioning senior presidential aid and mannequin eating at a fancy. Restaurants, he had a general election thoughts that come free a lot of people out- President tromp senior adviser and son in LAW Jared Cushion are one on one. What he said, what asked at the presidential election can be delayed. That interview you saw with the president's son in law, jeered, cushion or raised eyebrows. When commissioner was asked by time, if there was a chance. The presidential election could be postponed due to the pandemic. President Trop son in law and senior adviser Jared Kirshner is King news, in an interview with Time Magazine cushion said, he was not certain that general election would happen on November. Third, if there's another outbreak of current virus in the fall, oh, my God showered COS, might delay the election. That is not good. Let me tell you something my friends and election is like paying you gotta. Do it when you
supposed to do it or you're democracy will get a utopia. And honestly, I can't believe that jarred cushions said this and the reason I can't believe it is because he didn't actually say yeah because everyone from news outlets to thousands of people on Twitter are reacting off of the headline. But if you watch the actual interview, this is what Jared Krishna said. Is there any scenario, including a second outbreak in those allworthy elections, me ass November, Sir, That's too far in the future, to tell nothing that I'm aware of now buddy again, our folks, right now is just not getting a man. Elections will happen on November. Third, my decision to make site, I'm not sure I can commit one way or the other, but right now, that's the plan. Yeah, you see not only did John Cushioning now
say he's delaying the election. He laughs off the question and says it's not his decision to make em. Look, I'm not a final Jared cushion, but I don't think it's helpful for anybody to stir up shit like this. At a time like this, I mean people are out here, pretending to be ants, mean added stress in their lives. So please news outlets or rivers putting these headlines up like this gin up controversy way, doesn't need to be, especially since the somebody He'll things you can get manager cushion for in all giving peeping contracts to his buddies. Having sleep over with the Sally Prince, speaking in a frequency that someone's locusts from miles away. And finally, you might have heard that last week from the press, in particular, Hallelujah Obama called Donald Trump Scroll of response. Absolute chaotic disaster well yesterday, Mitch Mcconnell Senate Majority leader and semi deflated pool floats, decided to clap back just today after four
President Obama ripped the Trump administrations response to the covert nineteen outbreak, so Johnny Leader, much Mcconnell, had this sharp criticism of Obama. My brethren Obama, Georgia, his mouth shut, a little bit classless violently Jim Critique Administration. That comes out to you why I knew Mcconnell had balls because there all right, then next grow them, but I didn't know they were big enough to call President Obama classless and tell him to keep his mouth shut and is a just me. What did he say? Classless with a hard are like really Mitch, you think Obama is classless man. Your favorite president called his own mistress a horse face on twitter during his presidency, and you know. Maybe there was a time when full of presidents would refrain from criticising current ones, but that was me
for Trump the same way scrunchies used to be considered tacky, but then coronavirus came along and the old rules don't apply anymore. Alright, that's it for the headlines. After the break, we're going to do with segments on drugs weight that didn't sound right, we're going to do a segment high on drugs. No, that's not it anyway, we'll be right back support for the Cast comes from seed. He w and little BO seedy w. We get putting productivity within reach of remote employ. That's why I'm w have seek working from couch in moving everything with an arms length like the microwave nice time. You should talk to the experts at C d W. They can orchestrated more efficient workspace solution using light powerful devices from over to keep your teams productive from anywhere couch included yeah. They do. They have grammar status, what society or frustration by C D, W people who get it learn more at C d, w dot com, Flash, Lenovo, client welcome back to the daily social distancing show
Usually when we talk about corona virus, we focus on the lives, lost the economy and jobs. But the truth is this pen, it is affecting our world in a million different ways, and one of those effects is on the drug trade. Which were not to explore in our new segment. Narcos in the time of Rona, let's begin with a gateway drug, wait, a k, a marijuana, a k, a, cushion because it solves all your problems. It doesn't like Netflix and japanese toilets weed something we're appreciating more and more during the lock towns with so people self isolating at home. At least one industry is booming. It's them wanna industry. The orders are starting as soon as we when at eight thirty and are just going consistently until we closed, fails, had never been stronger than during shelter in place, delivery,
social distance. Of course, his mother of two likes her mommy mince cannabis business say they are hiring more drivers to meet the demand and while bomb though delivers died, bags she's also picked up some of the lingo. I didn't understand what heavy was, but that is a worthless in the Dictionary I don't think I will ever get used to how The weed game is changed because it used to be so shady due on the corner. Now is the lady who used to bring our slices wherever one at half time, It's gonna be real awkward when all those we dealers who got incarcerated come back home to find this corners got gentrified back up buddy. This is Karen's corner now, but he s people stocking up on legal we'd because corona shutdowns, because for a lot of people, we'd is a great way to distress and pass the time at home. Plus, now we all Have the perfect excuse not to hang on without dealer? Oh sorry, dude here out, I would
to hang out with you and have you smoke? Half the weed- and you just made me pay for but social distancing so for the legal drug trade business is booming like crazy, but Ouch that all over the world, the illegal drugs trade has been struggling hard because of kroner virus, because it's a lot harder to hand, people drugs when nobody was to be touching police. The corona virus lockdown is helping them catch drug dealers because the easy at a spot on our empty streets, many M are now dressing as joggers to avoid police detection police say drug dealers are posing delivery, workers carrying cocaine and ketamine hidden in the bottoms of delivery packages and islands. They found a peaceable switch to hang guns in its and AIDS kilograms of cocoa yeah. That's right. Drug dealers are too easy to spot right now, so they're going under cover as judges and pizza delivery guys and that has to be said,
roller coaster, emotions. He imagined a drug dealer shows up with a pizza box full of drugs. A random pizza showed up should drugs? If you are drug dealers from smuggle you gotta pick the right pizza box, low view carrying a pauper Johns Box, no mere dead, giveaway hands up. Does the police drop the box? What I'm just delivering some Papa John try buddy. I don't care how desperate people are nobody's ordering puppet genes, but the impact on small time drug dealers is nothing compared to how the pandemic is messing with the big picture. In fact, the entire global drug trade has been brought to its knees by coverlet t mexican and colombian drug cartels are really being crippled by this pandemic as supply chains.
In China shut down, traffickers are losing the chemicals to make profitable drugs like math and federal. One big problem for cartels is distribution. They can no longer transport drugs to where they can sell them for drug traffickers to shut down have crippled money. Wandering schemes, creating a back drug pro saves now. Millions of dollars of dirty money had been piling up in LOS Angeles. Wow Karuna virus is crushing everybody factories in China, court may chemicals chemicals, drug dealers, cosmic myth and without myth, Joe Exotic has no, which make straight guys marry him and is not just the supply chain because of locked down. Drug dealers can't launder their cash enough cash is not doing because of drugs. It's also dirty because Gawker So now you got to launder through a fake business, and then you go to London with actual detergent. This is too much work now, if you want to drug cartels and you struggling to move your money in LA, I got a tip for you guys.
You should just do what everyone else and allay does when they have too much money, make a movie yet think about it. Half all of Hollywood movies are just money laundering schemes like the Goldfinch, that's not a real movie. You know anyone who watched that movie, no money laundering, even the actors, are not real, and so I got a name open just someone's leftover scrambled tiles by the way, and so they made me say those jokes, I don't think they funny at all. I love you baby driver. So what are the cartels doing now? so much of their business shutdown. Well, like the rest of us, some of them are taking up new quarantine, Hobbes mexican drug cartels moonlighting. As for throughout this drug gang members in states like Holly's, go and seen a lower have been handing out what are essentially care packages to ordinary citizens in Rio de Janeiro, drug cartels are imposing curfews, putting signs at hand sanitize or at the entrance to the sun.
South Africa choice to control the spread of corona virus? Gang leaders have halted the turf wars and turn their delivery networks usually used for drugs. Trafficking to get food to pool Holds instead the best distributors in the country than added to rethink, say there used to be other other white powder, but still doubling things and then they know everybody yeah, that's right with the drug trade on port. Gangs around the world have started helping in their communities. Instead- and I don't know man, Gangs might wanna be careful, delivering groceries, enhanced sanitizing cause, that's Amazon's turf. U S think you tough wait until you me Jeff based ass a month from now the sinhala cartels gonna be the sinner lower Amazon, Fulfilment Centre and no benefits. No one thing I'm excited to see is how this cruel and virus is going to change gang tattoos? I got this one for killing men and blood, and I got this one for helping Mr Mendez big Banana breath
yet what all of this is real is that just like many other industries around the world right now, even the drug cartels are struggling to deal with corona and until people get healthy again, the drug cartels can't get back to their job of making people unhealthy, which is actually way. Think if we want to call on a virus vaccines out to as many people as possible, we should put the cartels in charge here me out here me out to me out they have the distribution. They have the networks and, unlike the big pharmaceutical companies, they'll give us our first taste for free when we come. Jack I'll, be talking to LOS Angeles May Erika Seti about how LOS Angeles is handling the corona virus pandemic fate. You will come back to the daily social distancing show earlier today I got the chance to speak with LOS Angeles mayor Eric gossipy. We spoke about the corona virus, stay at home orders that made everybody go crazy when they said Eleanor shutting down for three months.
So check it out. Mayor Gus, Eddie, welcome to the daily social distancing. Show I love your t, shirts. That's that's. Gonna, carry favour with the person ass new questions. Well, this is my standards governing outfit during the krona virus crisis? Can we take up? It's been like sixty days having taken this thing off? Oh yeah! That's that's! That's not a good idea. Let's let this jump string to what that means. The chaos that People experienced, I think, over the past twenty four hours. I remember going notification myself? And it said California, though it was Ellie She announces that the lockdown will carry on to stay at waters will carry on for three months and immediately. You know could see the chaos online people like what the hell three more months. How is this number gone up? Where did this come from? This thing is never going to end. You know, California doesn't have a high death rate. What exactly is
on in L a county is, is the place gonna be shut down for free moments solely county? lay city are different, but we're working really closely together. So when the health officer for the LA doktor rare, whose amazing said that there will still be a help order in place for at least the next three months, you're right, everybody Doubt thinking nothing's going to change in those three months, we're still locked down She was saying- and I think this is really important and understanding this crisis- we're not moving beyond covert nineteen, we're learning to live with it and every place that so called open every politician says were open, actually has a hold on stuff that still remain closed and guidance for protection and places that are so called closed. I've always been partially been so this about living in the gray and realising that three months from now I'll show you saying: is we're not gonna, be with no restrictions until there's a cure? we're gonna have to socially distance physically distance. We can have to wear masks. We'd have to protect our global, like elderly and people with the existing conditions, and you can't do everything
everywhere, yet anywhere you for a while talk a little bit about what some of these phrases, and these things mean so so is this going to be a stay at order or was at misreported. Our orders actually called safer it. And I think that it will stay for the next? You know year, war, many months realising that we are all safer at home. That said, we're gonna take steps, as often as we safely can rents is past weekend. We said we opened up a bunch of retail, for website, delivery and pick up. We opened up our trails and our beautiful parks and it was awesome outside today our beaches, open, I say, stay away from the dry areas, this about the. Where is the beach we can exercise and surf and swim? So as long as we don't see, numbers go up, let's take these steps together. Wait a few weeks after each one hold go forward or if a bad retreat and then how are you deciding what opens and when it opens? You know, because we are seeing a lot of people around the country getting riled up saying, like you know why
places open why these places not open. I want to get back to work. All I wanna get a Hare cultural one of whatever everyone has a different reason and as an elected officials will be national, how you would choosing which sectors of the economy gets open up first or not, that certain important questions, or because we feelings about what we personally want open, but I look at it threefold. I say: first, what's the knee Then how deep as the need either- and you can like need, or let's say, a psychological spiritual need like to get out. There have open spaces. Second, what's the risk and the good thing is a lot of people have assessed risk. We can see how long it takes for vapor to spread, in a restaurant that people sit out for an hour with ten of them, they're so assess that risk the number and then third look at safety. How much of that risk? Can you mitigate by doing something? For instance, we kept construction open in southern California, Northern California clothes that down early on we saw. Some bad habits, but we brought inspectors. P p
everything else to every construction site in LOS Angeles, and we didn't have big outbreaks, so those folks good honey, we could build infrastructure, we needed so just about learning, lessons and again doing comfortable in that grey area? Assessing that need that risk and the safety you can add to it in all along ask made news, you know, and I know he's further wave. La city of asleep when he made news when he said he's going to defy the orders and he's open up opening up his factory. What would message do you think this sends to other this owners and, and and what would you hope would be- you know what what are you? What would you hoped would be a better deal to take as a business owner who wants to get things going again? Archie trust, business owners and school principles that they're going to take care of their people, the most they care about where they get sick, they care when they die. They care about their customers. So we ve convene just history, groups who get together and manufacturing, for instance, and allay we got a lot of clothes manufacturers, so a lot of the matter people are buying around the country are being made by folks were doing.
At a safe way. We ve talked to sports leagues about how they could safely have sport games without bans. We ve talked to retailers. You know you gotta listen to folks, but this is not it time for one person to rant or to have their own moment, we have to do this together, and I appreciate that some push government to go faster, cuz government to in my opinion, can be too slow but when there lives on the line, let's make sure we do it right, because the worst thing is open up the wrong way and to see not only people die, but our economy be sure. Down for even longer, do you have any idea of how openings are going to look. I mean we saw one of the biggest stories that came out to us. You know that a city in California saying hey, it looks like we're going online it may be easier for tertiary education, but you know four kids who are going Elementary school school. Whatever you know, they need education. Some of them need meals. Do. Is there a roller plan to get kids back into schools? We ve got to get them back and schools because we can
the economy going or people can't go to work, especially working parents if they don't have their kids in school. It's not just education, its day care, and so I am confident that weak. And if the numbers don't speak up for other reasons that we can get kids, they won't be the same school were used to. It may not be as days a week for many hours a week but kids need to see each other? I think they need to be based to face with teachers again and especially lower income kids, even though here we finally got to a point where every kid now elapsed, Open internet access- it's just not the same. A lot. I'm worried that, especially in our communities and let you know, an american communities, their escape that are falling even further behind in poor communities. Kids are not catching up. The gap there already start with. So I think by the fall. We can do that, but everything I say as with the big caviar see where the numbers are out, let's plan for it, let's hope for it. Let's do it intelligently, but if the numbers telescope may we go back in toys for a short period of time. I saw a final question and if, if
residents of Ellie? You know with its accounts you, the city. I know you, the mayor of LOS Angeles, said to you. Ok, what is the plan? One of the dates What am I aiming for a person? Could I think, that's what's lacking in a lot of the messaging as people are sitting at home and the like? I don't know what I'm aiming for, trying to do or trying to get to what would you say to that What what should they look for his benchmarks? And where do you hope to go in the coming weeks or months? So two things we're gonna, followed the numbers People can actually follow them now, in LOS Angeles, New York has a good site as well. Actually look at those numbers see if our hospital are getting overwhelm see if I'd deaths are stable, going down, see those things, because that's how I'm gonna make my decisions Second, this isn't about set dates. Nobody can tell the future today. May about what will happen in June. Will have in July will happen August with that's. No excuse did not start planning and putting that together. I have confidence that we're going to every few weeks take another step forward with a big. If- and this is the third thing,
the most important. This is in your hands, you can kill people and you can save people dont be funny, don't be a smart Alec, don't go together with twenty. People at a dinner party unthinking get away with it secretly. We might not catch you, but somebody's gonna catch grown up and you gonna wonder why two weeks later was that one night worth it so listen to the help, officers, practice good behaviour and we get there. This is a year may be more probably of this kind of, hey until we have a vaccine think about our parents and grandparents, they went through multiple years of depression of world war. Two We can stand up and be the best and right amazing chapter where our cities for our country and hopefully for our world may. Thus anything so much for the time and I'm gonna make sure to send every single guest a t shirt from now and cause. I like this. Look it just amidst venture to Lebanon let's not push it to find money for these things. Thank you.
I must make us and have a go, and it is the biggest so much mayor Gus any I'll. Send you that Switzerland is. I make it when we come back. Billy Porta joins us on the show to talk about engaging voters through his new single, for what it's worth stick alone will come back to the daily social distancing show. Earlier today I got a chance to speak. Billy Porter the multi talented performer, whose one Emmy Tony and Grammy awards. We talked about his new single and how he's trying to engage voters. In a major election year really Porter, while they re social, distancing, shone ass, a scene good to see you desire say you are the most stylish at home person I have seen. I feel you don't understand the rules of kroner virus down as may be drawn up, for you is very important, but I mean I'm I mean this is I've got coalesced wagon where I wish sweats now. That's what I do. I love it. I'm gonna put muslins right after you,
I was hoping I was actually hoping. I was hoping you would show me like what is Billy Porter's version of Adam cuz. You always do that you take whatever what everybody's wearing and you take it to the next level, whether it's like a met, Gala looks well. What my next level is right now a dollar I really hope that doing so, will you say it's all class that's. Ok, I like it welcome welcome to the showed thank it for joining me today, you know you you. You are one of those people who is doing everything all of the time, and now it feels like the world has come to stop You are one of the people where one of those, so what has been doing now, did you take a break or you just working more from home? What its twofold? Yes and yes
I am taking a break, I'm learning what self care is I learning what boundaries are? I'm learning? What balance is you know We do have a place in a space debris in the time, and I know how pleased I am to have that with that said, I do wake up every morning at five, a m and right until tat, because I'm working on a member, I am working on a children's picture. A pilot news about you know, like I'm a creative person, why bit of freely create a present for my whole life. So this is what I've done. My whole life doesn't arrive to fill my own time. So that's not me, the terror that comes along with his time is. Is the harbor right you
you responded to that- and I think you are one of the Middle East- partly engage celebrities. I know what you know. You ve never been afraid to make your voice here. I think so you not afraid to die to say you know to speak your mind. You know have been afraid to get involved. Obviously you, you know, you ve been fighting rights, you ve been fighting for equality, and now you are fighting for people to vote Tum Tum about your new song. What would tell me how how it was inspired and why you chose the music. He shows. So you know I'm first generation possible rights, move right and then I came out during the AIDS Christ. Activism is imagine. I am a meal the man what I was gonna, there was a thing called protest music that was a genre and so way back in September. I knew that the election was covered up. I'm but I have this new found platform of whatever you call it
I wanted to make sure that I you know I was just my part and showing up in using my my platform and their powers, forego the Kurds, there's a monster in the White House and we have to get him out. However, we must answer. I just want to make sure that I'm doing my part. So we put this thing together with the hope that it might and engage ignite remind people that the power is in us. We, the people, happen our to change and we gotta get on and do that work. How would you respond to pay? who say Billy, I don't see the point in voting in a lot of a lot of young people might say. There's no point. Nothing
it is the world is always gonna, be the same one administration to the next as not a big shift. How'd you respond to those people are someone who said you off. First generation civil rights and you fought for gay rights as well. I mean I have seen it. I've lived through it and I think the challenge right now in the disk connect is the wild wild West that were in of this technology. At this hour minded technology. You know we have to figure out how to bring in the tenet of how we activists during the summer rights with the weather to sit in the bath boycotts. You know the bridge Bob Labourer an amount that, together with what we can do with technology, and that will be the new way that we then we can activate,
but we haven't gotten. You know it's like right behind my computer and twittering, if not activism, doll. You know, and I say that to my family, It's like. I, don't I'm not sure where we begin. You know we're already in it. Somebody has to plan the stuff. You know. That's not my skill set, but I can sing a mean song when it is play amen to that my friend. Well, I know I'm going to let you go. Thank you so much for being on the show. Thank you for looking stylish. I was just believe that there are no pants cuz, I feel like if you stand up you're going to disappoint me and hopefully I'll see you on the other side,
The biggest always really I'll, see you again but will also show for tonight, but before we go, the covert pandemic has taken a serious toll on many people's mental health, and here in the United States, the disaster distress help line is trying to address this crisis. They got, countless were trained to meet the mental health needs of this unique situation, and if you are able to and you'd like to help them, then please donate whatever you can. If you I too support specifically in New York. Then please, don't aids to N Y, see well, which is also providing free, confidential mental health support until tomorrow, Stay safe out their wash your hands and remember Thursday, is the one that comes after Wednesday.
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Transcript generated on 2020-06-28.