« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

Marjorie Taylor Greene Faces Backlash | Jeremy O. Harris


Redditors drive up the price of silver, Trevor highlights the racism and conspiracy theories embraced by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, and playwright Jeremy O. Harris discusses "Slave Play."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You listening to Carmody central. This part cast his brother, you by free guy, storing Ryan, Reynolds and Jody Comber. Now, playing only in theatres, free guy tells us we have guy a bank teller who discovers. He is a background player in an open world video game. Now, no longer content with being back on player. Guy is determined to write his own story, save his virtual world and become hero of the game. Get your tickets now See this action packed adventure on the big screen see free guys. During Ryan Reynolds and Jody Comber, now playing only in theatres what's going on in the body, and furthermore- and this is the baby surfing- this issue today is February first, which means it's the start of black history month. Yes, my friends is that time of the year, when why people who are true allies gift their black friends appear?
five. Do the right thing guys don't be racist anyway, unto my show ready traders are high on silver anti virus. Running things for everyone and we introduce you to an insane the woman who makes laws for the country now, plus Jeremy O Harris of Slave plea is joining us on the show. So let's do this? People welcome to the daily socialist some show from troubles couch in New York City to York out somewhere in the world. This is the daily social distancing, show withdrawal alright, let's kick things off with a big snow storm that slammed into the North EAST United States today, where some places will be getting up to twenty four inches of snow. In fact, there was so much no milk that we wouldn't go anyway, and we had to stay home all day was crazy, but while the sunny West Coast You have to worry about Tional, California, s hand
Some scary weather related problems of its own amazing, new drone. Video shows where a chunk of California Scenic Highway, one collapse after having rainstorms last week, both lanes Bing, Sir, wash down into the Pacific Ocean that landslide left a massive gap and the highway in a deep ravine littered with fallen trees. Thankfully nobody was heard their transportation of fish we have no estimate of how long it might take to actually fix that merchants. Collapse just another major blow to the areas: tourism, industry, man. If anything, I think a big hole like that is gonna help the tourism industry, and we just look at the an canyon they wont to patch. about three years ago, but it's so popular, but they never even bothered now. Luckily nobody. On this road when a collapsed, but they do have to fix this road, a sap because since we all have gpa- now, I don't know how obvious that whole is gonna, be right. People just gonna be like I mean here, it looks like a whole, but Google
says we should just go straight, so I mean what's the word, and this does not scary- but you know who did enjoy it- that panda from the national zoo. Ah we all have a normal plunging to our debts. Let's move on so the corona virus pandemic. The only thing with me, mutations, then maybe Giuliani. The big issue right now is getting people vaccinated as quickly as possible and now the as yet another thing making that harder than it should be assholes
we lost Angeles times as dozens of anti vaccination protesters disrupted operations at one of the largest vaccine sites in the country. They block entrances and force the inoculation centre a dodgy stadium. To close for about an hour Saturday, hundreds of people waited in their cars to get shots. Some city officials are calling for increased security at testing and vaccination locations. Wool. These people in early had to sit in the cause born our. How did they notice, but only real, though, what the fuck he vexes. If you dont want to vexing the no get one, I don't agree with you, but don't wounded for everyone else. Like we don't come interrupt, you when you're busy dying of measles, here's what I don't understand. Why doesn't always have to be the most ridiculous people who are the most fired up work on Anti Vexes, Billygoat Instagram models will last summer. You know we're just posted Black Squared Instagram for one day and then they will bring of vaccines again. But let's move on now
international news. Ten years ago, the cat, tree of Myanmar emerged from a half century. Of military rule to transition to civilian governments, but yesterday the military apparently decided that they liked it better the old way breaking overnight. Developments in man, Martha Country, formerly known as Burma this morning, the military their announced that it took control of the country in a coup against the democratically elected government. It detained several politicians, including the country civilian leader, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Aung San Suu Kyi. The raids came hours before a new session of parliament was scheduled to open and members who won the November. Elections were set to take their seats. The military alleges voter fraud in the November elections. All men Trump must be kicking himself right. Now I don't Why didn't think about using the military? Can I have a coup over and here's the thing? I know it sometimes hard to Americans to care about another country's politics. So if MIA
wants to get the? U S to pay attention? They should change the countries. name again this time to the capital building yeah because of Amerika how that there was a coup at the capital building than then at least care about that for like two weeks, but I am hoping for the best for the people of Myanmar, this shows us is that maintaining a civilian, that democracy is an easy and company taken for granted when you think about it. Civilians cook, holding the military is an amazing accomplishment in the first place for them three, has way more power? It was the political equivalence of having a pet rex, one may say about jumping on the couch, badgering bad? And finally, let's move on from the Who, in Myanmar to the ongoing who, on Wall Street last week, you promise remember day. Traders only read it shocked. The markets by driving stocks engaged stop and am see. Movie theater is higher than the queen's hand. Britain now read it has its eye on something even more shiny,
game stop saga continues to grow. It's not just stocks anymore, though reddit users are buying up silver pushy value of the precious metal silver has now had a I've month, high at nearly thirty bucks, an hour not ready group says that they're doing it because Big Bang, specifically J P Morgan Chase, have been quotes
pressing metals for a long time before the week in retail sites did so silver coins and silver bars said that they were getting hit by unprecedented demanded. They couldn't need it. The demand. It's been incredible: much physical silver, almost all gone in terms of white amatory. We typically have about a thousand silver products in inventory, available for purchase, we're getting so cleaned out right now that were actually last. I tracked down to about eighty items in stock witches number I've never seen before, never thought we would ever see. The entire industry is frankly wiped out in terms of actually finding wives silver that you can purchase and receive today its becoming impossible comrades the right people now silver prices are skyrocketing, we're going to cause confusion at the next and pics. I mean, if Silva's more valuable than gold and was going to try and get second place splinters we at the finish line like after you, man
The ice is what, after man I'm you may oil more first rhyme oil, but first you goin Why don't you boy out of me now this time you can go for his right now, while some rented use say. The driving solar prices higher will cripple banks like J, P, Morgan. Others claim that this movement is secretly being coordinated by Big Wall Street firms, because it would help the banks- and I believe this because of course Wall Street will do that when war streets is a scam going. Fresh, stop and interests and join in if Wall Street Corky rubbing its mom would be like? Hey all her legs when I think of Russian. Sometimes she has Cashman there. We get in the. Let me get in there, with its coordinated by the banks themselves are not. The fact is. The rennet search is now spreading from gain stock to silver to all sorts of stocks, and one of our car Spartans has a pitch for which would go next. Are you a rented or looking to stick to the hedge funds? Will forget about game? Stop and silver. You
invest in key. We I'm desi lighting and key ways. Are the investment opportunity that Wall Street doesn't want you to know about their portable? They hold their intrinsic value and it's easy to think you're ordering ten from Amazon and miraculously wind up with ten crates. Here's a fact. As far as we know, every single hedge fund shorting Kiwis an arena. Let them do that to America's national fruit. I don't think so, but if we all by Q is then rocket ship, and here we are more than an investment. They go great fruit salads they can be organic trap. Nuts and then the only Fruit cupboard infer. So if you ever wonder what it's like to take a bite out of a hamster, now you can with key ways and the best part is you don't even have to go through those walls,
three fat cats to get your key ways. Just call me, and let me know how many want, whether five or five thousand business opportunity will not last forever got. Maybe two days tops before it smell so bad in here that my landlord kicks me out so well now and remember the more q we all by the more the hedge funds suffer its just economics so called today. Please honey. What did you do? I'm handling at or when we come I will look at one of the newest and most terrifying stars of the republican Party. You gonna miss it.
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the bed, one of them maybe going home early tonight growing outrage of newly elected representative Marjorie Taylor, Green, the newly conspiracy theorist, an ardent trump supporter from Georgia is facing calls to resign and a longshot bid to expel her from Congress. After a review of her social media founded two thousand eighteen and nineteen, she repeatedly indicated support for executing prominent Democrats, including speaker, Nancy Pelosi and a widely shared video from twenty nineteen. How green declaring Pelosi a trader and crime should be executed? They grime punishable by death is like three main group. My worry is guilty of jury. Then she's calls for the Brok Obama she's call for the hanging of Hillary Clinton right now, they're trying to spite me from Congress yeah, I don't like, they don't like a lot of things I say and do their trip there. You know it's a witch hunt yeah. They don't like
things? You said because you hold for their execution and not looking for a witch hunt they looking to stay alive. I mean people what kind of psychopath calls for the execution of America's leaders on Facebook from unanimity on Snapchat, it would be hard to find also the puppy knows makes you seem less crazy and hears. Why take this assassination too seriously from Marjorie Taylor Green. She got three names. Assassins always have three names: Lee Harvey, Oswald, Convokes Booth, Neil Patrick Harris, kills every award show. So, who is this person that might get expelled from Congress, often less than a month Well, let's get to know her and our brand new segment fringe watching meets Marjorie Taylor Green in Congress. She represents Georgia's fourteenth district right outside Atlanta and in life. She represents some views,
right outside of reality. Marjorie Taylor, green. She won her house for a district in North West Georgia. She has in the past, promoted IQ and on conspiracy theories. Q is the patriot without them. For sure, but we do not know who q is people believe that Q is someone very close to President tromp according to him, minium and our government are actively worshipping Satan or they call Moloch I mean. Is it going to be true that the child pedophilia and the elites in the Washington DC? Is that what we are really let's see come out, is going to be. A tonic, worship, Q They represent Let us not luxury Taylor. Green is hardly the first members of Congress to hold some out their beliefs. I mean to have crews, believes that be working for him but cure known as not just extreme its delusional people? How are you.
In the government and believe that the government is full of Satan worshipping sex predators? I mean it must be exhausting to be walking around the whole of Congress, just constantly opening doors like ah now, just to supply, closet, faccia, now just a copy room: No that's my office, man, I'm so lost and is not just colonel. In fact, it seems like green has accounts recent theory for every letter of the alphabet, the Trump backing public and embraces completely false q and on conspiracy theories and in a newly uncovered video from twenty eighteen claimed? Former president Obama is muslim. Clinton's head J Kay Junior killed and even questioned whether a plane crashed into the Pentagon on nine eleven
there is never any evidence shun for a plane and the Pentagon. Facebook posts have surfaced in which Green called the deadly parkland high school, suiting fake, along with video, showing her harassing parkland. Shooting survivor David Hog read like tat our second amendment right. How do you get Ben Gunn owners and people that support the second amendment to give up their guns, and go along with anti dumping legislation? How do you do that you that by performing a mass shooting into a crowd. There is very likely to be conservative. Is that what happened in LAS Vegas? Have you say that You're, a brute beggar, gained great walk into the airport, the airline, like a double free Hillary Clinton, so isn't Ariane, Sir. I do not believe that was raised now. I don't think so. I don't know why Ok show our b g has a body double Hillary Clinton.
body double. That's what makes it sound like everyone Has their own body double units? Such costs? thing to believe you're the weekend there to us get out of their main raw. But the big question is: how did Osama Bin Karen get elected to Congress in the first place? it turns out, she was lucky to be one of nine Republicans running for the seat, so everyone's attention was spread around instead of focused all on her, come like how there are so many kinds of Oreo. Now that you hardly even know just that one of the flavors of human flesh and while some of the cool stuff did come out mostly. What voters knew about her was that she was a hard core trump supporter, and here she sometimes sounded like crazy person, but only in a comforting, familiar
way. She's a former cross german owner issue is that of she rolls fathers construction company. The really has no political background at all. America has the greatest country in the world. We need confirm that Washington, several people, the Democratic Party, is no longer an american party. They are now the party of socialism, they want a river. borders wide open they want to kill, babies up until birth and maybe even afterwards, I have a message for anti terror, say the hell out of Northwest Georgia dad I'm knowledge I'm skipping on Halloween and by the way, I'm freaking out. Greens, cure non beliefs. But if you ask me the scary, culture is involved in is crushed bits,
well, that's just just Scientology with Jumping Jack's. But yes, aside from the cult stuff, a lot of greens beliefs are pretty typical for today's Republicans, but she also has little extra something that makes the far right love her even more its racism Marjorie Taylor Green also has a track record of incendiary and racist rhetoric. There is an islamic invasion in two, Our government offices right now, if you want, is and Sharia law you stay however, they are in the Middle EAST. You stay there and you're gonna MECCA and do all your thing, and you know why you can have a husband, wives or goats or sheep or whatever you want, but that doesn't make me a racist, because I disagree, I say led the statue up there, the most mystery a group of people in the I did say today- are white males, wanna, now deleted Facebook post green question, whether California's deadly camp fire and twenty eighteen was started by
lasers being down from outer space laser, she says somehow connected to the Rothschilds jewish european Banking, family, the target assembly oldest laziest, most dangerous anti semitic troops on the books, jewish space lasers call on along along jewish space lasers. What is ladies, plain conspiracy: slot machine going with whatever comes here's. My question: if you were secretly starting a forest fire while will use space laser when you could just use our no matches it's such a waste of a jewish space. Laser is like the death star to make small was from a shorter, torn and honesty guys. If you and symmetric. This is a weird way to try and get people on your side, because when I hear someone say jewels have a space laser, I'm like awesome, can I join. I will say, though it is.
press of the green has some wild races theory for every good. I mean no, wonder she got elected cause she's, like I wanna, be a congresswoman for everyone, whether you hate Jews, blacks, muslims or filthy Canadians. I'm on your side. so that's who Marjorie Taylor Green was before she started, threatening to kill Democrats and how as for violence, are nothing new, while some Republicans only came onto supporting an insurrection after Donald Trump lost the election rain was running the troops even before November twenty twenty, in this generation doesn't stand up and defend freedom. It's gone and since it's gone, freedom doesn't come back by itself. The only way you get your freedoms back. Is it's it's earned with the price of blood. When we rise up, we can- and all of this we can end it. We can do it peacefully. We can. I
That does not happen. We don't have to do it the other way, I hope not, but we should feel like we will. If we have to ok Miller's, I'm sorry but calls for Island Revolution, just don't have the same weight when you're streaming from your hotel room, it's time for the people to rise up and take back their freedoms. Excuse me: can I get another town, please, because I'm to the Gonna, yet thank you so much worse. Sparrow some now? The cabana will be fine. Thank you. So little these death threats and conspiracy theories have come to light. Congress is trying to figure out how to with green. Do you send show her, you expel her do a secret jewish space laser to distract her. Like a cat, I mean one thing for sure, while Congress tries to decide what to do with her, she's out they're getting stuff done herself
Georgia Cars where Marjorie Taylor Green, calling on President Biden to be impeached, found articles and then Peter President Joe Biden will see how this guy's, what a let down module. Retailer green came to Washington calling for extra actions and a few weeks later, she's already settling for impeachment man. I guess com this, will turn any one into a moderate. But you know what I have a conspiracy theory of my own. I think larger retailer green is secretly a Democrat and I'll think about it. She's making Republicans look unhinged she's from Georgia, which we all know blue state, and she is a member of Congress, which she herself believes is a satanic, demonic cult. Now, if I'm correct and more retailer green. Is Democrats? Well that's great news for everyone, because that would be the only way.
then Republicans will actually want to hold her accountable for anything she's done or when we come back playwrights germ your Harris, we'll talk to us about his ground breaking play safely. She don't miss it The daily show would travel no ears edition is brought in by the twenty twenty one for Bronco sport. Have you ever been on off road adventure. I'm not on my liberal, gravel Amazon Freeway, I'm talking about dirt road may be being climbing a few rocks. If this is the type of adventure you're seeking this year, the twin twenty one for Brussels, sport ass, the issue be that are get you there. Take your adventure and travel with ease with the twenty twenty one for Brussels sport. This suv yell comes with everything: Scott, the Hoss system, a high performance, offworld stability, suspension system available Alfred capability with available all terrain, tyres altering every terrain, available goat modes to help you go over any type of,
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the corona virus pandemic and so much more term. Harris welcome to the daily social distancing. Show You were having me had I known, you were gonna challenge my fro. I would have blown off my fro, but I feel like you, you, you you sneak up on me. This is not clear what you ve just done here, because I can do that. But I was like I don't like doing people can only feel intimidated. Thank you, gonna. Do this woman, I didn't that was an outer demands, told me to show this is like the Englishman. I wanted to let you know, walk in the step of liking. It pass. African liberation is past and Africanist, unlike live in a pool. Seventies row moment bore you like that switched it up. You know they also get. The often told me that you ve been wearing sweatshirts on the show yeah there I would like with each other
you're, and I was not going to do that. I guess that's for me. That felt, like other, like utter like beautiful privilege, like your beauty, privilege of lights can privilege. You have like my mom in Virginia gonna, be like what the hell is. It doing and what moodily natural here and Michael Thirty Onest show ready for anything. I think I think you're fantastic terms that's not ignore it is for me, is like people often ask me they like why we're the hoodie is what one is the hoodie about. This is how I dress when I'm at home, and I'm not in the mood to act like I have not been at home for a year. Yes, I get to pop outside, not again, but we're all at home so I'm not gonna now live in a world where I'm gonna be unkind like ours shoot outside, because I'm outside, but I won't with, inside, because I'm inside you know I mean so I
make my pandemic experience as comfortable as possible, and I hope you will do the same. Eunuch fabulous thought was: that's that's a stunning jacket, like that's a nice collar. That's my shirt! It feels like you, What are you doing now before we talk about the plan only accolades when you watch it, I've been sitting at home wondering if even know how to write apply. One setting that, like you know thing for me. Is that, like I, I think about Peter as like commute rebuilding and away like I'd like the Emerald Isle of its labour. Humanity brought with it. How did you do that? You wanted to get a problem, but I didn't wanna do any of this. I wanted was a playwright, my small group of friends in a gale. Someone asked me my second year in grad school at their three years, their missing emerald, my classmates and then dirtier was off Broadway Medusa, really random series of occurrences, and, oh, oh god,
I'm sorry I got caught my my friend is calling me old man. That was gonna happen. That's really funny! So that's freezing up our picture right now. How long will we get it back? Wait. A second he'll come back also, just gonna tell her that I wait I'll call you back, I'm on the daily show that will be applied moving on. I wonder how many times it happened, your gas, I dont, think its ever happened. Actually, I've completely lost you. This is so we didn't take the car things just because is it in my back now how they were there? You are you back great great look at em. You gotta do this and make sure that based on didn't, come back with us the issue term based time
This is, this is fun. This is what I love about this you now imagine. You was wearing a suit for this moment right now. I would feel it Something had gone wrong because I'm honey? I'm like we're. Just it's just happening. Life has just happening right now, you all ways one of the hardest hottest harnessed places to get anything on. You can just broke into a journey. You broke into it with a Play that many would argue would never make it onto Broadway. It is one of the most risque things, so I went to our slave play and I remember sitting there and I want sweated for people, but I remember for the first like ten minutes, fifty minutes like. This is the worst thing in my life this is horrible and, what was happening around me was there were a lot of, like races, jokes being said, the alarm and I'll just like, and people were laughing around me and I was. I was really uncomfortable, like wow, as so clearly This is not for me. This is for some: he's old, white folk they're having a great time right now and then the place switches and then I started laughing.
And then people around me didn't laugh anymore and I remember the entire too. I walked out of it going this. It's it's like similes, president I would like the matrix or devils advocates, or just an experience that take you through a story that corpse how you seeing the world around you. It seems like a play about, interracial relationships, but then, when the when the George Flight protest, and people we using the play and using you know, quotes from the play and ideas from the place in the streets while they were protesting. Taught me through some of that, like it seems like it's one thing, but it feels like so many other things.
What was slave play meant for you, all youth. What are you trying to do because it seems that can achieve everything yeah I I was a black kid who had been in white schools for most of my life right and, like you know, when you are the one of those few black its remit, predominantly why three it's you tend to either be attracted to all of the these. These groups of white people they were always make. You feel, like an other, had never make. You feel, like you add, with much worth or you'll, find the other black, be butter in those programmes and like the storm little pods and find ways to boarding yourself outside,
We would like psychic terror of being around white folks. Every time that you read your a classroom or walk down the street and on having to college I catch your hair, cannot do this illegal in the minute you select I'd like it warns raised here, but I am not raise it. So I wanted to play the distinctively told all of those kids who killed gas lit by the systems and the institutions that they are part of that, like hey, you're, not wrong, the people around you all races enough. They say they are almost people around you, like art, dealing with years and years and years of systems. The in the thing when you are, they feel like separate from those system right, bright, red and you're, not wrong to want to call it out and for me, because probably was never. The goal are never the option. I programme
very important to talk to the producer. You wanna taken them like a convergence, the Broadway. It has to be put saint people that I voted for the right hand, take displayed a broadway, and maybe I can now only why people love American expresses a poor, poor logic. It can come see it. I was like the ticket than to be affordable, it has to be privileged. We had the privilege black people, young people exaggerate and luckily, but to do that, which was amazing. I'm not shocked that your play has been nominated for record twelve on. What's, congratulations like to have twelve nominations, unheard of, and it's amazing. I hope you and every single one of them because oftentimes when we talk about racism and systemic racism in society, we speak about it through the lens of like overt hatred. You know but it is really hard to have these conversations with the new ones that it deserves when you're talking about through the lens of love, the whole of slave plays about love. It's about how couples, each of us about how people love each other as well. Have families have friends, love each other and how race either as a complex
the or an added dynamic. True that love was that a big pile at all? Why was love so crucial for? Because, when you watch, you won't play at no point, do you think that any of those white people does not love the black people that their interacting you don't even not like them. You understand that everybody is being subject to the system would mean is because our group with the South rape, and so in the south. There are certain things that are like very plain spoken right. That's why, like the South because, like in the south, I had friends who I knew for a fact like like adored me? Is, I don't have love with what they happen, but they adored me. They were stressing me but they'd, be in a car and there we'd be on the carpet. Will we be talking about? You know pokey minor, whatever we're talking about Schriner? Damn son whistling Dixie in the carpal does the real story and they would whistle along- and I don't know it would. Dixie- was
but then I learned the song and I come home and then, like I'd, seen the sound one moment you make me. That's a racist sign, read what you got my mark in an arms like you, go back and tell them that racism, back a tumbler Jason's. Oh my god, we get. You know about my grandma Grandpapa get like fight for the confederacy, Yes, I am a little bit raises. I'm sorry that made you feel weird anyway. You go on when I look here, nor I would be in situation with hyper ambitious other like, like students, many of them are white, who say things are do think there were based on rights. Are the greater rights may be like? Well yet Germany? Let me that one of the smartest people here, but you know He got in book I'd like the reason you gettin, while a great variety of cutting back or the rhythms ignore, knows my effigies worthy bit, I'm sure out ass. It. You know things little things: enemies, elected
Reason to make no its money unless I learned this fourteen a bay or I learned this only tell these jobs that you know that the in mid two thousand years and everyone felt safe, gladly simple NBC. All these places were like built up round liberal comedians like races, things that made black and brown. We will go we're were they were told they couldn't because they were, they offered a problem, and so I started to think what about how the most insidious- formerly That is the kind of rates of them, but we see perpetrated by people that regular boating, Victor liberals who, like both against policies, that less attacking yuck back and brandy gas as a became, really upset the sort of entanglement right, a sort of like entanglement that is based around mutual respect, mutual love but like wherein, like that, respect is hampered by being blind to the ways in which being socialized White has like challenge who had made it
was impossible, breeder like understand the complexities of any any body. That's not around. I running appreciate how you ve created a conversation. That is honest. That is heartbreaking. That is funny. It's funny is yet manage one. The funniest thing you ever watch and it leads people. In my opinion, walking outgoing man I see world in a slightly different way, and I see the way I participate in the world in a slightly different way, and so on Yemen, I would add even more nominations to twelve. I could talk to you for hours, but maybe maybe we'll catch up on on the day. Thank you for joining me. You for being here and thank you for creating german procedural courtesy. One day of course we want to get the thing that the think globally
we say that about. If we really want more people to see that's right, we want as many people as possible so that we have to think about the fact that in America, Dieter is on its last legs all of the arts or on your last legs. I want everyone to look into being Arturo and the work they are doing and also to research, the federal theatre, pride. in the federal arts project, which is one of empty areas like plans, is that of the new deal we make federal one and put money to the art, the hands of artists, not just in New York, not just on Broadway but everywhere, because the built the the multiple billions of dollars. sleep worth bring to the economy. Artists are necessary and no it's fun to think about theatre as like that bad news
well you're sailor daughter within that. You, like that's true but, like you know Peter, is what made flee bag is. What made I meet assure you is what like helped make the foundational principle them all. The shows you watch on that licked loon, yes, all need other places, and we want to make sure that there is a new generation of people who are still able to do that who didn't starve. While they were trying to do that. Please please, please, ask your representatives to build about bill all of them out, because I am a lucky artists alpine, I'm sitting in like a gorgeous apartment right now, but there are plenty of people who my peers, plenty of people who are above me will be integrated. We are struggling to figure out how they're gonna get their next meal, because we ve got more about Wall Street bailouts. We thought about. We are there
sector bailouts indulgent work, they need our soul and they also help reshape how we think about America. Insignificant wave in order will make sure we do that. Then thank him and don't be a stranger look off this off. I want. I want this rush. I thanks again. Jeremy now in case you wondering journey himself, has created a collection of plays by black writers, called the golden collection for more information about the golden collection, including how to, by its please check out the link below we're gonna, take a quick break, but will be right back after this Starbucks cold brew. There's nothing like it especially come summer when you're bouncing from bike rides to beach trips to backyard barbecues. It's the bold, smooth, ice, cold coffee pick me up their powers. You are summer day find your happy place at Starbucks order ahead on the app when you ve been at a job for years. In future annual review, your boss gives the promotion that you deserve. To the new wire, a guy named coltan. but no less than a month. It when you
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Daily show the terminal hears it wants. The daily show recognised that eleven, ten central one Tommy Central and calmly several watch full episodes. Videos at the daily show that not only was on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram answer to the daily show on Youtube or exclusive caused in him. Well, I have your ear. This is something exciting folks across Pennsylvania, our scratching, the way to all kinds of and thanks to pay a lottery scratch off with new games every month, big tall prizes in even second chance drawings? excitement is always an order, no matter what game you play so get your ticket defined today with appear lottery, scratch off and oh yeah, one more thing, keep on scratch and must be eighteen or older. Please play responsibly benefits older pennsylvanians. every day. This has been a comedy central podcast.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-13.