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Klepper vs. Trump's 2024 Campaign

2023-08-28 | 🔗

A MAGA rally turned "intimate event," multiple military conspiracies, protestors against Trump's arrest, and more. Jordan Klepper takes on Trump's road to 2024 candidacy...if Trump doesn't get arrested. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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It was it's not really riot somewhat of a rally, but it's not a big rallied. Now, the nine it was around like people standing aligns it's an event to list invited list on the proud of that that the peace have been invited. You, yes, only heavily vip vips invited like this surrender. Gimme, some sombrero trump. Yes, not a rally hearts later. She have form format leadership James Z, There's something this guy's got to date: circle that us calendar. they go to mile you got the classic style and classic takes probably prison. Right now is currently the present He is still president there's a lot of things that this Why you person does not, like the present ceiling, things like that pretty obvious
with Biden, doesn't have the presidential seal when he speaks there's a presidential seal in front of him. It's not real. What does he do it as president? He is in charge of the military. Great, the military is housing dietary would put in charge twenty eighteen, when president trump signed an executive order, the american military arms that are going to ukraine. We have donald trump to thank for that. Now to theirs to military, stairs, a bad, the military's donald charge of the good one, yes binding in charge of the bad.
Terry, exactly. Fortunately, there were some supporters who still believe an election cycle is actually necessary and we're serious about planning a long campaign just been doing a lot of preparations, a lot of testing the waters and just what's normal, talking to advisers, yeah pretty much nick fuentes, kanye west, like the minds that are going to shape the point of view of this whole campaign. The original drop bread is still strong tomatoes, outta that guy that mister starts. That's when the shooting starts put a new election cycle could meet a different tone. What are you seeing that is different about trump and his tone This kind of an event is more elevated, these at a more mature, loving words now their advisers. It's almost like these. Finally, listening to his little bit as far as comments down? Are you even the migrant communities being raised serious in respect to work. If you watch the conservative rhetoric, it looks like you still love me
Conservative rhetoric still respects positions of power in this, I believe our military or executive branch, exactly what you're headset attack. Don't remember. He had a better president. This campaign is already attacking bided approach to the war in ukraine, while lobbying trucks, brilliant, yet still theoretical approach. it never ever got in and even now I could solve that in twenty four hours from says. You can pick up the phone and this thing in twenty four hours when actually say off he kind of that kind of talk you think totally not get off. My cower, opponent cause. He knows trump stands up and says: hey I'm going to do this, I'm going to do in the! U S, Biden would threaten nuclear war, Now, no doubt strong stance of hake stop doing this guarantee Haven't you ever rattle behind that sabre right, which is
troops, but you don't want to do troops writers. Then you have all out war rights. So what would it threat of a threat of troops? so you want to get into office and promised to put troops into that war. Now I want to stop it verbally because you don't want military into it, because it s really where these at you have to have some sort of backup correct. You want trunk to have that. a couple to be not troops. No, he has the troops in support of being sent him. You don't want to send troops in. complicated situated is very complicated. Fortunately, her some of these rally goers, it doesn't have to be that complicated any any news reports about neil this terrible war in ukraine. Where do you get your news news max? they haven't covered at all. I think that there is no war. The cover The whole thing is that Zelensky, who is whose president of Ukraine I believe they
all extortion, money. I spend a little time in hungary and I met people who were coming from ukraine. Try to find a safe, their actual refugees fleeing, they said was a war zone where they I've just think money at the actors? As far as I know, I believe that they might be actors all of those people I met at hungry. Those are refugees. I believe that the the government is paying them to do that. That's a lot of actors, that's a side. Gig, that's gonna cost billions, the first round of invites America Is it a sweet swede right? Last week, Donald trump declared his arrest was imminent and called for a protest to take our nation back outside the manhattan district, briggs office. So yesterday I ventured all the way downtown the media circus to observe this crowd of bugger protestors? Who were
currently around here somewhere that social here it says, tuesday protest. Take our nation back. Is this the protest for trump or the truck protests or the supporting. Are we taking our nation back that today? So I did have the day right and then I found a proud and totally concealed crops afforded by air communist foretroche, because they data from went on his own social media called out people his supporters to come out here and support him, and right now that's just you have I don't need. You will also know that. Ok, I'm here to see. What's going on everyone's talking about it, I came here You want to see you in your own right, because I dont believe. what I'm here and then lose me. So what have you seen so far actual
it was not? This was in the usual log around the numbers were low, and it was in my own city. However, the Arguments over some basic facts were refreshingly familiar. They think it's fair for trouble to be indicted. It then does happen. This way I don't know of specific facts, what I do now she's my president right now I then he's thinking serving their role as your president current. While he is my heart, he's I'd have to be clear, which you're sure you think you're buying is present and right now. I think that man is is this. I just know that allegedly he's there, because that man does make it, but technically he is there. He is serving the role of president. Maybe I dunno I haven't been I've been I've been to washington dc I've not seen him walking away now
You don't think I don't know what they are videos of him in the way that please can we did. I just want to get beyond. This fact is the present united states. Donald trump was the president back that's something better later today Joe Biden has gone up and have become. I don't even know why he'd gone after them cause they're going to push them out the door and probably bring my own michelle Michael Obama. Is that correct? Okay? They may why? Why do you call me that what a joan rivers thing joan river setting of activity by what she said you get most of your news from joan rivers. None an unopened, don't tell her she's about Michael Obama.
Regardless of their sources, the buggy crowd, which the police estimated to be between three and six people believe these charges were unworthy of a former president. Auto filled trump severe trouble trouble. That's constitutional affairs. presidents. That is a political attack. Yes, they're, not charging somebody else for this crisis, the their political back. They did charge somebody else with this exact crime. That is why a visa will Michael Cohen, was charged play guilty serve time in jail, this loyalty, the about a man who cheated on his wife with a porn star, while his wife was at home with their newborn son but loyalties.
A big issue, very many doesn't understand, turns out. He doesn't know when it works either, but for biogas. What does feeling fomo about missing the donald showdown with justice competent yield get another chance allowing it to be here today. more hours walk around suddenly travellers indicted in georgia. Next you go there Maybe I will like a big old diaper door at the
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thinking about getting the latest. I phoned check this out with boost infinite. You get the latest iphone every year and unlimited wireless for just sixty dollars a month. Yeah you get the new by phone fifteen pro that was just announced. Then again next year you get the latest iphone every year, boost infinite infinitely better to learn more visit, boost infinite doc ha, that's boost, infinite dot, com term supply of liquid waste tourism. Supple trading area requires further qualification of the excitement from financing agreement The tuesday's arraignment of former president donald trump in new york was a first for the nation and brought out the passionate handsomely dressed and the kind of men who really disappoint their mothers journey. While I am fund getting into the scrub, I was surprised to find there were people who wanted to have a meaningful conversations about the justice system. I don't
we'll see what you're, seeing as I ask this, you don't believe in it, jerry process. I don't believe it. this was a civilian. It would mean he a civilian he's, a person. Address so, he should the grand jury process if it should be dismissed because because I am going by general, got feel like the way I got over their minds down from happens. What other horse I mean I'm on its own money, for one thing and out of all the cases up against double from this is probably the weakest, probably that we bring about these prosecutions. We don't know that another, the grand jury who can see that
Listen, I think that everyone, everyone should get it and get a fair trial series of order, a grand jury looking at all of the evidence so that they decide to indict donald trump. Well, then we we will let that happen sure. Certainly if there's evidence, every every piece of evidence should be heard. I mean that's what happened here. The field office, like the american version of a royal event the king aboard star pater and then lied about it. The american coordinate the donald arrived, the former leader of the free world was now possibly in the same room as a group of recently busted subway master baiters. He orchestrated all of this is all this was was rising now he's taking all the air out of the twenty. Sixteen he had all the media fox news cnn was covering now they have to get interested in the thing they could do easily one of the smartest guys. I know you talking about the manager getting fingerprinted inside that building right now. I think they feel that they have his dna. The dna at a lot of different places, the electric paper he can do anything trump, the way of you in any way, and they give you thirty four facilities. You know it's just like trump told you from either that will accept the person who is literally touching his fingerprint the trump campaign since he was,
up until now, but I guess I can say, protests fundraiser like over five million dollars for those some ways. It's almost like he's getting paid to have said. Is he
judgment, you guys have rain. I love you, but in many ways is not money going after no active mean! Oh, my dear you did you pay off ward star than sorry, that's gotta be frightening. I guess you could say that involving husband pave answer that lie in our business record. I'm using that word again under the campaign and like they could have been any my breath. We don't need justice to be blunt, just when I went down town to watch, trumps, historic ready and the surrounding media circus, but I was curious how hometown boy, Donald trump would be greeted by regular. Your whittemore is there to say, but also a period where some of the most respected and articulate members of the republican party. Yes, writing stars of the gnp came out in very, but it can get donald trump today, its america's led depends attorney george santa Barbara. Are you? Are you finally bringing legitimacy to that? We review the mistakes of the clock. Has finally got to be a lot we can raise live you got no, you are the ringing
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-13.