« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

Keeping Up with Coronavirus - Ex-Presidents Push Vaccination | Rebecca Carroll & Precious Lee


Former presidents try to convince Americans to get COVID-19 vaccinations, Rebecca Carroll discusses "Surviving the White Gaze," and Precious Lee talks about her trailblazing modeling career.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You listening to Carmody central support for the daily Show Trevor Revenue Ears Edition in the following message: come from Amazon Music, which is now offering millions a park as episode Anna Slate of original programming. You can. If we listen to the day, we shall ears addition, along with other popular podcast across culture, comedy true crime and music all on Amazon, music. Listening the black ass has never been so simple, Amazon music makes it easy to find the pie cash you like, and has millions of other episodes for your curious minded dive into next. where the listening on mobile web in the car at the jail Amazon music offers a convenient, podcast listening experience that fits your lifestyle, buying your favorites discover new trending podcast today. Listen to the daily show ears it. On Amazon, music, download. Amazon Music APP now Harry, what's goin on everybody
I'm sure vanilla- and this is the daily social distancing show today- is March sixteenth, which means we are smack dab in the middle of women's history month and to celebrate Let's once again highlights a random woman from history. So we can thank her. Let's see who we today. Today is an Thomson, the first woman to tell her boy friend that she doesn't give a shit that Jangle France origin was can't in the men Delorean God bless. You and Thomson anyway on tonight, show why Donald Trump won't help you get vaccinated the catholic church is making it rain and tender knows all your secrets. So let's do this. People welcome to the danish social distancing, show from troubles knowledge in New York City till you're out somewhere in the world. This is the daily social differences.
we traveled all yours. Let's kick things off with some hot technology news about tuna, a k, a post mates for Colombia. Ten debates can be unpredictable. I mean the only thing you know for sure when you meet up with a tender match, is that they're, not gonna, look as good as they do in their profile pic but now tinder. One To give you a little extra peak behind the curtain. Tender will, Let users run background checks on possible dates, match which own sender announcing an investment and Garbo. That's a nonprofit that aims to let people run checks with only their name and fell number. So this means that users will be able to that date with details such as their arrest record or history of violence. Background checks will not be free, but match says that its working on a price that will make an affordable for most users, yes and a background check baby. This will help people avoid dating criminals and it'll help criminals,
find online criminals to do crimes with you. If you ask me it's about time that they started this feature, I mean for one thing: it's way more fish. Then what people have to do now to figure out if they dating a criminal so are you into wine liking, have you ever made toil? wine, and if their any guys out there going wait. I don't want a woman knowing all the stuff about me before even date. My men, trust me, They already know way more than a background check will tell them for women goes on a date with you. She and her friends have already school through your instagram and the Instagram of everyone tagged on your instagram, so they already know useful comments on photos of your promenade, even though she has kids now they know everything and just to be clear, just because some has a criminal history. It doesn't mean that you shouldn't date them. Ok, I'm not saying that in fact, depending on the crime, it might even make them pretty appealing like at first, you might swipe left on someone who did time for insurance.
fraud, but nine hundred horrible dates. Nato, you know come back to him. Like you know, insurance fraud is really one of the sort. Families when you think about it, God for that drink. Honestly, I want a background check that look for on the warning signs. Besides criminal history in all like today, kiss with their eyes open They send you means three weeks after they went viral, are they obsessed with astrology or even worse? Are they a Capricorn speaking of people who could use a background check? The Catholic such as an institution. The church has been involved in many shady things over the past two thousand years in all the Crusades: what a boarding, babies but priest who keeps walking into a bar guys drinking problem, but now a major catholic order is trying to make good on one mistake for
history, as calls for reparations, continue to grow across the. U S. Catholic priests have vowed to raise one hundred million dollars to benefit descendants of enslaved people. Leaders in the catholic Church acknowledge that the institution was built on the backs of slaves and they say this is a move towards racial healing our asking for forgiveness and making reparations one hundred million dollars as huge. Do you realize how many pieces of aught from there again they gonna have to sell to raise that much money like one still. This is great news. The catholic church Not just recognising that owning slaves is wrong, but making reparations? The descendants voice blighting the ancestors- and I bet it will be a wonderful moment when the church, Hence both descendants would the reparations. This money
for all? In your great grandfather, I thought this was for you guys touches us when we were kids and I don't know how they plan to give out this money. But in my opinion, I think they should keep it simple. From now on. Every collection plate goes directly to a black person, and now a black people consume. Via the whole process to Yo Yo Yo, two dollars manner, so you, parliament, rain Rover, come on man come on new something moving on to news from Ireland. The country that did the royal family before offers interview. If you ve always wanted to visit the Emerald Isle for Saint Patrick stay, well, it turns out you're, not the only one one arctic wall. Restless bought it in Ireland. Experts with the Marine conservation society say this young walrus likely fell asleep on an iceberg and woke up miles away. The scientists with conservation society say is incredibly unusual to see the animals so far south. They say you look fit in well fed and should be able to make the trip back.
Nah one adorable store, of a walrus that went on a Benda Blue doubt and is lying to its family seriously, though single wars. This far south is so cute, and the Good NEWS is that with I'm a change. This is gonna, happen more and more willing and also of arctic animals floating melting icebergs, walruses polar bears centres, cops is gonna, be so cool. You know about it. Accidents like this or how so many evolutionary leaps took place like have you ever seen a tape here? Have you seen nothing? I mean Lonnie reason. Those things exist is clearly because at some point in history an elephant drifted into a family of skunks and they all just like. Ok, I guess we're doing this and despite what everyone else feels I don't feel bad.
This war is actually feel bad for all of his walrus friends in the Arctic yeah, because when he gets back, they don't have to listen to him going Guinness. just terrorist better in Ireland. You guys have to go. Oh my god. The Guinness here is horrible, real Guinness O guys up are you haven't, lived and by the way it's Ireland moving on to our main story covered vaccine is the reason all your friends have been dressing up as MRS Thowt fire. When do things stand right now with the vaccine roll out. Do you know? Well, let's find out in another instalment of keeping up with corona. The United States is now administering two point: four million vaccine doses per day, which is amazing. In fact it's one of the best vaccine roll out in the world.
But there are still concerns that many Americans are hesitant about getting the shots and that's a big problem, especially because the country will soon be over on by the: U K, variants, witches infecting thousands of Americans a day and taking all their acting rules so to stop the varying from taking hold Americanese to vaccinate as many people as quickly as possible, which is why, for top Americans are treated
vince, the rest of the country. Former presidents Brok, Obama, Bill Clinton, George W Bush and Jimmy Carter have joined together to make sure Americans understand the importance of getting the covered vaccine. The ad council put out to new public service announcements. You seem here featuring all of those former presidents and the former first, ladies, in order to get rid of it and Emmett important for our fellow citizens to get back to this back, see means for it will protect you, those love from this dangerous deadly disease gain vaccinated. We felt we beg to end as soon as possible, so that work and a worthy able, ass right people, if we all get vaccinated, then Bill Clinton will be free to do whatever he wants. Which way is that a good thing? But this is really great to see in all these form the president's getting together to help this cause. The true there's, no people always
like being told what to do. Sometimes you have to be a little more subtle. What do of them knowing entirely and when you think about it, ex presidents should be the last in line for the vaccine, because this be honest, didn't least essential workers. I mean what are ex presidents do leaders that gives speeches to Goldman Sachs saying. If George Bush gets the vaccine, I'm gonna see him delivering my door dash order. Shaggy spilled everything. But I'll be gave me fast stars. Now. You ve got me notice that One president who didn't do the Pierre say, Donald Jaundice Trump, and I know normally Donald Trump, not talking about corn of ours now would be a blessing. I mean the ad campaign wouldn't be great if it was like about why everyone admits to get the vaccine Orangist nor Ajax words she just as well many blushing, so many people
but this might just be the one case where Donald Trump can really make a good difference, because it turns out the people who are most reluctant to get the vaccine also his biggest fans, renew CBS News Paul, finds that a third of Republican say they will not get vaccinated. That's more than Democrats and independence, Doktor Anthony Voucher, urgent former president, don't try to persuade more of his followers to get the coal, the nineteen vaccine that they would make all the difference in the world he's a very widely popular person. Among Republicans, if he came out and said, go and get vaccinated is really important for your health, the health of your family and the health of the country. The AIDS seems absolutely inevitable that the vast majority of people, who are you
close follows would listen to him. I just don't get it Chris, why they don't want to get vaccinated? What of course, they'll listen to him trunk can convince his followers to do anything. The man convince them to overthrow the government and try to hang like pants and but they all gonna busted red hat, and I can say that I'm surprised I say that I am surprised that Trump isn't making an effort to get people vaccinated. I mean the men barely did his job when he had a job. You think he's gonna start working now for free, but the funny thing is that even while trumps seems too really uninterested in promoting the vaccine, he's very interested in getting credit for its form. president, isn't staying silent. Of course he released a statement about the vaccine quote. I hope that everyone remembers when they're getting the covert nineteen often referred to as the China virus vaccine, that, if I wasn't president wouldn't be getting that beautiful shot for five years at best and probably wouldn't begins
and all I hope everyone remembers that this dude when he misses twitter so much because I think he is to be in the mix so hard. All the time now just gets to issue a statement every week. Like does anyone. Remember me, allow I wanna go crazy guy, we good jammed. Remember me got their way and look I get we're tromp is coming from by the vaccines were scientific miracle developed in record time on his watch. You cannot deny that, but that's what makes it so with that not out there promoting the vaccine like when Tom Brady won the Superbowl. He went and held the trophy and celebrated with his team. It wasn't like the ominous sneak up the bank. Don't tell anybody, I was here so look. I don't know why Trump isn't promote the vaccine I mean, maybe he doesn't want help Joe Biden in the pandemic in oh, maybe he's
from an unknown all the Hydroxyl poor queen that he bought last summer. The question is, though, while Republicans so hesitant to get the vaccine in the first place. Well, it might be because they most trusted friends but telling it can't be trusted. There are things we don't know about. The effects of this fact see how necessary is it to take the vaccine? How effective are these drugs? Are they say, Is there a study on that? May we see it and by the way How much of the drug companies making off this I'm actually begin and have doubts have been told my friends, I gotta get the vaccine that their half of whom agree and the other half think I'm absolutely nuts. They wouldn't
I get in a million years on a Hutu. Listen to you see Fox NEWS, isn't explicitly telling this view is not to take the vaccine. They just questioning whether you should over and over and over again, and you may think that better responsible live every segment on Tucker Show is when he fired off a bunch of questions that he could easily google. How effective is the vaccine? Is the vaccine safe? are there any pizza re as near me. What a child stars looked like now, and you know it's especially went to hear people on the news doing this like how does Amerika
college news, you're the one who should be giving people the answers, and yet you asking that is like a map teacher going what is multiplication who invented it? What are you gonna be used for today? Ok, quest, dismissed shop when it comes to promoting the vaccine. Trump has disappeared faster than Chris Harrison. Nantucket Carson is more afraid of karate bees leg spreading than covert spreading. So is there any way to persuade conservatives that this vexed
It is good for them. Oh, I don't know, but there is a new product, that's giving it a try. Tired of labour is not so called doctors telling you to get back to you need me back see. That's also again take out your enemies with one shot or maybe to three weeks a background check of why this single barrel, beauty, Skagway trigger, actually did up you back up and die body me right here in the USA to procedural everybody's. Complementing me saying. Thank you very much. You can trust sides to protect Europe Emily. Do it yourself with done that because, while being out these were woozy, do like apart, you can Brian from our war living. Are I when we come back the brilliant Rebecca
I will be on the show to talk about what it's like to be adopted by white family when your black support for the daily sugar of a no ears edition in the following message: come from Amazon Music, which is now offering millions upon as episode Anna Slate of original programming, you can. If we listen to the day, we shall ears addition, along with other popular podcast across culture, comedy true crime and music, all on Amazon, music, listening the Pike Ass has never been so simple Amazon. Music makes it easy to find the pie cash. You like, and has millions of other episodes for your curious minded dive into next where the listening on mobile web in the car at the jail Amazon, music offers a convenient, podcast listening experience that fits your lifestyle, buying your favorites discover new trending podcast today. Listen to the daily show ears. It on Amazon, music download Amazon music at now that
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large, you you, you ve interviewed some of the most notable voices and faces in the world today. You ve had some of the most interesting conversations, not just about life, but about ray. and how it affects everybody lives. But today we we're having on the chauffeur really similar and yet differ. reason, and that is because you ve turned that lends on yourself with one my favorite memoirs that I've ever read as somebody who is so used to asking people about their lives. wasn't easier or harder to ask yourself questions about where you had come from and how you had come to be. Thank you Trevor for such a delightful and kind and generous introduction. I am really really thrilled to be here and appreciate you so much so I thought it would be given the fact that I had interviewed so many people, like, I thought now just turn it. As you said on me and asked me,
Some questions turns out. That's not a memoir writing works at neither is it about. You know, sort of stringing memories together, it's really a craft, and so that was the thing that that I was most concerned with and also the most sort of focused on, and I know that the story is interesting because I lived it right, but the most important thing for me was to figure out the Ark and the craft of of writing this memoir- and I think a lot of things have happened had to get grown. I had to own the experiences, and I also have to make sure that vague the narrative arc only answered the question of whether what was what was mentioned are included survived. The white gave. Why aren't so? There were a lot of experience is obviously that could have included, but that was the process.
may have really like ok, but does that speak to survive in the white gaze surviving the white gazes is such an app description for what it feels like you went through, because for those who don't know a piece of your story, you you were right. You were adopted by a white family raised by this family in a wider neighbourhood. I mean you didn't see another black person until I think it was what the age of was a six year, six years old and tell these stories, and what's really interesting in the book, is how you have your story as a child was adopted by family and then we learn more of your story. You know reconnecting with you, birth, mother reconnecting with your birth father, an answer will talk a little bit more about that? But let's start with the with the with the adoption family, one of the most controversial conversations that people have, especially in America today is: should white people be adopting black children, some people say no, never and then others will say how
You would you would you rather have a child? Not have parents, or you know them than to have white parents who maybe aren't you know well versed in their cultural existential or how to raise a black child, and you haven't listing the new ones, point of view on this because you lived it, how would you response, we will say, should warn people adopt black children? So let me preface my answer by saying I was very loved. And I believe that translation adoption can work. What I also think is that it thence, a dynamic that mirrors the kind of founded. snow relationship between black folks and white folks. I am not like
in translation, adoption to slavery. I'm saying that the foundational dynamic between black folks and white folks in this and other countries, but in this country, is white people setting the tone setting the structure setting standards deciding what is valuable, making choices for those who don't have any right really like any of us. Would black kids are in these families, and so, if why parents adopt black children, and they don't make very conscious decisions about incorporating, including immersing valuing just valuing blackness, quite generosity, problematic right. It's not just one doll. It's not just one poster. It's not just one.
You know mentor it's really and immersion process that has to happen, and that doesn't happen, and so should wipe parents adopt black children. If they are prepared to raise black children into black adults, then yes, that's, it seems simple. It's one of the most complicated things too, especially in a country where race is as far as it is in America, because you talk about in the book, Your parents didn't even know how to do. You hear something that seems innocuous. You never think of having to know how to do your child's here, because just here, and yet it is so much more than just being here. There are parents out there who may say look. I don't want my child to be brought up black. Why can they be just raised as a Johnson? It doesn't have to be about black.
White Rebecca, why can't they just be raised as as a family member? Why do I have to remind them of the blackness? Why do have to exclude them from the family? What do you think they missing when when they say these things, the idea, I'm just being a Johnson, it's that is in keeping with this notion of of restlessness or color, blind or post racial, which is basically is the message is, I will value you only if I strip you of something that is so critical, important you write like I want you to see that I am black, that's important to me at means needed to bring it up whenever conversation. You know, that's right, that's the thing right is settled, so many why people think. Well, if I'm recognise your blackness, is that I'm other in you
If you were recognising my blackness, recognising what a phenomenal legacy and culture and people that I come from, you kept your journals. You know you kept your letters, you kept your memories as they were at the time. if it really makes the stories come alive and it makes some of them even more painful in oh. I would love to know How you deal with the paradox at times of talking about racism or talking about that neurons that some white people will have in with regard to dealing with race, but then still explain to people that you have white family who you love and who loved you and who you work with it except for didn't like how do you deal with explaining that paradox to other people? That's a really good question in that, especially with the book coming out in managing sort of the fall out for lack of a better in terms of how my white family has received the book
and you know sort of foolishly. Maybe I thought writing this book would be in some ways a kind of offering a kind of gift for them to kind of understand what my experience was like, but I think that they have felt kind of betrayed almost that or orb defensive, or all of them that why people feel when they are sort of like whoa. I don't. I didn't realize that I was right in the room when this blindness was feeling this. We're just happens at that point. That lack person is their sister or their daughter. I have spent a lifetime trying to be no be ok with, with with the whiteness of the of of my found two of my foundation, and that's why I was so important to me to meet my Blackberry father and to raise my son, who is mixed, but but as a black child is a black boy. He read your by the way I loved that he's a teenager,
and so you know it's not about explaining. I think it's really about just walking in the identity that I am right so surviving the white gaze it's about surviving, but it's also about becoming so doesnt. You know, even in conversations that I have acquired rights and with my son, you know it make my son any less black, because his dad is. Why once why? I honestly hope that everyone reads the book and I think for every different reason. I think for parents with their children adopted or not, I think, for peoples whose struggling with identity, whether their mixed or not, I think it's a fantastic book, and I thank you for taking the time to join me to download, show Trevor. Thank you so much, having me, I really really appreciated. Thank you very much weaker surviving. The white gaze available right now and be sure to check out her forthcoming audible. Podcast Billy was a black woman right when we come back I'll, be talk to a rising star in the modeling world. Preciously you'd want to miss it
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model to appear in american vote and the first to be featured in the sports illustrated swimsuit issue. We talked about her journey in the fashion industry and what it's like being on the new cover of british folk, Precious Lee welcome today social distancing show. Thank you for having. We, it is an absolute pleasure to have you, I'm even shop, that you have the time to be my guest on the show because you doing everything you genuinely do. I want to read just some of the things that you are doing. You first african american curve models. appear in american vogue. First, black plus size model to Greece, the sports illustrated should issue, and last January you efficiently became the face of such eat alongside Hayley, Beaver and Kendall JANET and your instagram viruses making his
three, which I feel like means you're. The first person has an instagram bio. That's actually accurate, congratulations big here! That spoke. You welcome to the show. How is life, what is left for you right now lifeless bad, I mean you know progressing for with all of the crew Venus. That's happening it just like the emotional stress has been to literally exist, is being black and then to have the opportunity, and so much lake amazing people to work with and like reaching my dreams in a pandemic and rights of middle revolution is like it's amazing in general, but this time it just makes it so profound, like everything is like amplify, because it just means so much to me to be able to thrive in the study into it. Also paradoxical because you know you are taught to friends
How everybody during this time has a little bit of guilt if they experience any joy because of the collective. So of despair that the world is in, but at the same time I always say we need to see that joy so that we can- Member joy, I mean being a black woman, dogskin black woman, whose breaking areas in the fashion industry, which for years, let's be honest, has been a very specific type of white, amazing thing for so many people to see you start of your We're going on. I want to be a lawyer. Let me dabble in acting long people laughed at you and say, you're wasting your time. You you're not gonna, be an end in modeling. You naughty, don't don't dabbled on waste anything and yet hey you watch they. How do you see that journey? I mean it's just such a beautiful story that great lacking tell like I've always wanted to live out loud and me wanted to be. A common attorney literally with the jury night was created for middle school
and from the advocacy in representing the native Americans against President Andrew Jackson and a mock trial, and I would like this then I gotta help. People like this is crazy. People are treating people like us, no sulphur mean like go from there. Too late, really listening to my intuition as well and like following, like my heart, as not just necessarily this plan, and if I didn't do that, like we'll be sitting here, probably talking to you right now, and I'm just so grateful that my story is something that I was there a writer of like our employment, manifest metaphor thing these things and I've been working hard and I haven't allow anybody to tell me any differently and even when they did, it was like it didn't matter and so to have that tenacity to get to this place. Now it just makes my storage is more like me, more willing
to tell and share because it's not just my journey is a journey that could literally like empower some went to do something that there more than capable of joy, that they would have done before you do that. Every single time you take picture every single time, you will put onto a magazine cover, because whether we turn Malone on society. We are shaped by the things that we are seeing right with its on screen Well, it's on a magazine with its form. Those are the things that give us an idea of what the world. And now you are part of this being of that world. Did you ever take a moment to think about how that would be audited hit you out of nowhere. Well, the advocacy portion of law was wet. Lake connected me was back in one form or another is a larger platform even for advocacy and fashion and I could do something that I genuinely love doing like I've mound out who Stephen Mysel worst by
President Mubarak generator that they used to have that you can make your move worth and create the photographers. The stylus said something at the pictures. I love so much. I realize eventually they were offered the Hungry Tiger and it was even in my though, and that was when I locked in- and I was like this is the man, because it was just something that brought an integrated my creative in Spain, as well as my fence, innate sets of advocacy leadership to like walked down the runway and not just be just completely about the garment, is about the momentum. What is creating, unlike creating spades by, like you know, doing Things that I love is what made me stay to have a degree in mass media arts from Clark Atlanta University. I got to sign to a big agency in New York and I thought you know what this is not like me, but I'm going to give it
here, and if it's not a big, I'm gonna go to school, and that was well better, though a couple years ago. Things, though, are you noted for me to be able to lay by new ways of connecting to my career and new ways connecting to fashion to media in wanting to transform. Imagery is not just something on a superficial level for me Logically, the children that are watching an interesting, the things that were putting out like to be able to be a part of expanding the mentality and the perception of beauty So many young kids in just one year in a row and like men like I've, had meant to come to me on the street and like people just come out and say like. Thank you, for you note doing this, because my little sister as you are, my daughter lives while and for me those things are why I've connected myself to this industry continue and didn't. Listen to all of those
that haters tell me anything else than already knew was ridiculous. While now the way caters, get to see you on the cover of british Vogue and hopefully on ever publication that comes out fresh. Thank you, so much for joining me on the show. I hope to see you again when we get the next cover and the next one and the next revised take it by forget the April issue of british Vogue is on new stands right now. Are we gonna take a quick break, but we'll be right back after this? The daily no ears edition in the following message is brought to you by Norton three sixty with lifelong. It surprising what they expect us, share online. Why do they need someone's location birthday and mothers maiden name? What do they do with it? Who else will see it? The truth is no one tries to be unsafe online as seen time and again
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This has been a comedy central, podcast,
Transcript generated on 2021-04-23.