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Jordan Klepper Follows Trump Supporters to January 6

2023-08-03 | 🔗

Former President Donald Trump has been indicted for his efforts to overturn the 2020 Presidential election. And in his Into the MAGAverse special, Jordan Klepper reflects on his year of on-location coverage aimed at better understanding the MAGA movement that lead to January 6th.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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To one of the other cargoes from mexico. Jingled ensure it on social, with hashtag fm jingle challenge. You'll be entered the winner drift of this year's jingle of all learn more at other cartels from mexico. Dotcom of cargoes from mexico always good. I will gather from mexico. You listening to comedies I draw the hey, what's going on everybody trevor during last year's presidential, and pain, we send our very own jordan people all around the country to attend as many trump rallies ass he could- and he did in pennsylvania, to iowa all the way to the capital riots on January six, now that sometimes asked. We thought it would be a good idea for John to look back at what he saw catch up with the people he met and reflect on that year and its violent conclusion. She'd tonight we present to Jordan couples journey into the mega
of Jordan. Clever back where it all began in the very same parking, allow where I interviewed hundreds of fired up trump supporters here in inertia, pennsylvania or lancaster, pennsylvania or shit. This might be jersey. The point is, I definitely been I remember, doing bad ass hero shot over their interview in some women drinking wine at ten in the morning and walking out of that cornfield like a boss, although there's no more corn field. So thanks a lot president Joe Biden last year, I follow trump's supporters to his rallies from parking lots. Just like this one, all the way to the steps of the capitol. Then I stopped because the additions not really
I think, more of a jay walking guy, but now that the election is over and the glass has been cleaned up from the capitol. I wanted to look back and reflect on this past year and see how this led to this, because ultimately they were about the same thing. A fervent devotion to Donal from above everything else and that's something I learn early on. In my travels the picture of donald trump, it is, It have in their heads, is more flattering them well, almost any, sure of donald trump, but don't ask me just ask them to describe donald trump problems my hero, president trump, is kind of a force here. I came in the room before he did. Donald trump is our first rockstar superhero president's he's a very tall man
but shorter than yourself very big man and I spoke hands- is a man for all the people. I didn't need this job whatsoever either. The white house is honestly like a downgrade from his penthouse sweet mary thing. It feels like it's it's a downgrade for america, too, It's a piece of a person in general ivy reports, those protesters, dollar causes peace politically and he's got, scan that is, is about ass, thick ass. It gets who donald down trumped up as the thick skin hates you did. He get mad library makes bottom of on twitter he's the real life tony stark. They should call them president iron man. What tony start gave a shit about science. Of course you can. A true superhero without some tragic flaws. Sometimes I don't like what we've done. One hundred percent agree with the way the guy talks. Admittedly, his personality is a bit rough around the edges. If he's doing a good job, why can't you just have friends
They asked sometimes what I'm gonna last part so that we can all agree. Sometimes with that's that's right now they could stop patrol browsing, not bad weather, not a looming. Impeachment role. not a full time job as leader of the free world, and definitely not covered nineteen. Even at the height of the pandemic, the trump rallies still drew a crowd because trump rallies are worth it just ask anyone who is in urban kane besides their simple, effective help precautions that can limit risk at these events like we're in a mask, but for me tromp rally goers? This was a face. Diaper of oppression
the probe is all about transparency. As you can see on the faces of his supporters, the pretty jealous of these mouth breathers, the whenever they reported they just talk about cases in debt recovery. They just tend to focus on the number of stuff. That varies too much focus on the number dead. Let's focus on the other uplifting stuff I mean why no mass regular forgot atomic org. large worried amounts? I mean again it's a personal choice. I think everybody
wearing ormond advice. I put a mask on how to respect their rights, which is important on we're, not cheap varieties, but am everybody here with wearing everybody was whereupon again we're not cheaper people. When I get a look at what everybody in Europe that are not, you know from a tribe supporters border a drop rally was traveling. Carnival it rolled into town gave everyone some thrills, the roll back out, leaving some good memories and covert organisations and some unpaid bills. So what happens when the as are the united states, stiffs the locals on an invoice just as the mayor of albuquerque new mexico who still looking for his money. Mr mayor, thank you for joining us. What happened with the city of Albuquerque, and the trump campaign. Trump came for a rally and he decided to bill and because the cost of the city were tremendous, he made us shut down, downtown we're close city hall and so
if we decided to just build a campaign for it and we have yet to get paid, so how much does trump of two hundred thousand roughly two hundred thousand dollars? That's it easy in the deutsche bank for three hundred and fifty million you're, going to get your money from him. He doesn't even pay the I r s and they can put him in jail. in my mind. He owes us a lot more because there were about a day and a half where we couldn't win function is a city. What are you trying to do to get money back from donald trump? No phone calls have been reached. and so we hired a collection agency. You actually hired a collections agency. He should be getting these annoying voicemails that, like we get usually from scam companies where it's like you owe debts, think moral logo is now getting those calls a collection agency for donald trump I feel like they could specialised predominantly in just donald trump claims. Like did you asked for for twelve. We know other cities just from news reports have also build the campaign. Yes, thinking of
It is very good at stayin brand because he owes lots of cities money. Maybe you sent a tough guy to go, get money from them. mayor into new mexico. You dunno MIKE from breaking bad. I do, but I have heard actually is a person who is a great dude and any really also loves albuquerque. Wouldn't people out there here that a city doesn't get two hundred dollars what that actually mean to a place like albuquerque. Where would that money go really well it just goes into the general fund and we use it operate the city, so police force or fire all of those services. Is it fair to say that donald trump has effectively defended the police. I know what's happening somewhere in america. Brilliants happening somewhat in albuquerque by that definite and you could say that, knowing that he owes you are a thousand dollars to Albuquerque might mean he'll never come to albuquerque again and is not worth it. That's all right with us were totally fine with that. It got a gift for you that I think could be helpful. I want to send it.
Your way, welcome to albuquerque. We do not accept checks from donald J trump, I saw this at about. Bodega wants to really just shame anybody who about checks, and this kind of did the trick you said that to us, we might send you back an image of that hanging somewhere. With the holiday season upon us. The increase in travelling shopping and connecting online can significantly increase the opportunity for identity theft, helping protect your identity and finances with lifelong can lower the risk of ideas.
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if we want to sell you group, agree as we'd, want to sell you some always fresh, always good avocados from mexico, because they make everything better. This can the goes on and on what here's some good news. We ve gotta contest you're, going to love when you, deliver your bad news to the tune of the other cargoes. Were mexico jingled ensure it on social with hashtag, hey I've been jingle challenge will be under the winner trip to this year's jingle. Both bad news, like I forgot to pick up the kids, it's called, or I backed my car into your new car or the worse news. I ate the lesson Avocado see how avocados make everything better senior bad news share with hashtag a fm jingle challenge and cross your fingers that you'll win. The trip to this year's jingle ball learn more at avocados from mexico. Dotcom cargoes from mexico, always
apple couples from external. If there's one thing trump supporters hate speak news which begs the question which new sources do they trust recently box? We don't like lags behind like amazon bc, we don't like CBS. We don't like any of the fake news channels because they lie timing. What haven't vocs wasn't there covered cover. Turning now, what about add- and I live in canada, schukert talker attaka, so just two hours every day, a fox who would otherwise it's a complete boycott. Yes, absolutely will you accept. Joe Biden has brought the united states on the twentieth. Now, when I can now, I will not, Look what I got to get myself, but this guy know all its constitution. Have you read it? It's pretty short constitution, america
not read the whole thing know you've read the entire thing. Yes, it's remarkably short. Alright, I doubt that, but it's okay, you should read it because you might be committed as the dishes act in an hour and a half okay, I'm going to come in, and but what are they gonna be a patriot, come on everybody it's what it's all about? Read the transcript right read the transcript write the script. I have not read it or we should read the transcript. We should look at the transcript yeah. Look at a transcript. Have you read the transcript? I trust the word of our president. transcript read the transcript. Did you read the transfer didn't have to say I could read it, but it's important that everybody reads the transcript. It is very important, bring attention and think to yourself. Yes, you have. To be clear, you have not read the trends, but it is just in the don't be a sheep for yourself, but again just to be very clear. You have not read. I have no just trust somebody else or about what you said about. Don't be ashamed of. You think we're safety rules,
the reserve, but just because they, read their sources. That doesn't mean they don't have them somewhere. Historically, this presidency has lost more jobs than any other athens, etc? regulatory. I need my he with a job. I may give you back what are revised? What's on the back seat, that, unlike the fact shape so close, fear the real but I think she'd want them at the wine store. The hell. Are they stealing the electric cars they're, putting the? How are they putting in voter fraud? I don't have always security said that was the most secure election americans lose out. That's one guy, like you and me browser you guys do some research. There is massive voter
as the evidence is being demonstrated by Michael and Ellen others to be clear, I think he goes by the pillow guy. What are you alive? Who do you trust I trust the president and I think you said in the right direction. I trust trump lets us donald trump. I trust donald trump, but that's it well, there's a verizon. I trust what he says or what he knows. I don't trust the media that much so the only person you really believe, Donald trump himself, who else people I mean. Ultimately, I believe, Jesus Bible, I'd like to yeah Jesus and trump addressed a lot of people, my friends, my family, the tucker, carlson, Donald trump and more. I could go on and on. No, I think I get the picture. The people ask me lots of questions about my time at trump. Rallies are the people I talked to real is what they say: scripted
Do they agree to be interviewed? Was I ever could? to give you. My ass kicked the answer. Yes, no, sometimes and oh boy, definitely here's, a look behind the scenes and how the maga sausage got me. The surrogate get closer here. This guy's got a lot a loud majority shirt on. I saw them at the price, let's grab him, I see you to rally emerging now: you're, an urgent harrisburg. No, no, These are very relevant now, no
during the days of a binding. The right person to interview is a subtle art. You surveyed the sea, looking for the perfect shirt, pat side or you could just walk out the lady with a megaphone. How many people wonder we get permission to film them and we do which is apparently much harder than getting them to send surprise recurring donations to the trump campaign I found it. I didn't need. I think I'm not now Now have no, these two in your visit tell me your name. Sign read driver neither daily. You want to talk the release. Finally,
I think, returned lawyer today. I want to know how many times people are so enthusiastic; they don't even wait for their turn. They they fraud, is a conspiracy against the united states. Thousands of people tried to murder people inside that. I very sums I was there anti media anger is surprised, We personally you're, not I don't know what they are and leveller fibre. Wish I was that good. I got. I got so bad. That was it if you're, not a man of god, I was now. I was just like trevor. No results, right, yeah
the one role by the deep I'd like more viable words. Ten words even to that one's even two years a moment when you might think that heated conversation is over and at a mug rally. It really is that's too the
whereas we are we gonna, but everything. often the anger, the betrayal and the combativeness melts away, and we have a conversation that you could almost call civil. I appreciate your questions. You weren't you weren't feeding me these leading questions. We should be very genuine and there were important questions to a lot of people. Don't they're not asked forced to answer these sorts of things? That's the part we're going to, obviously I'm biased, but I'm trying to be more intellectually honest. I'd, say, you're doing this all wrong at this point, you're supposed to call me fake: it was an insult, my testicles. There are some people in the news who give it a bad name, but I think there are good honest journalists out there. Thank you very much. I appreciate that
The where interrupting your favorite clearance, bad news. This is a commercial life if we want to sell you things cubic metres as we want to sell you, some always fresh, always good over from mexico, because they make everything better risk. or so goes on and on, but here's some good news. We've got a contest you're going to love. delivery or bad news to the tune of the other cargoes from mexico. Jingled ensure it on social with hashtag, hey I've been jingle challenge will be under the winner trip to this year's jingle by bad news. Like I forgot you pick up the kid that's called, or I backed my car into your new car or the worse news. I ate the less
avocado see, however, cargoes make everything better senior bad news share with hashtag fm jingle challenge in cross. Your fingers that you'll win the trip to this year's jingle learn more at avocados from mexico. Dotcom cargoes from mexico, We have good I've got those from executed. Ladies and gentlemen, I know that broadcasting could get me executed, but I will not be islands based on the pulitzer prize winning know he was sending messages. The entertainment weekly calls it false, must watch t v series, the time of darkness, the I will never give up all the light. We cannot see now streaming. only on networks.
Donald trump is more than a president is even more than a man is a brand, a brand associated with power, opulence and the cuts of meat. You find next to foot massages at the sharper image and no one loves the truck brand more than its supporters. Every maga rally was a vast field of tasteful model emerge with bright colors and copy if violations. As far as the eye could see. There are just a few of my absolute faves, the people say it's uncool to wear the merch of a band to their own concert, while those people have never been to a trump rally and I'd say a boater judge. Rv like this. Even a kid is tastefully adorned with, like one bumper sticker, that a trump hat on top of a cowboy hat. It's actually my dad's, that's sort of like the third decan of patriotism, and this impeachment have been fair
It's a joke. The data to build something as tough as a trump, so I made the proper data, so a ruthless heartless automaton has come from the future to destroy our Is that what's going on here, but like any unlicensed merchandise, sometimes the official branding messages can get lost. Why here? Well, because two weeks ago I had a dream, and in that dream I was given this you at your screen printing dream. Your dream told you that progress, gonna, win and then Ivanka and then done you're an era activity is going to wit and twenty forty eight and then baron great barbarian only serves one turn out.
no, that's all they want to invest warriors. Actually, these are mostly one term. President you're, not rating awry rather know I'm towards what now this work, twenty four to twenty eight that's more years and then another four. No, no! No that's! These are one term residence. Ivanka, one term don Jr, one term pamper Ivanka. What's what's the name of vodka is two thousand and twenty four and two thousand twenty eight that's eight years, that's four years you have a four year period a year where somebody else gets elected doesn't say anything about reelected, as it says, has her getting elected in two thousand and twenty four and twenty twenty math is wrong. Now my math is now, and while these patriots love america, they do think that old glory. use a little jazzy up that that size of lagging mattered, disseminate vote. You get electoral college The lack is a big flag. Laws, not an american flag.
I was just trying to appreciate, if you don't, then it feels like it's mostly donald trump of scary. To be honest, if anybody's disrespecting the flag, I think it's the ten foot high donald trump. What does that is that is that trump robotic a butterfly flag? You still were wrong. What are you? Don't? Let anybody nobody jets had and the mug emerges and just find its functional because our january six, it was a great way to I d all your fellow insurrectionists. I was worried that we were in trouble. But then I saw the wake up and tyranny response came here and I feel a lot better. Thanks role, you do look in your heart. Ok, it's not a joke, but you make a good point. We are worried, you ate. One operate are ones that is a flag is supposed to be bought,
All of these flags that all of these garments, you gotta, do something like this. The mean they've been prepping for this at least sartorially for years the. What was the mood at a trump rally? What was the feeling fun shirt, camaraderie yeah, what else rage. I watched it simmer at these rallies for years than bill during campaign- and I was there on january six when it finally boiled over into the capital building, is what that awful day of insurrection, look like on the ground from the point of view of a guy who was just there to find some laughs,
I'm here the nations capital, the boarding up some of the buildings here over heard, a man in fatigue say their word about anti for yeah. That's where their word about men and military fatigued. On the ground? On january, six was really under from the very beginning, the night before the insurrection. When we checked into our dc hotel, we knew this was different. We have wild conversations in the lobby. Full of maga, faithful, massless supporters, claiming covered stories of pact, emergency rooms were lies and they were all in fact empty. A lot of cars play here. There's military air, then there's a lot of these people who are for attending to be military here. You know you know, because they don't have badge They just have a note from their life that says you can go.
Are we going to hang out with your friends but be back in time by producer, wanted to ease into the interviews after seeing the charge crowd full of proud boys, o keepers, q, non believers and anyone else will into tossed aside our democracy in the bed hectic. There's a lot of defiance in space. There is some here, the national museum of african american history and culture. Then we spotted a group of proud boys appearing to leave the event heading east toward the capital. Well, before drum if you speak, we phone filming, National mall was a safer, more effective way to get real conversations for a while. Then we found a man acting unhinged with. Pitchfork for wigan mobilize a mobilise a million people that city in this country now make no mistake that the situation who was interrupted by a man acting more unhinge tat people, the monument whenever there are further shroud
I don't want you of another villars, all you all mother. Oh yeah, the really unhinge guy angered the sort of unhinged guy wielding the pitchfork big myself. Now proud boys, I we were setting out for a quick stand up. We noticed another large group marching aggressively down the street, the broad boys all pass by again we settle this spot just outside the north west side of the cap, because we knew that at around one p m, that angry crowned with the arriving there from the white house, and we knew that if things got harry, it gave us the best asked proud to the train in our cars and in words became actions. The barricades got pushed over and folks flooded in referring to see this massive people, They broke through the gates here. Another hurried into the cabin
I'm hearing people say it's our house, I heard some old man start screaming forward. democracy should look more organised and oversee right now, but the drugs the borders were getting up on the stairs the fences and the embankments barking at people telling them where to go the wrong. Everyone turned into field generals, most of them wearing sweatshirts you buy at airports when you get cold waiting to board your both the push through another heading into the capital, no violets shoving that down and carrying pitchforked
The minutes of the scary and the absurd maggie not show there. the scary. There were the absurd. Can I ask you some questions? Are you afraid? if you run out of batteries through the last and you'll, be forwarded. Good luck! I hope you don't run into bumpy terrain or stairs. Personally, I don't think I'll ever for talking to a man and a safe way who was attempting to topple the greatest democracy enter the democratic Arnie progressive socialist marxist pose a far greater threat. This nation, then any any person on the battlefield we look. Rather we were shocked, but not surprised. The last fourteen months tipped it pretty good, the total distrust of facts and information, the cold, devotion not to their country or ideals, but to a person. Of course they were
and we knew it was time to leave. We can and you'd. Listening to the escalating insurrection unfold in the only place, a comedy show should from the quiet are of an a seller, rushing back to new york city, of course, as we all know, the insurrection failed trump left office in the maggots supporters. You aren't awaiting trial, have returned to their homes. in their own lives. But before I walked away from this story, I wanted to connect one more time with a trump rally, go one on one away from the cameras and insult sense of impending do so. I caught up with edward the dead collector to hear what he's up to I've talked to her or what feels like thousands of transporters, and there have been a few folks
truly stand out like edward I'm literally making four times as much as I was making when obama was. Whereas what to do, I want for debt relief company it's going to be a white debt referral leave besides being first elected harris bird pierre rally, he spent the better part of life cheer at rallies, the local news and in the papers preaching the muggah gospel. I truly believed donald trump we sent by god. I wanted to see if the ultimate rally head at any misgiving, post january. Sixth, then, if there was any common ground we could stand edward. I see you dress down. I forget what we probably were going to ask you to bring your trump apparel, but I guess we didn't get the email. Oh I'm going to sit six feet away. If you don't mind, that's all right. I've got something on your memory. Do you get what's under the mat vampire thing you have vampire fangs and you literally have fangs
got these fangs made for me professionally. It's been a chaotic year, so much anger and I wanted to come back kind of closed that loop connect with somebody who I'd seen before and get some sanity again, and you showed up with things that were bengal you're, so those sort of bringing the fangs around the rallies telling people. I love a tie if he sees himself as an endangered species, which makes it remarkable that Eric or don Jr haven't sniped them in a trophy hunt. I have under fifty trump rally, went to MT but trump rallies, and I have spoken to the president from the stage a few times. It was really great. and he is recognized the beard and at one of the rallies I forget which one it was. I was near the front and the pointed me and he said there there's that guy that guy that's how he talks to his children. I think he's got all the rallies he gets in the news. A lot you stay in touch with the old magua crew,
we run into the row or so I've developed some lifelong friendships with the mag crew. What's the maggie corrupted now avoiding subpoenas of jones and jones and you know, are trump rally third grade I was depending on there was the high point like life a lot of fun. I was at the last trump rally and it was definitely not a lot of fun. What does he think about what happened at the capitol on january? Six? I don't support what we put it this way. I don't think the way it's reported is is what actually went down. I saw a different perspective. Nobody I, was going there to overthrow the government to break into the capital building things easier, but millions I see there will be. yeah. Well, we had a fun look, but but you're literally wearing a shirt that that has intention
and the intention is to sell it or what we had a wild time. The first two we didn't cause the trouble. We have a lot of fun. I want a president stands up and says you need to fight for me that they, I would like more play in some anti games. Now you went there with the complete intention to disregard what donald trump said: one of the capital building. These were not trump fans, because nobody would have worked out in his speech they broke in. He was still speaking for half an hour, those people well, you know. I've heard news reports that one of them was an integral member of antifa. Whatever happened on january sixth, they meaning the the people who don't like president trump, the Democrats that Nancy Pelosi allowed this to happen. They were trying to kill nancy Pelosi. What she said saying, let me tell you some of them, I think, maybe you're being unfairly persecuted, yeah the efi I came to my house after the rally at least they're doing their job
a little bit of hope. You flip on anybody. What, but anyway, turn. Somebody in your run around worry. Of course I would. I would. I were so all right, nothing to flip, because my point of view was peaceful. As the f b I asked me they wanted to know if I breach the capitol building. I said, of course I didn't. I said that that would have been the stupidest thing in the world, but the guy that you have pledged your life and wardrobe to told Essentially he do exactly that. So, what's next after the violent insurrection that he doesn't think, Donald trump told them to do well turns out they're, just waiting for donald trump to tell them what to do we're not giving up. You know it's not over we're coming back in what way it depends on what the boss tells donate, I believe, with the last thing for us, I've done a lot to help our ngos or you'll get your bank account realise what yet I guess it avenant wait. I didn't want to leave without finding some common ground with edward you previously dust
tromp as a superhero rockstar, but had edward come, back to the reality that the president of the united states is mortal who's, not improve here's to criticism and technically works for us. You ve seen brave heart recourse. basing we're heart I have seen. Brayley S, Donald trump is our William wallace s, right I mean. Maybe they built Well, I make that maybe they drew women quartered him metaphorically, but he left behind a very strong, vocal and patriotic forces of people. You know what I want to find a middle ground here about this. I thought I dont see him as your william. But he has a lot like miss gibson already Wait. Can we agree on that I'll give you that that I knew we'd find some common ground I guess some ground is better than no ground, so that's it.
The bog rally journey is over and present trumps. Ending is not like that. ancient king Ozymandias has wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command. Looking across this vast emptiness, that was once his empire Why was this I'm just gonna stay airs wagon in line with the rally stirred up again and twenty twenty three or windows junior runs and twenty eight. I'll always be here. I guess that's just my life now Thanks Joe Biden, it shows from an early years universe by searching the daily show wherever you get your project,
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We're interrupting your favorite tunes bad news. This is a commercial but other causes for mexico. Make everything better even commercial breaks. So actually it's good news. We ve gotta contest you're going to love when you deliver bad news. the tool of the other cargoes from mexico jingled ensure on social with hashtag fm jingle challenge. You'll be entered the winner drift of this year's jingle of all learn more at avocado from mexico. Dotcom of cargoes from mexico, always good apple gathers from mexico
Transcript generated on 2023-11-14.