« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

Jordan Klepper Dishes On His Return to the Trump Trail

2023-10-21 | 🔗

In this podcast exclusive, Jordan Klepper and Supervising Producer Ian Berger give us a behind the scenes look at Jordan's latest run-in with Trump supporters after six months off the trail. Do Trump supporters care about ANY of his indictments? What new conspiracies are bubbling up? Klepper also dishes on what didn't make it into the final cut and what rally he hopes to hit up next!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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ill! Twenty! Twenty four hundred conan you listening to carmody central, hello ears, addition listeners. This is the daily show, contributor, extraordinary, jordan, clever. We are back making episodes of the daily show. We could be happy about it and personally, I am still glad to be fingering. The pulse the daily show returned back this week with guess how Michael costa and I got a head up- a trump rally in lake when a bizarre key new hampshire, joined by supervising producer in burger now in is always out in the field with me: riskiness life, googling, restaurants and bars to check out after the rally
and we want to give you a little ears edition extra in ears addition. If you will we're still getting used to it. The show's been out there for awhile. The wordplay is going to come back to us. the next year we'll have it yeah give us a little? We need it, we need it. We needed seven months to really hone those skills up we're going to unpack this piece that we got to do this we and talk a little bit about the process we go through out there in the field. That sounds like a plan in that sounds like a great plan a wonderful plan. I mean at eleven, been waiting to do this for a long time so that we able to do it. We know what were asked to do were to be really grateful and die right it exactly what a job for people but not so in and I have worked together. I mean started to show twentyth fourteen. So since
before tee at the daily show at the opposition clapper the daily show and the last few years. Primarily, if you see me at a trump rally, there's a decent chance in is just slightly off camera. You know frustratingly biting the paper or talking down somebody. We just talk dressing, gown, stressing and judging people. That's that's a job. Most of the day, your ex external judge there, and I would say what sort of funny about this strike in the last five months allotted This happened and you- and I tell you- attacks like a fourth. Yet the I've sent you text messages owners, wild things with the ex president international stories it and to be a little bit of a news, hotbed right now, yeah I made we taxes throughout the strike, obviously cause there's a lot of free time when there's a strike and, yes, as you said, molly clear to be cleared talk to tax. There was no writing.
Right. We didn't have writing it's absolutely not, and I don't even use punctuation when I text, so it can't count as writing. So that's my my work route and yes, we texted like the whole time, because we follow the news and were eager to talk about these things, so it's almost as if we instinctively just texted each other bits, while the news was happening like imagine, if we did this right now and that's cool and good, tat kind of keep those moscow's in shape its also those affected? I think they'd be like yeah ratcheted we're on the field in harrisburg, PA p and if the trump voters, wouldn't that be delightful right now, but that's just who we are Yeah indictment after indictment. It's like! Oh, we have a job where we can come in on this, go to some of these places and it feels that the conversation is bonkers right now. It would be a fun place to find comedy insanity. We finally got to do that, though this week wow, thank god, and it was
whatever it was great. What were your expectations going to a rally, a trump rally in new Hampshire? Well, I think I am going to say this cause, I think, we're on the same page a lot and we travel together, so we often arrive into a town together, we were sure what this was gonna be is obviously not been on the road along time, but also wolf, bro. New Hampshire is a very small, beautiful town on the shores of lake winnipesaukee and it doesn't have much of a trump vibe and there's not a lot of people around. So I asked me for both of us. I think we were. We were afraid there would not be many people there and that we've had those thoughts before and every time we say amen. This might be the rally where there's not a lot of people. This could be the one where we're wrong hey, jordan, yeah. It's it's remarkable, I think cause they're trumpeted at an event in iowa, and this was sort of a an opportunity for us to do sort of a catch up.
like we want to go out there and literally we've bit off the road for five months. What are people talking about? There's a couple of things that happened this week we want to get to, but also do they care about these indictments the news of the last five months, and so There was an iowa that we're pretty certain cause. We've been to iowa a lot. It was this time of year. A lot of people come out, there's a lot of energy there and yet you're right everytime. We go to these towns where it seems like this is a quiet town nobody's going to show up. We have this conversation where, like I know, we've said it before, but who's coming to Wolfeboro. It feels empty. It feels quaint. It feels somewhat progressive, and I tell you we wake up that next morning and and yeah, it's a lot of people who made the made the trip yeah. Actually we wake up the next morning when I will take our time, get some coffee and then get to the venue and one of our cameramen. Is there any he's like you have to get here now there are hundreds, people online already so that in the end a we haven't, learn that lesson for some reason, but that's usually what abbot?
for those who know, no people often ask what our strategy is. When we approach a rally like this, will, how do you think we're from a producer standpoint approaching this new Hampshire rally? What was your strategy going? It? No, I think, like you said this is the first one back, so it's ok to have a more job ro conversation, because the narrative of our show in the narrative of your piece is going into this rally is that this is our first show back catches up on everything that thing going on but we can make jokes about what's been going on in our life, so it's a little bit kind of like we're casting a pretty wide net, I think initially, which is in some ways easier. You know to be like what do you want to talk about, which is earnestly how we felt when we arrived, like you, and I both didn't know what they wanted to talk about, now, if we were, you know, had been doing this for months and months and months and had been on the road and a story. Bray had just broken and we went to rally we. I think we would know exactly what they were gonna talk about and what we want it to.
address, but I going in you would agree. This is pretty. This is kind of a general take at the start of our conversation, I think for you and myself included, like we hadn't, been to a rally in this part of america in a long time. It is like a. How are you people doing what what? What? What? What do? You you? What are your vibes yeah, and what do you think divides word jordan? They were, I think we laughed. They were.
The farther, along than you ever think they are in terms of like drinking the kool aid and buying in on the things you hear and now again there's a trump rally. So people are are big time maga, but but trump has been so successful at moving those goal posts. And so what was surprising to me is not that people believed that the election was stolen and trump is perhaps even still the president. We had people who wouldn't concede that Joe Biden had won new Hampshire tour last election, which was which was sort of as a starting point for a couple of questions. We had a base baseline question. No no twist or irony within it, it was Biden, won new hampshire. What has trump done in the the time since then
to win over those new hampshire votes. It was like poland teeth to get people to agree with the premise that new Hampshire wit to buy yet, as far as I know, was never a conspiracy, people even entertained. It's a weird conspiracy to get in on, because it's like when to me it's like when people just would describe heist movies that we're like? They spent twenty million dollars to heist eighteen million dollars. It's like. Why would people go so far to steal new hampshire's you electoral votes? It seems like an odd thing to me and so Did derail stuff for a little while and we were ready for that, but it's kind of like it. It's always funny and refreshing to be like? Oh, that's, right now, you're taking this thing that other people have kind of embraced, and maybe
enjoy spreading around and putting it up into her own personal story. Yeah, it's it's ebbene he's crop has taught people a worldview which is you don't need to concede anything, uncomfortable and even the mild, uncomfortable idea, that the state, your curly and didn't go the way you hoped it would. You dont have to concede that either and in we go to these rally. Sometimes I think I laugh because sometimes it's not until in the edit, where some of the things that are said really register that when we knew in the un in the field was like, while we were really prepared for new hampshire conspiracy theories. Secondarily, we got a lot of people who bigger january sixth, who were not only big up in january six, who were there on january sakes? I think that is something that has been normal beyond being a third rail of we do want to talk about. That's a complicated time perhaps looks poorly at us, has now been war.
went into. The narrative of this was a great day. This was a day that only proved what we thought, which has other people are troublemakers, and this day, if I was there only proves my magua bona fides right when we talk about the day and I Hope most americans would would do the same. When we talk about it, we were there. We witnessed history and the conversation we will forever have about that is like this is really shameful. This is a really low point in american history, but their their view of it is the opposite. They are their boasting about being there and their proud of it and the expectation I think from their sharing. Those stories are mostly answers like you were there so lucky high five. You know where most of america would say it is a really. This is really dark time in america. or what was your first rally january, six, two thousand and twenty as a dc. If you're going to go to one go to one or jamaican inside,
I can't say that for me, you may or may not been involved in this activity. Now I will go into that. we'll have The more I try to overthrow duly elected official now will be going today. I trusted hunting. We notice that was funny was they were proud they were there, the obviously no they can't say they went in the capital, whether they did or not. We don't know, but that one couple did we are. We had to cut it out the couple who thought isis planned it. Nothing join four six and probably more favourable. You were there. Oh yeah, that's your number one! What was made in your favour? One once stood out from january sex. Well aside, all the violence that was planned by the iron such did when they probably is an old keepers. No there a team of black lives matter, isis amendments, thirteen survive, getaway sex is perpetrated by ice.
I mean this is as thirteen black lives matter anti ices. Can you say marker anyone can put a do you remember what they said about their actions that day, Jordan know they said we were there proud of proud of it, and then the next cut of line of questioning would be like. What did you partake in the they please, and there are like that we were there, but it was really cold. We went to a hotel here right away that right. That was a wholesale. This work people, often like. Oh, what are you leaving out? What do you leave it out more often than not wildness, and I think that was what you write. We spent a lot of time talking to them or not a lot of time. I would say the average amount of time we spend talking to people is anywhere between three to seven minutes think maybe the last, maybe seven would be a lot yeah. They may have been like eight minutes cause. There was like they, they didn't want to back down on anything, but that would have been very long for us right. That was a big thing that they they were proud of january, sixth, that they were there
and then a little bit of pressure they were like. Well, you know what it was called that day and we were right home because it was so cold and I think you made the point it was like you drove across the country to be their support, Donald trump. told you to mark out the capital and by eleven thirty you're, like I'm, go back to the hotel, it's a little lippy out there. It wasn't even that got we were there. It was like, maybe maybe it was falling back at whether I looked it up. Forty nine degrees idea. But at forty nine degrees and sunny, and these people drove away growth. country got a hotel room wit. Watch Donald from speech still have hotel room for that night were like yeah. That's enough Why you gotta these rallies, though you're like you can planet much as you want in new york, but you're like did you think you're going to get a january six climate conspiracy. Out of that couple I didn't and we
I at it. It would be amazing if that dot, like kind of alibi was, you know, echoed this week of for like we bring it up, be like I heard it was called that date. Is that why you didn't go to the capital like? Yes? Definitely, that's that's my story. Still you'd. Do it yeah we'll go deposit right there, pay the bills and we'll get back into an air, has the power to automate, but if it's using untruss the data, can you trust them That's your business, just need a I. It needs the right ai for your business, introducing watson x, a platform designed to multiply output by tailoring ai to your needs. When you watson, extra business, you can train tune and deploy ai all with your trusted data. Let's create the right away, I for your business with watson, annex learn, more ibm, dot com, slash watson, annex ibm, let's create introducing teen accounts and over
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pretend to err on the shows who were really cutting certain things and totally trend make friend to make it television that works but a storyline that had come up with Israel. Obviously, the events in the Middle EAST that adjust happen. We walked out the door, and so that was a big question we had as well, because it gives it there's a larger question. Everybody's dealing with right now is like how do you talk about this issue? There's a lot of lot of heartbreak butler if scary stories and images coming out of Israel, and especially when we in new Hampshire, it was very new story, and people hadn't wrap their heads around it, and so there was questions of like how do we approach this? Where is there space for comedy? their space for comedy and also how do people want to talk about Israel? What did you notice Well, I it, as you said it's hard, and I think you and I were like I do. I don't know how to do this in in a kind of a an hour for me,
I like. How do we were talking to dive into this? This is a much bigger issue. Then you no kind of simple, then on the street interviews with you, know, magua folk by as you said, they were willing to bring it up and then, whenever there, willing to bring it up. You kind of always know. They're gonna bring up like kind of a bull shit attack on Biden or the laughed and and it's something that may or may not most likely, not true. Unfortunately, that's where they went, and it's almost like you- and I do this- and I do this the night before just like on right wing, twitter and you're, seeing the attacks that Dave Jospin train to kind of like, lay out, and it's like this. This tragedy happens in Israel in sleepy Joe Biden's at a barbecue just eating barbecue, and it's like well, okay, maybe not bbq but like if you just read one news story. You know like what america has done in response and so we're not going to get into the appropriate response, but you can't come out and be like
data from the united states doesn't even know. What's going to be out there like? Well, he did send an aircraft carrier group there. That is undeniable like there couldn't be a bigger symbol. In the world within what that lives. So they there, train tests to to delay into that line of attack very quickly and, unfortunately, you were prepared and we're still getting comedy, you, don't trust the general snow. I don't! What are you most excited to see inside? I just want to see him speak, see what he has to say about Israel. I know Joe Biden was doing a bbq with those people. We said a fleet of naval ships to Israel. Yes, are you you're against that? I am for that. Oh that's good! Let's get Biden credit for that it's more than generals, make making those I don't even know whose and any more so I mean- I think, that's that was such an interesting moment for us in that. I do think that man in particular, brought up something that is its always compelling. I think trumps relationship with veterans,
is a giant question mark for us, and that was a thing we also talked about. We talked to a few people about the story. It's amazing the stories that happen that week that word, I'm talking about right now, which was nuke the submarine secrets was week. We had a whole section about that, which was a big news story. Is a giant net story. That's not anywhere near the new cycle. Right there may not be make dinner. I guess it's almost hysterically crazy. This is it no matter. What happens? We have this data now get This is where news is. Nowadays we are a comedy, show the expressly maybe shared nuclear secrets with an australian billionaire, and we were like now we got seven other things we have to hit me. Am I learning january. Sixth, with Emma S, thirteen anti fur and beer and we and forty nine forty nine degrees it somehow to call to stay outside. It has a lot of trust rather from new Hampshire. I just want to dig into them therefrom. You, capture and
said forty nine degrees hors d say what is called for that. What are they do for six months? You're bored patagonia layer? If you live in new Hampshire, that's just that. This there's lies here Something is fishy again strange times. We live in say that the veteran thing was while, because that present we're talking to a veteran by an average persons under standing of the news. The way in which donald trump had talked about our armed forces within the last couple of weeks was was abysmal. It was at least it was, it was at least uncouth? If not borderline offensive, you talked about executing milly. He had it had been revealed which had already reveal but had just been double down on the way he talked about injured veterans and public ceremonies, and yet we talked to a veteran who pivots to defending trump over his generals, and we that conversation all on air wit deeper into like what is your chain of,
and as somebody who was in the armed services, who do you trust- and he very specifically pointed to generals as people he distrusted and then, of course, in the that the the beautiful packaging that these pieces tend to be in, is like they will say something so definitive and then find a way in which to contradicted just immediately. In a way that again, I I had no idea there was going to be to face it. generals out there in the field, but yeah while other was not not to be predicted. You right Experienced people saying like oh, I love him because he support the military, but what about him making fun John Mccain, there was another level and do it as your two. There has been so much recent news, but it just doesn't to turn them. They will be taken multiple people who we would confront them with information that was new to them like this australian billionaire, getting nuclear secrets and then passing that off to dozens of other folks. We would confront them with that information. They would be skeptical of
and then they would indulge the hype, the the idea that it were true and then ass. If this were true, would you be disappointed? We talk to one person like, of course it would make me sad and what have you which from interviewed standpoint is that it's nice to be able to agree on a set of facts and a set of morality of like we can at least agree, maybe we will say we do not fight about whether you think it's true. Let's say this is a piece of information it. This information were true. Would this thing shake you promote from moral standpoint and or from a political or from a national safety standpoint where the person who was very clearly like yes, that would mean, he said I wouldn't want to. It was the australian sharing secrets he was dead, drugs and so that I was in reacting to the allegation that trumpet share nuclear secrets, which could put our armed forces effect. anger, and he was earnestly disappointed, am not happy to hear that you might not have had already at which it was yet we rarely
get that, but when we get to the point and yet again that a follow up that is even if that were found. True, is there any space for doubt for you to not vote into port donald trump, and he said he said no, and I think that something we see all the time like, even when confronted with information, if they were, to accept at which, yet again, this person was not his news bubble. Wasn't allowing that news to come in his biased bubble, wasn't allowing there to be room for him to believe it, and even if he were to break through those two barriers, there was still no space for him to have doubts about him.
to write his tribalism before complex trout is tribalism, France, everything like it's it's a tiger right. All these things had a kind of work, its way through his his brain and his tribalism, as I just put a stop to it, which is where we are, and so many things I will say it. Thinking about this rally and and in the context of like all the rallies we ve done to in the past, the crowds pretty friendly- and you would- I noticed this in twenty twenty, when they're, pretty confident with trumps like chance is people tend to be like engaging and friendly, but as that confidence kind of like its chipped away out and he seems to be in more trouble, they get angrier and angrier like right before the election in twenty. Twenty people were down and just angry, and it was like, don't talk to me kind of and and then after lost they they were like don't talk to me. I'm hurt you copy via thebes ma am, but when we started the first rally we did when we came back in
Twenty nineteen prepared Eric you and I noticed everybody was like yeah I'll talk. Let's talk, you wanna. Try to be fun to trump we're on top and so he's, obviously not on top now, but maybe in their brains. He is in some ways: so they were kind of engaging. It was like. Oh, this is because this is an easy crowd to talk to you now, I'm interested in psychology changes
yeah do. Do you think that is a reflection of their perspective being more optimistic than perhaps left wing media ethics thinks they should be yeah because I think take poll pulling out aside and, and it means you're straight up ignoring you know, a lot of things in the justice system and during ninety one criminal counts. Take doesn't take those away. I think the news they're seeing is like liquid Biden scrub, like a Biden screw up like how old he is so then you just feel invincible and you're willing to talk to liberal media that you normally hate, and I think that of formed some of our day, and I think people often ask like why do people talk to you or as hard? And I think this was we also travel Abby? Is a lovely producer, travels with us and helps us talk to people and see people want to come talk to us and, as we were talking afterwards, the experience of getting people to touch was really not that difficult lay people were open
wanted to talk, wanted to talk to other ideas, and I do think that is reflective of people for feeling pretty optimistic or confident yeah. I think, if, if as any of these trials for grass, if if in any one in em things start looking really really bad and in for more information comes conflate, I wonder if there will be this reaction to to kind of like more guarded in it kind of engagement with us and more anger like I, I could see that Was there anything in this in the added here that you wish had made it to the final peace that you look back on a like. I wish we had more space. For that, not one thing we cut out. We talked about the submarine which is crazy. We cut, we had a run where we bringing up trump allegedly overpower, marla go over evaluating marla up and we ask people what they thought it was worth, and that was a funny run, because people have no idea how much real estate costs in another part of the country much less Florida florida to the two peoples like this kind of magical.
They were things can cause a billion of. So that was a funny ride. Furthermore, all I know is worth I dunno I'd say it's gotta be worth like a billion. If I had to guess it's only a couple of million in what they're saying is ridiculous. As far as I'm concerned, I've heard three hundred three hundred releases Their work. Will you can't put a price on state vagrants? One hundred million, I know very expensive, and I think saudi arabia would definitely pay more than one hundred million dollars all the information. That's inside, that's a yeah, that's a underestimated! Value also echo the way in which trump talks about it, which you know they don't need to be experts on how much real estate is in florida. But when you ask somebody which we thought would be a funny ask, and I think it was of like how much do you think mar a lago is worth so we've go. I dunno a billion. A billion
things got to be worth about. That's like the best. That's like the best place on earth. Like you, you hear you and I are right. This is how you talk about it. They, like it florida you're like rakkeed, it's a big state where lotta people cut. Aren't I do you have any idea how much these costs there? The hurdy cars did even touched road, so yeah. We we cut that for a time, and then we brought it up earlier, you made a great joke in a moment of to the couple who said it was a halt. It was something Oh, you don't have an here thou. That is the reason why people have voted. Yes in the moment they say that they talk about the call that I was like guessed. You think that's an under reported fact about january six, that many of the people were inside the capital were simply I had to get out of the Ella that get away from the elements they found at less than but what I put it like that in the moment, a pretty good retort, pretty good job, and I think it can enter the conversation. But funny thing is like that would have been a valid alibi for I feel for sub J sixers, because I think that I had to go to the beach
the room like excuse was used for people who are up on giles like yeah I broke to the capital, might have threatened instability, but I had to go to the bathroom honestly. I that that is. That is one excuse. I can get behind the idea that I was at a public space in this country and we don't provide restrooms for people in public spaces. So, yes, I destroy the gosh darn capital so that I could go hinkel and not tinkle, monument of like art. You know what ok I'll give you pass I'll get, and I give this is. This is something all of the american people need to know that day there are lobbying people and they may have been made more angry by the fact that there were no bathrooms and the reason there are no bathrooms because of code of id and all of the public museums where people go to the bathroom. That's what we're closed. That is true. It is true that there is not distorted other conspiracy, but there were shockingly few public restrooms available for
or sixty thousand people out there on the national mall if those museums are open due to how I'd like due to how deface that the air and space museum, the bank, like god, this is an era honestly that could be the way in which we all would have come together is like somebody would have hopped. In some old apollo apollo, seven lunar capsule taken a dump inside and we all would like to know how much too much that's too much. but he stole judy garland, ruby, red slippers. We need to come together, I share your view that play a little Maybe that would have it out. We need that. We have public debasement of something we can all be angered by. We just that's what this country needs that we all need to be angered by one things we can get on the same page we used to have nazis now we can even agree that the nazis or bad We at least agree that chuckie eggers swimsuit is worth upholding. On that that's going to be.
next in a long series of ours where we're going to dive into that. What happened with the bathrooms international law in january six? I think those buying mandatory podcast, you have widened, need stay, close them and what it out. You know what are the consequences of that. Where were the shutters hamburger, jordan club or get to the bottom of it all their quarry might wanna know next time. That's what we're doing? What are you hope it is next ass. We were back where an action law we willingly and I to go, do next. I think you know about and curious about an hour of K, junior rally
I love the rallies events and arkit rfk junior event, or they were curious about dot like earnestly on and he does a he seems to have a a a you know, kind of have them frequently, so I think they'll it'll be an opportunity for us. I would say that, like I, I've heard some reports, I think there's you know a a kind of interestingly mixed crowd and across the political spectrum. So that's that's what I'm looking forward to yeah, I think, wherever we can expand it's always fascinating to hear the folks in their perspectives at maga events, but I want to talk to rfk junior people. I want to talk to the folks at other primary events. I want to see what a christie fan like? I wanna meet that one might pence van the hayley heads like it's always nice for us to hear people and different levels, especially on the right of of, is, is their space in this party.
To move away from what we see in the muggle world. I don't buy it, but it'd be nice to talk to people who might think there is to hopefully, although get some opportunities to do that in the future, yeah looking forward to it, We're now get up and go awesome and good the road with the same, so god we're back Jordan. I will see you on the shores of lake when of with another, Lastly, we live out as they weak week. We couldn't get more thumbs up for lake when a precise, and you know that that should be said to in this town. I laugh because oftentimes, if I'm recognise in town people, are disappointed to see me. Of course, Or it's on the other right, if you recognize me or like that guy on the left you're, like oh no, what's happening here. This is my home, and I want that wonderful woman who I saw outside the coffee shop in Wolfeboro. I want her to know. We thought your town was beautiful, really was lovely
let a sweatshirt thank you, ve new hampshire, thanks a lot for jordan me and in an thanks so much for join us with the daily show yours The it's warm or shows from the daily job. I guess universe by searching the daily show. Wherever you get your project watch the daily show. We noted eleven den central gambling several and stream full episodes any time on their work. this has been a comedy central podcast introducing albertini accounts. If you have a team You probably drive them around a lot. maybe or even driving memory. Now, new, over tina accounts are apparent, supervised uber account with always on safety, features that let your teen request a ride when you can't take them yourself, your team gets to ride with. highly rated driver and you follow along with real time notifications and live tripped racking in your oberon adored
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-08.