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Fallout Over the Breonna Taylor Grand Jury Ruling | Desus Nice, The Kid Mero & Jeff Daniels


A grand jury ruling about Breonna Taylor's death sparks protests, Desus Nice and The Kid Mero talk "God-Level Knowledge Darts," and Jeff Daniels discusses "The Comey Rule."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You listening to Carmody central support for it podcast comes from pico domain, your chance to save on energy, efficient lighting and equipment upgrades for your business make your PA. Checks a reality with instant discounts and other financial incentives start point Today offers Spire may fifteenth two thousand twenty one plain your energy efficient projects. Now, so you can start spending less on energy for years to come. Visit peak calm, slash business to learn more that p c, o dot com slash business Hey, what's going on, everybody welcome to the daily social distancing. Show I'm from today is Thursday that, any form of September and will now just forty days away from election day, so for anyone who still undecided about who to vote, for how?
How will you still undecided? What are you waiting for anyway until I shop tromp, scaring the shit out of everyone. Nobody is getting charged for killing Brianna Taylor and the EP. That's offering you and exciting new way to get cancelled. So let's do this. People welcome to the danish social distancing, show from Travers coach in New York City to York out somewhere in the world. This is the daily social digital withdrawal years. Let's kick things off by talking. All the news that we won't be talking about today, which I? sounds really weird, but two Donald Junta Trump weakened don't have enough time to cover some of the more fun stories. For instance, the Washington Post is reporting The prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, has bring shoe cases full of dirty laundry with him when He visits the! U S and he does this because all the laundry gets cleaned for free by
the president's staff at the White House, which is pretty wild. I mean this guy runs a country and he's treating the White House like a college. Freshman visiting his parents will the weekend. It also problem Spain's when it suddenly signing all these pistols. Shit, I'm out of clean underwear. Your Bahrain meet me at the White House in Social media NEWS, an app hold gradient is be accused of promoting digital black face for letting uses see what they would look like as other races and look with this counts as black face, but I do was counts as a shitty app, because that is not why you would look like as a black person, precious another person. Also, if your white person, you know It is filter to see what you would look like as a european debt. Jus is and then in current Irish is ruining everything news. It was just announced the annual New Jersey, bowl drop in Times Square will be going virtual this year, which means now, if you appeal pants waiting for midnight you can.
To do it at home, and I say this cancelling use eve. Is recall: yes, said it I learned my lesson with twenty twenty from now on, I'm not celebrating a year before we get to see its good first. Yet we should how twenty twenty one goes, then, side whether or not we want to throw a party you have to earn the right. Celebrate you buy vomiting in times square from drinking too many white cloth. Privilege. But I'll be honest. Folks it's hard to can't too much about bull, drops or dirty laundry or whatever Asian Scott. This is up to when the walls this democracy is about.
Become the world's newest dictatorship. Never in the history of this country has there not been a peaceful transfer of power after a presidential election, but now president from is suggesting he might not accept the election results. If he is not the winner, the present is taking a position on this issue. That is not just unprecedented, but critics worn. It is dangerous. Refusing to endorse what the most basic tenets of american democracy will you commit to making sure that there is a peaceful France for all of power after the election to see what happens, you knew that I've been complaining very strongly about the ballots than the bell is served as Esther and people arriving to you to make sure that there is a reason for all of you get rid of the belgian you'll ever transferable, very peaceful. There will be a transfer frankly, there'll be a continuation. Whole me shit I never thought I would see the day when a man. Can president would threaten not choice,
cept an election defeat because, let us be honest, something you hear about some random country, where America steps into enforced democracy I feel like now. It's only fair that those country should send peacekeepers to the. U S the well refusing to give refusing to give up power Punch disease and unemployment, who She told now I will say Donald Trump has gone on course, the journey spends his entire life as one of the world's most famous landlords, and now turning into the world's most famous squatter Ivan if Joe Biden wins looking to find in the White House basement Sunday living that parasite life on the real, though this is an urgent problem, because a peaceful transfer of power is the cornerstone of a healthy democracy. By trumps, saying that he refuses to leave peacefully he's basically threatening a coup.
I mean, unless maybe what he means is that he will leave but you just thinks is more interesting. If there's a fight on the way out which I dont totally disagree with, can you imagine have fun. It would be if the income present always had to fight the outgoing President Biden Trump, I'm gonna be at the White House recreating the geriatric fights from the Irishman coming Harris. Has my pencil headlong? Oh no, my her grazed, her bosom. Now it's going to guys. I really hope that there is a peaceful transition of power. I don't know about you, but I'm not good enough shape to fight a civil war. Right now, trapped inside my house for months on the working out. It's like I'm, Caterpillar than Winchell, Cocoon came out, isn't even shitty a caterpillar. Now look if you paid any attention to Donald Trump over the past five years is not prize that he likes the idea of being a dictator. I'm in here
wooden, more love letters to Kim Jong than his own wife. The question is: will Republicans. Allow him to get away with it and today, several heavy hits has responded Republican lawmakers, defending the idea of a peaceful transfer of power, but unwilling to attack the President directly Senator Mitt Romney tweeting. Any suggestion that a president might not respect this constitutional guarantees is both unthinkable and unacceptable. We just got a tweet from Margo Rubio, also who says, as we have done, for over two centuries, we will have a legitimate and fair election sent a majority leader Mitch, Mcconnell tweeted this there will be an orderly transition, just as there has been every four years in seventeen. Ninety two all Frank who Mitch Mcconnell says the election results will be honoured and if those on person whose word we can trust. It's me. Sure, colonel a Mitch. Mcconnell promise is us
worthy as a husband with glitter on his face, because now he says the winner of the election will be inaugurated, but you know if Britain winds he just gonna come out on November forth, like are on November. Twenty six to the american people have their shape. We can't just arranged that now la la They rode at once from Arthur we are no longer at this point. There is enough the GEO Pekin due to put people eddies. They tried to do this. They try to reassure people all the time and then what they do. They always end up backing trump, the job treats Americans like a dog being taken to the vet you tell did you go into the park? for he knows of these waking up on a table in his bosom now after two hundred fifty years, Europeans have grows somewhat attached to living in a democracy, so a lot of them are understand. The pudding upset about what happened and usually when Americans are angry trump. They don't have a chance to tell him directly, but it just
happens that today, Trump went out to pay respects Late hour, B g and people who were there well, they let him know exactly how they felt president Trump and, firstly, Maloney a Trump, a right of the Supreme Court Thursday morning to pay their respects to justice, Ruth Better Ginsburg, mourners waiting in line to do the same food and chance it when they saw the president had arrived them suck. It's like twitter mentions turned up in real life. Do you know how bad you have to be? to get booed at a funeral. Basically, people like two things have happened here: death and you, the one we're gonna to. Although a so oblivious, he probably
Aren't you Maloney as they left and was like? What did you do to those people millennia? They didn't like you didn't like you, but booing him might make some people feel better. Trumpery using to say that he would leave office if he loses, is scary. Thought, because who knows what could happen with that kind of threat? Well, more on this. Let's talk to a man whose repeatedly refused to leave his apartment. When his lease was up our very own reward, Junior Roy, I need your advice on this man. What do you make of Donald Trump comments? Because a lot People are worried that this could lead to election day, violence manner. My word about the man trumps he's crazy. Stop all the time! That's what he does man, this ain't, that big a deal Henry packed his shit come out, would get them all. Ok, Roy, that's! pricing that that's your point of view, show you not worried that Trump is gonna refused to leave office. No don't tell me, I'm not worried that travel
everybody should stay calm and remain at home no go out blocking, erodes the protest or anything like that, especially the world between New York City and the canadian border. Mfa hang on France, while also baby you gotta role for me a much we all does work model under you can't do I'll each age will move Europe forward what's going on over there? It looks like you packing for a big trip. No I'm just Does them a bad. You ain't over social bag just make sure that the clause the devout doing not like I'm about to leave Amerika before Donald Trump declares himself king for life and even if he was gonna, do that travel? Don't you trust his fellow Republicans to stand up to him or you know, you put it like that. It actually makes me more worried no no no Trevor don't be worried this is America, we're going to through this man, you can bank on it
for months, mainly to close my bank account. I got about man which further ok, why? Why would you not our checking with you later on the show? Does that sound good You can do whatever you want man, but you ll see me again. Listen, everybody just needs to stay calm and remember that we're going to get through this come on, let's grab a toy roaring. Where would you now, everyone or I'm gonna, take a quick break, but when we come back will be talking about the Brianna Taylor ruling Jeff Daniels is on the show, and decent marrow are still coming up for ongoing support for this punk asked comes from new ballots. Hey, I'm back a brown performance. Running product manager at new balance, one of the best parts of my job is working with our team new balance. Athletes. Their job is to run fast really fast. It's not just about the time of the clock, It's also a state of mind feeling
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I really get into to backstory, whatever important out of respect. There are literally years of experience behind these bottles, while Turkey same recipes, knights and fortitude you wanna true classic. This is it. You want order. Wild turkey down thirty distilling company when spoken, ducking copyright, twenty Kobori American you're you're, never compromise drink responsibly, wasn't so the daily social distancing show for months now, Marianna tailors name has been Chauncey by millions of people around the globe, demanding that the least who killed her be held accountable, and yesterday the grand jury made us too
new calls for racial justice, fuelled by pain, frustration and outright disappointment once again, rippling across this nation, overnight protest broke out in multiple cities. After a grand jury decided that no charges will be brought against LULU police in the shooting death of reality tailor the protest starting in Louisville, but quickly spread across this country. Demonstrations took place from coastal coast allay too, and why see crowds gathered outside police departments in court houses and held marches in places like in the walkie and Atlantic demanding justice for the twenty six year old killed while she was asleep in her apartment, the grand jury determines that the officers were justified in firing the fatal shots because tailors boyfriend fired at them. First in officer who was later, fire was indicted, but for shooting into a neighbours apartment nothing for the killing of reality. Tell him yes, all over the years for
treated people reacted to a disappointing, but pay Dictum decision with only one officer being indicted and not for shooting Brianna Taylor, but for shooting in the direction of her neighbours, and you know. I watched what unfolded yesterday like when it was in the streets of Kentucky or between people. To acting online. I found myself Asking one question: one question that couldn't come get unstuck from my mind: Those who is winning in this whole thing, and I'm not talking about like who this jobs in the election in allowing take Donald Trump and Joe Biden out of this, because I think that this is an issue to be solved by just an election. I'm talking on the ground. The lives of people who is winning Because to me it looks like nobody is winning brand tell us, families and winning asked a loved one They got no justice and they ve been thrust into a political firestorm.
Black people definitely and winning. Because they basically been told that a cop can just barge into your house and shoot you, and not only that They can say, but they were defending themselves in your house as if that wasn't wild enough, the lonely in trouble for the shots that they missed. Somebody. You gotta give only the criminal justice system, valued black people as much as drywall, because well. I was told the same things the same thing time and time again I'll just be a one person? You know one of you. Just had a job. You know if you just didn't do crime. The cops would leave you alone, but now what is now now it's become Well don't hang out with criminals or don't hang up with people who might have a history as criminals or don't hang out with associates, don't even never the neighbourhood. That's concern to be criminal. But- you have to tell black people all of that, because if you told the police to do their job better and on birth,
four places. Assuming everyone is a criminal threat than this wouldn't happen. Black people are winning. Why doesn't America treat the police as responsible for their own actions? The police? bears. If they better than you can say it all black people. While you shouldn't be hanging around the honey I mean you're gonna get hurt but they're, not the human beings. They human beings, who should be held cultural for what they do America tells people a story. America tells people that the an amendment me, you should get a gun to protect yourself. But in the same America tells you that if you use your gun to protect yourself in your home than the cops have a right to kill you sounds like a tyrannical government to me. And if you answer is well, don't shoot back, The police officers that you mistake as intruders, I mean you're admitting what we all knew is truth, America is a police state and its most protective clause, a police officers. To me so that nobody is winning because police are also not winning
when that happens now is they lose the trust of the community that they meant to protect and serve? And now, as put is there. A running around paranoid us running through the streets pray to God that they don't get shot. Not two of them were shot which are increases the paranoia now. Police, their paranoid, the families of police, are apparently when their parents need, when their husbands and wives in these paranoid, because now they feel an occupying force whose data fight against the people of the city, but that's not what policing is supposed to be. You couldn't have effective policing, The community is on your side. Police are winning being a policeman in America's already terrifying told every single day from your training. That any moment I was gonna pull a gun out of a glove compartment, shoot you, that's all. Trained to believe and in part it's true, because America, so many guns doesn't not if it happens a lot. It's in your mind, police and not winning. Black lives matters not winning when this happens, because not me
la framing them as a violent organization. Oh look. The cops got shot it's because a blacklist not because of black lives matter, like lies, manage repeatedly said. Well, then, why violent organization? because they like Walden. Why don't you control your members? Well, because, unlike the police force, they don't have a membership structure, they don't have a record of their employees. Anyone much in the street and claim that they are part of black lives matter. We don't there's somebody is. Can break a window and say as black lives matter. We don't know, but we do know is that a policeman is a policeman their people. Be held accountable, they publish, structure. And when they not held accountable, only chaos will ensue. Nobody's winning people the pro This does not winning it. Maybe this two percent of protesters out there who just trying to shut up for fun, but by and large pro test, I do not want to be protesting. I don't wanna be marching through the streets clashing with police, getting tear gas getting beaten, getting arrested. They would much rather be living their lives, but they protest because other people can't live there
no one looks at a march with people. Beaten by the cops and things all. This is a great opportunity to get. My steps in black people are exhausted. Millions of Americans are exhausted. The tired tat feeling, like their hunted, tired of protests and streets in order to meet viewed as equals, the title of people telling them how to protest and trust me. When I say black people would rather be at home, taking a nap. Nobody is winning yesterday got to me. One like was was especially the part with it with a Kentucky Agee Centre people angry about, decision that mob justice is not justice. Then what happens when justice is not justice? Think what part of this was justice. If you, what to say all the police follow the lead of the, nor did they do, they want it is justice? If you Why should the police about what
happened during a crime? The police can charge you with something, but if the police lie about what they didn't, nobody faces. Any consequences is that What does it mean when the system says everything that happened in this Brianna Taylor. Shooting was legal, issuing the no awkward warrant was legal breaking down the door was legal. Killing on a bed was legal. I mean at that point, you can say mob justices injustice, but then clearly, justice isn't justice either and the truth is people nobody's winning society. We are all losing right now. And until this real justice, nobody wants we'll be right back Welcome back to the danish social distancing show so earlier today I spoke with decent and the kid Miro we talked about it, no time series and their brand new book check it out. These are some Miro. Welcome to the danish social distancing show You got the beer, that's all each other.
Are you mad? I feel like I haven't been as good as you guys. I'm not gonna lie there. There is something that I enjoy about watching your show window What's happening in the world? I always feel like the bodega boys are going to keep me feeling like it's not the worst day in in the history. You know what I mean and causes. Probably gonna, be worse days. It has three: did you Herbert That's our new, our new, our new satellite. We are now the court gestures to the end of America, where you can have it and was I hey disavowal? take our minds off the fact the world is ending with wet with abandon its ethnic. You but you guys, but you haven't crushing, crushing it. I, I think from me the furthest thing from being the ban on the Titanic, because your ship is not sinking. Congratulations. You shoulda renewed for a third season on shore time, let me ask you this: you, you guys have described the show as a it's almost like being a barber shop or at a barber shop with more facts.
You cover the news. We cover social media. You cover what the streets of talking about it feels like. In my opinion, of all the late night shows. Your show was shaken the least by The coroner virus, because you guys have always been wearing hoodies you guys I've always been like I mean you got the sneakers that you ve, been rocking every single day of your show has any change for you in a big way just kind of like balancing you don't work at home life because before leg kit by persons begin, like, I copper, put everything in a nice little compartment. It's all my office in the studio was work, and then my house was my house where I live on my kids in my life and there are two separate entities in early separation of church and state. Now we got church and state. It is like holding a bible upside down and would everybody's a rattle while bitter enemies, or that was the only like adjustment but like as far as I can are losing the audience and that's the stuff This has always been like. Do you know decent, eyelike, bouncing jokes off each other like China make each other laugh as well as,
supposed to liking? Owes solar joke to you unanimous all right. The energy has remained the same. I feel like because of that far they consuming culture to make the show is definitely change because before it was like, turn on a neutral on twitter. Whatever at you make it in and you talk about it the next day on the show, but you had outside, like you had New York City, to balance that out, so you had other you can go to a bar. You go to hang out with your friends now it's like One of the tv just debts, roll on Twitter, taken all information and I'll go into your sneaker on a report it and make it entertaining the roads that Little draining immensely How to do things to abolish your mental, but an outline roses may see the same show and its fields are high. Important because people are getting the information from the show before it was just like entertainment, and now we got Dr Foutch Aeon. You know what he looks like the same thing with your show before your because I hate you, some levity and a little information as I go. Your show is getting people through this pandemic. I don't know you get that the same way, one of them.
Is I've loved about the show. Now is the backgrounds I feel like you. Have to keep this when you go back to a studio, if you do because I love seeing like more of who you each are individually like these. Is our life like a few weeks after was a zoom background no other way to download that zoom background of. Although sneakers nobody owns that many sneakers, throw that I go about people I'll get you know like this is agrees. Vienna microbial up rose negro. This? Is it so it really that really high in the show, because if you look at these is over, there were mad sneakers up your mirrors in the basement over there is as I do you re backgrounds. Indicative of who we are and that kind of household talking. So you see it We will talk about like family stuff and I'll be over. Here. Are you you came out whatever it is the blind and visually it looks good, looks different. You don't out because early on in the zone, you know one zoom cottage to humanity. We all look.
Each other's backgrounds and we don't know which way to go out, and so I plant should maybe sir. Maybe some are, but I was I going around, but do the background and stand out so room reader. I want my rating. Ok, stop. I'm saying this is a really curious. This is that you don't say I just random clutter. Let's talk about a new project You ve done everything you may podcast, you may tv shows you ve gotta alive tour that was was going round the United States before Corona virus. It- and now you got a book in time- old, God, level, knowledge, dots life, lessons from the Bronx. I'm not going allows like what. What does that mean? God level knowledge, dots, I'm I've never heard that phrase. Icon lie that's a higher level of information you can get. This is like that's casual information. You get, that will change your life and is not dead
when you hear it, but now you stop and think about you like Yo Wall, ass, wild think about it. You know them saying is. This is this is knowledge, but it's in a dark form. So it's going to penetrate into me really penetrate Third, I and the council opinion gland me like this. I, when you're drunk at a party, is someone or your eyes on those few yo if used swell. The word stop background. It's different word you like that. Eliza Parsons Vision, you start your journey homey limit. This is us it's so good about what we learn growing up in the Bronx just after lessons. We learn that maybe we learn them so you'll have to go to that end. It was also is kind of a kind of a photograph. Why don't you agree workable years ago? Might not less, A couple years ago you want to watch on tv, so is also you know it maps the growth that we had any justice talking here. You know it maps the growth that we ve had
it is just as talking candidly indifferent things. I love about. Relationships must talk about families, servants, organ, people dying in, alas, my wheel house right all went well is this is just a collection of us. I loved the topics in the book, because I've always been amazed at how common I was or we can be regardless of where we're from in the world, like the hood seems like the hood, no matter where you are in effect, one point the book is where you Talkin about like how the Bronx taught you to be broke, and I remind me of something my mom said to me one of the core of our started out as it hey. Are you ok? Is everything good? You need any help. What am I mama? we should like all honey. Don't worry about me. I've got a phd in being broke. I can handle this if things go bed and ended. Like you guys, are talking about the same thing in the book is like. Do you they're on life, lessons that you learn growing up in an environment like the Bronx somebody doesn't learning like a good life quote. Unquote quote, they need to survive today over I'm sure, a hundred percent, if you have never gone to bed hungry or if you ve, never had judges, drink water, so you're, not hungry. You don't owe me
Will you get Devil LOS Angeles, but in automatic, if you ve, never adds alike Oh, I want some meat with my food tonight. So let me just you know, throw down my pet leg. You know domain and walk out of the store. You know you're deadly, going to learn a lesson in this book. Like this book is It's not about suffering. That sounds while, but it's like it's really about like this, like a time capsule took up a point in our lives. Roses like these were not like. These are not Juxta jokes now, but back then it was like this is real Israel life, and we have to do this. The kind of like survive and does you know, did these talks about paying ran on time and all these kinds of topics that are really across the board, like unites, surviving eating, paying bills, etc. I know you Monsieur works, everyone knows the two of you together they just magic, but to see book I mean like you, you also differently marrow. You ve got the all caps thing. We're still throws me because it seems that you shouting at me from the pages of a book.
It does make me feel like I'm talking to both of you individually. It really really feels, like you, you've capture the essence of bodega boys on page where you shocked at how well that worked Not you know, it was kind of landed itself because, after in the podcast and then doing live shows in doing tv shows. It makes me any format. We do we just basically to save energy. We vibrate the same frequency so. The matter of just being in the have document and is working side to Google Docs is now you're working on the same thing, I think if we did google documents and it was all schools, our visitor. We're just mailing back and forth in a word document, some of their energy and chemistry We will be lost, but having a freeze living docking like a bull documents, were both working at the same time in the animals are working to see each other working that lends itself being a stream of consciousness and definitely feeling like oh take overs of partners. Well, congratulations. The brand is stronger than ever before. The book is out. There
Oh is still out you gotta still successful. Still doing your thing, I appreciate you for doing it. Thank you so much for joining meal to show my boots, we'll take a quick but don't go away because up next talking to Jeff Daniels about what it was like to play. James call me yeah, FBI. James call me stick around back to the daily social distancing show. Earlier today, I with Emmy Award winning Acta Jeff Daniels. We talked about here, starring role as FBI directed James call me in the coming Showtime many series, the call me rule Daniels. Welcome to the daily social distancing, show glad to be here. To say that I am a big fan of yours is an understatement. I have truly always admired watching how. You embody characters in arrange that I think few other human beings can, and I mean I feel, like you, ve done it again this. This is
most widened the breadth of of your range. You know you ve gone from playing one of the biggest dim wits in history in Dublin, dumber too one of the most complicated and serious human beings. Call me former head of the FBI before we get into the wise of colonies and the how which one is harder for Youtube plays an actor usual the guys who are smarter. Have a lot more to say it's just a simple is like like will Mcavoy or or or call me or Atticus Finch on broad they're, all it's from lots and lots of lines. Smart, it takes longer to summarize, though Harry DAWN and diamond dumber than you know, did no his mouth nearly as much and it was shut. Someone else Too bad, it is easier to learn somehow I don't know, but I think that would be the main difference here. I will tell you The call me rule and Plain James call me could not have come at a more. I think, fitting moments in american history because, as we give up for
for another election I think a lot People remember back to twenty sixteen and how one moment in time seems They have shifted not just the election, but american history forever, and that was when change We came out and another his investigation into then candy. Hillary Clinton The show is interesting because it really present. With the dilemma from commies point of view, when you are playing g? call me. What what are you trying to give us the view in terms of being for him or against him in terms of what what decisions he was making? I remember back in October twenty sixteen when it was announced that they were going to reopen the investigation we're thinking something like what is he thinking? What is he doing? I mean we were two days away: Billy Bushes Bus ride had been like the day before waking. Eggs will make a noise about thirty. Three thousand emails and we're gonna League, which was what call me had to deal with. Does he get out in front of that? Is Julianne he's gonna like it at all?
you know, and so he to protect the integrity of the. I did that that's what find out. You find out that he between a rock and a hard place. Any couldn't palm had to decide was no easy decision in any time that there political, opinion would come in whether through his team that he was there with trying to help make a make the decision, swatted away, because it had to state and a political decision which I was unaware of that. Did he worked real hard to push back against the right and also the left he had too much? the rule of law to the institution of the Department of Justice, the integrity and the FBI. These are all things that are bigger than Jim call me, and he looked at them like someone would look at their religion and an bats? What that was his north star and eat, made his decisions based on those things and every
What else is thinking politically and that they jumped out at me thing I've always enjoyed about you know talking to an actor behind the scenes is, is learning how they discover a pot of a human being that we didn't get to see in the public eye what war? Some of the things that you discovered about the man that we never got to see because we were looking at the agents. Jim call me was accused of being self righteous and a boy scout and his I was bigger than your right and his into his morality was bigger than and you know. Certainly a few disagreed with his decision or you are looking at a politically. I can see how you would go to that, because he was going no better served something bigger, but the other thing that I learned about him and it even more so in control and in contrast, a trump, Is the gym call me at the bottom The bottom is honest, decent open
we'll tell you the truth,. Compassionate cares about other people, is self effacing. Is humble. Certainly ambitious, but but not the point of trampling over people, That's when you could you look at that and you look at call me rolling. You see an example of that. It's not boyscout is not pollyanna. While the guy is what he believes and. It is shocking to see that, because we have had for years of the opposite and you wanna put some on the ballot put decency on the ballot compassion on the ballot, but caring about among other near self, on the ballot or political Party, I'd like to see that Jim call me as a good example of that, as a forum Republican by the way. That's that's that's. What are you
to be. I dont worry is now. What are you, this new before? I genuinely believe that you ve done it again. It is still a performance that breaks to life. Someone that everyone thought they knew and maybe we'll get to know a little bit better tells a story. I think every American should be talking about, especially before going into another election, so I'm Jeff Daniels. Thank you so much for Elisha. Thank you, travel pleasure. What does I'll show for tonight, but before we go, if you would like, So on injustice, Ruth Beta Ginsburg and her legacy. You might want consider donated to the ACL you, including their women's rights project. The issue you women's rights project was cofounded, my army g in nineteen, seventy two and since then it, has been leading the fight for gender equality through litigation and advocacy until next time stay safe out there, where a mosque hope. You'll have a peaceful transfer to next week.
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Transcript generated on 2020-09-25.