« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

Don Blankenship: The Trumpiest Candidate You Can Imagine | Diane Guerrero


Don Blankenship loses the GOP Senate primary in West Virginia, Trevor highlights gun-happy cops, and actress Diane Guerrero discusses her memoir "In the Country We Love."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Using the comedy central, the daily with Trevor. Noah is supported by expensive five expensive money moving more than ten million people around? global view- is expensive ice, pre, accounting platform to reimburse expenses manage business credit cards, generate invoices, pay bills and planned trips from one easy to use up whether you're working for yourself management team or closing the books for your clients, expensive I'd makes it easy, so you have more time to focus on what really matters download the or sign up at expensive I'd dot com, slash the daily show today. This part cast is brought to you by Free guy, storing, Ryan, Reynolds and Jody Comber. Now playing only in theatres, free guy tells the story of Guy a bank teller who discovers he is a background player in an open world video game now, no longer content. With being a background, player guy is determined to write his own story, save his virtual world and become hero of the game. Get your tickets now and see.
action. Packed adventure on the big screen, see free guys Ryan, Reynolds and Jody Comber. Now, playing only in theatres May not. Two thousand eighty one probably said, rose World news headquarters in New York. This is the daily with revenue use. I guess what I guess, what I, as an actor from oranges, the new black and the severe show superior doughnuts, Diane
everybody who yesterday President Trump announced that he was pulling America out of the Iranian Nuclear Deal and not everyone in IRAN is Well, the! U S, pull out from the nuclear deal is a devastating blow When already we can see the hardliners manoeuvring to take advantage of it? conservative lawmakers this morning burned paper. U S flag in the parliament and chanting. your desk to America. I'm not trying to tell you guys have to do your job, but it's a lot scarier. If the flag actually catches via may hold on hold on. I can't be worried about these guys making nukes when their struggling to
on paper. Really that's what I've been doing. Work is bad for the parliaments, fire marshal. He was probably so stress you guys. I hate America just as much as you do. What can we due to the parking lot please leave now. This wasn't that surprising, because these guys are extremely neurons. Parliament, they basically the TED cruisers of IRAN right, but the feeling towards tromp was coming from the very top two with IRAN Supreme Leader come any stating quote this man will turn to dust and his body will become food for snakes and ants yeah, which sounds like a harsh statement, but you realize that's gonna happen to all of us. There was a pretty slick move. You frighten people with the natural course of life. One day you will stop. Breathing in your family members will cry over your dead body.
That's a funeral. That's exactly what have you know? That's that's! No! Moving onto other news every day we learn more and more shady shit about trumps personal lawyer, Michael calling. The latest is that, just after the election, Michael Courtney, Shell company was paid half a million dollars and the money was linked to a russian oligarch whose close to Putin, and just as where does that coins
good company was also getting huge sums of money from major corporations. Coins company also receive payments from a number of corporations, including nearly four hundred thousand dollars from a subsidiary of Pharmaceutical company Novartis, two hundred thousand dollars from eighteen tee and one hundred fifty thousand dollars from Korea, aerospace industries. Eighty anti told us that a central consulting was one of several firms and it is to provide insights into understanding the new administration really agency. You paid two hundred thousand dollars to trumps lawyer to get insights into Trump
Well, no, that's bullshit mean because if you really want insights into Trump, just read his tweets there it if its retorted thousand, you owe me now so Cohen- got money from drug companies from korean plain companies and eighty in tee I mean at least of drug company, have the decency to make it look legit, but look a bit about. They spend a specific amount right. It's so good deserves our two thousand. Without me, like three, ninety and transit makes it seem like those of actual reason for the payment, because when its round numbers you know it looks Haiti, drug dealers, another like a man. You want an eighth of we'd they'll, be fifty nine. Ninety nine, but let's move on yesterday was a big day in the mid term primary season, which is basically the elections before the election between the elections. Welcome to America, we like elections. Now there were three big Republican sent a primary contests. Yesterday, Ohio, Indiana and West Virginia
bowsprit favorite states to drive through to their favorite states ten hours to Pennsylvania, but West Virginia was the race that everyone was watching and from the news coverage last night. I can actually tell you who one, but I can absolutely tell you who lost Weimar, resolve our aim for four states: West Virginia voters rejecting the sparing conspiracy laden candidacies, Don Blankenship permitted call Baron Don Blank cheque came up short West Virginia Republicans, rejected Don Blankenship Don Blankenship finished a distant third in the West Virginia Senate race. That's right! West Virginia meet your new role, public and Senate nominate not done Blankenship. I thought it was weird for the tv news to be focusing on a candidate who came in third. In a primary, but once you meet Don Blankenship, you understand that this guy might not be newsworthy, but he was
definitely great tv politicians a lava, crazy ads. They blew up the coma and put me up never run, and I have said the good man blew up and I went to prison was most surprised. There Actually I I feel like that wasn't around as politicians, don't usually run adds saying they went to prison after they blew up coal mines, which side note really happened. Twenty nine people died and Blankenship served a year in prison for it, and I'm willing to bet with that bourbon and xanax delivery. Now on messed with him in the joint you know does is like a man. What are you win floors like the call man blew up, and I went to present that no surprise
air. Damn, may you look go man, I'm just here for insider trading, man and believe it or not. That's not even the reason, Blankenship Scented Run blew up right. It's actually for his completely original views on which Mcconnell My goes as you senator will be to ditch Coquet Mitch when you vote for me your voting for the sake of the kids. Cocaine Mitch, Are you serious, there's no way, but much more huddle is on
came I mean it is forty to imagine that he is like he's actually only thirty five years old, Buddy Party, so hard that it just looks like that. Now we ve all done wrong. So dont Blankenship set himself up as the trumpets cabinet that you can imagine anti establishment and definitely not pc, which is why he also run and add targeting Mitch Mcconnell chinese american wife kept image. Mcconnell has created millions of jobs for China people, while doing so much has gotten rich. In fact, is China? Family has given him tens of millions about China family? you know, is one of those y know I should be offended, but I'm extremely confused, because China family? What no one knows? What is it like? China, family sounds like how your racist uncle refers to fresh
boats that train station. I don't wanna once China family and end the phrase China people was even though we know what that means. Be China, people or it's weird phrase, which is why he got asked about it in the public and primary debates. This idea that column somebody a China person I mean I'm an american person, not see this insinuation by the press that there's something racists about Santa China person, some people korean persons in summer, african persons- it's not any slander there. All as an Africa,
person as american persons. I think we can all agree that that's bullshit person didn't even racist would be mad about this to be like they met. We got words for those who worked on ignoring our heritage, so obviously I don't need to tell you this much. Mcconnell is not a fan of DAWN Blankenship, which is why, after he lost last night, Mcconnell dont on him hard online Post election Mcconnell flaring back with this humorous tweet. We'll conall, we imagined as Pablo Escobar for the tv show. Nor goes with the message thinks we're playing dawn making jokes, that's amazing is
is a bit with that, Mcconnell is so confident about it that he made himself Pablo Escobar. You know, like parliament, thinks that maybe he is involved and cocaine. Now you don't like now that it's over he's, like ok, now that the heats up we're gonna, get back out on the corner GEO important that blow remember the price of that fifty dollars, ninety four cents, so it doesn't look suspicious, so dont Blankenship came out of nowhere in the preparation and ended up nowhere afterwards, but even in defeat this man was. Tv gold was timely. Concedes are worth considering the election feel free to around. You know already paid a big bills, real figures, the Draken occupied his rooms and there's no reason to hurry out of your sight stay as long as you want them stand up.
I do have to rebuild it to you, but I don't get it. Do you ever before midnight send me back to prison for thirty days. This guy just cannot stop reminding people that he went to prison anyway. Thank you for your support. Just remember because it may dozens of people died in that everybody good night, but you know I don't blame him for wanting to hang around and celebrate, because you heard him his parole ended at midnight. So he's a free men now always Don Blankenship might say they showed a blow up the modern and show our ran for Senate. Then they blew up my campaign. So now I'm don't wanna for certain bar
get it do you. I swear, I'm free to do what I do best blowing up call minds whether right back, it's a tough job, being a police officer. You overworked your underpaid, and sometimes it seems the only part of your job is when everyone thinks you, therefore, their bachelor Red party. All and, of course, you get You have a gun. The problem is, it seems that today, in America, cops are often too quick to use their firearms, which is a serious issue. Then we'll cover in our new segment cops just wanna use guns our first brandishing body, comes to us from southern California. In a misunderstanding brought to you by mentors Thirty officer in southern California is caught on camera, pulling his gun on a convenience store customer who here
State only thought was stealing. This was all Over a pack of men shows that the customer had already paid for the man's as he tried to explain and he paid, but the officer believe him until the convenience store actually had to say he pay for, while this cop pulled a gun in the guy, because forty was stealing mentors he's nothing even if he was stealing them. That's not a reason to pull your gun, if the guy was stealing men, tolls and diet coke than yet. That's that's a potential bomb threat. I can't we go with that stuff, that's dangerous, but not for men chose alone. I mean if this couple but his gun for mental you'll put out his gun for anything. You want goes home after work, is probably like honey. What's would dare not lower our open, the other, nice and slow likes and slow
Let me live work, you see it not give me a kiss, no trial, no dog and also, if a guy's willing to go to jail for mental. I think they're pretty bad ass if it would make a great commercial began to be in jail like hey Dude, what are you in for like I blew up a mine. What are you in for me? I mean for me tops maker now. Fortunately, in that instance, no one was hurt, but if you're a groundhog who encounter a cop, your stuff, we might not, and so well, for some people in Maryland are upset a police officer, shot Groundhog that was apparently trying to block
ethic. Video shows that animal running toward the deputy, which made the deputy think that animal was dangerous. The sheriff's office decline to comment on camera, but sent us a statement explaining the deputy saw traffic stopped on liberty at White Rock Road invested. and found the groundhog blocking traffic he realized it was not responding as expected for an animal that was not being cornered or trapped. gotta here man. Are you be serious, first of all why people are calling for some ground hogs now like what's next sunsets offers a please help it's getting. so dark everywhere, and also those poor groundhog. He would just two weeks from retirement and now the worst thing is that they shot him and acting like it was his faults. Attacking his reputation here, not responding as expected for an animal. Oh, I didn't realize there was some sort of police Groundhog Protocol like what do you suppose he put his hand? Okey doesn't ban. Will you can tell the police,
I have no idea what was going on at the copies of one side, that is The other side, I would be shocked at the cop, was giving confusing directions. I get out of the wrong. Don't move, don't move got on the ground on the ground, is making the ground or, like the bad guy, he's trying to block the tribe next than usual, pulling up the grown ups facebook? Finding every picture which looks like a thug. I know how these goals and in response to this incident, the National Association of Groundhog just released a statement saying it. This is how humans want to play Fine, we're bringing back six more weeks of winter bitches. That's all we got time for state to the next revision of, because cops just wanna use guns, we'll be right back support for the delay so with Trevor. Noah comes from Mayo me wines from diverse microclimate,
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I'm Dyin Earl, thank you for having the huge amount of yours from oranges. The new black and now you ve gone on to do other great things you honor superior doughnuts knows well your honor Jane the virgin. Do you ever sometimes confused the characters because, like something are we moving between shows like what you say online like as Lena like, but a soul we Emirates align. Will you ever do? That's black hardcore interfere donors and people like you not in prison. What are you doing? Guy? I try to be hard core and everything that idea or just keep a consignment, keep it very confused. I like that collectively heartbreak, there's like a weird role to take with you just like yes, this is a kid show and I'm local. I now I know people actually they eternal. I kind of like me down right right right. You you you, you play many different characters, but a lot of people know you from oranges. The new book
a character that in many ways I guess gave us a different insights into why someone would be imprisoned. Did many people connected character, storyline yeah it was, it was actually really great. I mean I when I first saw you know I signed on for the wrong, great? Let me know women in prison, but so this is far from what people expect from me right by it, as as I got into and how I saw people respond to it was, it was really is very real and the stories that we ve got to tell where real on I guess knowing what I know about myself now, as the person who I am now, it's very fitting that that was my first break rights to tell these kinds of stories. I do think it makes a big difference to told the stories that go beyond what we think of people, because, as you say, when you know more about the person you see them as a human being is a really important. You absolutely. I mean it's kind of what I have tried to do. My entire life has to have people
see me as human rights and with the stories that I tol with my own life with my? U no telling stories of my community is it's just humanizing, my story right? that's something you did amazingly in your memoir that you wrote in twenty. Sixteen, like you, you wrote a fascinating account of your story end and it's the book we have here and in the country we love my family divided, and you tell a story. Of being a young american child who has to parents who are undocumented and they get deported and you'll fourteen years old at the time. How do you even begin to process the world when your parents have been taken away from you? Like wit, Where do you begin in your mind, while it was something I always had to live with them, and I lived with the fear of losing my family of being separated. My family was very with brutally honest with me. I mean
is like five years old, and there were no telling me look. This is goods can happen. Roach may now I was like smoking, cigarettes, agriculture. I bet it. This is happening here. I know where the money is rights, not much money. So I was always sort of preparing for this day and hoping that it wouldn't happen. Heroic nothing's change, hoping that my parents would find a path for citizenship, but that day never came so when it happened, I just had to buck up really. I just had to take the words that my parents have had left with me and they told me to be strong and continue following my dreams and and living my life for me and that's what I did you you you you you should in the book and honestly it it's hot wrenching when it happens, because you tell the story of this young girl at the time. Who is living in a world where people don't seem to think about the ramifications of what?
We have these discussions, we see people saying will take the kids away. I mean you know. Jeff sessions just announced that they would that's what they're going to be done at the border. reading parents from the kid and people to say it like it's an arbitrary thing but use One who was separated from your parents do like is there where you wish it would be different if there is something you wish, they could do to try and change the way. It is not separate family yeah. I guess you know what I am. I guess I guess what I'm thinking. That is because it is obvious, but I think we got me was how you had to live without them. Don't you think well worn checking up on you and that's it. That's what you talk about people don't understand why separation of family really looks like, and that's what I try to recount. In my story I just say: ok, I'm there are huge consequences to separating families, not just for people who are on Doc. Who, apparently this country does not care about, but for U S? Citizens as Wall rights,
and for me I mean it's sort of fell or absolutely was that that I, my life was not counted as fully citizen roisterers, because my parents were in document and we went through serious hardships and many children get left behind the way I did and I was able to have a big donation and an continue. My father's words continue on living on my dream And working hard- and I mean I really do believe me- I I would eat the american dream for breakfast lunch and dinner. Ivory like TAT, is what I do, and you know, is kind of boots traps and all were really not understanding what the immigration system look like. China. to figure out a way for myself, knowing that, if I continue to work hard, if I was resourceful that I was going to make it, but that's not the case for everyone and for most kids,
It's not a happy ending, and I think that with my book I just try to show my community different lying. You know two thousand sixteen was really tough for me. I never shared my story before lunch and I heard my community attacked it was. It was mine blowing because I mean I've always heard undocumented people be human eyes and criminalize, but not in this way as came to my own and I came to understand my truth and accept my true. Those like this is something that I cannot let go, and I can't let people talk like about MIKE Henry. As I know, the strengthened love that my community has and- and I know this because I lived it- you lived it s. You shit Your parents are really proud of you and you right about that in the book, which is beautiful. Thank you for being with us on the showing share
story. Again. I really appreciate it: ain't care season for knowledge of superior donors will may fourteen CBS. My family divided will be available on July, seventeenth and in the country we love is available. Now the daily show with criminal fears at his watch. The daily show weak nights at eleven ten central dummy, central and the company. Several watchful episodes and videos at the daily show doktor on Facebook, Twitter, on its Graham exclusive content in law. This has been a comedy central podcast
Transcript generated on 2021-08-15.