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D.L. Hughley On Tyre Nichols & Fox News's Reaction To The Released Video | Ibram X Kendi & Nic Stone

2023-01-30 | 🔗

D.L. Hughley and attorney Ben Crump discuss the police killing of Tyre Nichols and the precedent set by the swift arrests of the five Black police officers. Ibram X. Kendi & Nic Stone discuss why it is important to give yourself grace when learning how to be antiracist.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
aliens he believes that if you want a smartphone you should get the best deal on that smartphone no matter what kind of more fun person you are people who replied attacks immediately emerged over textures imagery haters custom emerging makers at personalized and alphabetize there's even those who save off their phone at the gym at eighty t we give new and existing customers our best deals on every smartphone save up to one thousand dollars on our most popular smartphones with eligible trade in offers vary by device terms and restrictions apply see a t and t dot com or visit and eighteen t square for details what if you were a global energy company with durations in scotland technologists and india customers all on different systems so you need to pull it together so you call in ib and redhat to create an open hybrid cloud platform now data is available anywhere securely and your digital transformation is helping find new ways to unlock energy around the world let's create one
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between me and lived they wanted this is done to look a lot like bt do not be so you see those that diabetes commercial oh oh oh oh then make but you can have one put you the incident so yeah all right of course we have a lot that we need to talk about so we're gonna get right to it so i am sure many of you her by now that a young black men and if this was poured over by the police and we all saw went down
the first time we are seeing the violent arrest of tyree nichols what began as a traffic stop quickly turned violent as captured on multiple videos tonight by the city of memphis officers are seen pulling nichols out of the car they use pepper spray into the foyer table during a struggle then for roughly three minutes officers are seen repeatedly kicking and punching nichols while he was handcuffed as nichols lay on the ground bloodied and bruised several minutes go by without any of the officers administering first aid nichols died in the hospital three days later isn't a shocking video yes shocking it wasn't shocked by
no no no you are not like aids is like i think that is a word which had thought of my legs can cause the one thing we were not to use ie blankly was now can you believe it beat the shit out of another big on tv can you believe it because that is pretty commonplace verse the only people we stand shocked by this people who have been paying attention but for us that's just like a flash back so the only other like so commonplace it is hard to be shocked that's watching porn once the needle stick that where a no wait here let's go free i don't know i'm just making a point i don't watch porno laughs let's get this steak with the story i write letters it is not a step in the black people because that is probably every black paris nightmare dislike
why we train our children to to deal with police we we're claiming big owner safari or some i think make a sudden knows a noise making certain moon don't smile don't run so you can't be when the media also mean it's been a whole week prepping this by the media because how wide it was gonna be to be if video got more pro than did for this show i haven't seen a tv show that it is a bit his is the remagen my card they went land around like they were all about a new more release brought to you from the people did but you george lord and run a king i can tell you what i did find sacking was how fast i've got arrested
they got to red one that give us time to write later ma am dear one of an alert in all its gasoline i gotta poor back in alarm you know you they takes a considerable amount time more like usually when they tell us i've got indicted reported i can t get out so is there and it just interested because they didn't get arrested fast and adjust these kafka let us hope as i got a wonder why did there's something about them
looks fast arrest worthy like the i can't put my finger on it but i want the arrest of myself i know how dunno maybe to get a haircut at the same place i dunno i can deal with a scare me is that no one could tell us what tat we could have done to stop this from happening i mean you lee you hear people saying shit followed orders but they gave him seventy one different orders and thirteen minutes so not even the window can turn order round negative and gave orders that didn't make any sense like telling them get on the ground when you die in the ground they all know how to do in a myth is but while from the ground is as low as you go but you know is a complex issue and i know it
me whenever delving into a complex issue that affects black people and our work an expert opinion what i do is i turn to fox news learn how to make gumbo watson as you do so is the reason that i found out why cops do bad things in the first place and is open only because people are so mean to them this is a direct it's one of his oldest to fund the police stuff right and if you vilify the cops you'll get less people wanting to be cops these endless wars on police departments now they have dissuaded a lot of good people from becoming police officers that's a fact they recruitment problems and they've had retention problems you can look at the data like i can
what happens is you wind up getting stuck plain and simple with just bad guys who then he got it as well renegade but the great thing about it either got a guy from pots say they are backups to agree with antifa see i mean it one day and unchanged should already go great but there is one guy on fox news and this do came up with something that i i really did not see it coming look like gang violence to me it is look like what young black men do when their supervised by a single black woman and that's what they got goin on memphis police department they were elected some put some black woman in charge of the police force and we're getting the same kind of chaos and disunity and violence that we see in a lot of these cities that are run by single mothers
what though so it is it is single black mother did other problem so wait a minute all these gaps all of them they had single black mothers do by the way know that the images that came out when i googled good but asian whitlocke proved anything that you do not have to be white tat black people and understand how can we expect jason to see the plight of black people when they do
even see his own dick saw the earlier i know the digital content one story i'm gonna be joined by roy would junior working justice disagreeable debate until you come to me sorry let's little dig between us is gravely what can you tell me about the police hours they committed visiting here's the thing deal first and foremost there not just any police officers they were actually part of an elite unit with in the department with a special focus on violent crime they let you know
that was really able to enlighten the whole idea of an elite unit has already come to we're right like shouldn't all police course i already be deleted i mean you already got the eagles like when you get on a plane and fly to la do you or will your lucky today this is one of our elite pilot the ship before the winter about this elite unit and that's in the name of this elite unit they were actually called the scorpion does it acronym you know you don't you know the police they love the acronyms in scorpion stands for street crimes operations to restore peace in our neighbourhood scope and nobody will be able as a rule of thumb
police unit should be named after a mortal combat character of regaining discovered because once you get my name like scorpion it don't matter what what they're therefore there all be violent would the shit you can have a police that only those paperwork but if you call it scorpions they're going to be moving in a webinars with wwe two for the other thing man it's not that hard for the police to name a unit after something other than a deadly animal you ain't got the name of unit at the daily animas a digital watches watches security neighborhoods alongside kind enforcement please snake don't worry about me i'm still thinking what happens what about this and it is these lydia the cure in holes
and rescue and kids with orderly lawful functionality shop one day i'm ok ok ok it is somewhat out of the detective acronym so that we can do what the police unit is people tat gentle enforcement needs office carefully inspecting downtown elements thought you wanted me to finish the week man that's genocide okay i would just just forget the name is an idea here's an idea police got all these elite units and how about the police form an elite unit specifically trained to not he'll black people six months a book learn how to a dinner far black people didn't hands up identifying what com
looks like all right but you could do that if you did all around you can drop the killings of black people by as much as twenty percent yet just twenty percent aid also leads me we gonna start somewhere thank you so much you are wrong word you and we come back i didn't die mainly the family asians he believes that if you want a smartphone you should get the best deal i'm not smart from no matter what can a smartphone person you are be out of the blue video colors video colors who could have this text in people will reply to tax immediately even posters emerging overtake
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welcome to the daily papers gives an attorney whose rebels in the family of terry nicholls please began to get it but been clump of your mother you pay the rent you good forever them this situation out of all the time i usually you call me i think it's tuesday and whenever i hear from you i know is bad news like that never call you wanted a lot o had a baby shower and then like that's always but future because my driver happened to be terry's stepfather and he had told me about a previously and so it it struck me differently cause i know rodney and out at a memo need mood to memphis
and i knew that you were on the case i was i was certain that something positive would happen do you think that the fact that the officers were erected arrested so swiftly is an indicator of things that are are getting better or that just we get five black legal so we are wrestling real fast you know that's interesting question dear you good but at stake when you look at the fact that they are black off this is seen to be that this move awfully swift what i mean we believe say very bad very very fast police chief davis said it was important that they take swift action that they move fifthly to just as dear she said that because this video was so clear that
community needed to see that as so there are two myself they get fired arrested and charge in less than twenty days so this is the blue what d you they cannot say any more to us whether the carpet black or white when you see their own video commitment crab youth and excessive force against us that it takes six months that it a year now you can is that anymore cause we going to say you remember the what i do find interesting is that i know that you have tried to you know do what you can in terms of police reform but let me tell you congressman congressman jim jordan he said on i think meet the press that he's not sure that any law any training or any reform could have stopped what
and to nickel so that sounds like a set up to not do anything i'm tired of hearing about run applebee's that is delicate at the trees and the soil of the trees if the premise the promise is already nothing could have stopped that that sounds a lot like their approach on gods is we must keep everything the same because nothing will up yet you know deal really is troubling when they can t you to see our this evidence that we have a problem with the culture police america one of the questions i was often ass was black officers surprise what they do and i say no because the rays of the police officer isn't the determining factor of whether they are going to commit excessive use of force but it is the rays of the victim and it's off
black and brown people who the police brutality dear we that will see videos about white brothers and sisters who are facing this county excessive use of force in the sea those videos because how often the have we say you know air gone in new york get choke the first i can't breathe case then out of sterling down and better rouge louisiana their pamela turn on this just outside a houston who was having a milton have prices in the police gave way to calm down what is it and since i'm going away to chicago gotcha sixteen times but what is the incentive to stab because what happens is please who killed like they will get a pay vacation then they come back they have they go fuck me account then they say police departments need to be they need to be re training so they get more money so there's no real incentive to make substantive change when nothing
really severe and what police and they'll tend to do is they ll get rhythm police officers say now everything we can start at ground zero everything's changed and i don't see anything this change has been so remarkable that that it would it will lead me to believe that these are going to be changed that arise when we deal with making some progress that we need make a lot more but we make some progress because you know what a deterrent them killer nasa unjustly is driven out and i always talk about if they have to do to put walk if they are being convicted and sent to prison derek chauvelin and those officers who killed george floor if we have more police officers sand that we're just like you think about white people you dear might find because you know if you a white person in the back are you going to prison but if you should have that person in a bad mood because it's like a cliche almost daily
may run away and they say oh fear my life how can you fear of your life when the person runnin away from me you know it's funny if i say as they develop animals they play for baby we're living in imagining hawaii it's the most dangerous deaths the most dangerous address to one of the things that you will always have one in there i got i got it is dear isn't it funny spit closely silent the please yeah yeah yeah a man you took the words out of mama i'm hoping to show not to me i want to make this point every time you have a conversation about police and invariably somebody will feel the need to go but then all policemen men about we're talking about the one that are i wish that somebody would make that point
on the other side they're not all black people are like that no one ever no one ever said i would never i would never make the accusation that all of anything is bad but people when they say black on black crime or high crime areas there painting by one bribe restless and these people can be trust they live in the same way so even the mentality that we speak about these things have to change here then we have to make excuses for police killer justifiably has so many my wife france where if they would only comply terry mercosur could have been more complying you may you think about how they try to justify blaming the victim when we see video video the video hey how about we say the personal ashley kill the person is to blame and let's stop it there
you're right they have a weird notion of compliance cause i don't see any of that on january sixth i didn't think any of them were the kid you're around i'll get around with you alot but i will say this is the first time i've ever talk to you that i got scared you sound is so exhausted i'll never that may so weary legists exhausted so you got to make sure that you are wrong the make sure you are right firstly the frail brother i will say this one pray for terry nicholls mother has been dealt with with this tragedy with such grace she said i believe that my sound was sent for sam met
and now he's back up in heaven with guy because he's completed this assignment she said that's the only way i can cope with this tragedy is the only way i can keep waken up and she say because i have to believe greater good is gonna happen for this there is less death of my son and so i am praying the the president biden who we talk to well listen to us when we say there's more so should the united states senate back and to session reconvene was soon the schuman and senator booker and then there's gay cargo monsieur le jazz only the brain the beer back up in the house of representatives the george justice and police in that unless keep fighting and cause we cannot let her prayers go in vain the greater good has come out of this and i know that
say were they not gonna do thing but we can the strike a match rather than curse the darkness we gotta go to the mare do it on a low eleven we gotta do it with the state level if we can get to the federal government we got there and about as we care because every bout a we we might just save your child's life you know you pity my perseveres i'm proud of you man you made me so proud tonia
then crump the going to take a really quick break and we're going to be right back after this the agency believes that if you want a smartphone you should get the best deal on that smartphone no matter what kind of smartphone person you are the out of the blue video colors video callers who could have just him people who reply to texts immediately even gangsters emoji over text where's the motor haters custom emerging makers app personalized and alphabet hazard those who meet people through apps and end up with four different mystery jim saved in their phone even those last music at maximum off their power at the jam the maximum
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you may not always be you and this is my next to guess they have collaborated on a new book were young readers god to be a young antiracist want you please welcome doctor abraham eggs an external so how did
the young antiracist that majority band implored it's funny going of about raising that we live in a country that the car was assented voted for june tv but this were the same nation they went up by slavery they'll have marla and robert e lee day on the days so out think when it comes to racism i think that a lot people believe that if they're not we saying the in word or doing are seen bigoted think that means they're races so how can we start a conversation about it being antiracist you not quite sure how to quantify we are but i don't think a lot of people i cannot think that's that's the very point because if you're not doing anything to china i urge all of the injustice and all the inequity and our society that what happens it persists source so therefore your reinforcing it so therefore you're being raised
and so were encouraging people to actively try to dismantle us this structure including young people but what what is theirs and like what were they visit nick what is there if this system is working for you or not i didn't cause you any room for you to sleep at night why would you want to change the system the dead this is me gone just as you went in is it actually working for you will we make it clearly is not really learn about it like yes i think for me it's all about children right leg i know this is a system that might seem like it's working for you the world is actively changing if your children are not prepared to live in a world and move to a world that have people that are different from them this is a power really in trouble but then they try to make the world you see that they literally we're a nation that is run by the flintstones and in the end and the stones are winning
you have to understand that i a lot of people for instance i believe white people a lot of what people are actively races i do believe that the notions of white supremacist they don't agree with their methods but they agree with the goal which is to keep white people in jobs and so if that is the premise then then what incentive seriously would there be to make these changes only destabilize what you know works i think one thing we ve been showing in studying racism is that it's actually harming why people too it's not harming them at the level is harming people of color but there are why people who are dying of police violence there not dying show at the level of of black and brown people but more why people are dying of police violence in this country than other countries more why people are incarcerated in this country than other countries
but why people are struggling to vote in this country compared to other countries there were five million about poor weights in eighteen sixty whose poverty was directly connected to the enslavement black people i think i want you don't get this when you poor you and they get to you like i don't think people understand generally what hurts me her issue what is good for me is good for the enemy but there is one thing and where were you know it will give their last time to keep things a certain way as long as it helps you i look at what happened with the obamacare act a those people in those poor states are being by their but they don't care as long as you are here and there but the sense of optimism is in what you said earlier children because in children you have that my there there different a thing but but
in our children we can see the potential of things that we we hope to never it with that we hope we can probably never wheels so that is an angle i think that is probably sets it yeah i think when it comes to children have to moan and its important for me that they enter a world that they feel empowered to change which is why we wrote this book right so doktor candy wrote his no years ago and i latched onto put into effect that can do a young readers version because it's important that young people have the tools so many kids who are asking what do i do how do i help what do i change how can i get into this fight and do something about it and so creating attack like how to be young antiracist we're giving them information where their learning his definitions are learning what racism is an example what racism actually raises
is a system of ideas so you have racist ideas and they are basically they're made to keep inequities going right right so the whole purpose of a book like how to be a young anti racist is to give young people terms so that we can all agree on that we know what we're standing again like like by racism having it irma definition for racism helps them say okay this is what we are trying to fight because things that happens is people who have historically been racist refused to define it of course what is it allows them to exonerate them size consistently and constantly and even young people therefore dont know what it is so they can't even assessed himself and guide them how would they know that we have a lot of people were raised by people who moved out of places they blankly we're moving into right that was that was pretty we're gonna move out of place they blankly by moving it but those are the p who had the conversation with the people who are now having the conversation with it so they don't think they think they beat was races that's this
that's a level of oblivious nigger you can't you can cut quite quantify it is in and indeed you know that the heartbeat of being racist is denial and denial is consistent and constant insidious it knew no it does give me hope and when i see people like your book my book in the new york times best there is an end is in his because it came along at a time and you had written a good while back by the resurfaced when the george for protest was coming on they really in a moment and then seeing the did these inflection points where we can generally more people are really open to listen but the problem is so fast as you can only get it so fast and they were onto the next thing and i think that's that's not even a purposeful think it's the function about we live but if you could say a substantive thing that people could do every day like in practice every day when they
an example because every time somebody says something that somebody deemed deemed they they automatically stop someone here any more time already we are a slave of warranty years but jim crow being around fifty is like trying to not be as labour has as now we we haven't had to put as much elbow grease in there but books like the isn't having conversations where people don't turn off are really the crux of what we need to be doing and for young people is so much easier to like it is to learn a language has got to be is it a live alone like dr scott be easier to learn and what do i could cause i get angry i like what when black people do is called anger when white people do is called righteous indignation but it's really hard to come from a place of anger and try to be tried to cheat somebody something so i think and they saw me the onus has to be lowering the temperature and listening right yeah i mean look the book is really all about first turning inwards i think
part of the issue that we don't do a good job of humanizing ourselves we don't give ourselves the space to be anger angry we dont give ourselves the space to be sad when if ourselves the space to have unpopular opinions right we do and we're all in the event that you know the fact that you're like i'm angry and i don't know i don't know how i feel about being angry like it makes sense that we're angry so taking the time to look inward and figure out the beauty of how to be an anti racist the the adult book was that you get abrams all story where he is very open about the racist ideas that he was holding so taking that ended weighing it down for young people so that they can see oh dang this thing that i'm thinking is probably a little racist we had an event last night in atlanta our team moderator that was the first question she asked us she was like i read the book and it pointed out to me all the ways that i have racist ideas it made me feel way about myself what am i supposed to do so then having this
of compassion where you can see ok yes i am a product of a racist environment a problem you have some racist ideas taking the time to give yourself some grace you'll give other people some grace to asked how we gonna like get to a point where we are working together in these if any of these areas of things so frustrated from these are stories tend to start in the middle like we were something before this and our story seem to start the middle so and it's just like what's goin on florida you don't want to learn i history like there was a time when the sleigh people can learn and now is for us to learn about sleep so it loses
if he's written the tour that had you not be me on the new york times best seller and i think i think that we have a lot to learn about how things work and and and really have constructive conversations because is so much more for failing to meet his shouted somebody but if it does it will accomplish anything and i'm really be proud that you write like this and i think the younger you start i mean that you had not been antiracist baby you have the baby stew you have the baby here we go
maybe go there you learn somewhere you need to learn to love people you learn to hate them like chocolate milk i want the now okay we're going to take a quick break and we will be the agency believes that if you want a smartphone you should get the best deal on that smartphone no matter what kind of smartphone person you are the out of the blue video colors video callers who could have just texted people who reply to texts immediately even coasters emoji text
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Transcript generated on 2023-02-18.