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Dirty, Sexy Politics with Meghan McCain | TDS Time Machine

2023-09-09 | 🔗

The Daily Show jumps in our time machine to head back to this day in 2010: Jon Stewart is our host and he sits down with Meghan McCain to discuss her book Dirty, Sexy Politics. Plus, former Daily Show correspondent, Wyatt Cenac, reports on the lack of Supreme Court justices from the borough of Staten Island.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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learn more at eyebeam dot com, slash! What's the ibm, let's create you listening to carmody central the table two photos of comedy central's world news headquarters in new york. This is the daily show, with Jon stewart the tonight programme hand crafted lovingly using only the finest tops and pure spring water, the biggest political opponent Meghan Mccain daughter of the center
or of the same name. Meghan Mccain. Very few people know that about the senator. If the pattern holds true with the family, she will return to this program. Twelve more times And then never speak to me again, the speaking of politics. By the way hit me, where's tank williams, junior impression ever make terms are upon us once more, but before we discuss immature elections, I wanted to remind you guys of this person. I once knew a deal. Is a young politician with big deal
ams of how the world worked. There is not a liberal america and a conservative america. There is the united states of america. We are going to do everything we can to work with. All of you, Democrats and Republicans stepped back for a moment remind ourselves that we have things in common family, friends, laughter. paracelsus, we're all astounded by water fire errand magnets after they were really in sick in saint cloud passive anyway, that nice, young man went on to become president of the united states of america and finally had an opportunity to bridge the deep partisan divide that had paralysed our nations government How that go for the easiest thing for the other side to do is to ride this fear and
all the way to election. That most of the republicans in congress have said no to just about every policy I propose, since taking office no day infrastructure. There were no The policies for MR beynon, there were no new ideas: politics pure and simple? I fail they went that may be as close as any presently united states has ever come to saying: go your way, at least at least we all still have laughter. as a member that guy. They believed that we would work with top up up up up, so the present. all the campaign trail making his case that you should vote for democrats because a little keep that sweet, sweet stimulus coming and be it turns out. Republicans are going to deal with.
early this man is it midseason, midterm election form, of course, is just one man in a gymnasium in ohio. It's not a matter of what he says as much as what we are told that he says, with the cable networks able to shake off their summer of the killer, mosque, cobwebs and dive in thought, a speech today, like the policies he's advocating. Look like desperation bottom line. Does the president in campaign mood. He blamed boy. She blamed the geo P. He blamed banner, the president. It was a class warrior today. Class warfare is back. It wasn't what I think I'll hire one. It is the present methods too little too late. I think it was too much too early. Rob you had me. He said curly. Cnbc is going to have their work cut out for them. Let's start with the president's speech in ohio today, what a humdinger it was reworked to use his phrase fired up. His rhetoric can be
credibly compelling he. He understands how to draw the narrative. I think he got his voice back speaking with passion and empathy is, has definitely the best speeches garden for me since he's been in the white house, I mean those hands he was alive. I cannot wait to see. but Jamie Lee, Curtis and the lead singer of all right said fred What about it? On my website, I can't believe, I'm even here where the dunno, what accent that was, of course, plays to be expected from the liberal counterweight, but but but but but, as you know, one stage does not change the narrative, but that that that there is a gap between what the president says and does that's a huge risk for him. You know nothing of yours.
Immigration has shaped the news towards your desired electoral goal. There is no bought in journalism. Have you learned nothing from fox? You pick your narrative and you stick with it and if the news doesn't fit your narrative change no saved. You now watch how the masters do it but it did have a rare moment of honesty during his speech- and I hope voters around the country are watching this text. our scheduled to go up substantially next year for everybody. That's right. I know the anointed one will make sure that that happens. While I can't believe it, I said you're, just blotted out everybody's taxes are goin to go up substantially: probable
because he wouldn't do that? Here's, the slightly less abridged version under the tax plan passed by the last administration. Taxes are scheduled to go up substantially, maxie for everybody. By the way this was by design, see everything bc, amateurs starting clips later and cutting them off before the speaker can finish. The thoughts for construction can a useful tool in helping your audience understand what you want them to think. It's a fun and easy way to make people. You disagree with, say things that make them unelectable, not that the Republicans need any help, making themselves unelectable this. This is banality. Later John vainer announcing the republicans new jobs plan at a moment of candor we're going to ship millions of american jobs overseas
Why would you? Why would you do? You must really hate the argument? I bet if we played that glib about it would with with or throwing monkey the american flag the way that speculation? I I'm just saying it's a shame. We don't have time to actually look at the vote so hot MSNBC, it so difficult to watch coverage on these hyper partisan network lets. You would see an interest, The speech was welcome, Montgomery sanchez guess: what moments ago, the republican majority leader John Vainer, sent me a tweet personally, dude you're married man.
thirteen year old girl who just want to meet or just want to meet justin bieber radio contest at rick sanchez. He sent it to us who you get that excited about tweets that go directly to you. Perhaps I could have my audience and some rick sanchez tweets care of send a twitter tweet that fair reckon kidding, obviously you're, not just in total needed by the way I the president was in Columbus. He was actually closer to cleveland. Today. In colombia, because I'm all fired up about that university in miami ohio state give that's coming up this week. It sounds like but always on such as mine, such ideas, I refer to Hillary Clinton, is brand talking, we'll be right. Back I.
A lot of stories about discrimination in this country, but none more painful than the one? Why its enactment right here in our own backyard? With a lane occasions, recent confirmation, the highest court in the land, is now lacking. Just one thing: only the berlin staten island has failed to produce a supreme court justice. Yes, every other burrow in new york city has provided a supreme court. Just yet, president, after president, continue to overlook staten island state assemblymen matthew to tone, we do get a little bit miffed that we are discarded. We happen to have a
I have great things going on here. Talk to me about some of those great things and staten island is an immensely diverse, staten island, often the split of of of being exclusively italian american having the guidos, but we also have the largest liberian population outside of liberia, no offense, but it's liberia, while clearly people coming from the us civil war torn country prefer to be on staten island than liberia kind of like saying. Oh, do you want to get punched in the face with punch in the balls and there's no reason I couldn't fine, the next supreme court justice here I just needed to follow a simple blueprint and independent mind a record of excellence and integrity of fierce.
On occasion to the rule of law, so I scoured the borough to find the most qualified candidates. As far as the laws are concerned, human staten island- we need to be as high as they possibly can. So it sounds like reconstruction is when it comes to the constitution. I wouldn't use, may be that word a hard ass when it comes to the constitution hottest. An effective justice should have the wisdom of Oliver Wendell homes, the compassion of Harry black men or the intangibles of part time dj charlie, be. I think I would be a slamming judge, because you know what I've been through someone. You know you really need to have credibility before you could give a judgment and, of course, just as all It means the proper training to rule effectively. It seems like judging people is a part of your job. I mean when you're working in the bar you gotta keep an eye on. Everybody got to see who's had a few too many who's robin upon the checks. You know stuff like that right
I believe, just ass, a leader said the same thing in the case of citizens. United, virtually every see the candidates had a lot of promise, but how would they do in real working conditions? We put them to the test in milk court I mean move court, moot court and No arguments on the constitutionality of california proposition aid outlawing gay marriage. The case is already in progress. we already learned racial restrictions in marriage were outlawed, with loving verse virginia in nineteen. Sixty seven, the same laws and rules apply today your honours, then they heard from the defence. Thank you, MR chief justice. Might please the court marriage.
Is fundamental to the existence and survive then from this is the accurate way that word should sound you're telling me how some things down. Please try and find my accent, less amusing and more authoritative. Now, basically, what I'm saying to the court is that prop eight must stand and that same sex marriage must not be legalized. I thank the court. Our cameras were given an unprecedented glimpse into the normally closed judges. Chamber What makes you question if your brother was gay any extra to be his best man? What would you say? No do. I believe I believe, and I took many years to upset there were hours of thoughtful discussion. This has no pepperoni on it. Where's the protein content and a thorough examination of legal precedents. Why do we keep it like the arm services,
what is it no tell machine or see no tat on how they got years ago? If you lack line, you wanted to marry a why you conduct. That's that's a whole other issues like a white is the politically correct term. Is that when the forefathers made the constitution, you think they know about the internet, you'd think they'd think we've been space. We've got to keep a movement. These justice- maybe more reasonable than the roberts led supreme court. Finally, it was time to hear their ruling beard rig. Let's go up. Reached a decision. Dude wants to marry a dude, that's cool too chicks want to get it on. That's great. We rule five to four that proposition. Eight is substantially unconstitutional, come on. That's ridiculous! Oh shut up whoa. Where did that come from Therefore, my mouth jerk off, perhaps the next justice is here.
you all know, activists governing from the background No, I mean what the german rest assured aging justices. If you decide to retire step, islands got your back over. but all of them have no material written a weekly com for the daily beast and our new book is called dirty. Sexy politics. Please welcome the programme make, Became the nice to see you think here, how are you, I'm gonna, how yeah and I'm very well? Thank you. What the see in times I don't know, how's, your president has never german.
I mean he was a very surprised. You book me for the show. Can you can you give him this note? Would you would you give that if I were wanna read it? I met you so much baby with different, more smell it. Spotty spray, I dunno the missing so much. When was the last time he was on the show of it was, two thousand and seven suddenly he got nominates and then he thought I dont like John stewart anymore. I don't go somewhere around there, buddy chances. Are you
wants to adjust, has hasn't fitted in operating, We need to remember that this is the book dirty sexy politics. Next, you on an elephant, I actually did that to do the rulers elephant not photoshop, they spend a whole day. Writing an elephant, so sounds a little way. They wouldn't let you do. That is not a somewhat dangerous. Elephants are notoriously unpredict. That's chips: now is very peat as a little best buy whatever feeders angry about those yeah. Apparently, Do they think the elephant should get to eat you? Everyone lies. What are you doing to this element that is in any way would run a foul a dunno, Well, it's the mahars. They really were there man and a lot of fire and then afterwards
there's that you in the elephant reconciled when someone you obtain the elephant in the elephant fishers. You know it's nice about this book because I did not know what to expect of average coms and such and I know you're you're, staking out kind of this idea of a more inclusive repugnant. But what I like about this was it's a view of the campaign trail. That's that's very personal, as I felt like reading, someone's diary? I now I basically wrote a very real book and it's very sad and I talk about everything. It's called dirty sexy politics heart, but thank them politics and everything in between and when, I think about. Sarah Palin, which has gotten quite a bit of governor, runs modish butch with the total. There would be more quite frankly set. If there was a lot of dirty not as much as exercise, I thought there were there the whole time, because I was like John Mccain's daughter and everyone's too scared to even talk to me, let alone
The interesting thing is you. You talk about becoming kind of approach. And how they made you go to a consultant, and we really forget that that individuals running for office are human beings with family. And you get these asked just ridiculing these people yeah I was then to an image just every day, just relentless showing video clips of them and then saying arrogant. I think it's while the virus People like I'd never want to come on their show. Ever again, no, but it does you know you're. Also, you aren't you your hard on yourself and I was not on my best behaviour the whole time I was in all is acting like I should, but when you're send you an image consultant and said that you look like a stripper and you talk bad and you're hurting the campaign. When you know there's a pregnant team
What about your self esteem, and I self it is usual- even even pay. dominates the narrative even telling your story and your father story. She that you know the first couple of travellers are really even about that. You were not aware that she was the choice you you had been hoping it was. It was liebermann, yes, I wise and stuff, joey were men, and I have found out an hour beforehand. Then I literally with crying and like onstage, like a lot of problems there's a lot of pride and not so much going any more than a year now and I went through a really in a period where I found myself, and I found really what I believe the republican party can be. And good luck, the I'm a believer. I just think that there's a lot of negativity.
having a media there's a lot of angry people, and you know you know the squeaky wheel gets the most coverage. I guess, and I'm just trying to give people that feel like they have somehow been neglected by more stream ass that you now you have a home with me and I'm fighting the good fight and we now turn hopes with you, I now that's what I'm talking about the time of the person, but they should not be allowed to be around you. I am very glad that you, it does, and I I thought it was a really interesting way of approaching something that is been written about and and overcoming all those things, and I I hope it does very well for. Thank you very much and Do you think liebermann sounds like droopy dog when you talk dirty sexy politics, it's on the bushes. I really don't ever thing is that we are in.
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-12.