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Chocolate vs. Vanilla I Hold Up with Dulcé Sloan & Josh Johnson

2023-07-29 | 🔗

It’s their most contentious debate yet and it’ll get you more fired up than when Josh tried to say ketchup qualifies as tomato soup. Daily Show correspondent Dulcé Sloan and writer Josh Johnson argue over their preferred staple flavor: chocolate or vanilla.Original air date: September 8, 2022Hold Up is a podcast from The Daily Show. Listen to new episodes every Thursday wherever you get your podcasts, or watch at YouTube.com/TheDailyShow

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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learn more at eyebeam dot com slash what's the next ib in let's create your listening to comedy central hello everybody it's me and josh johnson and me is to say sloan i'm not good at doing these intros but i feel like josh has been doing heavy lifting air employing a crumb bomb over here just listened to all the work across open oh crumble both like we're caused hosting but like we're co hosting i do some of the work too i just never heard that before i've never heard crumb bum oh yeah crumble where they crumble almost like a yum yum whereas like somebody we know the mothers is always like they have
the means but i was just asking you for rule yeah but it's not like that the girl on that hungary is not the same thing has been and is eating yeah they're even well why but as like it and like you do you want corn bread is kind of like were hung from up we're we're so excited to to bring this episode to you the public because its sides one of contention it's probably gonna be the one that gets listeners the most fired up out of the ones that we ve talked about the candidates catch up the intimate is it a let the past be the pass have you what did you do it i will never look at those youtube cause i'm gonna say what one of the first things you learn as a comic is never look at these comics you get someone who's on tv yeah never look at the youtube comments and i can tell you the ones that i've looked at out of them
i felt that goes through because usually of your woman looks like me on the internet someone's calling you fat someone taking the time from their american heathen day to type into al gore's internet that i have more than one chant and one they're not doing that unless someone from our team is just going through and being like nope nope nope or youtube finally cares about people but i don't think that's happening and wow while people are not feeling because of what it was like yo josh i get it you were trying to win bro by tomatoes the catch up i think you ve gone too far baby i think in hearts and minds joshua i made never mind all the others
it is i who were kind of deep now la hague like so many other episode why make salient points about visit the one that really still maintain that they like magic made so many other great points while i'm ok if it was just because i like you do we're trying to win but went too far too far the other direction you went too far to the left row left right up down you did too much in style i made this is the one that i will will really affect people i think it just think of the topic for today is chocolate verses vanilla and first of all i just want to take a second
if you were watching this on youtube stop the video after i asked this question who do you think is going to go for what do you think josh is going to pick vanilla or do you think i'm going to pick vanilla do you think josh is going to pick chocolate or remember who do you think is going to pick what i'm gonna give you a second so does which it owes you talk over the brazil and guess what ya your girl parry spicy collar on euro seem vanilla i didn't see that come and did you did you you didn't you think you didn't think that me move all what's her face was gonna be picking vanilla but idea wild what a west so help us out help help us
explaining why vanilla for you i think that well for me one it is an ice cream flavor that i grew up with because my mom likes to add things to ice cream so we would get the the pecan sandy's put those in ice cream sometimes just as simple as you know throwing in your favorite cereal and maybe putting your own little fruits you know vanilla was a carrier for flavors right some of my favorite ice cream flavors like moose tracks the vanilla flavored ice creams like dime i never really got into ben and jerry's mainly because it was expensive but if you give me a blue bell situation you give me a mayfield situation i may feel moose tracks i may feel titled tracks okay if there's tracks
if animals out here putting his imprint on the planet with caramel or chocolate tatties put it in my face okay i like vanilla basically i'm what i think of it all i think ice cream and there's different types of vanilla is is this kind of carrier flavors one thing i really love to do is when we go to the chinese buffet cause you grow up in the south there were always chinese buffets and at the end of the meal you go get your soft serve ice cream and then i would add a little lemon juice like a little for squeeze lemon that was a nice palate cleanser after eating all the variety of things you eat at a chinese buffet i do honestly prefer it over like in cakes i don't prefer like i've never had a chocolate birthday cake cause i've never wanted a chocolate birthday cake i've made chocolate birthday cakes may tackle dates are people i i guess this is my thing this is where i feel like you
are so misguided what the hell bird night this is this is where so i look at vanilla as one right as like that if we are talking flavors vanilla is the number one as far as units of flavour and tax ok it's where you start it's a good place a scale of one to ten from wonderment air even say this people of vanilla zero it's a one because it is a fight for its not playing its vanilla or i but nuke and really enhance it like you said is a character its actual harrier ok it's a carrier so then it is applied
form for their flavors is not a real flavour out here striking joy in the hearts and minds just out here helpin cherries and sprinkles get along both ass it did you think about it as a collaborator peacekeeper a helping hand to bring different players together about this i've seen i've had i've enjoyed a triple chocolate cake you i have a triple vanilla anything goes mandela's vanilla it's one and you can't move apply one times one you can have a note let me that's you but you can i go vanilla capable of robbing everything this is something that exists that all taste the sighing just as just a steady attack upon your taste that's why you're get overwhelmed with vanilla lesson i presented my case
hmm now you present your case what kind of very predictable case i was being team chocolate my very first okay or chocolate came to us blessed us was discovered in multiple countries i e that it can be a came to us from multiple parts of the earth now you know that the cow world what new world we don't know new world sir it's all been one world the entire time ma am these are one planet i'm not no around dull adult pull from a colonial history the whole world's but the whole world be at a time when all the entire time yes inga
his eyes he built one led an idea is right but with books that made it new and old so it s not about chocolate bar which autonomy i understand moon about chocolate you're trying to say that chocolate was not in the america it's been the conquered countries cotton conquer continent i may all i'm saying is what they call the new world was really the all work as they just had discovered it yet but in fact we run a civilisation has them i don't know i thought that was that i hear me i gotcha i am very sad that chocolate come from one specific area or country in in all of the whirl lots of countries bring chocolate and they bring us their spends on chocolate side of offering us yeah have you seen that ghana has told you wife both the jewel a longer gotta take a rod being out of here and the process now we ve been processes shit you can
ps i lay and what these off guard the problem here that way over these white folks know more years them he's i gotta learn coming up in our country and taken shit if you want this cocaine you have to come to us you ain't getting rabin's we don't process it and then give you that shit that you've been in here getting it you would get an uncut the raw and don't want us to have no processing plants all boys the fuck out of work but keep praying for them i'm worried about safety because these white folks are rob look so all i'm saying is chocolate joy at different degrees as well so you can see the percentages they tell us the percentage is now of cow in the chocolate absolutely and ideology has stepped on it is i i understand but that pure pure right bitter sweets though seventy five
i've percents those twenty five percent of those hershey's they are different flavors they're all come from a different place vanilla it can give deb dark as it comes out stepped on have you ever seen it the lobbying you have to have another being but that's all that's all right plants they act remember like at one point you know we think of it is very generic because we have the things here airbags it is by at one time sugar was exotic whoever is in our sugar i mean we have to go in the past for we know that only a girl tsar we just whether an that's applet we just wasn't about rights act not saying at one point all of these things were exotic italy didn't have noodles until marco polo came back from china that whatever chinese italians what would they be make what we cook it what are you famous for real good me balls
like a horse be balls fire thought check this out tomatoes new world plant noodles came from china it was that for somebody leave and italy what were they bro real good me balls olive oil everything see giant fire meatballs fight this bread this bread though so i'm just throwing it out there yeah i'm just throwing it out there that there are different degrees of different levels of chocolate if we're just even going to keep it to bars right bars these bars of vanilla bar was fine saying that so hard and a chocolate bar that's how we want them that's how we take on was how we love on chocolate bar in coming type a chocolate bars are there
the most you're gonna to get out of vanilla bars is cookies and cream which is still getting a little shocked when in it to help it along as is struggling vanilla is being so you can't turn vanilla into a bar because it doesn't even have it's like if you think of all the things we do with like different beings like soybeans and stuff like that it's like it's dry and then you're just taking the seeds out and is very much like extraction process but there's no like i did not know probably until i was college their cocoa butter comes from china no government gave up no current i remember like white chocolate why jargon is basically a stick a cocoa butter from when i from what i've heard i mean that i dont know enough to correct you but the fact that you do
get in a dark vanilla but you can get white trot lit just another way that chocolate as being more versatile and these streets issues and their way that chocolate is coming if indifferent colors indifferent flavors i just think chocolate can go places manila care does the opulent oranges situation where zagreb out flavour is writing me i don't like white chocolate i like milk chocolate but i have found out that by going over you know going to canada going to europe going to mexico the rest of the world hates our time apparently it's disgusting now we're not doing well where i do not now there are top illustration i do not know what i've known for a long time lucky and maybe i never i've never been a huge fan of our chocolate like a hershey bar now i don't want that i don't want to get a whole bar further bawler travel always see my way too much
but that's why they have the little did it's for you to break it off for you to have as much as you want to have while you're having it could they the whole thing is just ridiculous the whole thing is too much you write the whole thing like you break it per serving size hershey bar break forth low banks have that say that too my max and then eventually i wrap it up and set it somewhere go either isn't afraid for the rest of my life a whole heap at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at eighty entire believes that your phone is part of what makes you you so we understand why you're holding it as you eat those cheesy snacks arm ago why you listen to your favorite had cast on the subway for when you call your best childhood friend from your favorite concert nothing should come to you
and your connectivity eighty anti five g is fast reliable and secure and it keeps you connected to family friends fine everything you care about you'll enjoy fast speed why you download out share your favorite videos or get your game on we know you don't know that found out aside much less your grip but no matter this is a no judgment zone eighty and he wants to ensure you can stay connected to what means most to you so you can prioritize yourself requires compatible planet of ice coverage not available everywhere learn more atp dot com slash five g for you the one thing we can never get more of his time or can we
this is wants an ex orchestrate day i designed to multiply productivity by automating tasks when you watson ex your business you can build digital skills to help human resources spend less time generating offer letters writing job rex and managing schedules and spend more time on humans let's create more time for your business with watson ex orchestrate learn or i beam dot com slash orchestrate ibm let's create why chocolate is an evil really chocolate is terrible the cocoa out of no coca it's just fat and eleven they've injected chocolate flavour echelon i d seen no no no i see the way you by your tribe a bag but what i still see is manila struggle and so hard that chocolate last summer donation that the class foundation for me
we are my half of the way colored candies or maybe vanilla i have to go with sammy sosa ok doesn't have to be the last interracial michael jackson did they are doing his job ok i wonder then bring michael and this sammy cells we all live com does make use that dont know act like i'm begging you do these things i have to like your poured out all the stops nafta this is vanilla is vanilla is like listen i'm flavoring thing okay i'm giving you because look at this the nature of the flavors okay chocolate is heavy okay it's going to sit on the tongue but there's a fat content that's oils behind it there's a lot of things that chocolate is doing because they're
or different aspects to it right like for vanilla i know they had a baby i'm a bean and you put me in shit or i'm doing cakes i'm doing creams alright i'm giving you it's it's a whole different it's a whole isn't campaign there's way less processing when you're dealing with vanilla no no there's no vanilla bars because if you try to make a vanilla bar it'd be like a white chocolate situation we need some type of base and then you're injecting flavor but that's not having the law works vanilla is giving you a lake tennis okay chocolate came in to be had chocolate came in to step on your feet and be like hey what's going on which don't but to fuck up your teeth okay no kids going to
dentist or orthodontist okay anybody sitting up getting caught with vanilla all on their face it's not happening there but vanilla is better pressed because vanilla the more refined situation but none of that out in your whole halloween dazzled vanilla don vanilla the class ebay or i bone in my name he gave another gave me in every thing ok you got triple chocolate cake you had travelled untangle an automaton chocolate but never come then both that's the laboratory vanilla and there's a little vanilla me child with on the other is letting you know it has stepped on micro motherfucker job was that you know hey added we bear we sweet step door all this damn door oh mary we know american jugglers samarova them into this one thing
have you ever had a chocolate orange here when you think about it i was fine a flavour you have to grow up now i can see that the people who love it have always been eating it that's very fair and then not american owl they also love to crack it too like open it it's like an event like that's how you can tell that they grew up with it because they loved oppressed down which opens up all the slices and in the media as thing data but i was annoyed one when you buy that is hollow yeah cause there's nothing i thought there was gonna be orange cream situation i thought this might have been a cadbury's is what i thought they were going to give me more right okay orange try a chocolate orange i thought that it was going to be more than just the shape of a fucking orange but it's kind of cool that some slices you can distribute it to your friends and your drink right as cool as whatever i'm just saying i've had a whole time
listen what you're not gonna do with another person i've met you i what about guy do just for the record this is an edited i was being quiet i was out of nowhere i know you're not going to do i know the wheels and they got i know the wheels the wheels the wheels on this bus eventually going to get us to the chocolate room at harrods that's what well if we're gonna go because i wasn't even thinking about it what you don't know how to do this right no no no i wasn't even thinking about it i'll tell you why because i was going to let you punch yourself out because in my mind yes there are some situations where we're talking apples to oranges but apples oranges because chocolate can go
many plays a banana can our eye you talk about eyes up in people's how the wing and let's talk about the fact that really alive you don't even want vanilla like that so you could call itself classy it could call itself sophisticated aiken call itself particular and choosy but nobody is choosing vanilla was last time you saw vanilla found that a party help me you can't hell no income because but no it doesn't come at a liquid form like that ok the lamb sounds like is now versatile as set out by the fact that the measures are unaware what i'm saying is at shake his work was that what i'm saying is that because of what vanilla
is also you know that chocolate in them they have dragged fountains is never high quality if never it's never great it is a good come on come on you the job it's negative got nacho cheese thousands to okay i dunno if you've ever visited this clip from tlc it was wrong to talk about her wedding she wanted a ranch fountain she wanted a ranch fountain josh honestly i want to see it i want to see it i want to see a ranch fountain okay i'm sure they have a marinara sauce fountain we out of your putting anything liquid and a thousand annesley brian mariner assaults found can't have because it would be far too splashing like you you even approach that big without besson up your whole sure it is
flashy you need something that's kind of you need that makes me think that a rent that a ranch fountain would be splashy to it might be because you need something it'll come down in a ribbon you need to hold it shape something beautiful and smooth like chocolate on with you i'm diana jays natural jake something that end when it's wrong temperature is solid that's about you know you know what this is come out to terrorism are hit because now with them is catch up with tomato through there is a major health has been and you are his predecessor you his greatest student when you sat up and looked me and my christian faith it's all supposed to look like it
look look all i'm saying i am getting at i am approaching you with our guy is the fact be on a link like on adult right it no living added no no no no no the and wash a bull fact not questionable row that chocolate is going places and doing things that the knell is too limited to do i think about this in our islands all these networks some of us are yeah i of know what a lie is true it's juice yeah i want us to stop doing this you had to blend up these cashews and squeeze them juice juice yeah also why is there no peanut milk why why we picked these various species
nets yeah we need and penal juice out here and it's peanuts is their pistachio milk in i wanna like i'm so is it expensive it it sounds here it sounds very expensive because if you even held eight april pistachios you ve held six dollars so there's never macadamia milk that's gonna be a hundred fifty dollars a gallon that honestly macadamia milk is what i feel like ridge kids get what their babies money back and the buttery buttery milk all saying is that because there is no yes chocolate can do different things than vanilla can do because of just the nature of plant right like an orange trees can do more than an oak tree previous stand in air putting shading a yard
yeah yeah i want injuries guinea afrits our eyes about it was then i found out that some cities they not people that they try to say that like the tree that are in city should be like food bearing trees for like people in the population who are here like you know food issues like food scarcity or whatever or people who are on house there are a lot of cities that don't allow you to have fruit bearing trees in the city because for that reason that i know we want people to be able to announce while that's why i like every tree i give your outfit
oklahoma georgia colorado trying to grow an orange trait that makes no sense but just have it like appropriate to where your climate is people evil anywhere from anywhere the oak tree can't do an orange tree that does because of the nature of said plants vanilla is not going to do what chocolate does and vice versa is the one thing i do see what you're saying the reason i've never been a huge chocolate fan cause i first of all like the average the first time around european chocolate i was like oh this is this is so much better because it does not also of chocolate and bearded butter together god bless god was that human beings there is delicious i wonder whereas we put vanilla peanut butter together grow up immediately or leir like saying i'm just saying
the competitive what that sums up don't work together chocolate in manila would be listen yours kick out neapolitan ice cream even my question is which flavour was always left in the container when you neapolitan ice cream was the last one was a strawberry math my house i feel like a very based on who is in ass yeah yeah i feel like after the divorce i feel like my dad eight the chocolate the fastest of air and then i was just my mom and i like the hall or distribution was just different light you would just see it look i got you i got your plan music and yellow have low icon with the levels in it yeah the right still the bottom just look like that movements i'm trying to last lass heading four
it was always the strawberry by can say my mom i did what by your miles huge tabs with the hand alarm thanks to your brain near yeah i think so are the placid sat with red handed why my mom and by that i was a kid and so could i remember as a kid not liking how chocolate ice cream tasted because it had a weird as after days and even as an adult having tried very expensive chocolate ice cream and you know gelato and shit being like nice ass places travel then lay world i still get that weird ass aftertaste from a chocolate ice cream i think sometimes chocolate cake eyes
i like a lighter now i love a brownie brownings armagh jam cause brownies for me seem to be the right balance of chocolate to other said other things but like chocolate cake some not i was like a charm attackers cake as too much i need then asked like break this shit i can i offer up one extra thing try it i think that when you go to other countries you get the good vanilla i think what's happening is the pinnacle of another we ve already tastes and its is fine and they go to another country many other child well what do you think the pinnacle of vanilla is i think the absolute best vanilla i've ever had was something that really brought out the flavour of the bean and indeed i compliment the other flavors that were with it because what what are your favorite
just as an example what's your favorite type of vanilla pie would mean vanilla pie like you count cheesecake as like a cake do count there's a pi do count i'm trying to think of times we put pies with lots of vanilla flavour i don't vanilla flavouring and cheesecake because you know you can have a chocolate pie yeah that you did jack thereby have a child campfire you can have a chocolate pudding pie yeah banana pudding is a very famous vanilla flavored situation bananas there's been theirs bananas in it and sometimes those bananas completely overpower the vanilla oh i am the parts that always picks the bananas out because i dont like bananas i love plan dates das for another day does while wow that's
you heard it here right now at minute whatever of this episode plantations verses but bad as is gonna happen all you what you know at our next step next episode episode planting versus we're doing it we're doin it please you already pleased are you ready you yourself are you saying yourself a lot of conway i don't think you're only ready to move back to back you know ready to that back to writers value was to make resources available episodes ago you're still clinging onto that old that was not episodes of out ok although their mail don't do that eighty in tabling is that your phone is part of what makes you you so
i understand why you're holding it as you eat those cheesy snacks arm ago why you list and your favorite podcast on the subway or when you video call your best childhood friends from your favorite cancer nothing should come to you and your connectivity eighty anti five g fast reliable and secure and it keeps you connected to family friends fine everything you care about you'll enjoy fast please while you download out share your favorite videos or get your game on we know you don't let that far outta much less europe but no matter this is a no judgment zone eighteen and he wants to ensure that you can stay connected to what matters most to you so you can prioritize yourself requires compatible device coverage not available everywhere learn more at atp dot com slash five g for you the one thing we can never get more of his time or gambling
this is wants an export straight away i designed to multiply productivity by automating tasks when you watson ex your business you can build digital skills to help human resources spend less time generating offer letters writing job rex and managing schedules and spend more time on humans let's create more time for your business with watson ex orchestrate learn ford ibm dot com slash orchestrate ibm let's create when you even have a topping there's not that many the le toppings that go on to chocolate ice cream but there's lots of chocolate toppings that pop up all over that vanilla scoop ok you're saying that there is no vanilla toppings not know just not many what if chocolate is just loose we'll chocolate forest trees are you way once my whatever young water
chiang mai no no no no no remember wherever you are at waka to call my delicious no cook my delicious dark my delicious milk you're not going to call all about chocolates hose best we're gonna have just saying that it had to be our birth it's out because it could not focus and really decided sit down pray for young lambs are playing your basic melvin that's what we need to do one of chocolate is doing all of this because it couldn't for it there's no refinement hey maybe it's all giving you or maybe it mcdonald's maybe at night maybe you're just now you need you need the silo disallow lower your dollar right now you're mad crash i hadn't pneumatic i use as someone who was the debate also you sound like the tomato soup right that argument has tat we use yanza chocolate
i know i know chocolate is still chocolate i'm not gonna sit up and say that now listen salsa will never be today there will always be doing all it is out here ok when you say when you say that one of chocolate is mcdonald please remember please please please remember wet the flavor of mc flurry is and is only vanilla and then you just add that it's like a blizzard at dairy queen is a base it's giving what it can do is it can give you other things or it could just be we've got one of the first things you are one of the first time as a child that she was able to use the machine for the first time you saw an ice cream cone coming out of the machine it was either it was vanilla or or vanilla chocolate swirl but it was vanilla day one baby
a brain here just said you had teeth does or does not know or chocolate or the swirl hey are you i figure machine brain of relations lit a at look look i i know what you're trying to do each word give me to go off the rails that is not going to let his luggage latin round because the rules are found in the standard on saying if you are really come at me like you all hershey's you own lindorm like you early now then the me me made me one of the vanilla companies go ahead what me who what are you me what do i lay used rather than are the chalk week i'll tell me those great beauty a powerful empires of vanilla what no don't exist madagascar baby
the country is there to you said empires that is their sheep mccormick ok that's as our here giving you vanilla but this is the thing i named chocolate companies you for head you know you can buy vanilla beans right and what are we really alive man you can't go pick up a bag of cowlings that's does not happen you got the process that you just case show up and be like a limit gives them let me get their pod let me get the giant b and get the seeds out dry these big dry these seas ground them add sugar because what you have to remember
is that you ve never had chocolate in its pure far chocolate is not sweet is not about being sweet and this without being delicious is about being a later and its add in all they do is act should fill it when may do something manila banning a user with a cream you know you have evidently if you ever had your baker's chocolate the bittersweet no no no no baker's chocolate just the big brick of chocolate yeah but the thing is baker's chocolate is actually the true form of chocolate because there's no sugar in it remember that episode roseanne were dj been into baker's chocolate the eu we were like she's like yeah i try to tell you six times so what i'm saying is it is wrong for his raw form good he pushed that's simply not true have you add plain chocolate
at playing chocolate and also i have also had the darkest of dark chocolate for me they'll put shiver any non noble that that one when you go to like ecuador you go to these countries that do so but you and protest point you had to go to ecuador i didn't have to go to ecuador i am simply saying that at every level pudding sugar in chocolate although it an old girl it was fire all the way to no sugar so from no sugar all the it just sugar chocolate is dope any useful even how useful it there was doubt how come nobody if it was dope chocolate with no sugar why is that not something you can like other than like big ass brick or baker's chocolate which also looks stepped on no ones cause like they're like cause dark chocolate they have given us dark chocolate has no travelling aromas things right in the dark is chocolate with that
that has no milk in it is i would the struggle is unknown don't cha glass less sugar almost no ingredients like that one see the percentages of a viper a in it that's when you know it's like true we need not only just quality but also healthier for you because there almost no ingredients at all the ingredients will be what they put in it with the mix so you have like a macho dark chocolate you'll really and it'll say like the bitter sweet chocolate march a green and kay sugar will usually be like while the last in greece until it remains i put the least lad anywhere they let these evil but grass in his saddle anything in chocolate there are much to the grass i've had it and they made it very good esquire crass very complicated make but tastes like
echelon because you're vanilla is like a platform you setting ourselves higher now megan money up well guy i make money avenues vanilla megan on monday obvious has been you may get up another turbulent harry then vanilla in general is like a carrier it sits it's a platform it's like an elevator floor are all chocolate is the whole house the whole house you're in but vanilla can be a lizard when you look at these specialty flavor ice creams chocolate is not always the base because if you put a bunch of stuff on chocolate ice cream it's just tastes like chocolate ice cream bright but vanilla though a little caramel swirl in it though little footwork
i do both you and american nobody can stop you you're you're awful so are you don't want our current kings and ice cream right because it is it's a collaborator ok chocolate is a bully push and all other flavors now that way i just says why televue as someone who's where were you all right now this is a mirror ok i'll tried to help it is ok the melting has yet hands getting you phrase make you look like the join a college graduates are right
why why are there so many chocolate candies and there aren't that many linda candies we mourn as established that it bars because of the nature of the planet for the same reason that there's orange juice and not pine juice there's doesnt flower there's no you get jews are fruit when our task in plants that don't have fruit it goes some way what was that apple juice versus pined use thing you're saying that there is no vanilla bars and there's no vanilla bars because of the nature of the
nilla and now i'm asking why there's no vanilla loot there's no vanilla eminem's there's no vanilla yeah i'm saying like loose candies because it is a flavor that comes from its its think of it like mike or erp because it's a plant you a flavor when your bay leaves oregano stuff like that no one's so you're not going to get the same things out of vanilla that you get at a chocolate because of the nature of the plant you can't get like you can't squeeze vanilla and well you can't get oil out of everything is sweeping oil you know canola i still don't know what a canola is but i've never met a canola i've never seen her in the streets have never there i working she but you do you do if she doesn't use right yeah yeah but out of breath oil what a tiny seed would it honestly giving us a giving us flavour row mike like
remember the first time i had someone with sesame all eta outlay i think that that damn must have been the devil cause that was just too much flavour hit me all at once that was insane and yet ever eat this as we see it didn't give you now now i've had everything bagel and it tastes like nothing not they so the fact that light really alley the relentless without these tiny ass ease with you on this point we're gonna do something else right i will offer up though is to your point of think of it as an herb there are herbs that can be candied better that we have men's meant is an hour right your boy there's no i can't we are then i don't irony i know there's vanilla candy i'm asking you to offer up what the look candy stack up to the all that candies are out there i'm saying why either on sharing
what what do you think is a good vanilla candy as in my favor candies recent peace oh why would you tell me good also why would you offer enough on camera it used to be butter fingers it was just snicker a lot of fingers ooh you kill me right now i've got to the azores what was it like i just want to hear about it that's all i want so now i've ever can easily spaces i will i will throw it out there were more time because i i feel like i didn't quite get my question answered from before while at you mean we both agree that we chocolate in all its forms here and a what until we have travelled abroad or have the chocolate from abroad that we're like while this is it right here i'm asking why you think that the vanilla that we have
is it better in other places like i like you know i'll offer it up extends olive branch i've never had madagascar vanilla but i also have you had any vanilla there was better than the vanilla grew up with and that's why there were five minutes is is is bumping me because you talk about refer i and sophistication can't be everywhere can't be doing everything but then when it's doing any other thing it tastes just like it did when it was doing the other stuff wow so did you ever have a vanilla at zero i did once it's came out with flavors that can't say tits wrote don't do chocolate decorate no i was not important but i can tell you it was the strawberry won the day the strawberry them orange is pretty good bang and i think that your eyes as religious missed the mark i thought
it does roll should have been flavors the whole time of flavors though all the time i would agree with that i have no problem offering up that not every chocolate company is doing chocolate to the to the read that it deserves scrap you know but anxious i just don't know what vanilla do i feel like vanilla is the flavour of the seventeen hundreds in just it's it's time has passed i'll think as time has passed i think it's still giving ask others like he's got the nullified without other vanilla and is there a little cream savers that's vanilla the remainder of his foot out of the prize about it also i realize vanilla is fudge is too much for me sometimes second always get down but now is every fudge chocolate now you gonna like data
fifa remember fudge yeah different flavors a fight i've tried tried to be chocolate and until i went to college with a lot of white women and they were like oh no girl even me fudge anything let us build a butterfly european about average we are happy about fudge i just assume that there was a little bit of chocolate in it now i can say i don't know what the hell fudge as a romanian nigerians aren't yield like congenitally of the thing that you're eating i think there's condensed milk in it i think it's there's a thick fudged ever i haven't peppermint fudge all kinds of fraud cause you know evolve into a mountain town and then to say oh my god i just had the word for it general store but yeah i understand that no there's not a lot i dunno there's a lot of may in stream out here every day vanilla candies no not desire thing while chocolate
is everywhere maybe it's the demand and they have to up the supply ways out about a traveller yeah i think vanessa maybe this is not in a man like that so them goodbye how they can get by you'd have to yet it how you live as they say they use you know in the streets and if anybody in the streets it chocolate vanilla no one is a flavor chocolate is a thing nope will not let you do that
if this theory start this is the mill as a flavor chocolate is a thing alright and is not a thing from this world and it's an inside job you can find the real chocolate at area fifty two that's the area they don't tell you about na dada dada what i'm saying for the same that leg in the same way that meant can't be a bar meant doesn't do what chocolate does but you not i hear attack in meat because other people have not had the audacity compare meant and chocolate they'll put only get a man like i'm saying i'm comparing flame you are trying to compare carriers of the flavors bars cakes ice cream sir them of the fleet i'm not another you i'm just
proving that there is a better flavour by where it goes and what it can do and how many why did they all day because it can because it has a bigger distribution because of the nature of the plant of because what can it what it can look i'll make a pool of all playing flavour argument right now ok air in a shop milk shaken of another milkshake added diner misuse that i've often see i often see it happen i've had happen to me throughout my entire life when you get a vanilla milkshake yes the ratio of milk can be off and it can easily be off because eliza carrier the the dish fusion of milk and chalk chocolate shake is much hard a mess up because of you put too much milk and a chocolate shake is nine i look like a chocolate shake is no little the dirty milk
you're saying does because vanilla knocker both white no no i'm saying what what i've had happened to me in my life has been milkshakes whether they were chocolate or vanilla the vanillin sometime it can over even even overpower the milk now just drinkin some cold milk with some ice in it with a little bit of the no flavour is because you ve been a diner own buys a cheap motherfuckers who bar cheap as irish grain or thought that somebody would notice because they didn't put enough vanilla ice cream in to this milkshake this is no foam cause had some very amazing vanilla milkshakes but honestly my milkshake of choice is shorter or cookies and cream or or have you
into the check for an area the peach frequent alarm and i won the frost lemonade yeah or amid cookies cream shake i mean the fact that you're not saying vanilla is a bit too i said the noah also said other things that i like has one and not always milkshake person ok our current you know what our love i love a blizzard from dairy queen but yeah it's on saying that i'm not trying to win here real quick i the so sorry i've just because i also know where to wrap up so you so your battery you know oh a dairy queen there's posed a flip the blizzard upside down to shall i think there's never live what it falls out there are other drawbridges look at it on the ground gotta go do another one but it's like make it with you
confidence that they flip it it almost never falls out so them when it's a little too thin and they go what have i the british baggage other like all your moraine is good if you can turn it over above your head and it doesn't fall out and unlike are we testing miss that way i have to be the head down why weren't ridge i would tested over a trash can lead why is confusing was like looking up at it like i hope it doesn't fall out what the fuck is wrong with you you're on they are irrational though william do you you must trust you well are you trust these peaks to really proper like this i know that a lot of people going to disagree with me but that's because we all love a chocolate a chocolate bar you know it was it
charlie and the vanilla factory that didn't happen so i understand that people have a place in their hearts for chocolate i didn't expect to win this i just wanted to have discussion fillers and all says lowe okay other things d u l a c e s l o a n on all of the social media platforms that make you question your self esteem and this is my and my cohort my body just nonsense and you can find me on all the stuff that josh johnson comedy tiktok youtube all that hit me up on instagram let us know in the comments of these videos they get posted what you think and feel free to let us know what you'd love to hear talk about next if there's a classic do well but think ones better than the other is a classic rivalry that you want to get our thoughts on the artist let us now but we pressure you listening we hope fun listening and i'll be
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-06.