« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

Biden’s Executive Order Against AI | Rich Paul

2023-11-01 | 🔗

Charlamagne Tha God tackles the day’s biggest stories, including Eric Adams asking New Yorkers for help with the migrant crisis, Biden’s sweeping executive order on AI, and Troy Iwata and Ronny Chieng taking on Ron DeSantis and his boot lifts. Plus, Michael Kosta travels to Santa Fe for a first-hand look at how some realtors are turning to ghostbusters for help with selling houses. And Klutch Sports Group founder & CEO Rich Paul discusses his upbringing and bestselling memoir “Lucky Me,” why it’s important to him to better educate players and family on and off the court, and whether his shooting game really is on par with the pros.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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There is also the main god help me on the wane. Everyone you can see undress did this. This thing there is an intelligent black.
Man with an opinion. We've got a great show for you tonight, but let's get into the headlines the let's kick things off with a big problem facing new york city right now, mister met started in only I had no idea laws, balls, moss, there is another it should have even more of a crisis for new york, the influx of migrants. Ok, every week. Thousands are arriving in the city and now mare Aragon and has taken a break from the club to figure out what to do with them. Eric Adams is now looking for new shelter locations, including outdoor spaces, intense and other temporary shelters. Now the mayor says the city is just out of room city officials say they are trying to re ticket to end encourage migrants to go elsewhere. The mayor says he wants to convene a round table discussion with city officials, the public and even the media. At this point he says if anyone
any better ideas of what they can do. He says he wants to hear them viewers. I'm good ideas for us on how to manage the situation. I am begging for you It is no! No our ideas, that's not how this works. Ok, our idea was to like you to handle this. Imagine that to asking who What do you think you're kidneys me now I get crowd sourcing for fun. Stuff like who should be on a new stamp are wasted two states. I will be what you're asking random people from staten island in the bronx. Ok for I. There is on how to handle immigrants does not go in well Eric. we have really org is all wrong. New york is, give you opinions, not ideas is always do you asshole, It's never signal before you turn next time. Asshole I will love me is Adams was very progressive, want immigration when it wasn't a problem in new york. Ok, when it was only
taxes miller whenever you like? We need to open up instead of migrants nodded their coming to you all things like we all know what it all comes down to it. A lot of people are progressive in theory and town get tested have to pee what about? Was the police, the mom? in europe. We call on our one like send me a most races gap, but, let's move, so a difference, our constraints in america, artificial, intelligence, ok, it's the reason So much easier to do you kids homework these days were now go by and is trying to put a stop to that president Biden has issued a forest in executive order setting standards on artificial intelligence. The sweeping order includes a number of requirements. Homeland security will look at the risk ay I poses to critical infrastructure, including chemical and nuclear risks, and the threat to the privacy of americans, diversions. Reboot to deceive people did freaks
J ai, generate audio and video to smear reputations speak spreads, fake news who commit fraud where they I fraudsters can take three. Second, can you all three second recording of your voice. I watch one of me we become one that health and I say so to be fair? fair. Joe Biden said that about real videos, and so I feel sorry for mine he's too Oh they have to learn about eight, some poor internet, they explain all is to bind was like tell me one data's things going to take over. Oh out in the internet, was like no, sir, it s a printer and I'll tell you what I think I'm against day. I need this too much. Would it the lines between truth. Lies are already blurred and now is gonna to obliterate reality totally right now any.
can make a video with world leader saying anything, you know how I know, because we did it you haven't seen any of this aid. The shit is all over the internet I saw one the other day. I was like. Oh me, when did I say that mine hell. Maybe I should take over the planet, they can't do it job. The mere trump have you seen and recently. Dude is falling apart is catching up with me, but she, at least I'm, not a fascist boy. Finally, let me walk from abroad than it does someone you never want to be further rhonda scientists, since he started training people started, noticing that he's got something we're going all what is boots and now being caught off work I'm sure you're marketing team points out how there
in the troll you in the marketplace. I've seen you walk with these boots caught and play this clip. This on tiktok went viral. This things got one point, two million likes and, and some people are wondering how I don't even indiaman worrying that what there's not shown this to? Ok, what there trying to say with this is that in your boots, you have heels now now those are just standard off the rack lucchese That's all you gotta have eleven five eleven. Ok, what don't you were tennis shoes interests, shoes I do where and, if you want I work out now, do let me ok. you know your campaign is going terribly wrong when people only want to talk about your shoes. Here you will get the israel and palestine and a second far as what the those borders am coming out this as a short person can relate to this type of insecurity. Ok, it's actually two opposite for me. I hate tall reason ass people like why are you
if they are not an mba like what a waste we need a short presently anyway. Ok, We always talk about napoleon complexes. Well, that guy rule, entire continent, Abraham lincoln, was tall and he asked a man, so you tell me you tell me who is more successful case. Would at least now I know what to say it is a huge fight. Would disney is Because a wilderness is because you gotta be this to order, I d magic teacup. So the question is that it matter if a presidential candidate is told him not to debate the issue of quality the ronnie, Chang and troy. He want to. What's your take on IRAN to say it is using lists, I think, is pathetic,
charlemagne or I run this needs to stop. Trying final pretend that one of us naturally tall guys- ronnie what the hell are you doing you want stoicism to know. I've always been this talk. People is at stake, in short, because I'm sorry and saw spoken by naturally six eight don't take my word, for it can measure me anytime, but but not now men when whatever troy. Do you agree that ron scientists, Rhonda santa's, being pathetic? No, actually think it's great run. Dissenters is fine. Billy accepting gender affirming care. Wrong does doesn't feel like his outside matches his insight. He sees himself as a big strong boy Even though he's a little munchkin with itty bitty legs like a winner done always not great troy. Ok, he doesn't have the mental strength to be president, if he so insecure that he figs being tall in such an obvious way awry
but I understand not- everyone can be as naturally taller than me ronnie. Please knock it off Are you yesterday roulette before since then I got a good night's sleep it's ok, it's called growth spurt normal. Your act, charlemagne? There's a long list of presidents who done similar things to hide that they were shortest lincoln wore a big hat. After put there blanket over his little legs and Jimmy Carter is short, but that doesn't matter because he's hung is charlie charlemagne. I'm also hung ass. I dont actually care because I've already confident, because I'm six nine see see you said you would think they ronnie. No, no. I mean yeah yeah. I did. I grew a little during this report is not you know, you know what the real tragedy is here is this: if dissenters had been a bit nicer to drag queens, they could have helped him pull off those heels and you could have ended up serving some serious
you know and not just that they could have contorted knows are found him a barber that has now for revenge or they got held in fact being tall, better the brought any sitting or somebody shoulders, and now my might my coat. Has there the many other guy please come on radiance everybody. We come away alone. Has the power to automate? its using untruss the data. Can you trust the results you're busy? This doesn't just need a it needs. The right I for your business introduced.
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Acta com, slash news to save twenty five percent. Your first year, life lock identity, theft, protection starts here and there they saw the light of how we do it. Michael Kostiei, investigate wanted a scariest places in amerika the real estate market check it out. After record highs during the covert era? U s housing sales of reach, their lowest point since the two thousand, a recession, rising interest rates and low inventory are forcing real jurors, like santa fe suzanne taylor, to represent properties that are less than desirable. There is very little inventory here: you get a lot of homes that have been completely corn apart you now. animal theses in the living room. Just nasty type of properties that have just been left,
brought in some of these santa fe homes also present another unique challenge. So basically people do believe and goes in santa FE there's just a certain energy surge Five that people get your sense. Eta has more ghosts than other cities. It does. I can observe it expression like an open house, unsurprisingly and open house, mixing desperate vulnerable buyers and malevolent spirits can spell trouble when they want into a living world or the bedroom, on walks into a bedroom in these dark glowing? Like the other, they don't get like crazy, like back what they do or like dismal they'll. Just like lot more subtle or more like like, like,
walk in and they walk right pass through. They don't want to even spend any time, and so these distressed theses and ghost infested properties could be a tough cell. But luckily suzanne has a solution, so I get is physically cleaned up as I possibly can and then, when everybody is out of the house, I call J that jane is this june paranormal investigator and psychic medium jane, philip, I used to be a mortgage lender and that launched, but I do which is paranormal energy clearance primarily the real estate industry, terrified gap. It is I've, never been scratched, her bitten or any of those movie. Things, but dogma mortgage lending or goes busting. I was fast and scratch my mortgage lender. Yes, through these interest rates, then jaynes energy clearing services can address almost any inexplicable issue. You might feel like the hair in the back your neck go up when you are
the house- you know I don't know what's here, you might have something called a poltergeist. You might find energetic. action from an alien grew. So there are all these emotional energies that get dumped in a place. Maybe whereas a drug person in it or there was a death in the property. Would you picked up with me how's my ghost energy Well, I had to do a little clearing the cleared me may already, cracked. Don't you need my consent to do that and that that's a question. I get all the time and the answer no, because good interaction does not reburial? No, it isn't. and with my last bit of scepticism exercised, I was ready to join chain at a house clearing session generally, when I started a house, I start right at the entrance, wade, so I will just check. Is there anything in this closet, then there is something, It is something in the closet is kind of
I can else. Energy sit with his legs over the years and else gown so removing the energy. Obviously we cleared the closet partner, I'm just gonna go ahead. This Holly Can I turn the lighter. Why doesn't delight there's a lot of energy coming through this way. Her that mean was murdered in one of these rooms. It has nothing to do with. Murder is just feels like I'm being prevented from going in going anyway, even though I feel like I mean fermented so I'm working on it. And okay, so I don't necessarily feel the same, so I'm just going to go now. If I don't love this either, it's it's thinking here. There's a little boy, and here he wants his mommy here,
ghost? That's a toilet, don't be growing at me From this want to go to the light, it doesn't live their lives in the dark if I had to guess murder, oh Jesus having done that one before I used to be really embarrassed doing this in front of people Why would you be embarrassed? Doing Well, this houses yeah, it doesn't look like it was right, but in the end there is only one thing that matters the results it always helps. I have seen jane's work, work I was just sitting there. Nobody will want to have anything to do with that when they walked in the door. I have her coming You're a clearing, and then I get a contract within a week
she's, an testing, james methods, we're getting home, sold, may being unorthodox watch out for the water, but given the frightening sanity of the american housing market involving the supernatural, isn't then unreasonable and may even give us a little bit of hope. A lot of americans are worried. They can never for their own house, but what you are saying is at once we're dead will all be homeowners in condo in miami beach. That's not really how it works. But we don't really know rejoined. We saw the one thing we can never get more of his time. This is, wants an export
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I'm right make energy ways had that malamute that we recently stats from sports negotiated nine hundred million dollars worth of contracts this summer, you got for a billion dollars in contracts total you gotta performance ports where In partnership with new balance and looking me in the new york times best seller man, the one you will learn what that is, how you spell kludge k? L, u t ch, yes, knowledge, longevity understanding, trust, communicate.
in an honest, okay, the you know when I was thinking about the company in a name for the company. What would you need to be in sports? You need to be. He had the clutch gene b clutch, but then also flipped it and said you actually needed to be in life. You need to be clutch now with my part, she would new balanced little twist to it, because the new athlete, as all of you guys, are athletes. You napoli your wife's napoli itself from that perspective its. aiming in across the humanity of of the athlete and also Jes the regular person who happens to cover to feel every day, they do in their life every day. What do you mean when you say we're athletes? You cover ground, you, you work, you did the breakfast club this morning, okay, on the daily show, etc. You know your wife coverage the ground when she's at home
the short things. What would need to put our rich, because I hear you talk about our autonomy of a kind of way out no telling what but the new, but that person is kind is never hers. Love is never wasted. Unity starts with you. Trust makes it passed. Community is a mentality and ansi keeps real data. I'm a writer alone. Ok, You said you wanted to deal make an instinct about winning dies games as a kid. In of you re. Looking me great red, you showed you know that, but have you changed since then? are you still a gambler? You know what a better credit le is it, you know, is a different type of gambling. I mean I think grown up. I did what I had to right and there was a sport it was. It was actually my sport gambling was today not so much as a pretence.
So in those environments and situations like that, but I think everyday getting up taking risks and today there are calculated risks that I take come from a place of strategy and and a lot of preparation but yeah. I still take the same risk with the last big gamble you took you'd. Think the last big gamble I took I would probably say a better myself to start clutch began the vocal about the vocal about no black agents, helping you when you into the industry. You said they went to families and talked bad about you. Did you get flak for those I got. I didn't really get flak. I get some people and a little you know about the above, because the thing is
What I meant by that is, we have to have a better understanding of our positioning and our our work practice right and there's a way to do things right and is all in competition is all and I love to compete, but then, when you do it from a place of malice, then that changes- the landscape, and I just something that has to be the case, but it's been the case prior to and I was a a light on whether black or white ages, because I can honestly say no ages regardless regards what color they were. But for me, when you read the book, I don't come from that the gang was. And even in competition. I learn by losing what I was gambling. I became a great gambler I lost my way to being a great gambler, not because of anything more than that right and so understand how.
Take theirs, wins and losses at times, but it was a little bit different in terms of the integrity and based upon their intent. It was just something that I I have a tremendous lack of respect for because, where I come from, those consequences was a little different for us all and we don't get those second and third chance It is especially being young black in america in the book you know you, you had deal with like real killers in the street solo, absolutely everyday basis, more cut throat these agents.
Is this on you? You can't see them coming, you know, they'll smell your face and and then they have a conversation with pairs, but I've elevated above that today I wake up every day. Looking for companies to buy so I'm not even in competition with them per se, and I still recruit when when and how I want to- and I built a business to where we recruit across the board, but I just think it needs to be. I have a platform where I can actually shine a light on it and again, like I get a prime example, I had a call, a legitimate call. Me was in a situation now prior to to him calling me his representation, basically the poach one of my players, smile on my face senior games, etc. Okay, okay, fine, nothing happened, but when the shoe's on the other foot, I didn't do the same to them. I even said to him: I said: look I'm not trying to
overstepped my boundaries, I'm willing to help you and help me a representation help. You cadets, who I am as a person, so just bring in a different integrity to space, because just because something used to be a certain way and in a certain way today that doesn't mean it has to remain that way. Why give him the courtesy of he wasn't? Gonna give you that that's just rate yeah, my mom and dad never raised the wayne Martin in ordinary martin, green for income. I do know doing martin great for incompetence, the will and jada. He had a lot of success and, as an agent he's a big relief to you, above neuron will not just a movie not either. The advocates. Yours he told me he gave you a vice, leave, see a immediately because you are your father in your father, had his own store and he it I mean he wouldn't say if it wasn't so true to Romania was there was a ton of people that that when I ran
rossi idea. What I was going to do told me yeah. You should definitely do that based upon them. Knowing me, so I can't sit here and say is not a truth that I don't. He didn't give me the idea to leave your body, but to our conversations, always been supported with me, and I appreciate that you wanted a few more things that people know by name right. Then level of fame, enable our hindu, your ability to do your job like who gets a better and you and your rules and house when you allow out, I don't think I eat, damn right through to richer. It's no big deal. You lose my miami. I did a different dates book. What are they help? You arguing that, should you know a notable figure? I think all the notable figure perspective probably help who have me even more is how I treat people were being a notable figure. I think that helps even more.
What does this was eight and actually do. Another thing only exist right what, but, but what they would arm Ninety percent of the business, your your client services, okay, that's that's ninety percent of the business and but is layer. You know for everything from negotiating contracts, developing players both on and off the floor, working with their families, marketing shoe deals and things like that. Really I'd like to leave from a place of education. So how do I better educate the player in the family because I don't know how long this process is going to play the game right? So you can't you can't count your eggs before the hatch and you can only look at them as as a talent. So I can go about a little bit different way, but I also have the capabilities and the ability to do so because our way and nobody beat down my back in terms of I have to do something and you have to reach just quota, etc. So I say that in all fairness, because everyone might not have the same, I would say
Flexibility is. I have pursued new hope and marketing of emotional ideas. You athletes, lightning all get something to say on. This will be good for a deity. We go from raw yeah. Okay, all the time I mean, I, you know I'm a creative at heart, so I like to come up with with things in and also what is marketing like. So if I had to, if you talked to me about more and most families, don't know this when, when you talk to me about marketing you'll say: oh, that's I see accompanying get a deal done, that's marketing, working as an endorsement. Marketing in most cases is storytelling. So what narrative you want out there? What picture you're trying to paint the best marketers in the world? They never show you a price or anything. I said just before. They tell you a story that you go out and buy that product different than when you're looking at buy card commercials. They show you the car to show you the price, depending on which one you get the l, e or se.
is, it is a difference between the two so the issue we have right now and I always everyone's looking at it as cash grab and we don't have managed to morrow now is not because we really think about it in I AL it's it's necessary, but it is important for it to be managed and controlled in the most important. The number one step should be education. Is a lot of kids getting in ideals and not paying taxes to look up yeah I mean they don't understand that yeah. They have no student loan debt, but they got married. Doris yeah yeah yeah, exactly so when you, when you look at it from that perspective and they and they're coming into it, and the families coming into is saying how
it's money are we going to make a lot of those numbers are, are very falsified numbers and if you just it's just common sense, if you're going to spend six months at a university- and you have a partnership from inyo, what's the actual aura from that company in six months, not much So I tell my guys if you are pro. Why are you focusing on anya when you go into a place that can pay you more money than any brand ever day that even possible see what gifts and ideals I'm not against it, because I create I expedite it, and I do idea of a bit darius basie for new balance. Mendota internship was inyo before inhale. Did that, but I'm just for the right positioning for an eye it doesn't have kids jumping around from school to school and making decisions based upon the money. It's is. Is it's a bad habit to bill when you start moving based upon finance? That's a very bad
to bill now saw you recently on club shake it he was on. Airline bore the bigger liar, you elaborate isn't. This is the first of all. I am not lie as my charlemagne, you shouldn't say that on national tv I have no proof to back up your legs that that's why you should not say I'm lying, here's, here's what I'm trying to me! Okay! He asked the specific question: I gave a specific answer in the keyword. This word problem. Shannon would have felt he would have got it wrong. Ok, shooting I didn't say playing, I didn't say accolades as it's shooting, so the point I'm trying to make is: if you want to shoot, jump shots with me, you have to be a pro gamer.
No meaning we ve put by spots from on the court from each spot. In order to beat me, you have to be a reality and from each spot to beat me too Pretty much tie me. I'm sure what have you done approved is for its way that ain't never gonna happen tape of something hit. You do you want some names. You can call cock Heaven heart Ok, then I'll call drake, archaic, audrey don't call draken. If only last person, ecology called Kevin durrant. Of course athletes, you name by the way, but I'm not but wait a minute. I'm not done call lebron in color he's going to lie for you.
He won't lie for me. He'll lie with me if I was lying, but I'd be lying. If I was lying but we're not in that position, we don't have to do whatever the memes of lebron like what I laugh at lebron. Then we had a group chat is hilarious but no seriously, but the point I'm trying to make is: you is very difficult for civilian, non professional athlete to shoot called all was athletes. Now now that's non professional athletes is old, shatters, shannon's, understand it, but without have a little he had to pay to see down. Do sulphur free, like that,
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-07.