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Biden Impeachment Inquiry: The Hunter Biden Files

2023-09-20 | 🔗

Republicans have opened an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden after months of investigations of his son Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings. Jordan Klepper hit up one final Trump rally before Election Day 2020 to hear what Trump’s supporters think about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Plus, Desi Lydic Foxsplains Hunter Biden, and Trevor recounts the FBI's investigation of Hunter Biden’s taxes and highlights the history of nepotism in the White House.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The mom guess what what's up, we were in the woods playing, follow the leader on our bike, soo that sounds fun and we saw a sasquatch family drinking coke, breeze, sign, okay, sasquatch, family drinking capri, sun yeah and we all went ah and they all went oh yeah, and then we were all like right. It was so oh epic, you're, free son, it's gonna, be epic, It has the power to automate, but if it's using untruss the data, can you trust the results? U business doesn't just need a it needs the right ay I for your business producing watts, annex a platform designed to multiply output by tailoring eighty yearnings. When you watson Ex your business, you can train to deploy a I all with your trusted data. Let's create the right away. I for your business with. What's next
learn more ibm, dot com, slash watts, annex ibm, let's create you listening to carmody central, with three weeks to wants all election and millions of votes, already cost corona virus remains knee top issue for america, and any normal president would be lays a focused on getting carogne under control, helping business to stay afloat, keeping schools open, but donald trump is not a normal present. So, instead he's focusing on this with weeks until the election and trailing in the polls. President trump seized on a report in the new york post published wednesday, claiming five. Alison emails were taken from a laptop that allegedly previously belonged to hunter bite in the world. alleges that the former vice president uses position to advances, sons, business interests in ukraine and that both by
we're not truthful about that relationship The story sourcing has also raised questions about its authenticity, as the files were given to the post through an attorney for the present. His personal lawyer, Rudy giuliani, twitter and facebook have limited the distribution of that hunter Biden story and last and twitter appeared to suspend the twitter account of the white house, press secretary, Katie, mack and edi when she tried to share that story. Damn you know, a story is shady when. his book, is saying: whoa, whoa, whoa whoa. Maybe people shouldn't see this because think about it. Usually people are posting about how vaccines did nine eleven and facebook is like. Okay, wait! Wait, let's hear them out. Tell me more and honestly, it's insane the french people even going off to bite and by targeting his son. If these were my son's, I've maintain a strict kids off limits policy. Look at them. They always look like they done. Some should wrong and they should also go without saying, but obviously
people should be skeptical of anything. We're rudy giuliani is the source I just as a rule in life, never trust a man who died and dashed on his dentist have weakened the job. You just don't trust those people. Look, I'm not surprised that we you he's trying to come up with something before the election. I mean I get it when I am disappointed by is that the trunk campaign is using the same story really hacked russian emails. Again, he's gonna. We use the same october surprises last election, it's cold in october. Surprise, not enough! well. I know this. One is no surprise. If we can see it coming, a surprise has to be unacceptable rise, but I gotta say I don't think this plan to get people carrying above the boorishness is gonna work, because who even knows what version is? I mean trump himself cardigan pronounce it finds out. alleged meeting with
a burmese executives, So these yeah we're amused. They say pronounce it. This year. A real, beautiful company Oh man that was painful to watch. You know what that looked like. That was like watching trump's mouth trying to walk down a ramp. I mean how does trump not know how to say maritima when that's all he's talked about for years. This should concern. If tony the tiger was like flashed in flakes there gronk you re like out. Hope brain is. Ok! You tony here. I'm the best part is off the trunk mispronounced. The word He then tells everyone that no that's how you actually supposed to pronounce it, which is the old playground move in the book. I totally monkey knew that there was a mistake where they do. You wanted your past split up. When shall we
it I'll see your spiderman and a yeah? That's how that's how they say you do it on the internet, but you know what I say enjoy it. While you can people, because Donald trump is the Michael jordan of mispronouncing words, we're going to have to wait a whole nother generation to get someone messing up words at this level. Even then, I still think that trump is going to be the greatest of all time. Well I'll. Be that all due to the barbershop light years, young blood, mispronouncing shit, all right, but don't drop, invented, not make sense watching francais tourism, I told me he's not. The goat february was inseparable. She, you ain't, never seen anybody with pronounced brewers, mere like that. This is the final week of donald trump campaign rallies. So we thought that's in jordan, klepper out for one more right on the trunk train in another episode of fingers the pulse,
Everyone is two hundred twenty seven year campaign. I found myself at another trunk rally. Re use having in pennsylvania that very day the while there was still some of their usual totally realistic expectations. I'm calling Seven sets jump at this rally. The final week of election season. I noticed something different: it was quiet or people just tired. You know I think people binding or are exhausted me too, and I'm ready to move on. I've been to a lot of trump rallies before and I have to say this is probably the most subdued rally. I've been to it's eerily quiet. You can hear a queuing on push notification dig in someone's pocket. This was a chance to hear trump make his final case and, frankly, for maga country to do the same about the economy. He provided job when people are working.
out looting and burning. Historically, this presidency has lost more jobs than any other matter, etc. You hear that I gotta tell you. I need my sheet, I'm going back what a reversal What's on the barricade back in my car We have not had a factsheet before this about a brigham bringing I hope it doesn't have a list of all the dead, because I think it's going to be a huge job. they were million under by in a obama. Negative two point: one is the website yeah, I dunno you don't know have to google. Okay Zeller friend didn't have the facts, but she did have the zinfandel. Let's talk about african american and all the great. What is it with yeah. You know really with regret that, be
You gotta help me out here. While I waited, Totally to get her shit together, I wanted a rat. I head around their hale Mary october surprise and that's hunter Biden and his well I'll. Just let them explain it. You can see on fox one american news about the year, the laptop the one hundred bones laptop and then all the corruption taking money from the different countries from russia and china and Joe Biden would do whatever these countries needed audio. Oh, he would either what he did or did not do. What didn't? What did they do yet to be determined exactly what he did? I saw had ophelia in china, something like that. Do you believe it I dunno at some. I have to look into more we see around like a hunter Biden scandal. What exactly happened with that? I think they they found a laptop, you know emailed and there was a fbi.
Finally, I would like you like emails and pictures no body and talking with, like ukraine in china, about business deals itself like that which riding hunter binding that it's a bit haven't. They want to push it to get it. You know, get the investigation under way before the election. Investigation largest the laptop and sitting I blow was on the laptop, I mean cuts. Conspiracy theories would say that its Joe Biden and hunter bite in communicating with us I countries on business, deals and stuff like that. Are you calling him a conspiracy there? That's just Is that right, the conspiracy, some only because it hasn't been proven yet to make a ton of money and do absolutely nothing except say, hey, you can meet my dad. It is trade right just use your father's name to make money. For that. Absolutely nepotism needs to be looked into big time. Yes, What are they gonna, vanka she's? So gracious? I see vodka as someone who is following
Yes, you, girls labs around jobs, training and whatever causes she has this. Lady Diana had twenty years ago, she had certain causes aids and everything. It was after she was involved with the lady diana copyrights in china, while sharing a position of power. I wonder what you're talking about? as the horn rang in the masses piled into the last rally, there was a bitter sweet feeling in the air. folks are not an that's the last chance for them to get unfettered access to the present united states after after this maybe they're through plexiglas, maybe with a telephone
if this somber attitude was a reflection of what could happen on election day. Are these folks prepared for a world post trump trump could totally win. If for some chance he doesn't win? What happens to all of this afterwards, me personally sure I will not live under a socialist government and just look up the three red flags on the Biden campaign, poster there's three red lines: yeah, look it up on google tickets and he is supposed to be. he but look at the three red flags or three red banners, and they mean communism he's still communism right there on the flag. You got it really you don't want to be. Play the socialize medicine. If you go, I'm going to look at costa rica, costa rica, which has universal healthcare yeah I mean I'm just I'm not going to live under socialist rule. I don't think Biden is going to make the four years and the camelback forget it. The camelback who's at
Oh, that bug mispronounced the name and xenophobic yeah, that's a duper. If they don't you, It goes to rig. I'm sure argentina would welcome you and your point of view with open arms. So the pigeon I have been made, and the escape routes planned, not their love to do other than vote. Ass is often hope. We get the result soon. Until then I'll be, right here. Good luck! I guess why what's up, we were in the woods playing, follow the leader on our bikes, sue, that's einstein and we saw a sasquatch watch, family drinking caprice, sign care, assess, watch, family, drinking caprice, son yeah, and we all want- and they and then we were all like right. It was so
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conservative media has been in a frenzy over supposes scandal involving hunter bite of and since the mainstream media isn't covering the story, we mean doesn't like watch fox news for forty eight hours straight, so she could try and tell us what it's all about. So basically, Rudy giuliani, obtain hunter bite in the laptop and the contents are still explosive through my phone and on coming trapper get this hunter by ms communicating with no ruminants run his mail address. Corruption can work, training and money that, when he sitting up all the big time, let em your book. Jonathan worries about the need to push lies in manila, making despite bradley here's what you know when you can t hunter binding. A hunter policy been locked me fifteen trillion dollars by investing in a chinese plan
One year later, hunter makes an additional nineteen million dollars in job russian dollars. Dish. Satellite dish is living on and got under the named on mexico hooked up with manatees of moscow to start the hedge fund. You guessed it hilary hussein clint the hungarian vague account robert long term. Technocracy he's tougher than the apple you two key available, all the evidence. We have time. No one getting my house repossess, tat, the real malarkey and by the way, did you know the bombardment of mandarins, so I will be in slacking. Let's take a setback for second, you think it's too, buy new, sending texts to his dad? I can't have it I had a mere funny lets you. She just wants to warn you about an abstruse pet about being slashed casual breeder. Restaurant you're, not fooling anyone common law, the law. You must remember the twenty twenty presidential election in order of the day when you voted for a president and a bunch of local races that you have to go from inside the voting both well, why
the stories we thought we never have to hear about again. Once the election was over, came wearing back to life honour by the president elect son says the: u s attorney in Delaware is investigating his tax records sources. Tell CBS news: the fbi looking at the under Biden taxes since two thousand and eighteen under justice department policy, enforcement didn't actively pursue the case during the weeks before the presidential elections avoid politicizing the investigation. That's right! People apparently unto mine is under investigation for his taxes, and donald trump must be yes right now. Did you guys seeing that hunger right in his being investigated for tax roy, I'm so angry. Sir, are you
worried, because you wanted to use it against his dad for the election. Now I may give cash, for it is my head as he's dealing with big criminals and I'm not going to lie hunter Biden announcing his own investigation, who, as a pretty gangsta, move I mean usually usually pictures of people covering their faces when they run into court. In order to hide that this investigation, but hunters, like a guy coming home late at night Oh babe you're going to want to go through my phone honestly. I think that in the end, this kind of scandal will be good for america because we just spent four years with scandals. Twenty four seven we conscious go down to zero scandals, cold turkey and Biden's family is going to help us taper it down like right now. Hunter has a texting. You know this is a text scandal. Maybe next year Joe Biden asked the ukrainian prison for something inappropriate, but it's just
Answers to crossword puzzle just ease us off is us off right now we're addicted to scandals. Now, look we don't really know. What, if anything, does hunter Biden story will lead you, but if he has done anything wrong, my advice would be to ask president trump for a pardon before he leaves- and I know that may seem unlikely, but based on how trump has been making it rain anything is possible which patriots it's democracies mulligan for weeks now, practically everyone has weighed in on the ukraine scandal from trump to pelosi to a cured rattlesnake everyone except the man at the center of it all hunter Biden. He sat on the board of a ukrainian energy company while his dad.
Served as vice president and now that trump is using it to target his dead hunter is finally speaking out hunter Biden speaking out for the first time defending his business dealings in ukraine, saying he did quote nothing wrong at all, but acknowledging to a b c news. What he calls poor judgment didn't make a mistake. Well, maybe in in the grand scheme of things yeah, but did I'd, make a mistake based upon some on ethical, absolutely my. If your last name wasn't Biden, do you think he would have been asked to be on the border? Charisma? I don't know, I don't know. Probably now I dont think If there's a lot of things that would have happened in my life that that, if my last name wasn't Biden yeah, you know what he's right. If hunter's last name wasn't Biden, his life would have been a lot different for one. Thing, he definitely wouldn't have gotten into the harvard school of surprise messages
What do you know? I do appreciate hunters honesty that, because he admits that he was probably hired by the ukrainian energy companies because of his last name. That's how the world works. A lot of people get opportunities because of who the parents are Cindy. Crawford's. Dora is now a model almost father was the governor of new york before him and you think harry potter would have gotten all that attention if it wasn't for his famous was apparent don't get me wrong, I'm nothing saying that he wasn't a good wizard when he was like only student, whose name dumbledore knew he like personal chemical, and ronan who might like, freckles and girl harry and by the way family names work. The other way too. That's why Ginny weasley was getting eaten by snakes in the basement. It took about four hundred pages to notice that shit, I'm just saying man, the truth is your name could be a big reason that you get a leg up in life like I know for a fact. I know. The only reason I got to where I am today is probably because
my great great grandfather built the ark like I. I accept that what can I say, man, my great great grandpa, loved boats and watching animals. Now, with that said, that's what he was doing on the boat, that this is normal. Now, that said with that said, you can't deny it's not a good look that a ukrainian company hired hunter Biden just months after Joe Biden became the Obama administration's point man on ukraine, because it looks very much like he got this business because of his father's position, and I understand why a lot of people would complain about that
I don't understand is why these people are complaining about that. Let's talk about the double standard. What do you guys think would happen if Donald trump Jr went to china and came back with one point, five dollars, not one point: five billion, just one point: five dollars: can you imagine if I took three cents from the ukraine or four cents from china, I mean it it's on. We gave up our entire business, so my father could run for president. We don't do anything overseas anymore. We gave up, we didn't have to use it on any boards. You see down on any boards receive argon any words. Ok. First of all, I am not surprised. Nobody has put Beavis
the forehead on any corporate like a scandal? If not a thing, I don't even think there were long diving boards, like no Eric your job it's the wrong end jump into the wet part dude, and secondly. Secondly, if there was ever an example of people who got opportunities because of their names, it's these two I mean Donald trump Jr, just got paid fifty thousand dollars to give a speech at a college. If he wasn't donald trump's son, why else would they be asking him to speak up to share his expertise on bad beards,
or would it be more like? Ladies and gentlemen, a man who once sat on a tree stump don Jr like so what happened? Was my bunions were acting up and there was no chair in sight, but then I remembered someone once told me: stumps are okay to sit on. Thank you good night. Also. Also, if trump's sons are actually concerned, like truly concerned about children of politicians, doing business overseas, then can someone please Me why they ve been doing this term promised no new foreign deals, but that hasn't stopped his fear from continuing business overseas. The trunks it ploughed ahead,
deals in india, indonesia, Uruguay and the philippines that were already in the works before trump took office by Wednesday. Eric trump will have gone to four countries on trump company business since january. First, in early january, it was a trip to Uruguay for a glitzy party to promote a new property. This morning, Donald trump Jr is in india to promote trump branded condos in two cities there, as a business, we're going to continue to run. We have incredible assets all over the world will continue to operate and to grow. That's right. Even with a dead in office, the trumps are still growing their business in places like india, philippines, indonesia, Uruguay, they're all over the world is like the amazing race with no running and notions done. An era are doing so much international business. It almost feels like I'm just trying to not spend time with his sons. You know it's almost like you'd like boys, I've got a new business for you to take care of
don mars, like there's no way to get back from mars, and I appreciate your sacrifice. Bye, bye and I know this is crazy to say I know this is crazy to say, but at least donald and Eric are one step removed from the presidency, because there are other trump children who are business and governments cared cushions and evoke trips. Rules in the white house opened up another potential avenue for foreign influence. Officials in at least four countries talked about ways they could manipulate, cushion or in part by taking advantage of a complicated business entanglements, vulgar trial by jury kirshner took in as much as one in thirty five million dollars in revenue last year, that includes almost four million dollars in vodka tromp pulled in from her stake in the family tell here near the white house where diplomats and foreign dignitary spend big money.
Last year, china approved more than a dozen trade marks for about a trump branded products. The timing, just as the? U s in china, we're trying to restart trade talks, raised eyebrows. Ok, come on. China approved a dozen trademarks way bunker right as her dad wasn't negotiating trade deals with china. You can't tell me that's not suspicious timing. I mean this like how right before christmas, my mom said that a horrible accident habitats, his factory. How does this? How does this happen every year? Mom? They need to look into safety regulations at the factory I'll, never get my choice and china does not mess around with his trademarks that that's what you have to understand. For instance, Michael Jordan, had to fight for four years to trademark himself, yet the chinese courts argued that this was not Michael Jordan, yeah. They were like. No, that could be anyone. Some of they were like yeah. I was jumping the other day. Who knows? That's me that could be me, that's how crazy they are about trademarks, and I mean that's wild. This would be like saying that this
dont junior, I mean no. One else has ever sat on a stunt like that man step by step plan. Let us be clear, as we hear about defending hunter button, I know him. I don't nobody's business. All I'm saying is that the last people who should be talking about the blurred lines of family names and political influence of the people? Currently, one the home office from the white house. The piano shows the utah jazz users by surgery, the daily show. Wherever you get your podcasts watch, the daily show. We started eleven ten central on comedy central and stream, full episodes anytime on paramount books. This has been a comedy central podcast or introducing uber teen accounts and uber account for your teen. With always an enhanced safety features. Your team can recall,
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-11.