« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

Beyoncé’s Global Impact

2023-09-04 | 🔗

Beyoncé's impact on music and pop culture is undeniable. The Daily Show dives deep into Queen Bey's global influence. Trevor Noah covers the media freakout over Beyoncé's "Lemonade" album and former correspondent Jessica Williams dissects the political messages in Beyoncé's 2013 Super Bowl Halftime performance. Also, Trevor talks about the time Beyoncé left him starstruck at the Oscars and takes guesses on who he thinks bit Beyoncé at a party.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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during one billion dollars to programmes. Partners and initiatives focused on historically excluded communities, build your financial blueprint today at prudential dot, com, slash blueprints, you're, listening to comedy central so much stuff happened this weekend. We do. I start all, tell me exactly where we start with lemon It point is beyond say not dropping out when a big reveal lemonade, fiance, surprise, new, album beyond, say stopping the world once again. Dropping a visual, album or shroud of secrecy, followed by an h b, o special, the bombshells masterpiece, setting the internet on fire yeah setting the internet on fire thanks for setting the internet on fire beyond, say, that's how we going
porn, you know how to go back to magazines. Now you know how big this was like this was. This was huge anything that wasn't eliminate this weekend didn't mean I mean president obama said he was quintupled. The number of special forces he's sending to syria, nothing north korea, most them myself for the first time from a submarine making it even harder to defend against nothing, and one of the co brothers said that Hillary Clinton might make a bit of president than any of the current republican since that is so in saying that historians and obvious The obviously Hillary Clinton will issue is she was like. I don't need the koch support. I don't need them, but you know she was like on the side like a hit me up, but we will people been hardly any. To or that because beyond say is the news, and the best part of the answer is realising that, despite fifteen years of talking about her news anchors remain
unready for her jelly fiance, showing her enormous influence on popular culture showing her enormous in some focused scale. because you're live tv it on, blame gale low, because this visual out was a feast for the senses in all its, it uses a story of infidelity to touch on everything, from female empowerment to social justice embracing blackness and the importance of fire safety. Now you you see here be jose showing us the importance of staying com during a fire. Evacuation dress well and work towards an
Now this is an example of an automatic peak. You know at the peak of power is taking on so many issues, musical visually. Socially, everything is happening, but apparently all anyone can talk about. Is this infidelity adultery, cheating, trouble, we'd and jc lies and distrust marital strife. She adds fuel to the rumors, her husband jc, cheated on her scandal, there's just so much to take in right now who would have ever suspected that jeezy could possibly cheat on beyond, say there were no clues It's not like. You ever made a song this, a girls, girls, girls, girls, girls- I do a door no clues at all and bianti! Why do you keep doing this to us? You know you're causing chaos. We can't handle this queen bee every time you drop something the wool stops. We have to analyze it
single time. We also drops on which we also just drop turkey's. What does it mean so now, in this album beyond say maybe said, the jersey maybe had an affair with someone, and so now, beyond his friends have declared fatwa on some a legit site chick basically and that possible side. Chick is a designer rachel roy for the internet, things and no that's not my action. I said Rachel Roy, not rachel, re different ritual you're? Not the only ones were confused by this mister, did fan seem to be going after the wrong rachel. Angry fans boasted eleven and insults all over a celebrity chef. Rachel raise instant recount one fan telling her go. Carmelites. Ammonia, what lands in it So where is this phooey insults now I got caramelized, some onions. Aren't you going
I you some mushrooms and, while you added add some paprika to the chicken whose insulting you Martha stewart what's going on here, this entire event left everyone asking. So many questions did jc cheat. Who is Rachel Roy? Are you sure it's not rachel re? The only question people want asking. After that, video is wider. Society always punish the woman in an affair much more than the man. People are going off this. Mr woman, like she trick gc into her vagina like what you just laid a trail of yankee hats, leading up to her bedroom. Today you to follow. As we all know, last night was the suitable and see like the real envy. P of the night was beyond say for more. We turn to our senior b,
say: correspondent, jessica Williams, everybody I swear on Saturday. they dropped her new song formation and in typical bianca fashion? There was an epic video to go along with it ever body in the bay hive, winter knolls con one, which is reserved only for the most intense beyond, say, drops, J k. We're always knows con one, and it was awesome because there was so much in this video about black female in parliament, but is not just about felt were only. She calls up police brutality and the constant fear that black people have of the police. She even threw back the hurricane katrina, the black magic in that region,. It was out of control. She was like a beautiful black dumbledore, but wearing a really nice. We three thousand dollars worth of gucci. And that was the the gay before the big game, it was an amazing shop, but not everyone was ready for that jelly.
In the end, we find out that be unsafe, dressed up in a tribute to the black panthers want to a malcolm x formation and the song. The lyrics which I couldn't make out a syllable were basically telling cops to sup shooting blacks. I thought it was really outrageous that you used it at a platform to attack. Services. Is there anything in america which can Blue race, why is race brought into the half time show at a super bowl gay? Why. The was brought in because beyond say was brought in and race yourself. You might want to sit down for this, but beyond is black and, as a black person walk around everyday constantly reminded that you are black were more likely to get paid less or more likely to get sent to prison and were more likely to want to day of competition,
but all bad? The point is, we all say is black and this song is her message. That's what artists do their messages in their music, like our christmas war? Has global citizen armband to promote his message of ending worldwide poverty or how bruno as delivered his message about how uptown look at a cloak me up the threat. I live uptown. I barely slept after that performance. How dare he say something like that and why are people surprised that beyond say would send a message during the show she's done? This is the beginning of her career. Have we forgotten when she addressed the importance of mental health? when crazy in love! Oh, oh, oh, oh! No! No! Indeed the look I get it beyond say, wasn't just doing any tv performance. I mean this was the superbowl and that's what at some people pissed you're talking to middle america when when when, when you got a sweet, we had a superbowl. So if you can have entertainment,
have you no decent, wholesome and attenuated? Ok. So, first of all, are you saying that you can't talk about raise issues to middle a mayor? what are they so delicate and unaware, and maybe so white that beyond say is too much for them. You know: what's right, love. America, ferguson, Missouri,. Furthermore, more I am so sorry because that this wasn't wholesome enough for you, I didn't realize that thing about race was equivalent agenda jackson, getting her titty pulled out at the superbowl, but you're right. You know what the bands deserve. Wholesome entertainment, like watching three hundred pound men, give each other concussions, while a crowd cheers like we're extra than the movie gladiator. So what is wrong with,
don't say everyone were you not entertained Williams? Everyone will be right back eighty in tabling them. Your phone is part of what makes you you, so we, understand why you're holding it as you eat those cheesy snacks arm ago. Why you listen? into your favorite podcast on the subway, for when you call your best childhood friend from your favorite cancer. Nothing should come. You and your connectivity. Eighty anti five g is fast, reliable and secure, and it keeps you connected to family friends. Fine everything you care about you'll enjoy fast, Please why you download out share your favorite videos or get your game on. We know you don't let that found out aside much less europe, but no matter
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is my first time there. I am eternally grateful to anyone who, like that made it happen. I was I was I was in Heaven I was like this is genuinely insane like everyone trusts act fancy, but I see people tweeting all the time that nobody cares about the oshkosh hook. Cat I don't care about. Man, don't can those. I have learned that he'll learn
oh, my god, Daniel Craig. I care I care now. I care will try to cool the wanton no matter who you are on the wool you watch movies. You know what I mean like movies. They'll make you happy movies it'll make you said these people, you see them as part of your life. You've grown up with them and then, when you see them in person, it's it's it's a magical experience that genuinely is like the event was amazing and there's like all these after parties that come afterwards, in my opinion, probably the best of the party of the night, the jc beyond, say after party yeah, so they they throw. And it's like the coolest thing. I was no social media, there's, no anything just people having a great time and if, like everyone's just having fun, but again, it's a little. It's a little weird because, like you, if you're not used to it, you there are moments. When you go like this
real alright, because, like one moment, I'm on the dance floor, I'm dancing, I'm like dancing, dance, DJ black coffee was this south african dj amazing and the and he's an answer. I'm dancing, I'm like yes, our africa, south african and then and then usher comes onto the dance floor and he's like. Let's dance, No! No! I shall not you like a profound I don't know like the rest of us- is just a and then ushers like move move to the other one to the thing. Do it all yeah back and it's like? No, there should be like a professional dance, laugh and then a dessert for the rest of us. This book The rest of us like like making our bodies move and ashes dancing is I wasn't next Fiocchi would beyond say? No, it's not fair. You! You go dance over there and speaking of the other girls engine like just just swedish nice people. If you know the business
weirdest moment of my night and maybe my life. I will see where I categorize. It was I'm on the dance floor, everyone's having a good time and then beyond say starts walking in my direction. So I'm like. Oh, I should move right. We also wish is going is not to me so I am like. I must move it's beyond say, and I will do want to be coming coming them because they, like you, you block because path. I dont want to be involved in this, so she like walks towards me, so I like turned to move out of the way, but until she was coming to say I should say hi to everybody like just like like a night
hi? U you'd, think she'd be like sitting in a box like waving, no just saying hi and she's really cool and she comes over to say hi, but now I'm like moving away from her and she's like trying to like come in and hug me and say hi and I'm like movie, and then I realize I'm like I'm like I'm making billions into this weird moogle, an omelet or ebay of the first array there was. There was if it never happens again, it's fine. I'm done the biggest news story that we we need to cover, and I mean it's, it's troubling me and it's a tough issue and I'll figure out how to get into it. But it's the big,
story about who bit beyond, say the as a pressing issue. It's been plaguing me every single day. I thought it was like a little story that was going to go away, but it's really big and if you know the details of this but tiffany haddish was. I think it was a GQ interview and she said that she offered to fight someone on behalf of the pianist because she was at a party and someone beyond say on her cheek apparently and now, everyone's like who bits beyond, say, there's all types of speculation, and I'm I'm trying to figure it out in my head. I'm trying to like go through it all like. I don't think that it would be a black celebrity,
I I'll tell you why I just don't think any black person thinks that they would be like comfortable enough to bite beyond, say if you ever see black people with beards. Everyone is just like the queen. We here we here we here was just like stand around like a forcefield, so in my head, I'm trying to figure out who I've heard rumors of like jennifer lawrence, which I could see she seemed like she would pull some, I like that she'd be like our guy has to taste that or I could see it but yeah we're going to be on the case. Does anyone have like any any suspicions who you think it was chrissy? Teigen know she's. She said she didn't but she said well, she said John Lennon told her. She didn't do it. She was so like you if she gives like really drunk. He tells us what happened during and he's like. No, you didn't do that. He probably would have made her turn herself in or he would have stopped. There
it'll be like I'm good abide beyond saying, he will be like no. No, no! No! Oh no yeah! I don't think he's crazy good. What else do you think agree who likewise sizes. My and then he will win by being say an invited, be I mean like see the queen. You know I wouldn't do something like that. It's my past life, I'm not going to find what I really wanted to like. Whoever that person is if it comes out. It's over for them like the beehive. You do not want to be on the wrong side of beyond, says fanbase. They will find you, they will find you and they will hurt. You There were hundreds of them, the rhythm of single ladys. All of them will be slacken oh
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-13.