« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

Ben Carson's Proposal to Stop Mass Shootings | TDS Time Machine

2023-10-07 | 🔗

The Daily Show jumps in our time machine to head back to this day in 2015: host Trevor Noah covers Ben Carson's plan to limit mass shootings in America and protect Second Amendment rights. Also, Daily Show correspondent Ronny Chieng reports on updates in the development of virtual reality platforms and Trevor sits with film director Evgeny Afineevsky to discuss his Netflix documentary "Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You listening to carmody central number, seven, two thousand and fifty from from recent oswald news headquarters in new york. This is the daily show with Bremmer. No, that's me. Our guests light the director of the new documentary winter on fire, Ukraine's fight for freedom, you ve guinea. Often you scheme is here joining us leave getting up Ask your on the first, the gnp, races, heating up, donald trump, still in the lead with twenty five percent in the polls, but right behind him right behind him and gaining ground. Is this I am very concerned about the future
children, I've, I've, watched politicians too. Of course I prepare every day. And I'm learning more everyday, then Carson, for people who, like Donald trump ideas but Haiti's charm and careers. Ben cousins like the drug free cocaine for people who don't wanna, get high, but just like snorting white powder, but it turns out that even the just com has become too crazy, for some you see yesterday been caution was asked how he would respond. If a gunman like the one in the oregon, shooting confronted him and it didn't go well, rising geo peacetime, doktor ben Carson, is under fire. After making controversial comments about gun control, I would not just stand there and them shoot me. I was that had guys, everybody attack on humane shoot me, but he can get us all take act.
I don't get it you don't I also don't gets. Is that been costs and really thinks that he could really people against a mesh shooter I think he's overestimating how inspiring his presence might be I was gonna shoot me, hey guys, listen up! I need you all to rally behind my charismatic presence. The charge with me and a certain death so who's with the in carson's defense, though he may have been caught off guard given time to think I'm sure he'd clarify
what he meant the students kidnapped. The says nothing about that. Much of what I would I would ask everybody to attack the government, because he can only shoot one of us at a time that way. We don't know when the when you put it that way, it is pretty funny. Everyone is not dead. Yeah. I don't understand this guy chest. Victims of a shooting for what you assume was their cowardice. Is what normal candidates would consider gaff, but I will admit: Ben carson does practice what he preaches, because, even though the media kept taking shots at him, he kept charge into those interviews the accusation their doktor carson is that you appeared tone deaf and that you see callous in the laughter about a massacre and what you would have done.
laughing at them, and there's a lily s. The people asking that question. If you sit there and led him shoot you one by one iran gonna be then let him shoot you. What do you mean? Let him shoot you would you really expect the victims to do like been cause? I don't understand. There's this guy would make the worst hostage negotiator. all right, sir. I need you to stay calm and put your gun down everyone else. So what now? What was and how many people are dead, outwardly, it wasn't everyone those are a few other things that caution would like to change. You said that you'd be very comfortable of kindergarten teachers. Guns in the classroom. Not all kindergarten teaches. I said people who are trained to train. I want that teacher train
diversionary tactic Who are you who are you and how do you think that this is an education policy? This is not an education policy, kindergarten teachers, Barely handle a room full of five euros, and now you want them to be navy seals maddox. I asked you twice to start pulling chelsea hair Now you get a flash bang grenade, get on the ground, get on the ground, snapchat mother, Well, there's a reason why caution thinks it's up to the victims to reduce gun violence because for him, something much scarier than a mesh shooting in a facebook quest and answer session. He wrote there is no doubt that this senseless violence is breathtaking, but I ever saw a body with a bullet holes that was more devastating than taking the right to arm ourselves away. While
This guy must have been the least popular neurosurgeon to work within that hospital. Seventeen year old white male, multiple gunshot wounds. This is the worst I've ever seen. Actually you know What would be worse, god, dammit Carson! This is not that tablet. Second, amendment again, the it's just. It's just shocking that such a smart man, a brain surgeon, could have this kind of perspective. Rushing gunmen. It seems crazy. I mean the only time that I've seen at work is in ones. jason death? It's weird they been caution would think a zombie strategy would be the way to go on this. Wait a second slow languid pace
and dead eyes loves brains. Oh my god. This explains everything. Ben Carson is a zombie, the illness. We turned to our senior campaign, correspondent, desi lilac, everybody, the what's the mood tonight in Oregon, while trevor As you can imagine, people are devastated their confused frustrated. That's that obviously makes a lot of sense right. There frustrated that the victims never thought of the obvious solution, rushing the gunmen, it was so simple, yet it took a brain surgeon to think of it. The whoa dizzy we're talking about rushing into a barrage of bullets. Would that really work? Tell you what let's look at the alternative,
little hostage situation that took place in los angeles, where the hostages didn't rush the terrorists I don't really think I heard about this. Oh yeah they took over our whole. all skyscraper, so it fell to alone wolf, new york, cop with a wise cracking attitude, no shoes, and we single handedly had to take on those vaguely european terrorists. Does because that guy does only hostages just sat there trevor waiting for someone to get behind them. The safety, because you that's a movie. What been caution is suggesting is a fantasy. Banana, see Ben Carson, the only real list- and this conversation look, he knows. Gun control is off the table, and since we can control the guns, we can at least can the victims reaction to the guys we ve all heard this saying: guns, don't kill people, people shot
I guns you don't rush the guy shooting them killed. I just don't get it. Does you? How can stopping a mess shooting be the victims responsibility? But this is the world we live in? Is you no way when the morning ready to be a human shield, just stay home, ok, but otherwise, you're putting everyone around you at risk of being shot by a bullet that you could. A blot out. I don't know dizzy. Cautions com is just seems so careless right, no hey, hey, don't shoot the messenger. Although that would be your right, so you think been caution was correct them. What now, I think, he's back raising, but at least he's offering solutions, and not just for guns, take tornadoes. We should just rush them with our bodies until they slow down and fall over Ben.
Arson has got solutions for everything can be a problem trevor on or climate change grow gills. Stomach cancer get lung answer. Ok, here's a problem been carson. Now, there's no stopping him unless a big enough group of people all rushed him at once now, I will never work like everyone will be right back. technology is what separates us from the monkeys and to maintain the competitive edge. We have to stay on top of the latest. Kyoto help is one of the danish shows newest members, senior technology correspondence running Everyone beds for decades
You ve been hearing about virtual reality, though immersive computer simulator technology that can help us do incredible. Things like perform surgery from across the country or seduced giant blue cheetah women we'll have to billions of dollars in research and development. Virtual reality is finally ready to show us what it can do. junior at a performance of the los angeles philharmonic orchestra, but not in the audience. Instead, you are in the middle of the action that the experience the ellie phil want to bring to the world with the new virtual reality, YAP yeah, a classical music concert, great
to be bored. Out of my mind from the comfort of my own home, I can't wait until they come up with a virtual reality. Flight delay, simulator, oh cool. What tenth in line for take off? I guess I'll. Just take all this crossword puzzle in this virtual in flight magazine. Oh, someone already filled it out with ten what a virtual deck the command science, this is virtual reality. We can go anywhere about one way you can travel around the world although not all go deep sea, diving and your dad says is proud of you. The possibilities are endless. I'll wait, wait! Ronnie! What did you say about your dad? Unfortunately, trevor the current options for virtual travel a little on woman, tell giant mary is getting on the action using the our technology to show their properties, but take a trip to china where right in front of me talking.
he's got some breadsticks states right in front of me. There's a gentle wind blowing and I know that from the flag above me, tourists come into it in end. Great I've always wanted to go to china. Instead, yeah. Ten seconds I saw the flag, I saw the sidewalk. I saw the great dude of china. The It's like I don't have to go anymore. You know, droning seem pretty presents for me. It looked like you could reach out and touch that guy yeah exactly so some guy. That's my dad why. Why would your dad? ever is not all games, they'll, also practical applications for virtual I would virtual reality has been tried before in football. It has never worked until now. There are limits in college and how much time players can spend on the field. There are no limits to how much time they can spend alone with a virtual reality headsets we did. It
We found another way to exploit college athletes. Now they can take a break from football practice with more football practice. Come on these guys get enough ball already. They should be using. Virtual reality to experience something they'll, never get to see like a paycheck from c w a ronnie I mean it sounds like nothing is good enough for you, man, the I know now. I know how my dad feels about right. What actually that's not completely truth, there is one kind of virtual reality that I think we can all appreciate I'll, give you a hint iran's of corn and you can joke afterwards
That's when you thought the multi billion dollar porn business couldn't get any bigger, enter a virtual reality. You can head over the gentleman's club and you can go on stage to give a pole dance. If you get a lap dance. The girl is right on your lap and she's moving and gyrating. The experiences is remarkably real Finally, this is not logical, all this should be checked out those geometric curves so hard and regular ronnie outermost and why you getting so excited about the graphics. I mean why not just watch real people have sex on video. Well should be great and hopefully will live to see that. Where that technology is possible. You know what trevor I was so inspired by the potential of virtual reality. There, I went out and I made my own programme, one that I think could even be more popular than porn check it out. I know I don't save as much, but I love you son
so proud of you. Let's go stand in china to gather dad, more ensuring everyone will be like that. It's ok, the my guess tonight is a full maker and he has a new documentary for netflix cold winter on fire. Please welcome.
we have guinea avenue of sky? The all I wanted to do was get your name right. That's what I was going for and you do it yeah. I practiced practiced the guinea of nevsky like it's a it's russian yeah, okay. So this is a confusing story for me. From the beginning I mean the documentary is easy to understand, but I want to know a bit about you and how you got into this. So russian born israeli raised american as of now living in l, a yeah. How did you? How did you come to make this film? I mean this is a crazy story about a ninety three day period. Fighting you know the the presidents of ukraine who was oppressing everybody, but how did you get involved in that all the way from l a you know what one of my friends who was involved before in the movies with me? Actually, we did a previous movies. He literally called me from ukraine instead of hate the history company so come down
We need to document this and what crazy, as myself, to the camera and went to ukraine, and that's obvious- that's a horrible friend, my friends call me for good times. I dunno about friends that are like hey come over. Let's listen almost gets shot in a revolution that is taking place. Nobody was expecting the accident to be shot there, because when I went there it was a peaceful demonstration in support of peaceful protest of use, and you know what it was: an amazing festival of people who wanted to be heard who wanted to be caused by by the government and nobody was expecting to be killed. Nobody was expected to be beat them at four o'clock in the morning, so the events started to unfold spontaneous
this was this was such an insane story. I mean the the the president of ukraine. Basically decides. He says to everybody, I'm going to join with the E. U everyone's really happy about this and then behind the nation's back makes a deal with Putin, who's a great guy and people unhappy about this, and they start of the protests, and you are there for this whole process. What was the feeling like when you're standing in this car? Because you were there for this year? It was interesting. It was an extraordinary experience because you just showed that,
about twelve year old kid that if we literally can watch how he was maturing through these ninety three days in the every character who was, there was fascinating, for example, of these kid he's twelve year old, he ran from his home in been there from the beginning to the end till they want to the protesters one and the chief their goals. What one of the things that really fascinated me was the fact that, all through the protests, the protesters always said to the police, you are the people help us. in this fight. It was such a a strange thing to hear them pleading to the police to ask them. You know they didn't see them as a separate entity. They were saying we are ukrainian yorker ukrainian. Why are you beating us? Was that, like a lit overtime thing, I felt like it,
I dunno I felt like that that should apply everywhere in the world. Strangely enough, you know what I I think. What should apply from this movie is the unity, because the unity was fascinating. People from all generations all ages. All social groups, from rich to poor students, saw people who accomplished a lot of things in the lives different faces all were together. These fascinating unity. I haven't seen a lot and these fascinating you to help them to win, and another thing I think, should people take it's that they are the people in their the real power they other people and the use of the people. I mean this. This isn't a disney form, but there were few poor moments where laughed in it. I won't let one When the youth said, we now have a purpose. They like we're not just sitting around basic playing video games, doing nothing. A revolution has given us purpose, and I thought to myself: is that what we need in the wolf we use everywhere to get it
wolden politics is revolutions. Is that what happens waiting for? I dont think that means revolutions, but you know what but was fascinating. Actually, you said that you were kind of funny. Looking these end, its walls are also human and the human side of them. We gotta concept. Every night you probably saw how the goebbels, blue and yellow between the protesters and they bear could the police gets all. It was amazing to see this human spirit and even when the government basically made, then you laws prohibiting them to wear the gear, prohibited them too, where all these yes, you're hoping that they made it illegal geologist erect. So what they did, they were masks the basically body the cooking parts on their head, so each other fashioned choice.
noticed. Some people would like I'm went away cooking pots and go up against the police or the wasn't insane situation you in it, though, that's what fascinates me you were there and you are forming the police. If you try form the police in most countries they come to, the person is forming, and yet they just let you do that. Nobody stop and say what are you forming? You know what a it's me. It's amazing, twenty aids, film makers who were around me local film makers, who each of them wanted to contribute their stories when they call that I'm doing this movie. They all came to me and said: hey here's, my story. I wants to show its he's been terrible, so it's amazing professionals and non professional school. Where the same time I do where was having a badge of the local press, so it's kind of was protecting, but again nobody was protected from the bullets. Nobody was protected from their freezing the. Where that nobody was protecting protected sort of my youngest. Nobody must protect. My english is worse. Trust me
yeah, but nobody wants to take this. I love that. You say that that's a that's a thing of valid lesson to learn. Badges will not protect you from bullets, even if red cross protected no badges, no badgers. Thank you. So much for coming Wait: you're, beautiful, beautiful the friday on netflix really really should see. This will also open theatrically in new york and and a huge guinea up in the sky. Everybody the show stay tuned for the nightly show now here it is your moment of zen I new ethics to bay, growing overseas, some researchers in the uk or warning against the rise of robots, but not just any robots. Robots
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-10.