« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

Back in Black - Primary Candidates Go to Extremes


Lewis Black looks at West Virginia Senate candidate Don Blankenship's attacks on Mitch McConnell and Cynthia Nixon's progressive campaign against New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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when a new course through the cracks, our very own Louis Black catches for a segment. We call back in black before the mid term elections come the primaries. We're Republicans and Democrats try to win their parties nomination by acting the most extreme. It's like the axe games only with more brain damage trying to win over either parties. Hard core base brings out the worst in people on the right Republicans who want seeing frumpy are doing everything short of irish rife in the workers. Have repeated proudly stand with our president, my pants to drain the swamp? We don't need to investigate our president. We need to rest Tilbury. I may hard core part burying Tennessee, conservative and politically incorrect and proud of it. And yes,
stand when I hear STAR Spangled Banner everyone should stand for that matter to rely on them. For God's sake, it's two minutes of war games on what I've gotta go to the bathroom and with my brother state sing it twice and the primary way, because you get to see the candidates who are willing to tell it like it is worth Virginia Republic consented candidate, Don Blankenship going after majority leader Mitch, Mcconnell defending it add in which he referred to Mcconnell. This way with you one job, born neighbourhood. For me, one of my goes as US senator will be to ditch cocaine Mitch when you vote. For me, your voting for the sake of the kids,
It's for the sake of a kid. I believe him because I'd rather have a guy like that in offers them within five hundred feet a plague, but he really trying to say Mitch: Connell's uncle aim our Mitch Mcconnell. That's true, someone's cutting midges blow with Ambien, but primary frights work. There's stupid magic on both sides in here in New York, democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo, made his name is a moderate, is being challenged by actress and Progressive Cynthia Nixon I couldn't be happier about our tendency- and I know you're all expecting me to make a sex in this city joke like saying I'm such a Miranda, but they show ended fourteen years ago, said get over it,
paying such Charlotte. Poles have Nixon, trailing Cuomo Lisbon swerving left faster than an empty, a bus driver, a bath Perform on peace following Nixon's entrance by checking off a left wing wishlist Governor Cuomo, issued an executive order. Yesterday that will get prison. Parolee is the right to vote. There is a major push in New York to legalise marijuana. Cynthia Nixon came out in favour of legalization, and now even Governor Cuomo is considering it what if I was introduced, legislation that would ban disposable plastic shopping bags or a New York state while he was making the ban the bag announcement, whose democratic opponents opium Nixon was leading a rally with environmental activists, no more plastic bags in New York. Finally, everybody's dog shit will be able to breathe the public garbage good God and can
like the smell of Kurds roasting in July. You don't belong in this city, but of adding celebrities in the race means politicians taking stronger positions. I am all for it worst case scenario. The celeb becomes president, it can't be a nightmare for its already a reality, and these are just the primaries. If I'm gonna have the energy to endure the next six months, I'm gonna need all of Mitch. Mcconnell stash. I don't do it. But it's for the sake of the kids Trevor.
The daily show me forever. No ears addition. What's the daily show, we nights eleven, ten central dummy several and the company, several watchful episodes. Videos are daily show. Doktor was on Facebook, Twitter and its Graham exclusive count in hand. This has been a comedy central podcast.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-15.