« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

America's Water Infrastructure Is Collapsing | Yvonne Orji


Trevor examines America's crumbling water infrastructure, Michael Kosta and Roy Wood Jr. cover summer sports news, and comedian Yvonne Orji discusses "Bamboozled by Jesus" and "Insecure."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Lebron James is switching his jersey number from twenty three back to number six starting next season, and everybody is breaking out about this, because if you ask me, man shouldn't even Hamleys players wearing numbers on their journey anymore, but their name right there, and especially in the brain you, don't think the rivers of all looking over Adam, like who's, the guy who looks exactly like Leubronn, always number six Tennyson abroad, The brunt doesn't need a number anymore. He saw big at this point that if anything, number six should be wearing him, not to mention the numbers, the least interesting thing about Jersey than you can change people. This is big news. This is big. You'll call me when the broad changes nature Gary Commune Bron changes these Lakers Jersey to next year's. You call me when the next change their names from a bronze and Gary who used to be the bronze doors that team or the brunt just call me. Mandates hang out anyway, on some show a year. Look scandal almost as bad as your senior photo? How you are paying for Jeff basis is child support.
and why America badly needs to lay some pipe. So let's do this? People welcome the danish social distancing show from troubles couch in New York City to York out somewhere in the world. This is the daily didn't ensure withdrawal ears. Let's kick things off with insects, Amiens that you can kill with us. it has been about a month since the brood ten cicada swung emerged in the Eastern United States, and it turns out their charm is quickly wearing off ass. A kid
is being blamed for causing in Ohio car accident. Cincinnati police say that one of the insects flew through an open car window Monday, hitting the driver in the face a car drove off the road and then crash into a utility pole. Cicadas grounding the White House Press corps flight. Is they attempted to fly to Europe for President Biden? First, foreign trip, the pesky insects. Apparently the blame for mechanical issues on the place before boarding air force, one. and had a swat away, a pretty big cicada that landed his neck became one. Oh shit. A second God, Joe Biden, man, I'm not I insist, but I'm pretty sure that that means your button is now going to turn into a cicada. My problematic The state of the union is and for people living in areas where these cicadas have taken over there Sickly warning your life when you walk out your door
There are we alone you drive to work their running. Your calls, the road you stumble, and therein ban with your spouse, colonel Honey are cicada pay someone chain moving on now to some personal finance news, if you hate paying taxes. First of all, congratulations on being basic and also congratulations on being a billionaire. A bomb shovel poor by pro public are reveals just how little the wealthiest Americans have been paying in taxes, Republika tat more than fifteen years have never before seen IRS information about. Twenty five richest Americans and found that sometimes they paid little or no federal income taxes in twenty eighteen, for example, Propublica found Elon Musk paid no federal income tax, neither did Jeff Bezos in two thousand and seven or two thousand and eleven the same year. He claimed one slash four: dollar child tax, credit and renowned investor. Warren Buffett
why did the most tax of any of the billionaires pro publicly looked at according to the report, as she king, as it is nothing that they did is illegal. Everything that they did is in keeping with our tax and the basic reason is. We tax income, not wealth, rich people, often grow their fortunes through stocks, real estate or companies, so they don't have to pay taxes until they sell and they can offset their income in other ways too, meaning its legal to be worth a lot and pay a little We it's gone be a billion there I mean imagine being so rich, then you can afford accountants who make you knock poor, think about a different. so good and hiding his whether that he qualified for a child tax credit. This new booth, his own robin to take him
space and the? U S. Government is like hey brother, here's something for the kids until you can get back on your feet, her termed Jeff, and yet this is something that everyone already suspected, but it's still shocking. To see. Proof right in front of you is the difference between knowing how hot dogs are made and watching them put the poppies in the machines, that's crazy. Well then, what was I eating? the thing is much like wearing Congo, showed to the pride parades. These tax loopholes are both messed up and completely legal. So if you want to change the system, then you need to take action and right to Congress person. Then you'll Congress person can hold your life on one hand and the campaign checked from the billion there in the other hand, and decide which one they want to wipe the ash with and finally it's almost the end of the school year in most of America. Seniors trying
They could happen, gowns getting formal face, mosques for their socially distance problems and forming new lifelong relationships with their student loans, but some Florida students who expect to get their senior yearbooks this week will have to wait just a little longer a cell phone, a high school, now facing questions today after and stop selling yearbooks with pages dedicated to the black lives matter. Movement students at the West, Brower High School added a two page feature on how the school responded to the movement, but after parents complained the school stop selling it sees your land here is reportedly complain and every night any opposing views, though, that complains that the yearbook should have mentioned something more like blue lives matter or all lives matter. People people come down. It's silly to get this angry over two pages in a book that you're just gonna, throw in the attic for forty years
and then only we're out to prove your granddaughter. You will once hot and, as far as I know, abortion don't usually have opposing views. This, not least likely to succeed. You don't see it pays us as congratulations Poetry club on a great year, and then the next page that says ancient porridge and club expression, someone and now to form would get the matter here. Oh and by the way, is endemic how people always tell on themselves because the opposing views, black lives matter is not blue lives matter all lives matter, its black lives, don't matter, and if you want see that opinion represents needle meeting your book just look at history book, but let's move on now to our main story for weeks now President Biden has been negotiating with the publicans over a giant bill to fix America's aging infrastructure and the truth
eyes, are having trouble coming to an agreement, mostly because Biden wants to pay for the bill by raising taxes on corporations and the Super rich and Republicans want to pay for it by selling It gets to Trump surprise reinvigoration in August, and hopefully they can figure things out soon. Because there's one particular part of America's infrastructure. That's truly garbage right now and I'm talking about America's water system. The question is: why is it that bad well, let's find out in another addition of. If you dont know now, you water, it's like pencils, favorite soup, which has one of the essentials for human survival along with food
air and the new levy, a Rodrigo album which just cause she gets the ocean, but as important as it is in America. The infrastructure that transport the water is break. Down faster than mean listening to the only very rude regal album. It's an issue. It's tough to see literally water problems. Often they go unnoticed until it's too late, but it's a problem. That's getting worse across the country with aging infrastructure, the nations water infrastructure system gets a greater d by the european society of civil engineers thousand
the dams, and levies are on the brink of failure. Our water and restructure all over the country is literally hitting a breaking point everywhere. At the last time there was a major re hall of water infrastructure. Creating these new pipes and systems was about. Nineteen. Forty five brochure and water systems were living systems were actually from a built in the by Teach century in at least five hundred and forty five municipalities across the country. There are cast iron pipes that are now more than one hundred years old. The aging infrastructure has led to a point where a water main breaks somewhere in this country, every two minutes- god damn people, a pipe, is bursting every two minutes if nor oppression, it would have to win depends. America's water pipes are so bad that they gonna d from the infrastructure experts and keep in mind a pact that gets an f is just a puddle of water and is not surprising that these parts of falling apart because some of the
have been around since the nineteenth century. Show. Not only are they failing but there are also probably a little racist. I mean I get on the bus. Side, though this is definitely keeping America's enemies from invading Korea is probably looking at America like the loudest nice, but the plumbing as a disaster. I mean it s, just not the gun renovation. I dont know guys and look people less you live in the real world. You probably don't spend a lot of time thinking about pipes, but you should because, when the pipes that carry America's water become old and busted the, if, facts can be pretty drastic or aging water infrastructure systems are making clean, safe drinking water unreliable in many parts of this country, the national resources, defence counsel, estimate thirty million Americans drink community water that contains lead and five. Half million get water that exceeds the EPA maximum levels go ease, in places like North Carolina Waters,
contaminated by CALL Ash Go West, its nitrates from fertilizers solely a blue water. We let our water systems with a laugh about to the point of collapse in third world countries. Our wastewater systems are crumbling. People are living with sewage, water and sewage in their streets in their backyard. The city airport Lauderdale rushing to clean up more than two hundred million gallons of toxic sewage flooding the streets. Being into houses and spirit The waterways rivers of raw sewage flowing down streets in Ventnor eternally growth, its things real baby. I can't move my car, I'm not put my car and there that is Lake, if I ever saw one while poor guy, what bad deal to live next to a shit lake. If I was in my trying that house a sap nazarite, I'm selling some lakefront property o cool,
what Lake man it's a lake. Do you want it or not? And should lakes aside, you see that most blue water on care where you live taking above, should never turn into surprise gender reveal and by the way can America please stop comparing all of its failures to the third world, because every time is an infrastructure problem or an insurrection. Americans like this is just like a third world country is a third world country, guys not cool. I could hear Africans comparing their school shootings to America. They don't do it you know why, because african doesn't have school shootings yeah, all our children are soldiers. So how did America's water system end up this way in the first place? Will basically a lot of people in the past cited that rather than fixing a bunch of little problems back, then it will be easier to wait for them to become big problems and then,
them to US infrastructures, not particularly sexy it out, something that seems easy to be to kick from one year to the next and suddenly look up and has been thirty years. According to the american society of civil engineers, the federal government spending on water infrastructure has dropped from sixty three percent Nineteen, seventy seven to nine percent in two thousand. Seventy repairing, improving, maintaining the nations water systems requires big money. The American Waterworks Association estimates it will take trillion dollars per day water alone, as costs to fix the systems continue to rise. Investment in water infrastructure has increasingly fallen to state and local governments over the past few decades. The problem is that cities are burned by debt and don't have the money to fix pipe. No walkie has a programme to split the cost of replacing lead pipes with homeowners, but so far only one percent has been done. The city is trying to replace seventy thousand lives.
Ladder roles and at a pace had about a thousand a year. It would take seventy years. Are you gotta be kidding me? Seventy years seventy years we won't even need pipes we just have evolved water through enough tease or something don't actually understand what they are becoming like when you now on the only other time you hear something's gonna, take seventy years to fix, is when you on the phone, with your cable many yeah. We can get a guide to come check out your router in twenty. Ninety one does anything: between eleven pm and three p m work. For you want I'll, be then. Why, then, do you want? employment or not sure, ok, I'll, take it ain't as crazy as this is, I think, why politicians never want to spend money on pipes because its expensive and it's boring, I mean think about it. If you open a new stadium, you get to hold
press conference. There you know with a big ribbon, cutting its flashy, but how are you supposed to celebrate a new sewage pipe? What you invite the press to what you take a huge dump and city Hall concession on bad idea, but the reason this has gotten so bad and so expensive is because they waited so long to fix it. You see people you have to address problems when they come up or they just get worse, and that goes for everything. Infrastructure relationships help Even I probably should I probably should out before, checked out before grew into its own person- AL expand buddy. You can probably another ten years. You know what you're right more love this guy, The water situation is pretty poor across the entire United States. There's one for people in the: U S who are getting the shortest dirtiest most led covered end of the stick, and you can probably guess who it is rights who
HU. There is a close correlation between race and economics and whether or not you have clean water and a United States of America knew it is largely poor, mostly blackened hispanic city and its levels are among the highest in the. U S for large water system is somehow this year tested four times the federal limit. Much Mississippi's largest city is beginning its fourth week without safe drinking water coming out of phosphates Jackson, residents about eighty percent of whom are black, remain under a system wide ordered to boil water. For the past eight here Keystone, West Region has been under a boil water advice. I e it so common. It doesn't even make headlines anymore. You can run the water sometime and its bright
as brown desire good Lord, the water is brown as I am, and when people are asking for more black representation, they weren't talking about the water supply and all that- and this is extremely messed up- that so many black people in America dont have access to. Clean drinking water, I mean, I know reparations might not happen any time soon, but maybe America can start with a merciful to I will say, though its impressive even with the shooting water supply, black still don't crack now imagine how good black people would look with proper hydrogen who we so there you have. It amounts want to systems are on the verge of collapse and the country needs to start fixing them. Now. This isn't a problem there we kept down the road anymore. People especially that road is buried six feet under shit Lake and, if you don't know now, you know, or we come back. Why would junior and Michael cost a go head to head on all the major sports news? Don't go away.
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what's up sports fans he's Roy were Junior Michael caused a Roy its summer, and you know a damning ass. Gaster, you're, drunk all white gloves, yes, and it also means that sports are hidden. Yes, they are baseball's full swing hockey play are under way Nicholson, one the masters, despite being so all that technically he died, several years ago, its impressive but all eyes, Roy around Tennis and the superstar missing from the french open.
After boycotting a press conference in revealing her battle with depression, ten, a star Naomi Osaka, is out of the French opened by choice before the tournament even begin she had announced on social media. She would opt out of press during the French Open, saying, she's not going to subject herself to people that doubt her. Then Sunday, Osaka Scepter, Postmaster NEWS conference and was slap with fifteen thousand dollar fine and a warning. She announced on Twitter Monday, best thing for the tournament, the other players and our own well being would be if she withdraws altogether, Naomi Osaka s by girl Caspian that only the she put her mental health verse and showed the world that act. We struggle with depression to she. Also embarrassed. French people serve them right for french consulate. I know you're just saying that, because you got kicked out of mind school Roy, they weren't ready for, talking. My boss, yet still doesn't work,
I think the french Open had a point here, why you can't let some players get out of their obligations in force other players to do it? If you lead tennis player skip out of the match. Press conference, mixing and other be skipping out serve the ball or lobbying, then the whole sport is just to people. Staring at each other and grunting loudly we're not talking about the game. We're talking about the Post Match press conference who cares about the ship? Athletes have never say anything interesting after the game. Laws because did school of point. There's never been an interview where athlete good luck. Well, I know Jeffrey killed tuna and after the next matched to find out more. That is a fair point, so I want to give it to you, but let's but from the tennis octagon did the boxing diamond, my god. You order Well that- and I never learn shapes The point is over the weekend we saw one of the weirdest boxing matches in recent history
it- wasn't a knock out. Many boxing exports predicted as Youtube celebrity Logan Paul when the eight round distance, with former moulting time World Champion Floyd, may whether the two square it off last night in Miami the forest. They commission didn't sanction the fight because of the size and skill level. Disparities may, whether made at least ten million bucks just for participating, and then he got. Fifty percent of the paper view buys he get as much as a hundred million dollars prolong. Poverty, and this was a real fight. Castor. There was a retire reverses. The Yukon celebrity. This wasn't a boxing match. It was a boxing match, you stand silent language Roy and I don't get your point. May It didn't follow your beloved Marquis. They saw rules, but two men punch each other in the face is a fight to the Florida state. Boxing
commission, didn't even sanction this by the state or forward thinks you're fighters legit. You know something's up less wrap this up with some basketball the NBA play also heed not cast that's the jazz looking good the nets are dominating in the next or back to their natural state of not being in the play off. But the big story here Lebron James and the reigning Champs work kicked out faster than me in its report way. They aren't kitten about that. Time, Banting Roy gotTA respected this really such would release now. He's freedom If a team was they only Olympics this summer. Count on a Roy and a press conference after that, Le Braun was asked about his plans for the summer. Well, you play for ten years. Say in the Olympics play for the tombs Workers Somerset Nothing think that some of those muffled is on launching
be the goose why Mallette angle rest about a month and then in the bureau. But what would our mola task? Grannie birds and arrested a crook come on the bridge I don't know, was worth bill and only Olympics to promote someone. We are giving Grannie a shot out in a press conference. Nobody cares about Grannie or you grant name out of your mouth? Why have you seen my back to its massive grew me tramp stamp and who of the Brons not peering at the Olympics. Nobody, the Olympics, to watch basketball. You want to see the West Popular sports. You know running, jumping running an jumping jumping into the water whores until running in water. My point is olympic basketball is more important than movie basketball. I don't want to watch Leubronn Dunkel, some two dimensional carton. I wanna watch the brunt of some italian player who didn't even come to his nipples. This just proves my, what a why we need post game press conferences, Roy
then we will know that Lebron James wants everyone to come see his movie, that's valuable information, unbelievable backing Trevor lastly seriously, though no shakes its corbians- shape, Blind Roy look at what stage which will take us a purple, that's purple. I know that Roy you still there When you so much that guy's or I, when we come back, the talented and hilarious Yvonne orgy will be joining the show to tell me how she was tricked by God. You d want to miss it. The following message comes from the daily show: sponsor HP committed to the fight against climate change, too
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welcome to the daily social distancing show it is my complete leisure. There are so many things I want to talk to you about today, but I'm gonna try put them when I put them together. We ve got a book to talk about. I want, I told you a little bit about can secure. I want to talk to you about your stand up, but first things first actually want to talk about dance like a Nigerian. This is a new and neutral and then I ll show you start on Tiktok and I want to know I want. One of the fundamental to dancing like a nigerian or, as you saw him to take that video You gonna have the mean mug. If you don't have the daily these days, that looked like the last night is now well done that in the end you haven't you gonna do an immediate, and then you had a shoulders. They had a better life. You know, that's why you saw how the driver- ok, ok, ok, out,
could I just wondering are like us? Is it the face, as I think the faces important at the hands of important? The hips are doing the thing you literally when I started Is this the thing and then the more students are like is this? Is this? Am I doing the right thing? Can you feel how you feel it? becoming nigerian and you need to draw up a gear, I'd. That's why I quit. I realize my knees one strong enough to carry on, and so I stopped the wash their South Africa it. What does it look like? oh, no, that one we can do that on tv, though that one is like me. I know that, but let's talk about the book, Yvonne, You know. A lot of people know you from insecure. A lot of people know you from your stand up hilarious, hilarious, hilarious stand up, but now I'm excited for people to learn about you. As an author with your new book, which
One, the greatest titles I'm ever seen them booze old by Jesus. Yes, please tell me why you chose that title VIII. You know what I was thinking about, like my life and how God has taken me from the nigerian standard of medical school, or engineering to the nigerian anomaly, a comedian. I think that the well then, though, I did look with it, that's why we will be able like a big, even babble, there's mathematics, bidding Bamboozle run amok. Let us straight on, like your bad, how can I got me? I didn't have a background in car- maybe they do comedy away you don't know me, you don't know my life and I was like well. Maybe you do and then to get to the others
they were now. I'm were any nobody inaccurate thought, a comedy so and then I ever so yeah. I think a bit, though, when I thought about it. I don't like them both by the EU budget for the church people. Then we get mad at me. I too have a third time how that trick me the lack of my dreams Who has been proud to talk about your religion and how it affects your life and where you trying to go in the world and like you and me, Those memories are only thanks. God, when you want an award, you know and- and and I found really fascinating about it, is, as is like men like One is really really really religious, but she's for really really really coup, which is not something that people always attached to religion was religions so important in your life. So for me I'll think splendid. They are actually more like. Late garden. I like we call we give you, you got a minute.
as you know, like a he knows, we made an offer me unable to have a relationship where he is like my best friend and like with most desperately relies on the latter. Still ISA Molly there cool they can get there be any further as long that supplementary or the fact that we are the people. Do this I'll? Let you would not have any method me right now is nothing is working out both so that I talk about that in the book. The hype and haven't he'll relationship. That is fine and you can learn by breaking into every aspect of your life without having to you. You ve done that seamlessly my opinion. You know, I mean the book is fantastic, even like the first line. Just listen, you open a book and using them If I paraphrase it, as you say, I was, born holding Mama What are you doing? In my hand, I mean already is just like we in we're off to the races and you you know
infuse religion. You talk about your life, you? U infuse nigerian family stores, all of all of it is amazing and- and- and I loved it because it gave me an insight into how you live your world. You know what insecurity has done for you. What is the future for on- because I mean you doing so many things- and I know you gonna be developing, shows what are you excited to do next? I warn you know, you're, hitting me in a very nostalgic moment right now. Tomorrow is my actual last day filming and secure forever and ever so it is the yeah I'm preparing my my eyes up for all the tears that will flow. But it's been an amazing ride. Issa RAE is a gem of a human being it. I owe so much to her and what's next you know, I'm doing this show that's going to be Greece by David, yellow on applying occur, Stan and it's gonna be out about the integral experience you know living the world with a stool,
but not in the way we're alive. Immigration are like. We denounce. The place became Romans right now. The legal lugging lemon juice lab at it, but let your luggage Iranian America, Latin, that's a great things by the burka, but when we hold for second, we ve lost Yvonne o ye. See me no! No, we can see what we can do here. You are well, ok, So why did you switch cameras on me? I don't know what's going on with the first one, so here we are like you all business part of me in a show in a pandemic that I'm I'm going to miss, and then there are many points that I won't, but I now fascinated by way you are like what is that chair? This isn't it. I get all
doktor driver. Can I love you so I bought this like usage, green crash velvet situation. I let's creator like a thing for backdrop of my book, cover as as as you as you prepare to say goodbye to insecure. You know. A lot of people are gonna, be said, because the told stories in in a style that so few of us have seen before allow black women's me black women unapologetically and every shape and form that they beautifully exist in I'd love to know what you are going to miss most about insecure. Like always, change. Your life is a personal, but I'm saying, as a show and as a story, what are you gonna miss most China is very rare that you get the Black Sea This work on a show that is literally created for you by those who look like you and are supported in these last couple of days me.
J Isa. We we were looking major like that, can clearly be people. Why doesn't happen in life? Naturally, you knew when you first by the first meal is noble. You can go back see we're your light. Now. Where's, the slice yellowtail we palette was heightened. Ellie came up and no came out to get high and with good people end with a phenomenal home and HBO, so we're all kinds of anything like a man only that others that I do not believe we ever had this again and I think our me that's a special day. They had the combined with a had, like the friendship thummim. If everything is, I can't take one thing out because they are all part of the equation. Out of our time,. You shall Dr Robert I'm trying to keep alive again. Try to keep alive. We keep lights. We saved the tears for your last day on forming and weaker. We can't wait to see what the next he's gonna be like. Congratulations on the new book. Congratulations on
on the television show you developing with Disney plus congratulations on insecure. We thank you that's. Why should I want to see you They had a dance like an enduring all this. We know you know I got this. Are you know is common to say you? Don't you don't think he's come in his comments? Don't worry about me if one is common Sandra, bye, bye. Why don't we get people Yvonne's memoir bamboozled by Jesus is available right now we will take a quick break. All we write back after this sponsorship for the deal issue comes to you from Norton three sixty lifelike. It feels like everything we do. Online comes with some risk. Buying a parent ox online sounds simple enough, but then the online store wants as much personal information from you as possible. What does your credit score? I color blood
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Transcript generated on 2021-08-09.