« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

2020 in Review


From an overabundance of streaming services to an explosive rise in horniness, The Daily Show correspondents examine the defining aspects of a chaotic and unforgettable year.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You listening to Carmody Central this punk cast his brother. You by free guy, storing Ryan, Reynolds and Jody Comber, now playing only in theatres, free guy tells the story, we guy a bank teller who discovers he is a background player in an open world video game. Now, no longer content with being, back on player. Guy is determined to write his own story, save his virtual world and become hero of the game, get your tickets now see this action packed adventure on the big screen see free guys, during Ryan, Reynolds and Jody Comber, now playing only in theatres What's up everybody, its Roy would junior twenty twenty was a huge year for streaming, which is tat. I say in nineteen o three was a huge year for aeroplanes that no real airplanes. Before the end of this year. All all the stream and sites came out left and right, like most
all have in common with the pandemic. Just stream, my ass off in my house had from their own administration on my phone streaming metabolites streaming online tv, I even than stream in Alma Palatine by technically, is not a pellet, But if I pay that I take the handlebars of a bike, I stole same difference anyway, now there's plenty of stuff to watch and plenty of places to watch it. First, let's start at the classics: Netflix, the oh gee, the game networks been since dvds. Ya'll remember all school networks, they would say. DVD to your house and you'd go get it and open up the mailbox, INDIGO war boy. Your day by day the play station to stand and watch Maintop HBO yeoman you gotta, give it up. Hbo, HBO, mats quality shows you got black women figured out their lives. You got whitewash figured out how to kill husband. We will love when they tropical what was said not the husband for Bottom line is Nicole Kidman. Looking at your last, but I'll smiling you in trouble.
But this year we also had a ton of new streaming services, which have also been honest, I'm alone. species of all these companies drop in during this saying year. We had a pandemic me you and had nothing to commoner is like Walls around me board means like ok as soon as March hits hit the foggy button and start so we did stream and services like Webby quivering, promise to revolutionize the game quitting which stood for a quick bites, and it was quick and bitter thus a moment of silence and of course they see the us all. Access where you can watch start tried what a black woman in charge in Tibet to watch what you to handle, we gotta animated version is more popular to amend it. plus. This is one of my favorite new stream inside, because if you d like to show my apple plus student, is got that apostolic complained that the genius bar yes, at this show from Apple Plaza, steep real, but he said,
Somehow I like Muskie corral, can you get him back to anchor man status? Also, my ipod shuffle broke, but all although these stream in services gave us amazing content to watch this year. Remember when taking game out, people lost their Burma this, how crazy people were. We were only a month into quarantine when tagging drop in everybody would like earth yes methods doing, Annabelle abuse give me more. What's that a bit awful we will all. What's that she's. beyond dared to put the stars after maybe gilan alone, give me more another hit show from twenty twenty was the queen's game. They won't be done, be honest, queens game. It didn't really do it for me, I'm supposed to be impressed because this way, we'd. All these professional just play. If that's cool machine a black dude in the Park and New York, you got me if real queen gambit, then the
Is that what you know what I'm talking about their black new set of Washington's whip of wood, chessboard, Ma Amselle Lonely, because nobody plan whose people scale, the huge show from twenty twenty, the last dance, all my god. Finally, a documentary to prove good. Michael Jordan is a basketball. It also showed that Michael Jordan is the Michael Jordan blackened on an ipad he's the scarlet Pimpernel, where an oversight suits and the bill Whittington have had his liquor own camp because such ranger really got? Had she, somebody told me the great british bacon showed was good. I try to watch episodes, but it was just people bacon. Nobody was cousin. Nobody was five. Nobody was Baghdad and their wishes, in polite teach others bacon bread. A sad reality showed us, my Grandma House, Disney Plus, Hamilton so I started watching him, but then I was watching Hamilton on TV and I didn't get the real full lab experience like a word on Broadway floods
two nine hundred dollars. I wonder when the movie and slackened nobody felt like streaming a double edged sword for Hollywood, the wicked and some used to watch and good content in our homes. Will we really be ready to go back to theatres when the pandemics? Over I mean I can watch blood busters like tenant. Wonder woman in my house the same data come out. I can set my apartment to make it just like a movie theater. I can pops pup, corn. I can sit close to the screen. I can have a kid sitting behind me that won't stop talking and spill soda all over your carpet, ensuring that you don't get just a journey deposit back. Less than a year and streamline and play for love of God. Stop saying I looked like the do from the movie, so it's not me. It's disrespectful and its heart the left them music. It's like podcast, but with beats, and in the year to
twenty when the world was ravaged by deadly virus. Music was a place of comfort, but that doesn't mean music wasn't affected tours were cancelled, based player, were forced to wash their hands for the first time. Even music biggest award shows were forced to have virtual performances. Ben members had to play six feet apart. Lady Gaga was forced to perform as the character dot from a bugs life. We stand on gay icon, but corona virus wasn't the only thing tearing America part in twenty twenty America? real racial reckoning and music artist use their platform, to call for change and post little black squares on Instagram, but one bend in particular goddaughter awoke
recently country band lady enter Bellum, changing its name to lady a enough in a legal dispute with a black, so artist Anita. Why? I felt this known for decades before they were born and I've been building it now independent artists, we grind every day to do what we do and black folks indigenous people of color of this land we grind even harder, while ok, that is so messed up. First of all, like people living here, into each I'd sooner black ladys name, second of all, if you're goin actually change your name change. Or name. Don't you abbreviate. The problematic part like, for example, my name used to be TIM Plantation, but change the bad word, and now is Djibouti, plantation but many musicians did properly honour the struggle against police brutality. Artist, marched in the streets, black lives,
are hosted benefit concerts to raise money. But if you ask me the thing that was the greatest support for black lives this year. Was this again in honour of joy Floyd, and I really hope we can see more unity and all peace so shall, of course you can talk about twenty twenty without referencing smash hit wipe by party be featuring Megan stallion. Now I kick it. The recipe that because in basic cable, but I was able to get through studio, unrecorded version of my own that gets the vine growing. This blouse there's a growing. This blouse you're amazing
as pussy we hang. I love that, so I never I mean never. Have I ever been so excited to see how kids about covers a song. So much has happened, wait, ok. What else would also allow us what else beyond the odds, are released a visual out. It was also a music star baby, which means that we're like twenty years after the really good and tell us when for Taylor, Swift, breaking records with her surprise, new, album folk lore, the pop star selling over one point, three million albums and just twenty four hours. Yes tell us with one folk which is not as crazy people and make it out to me. She started out as a country singer, folk singers are just country singers that a vintage clothing. Now what would have been crazy if Taylor ran as Conyers BP anyway, folk lore was one of the biggest problems of twenty twenty and its lead single cardigan
was streamed over seven million times on its day of release? Let's take a lesson: gotta one as woozy get me a guard again borders when its policy. We also go further, but it is a glass but musicians this year didn't just give us comfort in times of need some of them. Literally hope: save life people on social media notice, Dolly Harkin, was listed as one of the sponsors of Madeira as New corona virus vaccine. In a preliminary report ardently announced in April, you may remember that she was giving a million dollars to Vanderbilt University in Nashville for covert research. Well, some of that money went to an early stage trial of the Medina vaccine. Yes, Dolly apartment in
when did the corona virus vaccine, which is a crazy plot? Was that would be like if doktor found she dropped the album and slapped? You know what to be honest, though I would trust a dull, important vaccine over it, without you vaccine, because Dolly Barton has been a gay icon for decades, Thoud she's gonna new on the scene until he someone's into over their paws, drag resolve. It has a lot of work to do. Ok, so even Twenty twenty was dumpster fire of the year. I was so entertained by music and I'm very excited, with twenty twenty one has in store. Will Brittany finally be? we will react to release an album or just give us another line of things that we don't really need anti monopoly and will weaken admit that he is actually just my boss Trevor. I'm excited to find out now so the woman who helped to cure Dolly Parton, Dolly Pardon playing her nineteen, seventy fourth, it Jolly Jolie
Joe. I will see you, whereas we see a dleam year where people are dependent on technology. More than ever I mean I would have made a living through the pandemic in nineteen eighteen voice. Do back their war, quarantining, red groves, this is a gramophone music sought to back there. it was all guys and weird voicing behind us, really loves apples or whatever the biggest tech products this year by a mile was zoo. If it took up endemic to get rid of Skype. Then say what Skype was great. If your goal was to not have a meeting and some people complain and zoom charges you for longer sessions, but you know why I say: thank God. The only thing gave me through a call. My family is knowing that there's a forty five minutes escape hatch. I mean I pay up
remember even shorter sessions is their fight. The plans because, if so shut up and take my money, but why wages bring a zoo? He also brought zoom terrorism zoo. so many of us are using it to stay in touch, but now some are having major issues as zoo meetings are getting hijacked in a new trend called zoom bombing zoo, bombings range from pranks to pornography that even happened during a streaming news conference in which pornography pop on the screen. Is health authorities and Elect officials discuss the pandemic nutrition? just see my people were checking in and then very quickly. It evolved into a lot of pornographic images being dumped as scream screenshots. Now, of course, zoom meetings got hit with dick pigs. Is new wanting all Jesus another way to send, did picks media local and you can see the did. Neil Armstrong drew on the moon
once more date for man, one giant dick. We all have to see at night inspiring, twenty also left twenty, also more free time than ever, to improve ourselves like living a new language, all baking own bread, but thankfully, video games? Were there to save us from all that? Crap intend those our big boost and sales is more. People need to be entertained at home because of the Pandemic Animal crossing new horizons. Twenty six million copies have been sold. This wildly popular game. Yes, twenty gave us the video game. Animal crossing, which thus created having a little world while the real world was going to shit, although we all making the same mistakes enamel crossing that we did in real life. You started free and happier and island, but through echo, is convince you to become a land developer. One thing
is, to another less say my residence one not happy. While I'd be peace off racking on my I'm sorry guys, Daddy's guy get those turn it somehow so our technology dialogue way things what twenty twenty, just like everything else. This year, a God politicized we ve got breaking news this morning. The Trump administration announcing it will block downloads of chinese owned, apps Tiktok, and we chat starting Sunday yeah president from try to ban Tik Tok, and you know what I'm with tromp on this one. It's a horrible app The talk is more responsible for convincing white people. They can dance than the dj, throwing on Colonise Joe, why people This would be a shame to dance and other I think that job will want, but if tromp was smart, wouldn't ban Tik Tok he just get on Tik Tok, it's a perfect show these, how he then this may
you want to follow the advice of injecting bleach but into my eyes, but take up. He's got a last laughing twenty twenty, because what tromp was trying to then Tik, Tok, twitter and Facebook we're trying to ban Troms bullshit Facebook has taken Sean against what it calls harmful misinformation from President Tromp accompanied deleted opposed by the president that included a false statement about children, and the virus and twitter hit present Donald Trump with a warning label on one of his tweets about vote by male saying the post violated the company's rules around elections. I'm glad if I may go around a fag checking, troms new lies, but don't spend critical staring up there at present, After five years of the ship s eye cleaning, you of the rock when he's ninety years old, that's winning a fight its older abuse. hey, I'm just saying social media company shoving backtracking trouble earlier. He spread so much imaging false information over the years Bomb, a secret muslin born in Kenya to claiming narrow street is overrated. She
is the waiters living actress, and I know all about good, acted. Ok after my quickly, performance increase, radiations, shut up, Twitter but then people say the greatest TAT news this year is that we have several vaccines and in development. Actually seemed a work. Of course We all know the people who need to get a vaccine furs- other elderly by my grandma Ronnie, other Chang no That does not mean a wig. Ok, I just take after her now give her the black sea, probably know right, because I'm left handed but just in case of accidents, don't work all the still the option of hitting the jagged button. On this whole plan, a giant leap for Ilan Mosques, space x, the company has launched for astronauts into orbit Ilan. My says he is highly confident he is gonna put people on my
by twenty twenty six. The key to achieving this goal is space, excess development of its starship rocket, the vehicles being built to launch cargo and as many as a hundred people at a time of the moon and Mars. Yes, privacy, is that all asked not training will be able to travel the space, which means I can. Finally, at the ball storms, Moon, Dick, every One always forgets the balls. So try to was a bullshit year by these technology, made it a little bearable and hate. We made it through almost twenty two I want can only get better from here. Support for them Ellie show with Trevor Noah comes from me me, wines from diverse micro clay That's two rocky soils, ocean air, cool mornings and warm afternoons. California is applications provide, may only wines and unforgettable balance, complexity and richness of flavour, offering Pino are kept,
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for many people. Twenty twenty was the most challenging year of their lives. It brought out a whole, New range of experiences and emotions, people were scared. They were sad. They were scattered. That's when you're, so sad scares you That being so home for most of the year had another even stronger effect on people. They were formed, is held in March. we have had a historic spike in worldwide traffic and only fans a site that subscribers to directly message and pay their favorite performers is getting around two hundred thousand new users per day. That's right! Not everyone was baking Brad. During the pandemic, some people were meeting their own down. People were so thirsty, for online porn that even your grandma finally memorize the wifi password can't even remember your name,
What's so many people getting delivered by the poor boy to the stepmom, whose also a cheerleader? Some people were so horny and twenty twenty they cross. The forbidden getting lucky and locked down, match dot com put out their annual singles in America. Survey get because it shows that one in four Americans turned toward their roommate for intimacy and sex during the pandemic. Wow. Those people must really lonely not because we're boning there remains, but because they were filling out a survey on matched our com. I don't care how desperate get. I will never stoop that load asleep with my roommate, even if he is my husband, thankfully, not everyone who gathered there remain here. Don't even think about it, your brain president, in their home,
bugs out there haven't been dating because of lockdown restrictions. They ve been turning to dating ass new meetings. All this doubts, but there's about twenty percent of you live. There have been getting turned on fire like soft, gallic pale, ass death that elected that hey no judgment there nothing wrong with binding voices sexy. My first boyfriend was speaking spell, No one. I wasn't his type. I caught him with my Simon but now he lacks a thing only get it steering definite way. She's got! That's you, her heart boys sorry, I didn't get them yeah, shoot, em white, get that any time she walked elects always held a tight like she's got sand stuck at her mother bored. I heard that you skate between porn used and sprang into the robot who reorder toilet paper. People might spend twenty twenty stuff
how but their minds were in the gutter, and you could see the morning is everywhere even in places we wouldn't expect it like this summer when Martha Stewart dropped, wanted a hot ass, Erst traps them all time own presented gave us if he could his camera, is captain permission to come aboard. Sir Captain America was captain of a bow right, but some people got to worry the sheer and gave him there's a bad name and unsettling incident involving sand and chief legal analyse now off the air for allegedly pleasure in himself on his zoom video call Jeffrey Tube and who is also a staff rider for the new Yorker was suspended by the magazine for masturbating during the call last week with other New Yorker employees and W and Y see radio staff watching. A free to ban or like Jeffrey Pew, then away to Mr Worley Jeffrey to ban guy
when you are on a work to do him, that's not time to masturbate time in pay, you're toenails or be your Christmas shopping done online. You gotta, keep it professional. He just how to do and on a work soon, Imagine that you couldn't figure out a better time to squeeze in squeezing it now. This was the year of extra free time. I want to play the guitar. I need There's for everyone. I know I didn't six hundred puzzles one for every time. I masturbated, which there was plenty of time to do a thing, we call for any of the year was one that need welcomed, what did he get, which stands for where asked hardly be and making a stallion must have. No forty nine was at an all time high, because this has something for warning creatures of all species. Men. Women need tighter laughter and paid billion hours more imports.
Me. It was a symbol of female sexual empowerment. Just watching that video is the equivalent of doing five hundred key goals and we needed that this year we thought so for me and helpless, and then this song came out and told women that it's ok, that you have to danger batteries at your vibrator twice this year is ok, they are taking extra long, mommy showers. It's ok that you're starting find Olaf Unfrozen, attractive. You found him attractive before the pandemic last, so you see spilling so that's the ear and horny NOS twenty twenty has been a crazy you're in so many ways the horny moments gave us just a little bit of escape will never forget about the way it made us feel and our hearts and our minds, and in our lead ass for China. You received notification. Lady loses out of stock german Alexa
why you twenty twenty, we were either stuck indoors quarantine or we were outside protest and there was no one between and back sometimes after that separate the two ivy home go on like this. When now is like the year of everyone's than enough is enough and taken to the streets. Let's start with the biggest movement of them all black lives matter. In the wake of George voids murder, Americans took to the streets to tell caught hey. Why? Don't you stop killing the people you are supposed to protect but by the people asking caps not to be the asses alot of cop start be masses. Kept me eventually get my own and broke it I mean to say, is called is possible. I had no idea what these guys were capable of damn he did even flit. These cops are so stupid, not because they're trying to beat up an unarmed man, but if I had a man that hard what a baton in Egypt the bear
One key putnam I'd be like shit. Is man terminator, but while many black lives matter protesters got there be some protesters showed us there, Whole air naked Athena captured the imagination of Americans when she stage of full frontal protest on federal agents in Portland. Is theory arose in me, and I said I wanted to make it faster. Meaneth column is goofy bitch naked Athena. If this woman with black, we call on her arrest it you talkin about these twenty twenty protests ran the full spectrum from black lives matter where people were fighting for their right to live through the protest against locked down and faith math where people were fighting for their right to die, and we all see the clips of covered care and losing their shit a target for whole.
we're having a where a man, but one of my favorite moments proved that not every Karen was a woman. The mask wars, re John, a dad loses it in a store. After being told to cover up, the man saw literally pick them up and carried them right out of the store. Because it was your own sign, Geraghty. Well, you get off the mental supposedly when you're being carried out by the person they came out of your balls. Why was the pissed off about masks? Even then they get bids Capra mask on and look. I can understand that one, the cover a beautiful symmetric raised, I mean tat your, but their deadly global pandemic ravaging the country plus is impossible to do a beauty routine under a ventilator, though, even if ass a vibe I'd look ashes, in which case what is the point, protests have been such a huge
part of twenty twenty there after the election, Americans darted protesting stuff. That didn't even happened. So the trump stands took to the streets, demanding that they stop the count or count all the votes or account. Some of all the vote then stop the cap. It really depending on who. You asked whether man effective protest. It will be like black lives matter, Goin Staff Killin up, except for the shot he shit anyway, but by far my favorite section five protester was this. Do you ve got a problem?
covered up. Ok, that guy neither chill pill. Anthems leaves because, right now, the all the results he looks bit the dispute or a wet t, shirt context and listen freedom, Seymour Hoffman. If you want me to believe you, why you're interrupting a press conference to be convince, you came to interrupt the press conference not better with aside air and on your way to pick up some chewing tobacco, but it wasn't all bad at the protests and twenty twenty there was that one Saturday, when Trump officially lost and for once this year without protest inspired by happiness, people took to the streets for something good, and I was already at a brick in one hand, and a molotov cocktails
on the other, so I didn't know what to do. Fight has made a kiss, and one got so excited. Even celebrated in two languages regards circle, told workers, while you're beautiful Vertebral heard it from sources of one removed. We ve come full circle, because this feels races against white people. Almost french people away more than just s cargo on her thoughts, they all follow back yet so yeah. This dude was being mildly races, but he's got a nice tourist though, and he's happy about bad and winning. So if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna show him my anger with and make a protest about
the illusion of terminal hears it wants in the daily show me night, I'm leavin, ten central one Tommy central and economic social watch, full episodes. Videos at the daily show that not only was on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, an subscribed to the daily show on Youtube or exclusive cars in him. Well, I have your ear. This is something exciting folks across Pennsylvania. Our scratching. The way to all kinds of and thanks to pay a lottery scratch off with new games every month, big tall prizes in even second chance drawings. Excitement is always an order, no matter what game you play so get your ticket defined today with appear lottery, scratch off and oh yeah, one more thing, keep on scratch and must be eighty or older. Please play responsibly benefits older pennsylvanians
Every day this has been a comedy central podcast.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-14.