« Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

The Hoppining: A Chill Chums Holiday Whodunit

2023-12-28 | 🔗

When one of their own mysteriously disappears, Conan and the Chill Chums are forced to put their detective skills to the test. Welcome to... The Hoppining!


This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Is there nothing to turn the brain needs friend joined is always by my stalwart team son in horizontal. I'm doing all right. You seem good goarly, yeah mack orally took me a sec five years. I've sat here across from you seems like more like lot more than four
less than six. I would put it around you five. I guess it's interesting thing. I'm thinking about today, because I was walking past a mall and it was walking past my some cousins visiting and they wanted to go to the mall there from seattle. These are little kids, so I said okay I'll take them to The mall down in santa Monica were walking round, and I saw these different movie posters and I swear to god. It's seasonal, but half the movie. Posters are for horror, so there's one otherwise, but you see it a silhouette of like a pilgrim and he's holding an tax. What's that one high roth thanksgiving yet thanksgiving in there like there. I know left over a line which I thought was fantastic and then I then I noticed a wait, a minute, a couple of years in a row, there's Ben I may guessers like a silent night deadly night and yeah. I know one of the best horror movies of all time. Is it really ya? Can't really really? I really love horror movies, but the thing
kind of blowing. My mind is how horror has become this almost like. Well, it's this time. He had not used to mean put up the tree put out the bells. Now it means room. he's your horror, films, we're santa comes down the chimney with a site lops everyone's hedge didn't used to be like doing all the ways coming out now. It's like that's all I think, need to be used to be. Hollowing was horror now it's just october or november and december. Yes, horror, movie, yeah, and a site probably keep going though just gonna be like mother's day generally mean there's a basically a horror movie for every holiday April. Fools Here's evil leprechaun. It states like its own subjects, its pretty impressive I'm. I guess I'm down, for I have not seen a lot of the christmas horror ones, but I'm game to give him a try, lack christmas and
Have you heard of him, but this thanksgiving one. I want asylum. I've heard it's great. I also know that it's based on just a fake trail or for the grindhouse tarantino outmaneuver a fantastic and what's fifteen. Sixteen years later, he decided to actually make it because Eli roth made the trailer, and it's like well he's had that idea, since he was a kid we might as well make it will make it hate. David hopping was supposed to bring us in some coffee for this discussion Does anybody seen I asked actually for eight, which I don't do often asked for a latte and in his hopping ask way he said he'd do at any is always I have to say this about David. He took it. for a kind of four Usanga we became like a big star and then I'd kiss and everything and wrote a book and I started to with us and have your own fan club and big house. stuff, anyways entrepreneurs out. Do you want me to say thank you can you listed away a little late, but my point is used
your time and I wouldn't be suspicious at all how David I asked him to get me a lot in, and I think you guys putting coffee orders- and that was like forty minutes ago, and it has and yet- and that's weird when, when you I show up, I'm like she's, fine, ok, but when David doesn't show up its we're all he so great. color coded chill joms, stupid, name, one time listener. First time caller every day. come into this office, and what do I see? Conan, conan, comin everywhere I look it's a picture of common. It's disgusting, guess what I've kidnapped reproaches assistant due to hop in Europe, what our first photo of your figures take it off the you'll, never see your precious david hopper, never again. I'll be in touch.
Jesus, forceful? I don't know Eduardo. Oh, do you know that guy patched in no, dear ok, I have a couple of comments quickly. I know David's a good actor it does seem to be in some peril. Then, as I know, we can't fake it. The other thing is: that's a fucking good headshot. Okay, I usually easily for twenty years younger than I really am, and so I dont know what this guy's gripe. Here's the thing, though, if they the thing is removing your photo. Everybody in this building can be a suspect ok, that's that's open, and I were even suspect. So am I dont under here. Am I to understand now- and I have great yes, an skills from years of improv. Am I to understand that david hopping has been kidnapped and tie?
The way of a damsel in distress wasn't like a nineteen twenty one. There was there a choo choo train coming for transfer to get him anyway in a very caricature, stupid way. David's been kidnapped And- and if I don't take down all the pictures of me, first of all, You know that would take a while. There are a lot and also you know, they're not just hung up on the wall. Those things I make sure those are secured very, I am who has put out of the cone in face wallpaper. That's a centrally what's out there because it was ordered two years ago, but the die they use in Sweden takes a long time. It's coming. I've just been handed this thing now we three work were sort of like innocent bystanders. In this whole thing, I've been handed this. We have to question people. There are suspects in this building. We have to
I know who did this, so I liked that we're not even pretending that why don't we just go take down the pictures of conan and saved david's life? Will we know you're not going to do that? I know of what a I'm not going to do it. We just blew right past that will cornerstone content, so I guess we should try and solve the case on our own way. At no point did this villain who clearly is working off of nineteen twenties imagery of kidnapping. There's this villa never said, don't call the cops. Usually they usually there's a reason why we can't call the cops. That's right or we can't contact the fbi just call the cops. I think we should why the cops will just be like just take down the photos and oh yeah fuck that that's not going to happen. Well, we're not doing reasons. We can't because number one
give in to kidnappers terrorists, because it sends a bad sign that anyone can hold you hostage on any given day, you're right sure, number two, we know you're not going to take them in her treasure right. Inviting you're gonna put up more to spite yannick corridor trade. Can we trade you yeah swap Oh ok! and then I guess, depends on where I'm being taken when it did the kill David. Is that what he said or just take David, maybe to a better job that has no motivation. Can you kidnap me too, and I love this. This kidnapper has really stopping this. Jennifer is very sloppy and very vague about you. See or hopping again, which probably me she'll get a really good job at amazon. yeah and you'll move quickly up the ladder, yeah and then yeah? Okay, we don't see him again. Cause he's just he's way richer than we are. My guess is for this to be a good podcast. We should pursue
Try and solve the crime are so because I think if we just listen to me, place a call to the fbi and that they want to listen to and then watch them show up and probably search the building for maybe thirty seconds and a very pale guy yeah from southern illinois chronically tied to a chair I mean I have some ideas for where that thing was filmed where David is currently I looked very. This is not a large building large scale, none the less really, I'm sure we need to figure out motive means an opportunity, so I join with you. Wouldn't my being the first you'll be a motive means opportunity: ok, yeah, ok, I also have something else I have to read here: act one the motive in this. you will only be able to question suspects about who they think had a reason for hopping getting nabbed about who they think had a reason. Ok, ok, who has in in. You will only be able to use in this
mac, wow wow. I did it. You also kidnapped your ability to speak gotta keep at it. Now I keep it in the water or you'll, never see happening again. If your flubs aren't left in, you will never see happen, yeah Nixon, did it hello, conan in the chill chums earlier today. david hopping went out to get cones coffee and never came back. He's been kidnapped. It's your job to figure out who the kidnappers and save hopping before uses up. All the air in the room and time runs out. Welcome to the hoppin wow. That's a good! You know what I, they worked backwards from his last night. That's my first clue. I think. Whoever thought of this is so lazy. They thought hopping and happening. Oh, let's do a hard
Well, then, how our reason this is called the moves us into the mass ass thin ass, thin ass. An annual hanging here are your suspects. Ok, chills, Eduardo LISA, Maddy, Ruthie and sam how to solve this mystery? U s question these suspects to figure out three things who had the motive the means and the opportunity to kidnap hopping. Ok number one motive, who has a grudge against hopping or who would benefit from hopping being kidnapped? Number two. Means who has the skills necessary to kidnap hopping or who has the treatment He can put up now. It's about now is about. It is about a strong as a stock of right or as the tools or access to the tools to do such a thing and finally, opportunity who had
answer the time during the day to enact such a devious plan. There is only one person who, as all three and this person is your kid will say. One thing: one of the problems with opportunity is no one here seems to do much. Oh and I'm serious. A lot of people here to seem to screw around your company. I know where the fish stinks from the head, and so I'm just saying harper tuning hoo hoo Hoo slipped out without punching there time card at the large might offices of team cocoa. Very, let's get we're sitting with us now is ok hold on this more a little bit more. I've got whoever organised. This is really just a pain in the ass in this. You will only be able to question suspects about who they think had a reason for hopping, getting napped who has a grudge against hopping or who would benefit from hopping being kidnapped in the foot video. The clues you learned were the kidnapper was throwing paper balls at hopping there
travel books for norway in thailand, stacked up in the back her. Is it ok I start now. Are there seven more pages to, I regret is that all we have ok, we're gonna clearly someone had a lot of extra time. Ok, edward Eduardo, a full name eduardo at and where are you have a little bit me had saved me at one, that it is advisable that you guys get Eduardo in they copies were all using which I think we have. We have other peoples in staying here, edward. Oh, I first of all, I must start by complimenting you. You are ingenious. You built. Did this beautiful, sound booth, We use this this studio, I don't. I tell you right away. I mean it's very talented man. the hell of an interrogation. I'm good called good cop good cop. This cops going to leave soon and then another cops going to come by and tell him how handsome he is it really here he comes
you're a good looking fellow and on my part, and so we are also very talented, that you built this whole place. That's true, do you know who do you think? Did it so you for sure first off just to get so the way I didn't. Do it Secondly, good enough for enough for me and eliminating you assess greater great yeah just to get out of the way. Secondly, you no pains me As we know, snitch is get stitch yes, so this is not easy for me to do. You have in your saying it very readily so that we actually have the diameter of this sort. Can you repeat the six so Look. So, my god elles Eduardo LISA, mattie, ruthie insane or by the way, to the listeners, all people at work and the right. My own, I signed a work. Sometimes I do think mattie highlighted as she is I don't, if you guys, are aware, but she's she's dabbled in
more than dabbled in stand up comedy. Yes in white. When area these right down down, I know who he is and every now and then she's kind of filled in for David. Like task notice. You know when you need water or stuff like that before the interview right, and so I would believe, may be the next step up. She could fill everything to me this is interesting because, yes, so she interfaces with talent lie all the time. She's, the one who, when town comes into the podcast she she takes care them. She gets them into the building. So she has a great awareness of the facility right which I don't I don't of just go right to my office. That's exactly right and I knew I hear you're saying I could see her thinking- wait a minute if I get hopping out of the way iceland to that position, then I become conan. assistant! We all know what happened when Sono is my assistant who she became a star and then mattie becomes a start, raw rats, very precise date yeah. What do you think about all the photos of conan in the building?
dial lie, I could care less. Ok, I'm in the room with this guy on its own or resulted visually when you walk in from both sides of the hallway. It's like running through that seen in rate as the last awkward darts are shooting at you know I put my head down and come straight into this room is ours. I wall size photo of him. The fire is one year I hate when you come right. When you got, I personally thought that's a cool looking photo either. I have no problem and wild isaac. One last question: should I get lip fillers, I have very outside of their very scarce, their very lives lips. I could see also Baby little eyes and good, I think, have hampered my film career. I have really little suspicious green areas, worst investigator, all you're, doing as complementing your terrible. Can I just say one thing: you're, a very handsome, and you do an amazing out here and here's my partner to really rough yogurt. You are
and tat all my end users. I thought your lovely and crossed out his name in a new start. Next mattie, I became an above what he's wine resembling? I am easily sway. So right now, I'm quite certain. It's matty And- and also you actually really work here too, and a lot of people don't. But every time I come in this building, you are hard at work like this. Guy does not have the opportunity right. I have a slight concern about Mary. The one of the clues was the travel books to thailand and therewith sheeting go to thailand and norway. That doesn't mean the person had the goat. I learned the same, but that's a clue who here did chills shells went the building the person, by the way I see ruthie, no, no sam mattie, now he's now only chose right now, but I this is the thing you gotta be careful. You have to just be very careful about this because we'll work our way through the investigation, you may be jumping ahead. Why are you getting so serious because
Why don't you want to know how many wanted to suspects for like forty made it, you said you gotta, be careful. Like I insulted, you told her you I'm wearing, including you asked him if you need lip fillers. Yet that is not going a good job. Very bad bot is yeah. I hate hate that you jumped ahead. and started making assumptions. We don't have all the facts yet I take this very seriously, and may I say something else. I take the fact that I might need lip fillers, so It's always rather me that I have. I have no lips, I'm like a map. It and, I think that's hurt me. David- could be getting murdered. Right now and you're talking about lip fillers in your eye, we gotta move on. Thank your driver argument anytime, I'm I'm I'm! You know what it's interesting. He like pass the I think we got a guy. Can only you stay near by well actually know I'd stay right here. You gotta monies
to call you ve gone creepers. I know what he is his eyes walking away as he is coming towards him. You know it's a good looking! Fellow! I'm just saying gonna Brian needs a friend is brought you by the cheer, av, nine and serious exam sonnets. we talked about the key heavy nine and we finally got to see it. Oh I went down and looked at it beautiful. I will first while the color was gorgeous. It's nice blue. It's got this very spain. Third row. I can always use a third row yeah I may large fellow. Is you not six for all muscle uk plan that debatable? I was very comfortable, I really enjoyed it and you know the plan. The plan is to have my assistant. Took over for you because you want working.
david. What you know I mean you're only around the long long, everything young twelve years, goofing around anyway, David came in and David. You gotta run some errands for me in the key excited. Are you excited? I'm really really now it's a good looking car and you and I sat in it for second, it felt very comfortable, so much space isn't a little plus. I want to add serious exxon offers a three month trial subscription to all equipped key of vehicles. Surest exe provides access over a hundred sixty five plus channels in the vehicle to listen to ad free music, plus sports news comedy and more including fan, favorite o brien radio on channel one o four, I'm going to send you out to do some errands David will do that alright, you're going to go out in the ie, nine and you're going to do some errands for me. Great just enjoy this car because it's a lovely car, okay, you're, a young guy, okay, I'm not saying that you don't deserve to die. A car this nice But I that as it may, I think it is so.
It is going to some errands in the easy. So you got a team cocoa, instagram, the all knew all electric three row here, even nine visit. She added slash even nine, to learn more care movement that inspires. ooh. Whether in person or remote, open communication- with your doctor, is key to managing any condition, including heart failure. Have you been feeling- Both are great options to continue having open conversations with your doktor about how you're feeling less energy, and when you see- openly with your doktor there, better equipped out visit, heart failure, tie start com to learn more. who do you want to bring in next? Let's bring and least sex. I I want to. I have some questions about LISA, and I'm going to say this to our
nurse other aware, lisa blade, hello is the sister of Erin and they both work. For me for many years, So, let's get her in here? Oh hello, Lee irish she's married. I know what I'm saying it of selling them that she's related to blame, and also I only use made names up. Ok, I still, I still call my mother, mrs Riordan How are you I'm good are listeners. This is lisa and lisa. You have worked for me for how many years I think, twice twenty years and in time. Your main responsibility has been to get audiences for me. Yes, I was the audience coordinator for very long. many many years. If it tough to get people to come and listen to me like I can't I don't know they come in droves. I had I d like to beat them off with a stick me. Ok but the court, because we like a murder,
I understand you just said when approached by people you swing a stick: yeah, I'm very friendly, and my customer service skills, you're saying the conan ticket, even at my advanced age, is still a hot ticket as a hot ticket. Very good. Okay, just wanted establish that they could help us with the crime not at all, doesn't help at all. You get really good lafferty to it's. Terrific, sometimes I feel like the better people are in the back. You get them to the front. Guy hopping has got first of all it is by no means holding out of air. You know what I say something else. I know this building well, How well do you know how well this building would have to be built for any room to be airtight. You don't there's plenty of air getting. How do we put a towel underneath the door shut? I didn't think of that. Ok, so LISA inquisitiveness copying is missing Ok, I'm really sad like a help. He's ok, sure me too.
I might know whatever I dunno, I told you whatever. Well, I'm just saying I tell Jeff Ross hopping is gone and there's and you guys are like dixie cups. You pull one. The other one drops down. I've had fifty five assistance, so whatever okay, oh no, I might have to ask Jeff to make sure someone else this year from the midwest tomorrow to get my coffee who also doesn't know what a tesla is. Oh, I really thought so anyway, lisa. It's probably me how you knows my pay pound stuff. So it's good. Let's try and No, they don't you pay bow you'll be, nobody is. I dont know how to use these things, and he knows how do you have a pay pal. If you don't want to know, but everyone needs now. Brian warrior. Look at a power outlet up. You've got to play power up all the time. Yeah! That's how, by the way, that's how you're paid? How do you notice? No, I haven't guided. I well I didn't say I was good at it. We ve accomplished
during my visit, my watch. My paper is completely blank lisa I gotta get to it. Ok, who do you think committed this crime? I you know, I really think like two people could have done it not altogether budgets. split. You have flew to people who under suspect was ok. I mean first of all, I just I'm sorry eduardo but, like you know, I just see how concentrates you? like everybody talks about in the office. They just say that leg he doesn't respect you and he like. Why rose stuff out you all I am so that stuff behind his back but where's. The whole point is to be nice to him too rosy off he rose start us throw kidnapper was throwing stuff at hopping. could be kind of a river and wait a minute. You know it's interesting what you bring up a really good, Why dont jumping ahead pay a barrier before you were ok before you, I mean that was criminal. you did before, and I'm surprised you still have your badge go ahead with the paper thing. Tell them all
One of the things we learned from the coup and videos that kidnapper was throwing paper balls at hopping interesting. I don't do that to both lay and Eduardo, conan virus, but mostly I would, if I were involved hopping, would be dead. I'll. Just tell em right away. You know the time it takes to tie someone up they even someone that week. No, why what It was when we read ads. I crumple up the page papers afterwards, and then I dunno, if you can see it, but I fire them at Eduardo or bley, and then Eduardo was often protected by his computer screen, which really ages me. I want to actually get a new kind of computer there big, a hole in the mental anyway, so I it is in the chest that an interesting, so you thinking, I think it's either edward o or maybe chill. Why kills? While I you know I worked on the show forever in and I used to even sharing but shells- and I just know he loves chaos for aid
It's only agent of chaos, young and I just think like what a better way to cause chaos than to take away hopping yeah What I mean, don't you couldn't get sick of conan after awhile like you, you used to walk by so many pictures of em. All the fans I conan conan Conan. Doesn't it make you know you know? Why like I've been on. I've worked for quota for so long, and my brother works in the show, like I feel, like I'm family life. Our family, like walking into like my house, as it is the lady doth protest too much I'm here, I'm I dont know line a client. Now I just it's like a warm hug, yeah anomaly something else? First of all, I feel that's how everyone feels of these two are. Outliers is absolutely no analysis. I dont think its lisa because she gets my arm. since then. That is a sacred trust. I need good eye. Answers and human and handling that four years, so I don't think with snapped? Sorry she could have, she could have snapped. That's true cause. She did have a mental breakdown
I'm about their convinced, instant everybody who works here, so you think chills will. Obviously chills goes on the travel shows and he has to travel books, throwing the paper It takes me more do Eduardo and maybe the books there to throw me off, or maybe the papers there to throw me off any last questions for you Is there a way that we could get just people that never stop laughing almighty. Thank you, weren't. Even during the scent unwarranted I was there they're laughing. I might it ok! Thank god. Task talk to talk, terms used in then, and I don't see follows being taken off the wall I just did it do he's little tied up world now saw just chernobyl I think it's time to wait a little fire under that flat irish pass. Just my phone on hopping useless.
That's right if you don't take those pictures of your face off the wall. Daughter, will never seen hopping or dead you're, never going to see your cream again ass for yourself. take the pictures now I'll in touch. Again Video ended with the headshot. That's a great head shy I thought that we live in an anxious when they flashed the demon pursued on the screen for a split second, I didn't go there. I just went to that. Guy has aids rumford volts, it's an old phone. But man. It looks good. I saw a lot of merch there ass ruth these territory and at the apollo gathers mirth. There's merge that our ruthie that was merge. Is it also Worth noting that David's tied up in exile, our audio cables, very good, but can I say something again that to me that eliminates Eduardo completely because he knows that that exile, our cable, if you tie it up like that, you can you damage it right. I mean right we're talking correct. If I were to take,
but he never would it be like that without this is I mean this very true he's like I invite guinea has now. He is like a fine chef who then is killing people with his best cut. we all he's not going to do that he's not going to waste that Eduardo? It's not you like that they actually cause. I was just handed this card. Thank you play here. The things that we are supposed to look out for their hopping was being kept near pile of march hopping was tied up with audio cables. Who has access to the audio cabinet? Who will be? No I mean they weren't argues, Eduardo does but slide, not eduardo. You can't say it's not just cause like Eduardo. Her he's he's very talented and he's quite good looking, oh my god or anything like that. Sell me out here it's brilliant area. Subject I stopping bundy's innocent those good, looking guy now, conan, no cleaned up real nice to APOLLO sure I mean I thought: hey I saw son of SAM once had a tuxedo,
guy, but amazing, I'm just saying they should re, look at the evidence that these might be innocent people. boy who we climax. Well, I guess it's time to talk to Maddy daddy. Please come in and get married to come in. I know I'm taking off my list. I've already taken you ve already eliminated someone yeah, that's how I do it. I work really quickly and eliminate. Most people just run his high laddie high natty. Excuse me I'll run this interrogation could bigger really bad at why it plays ok, man, you a fan of my work. I'll make you a fan. Europe will remind you you're under oath. I am under oath honestly. I am fan I love the kind of qualified majority true: sociopath She gets more important matters, lip filler for me
ok. Now, I'm sure she will get into it. You heard toppings is missing. He's somewhere in very small building, but we don't have the energy to leave the building and find him quickly. gonna play this out, because maybe we can monetize it jumps. Imagine here, that's not the point. A man's life is at stake. Mattie Who do you think is responsible. You know I don't know a thing about cables or audio. equipment. I dont associate myself with that. I work with my people, celebrities and I enjoy and aren't we amazing people or celebrities. I am a huge fan of stephen I and taylor tomlinson bill Hader. It's been a true pleasure to work with them and why innocent yeah? I do, but you know
who does know where all of the audio equipment is is it ward? Oh yeah seemed so that working from your bank second finger, That makes me suspicious your nose. fishes of edward and how I think it's too many people point fingers at a toward exactly and when to many fingers, go towards it. Why do I start to think mattie? You ve been accused. You ve been accused because it's no secret that you are very talented person, you're, funny you're, pursuing possible career in the committee carts and You might see it opportunity say something were to happen to hopping but say he's communicate, I'd up in and suffocating, aroma has plenty of air in a very small recording studio where he is probably feet from us, but that's not the point I need to be less room. Maybe in the corn
I have to. I really have to make sure I don't. I don't avert my gaze or turn my next slightly them. They might see him and be able to rescue him, but that's not the point. The point as you really stand to gain. If something happens to happening, and you slide into that position, you can be ex Sonia and that's about his big, a as anyone can be why I live in the new york times number one talent sewing bookseller seller book and by the way it is my mouse favour. Bucky should make use of the scientology hey. You can use athena interact with each other. you ve seen I mean I worked from her. Many many guess. Is there anything about this job? That seems even slightly appealing to you. To be honest, I mean listen am I jealous of the social,
media following an fan base that you and David have seemed to have garnered from getting conan to do funny bits with you that could possibly get me a career in comedy that make me more successful and how better, then that right, oh wow, I am so. Are you aware you're crying now? Are you aware you're crying really I'm so I'm so delighted. There's tears. There's absolute blood in the tear in early or late for any one motive, underlying yeah. There's a motive here, I'm sorry matty, but even you have to admit the motive here fame. You know why, or how do you want that? I mean listen you just for very poorly. On the witness stand you just pretty much
sealed your fate. I met you got it all talent, yeah. I went on not about matt rife and so yeah. You know I mean le whatever that these young people I gotta, kill him in the crib. You know I can't win the main way. lenny you unless younger comedian, whose really good and successful and moving quickly. I need to squash that shit now. So that was a mistake Well, even I guess that even hate or I should have but if it knocked him out of the box a long time ago, he's gotten too big. anyway. He s great, but I wouldn't mind some photos of him up in the building to reign too many photos of him. Never quite made it cater very famous, not sure, really really well from cyber really done much after us now made here. I honestly going out of my comedy career after I very remote areas who worked for habits, Emmy nominated know that he had on each be. Is they re feeling? Ok, we should check on his body.
You seem extremely guilty. I like the gummy, bears our law you're lucky that Sona didn't just swallow one of those yeah. Ah, okay, thank you! So much maddie for your time and have created. Maybe there's going to be another spooky video soon or maybe not! Oh, no, not hey, hey! It's me. He can act I then managed to escape I'm really proud of myself, but that I'm usually not going to that kind of thing, but I didn't manage to escape, but I cannot get out of this room. I know that whenever you hired me is that you hate it whenever your assistants get kidnapped, and I'm really sorry that I feel like I let you down. No, he did not going to to look at the kidnapper one minute, I'm outside walking. I have your coffee double shot, latte, just how you like it and then all of a sudden bam I get hit in the head on him out. Cold now, listen! Listen! I can number must have someone that can leave the office during the day and that they also monsieur really sneaking. As I heard nothing, they must walk so quietly. I was in this room right here. I was still
tied up and here's what we're thing this can never had really strong hands and conan. one more thing: the special cream one thing: coming back to go well, ok, we need an acting coach was amazing. Why did they kidnapper leave him with his cell phone? I'll call. The police I adopt, as they often is, the kidnappers vhf camera that cannot be blow suddenly, let's just let's just yet. Let's just get writer undertake for service is a terrible, hidden operate. I wish all kidnappers where this bad, because then it be no kidnapping that you're the clues kidnapper was able to leave work during the day during which anyone carry out o the effort was sneak in strong, Kate ferris. While this is not army base. This is, I mean this is about. This is basically like a pizza or who can not learnt during the janitor vampires. This is this is a up a pizza,
If he were, they happened to make a pod cast in the coroner power coming in and out all day long A lot of people. Work were mostly they don't even cut someone who can leave during the day everybody leaning during the day. I feel it is more of a coup and then were sneaky. Oh, oh, oh! There was something what they want very quiet, sneaky and strong may have strong hands according to data strong hands. Will I have very strong hands, but it's I know its, not makers again out of murdered David and still hands eduardo now, not free weak. I've had a flower while they are rather sorry. You look like you sleep with both of your hands and little balls of heavy cream you're. Just I swear to god manage your looks nice. But now I was not as not. Those are not working lands hands. Ok, let's drink a someone else. I'm looking ring old iron grip, Ruthie, inherently iron grip, ruthie gee row row get ruin here. I have I thoughts
these are social media and merge, managed yeah she pretty much everything review of all trades, lovely person risky. You have a seat, we say your first, your full name, please Ruthie, wyatt, really why everything you ve worked for me for how long thirteen years, what marches moving what march does? Well? How did he look? What kind of stuff goes well like if it just conan it probably cells? Now, when you had these tools, skills. We probably see a little bit of a different. I noticed there are some loved overcoat and, at the apollo sure, sooner have there are ya there? Are we ve got that, yellow though it were saving those for this museum? He having said I'd so Ruthie you handle merk, shine posters by you cycle, May I go to the rule of law, a photographic stuff. taken most la pictures you have mentioned. We all aware that I did it. That's why I love David, but not conan. I love com,
She does love me. She said that many time idea under a couple of drinks, many peg, who do you, think, did it well, I hate to say it might be Mattie liar. I think Mary is looking like a strong suspect, because she's clearly insane you know I mean just the com in a like my girl, she's able whenever she does have a new comedy show that she's using on her own called oji dicks allow. she then will the leaves yes to leave all the time you know get wet eizenstat. Are you telling me that, she's on on company time, she leaves to work on her new show, Oji difficulty decks, yeah well well you're, saying you're saying she part of her job is that she leaves we'll see what
leave and run errands sometimes like. If you know like she needs to refill the basket of snacks for for talent and for celebrities. Right like she has to go out, but then, like you know, she's also got her own stuff going on with your comedy career she's. Very funny, though, very ambitious, very ambitious. How strong are her hands he's very strong but delicate. Also I mean I'm not going to put put her. You know, Do you mind if I shake your handwriting right? Sorry, I Jesus cry out for a while. That is a grip when a country how he had yellow you two? Were they didn't do irina? Really, you know what I adore Ruthie an end, but I will say this: Ruthie has travelled on many travel shows with me. She is familiar with my travel shows and she has worked travelled, often with blade travel shows she is familiar with the trap, millie you, so I could see her having access to those books also merge, and
You gotta go drifts you for so many photos of. Wouldn't it be nice if there are just a few less photos of conan in this building if anyone's gonna snap looking at my photo, it might be really right hand is higher than that. I'm with you on their. You have access to the audio cabinet. None eduardo! It is That is an important right towards jumping. Only carrying on one gets interesting and jumping in well, not arouse what I'm saying is, but you have access to the audio closet. Well, yeah you or anyone march. You so are sick of letting my face. Now I'm not move throughout the de. Can you leave me really most the question of all. Does it bother you that my lips, so Look the photos, I find them alive, but can we please I don't need a plump up a little bit of they. Ok, I like your lips that grain arrayed in I'm. Ok, I'm thinking of doing age. You, as is help the case. How does it getting get David back? We get David backer weed,
I don't? I have a goddamn career to think about this pumpkins rotting fast. Can you just show me what fluff up your lips? Let's? I did a mere I'll get. It lie ideals you and maybe my year you She was really luscious lips. Are god lumpy? are we lips. I memorized, looking like I later Mattel smack with him? Is that something they safer kissing smack smack Peru with that guy, okay, so question Ruthie! I'm when I'm with you. I am highly suspicious of many efforts. Voluntarily has because anyone who just you people. There are ambitious crete me out o, so I think she's gotta go hide me. Mister! children sam those who interrogate, thankfully ruthie hereafter really. Thank you very much for your welcome. However Ruth you know, I really
do I know that a lot of coups point already, but I don't think it's really mean his motive He has a else. Do you throw paper balls at I'm, just kirsty thrown it shows no These are my blade from a blade from now on. I will say that the one that picks them here in writing, because I refuse to in up afterwards ass. You don't ever clean up after right cause that beguiling that's the status of a cheap network. In cross, your fingers and all your toes during a data centre migration. You can knock on wood, pluck a dozen four leaf clovers or look to your lucky stars for a successful office expansion. You could hold your breath, shut your eyes and say all the well wishes to help avoid cyberattacks, but none of that truly helps. You
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Think she's great? Are you a murderer? Are you a murderer but I am aware of your personal we're not even looking firmer yeah David, the lie. I consider him dead at this, even if he shows up or if we im out of this alive. I may kill him: okay, kidnapper Ruthie, I have gone on. We just talked to Ruthie and I dunno sam, who do you think, may have done this like this Matt swank get me fired retired, a very hard to fire people. If you go through the h are so difficult and we have to give you warning: is you? Can you can get with murder to serve ass? An worries right fire me who had never, but I do think it seriously and she is my boss. So why do you think it's ruthie at that? and she is constantly trying to go viral on like tiktok instagram, and this is the exact kind of thing we'll get the clicks you knowing this is gonna be written about, people are gonna, be posted
tristram deny that gets a good click baby thing. Do you have access to the audio? Come? mean I do, but I do everything on my phone. So there's no need for me to go in the cap, but you do her legs ass. Your backs sure. Can I see your hands please Nor do I like you, a lot of tailors. Another has friendship bracelet. I do you know. as a swift data hopping, Let me as swiftly here. Did you get to go see the recent tour, but hopping did. Did that make you angry that hopping? ago, when you consider yourself the bigger taylor, swift fan, like I'm happy ram, do I wish he would by it in me to a couple of shows: yeah, he went to several it shows he went to several shows and didn't invite you to watch you plan a mayhem, friendship, bracelets worth thousands of dollars tell him he has access. First of all, here's how it works with David. check your say? They know it's it's! The same thing was so now. I always tell my assistant, here's my
the count and take out what you need for your veer living and there was a Six years later I saw this one on lake mead in a boat a huge boat. Yes, thank you said cones sucker, ok, it sam! Well, maybe it's you Well, we got a real your arrival here. This is another technique. I'm trying to tell me why it isn't, because I think it it keeps it. not my the guy I've! Never liked you His style. Is nice not about me. I said that to butter you up and now I'm a different guy, I'm gonna, throw you off balance or style said. You've got no style. That name sorry, but you know that I am a verizon her son, I'm a yoga teacher. I am not about any of this violence. Nay meditate like bus is not who I am
the people that tommy there's an and meditate are the ones that have more angry frustration than anywhere else. I know I am yeah swear to god. Every yogurt teacher, I've ever known, has done some time in jail for trying to kill somebody every single yogurt each! Ok! That's not me me me, ok, yours! Then I very petite hands there, but universe with this you quiet, let me see those you ve got some tattoo. Some ink with this room alone- that's a nice icelandic, iceland agree? What does it mean? Love? Ok, tat. It can nevertheless charities impact, if not for impact man fairies. What about that one your forum. It says, live to kidnap.
What's that all about. We did this. Getting never forget it will. Thank you, sambre SAM. I do admire you an on going back to the regular guy. Your style was off the charts lanka. I try to rally with the holiest. You keep changing your interrogation techniques, tat, not a good strategy or the best. No, it's not or it in all its not or it ain't no, but he had still not that it is the best and you change it like an airway yanks, exactly later on, you're gonna think he also complimented me. I don't know what I think and even start crying and a good king confess to this terrible crack. I am I I think I think I'm I done here is that we have this: don't employee the outgoing sam, here. We just have one more and its chills yet shall man Jill named chills that right there feels a little red herring. I feel we can get away with anything because you value him so much to do I'm gonna give him went a little before chills gets in
say my nickname, for him is the warrior. Yeah he's been with me, start working for me like two years into the show as an intern. He is everywhere in the world. With me. He'd do anything for me, a long con. Why you think it's a long, let's get him in here again, I think so I mean he does really seem to make this place. Go Joe friends. He said interesting now we're friends snuck in hearing how riot, when you walk her here, dixie, perhaps before Mamie die by great now he's flattering: yea luck! It back well, look about light like sided erika through kidnapper, innocent, ok, chills, yes use work with me what year, ninety six, ninety six, ok, twenty Nearly twenty seven december has nothing to do with David older hold on a second. This is a man who, I think, loyalty and incredible amene talk about this. The record of this you ve been everywhere in the world with me, we ve been through ever
adventure you are on the old, timey baseball, remoteness, you've been in the trenches with me in so many different countries around the world, this guy, I the warrior. I can't believe he would do anything to harm me and now I'm thinking about it. How does kidnapping really harm me he's your assistant. Again, we ve proven Is it not about harming you it's about getting your goddamn face off that wall near you know that I walk in every day and it's like seeing that bitch these pictures again for the first time, like I'd love, I dont believe if you work on the stairs, you see him as the viking I've seen em between takes I've seen him come up to you. Unlike rough you up a little bit, sometimes runners jail when you gonna do paper balls that he throws around all bad copy, very duping nine. Eight, this these studio. I can.
Kind of like run this. That light now run it, but, like I tend to it, make sure everything is running smoothly, say I clean up of the energy to my mother's embodies by what I like. I am he we clean up after ourselves that clear doesn't clean up after himself. Does it s? no does know it's like lui, the sixteenth, didn't, say, I'm sorry I'll get. I dropped that I'll go get him. That's ridiculous. I totally agree yet a minimal This is versailles and you know like chill: it's wrong. Louis I might have dropped to put the Michael sans. I should go, get it and pick it up with you, someone sees it, they shouldn't have to pick it up. I should do it. That was not louis, the sixteenth, where all your travel do you know where they all our right now I know where they all are. Do you yes, his hands yeah prettiness. these oh, are my guy gets hastening about this guy, this it's been wrangling, props, dragging him through air. ports in milan tiles. Now I have nothing
cable. You have access to the audio cases, early diagnosis, but there's a lot of people who have access. I'm in this I'm in the room next door to control them all. But we wouldn't always everyone you coming. You don't have to around, because you're you're, conscious of the audio recording you are kind of furtive, and you know in the shadows, I see yeah if I left that room for a second, this place would fall apart. I believe that yeah I do too. I believe that I believe- and I've often said this to chills. When the end comes as propaganda beat me and him alone the lad. Three will be ross. Me in shells but then ross we'll get a coup. the his reservation, came through with the restaurant and he ll leave and it'll be just chosen. I, as as the monsters move in the works jellyband, It will be an ober headed, opportune, let tansy and negative. Just give me the two of us, so
I am not going to accuse chills. I just don't see it. I dont see it it's impossible to me. You have complemented every single person on this lack sapped me, he now matter? I grant you know. I know a way said: is that matisse, talented she's funny? I think she's going places I'll do everything I can to help her with her comedy quirks. I think she's got it, but I think, she's a murderess, I think she's too fresh. even a major theme. You a lot whose sick of you and your photos and chills is has been here. The longest shows what I just can't. I can't I can't turn against chills. I don't even have it. some kind of comedy conceit. I won't. I won't do it as an outsider. I have the least bias on everybody here and I do think that all the clues point to choose and then you're you kind of a denying them, but you must like at least admit that you seem suspicious on paper right based on
the clues yeah yeah. When can I leave? I can't leave this room for a second, also country, something else I constantly walk around the neighborhood, and I see all of you getting your car phase You're you're cranberry lays having your belgian waffles, toasting each other with glass of aperol spritz. Is guph, while the tiger I never see show has always without eating you don't know you don't know where he just sucks on his wheel cap and get some of the old beef broiled. Our ireland, rama, bigger you like on the move, a lie with conan in things change this change new after you have to be the one who changes everything you doesn't know, piss you off now I love what I do. I love working for this guy yeah man. You had the glazed overlook of a hostage ass. They do your early, complementing him all wiring. Now I just can't it's not shells. And if it is chills, I would pardon
and then I would help him killed. Ok, let's release chose because we gotta we gotta figure. This out. I got you, I'm not gonna. Let him were not aid on now, never turn against you at least only the stately. Ok, I tore job out to grow more. What did you do the boxed yourselves prophetic, an honest, the prize is welcome. It's time to hear your accusation. Who do you think I am Cue, the dramatic world free music, please,
megan doubts were empty freaks. It's really not fund. Listen to who would put a royalty on this piece of shit sounds like I'm. Watching yeah selling size is like a whales occasion, one by one from a member from reality. Free you'll get no money from s summarily what we know about the kidnapping very uneven in the music field, but paper. There is merge. There is cable the kidnapper was able to leave work during the day. The kidnappers sneaky in strong hopping was being kept near. Pile of merge hopping was tied up of audio kay. Who has access to the audio cabinet? The kidnapper was throwing paper. Basel hopping. There were travel books for norway, thailand stacked up in them. only one suspect has a motive and an opportunity. Where I'm going say I Jake,
that shells allow things can point to chills, but he didn't. I have the opera yeah, you really can't leave, he think you're right thing and I'm sorry chills. I was wrong about you but why I mean Eduardo, can't leave during the podcast either. No, we it has to be like it's like, not just the whole day. But it's during the pie cast us during the day. They can't leave, because I think these these threats were all praetor the day till I can leave during that something really, but I'm getting signal you can't go outside and allay with a will head on with Not yet. I could not get picked up by a car which are so I gotta say it's not chills, but it could edward o eduardo can't leave he's doing this. I'm saying it's not shells for sure, Could it possibly be at work? Oh yeah, say no, its not nodded gordo. Now I know I suspect is, I think we all know who you're said here is, this matter here, as I don't think there needs to be less people in committee, so that I can fly
and she threatens. May you ve already done it for a long time in it in I know, but you know I've established yourself. My I talk to my daughter, you at any said I have a good six years of life left and I want to use that. I knew I was Are too that's not alive. He said six max man get another job or so anyway, and yeah I don't I dunno I highly have my I have mine is up the highs. My mine is that ruthie has the motive. The means and the opportunity her motive is she has to take pictures of you all the time yeah. She can leave and she has access to the audio cabinet, but then this paper balls in the travel books, but also strong, hand strong hands right. Now I don't let mean uplift strong hands from pressing photograph pictures all day.
a single referenda. Have you Nora, taking pictures her fingers, flax and off I mean she had a giant Ben franklin pratt. I'd ominous, you guys, I meant to say it's eduardo ice there, I'm saying I'm trying Eduardo is leader adorned with my suspect, nor right, Eduardo? I refuse to say it's you back I love you man, but I guess I'm just think guys very lucky, sir. That's cool using. Ah, I think I think, ruthie, but carbon Ruthie so long I'll be such a betrayal. We would have to agree re when another amateur grey ass. We want all shades dice mattie come That is lagging he's crazy. Who wants to be a comedy as a profession? I know you have to be sick to do that. She doesn't have analysed the audio cabinet. What does she care about paper, balls and travel but yeah? I guess that eliminates her work.
that was a terrible put down that just tend to that was just, logical what I said to you, but I said it like it was put down your right. Maybe it's not Mary. I want an art. Oh I'm, sorry, I know used you. I know you got a chills boner, but I think it's. I think I think it might be chills heat and he thought everybody except he can't we. He can't we, if not chills, and also I can't I can't live in a world words. Chills cap, this got it highlights the shells- and here I also know it's, I'm I'm telling you I will not. If we all have to agree bark up another tree, it's not you. I won't do it. Can you agree that a duarte has all of the sure I'll throw him down those deepest hole how dare you can't really leave either by or are we saying during I can think warnings. I thought we said during you now know. Just during the day he can at world. Can I e and I'm gonna go get getting signals from the guy who created this whole show that he can't leave
our eyes, so it's not eduardo. I'm telling you it's not shells and ever and so just throw that away so whose last we ve ever went back to lisa horses am has seen. Yeah lisa is dealing with your fans all the time she always except photos a view and has to deal with people who love you. She has access to everything, Joshi the audio can it sam does sam can leave to same of em motive and, as you think, save your balls and travel. I noticed Our times I make my jokes and quips him always doing bids the stuff in everyone's laughing sam. Not so much. You can't penalize someone now not penalised, but I do know shit sam has that kind of she's, very young she's in the corner. She's got cool style and she's a sort of staring at me like cheap, laugh, and laughing man keep laughin away?
I'll, see you in your coffin one day. That's that that's the looked I get from her new respect for sale now you know what lisa has I think motive, because you abuse her brother all the time he has, but he doesn't like your brother, you throw nobody, I got it began. The travel books and paper all relate to blame. He LEO's. He goes on. I think, on those things on those. That's actually interesting. That's interesting! Yes, Lisa is related to blow. Yeah blade goes on the travel shows. She sees me throwing paper at him all the time, and so I do you salty, why beaten with an inch of his life, which I think employers are allowed to do to employ. You know no, no you're nazi horse, not ok, good god, you're getting now on no more sure both lisa. Obviously, so I think it
We wanted to be mattie because I really want to nip actor in the bud. I wanted to be chills just to see your harbouring. Ok, I like we have you, sir. I think we have to accuse lisa, wrong. I promised you never see hopping good about killing him. No, no! No! I'm sending you to hawaii we'll leave out the rest of his reason heard we from you. later. Suckers now it's time for me to come into the studio and review myself. As is excited What if it's David, I'm excited ip and quite exciting. I actually at this is well done. I have you say this is well done and I dont, like all rosy
I got my first pick. I know you are onto me from the start. I couldn't I I I care about you to my know. Like you, she's been in my corner for so long and you betray one actually again, I don't care that much about hot or whatever you go girl. The paper balls and travel books, red herring yeah that's called bad writing came in here. She had the attitude of someone who is guilty. You know- and you know I blame you granted this whole thing right- yeah- that they were a mystery writer and he did a murder on the earnest express and, at the end, that the answer was but you're not even on a train Y know that guy you live to. Eighty years later, I would raise a red herring. I would be all for red hearings, but the stuff you gave us to read better like mega biff below the performer thing. Here's a clue. Here's a clue close after makes
on paper and and travel book, and really the cable just don't apply it the at all she had, but who had the motive, means and opportunity she had about it? if you say, eggs is just that I or clicks she had the means because she keeps her camera in the audio cabinet with day. You know the things as she has the opportunity which you never asked her about. She parks in the street a lot, so she has to go, move her car. All the time. Well, I got a fleet of earth, my favorite part of every. I got the crystal novel as more agatha, precisely what afterward yell at all the readers. Hey wait. A minute now makes perfect sense. her. The island, no perfect sense cause decide what is known as well
Now I have to say that was fond is David. Ok, these videos are getting a great on, so he'll be fine. I really wanted to be mattie. Are you really did. You worries rides eyes. When I see talent, I have just squelch. Well, let's give a bit round of applause to blame ain't got jealously execution current job. Everyone, I'm sorry about the red herrings. Nice job are now you do what you do. You clearly put thought into their ex time will know better, no good I play, and that was fun I live. You know what I enjoyed the happening: yeah retail, it's all about that title baby. I want to do it again. Excellent job and you're fired yeah. rather than having tribalism Jane eyre without well? Thank you.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-29.