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Summer S’mores with Conan and the Chill Chums Season 3 Episode 6

2023-08-31 | 🔗

On the Summer S'mores finale, Conan expresses his deep and profound shame at his own indulgence around the campfire.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This special episode of summer small is presented by solo stove solo stoves, unique resigned to burn out smoke before it ever escapes. The top and fire bit trust us once you set out on his mouth. Was fire you'll never want to go back, go check them out at sallow, stove, dot com use, promo code conan to get ten hours off your new bet. Summers, morse was conan and the chill chums six part series with cloning, o brien solemn of ceci and am goarly. Let's get started, pay their welcome to the final instalment twenty twenty three summer. Small is. This is kind of the post game, the wrap up when a couple days, we all had time to think about our actions to check on the police records to to view the hidden cameras You know I think of this as one of those episodes they have after a real.
The show is done when they get the everyone together. The reunion, the reunions now and there are one stage and we're not look as nice. I know, but the point is we talk about how soon lost her shit? and screamed at me and then You know goarly and I made out, but we didn't tell brigitte. I just made up that name. You'd be terrible on and on a reality It will be happening. I had around any reality show I would just be. Ah I'd want to workout and I'd want to get my sleep and I would rehydrate a lot and the Users would keep nudging me and saying: don't you want to go over there and flirt with the girl and then have a fight with that? Guy and I'd be like nah seems kind of awkward, there, it cameras in year you're not going up against the cameras like you'd, be so drawn the cameras they can. I meet me. Dewey I'd be sitting at a desk working on something and then occasionally
mugging at a camera I am making little faces and thinking that bad in any way competes with two young people doing it whirling around together and I'd, be I yeah they can roll around all they want with their fantastic naked bodies that are slightly blurred heard, but here I am reading Samuel Johnson's averted the dictionary and making my ground show faces to the camera and then pausing to re hydrate. Before eight and a half hours a slave, nothing lasts. The doctor says Finally, at some point they would convince some one to come up to me. Go a k, conan and you want to make out at or not. I wear a wedding rain. This is my by my betrayal of it back to my samuel Johnson anyway,
Let's get into it yeah do you want to recap gourley? I thought it was a first of all. I thought I wanted to say a couple of things. I thought the pizza was delicious and the drinks were amazing. Thank you quite potent one. I want to talk about what give us your blow by blow. Well, I think they were. Maybe I dont have their stronger this year or I was more susceptible, but I got a little slop here this year than than last time I mentioned, and I thought you did but it was nice. I really like that sooner. I like also knows that when you see you don't have a bad. Drink personality or some people like demons, come our continent. We disagree that no, no, no, no you're, very nice and friendly when you imbibe a sweetness. Yet there's a sweet personally with we ve had with like fought like I've got I've gone after you.
Oh yeah, physically nine minutes. I often sort of like any animal went threatened. Note you have, but I don't think so. I think you're actually very, very nice. I think most the times that you and I have had a real argument or Seen you lose your temper? Alcohol wasn't involved at all. You might be right, it's just you know you see red when you see red and then you don't contain yourself and mostly I've seen you go after other people, not me which is fun. I like it when it's me. Oh no, you don't there is there with me. I just distance myself very quickly and I'll say: what can you do? She has rabies yeah. She was bit by a very sick rabbit last week I drove here but did not drive back. That's how that that's where I was eight, I took a. I took a lift home yet well. I thought because we're all going to be sampling
ahead of time I mean I made the plan to get a lift here and then get a left home. So I just knew that, because I'd be having some alcohol, like must not even mess with that here and I'm response The ball, I'm sorry but yeah. I didn't leave my car here. Wait so you're saying that you you're saying so that you fought there's a chance that you might not drink. Yeah right. Relay well shy legitimately thought. I would be ok, especially roughly we really there's gonna, be all right. We know that, whereas I ride with solar, knowing exactly that, I could get a ride home from my wife who is coming in the I'm. Not driving home. There's no way so no with my right envy. If your car here I did and I was prepared for a ticket but I've gotta tell Did it when I was younger, I would drive somewhere leave my car, their income. I've had my card toad three times like that's just part of the world
I love that you can have a kind of reckless abandoned their you're you're. Probably if you had to you, would leave your car somewhere. yeah now, but when I was younger I would have been worried about it being towed. Oh and if it's towed you just find out where it's towed and then you get it back sounds so reasonable. You make it sound oil worse, I've had to do the nine enjoy his ideas marvel aces, and then they tell you find out where it was our get told her ticketed today I mean the way. No, no, I did it. I got it was fine and I came back. It was fine yeah. I know I looked out, but it's been. There have been times when it's gotten toad were crazy. Sono came out and I would you know yell at people, but you know it didn't work. So I think we can all admit that we first of all say that those drinks are very deceptive because you don't think you're drinking alcohol it because it's rum based its is got of slow. The set
if you know it's so friendly, you feel like you just sitting on a nice ferdy drank it so smooth and then the next thing you know you were in your pants on your head. That's that's! You ethic, I think I know I have five, oh, my god. Oh hey, I've had a law is tasty. I had a lot of pizza. Why don t we basis. You know actually more embarrassed about my pleasure consumption because I am a many endeavour when it comes to pizza yeah venus sooner. But what happened was so they bring out the pizzas and we all we don't even have to eat them all. But I know you were meant to be just kind of displayed in this way, and I am I inhaled mine and then I was like. In around like a fair anna to see if anyone else had extra pizza, but then remember tat. They made these experimental pizzas. There were just sort of sports, be a joke, meaning here's one that looks like potency.
That's what I was talking about, yeah. No, no, I'm saying like the first, the first one for us to eat yeah, but, like you, don't have to eat the whole thing I inhaled that. I just basically thought this is a communion wafer, yeah. I'm gonna show this whole thing in my mouth and it's the body and a lot of praise and down we go, but then they brought out these display ones which we weren't you exposed to ie eight, and I noticed at one point: you guys are shouting and I'm realizing. Been talking for awhile and my name is on the part tat in its because I'm forcing the display pizza into my esophagus not even Shoeing eddie, I'm just shutting down. There was a point at which we had stopped, recording really ok, so we can take these here. I know- and you married. Now now let us take no doubt I was like, because I admit my drug is a carb. I that's that
it really is like I I I admit I have no self control, so I think I can have self control around all kinds of substances that other people have problems with. But if it's a pizza it doesn't even have to be a particularly could well be that point. These display pizzas had disproportionate, topping so that they can make our faces, so some of them would have like a pound of pepperoni item or all sliced cheese. Mine had buttons from overcoat. korean war. Siemens jackets and I was just I didn't care. I was just making it go. It's go into stomach yeah I'll get in my belly. Yours, mushrooms, which you don't you believe, must end and I was showing them down my face and a one point blade goes to take them away from intimate tat touch. The police wants that.
I want you to see me. I was wearing just a loincloth and I grabbed my hath pizza and I scuttled threesome caves over some wet rod. And I have just a few hairs on my head converts over strategically once in the place I'm not as inhaling unlike cookie monster were thing have always been amazed, cookie most, It is most, the cookie isn't going india what's up it's a puppet, and so I know but I love it. Just the cooking just haven, I am pleased to see that just lying and there's you know you could they could have given cookie monster, a tiny, a tiny orifice in their no. They could get him some no now cookies, just bouncing off left and right. You were like, like a wood,
our work has now had I I went home and felt in the morning. It wasn't like a hang over. It was deep shame about the way I behaved around the pieces and awe, and you know I do so. You ll a task that I try. but they have us spinnet shake. Then I, like you, I think, generally speaking, you're very healthy poland very healthy person. But when I go off, I don't go slightly off the rails when it's time for me to go rogue it's pure and simple. and so this wasn't good plan because I've been trying to be healthy too, and I knew on this day all bets are off. I was gonna have as much drinking as much pizzas. I wanted because that's just that's the circumstantial. You came in most eagerly Well yeah. I mean when you're right, you're, right, she's, also acting and during the these episodes too is acting like he wasn't. You know affected by the drink and you were slurring your speech more than I think he would care to admit. I mean footfall and I you know
bowed to apologize. Oh, but I had had a major cerebral, eventually yeah major major rebel major brain bleed. It's only in a week we took care of it. I waited a couple of days, which is always the best thing to do. Just wait, wait a few days and then a medical oncologist rubbed some grass. I had I wouldn't say I got crazy, but I yeah I had some rum yeah. I had some rum, but I think I was more filled with shame about. Be ass. The pizza Some are small series is back. Each year we gather on a solo still fire pit it's kind of nice. It also you guys, I'm ok nine. I love each other, so just ok, it's yours so also sent us the bar. If the fire is designed to put out some serious heat without putting off that dirty s word. You know what I'm talking about smoke it.
Yeah the solar stoves, uniquely designed to burn off smoke before it ever escapes the top of the fire pit. Once you set around a smokeless fire you'll never want to go back guys, correct me. If I'm wrong, I've sat around some fires, day, ok, miasma gets in my eyes. I start crying behind him having emotional breakdown. Taken away and put into an institution. There's no smoke here and we've got a nice fire. We get some heat, but no smoke. That's why we know you're crying is actually just emotional letter tags exactly. Yes, I'm crying because I'm with two people, I love very much. Ah wait who's here, atoz, sorry, my glasses weren't on anyway. So it has multiple different colors that are portable, so you can take it into the back country and go to the beach. You can go up to the top of a mountain. You go into a deep cave, it looks good, it works
pleasant as a lifetime warranty, which means we could do easily seven thousand seasons of this, show what well I'd like to retire. At some point, I don't think so. Your family has said there find with you working anyway. we do a lot of seasons and that solar stove would keep I'm gonna go check him out at source of thy common use. Promo code gonna get ten hours off. You knew pit So did you come? into that night thinking. You aren't going to drink that much and you were going to eat that much or what what was yeah. I think I thought I'll nibble a bit and then what happens is? Do you really know? You didn't think that I did. I did think youth I'm going to stop myself yeah like on in. I know I don't know me it's like there's certain food. I know if it's put in front of you, you you you blank out and then it's just there's crumbs that relate
you do that with popcorn yeah. Oh, my god, she's popcorn yeah. If people want to know my true weakness, a very good job, popcorn yeah, it's all inhibitions go ahead and it's scary, but I've in this way, but she's popcorn and anyone who knows me well, I can my my brothers and sisters know that gifts. Wanted meta, no way, sometimes very rarely, you've heard about bank robbers will kidnap someone will strap a bomb to his chest and they'll see you have to go in and rob that bank and it's like. Oh, my god. This is, you know so evil, but the person has no. Nice. If they, let me have a little bit of cheese, popcorn from a bag and then took it away, and I said I need me the rest never say will give it a rest, but you have to go into that. Citibank, Robert, and might note I would pass we see that they have the rest of us
he's a cop and approached the teller would be saying. Wife suffers already putting up a know, the rest of my keys. I got to have a quarter of the bag, but there's still three quarters of the bag and they put a clip on it to keep it from drying out. The bank is re next year, popcorn yeah that I'm just like. Well, what's the big deal, we have cheese pup? No, it's the really good that kind Chicago. That's really has extra cheddar real cheddar and I have multiple notes. I keep him more nice is none of which are. I am robin you're right now. What then, finally there's no extra? What is the point of all these? You have nine notes year about how you what this product worn, are you making a deposit withdraw. What are we doing here? Oh I'm, sorry, here's this now note number Seventy five give me money, no we're not giving any money. What do we care if you get your cheese, popcorn or not?
And then I have a note that you see I quickly scribbled. They just says I have bomb contrast like now. Lay it out. We saw you just write that, and you're, just wearing a t, shirt there's clearly nothing on it except cheese, dust yeah. So so sarah please leave the bank. Then I'm back there. I tried, whereas the popcorn helps catch the popcorn. You failed in your mission may I go in with lots of notice. Does the rear do either way? I get you. I can even I can't even so your generation Ah, you jerry, show your generation with yours gets groovy.
That's right. Both area, I didn't leave seventy everything's groovy millennials observers, but you're still radical. My generation is crank up. I ain't got it's time to lose. It. My generation more said. The size are more faint promised they use real drums and betty Davis size. It would say: hey my mom went to high school can Is it true that shouldn't she sang buried, emphasise spirit, Davis that was rod stuart. What's that a woman? No it's your car involved, I'm with sudden my thinking. The drugs is, as she knows, does work takes right, she's got me,
It makes a lot of times about this that groundwater to her. I talk about this with the amazing grace potter and she does an amazing kim car. I mean you close your eyes and you think this is Kim cards and she says the rhyme was she's atrocious and she knows just how to make a pro blush like, oh, my lord, and realise there is a third riman that yeah number that parity of she's got married Feldman. Now I love marty, Feldman yeah well, went from an obscure thereby sorry
at that every now and then we like to try and shake off all our listener unless it's like shaking a tail in a movie like hey, did we get rid of 'em and we're looking out the back window they're following us? Okay, let's make this one. Let's make organ pogo of references to this issue that okay, we lost that still chew on us, okay, Kim carnes, okay, there's still one following us: marty, feldman, okay, we're in the clear: let's go: let's go back. Then we tracked no legal, rob that back now, with my nine notes, conan o Brien needs a friend. The pipe has that dares you to listen to. People should know Marty Feldman. He was, I gore in young frankenstein, brilliant comedy writer who actually was
quite influential and popular and a big starman. The python were coming up. There is good that you and obscure reference with a lecture. Yes out. I thought it could people. I think people should know Marty feldman he's one of the funniest people is of all time. Ok, if you watch I'm frightened I did a long time ago and I well get faculty hosanna voting rights, while media are very few perfect comedies and young frankenstein is also nobody really amazing. Ok, I don't remember like anything I would lastly dry Yes, don't worry about it. I colorized don't worry I've tolerating I've, whites, black and white collar. I stood in the vat system added system of Adam you here and now you're out. Anyone who watches it gets framework is skewed anymore. Well, I know what I did have a good time. I did have shame about the way I ate and I'm embarrassed
out that no judgment here, man look here. We have a lot to drink, we all were buddies and we had each other's back. We held each other's hair proverbially as we threw up at your question is next year. What's it going to be now? What are we to resettle earned? It is Oh yeah we're gonna turn aquaculture is, I demanded I'm not drinking next you what yeah? Yes, you are right. Here we are just like taken out a ball that'll be fine. We could do that. I say we taken edible or mushrooms and go to vegas. That's how I hate that I have never loved. I dont you edibles or mushrooms square. Well, I mean tell me about mushrooms: what would that be? A good variance for me. I honestly don't I dunno I've, never done them yeah. I bought them once, but couldn't carve out enough time to do them so I've I've never done it microdosing. It just made me nauseous, yeah, yeah, okay, some people get that, but I'll do it. All we can do is Molly league.
Am I hereby that's once a week right. We can do over the counter heroin, yeah you're right. I love when Sona said. I bought these drugs, but I didn't carve out the time. I I love a I'm. A drug addict who's, just a poor, planner and so busy yeah, and it's just like you know, hey to get the stuff. I did. I got the stuff, I got the hair, I get the black tar heroin yeah, you get the spoon fuck. I really have the taxes to do I care for this now and then I gotta get the kids to the poor promise, and then I promise they get the accurate of the mechanics yeah. I still don't know what that knocking sound, yeah yeah, but what about the stuff huh? Oh we'll, get to that later. Can we just do it later yeah this table it? Did you get the rubber thing that ties off now now now? I think it would have that around the house. Look, we can't do this now
My mother lies here in half an hour, you fix a home. being backed chair now, right. Well listen. I had a good time. I do enjoy You guys- and I do want to say thank you to mac, as you did a lot of the work, so you made a great drank all I just ugly wife helped out yes, sir and Amanda, and all sir It was a big help. There's a whole crew of people. Crew is the best crew and a lot of people deserve a shout out Eduardo. You were there mikey Josh for shooting the video chills chills when the solar stove who made us till you dont, know arrests right. I know you don't even have dimension it because it's not required, but those solar stove, the people that brought that pizza.
When they did an amazing job. Very nice too. I want my. I want my pizza, cg and chris diesel. Is there still a solar stove here for me to take home now that one stays at the building you have to go out and buy your own know. I was promised a solo stuff. That's the only reason I did this. No, no, you thought you were promised a solo stow. I did what I told you was have another drink. Oh you just interpreted that occurred again. Alright, we'll see. Next time hoping to join your summer. You like, like one of those yearbook like when people sign your books, have a good thing. Firstly, I am guilty involve like how'd you like here, and I owe you up here and join your summer with the world. The stated sin, that's what that's what I wanted to say. They hope you're having a good time canada is on fire. Your summer ass, all I've gotta go rob a bank
summers: wars with conan, O brien cinema Ceci and a mac goarly produced by me, mad goarly executive.
is by adam sacks nuclear and Jeff Ross, a teen cocoa and colony anderson and coty fisher. At your wolf theme, song by the white stripes incidental music, by Jimmy the vienna taken away, Jimmy our supervising producers, aaron Blair and our associate talent, producers, jennifer samples engineering by a duarte Perez additional production support by mars moaning talent. Looking by polish avis, Gina, battista and break com, you can write and review the show and apple podcast, and you might find your review read on a future episode. Gotta question for conan call: the team cocoa hotline had three two three four five one, two eight to one and leave a message. It too could be featured on a future episode and if you have an already, please subscribed to colonel Brian needs. A friend on apple pod casts nature or wherever fine by tests are down.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-01.