« Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

Kelly Clarkson

2023-06-21 | 🔗

Singer Kelly Clarkson feels honored and super cheesy about being Conan O’Brien’s friend.


Kelly sits down with Conan to talk about all the odd jobs she worked prior to her singing career, the uncertain early days of American Idol, getting personal with her 10th studio album Chemistry, and collaborating with Steve Martin. Plus, Conan takes audience questions about his new Max series Conan O’Brien Must Go, the whereabouts of Jordan Schlansky, the future of the Chill Chums, and more.

Presented by T-Mobile. It’s better over here T-Mobile.com/seewhy

For Conan videos, tour dates and more visit TeamCoco.com.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This special bonus episode of canterbury needs a friend recorded with alive audience is presented by t mobile with t mobile network. You could stay connected to what love when you're out and about whether your listening to pod cas getting too actions are pretty much doing anything planning for gold and remote area. t mobiles. Therefore you t mobile. others more highway miles with five g than anybody else? Shifting a great average, especially when you're on the go check out t mobile dear the largest and fastest five g I gotta tell you sooner. I go crazy. You know me I'm adventurous. He had to jump on. My mountain bike go into the wild. That's why I'm with t mobile you gotta be is the only way yea you get lost in the word at last and what we should do all the time. I have no sense of direction. I should stop going into the woods, but when I do, I met share that I have
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I swear to god had been in frockcoat shops that are larger than this. I hate I should be in europe by the way. This is really nice. Welcome to color brine needs a friend. Thank you, one guy whoop, last time I was like you know what I feel like it's too small in here. What's which increase the capacity beyond legal fire limit varied. and they added one two three four of the available seven seats, but it's incredible I think she's going to make. I think these people are going to make the deaf That's because you in the back look how entitled you are were sitting upon rise there. Have to sit in regular plastic seats. I know some of you shocked and horrified by how I look in person I do and how area have you been to one of these before? Oh at large largo, you, you that, show that, with the last show that I did what you the last one,
last ones like historic. You know like ours, it forts theatre. When we get was shot weeks before was lincoln, now, when I drove a lincoln there, was there the last week right you just to make sure I was really leaving television forgot at nice was the a very good he's. Gonna be a guess. Soon, I'm gonna buy needs a friend he's coming up, lotta great excite, people coming up on the show whose irregular listener anybody here, regular the pike- that's very nice. Ok, that's great this is an audio formats, explained the people listening right now, a lot of hands just went up. I have today every hand in the room, but a lot of hands. Thousands of my favorite new thing that happens is I encounter people with that. Have you but in this happened in new york city and its happened walking around in a way I encountered people that are wearing your buds and they say they. Pointed the ear but and say I'm listening to you right now, which is
really weird, because then I feel like I'm interrupting myself, which is very strange feeling to happen. I ran into a woman in a whole foods who flag me down and said I am listening to you right now. He said what do you think it's you went she didn't really, but I'm more comfortable with that kind of feeling we got a great show today. Very excited about our gas is on the programme of thank you all know who it is, do they know who it is other down? Ok, it's a surprise. eyes went away. The last time I spoke to this guest was twenty years ago, so very excited. Yes, very, very excited to see this person less hum. I laid eyes on this guest was twenty years ago in person, so very happy to be. seeing them again you're all now thinking is it bob doll at at at at at at at No, it's not bob all! That's all how you can figure out just from the clue, not bob doll, it's a really bad,
of twenty questions. Is it not bob doll, you know, I can't do this show without myelin come on a good bye. Now really can't do it without my to close friends my associates they torment me, but I also love them dearly and their part of them. I took of our shows: let's bring them out right now. I'm talking about sona movsisyan and the dancing. We have a little seat and a chat about things for a second before we get started. Yeah, okay, well, man, I really had the energy whipped up into a frenzy come on no dead air. We can do this. Okay, listen! Let me just say that you both look fantastic. Thank you for being here. We don't often we don't often do the podcast with an audience, but I like it I performed in front of audiences for was thirty years loved it. I feel I get a lot of energy from it.
Sometimes I'm givin cocaine after the show friendly audience, oh yeah, when you're talking to what are you talking about? Yes, I would always bring me coach who's. The coach me with that trust me always in the back he's a lovely guy anyway, I'm really happy. I'm really happy that we have a crowd here and sona. How are you have your life? Go everything's guide, Ok, that's all the time we have not. Yet there is really nothing I wish there was. I wish there was some excitement. I mean I've you play keep my keep telling me when they go out and I don't go out. Like I told you you went out during in your use for maybe ten years working together, you tore it up you went out every night and killed it yeah and Then I slept mostly at work the next day, as I did writing of a rum, and then you had your fun. You had your guitar. I did it's just weird that like now, I don't I don't do that anymore. Well, I think
goarly does enough partying for all. I know you don't. Last time Did the podcast in front of this in this room in front, of an audience like this. There was a woman who only came here to see you at the one that I wasn't here. I was you were not here, yeah yeah and you weren't here, and she only came here to see you, and I said, of course you probably you know, I said. big deal but Matt Gorlias not going here today thinking that it would do no better me a speed bump on the road This woman was heartbroken medium. She was here to kill me, though I don't have a weapon to yell out pasadena, oh yeah, that's her right! I think I was here for that. Okay, no, no! You were not or not here. She was really disappointed. I hone in on a disappointed audience member when someone's less than pleased with me. This comes from childhood. If someone slightly less than pleased for me, my skin burns,
and so I was quite aware that something was off with the crowd and I found it. I talked to this woman I dunno, if she ever and then it turns out, she knows where you live, not address wise, She knew what street you are on your early yeah. I told her. exactly, and I said there are seven hundred says: there's an alarm sis system, but it's not real. They just sign business. My new mistress, yeah she's great! That's how you met your Mr, yes, she literally came in through the garage you guys are you know what you're doing. Well, yes, I said you're from ordinary logs and this machine same jacket. We deem implant hasn't horrid boroughs, corn rose, you guys and corduroy party YAP nothin's, as an exciting night a fund. To middle age, white, guys and quarter. I think of the noise we'd make if we hugged
I'm strangest break up line. I've ever heard my mistress said diminish down the door. I often say that I think are the no is wit make if we heard remember how it used to try and start and chat with Ladys back in the day? We know, how is it you have a line? I didn't have a well used to say I didn't know angels flew so low. Now you wouldn't do you never did that the audience was horrify yeah. Now I never ever ever. Did anything like that. I use say this skin or clear up was working on that ten years in ten years, it'll be a draw manual. Love me even your voice, you're just doing that voice. That was my voice several admiration. Since then, no, I didn't have good game. I didn't I'm good game and you know it did you use any kind of first line with your wife.
plaza when you met her. Was there any like first quip or first its eye, Actually I met lies when I was shooting a remote in new york city. I seem so it's all I mean you would know better than I went because it was on camera. talk to her. I met an advertising agency and I was supposed to shoot a remote there and the cameras are rolling, and I just start talking to this woman and very quickly, I'm not even trying to be funny. I'm not conan in a remote yeah, conan, o brien, saying in love, love not yet I'm not I'm Conan O'Brien, just saying things like. No, naturally currency your father, oh ok, I gotta she's, then saying ask me questions like no. No, I mean I studied english, but then I also studied history and my pretty it was listening with. You know, headset on him to put his what is wrong with him what's going on, and so it it's now out there. Our kids have watched us meat amazing in two thousand we met in two thousand and so they've watched us meet and I don't
Watch it cause. I remember it and the sound small see, but I know that that moment with special to me- and I don't want to see it- you know I in a digital format, is that makes them, I think so that that does since you guys yeah, you think it's kind of sweet. What the hell is wrong with people like you, generally we're talented sweet. Isn't it sweet moments? I bullied them into it. without weighing get going yeah, ok We got time what I'm just So I don't know this now
do it unless it is grown. I m excited. I haven't last time I shouted with our guest. Today was twenty years ago and she is gone on to such great things done just fine without me. I can say that I am, I guess today, as a grant me a word winning singer songwriter, whose tenth studio album chemistry is out on june. Twenty third is also had learning a ten night loss yes residency, beginning July twenty eightth, I am thrilled. Really well she's your day. She is such a mind body. Talent kelly? Then, when I met him, it's kelly clerks in and I feel honoured and supervision
they concern lab code and about being counted overheads, that's very sweet exerting I've been very nice and I will learn you kelly its apparently not very sentimental crowd tonight, like humor above I tried to just what we them into saying something. Romantic women gave them cried yet do it do it? You know I kept talking about this, but I was I said. I know I've met kelly and was right after you, burst into the world attention american idol. You came on my late night show and I watched the clip of it. This morning I didn't, and I was freaked out or not me. Winning me on your show. Sorry yeah, okay, yeah yeah, no kidding, I watched the clip of you coming on my show. Okay, I only watch things that involve me and I don't want to see Kelly then why not make now not in it in there, but they they showed it to me and the first thing that struck me, as you are a kid your life
a child. You come out, and then I'm an eleven year old girl in the in this clip I mean I am just such I am so young too, and I'm like I and I felt like my boyfriend, so we we literally, I was telling them earlier. We we googled cause. I was like. I know it was like, after idle and I was so excited like in love with him. Like I'm glad I was very excited, and if so, what happened between wine and what we want is the last page written I mean I mean just at that moment I was like. I cannot believe I was so excited to get to. your shall always like I did. It was a huge. Thing. I'd never done anything like that. The only thing I done is idle really, so I was very excited and I we looked at it s like I feel like it. like two thousand three asian. We looked it up and that that was so as twenty years ago, so we have a date in twenty years. I have another interview and we are allowed to speak to each other once everyone whenever you're one years it's allowed, but nobody
had to turn off, because my voice was you hate your own voice like you're talking boys, like I don t voice smells I hate my talking. Why you don't wittmanniana shrewd degree that you don't leave a voice mail. I never leave a voice now. How do you feel about being are applied yeah here's, why I I'm okay with this show and here's. Why I'm ok with my talk, show or any show I do, because I don't watch them or listen to myself back, because I'm in it a bride, you experience, I don't ever. We were just actually discussing this. I never watch myself, though for that reason alone. Like do you like, your voice. When you hear nobody really does right. I am. I am not a fan of my voice, but then I talked to other people and they agree that there are also none of that and I've always thought I do not have a good voice for television or radio and that's the medium that I got into and which which, by the way, reminds me. I have your bone debate with you, which is, I got into being a talk, show house, because that's the one thing I could do
you became, show host and you're really good at it and who have so many other incredible possibilities and you're an amazing singer that enrages me It just enricos, because that was all I could do. No one else was saying, and I wanted to do- also have like a ten octave range yeah. I think I'll, just through its optional, hey you're, like I have been very vocal about this from the very beginning. Like I was more shocked than anyone like afternoon, the voice they were like. Oh, we like how you're, in the show your energy, like, we think you do graded fluctuated. We this idea- and I was like oh thank you know said no initially twice because I was like. I do not think that p well, why? I am not a comedian, I am not a journalist. I have no experience to do that dislike Surely why would you want me to do a sling and so bay? They really my ex actually really, me to do it. He was like I think, you'll be really good at it. Now is like ok,
I was like, and so I tried it and I will say from the pilot as long as you're a curious person and you love to engage with people. You loved, to be communicative. Like it's, it's it's cool. Easy job like it's like it's fun it s. I wish, I would say I can. I sometimes think they can predict is going to be good at it. and when I heard they were going to do is show my first instant instinct was. You are very you're, very warm person and you're very you seem like a real power. then and then I, when I bumped into people that work with you regularly, including the woman who did my makeup today, sudan working what yeah she was just saying, she's the best she's such a nice person, and I think that is half it is, if you can be yourself in front of people in europe. good person, it's gonna work out, and so you have I didn't really right. You are yourself and your comfortable than it doesn't really matter. Could you dont know cause? I didn't know like people told me afterwards, like wow, I was successful.
Never happens, and I was like come again and they were like? Oh, this was probably going to fail and I was like what tell you that I brought no I'd. Like ignorance, was one hundred percent bless? I had no idea that, statistically, I was screwed like with like It's probably gonna prevail as I was like. If I had known that recipients and said no, it burnt no, the only way, but what happens in show business is they'll, kill you with enthusiasm. So what- happens is everyone's like it's gonna, be the best you're gonna. Be amazing. Is the perfect choice for you perfect? I went there really thinking is, I don't know if it goes badly their problem yeah Pardon me, I just you and said: oh you just you know, but I'm glad I didn't know it's best, not to know yeah. And you just enjoy need, do it cause you like doing it yeah. the I'm curious cause. I'm gonna go way back to its rude
so sound and isolating fan. How do I turn my back on them all the time when I'm speaking to them in a room, it's not being recorded? Ireland have my back in turn is the first time we ve seen his face and they're, not only. I was really impressed that I was feel like people with incredible town on some level know it? They know it's subliminally. They just somehow know it, and I was looking back. Your story and realise that you got these scholarships to these amazing college in berkeley school of music. While I think they re like in in high school, it was like. I wasn't formed because I was very poor that, like a Wait for me to get to college would be a scholarship and they were like you sing well like if he wanted to go this route that you'd be able to have. If you get to a certain point like if you chair, like make a certain chair whatever it was like opera, like a thing that kind of classical stuff so and I apps
lately, one hundred percent hated it. I love listening to it now, but yeah when any one thing I want dance with somebody. This is not not any real. Listening to at this point, you are like a huge atlantis, more set huge everything that like nirvana like whitney, rosemary clooney like raven, I live across the board. Just like music, and I love you too I love. I love a lot of different think so we hints cover allotted of cells, music, but it was just. It was told to me if I By worked, I nice, when I achieved a certain status, that I could get scholarships like rides. Likewise, I couldn't for there is no way I could afford that. So I did work my tail and I achieved that too. I could, but it was like you, you t r, u n t berkeley of some, I was very interested in as well and to go to berklee school of music on a on a on a ride. You order to get a scholarship
That's a big deal integration. I just there's a correction there. It's I didn't actually ever end up applying. I just had heard via my music program that, like once you achieve this, you could get that. So I didn't. I am not impressed at all, yes or no. I didn't, I think your whole. How do we arrive at a sham? Podcast is over and I usually ever apply because I ended up. I was working at like six legs over texas, real story during those singing and dancing the shows their aunt em The girl randomly yes, was crying and like ne her roommate bailed on her to move to l a and so instead of going to college like a teachers My mom is teach europe instead of doing their up. You know what I'm gonna do meet rama noodle and sit on a mattress than sleep, I'm hatchets in this random. And away and just try and make it when you did all jobs. I lives like name something I probably done it. Hitman hidden still time still time. I don't think I haven't thought about how it is.
Is everyone record cabins? Everyone is on record business, has a list, I'm ok so I heard that you were a rap for like red bull energy during last year was a rat bia? It was cool you that paid like. that amount of money. It was like. I feel like twelve dollars an hour just to like drive around their truck with their gas money and garlic lakes and be like hey. I want some free products and then you just get to hang with these people I really may hang out with them. After my job I mean that it is great to be Q. Twenty right leg around twenty one likes you liked it out at my pie. I have three of you to be frowned upon. Now you go to rescue them here. They're, like guns you about. I was at a great job.
so you're working, these different are a jobs, and I know that you were a waitress at like a comedy club, hyenas. Okay, do you remember, like bad tippers said you ever in those? Do you ever channel those people in your mind and think I am now one of the biggest stars in the world and what you could go back in time until that person who left you? since I was an area just like look when you're poor. Unlike you literally gone without electricity or like food, when someone tries to walk out on their bills. I just remembered this end since that happen they left and I chased. These individuals which are grown men, outflank, eighteen and chased them out of the car about to shut the door. Put my
Look I'm going out only! I don't know what you can see on the show, but I said mother fucker. You forgot something that say that, on the show and by the way that's your neck, so entirely girl, you re well, maybe even citizens might know how to get still trying to get into chemist, but it's really dangerous. I shouldn't have done it. My my boss was angry at me for doing it gets used like you can get it like it's dark. Working. Why? Whatever and I was like you wait. They make you cover the ticket. If somebody does that, do you you have to cover it. I couldn't afford that it was worth the risk of getting the shit beat out of me. That's I mean I I completely understand in that part of your life too. There's something about you, nothing! You are bold and brave right. Instead,
Why don't you you got nothing to lose yet. Are you go for it yeah, but no anyone listening don't do that its funding. May I say that today our wits, which actually we now is that you know american idol and a bunch of these different singing shows like the voice it become such a regular part of the fabric. I remember very clearly- and I was in new york and has been the late night show an army we seeing an advertisement for this brand new show american idol, and not knowing what it was and then hearing it's a singing competition show and like any else, thinking well that'll, be around for ten minutes for ten minutes, like everything else and I always wrong about things. So I of course it went on to be huge, but what thing is your perspective on it. As the first person, I am just. curious to hear you talk about the beginning, the v. Beginning of American I know there was some stuff at the very beginning.
we're almost felt like these people. Don't really know what they're doing like this company doesn't. What they're doing, because there figuring it out for the first time well, because that that their streets to that because it was they had poppied all which was in the uk, will young when the first one in that was kind of the big thing and blew up there and in the united kingdom, and then is Simon. Fuller was not called fuller. Was If I'm to do this in america and see how goes over well, they weren't sure, and so it blew up. and they didn't really know how to control it. I didn't notice, but geographically speaking, america is enormous compared to the uk, covering all that ground and, like all the outlets and like Well I mean we were literally someone was always sick with like walking them. Early clear enjoyed us are just that we were over, it now and not because they were mean about it. Everybody just didn't know it was a phenomenal just a phenomenon so just blew up and everybody was just trying to keep up with it right. I heard I heard of its true that that they, so
This is the level they were at. They took you guys to a mall. The contestants to a moisture and I've heard this notion sounds me now. You know that they have a whole system because it's become part of the show business firmament and its leader of die list on the show. Until I think, like the top five, maybe right, don't you we're just doing your own? Make up a hare robbed us at a mall, the beverly centre? and ooh that's a rough mall Davis gave us money and said it, and it was like. I don't, I think it was like two hundred bucks. I don't even know how it was just like a couple hundred dollars on like that and and said go go far enough you this is you up? I used to go, get something like for you know the show I am thinking. going nowhere. I'm pocketing this money I will wear whatever I want. I just wore what I have so. What did you say? You didn't spend the money they gonna. You know it and I was like this is like rent money would like I'm not gonna wasted on his dumb. All, unlike cares about, I didn't know, no one knew
they show- would be what it was. I'm literally the first when I had no idea like no one knew even after I one. No one knew. No one could have called that right, I do think the reason why so many successful people are from vat Two show is because there invested summoned, fuller, like with the company the record company, the management the show like. If one succeeds, all the other succeeds items. That's the brilliance behind that. honestly. I had a wonderful time. Like am I love simon, fuller. This never happens the industry, but, like Actually let me out of my deal and he didn't have to- and I was you know successful. So, there is no reason to do that, but he actually let me out because he he could actually be there. It was like people running it and it just wasn't a good unheard of in Geneva, unheard of in any business, but specifically the music business for them to say this is a superstar, a major talent she wants out. You can go
the anti be ice outperforming and I was just in tears on the phone going look I'll. I love you you're, like the kind of person ever but like I don't work with you on the regular and I'm just happy with who I am working with an he nodded. He said he me out. He also said he me. Fine management and help me out like after, like and with noted with no ask like nothing, no strings So it's I had a very positive experience in that sense right. I will point out: he sounds like a terrible bill man, he's really so you're doing something right. What's at once, I was like my friends I randomly like went like backpacking like you know in france, and he was like literally there's a real story. I do you like are you near, and I was like- oh my god you're here too, and he was like yeah. He was like I'll, send my tender. You and I was like I'm sorry what I was like. What does the indices before an app tender? This is at a boat, I guess a tiny boat with a bigger
Oh that comes to get you and I was like contains another boat, tiny boat. I guess from one big yacht till I can get, and I was like- oh man, we roll in different circles. Yeah wait a minute. You're gonna have to send your tender, your your backpacking with your friends and it's like you're, going to stay in a youth hostel, and this disguise like I'll, send my yacht over saying it. Just like a normal hotel like it was as we would a normal hotel- and I just was like oh my god, you're good, like that's, not, I do. I feel like a pretty woman. Like you know, you walk in the storm. You don't belong here, though I was late. Ah, does not deny role. So now, I'm good, but I learned with a tender, was now that I now it's thing completely different, it's funny. How I have no experience with either tender meat either and it came along before my time, so I never had to swipe or anything never yeah. I just never did that. I don't think I would have done very well in that world yeah, I'm not even going to venture into there. Oh come on. Let's give it a shot
now, you know really old fashioned yeah. You know. Oh, I want to talk about this album chemistry except examples. listening to listen to it last night and my daughter is such a massive fan of yours. nineteen, so I said they gave me this sneak, listen to and so when she got the car. And we drove around was the whole album and cheap. Both of us, both but my daughter just go on and on about your range and the way you put a song across, and I think this is your tenth. Is your tent thou? My tent someone told me that yeah, that's amazing, and I what someone told me that I'm gonna be honesty. I nightingale down delightful. I am delightful not by anyone here I hire guy by it it. What what's amazing to me is I I don't. I know I think I like I know great singing when I hear it and I remembered watching your audition tape, which is out there. It's fun saint Cyr audition for
american idol yeah and addressing you know which, when you saw, which would mean because they they show Do you know they edit and they show you. I think they ended up releasing, but they had me accessing another. I came and singing at last, yet us and when I saw yeah, but then they actually ended up releasing at some point because people they found ice cause. They asked milk. Oh that's! some of those on. Can you sing like an up tempo? Unlike lit, every person was singing, itchy gucci! I, whatever that the pink lady marmalade, let guide every sit. All The building was rehearsing that's on two things. I was like anything, but that's like so I ended up, madonna express yourself first, some odd reason: that's not like a particularly one. Well, it went fine but like I just it's funny how they added the show like nobody. Even all that for humans graders watching their reactions, because it's you know you have the the judges there and it's paula Abdul and some cow and they're just there. You starts there
Ok go ahead and you come in and you really do look like you. Ve just come in from selling some red, bold gavel and apart, I literally patented, and you start to sing at last and you just cut to them and it's really fun to see because it's I don't know it's it's like people seeing a ufo they're, just all looking at you. Their reactions are so priceless. Their seeing awesome, talent, so I'm out of you, which is really cool. Well, so randy and Paula were like that with me, but I had to win over the brit like he. He didn't even remember me. He, like I late came back and he literally said and like I think I was seeing respects and it was on one of the lives or something, and he I always like. Oh, he can't hear them enough. He was like. I don't even remember you and it was like thank you.
that is so great what's funny, his job was kind of to be that way in an honest eyes, carcinoma so changed my hair color ass. I think he just honestly did not recognize me or remember me at all- was not impress my my voice at first and then I have no you're really going to talk about europe. You haven't, I went crazy, operatic voice. Why needs Helen you I'd, but I literally gonna station isaac? Well, you can't hear that enough with gunnar. Remember you like, ok, yeah I'd. Rather how can be memorable than unmet, but not member, equally well here Where's sweaters was no teach your name like such a ban he's, so nine o. How he's come around that sure and I we are on the show- I want him over on the show, but I think it took a minute this album that you've done chemistry is about really personal. stuff in your life yet which is where
I have great music comes from tragic historically, but I must be another. You wrote some of the songs. Maybe year and a half ago two and a half to three. I literally had to sit on it because my my label love the the the But if I was like, I can't I can't sit and do this. I'm not ready like I'm saying the talk about it like so I'd and now I just need to wait until you know we were through it. And then I could do it, but so it's weird to listen to now cudgel You have you like us all, because you went through this dramatic. You know separation divorce is that it is and obviously I am not a songwriter knowing about it, but is that it all therapeutic to write about its only therapy that that's the one two percent. The reason why I did it like, I rode so many songs, and I think you know we all press, things differently and for me like. Even when I was a kid, I had a funny enough at a prom, communicating and really get it now, but I had a problem with it, and my mom, like shoved
A journal environment was like what you write, and so I started writing poetry and night, and I notice that I that's how I would process. feelings are what I was feeling or I just didn't know sometimes cause they're. So many it just feels chaotic. Sometimes we hear so so then it turned into music, and so a lot of that was just me doing it selfishly. But then you realize like a lot of bull, unfortunately, will relate to mean statistically but shit, thus related to a divorce, so you know and just loss in general grief in general. So I pick the ones that I felt so literal and Ok cause. We have children, so I've affect the ones that we're. Ok, that I felt like and then am thy put. Those out.
But now the ones that are super literal. Those are for me and they're. Probably just super specific and super duper specific right on august yeah. I think a couple of the angry songs made up, but they weren't the ones that were like you know. No code red over divorce in general is hard separation, grief loss. All of that is hard. I think the worst part was when you feel alone, like I'd. I dont even hang out with anybody, is really like my main group of friends like art married. Have children are in the public eye like now. the things that take the boxes that I am so, which is often that's, why we make up a fun group, but but at the same time, when you're going through something so horrendous and so publicly theirs there's no way to like describe that like theirs.
I just saw your shirt of starch. That's amazing caught my eye like these amazing, but there's no way to thank here to counter hurries its main monetary, I'm so adhd like squirrels, but I think, I think, when you're, when you're, when you're, that when you that isolated- and I think everybody really co ed right before so isolated like I think, that's the worse to not feel like you can connect with with. another being unlike heal in that sense, and I think the button That's where we all do crave like. Maybe it's not marriage, or maybe it's not whatever society tells you, but we do craig companionship and and because you need you need to connect and you need to. It's almost have a process of healing. I think for me do what
Do you have an instrument that you use a musical instrument when you, when you are trying to work something out? Do you get our use of terrible guitar and I, like literally, I played one tour and then I found out like halfway through. They relate not putting it in not that I am not putting it in the main concern there were like. You know you're learning so like and I was like. Oh yeah, I killed that solo load and I I was like I built it, and I was like okay, I'm going to let the professionals do it. So I know chords like an enough to like write if I need to and a guitar piano, but honestly, most things especially this. good on most of it wasn't archipelago, the lyrics and melody flowing out of me and then we worked out a track around it, and sometimes I caught like I'm, I litter they send out like a like a code. Like any any artist friends, and I knew that were producers are writers. I was like, please send me
Anything you have that's like, even if it's a random guitar riff idea urged anything that cause. I was neat, to get all of this out and I just needed different moods indifferent, like perspectives musically, so So I wrote like that too, but it's the lyrics and melody army. I love that you worked with I did not see this coming, but one of my all time, all time idle escape martin I've, just absolutely it Mr Martin, you know he said yes any had a huge impact on my comedy in my life, and then I find out that I mean I always knew is an amazing amazing, banjo player, and I hear about this- liberalization. He added you did with Steve Martin, which you would have never I what Does anyone making it sounds great and in the song is so the song is love an end in the songs I'm sure
that means there is really no end of why I hate love is not that I hate love ed's, it's the you hate. What love can do you know, and especially so in the second birth. You know you watch the notebook and you're like. Ah that's so beautiful james, garner cry like all the things you lack, I guess this is achievable and then you see react, the and like a movie like it's complicated with, like meryl, believe Martin out Baldwin, one of my favorite movies, and that's more real life, and so I just thought it was funny to play off of those I'm very much inspired by art like whether its music or movies or art or whatever, and so I put it off that and in the lyric, it's like I'll, take Steve martin over gosling, like I best based.
clean like throwing rang. Didn't I love ryan guys for what I was motivated and for a while, I'm good for years now we really yeah. I know it's, not a noble, get underwhelming lover. Zilch knows, though, anyway, I made this reference as the martin in it, and that I have, I would choose to Martin of over gosling and and I literally looked suggested. I remembered his eyes: do you think cause, I know, is about ass musician, as I do you think, and some world he would agree to play on this cause it's kind of a pot punk song, a new and better, so I thought would be cool on it out and it is, and it is- and so anyway he said yes, I know, and I didn't get to go to the city with him, I'm some. I still never read him. Jesse got too. I was working so funny. You brought up a notebook and I just have to relate the rhine rent was on the show. Remember this right values on the show once earned into my memory case ever so. Ryan Reynolds is on our show, and he had this idea said: let's recreate the scene from the no book so
I'm wearing the blue dress, in the rain yes plan with, though who bear yelling at each other and their yelling each other in the rain. Ya came back for me. I fear and ryan Reynolds is doing ryan gosling and they get culminate. The two of us was shot in this, but beautiful film exe file to exactly match the movie, I'm a guy, and I am which the axis you rachel, my god, I'm I'm rachel MC atta and my hair just matter down and I'm wearing the same dress, how s your ugly cry out is fantastic s really, ugly and but it ends with rhine rounds, and I had just He said that we were gonna rush, each other and start making out. So we do. we start making out and we're making out for what it felt like. For our yeah. Maybe just ended
you can have a minute. You can see it on the internet but ryan, giving it the old college go for it and ryan reynolds at one point, has this mover he's reaching over and he's doing he's kind of twiddling my ear, and so we just moves yeah exactly so. I learned a lot about him. exactly, and so we don't cut. We got it and I'm just like. I write what next and I move on and my wife had watched. The whole thing happened she sovereignty be that night she watched it. She said yeah that ruined both for me the same time. No longer like I am no longer. I don't like you. I don't lie and attracted to buy like that, and I now find you both horrific. That's amazing well assumes good, except
in the long. It lasted oh yeah, when you know just right, just go for it. You know you're just going to you know that is coming to your use, a mint. Do you put a mint in your mouth or I actually just to get 'em had a burrito. I had a very garlic rare garlic, garlic yeah cause. What did I care yeah? Do you guys still talk at all? Do you we, let's just say we did. Accident was live alone at our relationship is funny how people they cover the jug. That's it That's the beauty of of comic! That's why I loved actually being a two issues and comedy club love to be to put your pride or you everything,
side he going just be like Hell. Why not like? I love that? There's nothing more track. Do I usually we put our pride aside. Some people have, I know, what's this pride straight, deeds would be like known. I want people to think like anything I'll gay guy nobody's thinking about you that much anyway but like like, but I thought I love that people. I think that it's the most unattractive its most attractive thing, I'm sorry about about a person to be so comfortable. I imagine a most trying to look for which the connection between different artistic forms and- and when I do know is- and I know that it applies to What you do in music is at an all. Oh on you're, on your talk show when it's time to go use go. You know you look at all the different things that you ve been through. in your life and in this recent
in your personal life recently and people might say well how do you keep going? It's because you take it moment to moment to moment. I'm going to take this and I'm going to write this song, then I'm going to write that song, I'm gonna, move to this moment at that moment. Well, that's interesting. You say that because that's literally, I think everybody had a hard time during covert. I I I they tried to keep the show going and of wood, we did but like from my region, in Montana, which very poor internet to end like could be a more remote location in the mountains and I'm traipsing. Their snow My marriage is falling apart. No one knows I'm still learning all these songs, I'm doing this other stuff for music thing like instilling just shut is hitting the fan and and and and all the while, you know your leg. What's up and you know you're smiling in your ear. You don't think I think a lot of us have to do that. Whatever vocation you choose like one of your job is like having a lot of us have had to do. Who knows, but what I found helpful is, I would be like, like truth, like
completely bawling like right before we would be shooting at me like. How do I fix this? Like you know, and then we'd start and we'd, like would say like an hiv story and some amazing human would come on the screen and just say how there'd be went from. Something may be tragic and did something that usually maybe people would find cheesy or something, but it's so healing- and I think, when you step outside yourself and not necessarily compartmentalize it, but but just let it go for a moment because it seems so huge and then you focus on someone else, a kind of change the perspective on everything in your life or sign of healing in advance, but it's hard to keep smiling right. There is in time and I was like you- I never cancel, unlike I'm not that person and I I was like I can actually fix this lake. I looked like, oh god, put her in jack, like always like it, was real bad, not only really sad end, and so we had to like cancel out, and I know that one so rare for you. It is
actually seen footage of you at some award show and your performing your ass off, and I know that I later heard the back story, which is that you needed to have an app and act to me tonight. and they like no doctor, those are like the death from united. Sadly that happened. Yes, like my appendix was about to burst, I literally went into surgery hours later, something having either tumors doing it. My first point its ever on the grammy's? This is a real story. I was called right as I was leaving for the grammy's being picked up on my publicists at the time. Roger would now ski and was told, I had cancerous results and I was like in cancer like right. in our family, like ovarian cervical, like just the gamut breast everything, and I was like what in the end the whole day was ruined, because I just couldn't stop crying sums like I haven't done so much like in my life, if I was like in the end it just was the worst day ever true story. The next morning I called back to
casual cause? I was like I can't they they're like we need to come in now. It's like what I guess, I'm going to be performing on the grammys so and it was the huge moment for any kid that grows up what that's like the epic thing for you and and lit they called the next morning for like what I mean to do next in their like over. So sorry, those were actually someone else's result like you, of all my first thought was like who did you tell? They were fighting right, and now you're calling them and telling them if cancer like unlike wait, watch and and and and then they climbed clark, sin and then I was like we're so sorry, clark award says, get ready for me there like like. Sometimes I don't want to go cause, I'm like what the hell is going to happen to me like, because something always happens I feel like and- and I won that night
Oh, my god that I want again and then I just kept crying cause. I was like god's giving me this before yeah. Sorry, I'm sorry. I had to have my god for just one last why everyone was Oh, my god here performance it because it because it's an emotional song in general there are like, was so beautiful nose like that. Up with like so worried and they had to redo my make up three times like you, people run you're momentum so like for me- and I just got a warrant chosen general like shit, happens to me- I don't know- I'm always afraid to say yes, leg- cause who knows what's going to happen, favour by a word show moment was: I was working. Why there's a there's a bunch of crazy things it happened, but I was working on an award show once and am seeing it and how did you a song and dance number, and I can sort of like hold a tune, if necessary in a calm.
IC way. So it was all fine, but then it was important that I hit this note at the end yeah, and so they said you know about this, but they said what we're gonna do. Is we're going and you into the cabin records building does the orchestra? is there. That's gonna, be while they were playing, and yet it was a greater say in the matter and what they do is they had me hit this sing it there, so they had it on this track with them. They had me hit this one notes was gonna sing. It live, but then at the end, I also welcome to the man I gotta hit this note up there and hold it, which I don't, do you ve been here cake for you, but I don't do that, so they stay otto tuned it and then they They did this thing where they extend it for long terms, it looks like I'm really holding the no area and they said so kind just get to that part and then get too there and then go and get down on one knee and mine. and will will slide it across and look like you hit it okay, so I do the whole bit. I do all the jokes, then I go into the song. Then I hit the note and the crowd was really liked it and yeah, and I walk off stage and Barry manilow
is standing there and these get me, and he says: hey man, you hit them note and held it out, and I said otto tune, pre record, he went. Oh walked like. I had forty appeal wrapped it. He went from wow was and then his face fell like you'd have to throw any just turned and walked away. I might he was just like. Oh you, sick in me, yeah my moment for me. Oh my guide artists. Do that eight? Do me a favor? Will you not have twenty years go by before we talk again? I know I was going to let you know what one reason I like gotta come visit. You is because you're moving your show to new york you're going to be in my old studio where we do
late night from ninety three to two thousand nine gas or for sixteen years. I was in that place that places near and dear to my heart. That's where I met you, that's where we met. I know, and you said I'll see you in twenty one year, as you said I'll see you in ten album sucker, but yeah letterman was in that studio before me, and he did his iconic show there there's a lot of they told me the history of it yeah Tom Snyder. Was there interview John lennon in that room? That is a very famous studio that has magical mojo so I am really happy than you're going in. There makes me happy I'll. Tell ya happy too well. The album chemistry well, I think when this drops it doesn't drop a job. Students are there. I know I'm saying the podcast em who confused about what to say, because it falls with a bit of a third yeah you're gonna hit tambos out it get you a raft, it's cool. Yet by this time this week, dont tell me it's cool.
It's not that it's not thank you can I say that there are a great deal? I just found this out in a by catch. You do you know, I'm look, I'm in a somewhat going idiot Do you know like do you know before anyone answers what netflix and chill is like? Do you know what that is yeah, I do yeah. What do you think it is? Well, I I think it's what's let's get it on as the kid you say. You didn't know that didn't ya know yeah. It's like a bit like a bit like a way of saying: let's do it yeah my friend was I gather and attacks like you up- and I was like wait- why I have been saying legs and chill girl like no high. That means anything I all I am aware as like twelve hours ago up, but I didn't know knowing I've been seeing like networks and shoulders then like either,
is kind of like it's almost like a booty call thing to say like let's just watch netflix, I feel It's code for yeah there'll be on in the background, my other one, no idea- and I have been out here for like a minute to go in- I know the glow key, I'm like netflix shell gonna girl there or like a girl, I'm coming hulu and screw guy laughed. I gotta be honest, I'd be down for either but, like I know, I've heard the occasion, but I just didn't know I just talk and just because yeah, it's kind of that sell up and leave. Obama will carry on anyway. See you again soon. You are what you are, breathing. You were when I met you. Twenty years ago, you're you're, just still incredibly talent Obviously that doesn't go away but very warm real person, a funny and you're still yourself. You saw the person that ran down the street after them.
People that ran on the tab so I know, you'd been uneven through a lot, but I know better times are coming, I'm happy for you, man there already here. It's it yeah, brigadier clarkson. Everybody knew what a lovely persons is lovely waiter What the hell is all that about. There are really good audiences out there with you paypal You don't do that when I walk down the hall know I'd you're not telling clarkson howison up up up up up. bad news for you, a low clark and here you told me my that's a fine work,
What get down to some business? I'm gonna get that some business. Are we right? What kind of business we gonna sell some products site? You know well that we gotta we get to europe. We get to. You know what I like zone. I don't you. I want to see you you, like cell phones, no I like that's to execute. They are going to be more specific. Ok, you been drinking, I like good, reliable, covered chair. You go and I like to think so. I think you're, a big help where it is possible with t mobile now play or a loyal T. Mobile fellow has your experience that for many years I actually use t mobile. I live stream. My hikes,
the lives drama. This is actually true and no one doubted that it was true that there was a sadness about it. That was unbelievable. I I go. I like to go, connect with nature and live stream. It that's what I I go. I have this great two hour loop. I do, and I bring people say great yeah and- and we play games like what's this tree and we
great dogs and stuff that I see on my hike and also I there's a lot of big houses around where I live. I live in an apartment, but we try to guess how much each one of those houses, cars, life, history and it's it's really fun and fantastic, very good. With t mobile, great service, you get that five g coverage and right ninety's, a good one yeah. What other gees? Are you familiar with? Where that the two right blade use of your time? That worries me, but I think the message we should take away from it and that is that t mobile covers more highway miles with five g than anyone else. Did you know that? No, I didn't yeah. So if you need great coverage, especially when you're on the go and talk about on the go, this is
sorrow intended when he said, go, take a walk in the work to live stream. It makes me feel like I'm in the legend of zones. Yeah, exactly ok well got that's going from satisfy I'm ninety five years, you wanna know what we need great coverage, especially we're on the go check out, t mobile there, the largest and fastest five g network expiring, america's largest and fastest five g network for yourself find out more at t mobile dot com slash, see why that's team will that comes lash s e p, w h, why that's right, I spelled it out fast, is based on me in overall combined five g speeds are going to analysis by color of speed, test intelligence data for Q. One two and twenty three see five.
Device coverage and access details. T mobile dad come let's bring out someone very special to a shelly, but would that be it's your assistant, David? oh my other assistant, because sooner is usually busy I believe it David David, quick question: did you get to meet jelly clerks? I dare you did ok, we worked with as we driving today- gather and were listening to Kelly's new album mystery at one point we ve finished like the third fourth song I said aunt size has really good and you
at me and said it's impossible tallied. I have a bad sign, I know, but you are such a fanatic and was able to meet her and, as I brought a vinyl, she signed it for me to ask you if I could do that, I didn't want to risk using now disrupt the above. Now I look like a controlling ass everybody I saw your letter is, I would like it and I will shredded in front of us now. I would have said yes, but you really I would say you really were afraid to ask me if he actually wasn't or you just forgot the I just forgot, cause it's easier to say, I'm afraid, then I forgot okay and I'm glad I'm glad you met her, isn't she she is really nice. Thank you know one you let it how you made it happen. He told me yesterday he was like you're going to get one on one time and then I wasn't sure if it was a bitter, it was true and it was true. As what are you and soon. I always think that my acts of kindness are a cruel.
Nice earlier and I started getting super defensive when I write trying to that, I promised you one on time, one one time with their kelly, clarkson and I have meant it I know I knew I knew that I would be able to swing it yet again. She so nice he's about how it is going to say no. I'm out of here I have performed what I needed to do. I'm gone she's, just a lovely purse nourish. You know guess I think she's working the hallway because they gave us a generator reception when she walked out. So how can we help you David? I think you're gonna do some questions from. I have no idea what's happening at an. I am, I think, even during a meagre count, I wanna see thought your bringing me my lunch has concentrated at windsor, you h, b, mac shows style. Thank you for asking we I I shot is show. As you know, we do this podcast and then I wait. We talk to famous folk like Kelly clarkson, but then Usually in the middle the week I try
to anyone in the world- he just wants to talk to me, and so the idea was many. These conversations, as you guys know, cause you're there and with them saying will conan if you're ever in nigeria hop on stop on I and they say it kind of like a joke. So what we decided to do is show that h, b, o max said they wanted to do where I talked to them. You see a minute or two clip of that, and then I show up at their door and I get involved in their life, the conan room. style where I'm am, and literally through their kitchen and tearing up your closets and then trying to help them achieve what it is. They wanted to achieve or work. A problem they have with their mom, which is an episode that we shot in bangkok So as we shot some of them, and then the writer strike came, and so we at shut everything down and so, and so the writers guild is satisfied. They get a good cause. I started out as it as a tv writer, and so I'm back in them a thousand percent until they
what they want. We the show will the show will sort of stay in limbo and then, whenever that gets resolved, we can. I, I hope, to finish it up. All of us right now in this business are just waiting to see what's going to happen, but there is a there was a trailer. That's out there that You can check out the airlines. Cocoanut o Brien must go near However, a tremor statement now expressly yeah people do like a title that shit on me, but yes, so that should be coming along at some point at this time. is what you're hearing is David walking? Have you spoken to and in how is he well it's so funny. Because, wherever I go, people want to know how jordan's doing or no actually what they want to know is. Why isn't jordan with you right now and I would say because I want to enjoy my life and Jordan
is an- and this is true- it's amazing- about jordan's landscapes. People do these deep dies on the jordan lansky remote son. The adventures that we ve had to. Other, and they see that I get irritated with him and a lot of people say what's gonna, be an act and your back me up on this sooner it's not an ad, it's not an ak. He is a very irritating fellow. I wish it was an act yeah, it's not yeah and he was for years at our show and driving go up the war with his long pompous explanation, of how to make the best latte and then we just allies that when I talk to this guy, it's kind of magical and then we had all these adventurous together over the years and everyone wants more. They want more jordans nike, but I'm constantly bumping into people who said my family and I did like forever if your view in Jordan, and I think why why would which you? What do you do
watch me in this very irritating man drive each other insane, but it is pure and I tried to explain that to people yeah. I think that's why it works. I don't think you could make up a person like Jordan. Now you recently launched a channel on samsung tv and he went to new york and just handed ice cream out to people and just drove around arctic handing handing out ice cream, and I think it was very popular ass. It was people really liked it. It's I don't understand, he's been ass because he s fans like the band rush, really liked jordan interim, like russia rush, so they they asked jordan to come. and like open their show by just appearing and waving, and I'm scared how many common interest jordan and I have oh you're, a big. Fan. I do love rush. You can wow. That was worth its ended.
Reggie way, motorway you like rash, ok, getty, we alleys gray, you can't say someone's name in the ban to prove you like any who know. No there Greater international having any Oh Jordan, that's the important thing and he's, not rush and he's he's out therein and be more jordan, and I where he will have re emerge laughing just gonna low quiet with this writer strike in the remain that way until it, and so it gets resolved any other questions? Yes, I couldn't subtler matt will there be a chill chums season two well first. I want to thank David for being here. I get it all the time. It is absurd, lately, amazing or a second. I thought it had so cool. I know we have a cool podcast, but the fact that Dave girl would sit in the bag. My friends
well, the time in the late guys Gabriel's year at the bar free drinks. I'm like. I cannot cover this at all. That sounded like him to know, and you know what we've I've I've. Many times, and this thing resemblance is actually striking. You could get away with all kinds of stuff I was at a loss tasting ones and the sommelier was like in on the on a as a side gig, I take photos for a bottle, a bottle rock. and I'm a photographer. I'm like I met him before my all at sick, like what's he like his like he's so nice, but he's limits on you, I'm like oh great, classic, yeah. Well, I I I I just think if I were you I'd be out signing checks his name renting limos, are not paying for them than his grand slam ones. I'm running on that. I remembered one The years and years ago there was someone who was pretending to be me and driving around in a limo in charging things, and, unlike of all the people, you can choose to pay and to be who says canada brian
permeating looked much like me, riding around saying: yeah conan is the name O brien see put it on my account and I dont know what it why that would work, but apparently india, you should all try it Well, sir, who looks strikingly like dave grow, I think even handsomer and that's a compliment to you not to grow tommy. What tat would question? He listened to the quest. I couldn't listen to the question because I was saying shit. It's dave grow fuck is he doing here, and so the question just went out of my head, it was will do. Is their plan for a new children's, the serious theirs? to be a chill chums this summer in the books as a matter of fact, yeah it. Then the date has been set, and we will.
record, a chill chums and it's going to be a fun one. This can be really fun time. Yeah and I have a question because you, sir mr grow, brought this up which is, will there be alcohol again? This time? Oh yeah already started working up a cocktail hour cool because one last time was lethal and sewn very quickly was blotter yeah- and this is true- I my tolerance is real low and I had one of em, I was feeling no pay. It was a great I'm totally down for another or we could take edibles now, I began well. Of course you have to check with the sponsor right sorry sounds like mono, my a sponsor the sponsor yeah, I know we're gonna do it was fun. I remembered I was cautious. I sipped I slipped slowly, because I'm a broadcast profession,
No, we didn't set. No, we were chugging, you guys were chugging and those were amazing drinks you made thank you. They were fantastic yeah. I got to live up to it. I haven't quite arrived there, yet I dunno, I'm just I'm concocting, I'm working to get off my back, like I'm threatened by any man that says I'm concocting get off my back yeah. Well, I'm always workin on alcohol. Ok, very good! Good! That's a good man over there! Yes, anyone else who looks like a very famous rock n roll star, wanna say anything. I What's your name attempt a term? At least Why, for here, are you? Are you really loved you counted? there's a man. I love you I love you too. I wasn't why dont know them when I know he's right. We love you. Thank you. I was wondering what you guys be doing any comecon stuff in the future. Well, here's the deal We for many years did comic,
every year through the late night show, and that was really fun. because no late night show had done comecon before there is an amazing theatre downtown san, diego called the spreckels, which is an old vaudeville theatre that the marks brothers performed in and from interest this classic great nineteen twenties venue. and we would do shows that were all comecon themed and- and they were so much fun- you were there for all or there's probably some. My favorite shows you ve ever done so my favorite cold opens. We would shoot these incredible pieces of that bit parodied mad max and we would use like film cameras and we would we would die, really go to town And- and we did my origin stories and and the audience was packed with people who had been comic con all day, so the the awnings resist with wonder woman's in hawks and mac man's, and I mean it was. It was absolutely so much funding
It was then the question becomes now there's not a late night show, but there's a podcast, but is there a way that we could go back and I'd be very intrigue because I loved going there? I love the energy of it. It's one of the greatest fan bases of all time, and I think it could. if neatly meshes with our style of comedy, I think there's a nice symbiotic relationship where we're fans of a lot of these films to and it will work really nicely so I'd love to say that yes, in the future, there's no plan right now, but in the future, I'd love to get back to comic con yeah and do you know I met my husband after one of those shows after one of the week of Yes, that's right anyway happened. We were walking around. We had just finished a week of shows and we were walking and me and a friend of mine were walking around the actual comic con floor, and then my friend knew the friend that tack was walking with and then we met hit it finance railway. Did you know you? I did. I did yeah, but
Two years later, we were married, your spouse's through and yet over the little things yeah yeah. I met my wife shooting a second for late, mammoth, gunnar brian and you through the continuity bs. Yes, so it is the it is dating site of all time if anyone's looking for heather their special person. just come, hang out with me and I guarantee you'll meet them within seven years now best I can do I let my lawyers have said you really camp over promise.
So I think that's it for today. Isn't it that yeah. I think that said I do want to say well, first of all, thanks to Kelly clarkson. For being I love her. I love her incredibly talented, thanks to t mobile for helping make this all possible they're. Very this doesn't happen unless we get our sponsors. That's very cool, and I also want to thank you guys. You were a great audience who are really nice. You are right up there with the audience in the hall that works for me seriously. Thank you all very much in command. See us next time thanks.
trying to frame with conan o brien stoneham of session and mac goarly produced by me, mad goarly executive produced by adam sacks neatly out and Jeff Ross, a team, cocoa and colony anderson and cody fisher. At your wolf theme, song by the white stripes incidental music, by Jimmy the vienna taken away, Jimmy our supervising producers, errand blair and our associate talent, producers, jennifer samples engineering by a duarte Perez additional production support by mars moaning talent. Looking by polish avis, Gina, battista and brick com, you can write and review the show and apple podcast, and you might find your review read on a future episode, got a question for conan quality, cocoa hotline at three two, three, four five one, two eight to one and leave a message. It too could be featured on a future episode and if you haven't already, please subscribed to colonel Brian needs, a friend on apple podcast, nature or wherever fine, by cast down
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Transcript generated on 2023-06-22.