« Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

Jameela Jamil

2020-08-31 | 🔗

Actress Jameela Jamil feels better about her hair for being Conan O’Brien’s friend.

Jameela sits down with Conan to talk about the roots of British self-deprecation, injecting humor into sex, and encouraging body positivity with the ‘I Weigh’ Instagram movement. Later, Conan shares his excitement over his newest piece of headwear.

Got a question for Conan? Call our voicemail: (323) 451-2821.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Apple. Original Syria see Richmond doubts the hiring of their new management american public oceans at last. So I know the enrichment and giving everything they got. Wherewith outside yielding ties. You least success in these Balinese goes with Miss versions of themselves. On an off your decision to bench. Jamie was a master stroke and they were allowed intolerable. Working Jason Su Dic is dies in TAT, less well washed had less. Who now and the Apple TV ask subscription required for Apple tv plus hello? My name is mainly Gmail and I feel better about my hair for being kind of turbines. French cruel blow their work and their welcome too kind. O Brien needs a friend third season of the pod cast. This is my second take the intro, because on the first take I just started making noises get when you sound like a chipmunk yeah, I went well anyway, we shake a Chechen and then I just ran out esteem. I dont know what happened there. You guys giggled, but it could easily have been some sort of cerebral cerebral exclusion. You do have really bad mental problems will never know. I know, that's that's why we're a gig Lydia people have often said to me. If you
who had some kind of terrible, degenerate brain issue. We wouldn t know persona back this up. Half the things I say are nonsense. None send absolute gibberish and I speak in Gibraltar. She, and so, if God forbid, something happened and- and I got some kind of clotted, my brain is started acting. Speaking foolishly right people would say: yea here's a check more money, because that's what you do like I'd be making gestures, no, no, no and the annoying high. He I would be worried if you started making sent yeah. I just assumed something like this happened years ago. Yeah, if you started making sense, I'd, be
We need to get him to a hospital immediately. Ok, I just sort of a story. I dont know, I hope I'm told us that involves three will hemorrhage. Oh let's, let's hear it. Ok dad tell us the one about soon heard: ok gather around kids, everyone gather. Are you have your cocoa? Ok here we go no serious. This assess really happened when my son was kid he's school had a what was called a Wax museum day where all the kids dress, up as a certain historic figure day have to pretend to be that figure and what happens if you go through constant, exhibit and
they put a little fake button. Next, each kid and the kid acts frozen, so the kids are frozen, indifferent, and so my son of course wanted because he's such a tech o file wanted to be you wanna be Steve Jobs, so he was holding a laptop and he had glasses on and a little black turtleneck and he was frozen. And if you have been pushed his button, you'd go hello. My name is Steve Jobs. I was born my fifth, whatever nineteen fifty one, I pay an ear, the personal computer. He gave his whole speech and then he stopped and freeze and you'd push the button again and you go hi, I'm Steve jobs. So that's how it works. So I was walking through an ass looking at some and then there is one that I stopped at. It was a guy, a kid who is frozen and he was wearing a suit, any standing up, push the button and he said, look out
grenade, may an explosion, sound and then said hi, I'm Franklin Delano Roosevelt waste any. When I was the one every was I was you know thirtieth, president of the United States, and I was in the great depression and everything in your blood of la and unlike grenade, and because, like I saw the country through the depression, and then I saw through world war, two and ask can sense, would grenades all about any said and eventually bring us to victory in Europe. I died April, fifteen nineteen, forty five of a brain bleed and any froze again, I'm like what the fuck I push the button again anyway
Hi Franklin, Delano Roosevelt was born and nineteen and I couldn't I was so entranced a stand which Franklin Roosevelt could now do Franklin Roosevelt's, throwing a grenade. Why is Franklin Roosevelt? Let us in road works you, but a world order to ways you talking about and I loved it, and so I stayed there and I just watched it for a while, and parents would come up and push the button look out grenade High Franklin, Delano Roosevelt. I grew up in Hyde Park. New York there was the governor died April. Nineteen any eyes, this big smile on his face, Lena, leading the EU s it effectively and died in April of nineteen forty five of a brain bleed, and then he went back into the frozen position and I thought I never going to leave this way as they have been really and rain. I want to say he was seven now seeing a seven year old, saying I died of a brain Molly. I didn't April of nineteen forty five brain Blaine, an increase in going back to the growing lunatic. Clear Franklin. Rosabella is throwing good piece of work on throwing a grenade and he's also telling people look out grenade, don't say the enemy when you throw a grenade look out there. Nazis here comes the grenade, tossed it and then say by the way, Diana AIR. In April, our brain, see when I say I got a story about a summary, real him man, God s story about as the Ribeiro hammering out like that. One way, when we got a lot to talk about today, we're very excited about our guest thrilled about our guest I'll just say it may be in love with this woman. But that's ok! Now you know I will just keep that myself. Will you just said it? I just said it is true. I sent a letter. This is actually going under the world. Right is yeah yeah, it's clear throughout did not hide what but you're not gonna play a cool winner, and when these guests showed up, I was holding flowers that I'd buy for wilted and I was wearing a seersucker suited to small Miller. I love you and I'm gonna die two years from now and warm springs. Georgia Rainbowy. Well, I do you know who it is, but I gotta diet. Your this woman, my yesterday played to honey algae meal for foresees and on the hit NBC Series the good place, one of the better television shows to be crafted. I think, in the last decade now she host her own pod cast. I way with new
besides available every Thursday, I'm thrilled to talk with her today and in studio amused. These are usually overseen, but I am thrilled that she's able to be here in person. Jamila Gmail welcome. Now, let's explain into the list that my hair is out of control and cold. I have not had a cut, it is out of control, and I have said this why I look like the bully on Karate kid. I've got a weird headband. I've got a lotta hair. I thought it had an injury. Well, I'm trying to pass. It offers a headband. I was in a trice echo accident on the way over here. Yeah it does not. It should do as I should get a white headband and I should put a big red stand on it and then I'll get all kinds of incredible attention from people who know I went with headband a while ago. I thought it just gets the hair out of the way. If you're stuck without a mask, it can be a mask really bad. Your hair is spectacular. I've had this, I'm hack artful says he D is so I'm a hack how it you know what I mean you ve and also create a great global mystery around what is under my bangs. I've always tell people to low Dick ordinary, basically good, Lord good. It is just right, conversationally girl, I hi, I'm doing a great. I told my mother she's, never listened the pike ass. I said turning tuning to this one issue. Gmail is just like ok, so we're off to the racists, and he I adore you. I think you know that, because I think we're at some someone took a picture visit some event, and I think I posted oh here. You know here I am with my tv crush and it was you know it's nice is that it was sanctioned by my wife. My wife was like yes, that is someone you should have a crush on and I sanction this crush. I then started asking other questions and she shut down by my friend, is outside right now, sanctioning might crush, and I want to say something else. I want to say something else. This is in all of cove id. Throughout this whole crisis. I've been talking to people apply cast through zoom. You and I are in these same room. We die, we die together, we die together. An idea to meeting were sitting were socially distant and am also emotionally distant. He is on my lap. I thought this was a misunderstood, hurted yeah. I were in the same room, it's so nice to be in a room with you. I am a big fan and I am very happy right now because I know about you, I'm just so missing human beings, especially delightful human beings, I'm feel like I'm in a crisis mode because I just have not with people I'm.
with some people, but is the same people every day. I can't take it anymore. Families gonna go money on family starting another one outside of my existing some amazing. Yes, so I'm in others. The part where you say. Oh and it's you know it's great to be with you count and all that stuff
paid to be here and I have my money and I wonder how much how much do they have to pay you to get you in your twenty five thousand drive you again. Yes, someone's coming in their bringing suit case of cash. It looks like a drug dealers going down. No, I I love being here with you, but I have to say, as massive interval, I have loved not seeing anyone else, I'm ok! If you're the only person I see this year. This is enough. There's my cup runneth over. So I'm good like other, because you you say you're introvert. What are we talking about here? I mean you, you really dislike being around or the people or does it make you up tight. My best year of my life was when I brought my back and I stayed in bed completely by myself. Didn t another person and was on nothing putting ice cream watching television greatest here. My people alive- oh my god, I'm so sorry it was the best year of my life. Still unmatched worry, tat, Dancin, ok, we'll get outta Danton into second boobs morphine and ice cream. Untold is an insane combination, really fat and ready thrilled and having amazing tied parish break your back.
I was running away from a b that wasn't chasing me just sort of a bottle. The smartest thing to do would be to run into the road to get away from it, which made me much safer in Venice. I did not end up getting stung, but I did get hit by one car into another car. Oh my god, I'm broke my back sand. The irony of ironies. The car was driven by another by no means so stupid. You just tell me your horribly injured by car has five. When I went for joke- and it was the best year of my life- you're safe- it was the greatest but time effort and its way I got to discover like I really go into comedy. I really gone to film and tv, a music I'll, never forget that budget, no people around no people and you liked it
so this year I I've been training for this. I don't really have friends until I was late into my teens. I've been training for this. My whole life is my limpid disused. You are ready for this year. Where you go me, ask you something about this change your life and that you saw it I'm going to die. Or do you not think that joy is no I'll, be ok, nature? I didn't think that need to be honest. When, if ass happened, I got right back up and walked home cause. I had so much grantline re ass. I thought I was fine. I was reassuring. I was worried about the drive axes of very old man who was really fucking traumatize and it was totally my fault and then I ran home decided not to tell my mom, and I wasn't until I passed out randomly an hour later in the work on able to move. I realized something was wrong, but also stoned that I really just didn't think it was that serious throughout my I loved it aligned
who does want to lie down? This isn't what anyone wants to hear, but I don't know where the tiniest nice again. A lot of this is the morphine talking, which, I am told, is an amazing I'm never had morphine. I'm told it's amazing, it's like being kissed by virgins on the inside of your veins, Lord divergence of good, I says yes, area is universally lily. S going to say is that virtues are terrible pictures. I porn stars. Yes little actual Nordic here saying very sad acquiescing year, ok I'll write with swastikas, yes aversions, who aren't kissing on them. I mean foresters. Jobs on the end can be quite violent. Now that I've seen a lot of porn I've watched my share, you mean you have shares in. I have a lot of shares. Eye for an eye have invested very very wisely in I've, made a veritable fortune and it's gonna put my children to college. So it's all worthwhile. This is so. I've never had that. What I did have once is, I was I've made you got a rather afraid is lacking. I know I know you are, but I like it. I am I'm very titillated and humiliated at the same time, and I love the words titillated I
it was mugged once and it was by a bunch of guys around my age, but one of em hit me really hard in the face and shattered my nose and I went to the hospital and they gave me. I think it was a mixture of cocaine and laudanum too. Like just put me out, it's the happiest, I've been in my entire child. Here I just when doctors give you the good stuff is fantastic and I don't use drugs yeah, I'm not like you, I'm not constantly having ever I've, never taken any hard drugs and I've never drink alcohol. Ok, I was putting out there to see what I get. I think we have a lot of things in common. We haven't
These drugs were both very tall and very attractive, and we both grew up watching tv lying down. You have an excuse. Your back was broken here is that before the car I was away, I was just too lazy share to save ii pretended. My back was broken by was amazing to me that I am, I got the experience at nineteen. I really think all children should be hit by a car just one because after I have often said the same thing I really do, and if I were president know about, I was able to gain this extraordinary level of perspective in mind.
because you know once you lose the ability to even pests by yourself. You'll value system completely shifts ever circulated and super handy in this incredibly vacuous bizarre competitive industry, where everyone is always thinking about what they dont have, rather than being grateful for what they do. Have I mean we're a whole generation does obsessed with what we don't have I been trained into that I'm commercialism, and so any internet and I've been happy to I've just always been happy to be able to pass by myself. That's always been the bar. It's never been as net invention. I couldn't have attained. Oh I'm always thrilled with everything investment has to what a wonderful Lobo Nova. What a wonderful partner! You would be mean you dear you just as long as you have access to your own bathroom yeah and can pissed by yourself you're a loving the partner, your with us fantastic, having a great time, I'm a very simple chilled human being. I just don't like people who are funny, and so that's why I prefer to be in my house on my own
oh yeah, I too funny it makes, one of whom is someone I am in a relationship. It got it
give me a chance throughout this hour, I will convince you, lose your boyfriend, be cool with me just hanging around the house. One hundred a thank you won t. Let me go further. I'm really hanging around a lot yandah, that's fine! He would be totally. There is also another overly told India. So this is he'll have adapt figure. I did you do that if we were, it was so good, a dad figure. Ok, that's great! That's fantastic! Well, I would be very guess I must have had a very inappropriately young. It was fine if I know things went ahead and when I was like that the idea you had a very normal so makes it it's a third. Ok, ok! Well, we ve established station Camilla; no, no! No! No! No! It was not late. So basically I had you have. I was pretty much impotent when I had a child bride, I'm enrage, now lemon rage, enraged. I've been destroyed by you, someone I put on a pedestal and you ve destroyed me. There's nothing left us what pedestals afore, that's a kicking people down and were tearing statues down, and I think you just tore down that Confederate Conan Statue and destroyed in unison, yeah. It's gonna do so much that fascinates me about you forcing it is that you're you're fearlessly, honest, and I do love that about you. You ever scare yourselves several times a day that I'll write you. I think I am scarcely honest, but I just grew up around a lot of very dishonest people, and I grew up in England, which is inherently dishonest place. It is everyone's lying fundamentally just about being HOPI. Let's talk about that less. How about that people who said to me sometimes oconnor! You should come over here- do some comedy over here and I think I'll just share the shit out of me. I've been I'm I'm terrified of londoners. They seem like day cash. Mental pricks is that it is that what they are, but not actually told, Americans we love and American. We adjust cruel to our own, especially if they find six ass. Well, that's the top quality centrally syndrome. Yes, we're very, very strange about as successfully love a successful American. We loved Julia Roberts, but we just don't want you granted a level that makes well it all worked out that you know what that's criminals that aren't you come on you and I are very good for you, my flat made. I have noticed that it may be true, but the Irish too
get him over. There was a success in thinks he's all that in the bag in autumn unicycle where's that gentleman, that was me doing Portuguese, lay so funny, I'm an irish guy who can't do an irish tax and my and really do in irish tax on. I have to do a fake cartoon one of farmers and growers and make the real the real one. I could never do. Nice really hurt me getting parts who group of what it is like INA. We are fundamentally dishonest about how we feel even our humanity is fake. I've like Weird theory about. Why went so so humble a wireless. I sought deprecating already calling you ready.
so I think that there is a forced humility in the British, because the British went out and try to colonise the world's essentially got sent packing right on our aspect that tiny little suffer while there they thought they had these vast confidence that they had ownership over and would told to fuck the fuck off. So I think the embarrassment, the mortification of having gone out there was such a big ambition and all the raping the pillaging the murdering and to still be defeated and sent packing to now to live in this tiny little tiny little. While I think means that they are trying to be self deprecating in advance of any one making fun of them for their tremendous fuck up
of these, I want to say about the first, who I think you might be onto something you're neglecting they worked for the British for a long period of time. Yes, now, if they manage to do you think that they were self deprecating about them, because I don't think you can be set, we would you do that. Go around rape, everyone in yellow these native Americans. Do not sorry, sorry for my son is our life and I think that they were all she motherfuckers. Yes, yes, I think at the time, but now what you're talking about as they also lost their empire. So fast. Yes, we are in a very embarrassed and I think that's, whether like instant display, more self modification comes from the failure, no measures. My question, then, is I've brought up the Irish. The irish
at a similar way and we ve. Never we didn't conquer anybody. The Irish, the irish Anti literary hung over. No, no, I know it doesn't make sense if it doesn't make sense. We were very, you know, we're very well the self deprecating putting ourselves down very mordant wit, and we never conquered the globe. We we barely got up out of bed and and and got outside. You know and then moved a potato around with one homes, and I mean I don't understand. I don't know where that came from lesson that I don't know, and I also don't know enough about the history of Ireland in particular. I just know that the print the British have a lot today story and embarrassed about so therefore I think that's why that comes from their growing around that feeling of, like you can't tell you how you really feel you can't tell people that you'll side, you have tat, I caught the stiff out the net and also growing peremptory. Manipulative, like compulsive lies, a lot of the time in actual within my school or people with my own household meant that I was just tired of the bullshit and I needed to diskette be exact though I have, which has been very much my detriment, sometimes publicly that that's just that's how it is. I would rather be honest, then swallow my feelings, and this is a Countryman instinct place. Do you mind if I tell you the interesting place? I forbid it is not enough. There are also a when I was twenty six out of fuckin terrible nervous breakdown, I'd very, very bad depression. My depression wasn't like lying on a couch, crying sad music and very like numb high functioning depression, and so I didn't even know I depression so long because the representation and Hollywood is that you visibly looked like your falling apart, whereas I just didn't feel anything. I didn't feel anything at all and part of that, because I was being dishonest with myself so in lying about how I felt I wasn't lying to other people have lying to myself that I could cope, and I think that that detachment from me is what caused my depression, and so, I think part of like getting out with a nervous breakdown in that meltdown with meat. Just be like. I can't hold anything in anymore. I have to
I have noted that what happened you didn't have a moment of busily became too unbearable and that's when it you said: ok screw it, I'm just going to call things as they are the rest, my life, it wasn't. You went into a certain kind of fair pay and had a breakthrough. No, I mean I did have therapy couple of years after that. The new is truly a break down after realising. Why I'm so unhappy. While I feel lonely even with myself- and it was because I wasn't a truth teller, I was just a fucking I was insincere. I was that the the clown
I mean I was it. I had to be. The life and soul of the party in the entertainment was came with stupid, fucking anecdotes, and I didn't tell anyone who I really was my think now: Watson, all I've, just decided to make it my journey a my. My entire gold show the world exactly who I am and risk not being accepted, but at least be fundamentally honest to myself and to myself. I also think young people need that we ve grown up, so many people who are just not at all transparent. They don't tell the truth about anything about how they look the way they do about. What's really going on in the head about how they achieve success, and so I think you have to show people the dark side of what you like about this, that comparing themselves to others and noting that there's something wrong with them.
because we seem to be just high functioning and perfect and f less all the time. Well, I've made a life mission to let s need fan of my no. I m not high function and that my thing, that's why I love you so much I've loved if such a long time, even from the UK being able to watch your show on the internet, is because it felt like you will want to few people who felt like that that there was some honesty unless nice, it's yet another thing that we have in common. In addition to our,
paid and stoning looks and an adjustment that again and again and again told, becomes truly say that to you make it credible, credible social progress should authorise anyway. I don't think that either of us actually known from someone for any get out, there said it's, you know don't before ladys scars and animal anyway, because Lemme give you say Tiger. I am an old I'm, a very old lemur methods, sleeping in a tree and I've been injured engines in a brush fire and I'm gonna make it I'm a limit on the sheets lay. I don't think you should be allowed to be called a Adele until your thirty, I think, ATM is preposterous to be called an adult cause. You don't have focal about shuttle until you're. About thirty view, uni start to figure out who you actually are around then, because until your childhood trauma hasn't even surfaced until you're, not late twenties, you don't even know where your isms, an idiot increases, come from you and they all start to catch up with all of us just before we enter into, I think his actual adulthood. So I'm really any just starting to figure this stuff out, and I really passionately, I think they hate I'm going with hate. I hate people who complain about getting older. I hate people who go out there. What to say hello MA am on my birthday, fragile, so fucking lucky and I think again that comes from the car accident. Realizing I could have lost my life at nineteen. Yes, I got to do a lot of basically medical heroin and it was great but could have even really pirate. If I could have had no heroin and just been dead and then I would never have got to meet you, which would have been a tragedy. Yes, I am, I am like comedic morphine get if you well,
but I'm so lucky to have lived. There are so lucky to survive. So many people die so young and if ever there was a fucking air, we realise how lucky you are to have your life it's this year. We have to stop this bullshit women have to stop trying to look younger men have to stop expecting women, look young forever, it's fucking ridiculous and, like my just think generally, we need to develop some gratitude because life is infinitely better. For me,
moving aside, then it was as a teenager. I was so confused and also with so ill prepared for life. When we are schools fail us, I wanted so insane. I knew more about Agnes Rock thine you about sexual consent or about depression or anxiety or how the world actually works. What bullshit about the media I was left like opens being completely blind cited by the world, because parents about animations, I didn't talk, talk to us about anything and guns. No, there was even a taboo, and I think that in a week from generations in particular, it is probably still exists where you think that the ignorance and innocence have to be mutually exclusive where's. Actually, I think, as the opposite, I think he met to maintain summit innocent for longer if you on them with the information that will help them have the autonomy to avoid the thing the disasters that again leave them tormentors for decades time extent. Yes, it does in my family if
People, if we're watching a movie and to people held hands, everyone would turn away from the screen and pretend they could look through the wall. I say that revision, a? U ok, watching sexting snow and if I can't bear even on my own, I can't I can't do it. I can't bear I've, never seen fifty shades. Never if I hear that, as is acting in a film, I can't I can't cope it'll, I feel so in truth. I think you and I should get over this together and your boyfriend. I want him there, but I think the three of us should wife fifty shades together. Can you imagine you at all we should fill in us. What we shouldn T say: hammer should just beyond us watching and I'm gonna be wearing robe just say and in honour of your your boyfriend is gonna say dad was raised that we can always be with our people right now, right zone,
are you even the paying attention you weren't? You are looking the other way you like a cat. Looking at a drier may hear you said yes, ok, why are there so many things I can do right now, but I want now. All I said was people want to be with their people want to be with other people who are part of the peeps squads peeps time exactly well, a militant. That's hard to have no more time right now or is it? Is it no? It isn't when I see I tricked you just not the case a good time for military. You can do it on zoom. You know, have a quick porch beer with your neighbors and jumps hay and with a socially distant hang, you can wear when you're toasting, two friends near far great taste is always close by. You know why why great taste is Miller.
and if Miller, is something you have. The great taste is near by ok, adding stay silent now, ass, a logic yeah right now during a mellow light with friends, looks different. Everyone, ok, fine, but is so important to stay connected. and you want a drink with other people. I do when I drink allowing people get worried about me second home, you know,
with a roommate, our partners. You know you want to get out and have no more time. You get your friends on the fight in relation to no ideal dinnery, this anodyne and it's a very concise phrase. Tortured lodge now just read the overview, but excited some people are stuck in a house with their roommates and partners, while others are back home with their family. Some keep their interaction strictly digital, while others have embraced. Hang us outdoors at a safe distance from online happy hours to socially distance picnics. Every five hundred peace puzzle in between were enjoying new ways of spending time of their friends. That so many words that you say what I could say much more simply. I nobody Miller time setting Miller time can happen over zoom or socially distance, and you can tell someone who's more than six feet away and still enjoy your Miller. How about that one? Can't they just write that what was all that stuff they wrote. I don't know, I don't know,
that's how I stay connected with my chums. Beyond my power Eric Rife and my friend Gregg Daniels, I'm calling them all the time on zoom in saying: hey, let's cracks and Miller's. Unless all tat talk, yeah service and bruised and talk about the old days, we call them Bruce Keys and as we do talk about the old days, So that's a good time for me. No, it's I'm who you you like more times. You love Miller time. I love it so much on my gods, Bruce Keys with the boys, Gregg Daniels and Eric grade. I dont forget arrangements and then, in my ride, my man when you guys, when you get us together and we started crack and those Miller's crack crack crack
we are talking about Butterfly Merla great case. Only ninety six galleries and three points. You carbs, you and your friends are enjoying your friends crazy large. However, you and your friends are enjoying nor time this summer. You can have the original White beard alerted by going to Miller like that. Come forward. Slashed, Conan, funded Lou the near you, I said, deliberately liver reactions near you. We are celebrate responsibly. I gotta get that word out. So response. We will make sure that you get your Miller light for where did you by the internet? Miller. Brewing company Milwaukee was constant, gives you need to know words from ninety six salaries and three point two cars for twelve hours is, I promise I read the copy at a time next time, everyone, its rob low here hopeful. you're. Already listening to my podcast, literally with rob low, is what it's called, but if you're not get with the programme com,
on we're having so much fun. I've had great guests unbelievable people, but I recently sat down with me more and man it was more than you can imagine, was a trip down memory lane we ate your breath. Pack, we get Europe Saint. Almost fire, your about last night, we go, so long in it's, we could talk for five hours, but happily for you cause, you have lives any other things to do. It's probably going the only about an hour so plum. I urge you listen wearing your protest.
You and I did I'm not an actor. I'm always myself when I went to see a sexy and not just embarrassed for myself. I am often embarrassed for the actor is I'm thinking they become so graphically end and you know, and so lily. There's a guy sang okay. This is where you're, giving her anal and visa fees to adults who have to pretend that this thing is happening and it shows exception humiliating way to earn a living. Fact in itself is so stupid, like the thrusting net. What are we doing? We're done with thrusting decided at the entrance. Why don't I once I mean I stay varies Adele one push and then what I do is I slowly and ambitious, very graphic out. No one hears it. I go in very slowly often I don't know I mean when I tell them usually within note. I have handwritten note that a hand, and it says I am now in vain. I move as little as possible and I just trying to stay there as long as I can go well Adena by everyone else, but I'm aroused I'm told, as I said, they call me the lemur alike, to crawl into a small space like to curl up and just be there arrived untold, it's a very on erotic. Experience has been told that by all three of the women I've had sex with him and they all said that was shockingly and a lot of them were appreciative. They said you know, I've had these crazy wild rides and sex and day wow I could bring in. I could just barely focus the next day work. They often did good work. You know on their laptops, while I was with them and engine in full full action, I'm not maize, aimed at that either it I've got big.
So what's what does that mean? You don't have to be my views. I had I've had three separate lovers, ambassador of five Five love, as ever. I'm running this down: five love it ever. If I've, maybe six five, five and a half mile and a half was a guy. That's not get into that! No! But let's feel sorry for him, no bird, when you said, if I thought I didn't realize we had dated I've, gotta go, I I
then tell by three separate men that making love to me and they met this, I think, is a compliment satellite having sex with a memory, five mattress reform, which means that you would absorbing encore of their body to any shape, yeah shift to any shape. It that's a compliment. You know it is not just about being bendy. That's also that I have no muscles anywhere my body other than my heart, so I am really like built like a human marshmallow Nicholls. So, but the thing is, you do provide great lower managed its lower back. Some were right, lumber support, yeah and sex was over. They felt well rest in time, a comfortable shag time now and I fully in the sheets right. I can't like. I can give you three pumps of rust, calico and an amount I tap out real Ellie. I think anyone listening knows that you were being honest, but I was being self deprecating. As you see, I was away, I'm a master, I am a sexual master. Can my waterfall to me very fast, you, India, a massive cock. Thank you. I didn't use my hands to open it and I am a sexual athlete. I've been described. Sports illustrated Nigeria was on the cover. I know it's God buying a scientist. Gonna walk away from it literally walk away right, a move on. Yes, I think that the fact that you and I are comfortable talking-
at this meeting, and am I see that I mean you're comfortable talking about? It means that we are putting other people. It is because there are a lot of people less than was kidding around allowed, but you are a stunningly attractive woman, and so there would be all these expectations that I am sure the women of any age would put. Would project on to you that you are saying is, is doesn't match reality now and it's not even like cause. I've. I've been unattractive more of my life as unlike society deemed. I tracked him all my life than I have been deemed attractive, so I'm not even shocking, like a lazy gal who should always had it come to me in my fast cases, twenty one with a shock at Sunnyside, Dynamic S, orgasm closed my three like I'm a slow Lana who is already chosen to make up for lost time, I'm just so if I'm just chin and unnoticed. Not learned much not over exerting myself. It's more of a just, not actually know enough letting guy despair,
they are soft, very softly to soft new to pay the cool. But I'm thinking about things that I raised, the question is really I don't know what this go. You said I dont have to be good. It's like I have a big breast, but what does that mean? I was just a joke if, like someone so distracted five by road, it is true. It's like dangling keys of a cat. They just look out at dangling, but you know I mean why is there? No, I didn't like. We could start a fine has lovely, but but the point is that I've, just like its, they are a distraction tactic mostly if I can just stay silent. I think that's enough for other people, because it's my trying to insert comedy road into the bedroom that goes down very about later. Just I just go down we'll know no I'd appointment who wants? I hadn t stuck in the wrong. How, for a brief second- and I myself- words were within
Secondly, that happening was unexpected item in backing area. The angry I've ever seen. So many look with me for trying to tell those he was like I'm really thrilled. You decide to start your stand up. Career wife inside you just like you know, most girls wigglin shift the Wigglin a giggle and shift by had to turn into a supermarket lies. I think that's that's. A very funny want to come up with under duress. Streamed arise. I not sure that I would come up with a good joke in that situation. That's so mostly it's just been like being asked to be quiet and then people are normally not thrilled. Sign
hinges on accountable shy places like some people. Just don't want the washing the Wash board apps and the like in a determined delegation. I am so glad you said to me. I am so glad you sergeant like I've. Never I've. I've never wanted to have sexism and very skinny no disrespect to them, but, like I like, I like a cushion for all the push and you're not going to take some time. I was really have said when I was in my twenties and earn women started talking about. Oh, I like that. Guy he's got such a great ass. What we have to have asses we have to, we need ass. It is, I have nothing against and there's nothing there is. I don't I'm I'm the same pay for the butler method. So no, I don't just ass. I say, and I was visibly upset, I'm saying two mile women friends. I didn't realize that you know
I thought we had to have like wide shoulders, enable good that I was tall and, of course, other parts are important, but no one had ever mention that had never been on the list and suddenly I'm being told by women. Oh no, that's something we think about, and we look at guys asses and we will be- must be so awful for being objectives set about. Yes, that's the point I'm trying to make is demanding than men to the exclusion of any other gender. In my opinion have been put in the ridiculous position of being objectified. Isn't am I going on ways of doing so? I campaigned for all the time is just a man's rights. Fine, you knew that you and I would see eye to eye on this. I. Why is about my about a man's right to be Butler S? I think I'm tired of it. I'm tired of living up to the standard shipping has been too much Argotic constantly online. It's too much and scorn on for too long and it's gonna stay stopped now very sexist leave. Courage to specifically women have just been letting go, as is now talk about fire way because its it is fascinating. What you're doing- and I love what you're doing, but but let's talk about it was somebody way. Ok, so I way is a kind of unlined movement that I started. That is just a movement against shame. It's a mental health movement and we focus on every different type of marginalized groups, so just all of the shame and mental health issues that they may carry because they ve been otherwise by society started because I saw a picture at the conditions and their numbers written across their body, and I clicked on that picture as I wanted to know. If it was how much money they had most curious and it wasn't
it wasn't how many awards they want or how much money to have it was that fucking white ones. I clicked on acts of the algorithms of Instagram, suddenly more more pictures of more only women were coming up with their weight written across their bodies, and so I tried ready hard fine pictures of men, famous men or businessmen. I couldn't find anything it hit me that God, in twenty eight teen eyes, someone eating soldiers child twenty years later, we still don't care about what men look like and how much they weigh anywhere near as much as we obsess over that those numbers with women. We estimate a woman's entire value and worth five the numbers on the sale of crazy to me. So I posted in a moment of rage and possibly some pms, that I was. I had to pass out very angry homo those did. While I wait my financial independence on my activism and my relationship in my friendships and the eating so dry survived by whether some of my mother fucking cots and it just resonated with people at a very small following, but it went completely viral. I receive ten thousand responses from women. Sending me what day way in all
attributes and contribution society started an instagram account thought it would be a very short phase and two and a half years later. I have one point: three million followers on Instagram on this. My way account. We are a movement that are changing bills and the United States. We have changed a global policy across all social media and we have opposed and Youtube Channel and we arrests like a learning space for people about different groups, but we are also just somewhere where you can come to feel represented and feel ok about the family or not, ok, of four swore. I am indebted to you because I have children their teenagers. However, for general, some out of a sixteen year old, daughter soy. She, when she's exposed to and I see and also what he is exposed to write. What he's exposed to having a father who he thinks is an idiot, but no both of them, but I I I
Told them, I said, I think, your growing up in a more perilous environments. In the end I grew up in an I ate. It did switching it because most parents left to tell her children. Why? When I was your age, we didn't have cable tv, we didn't have we in getting it to take the kind of trips you guys you today, and we don't do that. He I say to them, I'm looking at what you're dealing with and I find it much more peril. an intimidating than anything I had to deal with. So how can we help, but we had to pay for our peril when we re Unger how much
a tax ass united by the fashion magazines that would put me up and everything close fat and ugly, whereas they you know they would they be. It finds them hunt them inside the junk resent ski fell but Emily. But yes, it hunt you down in the night, runs I've got no way of escaping and they just being so fucking walked, and I guess that's why it's important to me and people like me to do the work that we do just to educate kids. Are we trying to do what we can change anything? We can cancel anyone. We can't council anything, but we can educate you, and I think that we have entered this real, really odd moment of moral superiority where people make people feel dumb to trying to learn of the not arriving already fully informed about everything, and I think that fucking, stupid and also devalues progress,
is the point of activism. If you're not open to the idea that people can change, and so I started this whole platform as a chance to educate myself, because I'm really ignorant I left school at the car accident, and so therefore I never went back. I'm super educated ignorant not very well read nowhere near as much as I would like to be and should be at my age, and I want, I don't think, there's anything embarrassing about trying learning rather have created this basis. Other people can try and learn with man. It's ok of your stupid. So my and let's be less stupid together. I think what you're talking about is this fear, this dreadful fear of one houses? No one wants to be caught in an imperfect moment, because there is such a chance. These days are getting shamed where the products of african environments, so I think that that is also very important to take into account. Both sides need to shut need to shift, and I wasn't just talking about Ray I'm talking about when it comes to transit, useless, feminism or anything disability rights, a we have to become less. We have to become more cap comfortable with fucking up, but also when people make an innocent mistake, a clearly innocent mistake and don't have a record of harmful behaviour. We,
to start giving people the benefit of the doubt, because with stopping people, can put your hands up and asking the important questions, and I'm not talking about adults and talking about the kids are the ones that we can most easily influenced to be progressive. They are watching adults, Terry till there a paw and they are ingesting this and thinking oh shit. It's better say nothing than to expose a hint of ignorance. Otherwise, people shame you as if you are right. We can't separate ignorance from evil. There is a difference and we have to learn how to separate the two. So we can understand that we are also lump everyone together as harmful when some of those people have great potential to be allies, but therefore than actually harmful people get to hide in a mass group. We and have separate those people off, so we can find them and kill them, really guide, well, hunt them so that hunt them and kill them that they are safe to be our only wanted. You want them running for a while before their killed. You know talking to you about all of this and and I will have been aware of how it spoken- you Ben only makes me more impressed with the performance. You do.
turned in his two honey, because you are playing some one that initially you might loathe get you you know who hid live. You did loads and you actually made her much less like a ball, then she was originally written yeah, because I think that the british thing that the English very charming and we're not we're utterly charm. This would just push. I think that we think even to easy ride over the United States, and so I think that it was important for in order to make her like as as funny and as frustrating ass. She could be that to give us many dimensions as possible, since you doesn't become the hot one, jokes, those my fair goes up aid too much pressure for me to live up to, but also distant, and that's not what micro was planning, but it just she
so polished and I wanted to be truly anguish. I wanted to representation of how passiveaggressive and insincere and ridiculous we can be, and I love the English, but this is who we are. I love us for all of our faults. Yet an and also what cool about might shares the fact that he's not eager maniac the fact that he was always like. Ok, you do your take and then we'll do mine and then I'll figure on the at it, and so I didn't know until season one came out that he'd shapes the character, as I had wanted additives and he used my takes my choices. I thought that was very cool, like I'm, so spoilt for working with Micro make sure when you anyone who doesn't know the be creative minds, show runner for the good place and and the adverse impact of any eyes and brush box recreation, but he has a reputation. businesses is behind the scenes stuff, but
He has the most stellar reputation as a show runner, but anybody everyone says he's not just incredibly gifted but he's a very kind boss, and he cares about the people in that they work for him and he doesn't want them. They have families to go home to aid the debt everyone wants to work with him because he has a reputation. He has no asshole policy, which doesn't mean you have to sell your asshole up before we start working with them. Just see what I misunderstood I'd is I actually I used a court that a eunuch he gives you it's a one strike rule of bad behavior, so that's it Note that your out each tree, anyone like shit you're out does matter how high or low down the ladder you are you're out
and you know that from the first a fairy fasting he emphasised here before welcome you on the show raised is that I have two policies: number one: the bastard winds and the tail either no also policy. So that is that is those great cultivated and atmosphere when nobody was the diva. I arrived at a show runner and I'm betraying my age now for twenty I've been in it running a lane. I show for twenty seven years and I am sure, the late night. Yes, it's weird, it's a spin off from the pod cast upon Cassa been doing for thirty five years in some countries than the police. I did. I did it when we first did them. They were on television, and then you understand it was basically just a speech if it was a microphone and part of the face, leaning in but I've been running, a show for very long term in my policy has always been you do, as I say, and I am an insane roman emperor and end
I am given seventy five thousand chances yet to be an end in an absolutely reprehensible, asshole. Anyone who ever what is it? We definitely get you all Galaxy Alpha, yes alpha. Thank you now, for only eight through the hopefully into much testosterone. Yankee has always been the issue for me. As a show runner, I like preying on people's worst fears rights owner. Would you think how you absolutely here he rules with an iron fist, didn't terrifying trying yeah, I'm I'm so scared of him ass. They attain MAC. While she listened about what is it my fucking ally thing, I've ever heard of a bunch of very like a bake. Fancy celebrities have gone abort themselves payments, so they can feel pain and really was ok. Matlin imagining pins like pins at you. I use sound way so that they can know what it's like being so like externalize, that, in an artist pain amazes me, just pay, my famous for copying pinnate uptake on end and often I thought they gained this industry normally because their campaign not heard about the pain mad here the payment
bunch of fancy hippy celebs to sit on a payment, what other people live a pain, my their lives just one big time. My right other piece, O Irvine, overtaken calabash this. So basically we live in a country where a lot of people are being are not going to get six hundred dollars. Payments from the government and other living on a six hundred dollar pain. My yes exactly they paid six hundred for their privilege. Trying to understand what pain is I've gotta get one. I want mine to be a really good one. I don't want to shit mine and I want the really good one Bluetooth one. I want you. I shall insults that. I wonder you know I wouldn't you that thing. Where you look on Amazon, you know, and I want to see the cheapest show me the most expensive. I would go to the most expensive and you know who makes it I'm sure it's made in Sweden or its musk
must could make the best the ultimate payment. So anyhow, I took you here, I know I know, but I'm thinking about getting one's gonna get me a pain man. Looking up pain, I am actually I guess I got expensive version of what you're sick. I wonder very asked why I'm looking at one that seventeen hundred dollars none are no easy. I call this a real thing, not joking way. So watch me about it. What is it tat? Tell us where the sum of homer like Frank, you pressure and stuff, but I bet there's like a hate in celebrity.
act today. Does the does really intend stuff? That's probably really expense want a bunch of counts. I know you don't understand you by your language, I've let it go so many fox on issues like have Sony shifts and you don't give a fuck about shitting YO, give a shit about fucking and I'm gonna give you how we communicate. None of that is no excuse here. As I said many times, this is applied chest primarily for children by children, for children, and I don't appreciate what you're doing you Jane has done a very bad road Africa about a shit about you telling me to fuck off the sounds great in my action. Fuck you you,
no change working. I can't do it. I can't do it. I just can't do let's say I do come over and I'm with useful in your boyfriend. So much as follows: scenarios are wherein all robes. Well, I'm just hanging out and better, not be hanging out your robe. Nor now trust my guy. That can happen anymore. There's been an accident button MIKE. My point is: if I'm hanging around with you guys, what are you doing for fun? Would you like to do just around the house? Do what What's your what's your place of joy, you guys just watch tv together, knocking on tv, its truly just the food and comedy combination for us is enough, where very low key people, and also you know with indulged in it
some are privileged and the fact that we ve been torturing artists. Our whole lives. We ve seen so many things in the world. We double of these have gone to the places consul the fancy parties disposed to enjoy better fucking horrible and the people a terrible and you're wearing something unkivered in there was never any advice. I was not invite. Zadig was so embarrassing when you said we hope into the parties with the beautiful people in and it's boring right. I can't help you they're, my friend do a few parties where there were some major celebrities, but I've been do shockingly few shockingly sugar, and so you know, like we ve kind of, had a really amazing and diverse opportunity to find out what we like and really what we like the same shit that we like when we were twelve, which is just comedy and chocolate, and so we just watch stand up or comedies together areas together very low key couple, who really just a spend our lives on aeroplanes and adjust the thrill to be at home with each other. Right now, so that its very dull, as you may, I, my homepage, into dog and my other honeyed into doubt, Conan, my boy, you won't eat, entered that's what your boyfriend is a redhead engender, as you say, and soon each drew drawn to her head interesting,
at one time, Everyone knows that we are the most like a comet Haley's Bob. You know you are drawing to him because you know that keeps to know about my gun. Saying is true. Every day in the shower I looked down and it looks like those of a fire fire has broken out like a fire around,
server willingly. Long, Conan, Global Surrey fire broke out around unequal distant Benson Malformation Day. We're going to talk about that is. It is really it's really lovely talking to you, my favorite time ever gonna put cursed, also comfortable and relax I'll come to relax, please just numerous where I can handle it call into relaxed yes, because he s sons, a resounding call, an ear also from across the pond. Are you not yours are weighted calling can speak to us. You o my son there. Don't you yes, colonized! What year perspective where you from Common Manchester Manchester? Yes, that's right, we do agree with sweat edge. Miller has said about, doesn't ring true to you about the English. It's all poppy syndrome, Fisher noise
experienced with our colonial history, bad idea, it's all puppy syndrome, absolutely everyone hates to see someone succeed, so do hate edge, Miller right now, because she's done so well. Next, we re not gather he's my party's right leisure, for I know, he's your producer, but you, you know risen, you ve really risen and there must be some hatred within you fear. If your proud Englishmen may now, there must be some shared by there isn't case, may lead to solve, turned up in ally and was light will be friends, and so we were difficult to resemble a success. Let us no fun. I issued a lonely aside by now, and then I resent you guys ever go to a pub together and get a pint. What do you do you ever? Do you ve got? Where would we even do that here? Talking about? They have fake pubs all over the place, your dentist Santa Monica very distressing. I hate the fake pups, english people, that's just great bread asset, we bright brand
as fast. We talk to big talk, sent home Nick is now much worse for so long and where there is no law and about them, and then it all went away how you start its. Have your fan s? Who the hell was that you just let it out how you go. It's less cod you're just became Martha Ray you, yeah, she's, she's, doing a dance, she's flailing arms around this time are turning a fan ashtray. I didn't know that that person within their own about me that I shouldn't talk in a very profane sexual away as that woman. That would be the way to go down that that character should then start work. That way, I'm telling you that the future for that character, gray, absolutely treat and talking to you and I look forward to hang out at your house will sort is not finishing on the song. Is it got? Thank you so much for being so honest and so funny and appreciate in a clear language little bit, but I do wonder I really do adore you and I think you're doing something very special and, as the father of a sixteen year old girl, I am very happy that you're doing this work, I really am very appreciative selling key and she adores you she's a heat. The MIKE is absolutely love the good place. So I get points for just knowing you it's one of those things where they don't respect me. But when I can go home and say I saw Gmail Gmail today there. Oh I'm, suddenly cool for about six seconds, the ornament of
yeah thanks. You thank you so much light enough, yet so hard for people to know, because this is a pod cast, but I have developed a radically different look in the last couple of weeks, because I am not a haircut since quarantine Nap, started I look really Different now I mean the old Conan pompadour yeah.
This is an engineering thing, but when it gets, the pompadour can only hold so much weight. Yeah. You can use various products to keep the pompadour going for a while to get that really the Conan Shelf the pomp poof, whatever you want to call it, but what happened is about three weeks ago I had the public was crazy. Long and I'd piled the hare up and it was just insane looking right. It look like I had a Begat yeah had then I remember very clearly. It was late in the afternoon and I heard a creaking sound and the puppet were collapsed. Own collapsed and little workmen were working on. It were killed, stays out their little workmen in there and I heard creaking and then screams, and there we tried to retrieve forever was in their own know that they are all gone and we lost also and the independent or collapsed and crashed can crashing down. And, of course, we taped it off. We looked at it and then I realized. I can't do this anymore screw it. So I went out and I got a headband her now I'm walk around with this big crazy headband, any kind of like an eighties band member. Yet I strongly oppose mark no yeah, you know or Bruce Springsteen that certain era I've now I'm a guy that, whereas a big head ban that covers my whole forehead in shoves, my hair up above me and then I as a Terry cloth, its may have actually it's a company called buff. Be U S ass. When I get any money for this, this is just to shut out. The good people had buff they're they're pretty inexpensive, but there also a mask do because, where Moran your neck so got one around my neck yeah and I've got one around my head and it pulls up and it makes a mask and I'm this different guy. I love
kind of like the You think a ninja I was in his say the villain from the karate K. What was his name? Oh yeah, really he Johnny Danny get. It was. I think it was Johnny Sweden, the lag Johnny sweep the vague, incredible bully. Yeah he's the bully because he had also a lot of like here.
coming out from ahead band that he wore and and that's what I'm yeah he had had been, and he also you probably a thinking of him, because he was incredibly cruel, heartless. He had a mean a mean twisted up face all the time you always just his friends, always just wanted to chase Ralph machine. When Ralph Montier was on his bike, they made him crash off a hill member knows we summon. We showed you, who does that I do that, I'm wearing it had banned wearing a headband. I become the villain from karate shove people in the street and on your eyes only I'm constantly wanting to threaten other people, and I go into dough Jos, where I don't belong nice and I don't know any karate and I just go in there and I wear my head ban and I started my other people and trying to hurt their feelings or make them feel inadequate. Lots, hives, a guy, the Dodo master. He ascend say if you will as yet says. Who are you look like you're carnal Brian, but he had never come in here in your hairs too long. But you look really you're seem mean and dickie. You should probably go you. You re ass much, you finally like I don't fight fight at all, but I am now that I'm wearing this headband, I am the mean kid from products at amsterdam- has looked up with a name. What's his name, Johnny Lawrence. That said, I didn't come back to me, bring that show back yeah and actually speak of hair. I went to get my hair cut the couple years ago and he goes to the same place. I get my hair cut and he was getting aircars open nicer. He was nice heard, he's a nice, so nice I've heard yeah verb cross even implicitly so convincing it being a dick. He,
returning to undo that reputation? He spent his whole life since karate kid going out of his way to say. Let me get that nor for you, if you're still, a prick you made rouse monsieur crash, is by a sweep my name play by William.
the cars up, Gus Abkhazia, ok played by William Zapata. It is in the chat just sent that is still just as good looking back. He is some guy, some guys like a stone age. You notice it's a headband headband pulls the skin tat would have noticed. Is that instead of a you know, people in my business have to think about. You know at some point: do we have some surgical procedure? Do we not and I'm made of cheap irish stock? So, just now we just right. We just ride like pumpkins, and I've decided that this headband, which I'm wearing because my hairs too long- it literally, is in my eyes now so I'm wearing this headband and I'm liking it because one of be side effects is in its pulling. My skin tat look good. I look when it does look at, but I will say rather than the dire straits. You look more like your flock seagulls during yes, yes, like his father seagulls, I've had a few people say, flock is egos and I'm sticking with it now
Let's be honest, I could get a haircut at this point. I could yeah yeah. I could get an early I'd. There are plenty of people who be would be willing to cut my hair and Mimi in a field somewhere. We can both be ring respirators, they could cut my hair, so it could be safely done at this point. It's not even about that. I'm just going for it. I'm going to work as you know it once I grow beard and I was like I'm just gonna: do it and I did it and now I'm thinking I What does to grow so long there
maybe I get a man bun- maybe I I would never do man, but I'm just getting about that, but I would like it said: tumbling like Jesus length when Jesus Hair, that will you ass Jesus hair. Are you worried without your hair and half your face cover people? Probably don't recognize you anymore. You know it's funny. Even with a mask on I walk around saying, I'm Conan, I'm Conan Doyle apply mask on right now. Soon on my mask is on hold it up from the bottom, and this is experience. If you see a tall person whose pretty much all cover going
I'm gonna, I'm drowning in seems a little medium Conan. I do that. I do because I desperately need people to notice me. It's the only reason I got into show business so that people would be excited to see me go. Oh my god, it's Conan, I cannot live without. I sometimes wonder if you will allow yourself to have red hair just for so I would stick out. I think, there's a lot of things I willed myself to do and then I think I naturally I'm an amazing athlete, but I listen to me. Listen. I wheeled myself to be
inapt in physically awkward, because that's funnier and when I was young when as very young, he I was strikingly handsome. Strikingly, I mean people used to say good god he's gonna be leading man. As I know, I'm interested in comedy. I remembered, as I was growing I willed myself. I really do think through sheer force of will I shaved my eyes to be kind to be in my last be sort of sending creepy. I knew that these and I my face to be kind of really big and wide and fled invasive, and I did all that cause. I thought that's gonna play better for comedy MA, I'm just saying that, lotta downsides decoded need to listen. I don't you. You said that you know there are downsides to cover ha, but everyone's looking for the silver linings and I'm looking. I am exploring this new me, which is I'm beyond Borg, the tennis.
In nineteen seventeen year, Martina never took our or you know what I don't care. I don't care what a dime gender flu it doesn't matter to me. I have no e, I'm fine being either one I'm sort of like Sean Cassidy, Chrissy Teague in late, less register in there. You cared to say you're her in and light will be like a high yeah. Why almost got away with it? Now I'm bored, I'm onboard frankly, that's what I'm say I'm going for. I had been I'm wearing it all the time and I'm in oh, if you, if you see a tall dutch woman with a head banned on the head and then on any that's me, that's Conan, O Brien P, and also, if you share the person saying through their mass components from Poland, I say and make a big fire like a big fuss and really get excited, and even if you're, not a fan and you ve never been a fan, do me a favor? How much would it cost you to go? Oh, my god, I grew up watching you you're. The bass you define comedy is everything and I urge you to do that. Hurt you sumptuousness. You just say that staff to you, guess it if it's not true, maybe
And if you actively dislike me, why it's a waste of time, this good comes of that cannot go to know what your work mean so much to me and you're so great and your bread so much joy, my life, easy
lemon fan, fuck, you guys doing sky, dare I say fuck you, two people who may not be your guys got an historic I've been squeezing squeezing them vessels in my mind, you're my brain and gets creating micro burst of hostility. Soldiers likely to raise me see me on a street and common criteria and I'm gonna alone kissed when Thou Clary barrier with here today. I, like your long hair, arranged with the way. The really good look for you, and I actually you like it or not. We should do- is keep go within checking throughout the season on how we can poster photographs it and you can put them on people's computers but yeah I'm liking. I'm dying to look and just check me out. You know be out there I'll be on the street. I walked the streets. Go up to him Tom, you love him. Yeah feed is normally to say catechized, God may
got me: Colonel Ryan needs. A friend was so damn of session and Conan O Brien Asthma Self produced by me, MAC, loyally, executive produced by Adam Sacks, Joanna Solitary off and generosity, cocoa and colony, Anderson and Chris Ban and add your wolf deem sown by the White Stripes incidental music by Jimmy the Zenith. Our supervising producer is layer and our associate talent producer is Jennifer samples. The shows engineered by will back to you, can rate and review the show apple podcast, and you might find your review featured on a future episode. Gotta question for Conan call the team cocoa Hotline at three two three four five one to do it to one and leave a message. It too could be featured on a future episode and if you have an already, please subscribed. Conan o Brien needs a friend on apple pie, guests, stingier or wherever fine pod casts are down
This has been a cocoa reduction in association with.
Transcript generated on 2020-09-07.