« Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

Harrison Ford

2023-07-03 | 🔗

Actor Harrison Ford feels confused about being Conan O’Brien’s friend.


Harrison sits down with Conan to discuss nearly changing his name in the early days of his career, smashing the Lego Millennium Falcon on one of his many Conan appearances, and the upcoming release of Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. Plus, Sona asks Conan for tips in preparing her speech as the 2023 Mt SAC Alumnus of the Year.


For Conan videos, tour dates and more visit TeamCoco.com.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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But you are cellular, it's just twenty nine. Ninety nine per line for one two or three lives. So you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family glamorizing rope, Elizabeth she's, not gonna, like that, the road I scenario, video, get the low rate of twenty nine. Ninety nine per lie. We were cellular built for us term supply visit. You are cellular dot com, pretty test. We value human connection with distractions. Cellular built for us visit your! U s. Cellular authorized agent located in eighteen, fifty two decorator pike in athens, my mind harrison for veal, confused projection
about being conan. O'brien's friend now listen want not talked about this a long time ago. We did, and I and a lot of time has passed now your show about it and you want me to be your friend. Yes, I do the hey there welcome. Can the brain needs a friend with special episodes a big massive star I'd say: maybe one of the biggest when the most iconic faces of leicester easily fifty years of film harrison for
and he was on the podcast and there was some concern because everyone's a harrison ford fan everybody, but. Goarly takes it to this other level. I think the words creepy. No, come to mind? You idolized the man and I was worried that she wouldn't behave yourself map or you might soil yourself or embarrass yourself in some way, and I want to applaud you because I thought you handle yourself with aplomb yeah We talked about this on an earlier episode and I think everything went really well so much so that at that exist. to say that he- and I are friends well I'd like to see you try and cash that check it being born to watch you escorted off the stewardess state, nine robotic us security guards, starved yeah exactly I would I would
Hey, if anything is similar to that of his house, like a drunk in an old movie, gets toss out of a bar and grab you by the pants and throw you out. I don't know, I'm just leave it, as fact we don't need to test it. It just is united by nice. Changed exchanged, none no, but we now need to because you were thinking, We were beyond that. How are you new blood? That's a big yard and friendship. Yeah you're not and it would only be your whole someone when you're always hang it out. You know no mean. Oh, I see you dont need is number because you'll always be right. Next to each other, yeah yeah yeah hasn't start Yeah, but I'm assuming it's any day now any day now, there's going to be a knock at your door and you're going to open it and he's gonna be there as Indiana jones, he will have landed a plane on marine here and he's going to whip you to death, yeah I'll. Take it I'll. Take a waterway to going you'd, be you'd, be happy to go out that way. Wouldn't you know You did that you're very good. You are very professional. You are I give you a time, but you are at your core approach
thought you were. You are you're a professional you handle yourself. Well, so no, you are not a professional okay. I went to campaign against ask you about your take on me, but ok, I should just go If that's what you want, would you say europe? Would you say you are a lot of things, a lot of great things? Would you say you're a professional I if first of all I mean where would you where it came in excuse you they made it. I was very, very professional. Lot of times when you around serious people. I am a very professional person, so yeah. I do think that I was being professional and I think that I value I'm walking in the lake. puff and on a joint meeting, chios be like yo harry with that. I didn't do that. I think I would have appreciated that yeah. First of all, I think you would have been fine with that, especially if you would you didn't bogart that joint, but I think that yeah you set a pretty low bar for yourself. As long as you don't walk in eating. Cheat owes
And a massive blunt, then I'm a profession. I won't say I think that day you did actually come in from the kitchen, with a snack bag of something like that to those or something, but every day where we record with that's not right, but I think that I was being professionally. Everybody was on their best behaviour. We just wanted harrison ford to think we were cool. Can I say I was not on my best behavior I I was not well, behaved. What are you? I said I said I wasn't even sure he was in the star. Worse films, oh yeah, isn't really he doesn't play or you'll hear that its ahead at the theatre that you know really pop in those middle price you didn't come after. You have robbed and your daddy, you know it's so funny. I came in as I do. often hot I come in trying to give you guys a hard time, and while I was talking to you, realized, I'm the one who's unprofessional right. I am the problem yes, and and I am saying this like it's a therapy session, and I just realized that for the first time
but now I that's a breakthrough for me, your I am living island. We haven't realised that from day one I think I don't care what you guys realise I'm having my own break through. This is about me. I'm the patient, but I've said many times that the fish rots from the head, and here the head of this affair. So I'm a riding fish at? What's the big? What's the head right, the rest, the thing rots if you you know. I o my son, of which we know how it were. How can I get you down? I'm sorry, I'm not the only clear so now, if you can really so that fish rights from the head of the fish and then would you mind if I shall write what is it? Is it a freshwater fish or is it a saw? Waterford shit, I think at the salt water fish Why is that make a difference? Do you know about our dishing? You fish sure, will you know me, I'm a guy that delays to get out on the sea. I like that air in my face, I from a long line of fishermen and you die
my dear I ok, my father my father's a microbiologist, but before that he was a groton fishermen or a big, yellow, groton fishermen's outfit linda, Then he was so bad at it. They said. I think you need to go, get a microscope because the if the fish you're catching are so tiny. I can't even see them. That's how he did it alright. Well, we should get. Let's just say I admit, I'm the I am the weak link in this chain. Today by man we had a really good time. So, let's get to it my guest today, of course, one of the biggest actors of all time appearing in over seventy movies over the last fifty years, including star wars, indiana jones, the fugitive, blade runner good god, it's ridiculous, my buddy! It's it's ridiculous! Yeah! That's your power, and so many more and so nice little see him
can see him in Indiana jones and the dial of destiny harrison for well. What can you fair and progress if anyone like anything you like or fuck you already my favorite, I clearly harrison. You've read the room and you understand that there's a lot of animosity towards me and that you will do quite well. If you shit on me throughout this process for confirming my instincts. You know the first thing When you came in here is say I just want my my parking validate. That seems to be her chief concern. Is that we validate your parking when me I'm going out on a limb year. This could be the big
our of your career. Is it possible that this podcast recording will out shine? any of your other were. If he gets a parking, though it will be worried. The car, a walk home. You will walk home ryanair offer on air on air. Can we record you that for the whole walk home? Oh yeah, sure? Thankfully thank you. I want to say something to you. You, you came on my show many many times in a late night show and over the years people would say who's, one of your favorite guests and I would say, harrison ford because he goddamn funny you would come The show have you seen these hearings as you are so hilariously funny, and you talk the around like a rag doll verbally on these shows and there's some of my favorite segments of all time. you're, a hilarious man and I've always of being around you, you guys euro some great stuff, for I'm a member, as I dont remember now
What do you know? Who I am at this moment? Conan this kind of cool. You said there was his. You know it's only glow when you say it is the only time its ever been cool. Do it again conan. Yes, it's like jazz words, words which ass we are picking up on each other, he's jazz your ear. Houston like carries out usually in europe as it is, and I am yeah circus calliope, I think something kinder and that is that a chimp would dance to endure. Chaz chair, ok, around. What kind of is conan is how dare you Conan is an old gaelic name that my parents gave me. They thought com in holland gaelic.
I'm from gaily. I do not. I do not speak elegance. I don't think anybody really speaks gaelic. I think it's a made up of you heard gaelic. It sounds like a bunch of someone through some chick. there's down the back stairs, it's just a lot of continents, there's not a vow alone there, and I think it's just a confused people when it's time to go to the house, so I dont speak gaelic, but I You have a very irish name. You know it fascinating made to learn. I'm part irish. You are hard irish, young, irish german, and are jewish. What's the german part, I thought you were german irish without you germany's there's, his german irish assure would german people were allowed to marry irish people sure, but you don't carry it as a by marrying somebody at a a nest? I'm sure you do, and there are irish italians. Ok cordite father is was
irish, irish right. Ok, no job. No german, now ok, refer you to this master mother right here that says, born and raised in chicago to an irish, slash, german father. If that's the quality of your research- and I imagine, is because right there, it says harrison ford and then you had to write down Han solo yeah. Remember that no! I can't I can't remember Han solo or is it wrote down, because I heard that you were in some of the star wars, films- and this was news to me because in those films and I don't exactly thank you pop you. I'm sorry I know what I mean. I remember chewbacca. I remember the bad guy with the black helmets and then there's some people how here still on television. I think it's quite obvious. Why I'm not still on television? Listen my
search might not be the best, but For my intention, as our good, they are very honourable and good. Now I've thought you have one of the cruellest names of leading man harrison ford. You cannot be that name. Yet you were ass or it was suggested. Early in your career, that you change your name whose true who the fuck one, due to change from harrison for jerry, the coffee, oh well, physician to hear that you just at an hate four is only now. Is that true? So he wanted you to change your name hate. You said harrison forward. He went no, we can do better, but here he said that the two pretentious a name for young man. He was about four years older than always called me boy boy, so what did you did you come up with an alternate name, yeah carried to go.
Well, ok! I think it was very original yadda yadda I did. I did come back the next day and not only Fourth, compared with the name, but I was was to be their early than by naming conference to get a haircut and I've been given a picture of elvis presley to take with me to the studio barber. They told you get this haircut, this hair cut and come back with a name said: ok I didn't get the erika. I said my name is kurt affair, Yeah incredible yeah, that's a great name, yeah kurt affair, yeah irish german name.
So obviously that didn't I didn't stick. You didn't think did nothing did for a while now they threw me out of it they let me go after a year and a half of a seven year contract well after which I would be making twelve hundred dollars a week really after seven years. So this is a different time in show business. That kind of fascinated me ensured servitude. It really was, but you look it. I'm thinking now the television and other? I think you came out and trust me, my my it could be off, but I'm told that you came out actually can marsh you're still in trust. Me. That's gonna happen later in this interview that you You come to hollywood in nineteen sixty four and the big way to get a job if you're lucky is every show on television is a western. A tv western, pretty much and you weren't american style, but did love america
Oh yeah man. I played a hippie, oh yeah, a real stretch. It so funny cause. I might have a brother neil, whose obsessed with tv of the sixties and early seventies, and so I told him today when I'm on the air, told him when I was on my watch. Is it your wife yet as for a rude, it's time for you to go, but you just pushed the alarm on your watch, so you could leave the sooner. If you ve been out and not look rude, that's what happened! I don't mind Looking road rail, yeah, you're right, I just did nice read this situation the terribly but I'm driving into work today and I'm taking my brother and I said, yeah I'm going in and tucked harrison. Forty said that so cool ask him about that. Gunsmoke we have. I said what no one asks- harrison ford about his episode of gunsmoke drugs. The I know him in this. These other guys take or the town and you kill a guy,
a bar and game and he knew it and then, of course I looked it up online. There's a picture of you look and real nasty on gunsmoke I did gunsmoke in the virginian, but I don't remember that yeah I did. I played the same part. twice on f b I in one season and they didn't even realize I was yeah. I just came back and we had a great time with current affair. What's your name? No, they I, I always played the seem to get these. That is if there were who criminal brothers yeah. I was the one that was as a sort of duped by, I smarter children or other right holders. Your brother is three years older than me, or two and a half years see exactly. He tricked me into two
Can you and he'll be delighted? If you listen to this and he'll say you got harrison for to talk about gunsmoke, but it is interesting to me like that whole period, because Clint eastwood get started in television, westerns, bert Reynolds, these sort of iconic accede mcqueen. All these guys had to do there. You had to do your time on a television western before you could move on to other things. Does at a fair assessment of that period? well now I m not really wrong. Why can't? I maybe that's? Why can't I have bad, you just leisure sure, yeah, in common with move on instead, its no you're wrong with you, your brother's wrong. Well, ok, I'm ok with him your names wrong ever my name's wrong? Now played the same kind of character over and over again
and nobody noticed so I I don't think it and I was not, and that was not on the clint eastwood or track right right ro a vision. I was on the here then gun tomorrow, right track right- and this is that's why you're you're make you're living primarily as a carpenter, while you're doing these other parts out get apart and I'm. lucky to get this serve quasi. Background role, yeah he's little parts and I think from any still the case yeah you're hurt and it hasn't done for you and think we can agree on that show. Business has been very good to me. Yes, it has, I think you ve been good to show business well, I do you're very eyes very lucky, I mean afraid for years, a united the same old thing. I went from colombia pictures to contract at universal, yet for two hundred and fifty dollars a week that lasting
a year and a half hour, we could get out of these things. Just being a dick, really. Is that how you would get out of it was just being kind of unpleasant. Well, in colombia is case, a jury to Caskey, write it down. He called me into his office and told me that make for the rich who is the head of the studio was in europe need forgotten to sign my contract char when he left, but he was going to suggest to my frank rich he jerry. Caskey was going suggested. drop me anyway, because I had no future. I appreciate and notice that you know their names cold you have already gotten mine but then what is it place? Conan
O'Brien. Oh my god. I want that on my that's my outgoing message for the rest of time. I'll get a lot of hang ups. I love that when you're early part of your career, and this is true of all of us and some one doesn't see it or some one wrongs you in some way or disrespects you. You never forget that name but I dont letting me finish any story. I interrupt me every time I get to lying there. wandered anyway, he said to me jerry to Caskey. He said to me that MIKE frank of hadn't head my contract so and he was going to be perhaps at you I got this far before. He was been suggested that I get that they drop me you said. They would give me two weeks pay tell MIKE frank of which came back
Because he knew that my wife was pregnant, my life at the time was pregnant, and now I needed the money I said now. That's fine goodbye and I was out there. Why not just take the two hundred fifty dollars, it was britain, fifty dollars two weeks would have been three hundred dollars and. I was stupid enough yeah your wife's, expecting a child yeah that money went a long way back. Then what were you doing think how much money you have now? If you kept exactly that money invested wisely, then working twelve hundred dollars yeah I
the show is sponsored by better help zone. I know you're very busy. Yes, you got twins, yes, twins who are overdue. Now they're gonna be too in July, yeah, incredible, it's an angle out of work. It is a lot of work and sometimes I feel a little overwhelmed run times. It gets anxious. Sometimes it becomes a lot but yeah I just. Bring this up because what happens sometimes, as you realize I haven't checked in myself- I don't know how I'm doing. I have no clue how I'm doing guiana bring us up, because I am a big believer in talk therapy and getting help if you're thinking of starting therapy, maybe give better help a try, yeah. Here's what I like about better help, it's entirely online! This didn't exists a back in the day when I was looking for someone to talk to and it's such a smart way
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Would you a cellular, it's just twenty nine, ninety nine per line for one two or three lives, so you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family plan pricing, rope, Elizabeth she's, not gonna, like that, the road I scenario, video boy, get the low rate of twenty nine. Ninety nine per lie. We were cellular built for us terms, applied this: u s! Cellular dot, com for details! We value human connection with fever. Distractions cellular built for us visit your! U s! Cellular authorized agent located in eighteen fifty two decorator pike in athens. I have a very clear memory of the first time I encountered you, which is you I've been on the show yet and you're easily. one of my favorite hollywood star There's a mainstay of all time. my show is struggling along for a couple of years and we're getting.
Just sort of starting to catch, and I could never get out a starve harrison ford's callum on the programme that would be unimaginable, I'm almost done and looking at that, exhale was like the last breath of a thousand year old may, our just remembering that you never forget, asked me: why? Don't you what hit me on my podcast each room, not shouting yeah, I'm in washington d c for the white house correspondents dinner and I'm going to be up there on the day s with Clinton. I've never met harrison ford and I'm on an elevator door. That's closing in all I'm nervous about how's my set going to go on this thing. Elevator doors are closing and have talked about the summit on those show years ago. Elevator doors closing when I hear a voice say, hold the elevator and I'm thinking really get upstairs the adores two thirds clothes
Why dont really try to hit the button when the face the iconic face of hair and ford appears in between to closing doors and looks right at me and the doors, and I am all the way up to my room. Just on the eighth, Oh shit, myself, away out. That's what propelled the elevator yeah yeah the elevator was not functioning. It was propelled pure, by my eye was a horrifying horrifying moment for me I apologise again, we create a moment on the air. You can see it online where I asked you to which reach at the moment, and you gave this amazing deaths stare into the camera and we had to elevator. clothes on it and I re I felt the same trauma all over again. That's how he remembers your name luxuriate, I'm sorry harrison. I could have probably
It was a horrible moment for me and I am glad that we have come here. I come here as a friend thank you. So it's all past you're, not gonna, know your log, you bear no ill will know. Now no jerry took off that's the nice thing anybody's ever said. So here's the deal. The last time you saw jerry bukovsky was your rebecca ass living in our countries. three years later. I am certainly in the executive, dining room at it exists daddy. I had one her brothers and away Eric came over to me in the middle of my meal in a little tray and with a little white card on it. I'd never seen that before and he proffered the tray. I picked up the card. It said jerry to cough sky.
Vice president obama, whatever and I looked around the room and. Everybody looked like terry two cups, I turned it over and on the back hand, written. This little notes had the I missed. I guess while he was guessing, but I give people credit for right for acknowledging. He acknowledged that also to hear I give people a lot of crime, when someone comes up and says, I'm sorry, yeah, like you coming here today, to apologize for a jury to kuski, didn't gratefully was sorry he does said that he made a bad bet. That's not good enough! the time I leave here. You will be sorry. Yeah
sorry now I do do these people get to talk at all. I try to discourage it. I see the best. I can't yes on your way and because you're having the time of your life, I am really wrapped in into this jerry to coffee character arc collectively. I do think that there is a night over end to it is where is he now is exactly ok yeah, let's bring him in. We have a surprise. Do you have a phone number yet we could know he is here in person. We we arranged all of this. He now cleans pools and redondo and he's here to say again that he missed his bet yeah. So there you go. I oh god, he's taking a drink of water, are gonna, get a question in suit he's not swallowing harrison.
I call this is news this. This behaviour is not worthy of you, a man of your stature we have achieved. This is not worthy of mention that he's been eating bills of a little curies orange slices. This whole smallest orange I've ever seen make a tiny many nectarines attend jello early well, and you ve been eating it section by section, when I do it only there were cameras here Why are there cameras, and this is just for tax purposes? I need to be able to oh, that we made a podcast cast and then get to write it off cause, I'm The ties everything I on your likeness because we ve been and you need to buy it back from me.
The new indiana jones from become out. That's how smart I am that's. What makes me different from other people in this business I'm a real with harrison a real with awe I say report recently know the idea I did and I mean about, as are you too, I think he'll have glad he's. Not here are diminished. How hard to mrs sierra I kind of state I don't I stand up but I had I just was in a silly mood and it was fantastic ass. I walked up to you and I said I think, on the new harrison ford and you gave me that great look and you said fuck, you, I'm Harris and I said well, you ve been harrison ford for a long time, but this time for a new one and its me- and you said: ok, you can have it and I That was a verbal agreement that may be. I take over what, as least talking about, I have,
gravitas, bearing what will you do with it? I will Do I would try to keep the different franchise he's going to know why you is hansel? Oh yeah, we'll stop this right. Now Where is this the way your heart is a party, each party were there, the party that was a lot of the shrinking gang was there and yeah and which, by the way, you are hilarious on that show it's a it's a fantastic part and you play beautifully and we had a nice time at that party. A bunch of the shrinking cast was there and I remember now clearly clearly you were there Are you and I think you were having maybe to kill and I was having- maybe look better- aren't you? Ok or I was announced either easily.
Very easy to mistake: orange juice for sheila, shot glass, but anyway I thought we had a real moment there. I thought, and I thought that you enjoyed my company and I make this all about me when you ve had this incredibly storied career. I actually in I know where you live, and it's not very Far from where I live her, you could walk over to my any time is now- I could watch your house, but would I get in if the two a bell rang, know: you'd, walk back but at least you at least you you'd make an effort. I'd make an effort. if you, if you really want me to notice the roundness of this, If you really want me to be your friend, but you didn't, and it's over now had my chance. No! No. I think I think this is your chance, I think it is still redeem yourself. Well,
how's it going so far you got it I have? Actually I have friends like you are really I mean you know yorkists people of what you have no friends like me. No, not exactly like you! I boys, like you, I like you that. did your show many times many times here. I didn't like what twice four or five. You did my show nine times. Radie right, I mean nine timely did show nine times here. You didn't nine times and you are failing Lee very funny, every time you and one my favorite things you ever did was we
this person who are fans know very well named George Lansky, whose star wars, obsessive and built millennium falcon out of legos took him nine months to build this thing. and he brought it out and gave a long speech to you about the meaning of his money and how did it to you through up over your head here, man, the latter had topped up and it was the greatest day of my life. Then he picked up a piece and then signed and signed up for it, and it was one of the greatest greatest things. I've ever seen in my life and by the way it's a it's, a clip online that people adore they just adore it. It was. It was just a magical man. Commitment- and I thank you for that. Well, those of you at home, who don't know how these things work. Let me point out that this was the scripted bit. Yes, it was he didn't
the damn thing, somebody else: ok in the proper department. It's wild, the damn thing over a pra. You know probably took him three weeks. He probably had to take it home and ask is good to help according to gather up here and then and then you built this whole stick around it. You may I made you did you suggested that it would be funny? Yes, if I I find destroyed, yeah yeah right, I do. I will make it clear and first of all this is why you ve. Never you are right, it was fun. rule cruel, cruel, I'm cruel, but funny I'd like to point out that you'd be terrible working with a magician as the magician would come out and do a trick where he saw the lady in half and then put your back together again and just as the crime
is applauding harrison. Ford walks out and says. Excuse me I'd like to point out that this was all I shall therefore means secret herself in the first half of the box, and those rights are fake. I am picture you is a terrible, terrible magicians assistant, but yes, you just exposed my little trick I did millions and you just splain. Beware people never do imitations of me. I was just trying to get my voice into a male register. That's all I was trying to do all I was Did you try try the only way you sound like a man is to get out, and then I meet our next year nor hours when I am neither one you sound a little like jerry.
Yeah, you've gotta, get this man behind. I know now that you wake up in the middle of the night in a cold, sweat yelling, this man's name nah, you whine, you wow. No, no, no, no is however, remembered his name in fifteen years just came to me. I have that effect on people like a good therapies. For you, I'm freeing you of your past demons my wife is: can we saw excitement I knew it. I saw Conan today I am a new man diamonds are gone. She I think yes and be quite pleased with this transformation I've tried everything else since the total
knocked down some kind which I'm really enjoying I am very. cited, as is especially my friend the upcoming. Actually, I excited. I know how in this era now where people are saying, I don't even on another wanna go to the theatre anymore. The idea of going in seeing a new indiana jones movie is absolutely thrilling to me and I gonna go to the theatres to see it. If they're going see it They are all issues that I hope to see our make them. Personally. what I can imagine, I think, there's I think all of them have been spectacular. Your family is not an audience. You know likely your home. It's not it's not fair to the movie right, I mean yeah, you can see it. If you want to maybe later right, but give it a chance.
go to a movie theater near being the dark with strain These people I've done and I've I've done that and I've gone to move. One was slightly more erotic than the other way, imagine seeing you know and indiana jones film any other way. I can't, I think it would we I would I would and end the thing. Is I it's going to be an event, because I know that my son who's seventeen loves the franchise he's going to want to go. I mean just it's going to be a thing where we can all go as a family if they allow I get to go to and I want to it with an audience and want to see it with people. I've got tickets. Did you getting already? It's you pay for because maybe how much is a movie costs these days of theirs those two levels are regular theorem than they have those lie down ones where you can get food and take a nap you're. Not that's a nice
thing to say the harrison forward. I bought a napping seat. to go, see your movie, what the fuck are you doing that I think during his movie right, of course, not I've been waiting for this for years and those are like twenty dollars five dollars? To lay down and have a so you got special, we'll wait a minute. You say you don't know what. When was the last time you bought a ticket and went into a movie theater as had been a while. You're. Scaring me. Can you stare at me like daggers known right now? You frighten me to my core nod it, also don't remember the last right. I am I have seen movies in a big screen, the theatre right right, but there was, nobody else in the room. That's how howard
you did it, that's not spencer, yeah, you aren't you just ass. They came from personal process them here I saw I saw I saw the new in Joe's yeah. That's right! You sat in the audience. Yeah I've seen better. The last time that guy's really good yeah get in for free, I would have loved it if they had stopped you and you had been looking for your ticket at the can premier of Indiana Jones yeah so you were there and that's that's. I know All that you have experienced every day Why can raise ago, yeah yeah everything one can experience in the business at the highest level, but that still has to be exciting. It. Can film asked of all you're going up the big red carpet, beautiful, wife on your arm? You go inside a whole crowd,
one of those fancy french people and then your movie comes up yeah a storied franchise. You know, and I dunno I just have to think- that that there's been some part of you. That would say. Yes, this is cool, I'm when I'm gonna wait now, if it was It was the reserve actually pretty com. Trusting experience had. I haven't been there for a while, but I had been in the past, but with other eu indiana jones movies, but anyway, yeah. It's beautiful projection system, great room, lots and lots of people, but they weren't like a real audience. I mean they had tuxedos and beautiful gowns on my back. I want see with ordinary rabble yeah. I got an extra ticket,
can I go together if you'd lower a bus if you'd like We'll go together in fact, wouldn't windward, oh you're invited as well, and we ask lay I dont way check your schedule. Yes, no layer, the fifth throwing children. The movie comes out june thirtieth. I believe, sacked me check my incorrect. Yeah. I says you later now. I really know at the earliest gets his sense of on the ticket written some way here more divided julia here. For twenty five years, like I'll, have food brow, in four. You reduce the show every day, every day now yeah Now we do and you're the only guest every day and glow its. We call it it's a special promotional month of harrison ford and You every day for an hour at brothers. They wouldn't do
you, don't get excited fetcher orgasm. I know what you're asking me what he is tempting up and excitement not matter what, if you d like gusty, that's not what it sounds. Your eye, filthy minded it. It's now I've all about this. I poligized. For my part. Now I did sound sexual. Thank you, his own identity, and it might have been glad I brought cream along, fifty four again make me blushed. I declare where'd, you get it clear you can then another. Yeah, He had to be here out all the This is all you got this camera. It's all there you'll see you'll see Zol gonna turn around, for you have five thousand. Did you this more earning when you were coming here. Was her some did? Did you have a second?
thinking. What I'm going to do. What Conan O'Brien has a tiny radio show in a little room. Was there a point where you did a one eighty and started headed home? No, no I didn't I was I was curious I was curious, but then I not here- and I- and I see this- is a really kind of a big deal- may learn this shit's, not free now it is very good. This is made of the art studio designed here by Eduardo real and nice yeah abuse. For building that we have large complex. We know many. I, like probably the losers. Three six people here outside. yeah outside is another twenty people. What did they do? Well? First of all, allow we're here cause you're here, yeah come and I hate it.
people under the bus, but when nick kroll roles in there- not here, I'm sorry next but You'Re- going to take a bullet for this one and who's new crew. Exactly exactly exactly way and wire? My point: is you see like jury? because he's my jerry s accounts is a very funny brilliant, comic and there are and will remain a knife, cruel yeah I throw into the bus for no reason other than his name came to mind. I thought I'm friendly enough with him that I can now. I can do this in this moment, so that was undeserved and nick. My apologies, but you gotta shout out with harrison for and also yeah, we deny his name again. Yeah you cross the ass there you go now see always forgiven, he's just thrilled yeah he's thrilled now, but no you have. This is a big operation and many many many people will hear this and they ll say conan does interrupt too often, you shut up and you should let harrison. Ta Da should let these other people
talk a little bit because I've got microphones in from They don't? You have done said one fucking. What can I say something I'm ever lied. you know it's your last day at work, so why not go for it? I would just like to say that I I addressed up a little bit today. Out of you know, because I'm a huge fan and every single person the office is commented. Did oh you dressed up? You look nice Do I just normally look terrible? I just put on a button should but not absurd to bring the sooner used the opportunity to ask the question about its die. Now you will finally got my life's visas why their biggest sorry airs and others are. You went away here. One bullet, though, make sky exactly that's why I don't let him have the microphone so anyway? What do you think about what I'm wearing era
I get. Is that nice sorry you're wearing almost the same thing. They see we're almost magic now yeah. So sorry I didn't bring it up. Yeah I didn't take corner. Invaluable valuable time to you and I are wearing. I have to say this is humiliating humiliating. This is humiliating. For me. It was through the minute, you walk through that door. You are colossus, colossus and then the minute you walked in here with basalt diminished. your careers through Harrison. It's over. I've just been told that the shrinking no longer wants. You are getting a new deal jones. My
replace role will take over their role if you're doing you're you're moving the belly you're. Removing that's a little market keeps you on the belly button there so that you always your lighting is just perfect and you removed it and you're a carpet Do you like our table? What do you think the snow tat? Everything is nice. It's nice year we did a really did a hole in a nice here. So what you said, you me. Maybe we start hanging out little more regularly that we had this daily pakistan, you don't really getting not less unhealthy you'll, never see you again worth its over for you. If you're really, overall we're going to get your partly I've got it support way. Ok, we'll go yeah. I don't have a lot of time left. I maybe You look fantastic on railway rolling bulgaria, so
can be my friend? What would you what would we do together? You and I I see us getting a meal we should get you gotta meal. Probably he wrote a girls at our so. Could you take a little girl, get you there and if we take the ladys, If you take your wife from a girl, a nice place, we get her and then you and I take it. stroll afterwards. Will the ladys you and I walk along the ocean in santa monica, will the moon for a little while the way fellas do and so my way to digest I just again right if we say there's harrison. Bored and concludes that raw lady with love,
Why is the out on the town with that very signs at all wanted, and why are wise? Why are they not unleaded here where, where they letting it happen, you're better than that, ass. They are their blood. You both married up harrison I want to say in all sincerity, and I you do not use. Is it you're, not someone who encourages the nose sorry, so much foolishness and laughing, but I'm not kidding I say that people and up today who I haven't, seen in a long time just yesterday just to watch you walk through the door and you mean salute world to people, and you should have been in this room last week when it is and that you were coming on the pod cast iron eve. Matt openly wept.
lay jumped out a window. Sana took an audible, but she does anyway. I do that regularly. I she's pretty how, though I am excited you're here. yeah she's, one of our major, where you got a problem. Not that yeah. It's we all have an edible from time to time. You don't do that now. I dont yeah. I wish I did. I think I could be good for me, but my point harrison I eventually do get to my point. My business will tell you that is that it was an absolute joy having you here and I will say again, you're one favorite funny people. You are so funny in an original dry way and europe the whole way you come across I've always loved having on the show you always, and ah I loved to that end, shrinking people get to see you be so hilariously funny No, I wasn't written down. That was all tat was all genuine nos ten times now
Don't you ten have done you ten times you are done. That is an nod. For me. It doesn't pay if this were it I would be quite happy to be quite happy with that seriously at size from four billion over it's an honor to know you and a blast, and god you make me laugh. So thank you, very much for doing this and I'll be by in about forty eight hours? now you'll be there waiting. It didn't turn you away from the way he personally turned me away. It's been a while, since in the old days they would throw a guy out of a bar by grabbing the back of his shirt and his belt. Throw em out. That's how harrison is going to throw me off of his proper went away to go mad nothin like that you?
guy, I'm an old man. Now I've never have you could beat the shit out of it has to take. It never happened, I say we never do this, but round of applause for harrison ford. Thank you, sir. You that's all I got is it your friend ago? I hope you enjoy yourself. Why are crying I'm happy? Ok, came. Thank you thank you for being here and you got a friend. Thank you. That's so nice very much. It means a lot to me. Thank you. What about us? yeah. Don't push know, I think, that's a smart choice. I respect that so this is big news you're giving the commencement
for the mount san Antonio, in formerly known as mount sack college commencement. and you and I am not giving the commencement address two minute speech. Okay, wait. I thought you were giving the commencement address. No, I am. I am alumni of the year to hunt for a congratulations. Congratulations! I don't like the way you. said that what it is they deem it now or would I was. I would congratulate how thoroughly I think that was the I would sincerely with the understanding that an insult was to follow yeah yeah later like an twentyman, ok or else off my an unrelated to this summer. I really am honestly proud of you. I am very proud of you. You ve accomplished a lot and I am I was saying a nice thing: data, that's nice. I haven't I honestly what its aid that the way you said it was a very Thank you very sorry, but it was near the town suspected
it might nasal voice. I can't help it if you had a tone and your lips were thin and your eyes were being yeah. That's me. I can't help that nobody died If they named me alumni of the year, I went to a community college before I transfer to u s c, I'm very proud of my time there and then they named me alumna and of the year, and you did an interview for the video they're going to show a commencement and I'd found out recently there's going to be like twelve thousand people or twelve thousand. That's a big crowd. That's a big crowd. I know but wait a minute you're always talking about how your your speech, european union emeralds be champion yeah. Now you bring that all the time every you bring it up when they put you over free de. Why you like now, as I have heard your free to go there somewhere, alcohol. You are giving up up up up early we didn't realize your national speech here as much
more vodka. You well it's. monsieur not far better, but I still, I used to give you a blood alcohol test, so I think you're going to be fine. Do you know what you're going to talk about yeah give us the first line. Give us a little preview while doing it in it. They built a brand new stadium that were the graduation name so doing it in an accident? No, no! No, they built is brand new stadium at the school, so my first line is thanks for bill. For me, I like that in its debate on workers, but there is now a lotta jokes, not love you! Gotta have jokes. Will you write a for me? Well, you have done you ve done away. I do. I won't write them for you all right, because there's a writers guilt strike, so I refuse to help you with this. I thought- and I hope you bomb yoga view gee, I, u producer you own with less well
You couldn't write shows. Instead, you can write a commencement and drive like. I can't it's a. U me real this union at all. It's me just a two minute speech. You're, the man, you man, I don't know what you are- I'm sick of your boots on my throat yeah, you wouldn t. Why don't you get it right at you asshole? I noise, good idea? You will written to us like really well known commencement addresses that we're like longer than two minutes. Can I borrow but a your vermeer harvard class day speech, you're dartmouth addressed doubt you cannot Also, how much time did you say you have to If you don't there's no such thing as a speech. That is two minutes long but sir, are you sure they're being square with you you're, not just introducing someone? No, but there's there's the three minute video and then there's the tumor. They get five minutes. I'm I'm just first of all a little blip can I say something they said two minutes, but you're gonna take more than two minutes. There's no such thing as a two minute speech oak. Why
that's called ordering a pizza oak can help not a bad idea. still. That's why keyser take stuff that you wrote what won't match? Ok, you know your reason why, but also it just won't match europe. Some experience you come from. You have such a different background than me, and you have a great story to tell comes this country from a boat that you made out of breath pads sewn together with these wax? It had been dried and turned into twine. You fool. forged a path across a mighty see. You have a great story to tell and also what I think is very cool and of being sincere here is you know this is at this community college and look what you've achieved. I think that's that's very cool. It is am shocked. because there is a lot of really impressive alumni have come out of theirs yo. When they first said I was the alumni dear, I was like. I was like what
Who are? They are the only one who had no. No, I don't honest with you, though, I think it's, I think, it'll be an inspiration for all of them. to see you because you do have a lot of fans and you are an impressive person, and I think I am Are you? I think it's also, you no good for these people to see her. I think you're still able to connect to young people. I think you're very youthful person, so now you're, not a stodgy old person say now. Let me tell you something when I was a boy in oh yeah, I first how you shouldn't say when you are a boy keziah, is you weren't, but think it's gonna go really well. I had an I got. Thank you. I've gone back to mount sack a few times to talk to the students, and I can't tell you people love you, which I was we say educated. Well,
first people now jimmy in some of the farm animals hanging out there in the agricultural labourers super young and there are but like not that you know I know I'm like stay. I just. I always think that they're just like into like taylor, swift and, like Billy, irish and cross over between my fans and billy. I wish fails and generous with fans convinced of that now, yeah yeah, I just couldn't you know yourself, doesn't mean turned on her current tour taylor, often starts to show by saying how many conan fans we got in the crowd and the place your rocks. Ok, you're, not seen any footage of matter. I haven't seen it either and I haven't you heard about it, but I'm pretty sure tat because of my to deceive myself. Absolutely incredible! That's impressive coin! If these notes
his activities mccone empty. If you know, what's that, tell us, referendums often was also a contribution in ok. How many are there said I, on a corner. I'm he cognac idea? That's what it should be here. Are you You don't like this rare bird that no one in a thousand year, our youth veto, nifty, someone who loves taylor, swift, but also loves that french weirdo photoshop the picture of the two of you liked his together here, yeah yeah, yeah, co, nifty, so cool Well, I'm when is it happening, is happening very soon. It's happening. I well by the time the audience years as they will have already have been on june. Nine. Ok, all right, but it hasn't happened yet enough reality newgate! No, do you get to where a gown and mortar boredom yeah, that's nice. I now have equally get especial like scarf of some kind. I dont next to him. I don't know, but I'm gonna give you any kind of doctorate. Get a doctor.
come on. I don't know you got I'm honorary doctorate, I'm nuts, I think from dartmouth. Something said something I don't know any I'm not been calling. I honestly don't know they put thing around my we gotta look up what I got I'm pretty sure he got a doctorate yeah, but I know that it was. I wanted it to be an oral surgeon. I wanted to. C b, a doctor afterwards and then be able to open up yeah the rewards. I'm a guy of arts parties, a doctor of art home I'm about buckeyes, is our adopt journey. I wish some own an airplane and something happens, legal action, Is there a doctor here who know? I am a doctor of art from dutch myth and I'm going to push my way The front will this person should be having a heart attack? Have you got a book we back array
The brown take care to talk about the contra past. Do of the statue David calls on those matters, I'm good to go out world here. He's dead he's dead. He died. While you were talking about the brontes. Well, I did what I could I suppose that makes me some kind of hero. Excuse me, I'm an actual doctor- and I couldn't get up here because this as I am actually pulmonary specialist, I could have saved this man by doing chest. Impressions, that's all well and good, but got here first, because I a the ice well, alright, with rapid, gang! Congratulations on your grandfather! You guys are those student and you know why I my advice to you is enjoy it. That's a moment when you're up there take it in and don't you have a tendency to go? Oh, no about take it
that's a really nice moment, be there'll, be thrilled that you're there and enjoy it and we're really proud of you. Oh that's, very cool thanks guys. Alright south tupac
Conan o Brien needs a friend with Conan o brien system of session and mac goarly produced by me, mad goarly executive produced by adam sacks neatly out and Jeff Ross, a team, cocoa and colony anderson and coty fisher. At your wolf theme song by the white stripes incidental music, by Jimmy the vienna taken away, Jimmy our supervising producers, errand blair and our associate talent, producers, jennifer samples engineering by a duarte Perez additional production support by mars moaning talent. Looking by polish avis, Gina, battista and brick com, you can write and review the show. An apple podcast and you might find your review read on a future episode, got a question for conan call the team cocoa hotline at three two three four five one, two eight to one and leave a message. It too could be featured on a future episode and, if you haven't already, please subscribed to colonel Brian needs, a friend on apple podcast, nature or wherever fine, by cast down.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-04.