« Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

Flula Borg Returns

2023-11-20 | 🔗

Conan O’Brien feels okay about being Flula Borg’s friend.


Flula sits down with Conan once again to discuss his special healthy diet, what confuses him about America, and what kind of family he wants. Plus, Conan answers voicemails from none other than Flula himself.


For Conan videos, tour dates and more visit TeamCoco.com.

Got a question for Conan? Call our voicemail: (669) 587-2847.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Samsung is presenting sponsor of cardinal brian needs, a friend. If you listen to this podcast right now, stop doing go check out the new clueless gamer. we teamed up with samson than their gaming hub tvs, frenetic louis gamer this year, yeah I'm and we had a really fun time. Plaint star field through samson gaming hub for the new clothes gamer, and it was a blast. You did a bunch of really fun stuff. You did you weren't impressed by the jet pack. I'm not great added, but I'm there with my trusty sidekick erin player and we get through it together. We ve had a lot of great adventures and I thought this was a really fun. What yeah? If there is a little romance you you between the two of you now about during the game ever am I met someone in the game in it things get it heated anyway. simpson. Gaming harbour, samsung tvs. You experience everything! You love about gaming island, place of gaming. Oh, when these
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Bali bomb, deep bodily boone, you mean. How do I feel about you being my friend I may miss connell, I see about lee poorly boldly blood. My name is current, o brien and eyes. and I feel you know okay about being of friend. This is wonderful news. Thank you very much, conan of it as a laudable amputee, to which Nancy pan PAMELA m p to lose. About a palm due to smash dubai, punts notable a member naughty terrible. this can punch no tampering. Who ever welcome too kind. O Brien needs a friend Joint is always by saddam ossetian. How are you son? I'm sorry, I'm alright, ok, nice again! Right! Ok!
It's weird. I am mad girly. How are you I'm okay, but I'm worried about seven? What does it say? I cause if I say a one. One word answer: it's like not enough, so I thought I'd judge it up a little of that you judging it? That's with judge how dear? How is it if every time the package I, though, like kate corner you doing I'm doing really well Thank you very much appreciate it. I really do appreciate it. Why you do you're not gonna, be a court. You have very complex powerful as fiscal microphone, inches from your mouth and you're. Constantly yelling is that Eduardo is her volume and issue? No be honest, I would be honored to be honest, he's married to an armenian girl, so you know he knows what's up so is this it's an armenian thing. I have the filter on this is the you guys speak very loudly to each other in your house. We do now, you ve got me all know it
my god you do it. You can do it. You can't even whispered. Do not be so funny if you were in any kind of job that require you to whispering, and you got your library. I dare you guys Welcome, hey! What were the neonatal war now we do try to use them Her voice is here, I'm telling people will be quiet and I cant do you can't do, Ok, I have also leading into the mike. I don't need to do now. I don't know I mean I'm surprised at what do. I was looking over the word when thinking that small fires are breaking out on his control board. Be I mean that is a lot, but you know you're pretty loud to in fact, don't got merrily. Headphones turned out really low to the point where it's mostly like a mix of the outside sound and then both of you cause you yeah.
a lot to? Ah, okay, we like to use coating you're very dynamic. I think I have a great performance energy that has been a hallmark of my career yeah? I don't have a real performance. Hey, I'm a pretty get. You got me pretty. No now, and you know I had to be fair. That was pretty good, yeah yeah earlier you took me down and dynamic. I didn't see that I didn't see that character coming, but I mean Do when you ve, put your your children to sleep. Is it a problem do when you then leaning got nine? I guys is it a problem. I am not asking for real snow. I haven't thought I know you are yeah yeah. I know I am. I am allowed percinet. How do you say loud? How do you say goodnight to them? He showed potty oh, come work,
The learning I won't be able to get jobs in america good night now, they're gonna be bilingual over it. whenever you're. When are you going to teach him? What's the one? You say he shed potty, ok, but when you gonna teach What are they gonna learn good night. They were the knife and should they watch tv, Why'd you haven't got shit, what I want. I want clean. I mean like they learn english, but you know we. We mostly speak to them. armenian and then they watch tv and stuff and right yeah. So what are they watch and lay? What kids shows you have been watching what they watch day: white like their favorite movies right. My neighbour told her all and the fantastic, MR fox and ratatouille iii, and nemo or like what's what's up in our house? That's what happened, it is because yeah I'm trying to get them into the iron giant, but they're, just like scared of Robot common problems. here.
Little boys to grow a pair first world You did well to bear it. I want you to get one test, guys grow up hair. Was only get. Why doubts gangway or you're gonna be all right where I just gotta Pekin dear world. Did no one speak gaelic. Yes, all irish people speak the gaelic. I don't know. I don't. Even honestly no gaelic sounds like is in irish old, irish, just cobb irish right. Am I right is gaelic scottish, gay, while his eyes, aided in asia, is an asset that I look like a fool. Now you have to keep an eye on you uttered IRA haze and of all yeah, but no you gotta, keep that ale gave up. Here is the old language of of that island of uptake your island. Does your family speaking, of course not
the only way that the only iris thing about us is there a grew up hearing a lot of Jesus Marian, Joseph and Jesus Christ. Jesus variant, Joseph amuse, constantly the response to everything here. I think that that's I thought that that was a catholic thing and then I knew that when I first started working with Robert smuggle he'd be like Jesus Christ. What are we gonna? Oh ok, jewish people say Jesus I think he, I think it's a that. A lot of people say no, I didn't realize it just catholics that said that, It's all behind us, my guest today friend of mine, travel to germany with me for an episode. corner without borders. You know from such movies and shows is pitch perfect to troll
world tour and curb ear enthusiasm. I do love this man. I really do hazy. Lerius alexander fannys, a really good fellow and delightfully funny. I'm excited to talk him today, full abort, welcome you. Are the full of fools yeah hollow the greatest full of all time. Ok, you bring me constant joy and anne and you're a tonic bring you. This is like they must have this in in germany or in Austria. Some sort of hard cup You know it's like a hot bath. You sit in or some kind of our own to stay. Out of my words, I had a sound ash lies in thousands of interrelated and it's a tonic writer. You just soak it up. You ingested constant enters into all
of your paws, and then you just want to shake. Yes, yes, so that is what you are for me, because, whenever you're round I'm instantly happy I came in, I was in a bad mood, his eyes. Yes, oh yeah, I was I was thinking. I gotta go the worlds in bad shape. I you know. Oh my god, look at this body. I've been cursed with oh stop at conan, it's on fire, delicious. I know how I meant. I meant it's a curse. To have this body. I agree everyone's like why not meet men want to be me. Women want to be with me with us, and so I was depressed and feeling the First of all that, and then I remember, a fool is on today exists and I was so happy because you make me happy. Thank you as well, when you make me also happy- and I'm saying to you- also your welcome for not having to play as a czech white music as I provided for you with my mouth. That's right think from now on. We would save a lot of money if we didn't play that white song, and we had you do it. Instead, people
be it at all which nancy public penal law about palm year between nicely by punts notable boo. He snooty terrible this can punch, no tampering Oh sorry, jack we re actually gonna cost more money. Now, there's an extra usage of music allows right cap because you're using the same tune. That's the problem, you jerk, fool. I apologize. I know where we need to do is changed. The lyrics and the tune. Club and fleet I've got the are group and legal going down that road. Call then all bright, but poor see that no one
no way in court. Anyone going to say that whilst we are gonna be friends, no, that's cardinal bypath I'd find extracted one of the great marching tunes of all time. However, what all, as soon as love that papa Susan, must, of course, yes, but not cousin, sousa omega, You missed out what a couple of weeks ago sitting in a very chair, you're sitting in now of what arnold schwarzenegger was here. Why did you not notify me via telegram, while I sent you a sausage? Graham, oh I never received that my neighbor Charles always eats though I know he was sitting in that very chair. and it's so funny, because I would think he'd be one of your heroes. Shadow jaya he's my carbohydrates fitness. Protein grow. Yes, go on end verna hurt sunk was here as well. At the same time, they were selling. Think back. No, no! No! No! No! Yes, he hurt saga sat, unfortunately, latin, like his ventriloquist dummy, oh ok, so arnold was saying things like that
It seems to be a pretty happy today, Ivana and then the little he was. He worked his mouth as if he were a dummy, but he was real. Verner was going. It is very good to be here The bank has brought magnus into society and it was just a really fun routine. How did they control each other's mandibles, where, with a hammer and sickle want to know, I think Arnold had his hand right up? Bernard socks owes it to us yeah yeah, that's the most natural how's find you don't have to go to aim is weakens. Ok. My point is: why is it that we ve had we ve? Had Gentlemen, here who are our beloved fixtures in your culture? That's very true! Yet health of those guys are legends yeah and am now you complete the trifecta. Oh it's the three of us. we can make it if we try. Well, I'm just saying: there's schwarzenegger, there's herzog and then there's borg, yeah yeah gather that the expenditure both deutsche aversion.
I brought you buy. Porsche is naturally the greatest machine tallow I want to let our listeners know that you and I have been friends for a long time. It's absolutely accurate. I knew you would come. I my show and bring the absolute delight you would make me laugh like a school child. Of the school children. Giggle alot. Yes, they giggle. I was a little you would you would you Use me to a little bavarian schoolboy. Chuckling as I am. I to my marzipan? I knew you would say Matsu pod. I know you and I was so happy when you're, honest and then tat when you come on the podcast. You just bring me, you bring the absolute joy like I've. Just had a brisk walk in my letter short in the alps. Oh that's like like a lip like lipton iced. Tea poured over your eyebrows. Well, ok, that's just stupid welcome to me color welcome to you. How have you been footfall of light?
brace you. You did not hallway and you are made of pure mahogany. You must work out constantly lots of pledge spread all of my shoulders? You know I didn't mean you're being wax down like mahogany. I mean you are rock hard. Oh, you're! No! No! No, I didn't mean anything dirty or sexual. Oh, I know that you're still impotent, but you absent, I'm saying your shoulders. Yes, your lads of your packs yard. I just it was like huh in the arm war. I could walk with lego. Yes, yes, yes, yes, dakota at, I am bought. Have you heard of boredom? Yes, I have yeah. So when this because I just take things that way more than me, and I put them up and down and up and down up and down and up and down the gravity? Yes, and so you you do a lot,
working out. I know you have a trainer. We ve talked about this china paolo into his italian. I dont understand him. He doesn't understand me it's a very confusing united nations. Well, but the important thing is you and your italian trainer, yes again on what we do and is he really responsible for you being in this shape? Absolutely I'm an idiot conan ass. You have learned, I dont know what to ingest and what to out. Just I heard that you also like bicycles, I like bicycles, yes, yes, yes, I like to look at them. we have never gotten on one is this of effect. Now it's a lie. I was making what we in america call a Joe ha. I think you call it out. Loves. Didn't. I know I like to write a bicycle. I do us great just like the song. Yes, I like to just like the queen saw. Yes, I like to get it up ethical and I like to write it. Oh yeah, a friend
I'm shot out to my friend brad time, you have no one's ever had a bad day on a bicycle, any it's right. I am always happy when I'm running a bicycle. What about the peoples that have been inadvertently struck by trucks? Oh yes, he did say even amendment I member at brad, saying as with the exception. Yes avail You ve been killed. Riding a bicycle. Data is a small exception by other than this brad pitt. It was brad pitt, correct, yeah. I don't like to get it out there that I ride regularly with Brad pitt. Yes, yes, but I ride regularly with yeah me, I've got a couple of us a couple of us aaa listers you ve heard of eight listers. He has rightly drawn LEO caprio your car, o brien listen? You're? You're gonna eat plum. all from well. She was on the original Brady bunch how wonderful it just got original like there has been another one that has that been a reboot. Now there was not a reboot, it's the only thing they haven't rebooted and now they made,
We they made a couple movable yeah anyway. What I'm saying is? Yes, someone like me who's in the highest highest highest echelons, absolute, a celebrity hurting budget. I am to be yes. I just started when I start to ride by bicycle as other or triple a celebrities show up alongside me. It's like forrest, gump, except you're, riding a bicycle, and the people following are also celebrities. Yes, yes, thank you. You're welcome! That's a very good image! That's exactly what it is right. Are you wearing a shirt that says have a nice day No, I'm not! Now you have you took it. You fuck! That was far enough yeah. But what is your diet like? Because your the healthiest men. I know this morning. Did. You have I had some chicken and then all sorts of mashed potatoes and also if you call them mashed potatoes. What are you, what are your names as we call them a mushy mushy, mush mush as we'll see it's more of, I would say, efficient as a term and we just say mashed potatoes, as those two mathematically, much much potatoes? Ok,
is that we do all that I was. I was pulling your leg and stop hellhole o down boys I we just say mashed potatoes here, ok, yeah yeah, I have you heard of the song mashed potato by the wiggles now have a date or mashed potato. Now my my children are grown. Although I haven't in the wheels in a very long. Adults can also listen to the wages, there's actually a warning on the label that says no for anyone over forty. Don't follow you'll, go into a blind rage to start hitting bicycle. Do you see you get up in the morning? I want to hear about your regimen. Oh I wake up. I calories. I move very quickly. I am just more calories. I think about Conan o Brien, w w c b d. What would conan o brien do and then I do those things. Okay, so I know you ve been a huge.
I have mine for a long, a very large fan. I once wrote a song about you and andy called cone. Andy, oh really did you did or you didn't at it? Okay, the hump. and how does that song go can hear any than I need to clear it with. What's it called kappa ass ass cap and then I would send it to you, but you wrote it yes now we had all along and money to two flew. I think we have to pay my refuse money. I don't work for dollars were here. I get paid and biscuits eastwards biscuits yeah have you had both changes in north carolina chain? That says very delicious southern biscuits of that? It's just risk it. It's not biscuit! It's just biscuit, there's a u inside this common! Yes, I know, but we call it a silent. You were you. There has been a bullied into soil. I will never be silent. Ok, so you get up in the morning. You eat you. I think stricken. Yes, no biscuits. Nobody it's veto. You don't need any carbs. Who does that? Well I'll eat carbs, all the time I eat them sometimes, but when I have a photoshop
with a paloma shitty coming up, then I cannot eat those carbohydrates. See yes, you know I have to tell you you put out a calendar, I do. A lawyer has full of works. I wonder and their available I believe online, but you always send me one ends. You always find a way to be. I would say shortlist for most months, nipping already boast even like December january february. Heartless extra hot gap, as I can I use- the nipples come out of the calendar and I hang my shirts on. You can also use them to squeeze lemons. Yes, Your radio die if you, if you have some radio, yes serious, my point, is you send a you are very proud of your body? Are you not know? Why is this itself? Think of some people who have a body like yours are very self low that listen, you have a delicious voice, and so you use it fought to make dollars and to make many many podcast. I have a body that someone we have zero credit, so have to use after utilise it after prostitute, myself. Okay, how is he love life going through its nonexistent. I once stated a whole note: techno whole note of what I
No, it's so no! No, it holds a phobia of music. You dated four bits of music. Yes, oh by the way, I will send you my flounder. My next one want. Thank you very much. I I treasure them that russia hear more about this whole, no yeah, yeah yeah. Thank you, Mr Worley. This is this. Is that you have that's exactly you always get me off track. Mats here to say: wait a minute. Let's double down returned to its galilee. Goarly allowed. You know, there's a u in their wise that, once again, there would be guy will usually go for it You got well I'll. Take it boca great! My tie us power just galilee. How much is yes, the ones in toulouse, so you do did a homo, yes explain how that works. We established a romantic the connection and then we stood for four measures and then I said yeah and we ve done nor was it oh, I see what you're saying yes and flat
said position on the trauma bone. Yes out. If I could have warned you against anything, less excuse me. Ok, you are a monastic. You you are celebrates. You are, I'm halloween, not abelardo correctness, okay. So what do you do for fun after your work out? What do you do? What is full of borg? Do I like to do clim toga, which are pushups and then so like to make jogging. Have you ever made joy? I just said after your work out after your work out, you do pushups and jogging. That's not after your work out I'll get. You have never followed David goggins on instagram stay hard conan, oh ok, so you do. Even after your work out, you do more exquisite, myna workhouse! Yes, ok! Yes, what do you do when you are not working hours ass? I guess the request I like to sleep also like to look at the sky and also at other items in the world. Okay, so looking at school, I have you noticed anything about. The sky recently contains clouds on occasion and other on times. Other occasions has no clothes. Ok, just leave me alone.
yeah junior unions, cloud ratings down, and I will send this to scientific america and other good to know digress ties and also strategy. Communist khumalo nimbus, also very nice cloud serious a little too away for my taste can see your cloud critic as they say the. Sometimes you ok and then you are you notice, other objects. What objects you been noticing whale I've noticed your delicious smile and wonderful head cut. Color I am waiting to eat. I looks a lot of people are in love with my hair. Yes how'd, you stop that you wake up and it is like this or is there a man and a woman that arranges it? No one else. Does it I've? this out myself a long time ago, I use various oils and residence plus a little bit Mayo may is all, and then I work it in there and then I cook it in a little kiln bit just bakes. My hair has the minutes for zero. Yes, headlines aircraft! Well, I dont like tonight helm and thank you. Yes, if on a shoutout, it's definitely helmets definitely out of his home. If you really want whole eggs in there, but then I get this delicious pastry. On top of my,
head, it seems to give people delight, and so it's a small price for me to pay to give other people joy. It sounds like a large price, depending on the amounts of mandates and cross. You purchase is true, but you know I do it. I also think I may be do it to draw attention away from parts of my body that maybe I'm not I will speak to me. Well, I'm just saying I have beady little rat I'll as incorrect look. It is true. Look look at me. Looking around beady little rat eyes, deletion had caught his eye vain under my eye and then, if that these, thin lips like what happened. What would happen if a guy did he's chew. On a grenade to save his regiment and his lips blew off, you know just a band of brothers, yes, and so can we to tell you what happened to me? Your lips, are gone now, and so I think the hair is a way to draw people away from my features that I'm not as proud of very confusing. You are a beautiful man. I love all of the items you have described in a fully platonic non sexual way.
Well, we can nudge that over to sexual, that's give it a try, when it comes to planning a trip is allowed to consider, but when it comes to booking a place to stay makes sense to get an urban bait enough. That upcoming group trip vacation and air being be is the obvious choice. You can find a place with multiple bedrooms. You can put the kids to bed and then on your schedule, org at the whole friend group together, can have a big chill weakened. It's a movie from the eightys was very popular If you get all your friends together in one place where everyone can hang in the living room, and then you get your own bed at the end of the night, it's it's very comfortable with access to your own kitchen
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If we let whole foods market cater your holiday with an elevated spread, including gore. May turkey sides like truffles parmesan, mashed, potatoes, delicious deserves and more with holiday wine starting at seven. Ninety nine whole foods market has thanks. Giving covered must be twenty one please drink responsibly, I'm as a lesson girl. You know me as a standard comic movie as an actress on occasion, merida writer and I've got this podcast ask eliza anything where you, the listener are the guest every week we field. actions from our audience questions. Your may be embarrassed to ask questions that you don't trust your friends to give advice on, and we are here to give you the advice that people are too afraid to give you you can find belies anything on serious exam sticker pandora. Wherever you get your podcast forget to follow the show. You never miss an episode. Once I was walking in the neighborhood where we make this podcast and
hurt. Someone shout out a window as fan sometimes do, and I looked up and robert and I get exactly living and get a real job and I'm glad you're off television. I get that alot Some will shout at me and then I heard someone shout at me out a window and I looked around. I couldn't see who it was and then I get a text and flu said that was me. That just shouted out your window. I said hollow sorrowful screaming. It's me. Your friend flew the book good to see you yeah, but it all came up, I thought you know it's that doppler effect you've got your by so quickly I adopt plus deutsche unintelligible. Yes, so ha. It was nice of you to yell out at me. Thank you. Did you have an? I thought you had a baggie of a delicious calories. Is that accurate? I am not probably not accurate. I don't think I walk around much with food and if I did have some food I'd prob we make david hopping, hold it oh David. They are still alive. Well, yes, despite my best and perhaps alive
the life: oh wonderful, with these he's on sailing drip. Yet is keeping my order have excellent like on seven may I say how appropriate thanks brain brad pitt back. I like it here how my bicycle, pow, ok, on getting this image of your life, which are also we enterprising you'd been in movies. You ve been in eleven are always on the go. You're. Always flu is slowly but surely taking over the world. Yes, well as a german, that's illegal, and I would never admit to this. I have taken I didn't mean to imply another, I'm saying you are invade. You are young, you are in vain. All media which you are you are, you are an Suddenly, gathering stamps on my passport woolly legally with everyone's consent you are blue,
cregan talents, I am just very suddenly showing up with a cake and a smile have massive air show of talent? No, no! No! No! No! You are daintily prancing around yeah. Now I had the pleasure of owing to berlin, with you remember when we were in berlin to either member this yes and is not yet asking for me, because I got to see you in your home environment and I noticed a lot of the german people are very comfortable with nudity, very much, and you seemed very countries nudity too, I'm also term, and so I am part of this than diagram you have just described now. I as, for example, not coming with my nudity at any time you did not enjoy having your penis exposed on the dutch. No, I wear a full on formal tuxedo wanna take a shower at you, you on the their hand. I knows very comfortable with it. Have you tried that here in the states and and what's the reaction? But oh I was in my turn, to tell ya, have locking yet I dont mean just genitalia, but I mean letting your body be free of all.
Have you been nude in america and how is that gun over free? It has gone in awkward ways I too have you seen the show austin powers and the murder mystery man. Oh, I dunno the name. International motor international man of mystery are in the beginning, said to sixty credits, he's always like turning around to oh. Maybe we will see his pp, but no it's a broccoli and then he turns sounds like what does that all its it's an m one abrams tank or something, and so this is how try to present it to myself in america, because I know everyone is terrified of nudity here. Ok, one of other terrified of it, but it can be. an appropriate quickly. I'm told you bordered american airlines fight completely nude. That's the kind of thing that's not go. I was wearing philip Is it ok? Well did
the news accounts I read, did not mention the flip flop. Well, you didn't read deep enough or they are terrible reporters okay. Now this was the new york times and the wall street journal. These are fine poet, Nicholas Kristof, okay, yeah, okay, matrix yeah. He apparently was sitting in the row opposite you yeah. Well, we are no longer on speaking terms yeah. You were friends until you aborted until I just heard this news of my flip flops being omitted and in general you're doing well, life is good. While I am absolutely terrible. Conan with the world is on fire. I always say that really mathematically, no one that is now alive will be alive in two hundred and twenty two years. God. I didn't realize that just think about this. I made all these plans, I know so now you have to execute those plans immediately Do it all to morrow? You know, don't wait what they say, wait tomorrow and it's too late for today to make it so you should have it. You should do it now. I can't believe that hasn't been opposed.
I think Benjamin franklin, no yeah benjamin franklin, as he was stroking out, said that don't put to tomorrow what today can be done the other day, so it happened. If you go forward and not relate and then up, please relax my stove and their sunlight. There's a storm coming, someone put tie a key to a kite hierarchy and make me a nominate. Let me ask you something, but how familiar argue with american history are you are you do do? Consider yourself? I mean you ve come to this country. We, How come you frank, open arms as america does sometimes but d Consider yourself, an american citizen. Now you think you're comfortable. In these ways I m very confused every time about everything, but I am also very excited. I love to learn anarchist bound. You can just dumb things into me. Come you? Don't don't things into a sponge sponge sort of goes over there? It's it's! An inaccurate metaphor: young, you added a you to the spouse jam. I'm sorry that galileo will see eye to eye.
Yo, yo yo and added to spend this. I'm goarly gates, gorlias, spout. Ok, so wonderful, attacked protective earlier this year from goarly and added it to spanish debt. So it's coralie and spout fed though my enemies you. Whenever immigrants big if you I'm very stupid and also also- and you don't so you don't get smarter or worse thinking to myself. Never, no! No! No to me when I'm done speaking to you, I'm very dumb, always I'm going to go home I'll, probably have to be driven home because I'm not safe to drive after speaking to so stupid. Yes, I I got so content when other people speak to me. It's like you know, people like, oh, you should have your teapot open and ready to receive more tea, but I have to top the top is on what sophie. Standard. All imagine a submarine here.
How do we get to a submarine? Imagine how many liquids and what is and is enter a supper? Yes, that is my brain. When we speak of a very good. Yes, I'm gonna change a topic. Ok to your topic, I was trying to tell about I, which is new and america? What about this country confuses you? A lot of this is as much a driving not much. We do have a book is at a thought. I just heard. Ok. I just quietly burp them drinking a lot of water and I just burped into the little microphone she also leaned up a bit. So I did like what I do to. I wanted you to see that I was burping, but so that was purely book. That was not a toot, but I can't do the both at the same. Tom can finally be and the almanac. If I could do that, a flip. What's a flawed and blew up, ok, Now, I'm so stupid. My heart's not be there just taken and to be line. Activities that are gathered a run by the cortex are gone.
Yes, you're in the seventh level of the titanic, you'll just shovelling that coal, but no no cuisines of being cooked view. Why do you like america? It is very enjoyable to me. I feel very lucky. I have received a korea thanks to you and or other americans who have employed me so feeling dung and thank you Conan Christopher. Is it correct, o brien? gonna Chris, whereby invariant name my name to you ass, you have yes, you are jane and also a host of words. you also a ghost ghost ghost and hope a ghost yea. I have one guy on dispensed. Yoga guy says: like your spirits and the suspense, an accurate small via sprachen, auf deutsch. You have interest of national caso rota cough. Can nice The state had actually makes young artists guys guys here, I feel like I'm your man out of the. U n going on here. We must then can we talk so that you can understand very nice. Why? That's really that's some real hospitality there! That's why
net. Sorry, bangladesh, yes, now how much? How much germany's do new spin, your data, that's your business greed and leaving I'm joining in So let us not issue stains. Grieved. Chowder is great. I don't have had their obvious codes. The dying days of the Bmw or that of an activist on the air, the phone, your vital key, and also grabbed the orange big data. emotions on the subject. You have an advantage for this marvelous of the five fetishes clean and keep him closely mcluhan overflow by grouping fathom carbon keep. So that's how it's done? goarly the next time you feel, as did my life. Oh oh auto, a cloud of you are screwed about here and fleeting gonna. Think all
marshalling much. You know what I don't think we can. Even I don't think we can put ads on this episode, because there was no one to listen and they now. No, I think we have to talk cut contact poppy had for tax I'd say you tell her prey stem from here separates us, because that will not bring a trap a very sorry conan. I know this is so often not first, but this will be our last time. This has, alas, this can happen again, I'm being signalled right now by oh Jesus. Jesus These would act here looking through a window saying no more of the wonderful has spoken to. Oh yeah, regulate, yes, grave! regulation. I am the chosen. I look forward to reading your book. I want things for you mean but I want you to enjoy your time here and I want you some day may be to have a family, you think it's possible I'll. Have it well a musical family? I maybe a family of animals. If animals would you ever
you know I didn't write any with children caught. Cannot allow me, what did you say it is, I think, a great dad yeah I did as a matter of fact- and you have mentioned before to me, but I gave you once for fun when we were on tour together, I gave an american girl doll and you I thought you just for on. I gave you one, thank you and I thought that would be it. This tour lasted awhile and you bought a baby holder bidding gave it beyond the relation to fuel. I bought a baby. Or in and you took care of his baby beautifully. Thank you brought them. be everywhere and- and I thought you'd be a great add. Well, I'm I'm very good with an inanimate objects with legs and arms at cannot. People will be fat, ok, but an actual life. Being, I would comment, would say, be very careful about it here. would you be tempted if you had seven children to make them saying you know when they before they went to bed at night.
I would if I had, seven children would be tempted to say hey I'll, be right. Back I'm running some errands. Everyone when our then you'll take yeah. I think I think the minute I heard you say that they'd know you're, not gonna get us know how to run and does not understand what aaron's content you have off springs. Yeah. I do do you plan on more five five for six more of these offsprings. While I'm, I think I think now you are very liberal. While I know I am I mean I think that's understood when you just hear the hunt asked the delicious voice. My sexual exploits her legendary. Oh no. I think I have two children and their they're beautiful and I love them and I think you are very happy in my in my marriage. So no, I think, that's it. I think that's it for me. You know, I think it's it's. I think there'll be no more conan children. What finality
I just say I mean I love these two kids in that's enough for you yeah, so you do not like constantino alexander. It only took call in some ways. I am a conqueror, legendary figure, whose name will resonate through history, s reverberated well. I will do it and but no I will- or I will I'll be happy to. If you had a child, I would adopt it. You adopted my child yeah. If you have a child- and you want to take care of it, I will adopt comments with the procreation process. Will what and you know how to get away in the bed. Yeah we'll now commence. Yes, now it happens. Yeah play the phone call just do what are you hitting the clubs much recently? I don't have any of the clubs. On I'm doing a knot of nighttime at playing music by myself and then also petrol in the mornings to awaken mine was an also the world, and that goes over well with them. Now will not live No, it's iris received many complaints, but a glissando there's no better way to wake up. Conan, then
the glissando. Very nice did you sliding of the trombone as you play a toot toot to you are a musical maestro. Thank you will give us a toot. Do have you ever I've been in an improper band. No, I observed, will pop up ads. I have been in a shoe platinum end before where I ass. Yes, I should plasma and they were muslim PA, and then we we will judge you platters when you slap yourselves whether tenure slap other people as well that allows slapping yes, it was chimpanzee, as you did, but every other heightened that you would slap like buttocks and also needs and also toss? Yes, like that song yeah? Isn't it it's a crazy crazy? I got to do it with Andy rector. Once there's a and see our online where Andy rector and I'd issue littler it's one of my favorite remote. We ever did because its it's insane! You were there for that. I observed that he observed that it was absolute madness. It was the most german people.
Observing you with absolute humanity that which they refused to giggle or laugh at anything. You know no, and I loved it. One of my look. It up online go check that out. I saw you be excited at people not enjoying all that's my favorite thea when people are enjoying me, there's a the delight? I feel when some people describe going too the light when they die and they feel this peace and this com and another going towards their loved ones. That's how I feel when people when I'm gone, too far in one direction and people around me, don't like it I'm in nirvana I'm as happy as I can be I feel this is well when I do things conan, why I don't understand this, but it is a delicious time. It's echo everything. Everyone thinks this is terrible, but I'm still enjoying this snack. Yes, and I love sometimes that oh this. Is why born alone, and we die alone. This is this moment pure moment where I'm on stage in front of all these people and I'm so it,
lighted with myself. No It's following me on this the up and I don't know how to describe it, but I I feel effervescent yup. This is a metaphor for my entire life and I'm very excited about this conant. Do you find that this is more fun or less fun than we people are like? killing and laughing and clapping at you, which feeling I always your laughter and giggling in my head- oh just a right, and yet right now, I'm killing, but this rush fiascos jaska garcia. Yet when I order in a restaurant, I hear huge applause. When you had order on the post, mates, yo life, woe standing ovation advantage and cargo theater and presented by eight percent is as high as I will go to the most yeah signal digs. I keep it the singles I saw his whole too. While I was at some point of that exactly why do we do it? It's such a good, improv partner here, as he has just. Why do we do it with play quick in prague game? I know yes and ok.
try right now. Oh hell, this is pretty hard work. Isn't it Joe? Oh, that's right, Johnson! I am also hurting from my back and also hips man. I can't believe we. Have to dig so many hall all this absence. This is this. Is so sad or look at this whole, it's not deep enough. Yeah well timed to fill it with marsh. Or because this is marshmallow university ass, fast ass. I thought there was a terrific ambrosch, always at it's. Ok, I will keep going Yes, I shall love it here at marshmallow university me bs, well, good thing. We have enough chocolate, otherwise we would be making some less is somewhat scores less Lastly, I do know that its emphasis on less as a joke to compare with most got that I didn't. Did you get that? Did you get it?
Did you get down on two three? Four. I declare our water gps says. I won't, I will not have. I agree. I thought that was terrible. I agree with you can't you just blew up the improvement of was hourly. It goes with you on. It is at my insight. Brain was also laughing and I think you are I worked very well together we did some improv onstage and then, when I would do away with the audience the audience you would run around with the one of my favorite thing. Is you would trip or bump is someone and say shit in german, which is decisive tracer until you be running rhetoric, and you're going to show up checks, viruses that maybe I've really hard, it was accurate yeah. I was receiving a lot of a pinch of people who are pinching. You know low pinch me if this is a real thing happening, so I received lots of pinch love. Would you say people coming on to you, I don't
know how to read these things. Slugger is someone attracted to me, usually, if someone's giving you a pinch where we're on your body. It was usually buttock region and also between products that Is someone on actually molesting at some unless he has taken time what the stand notes! The taint takes a lot of time to countries that just wrong countries that status, don't ever say, taunt again touches the we're in just sounds so guy already. The taint is the invitation of something so the tonnes feels like even more and I dont even talk. You know you're not allowed to talk that idea hourly or at the time does inside the time to say: hey, don't job, I'm afraid thanks, I'm outlawing this word? I love it. No more time on both us. Yes, okay, yeah, no mortality; okay, it's a ton for his own okay taints! Only in this in this, this yeah you don't. My favorite movies
who is tell me more tonnes. Misbehaving risen. Yes, do not my favorite, available. Wired is what's chant, yes and courses of really yeah the bunch once they hit the ball very slowly, first improv ever this is terrible. They don't hit the whatever do. You follow american sport? I love that you hate us. Yes, I follow it. I like it Ask it by your hopes and just what you love basketball s, and I made your dream come true. Wants you dead you? Let me meet a very nice man and Charles bartley. Yes, I was we were in a bar together. We will you and We were in atlanta and suddenly I hear a gentleman call my name and it's none other than one of the great basket around alive. Rebuffs, yes, transparently, I happen to know that you are a massive fan of the ninety
in eight is nba. Oh yes, that's all you could see on the h us take tessellae. When would you are living in germany, europe up to ninety three? So the last thing I saw it was these sons, boys, finals, featuring a charles Bobby dan Molly, Michael Jordan, and the scottish right. then you had no knowledge of anything that happened in the world after thou. It's like that with psmith men and black pen. Yeah just show to my face a ninety. Ninety four yeah. So you knew nothing now so that I remember Can you over as introducing you to Charles bar? we and you you were just filled with
wondrous joy. Yes, giggled, he didn't understand a word. You say well worth wait. He did not make eye contact with me. He could see. The excitement was too high for just a meeting of a man out of the family. Back, I think, was your ring, a really bizarre european fanny passport us and you got nervous and you went into, I think, complete german. I did- and I also miss remember he's so. He went to albion, but I said alabama, and this is a big normal yeah. You kissed him off, but he was a joke He was a real gentleman about it. Yes, and he gave me and security a signal and then what are you out of your carried me away? I felt like I had one championship that was nice. Yes, thank you again, conan for this I've still yet to repay you for this. Is, I you know. Maybe someday you'll introduced me to morrow. Why my heroes and please list those heroes. we now all you need is a mirror tat, love man who was again rudy was
I adore holland ultra low cost, a steady. Are we just lost? How many subscribers says it's here. We all just a lot asked moving number. I dunno. We just lost the better help, people we lost casper mattress. It was about a zip recruiter. we mean to dual linger: who gave you our language and babble wanting it abba at our brothers? Don't watson, listen! All of them want people to learn how to speak correctly check with so when a winning yeah yeah. This is exciting, yeah, do you do jumping plan As for the coming year, you know yes, I plan to go on tour and learn how comedy functions and then out Sixty minute presentation. So you're going to go on tour to learn how comedy work. You know how they say if you want to land on the ground, jump out of a plane and then build your parachute, ok
I am going to say and here's what I'm gonna do I'm going to sign you up for a six week course where they teach you please common aphorisms. Yes, okay and you can learn them. You can learn because you don't seem to know the simple things you know you have to get our stuff said. Journey of a thousand miles starts with a with a shoes. Hopefully long life gives you lemons, make I'll throw those away and purchase lives better. I helped me here pitch and time is worth forty two when it first you dont, succeed, I'll, give it up immediately, How do you early gets probably beaten by the eu earlier, but I was usually larger. Yeah the larger birds usually get up early october. They lie on the ground with their mouths, open, waiting, yeah and an agency
They wait for the the early burger land and then get chewed yeah. You are like a say, you're, like a vacuum, I do feel- that your intelligence is dropping in a way, Philip my mind is expand. Oh I love it. No one! I agree my mind is expanding, but my brain shrinking. That's what happens. I threw it already getting it right, I'm losing books marks, but I'm gaining cosmic aware. Yes, like nonetheless it'll be ok you get it as a reference to a cat. nine, who is less intelligent than a scientist, but you you know, you're have to do a lot of several things: deprecate, probably sleep, Antonio, also elsa, who, before you take this comedy too were, you must learn as a comedian. You're, not push the sake, get it overnight. Well, everytime you make a joke, you shouldn't say get hard. You will not know that you need to you, just have to hope they get it and if they don't it's too bad, but you can't saying
get so, I would say, like bought up down. I all look at those doughnuts. I hope you get it, but if you didn't go. that now about even say that don't bring up the concept of getting it are not just be confident. I was all ok, that's a very fun lesson to teach me. Thank you called listen, some people call me an icon for space cowboy space, Callin gangsta of gesture of love. You ve got so don't worry, he's down you. Of american music. Don't you! I love music and americans make a lot of it. Ok I like you make of american just make a lie: you're not only of it yeah. Oh sorry, it's this I've seen a lot of indictments. They stacey s eye I love all the music. I love american music. There much hall and oates is very nice to know they would all efficacy techno. China is also very fun. As snap snap exclamation point, I got the power, that's an old one, you like them old music. I hold the power young duct tape, guy dot net, but that's that's. What is it like? Twenty five year
old is only ninety two c. I a creature really of the early ninetys. I think so because we just didn't receive many things after such a kind of turned my brains offer just kept absorbing the same thing I feel like you got all the pop culture you needed, probably between eighteen, eighty, six and nineteen. Ninety four got the man, you said. That's all I need em in and you didn't know nineteen before drinking to then you move on and there now I've watched game of france six times in a row, and this is this is the fullness of my youth area. Friends is a show that was on four one season. I soon friends is a thing. I would love to have some right, I'm doing questions for fool, I mean I'm opening the floor. I mean I I I guess I just have maybe more advice control yeah, oh, I would love to know not to give you advise I'm going to get a vice. Ok, I just I just feel like you ve kind of got it figured out in some sort of cosmic way you how I want to. I would disagree only on his feathers, his clothing,
choices. I dont always agree with lower. Today, his dress. What are you wearing you're wearing a fleece that has oh and you have group duct tape, duct tape on your green ants! Yes, and these are my cromer key green. You can do green screen that, as you like, it's like you took a whether man sat and later reverse about crane yeah, and then you fanny pack that give us any pack, that's Yes, very strange! Is that our common? You will not remember this, as you have gifted so many things to so many people which is to include this uk did I write a real one during the comecon of two thousand and eighteen, I joined you and we ate doughnuts and you gave me several fanny packs. That's very nice of me. It was thank you very much and I very much approve shit. I didn't even realize I I gave that you're dead at sunrise, you like were elegant fanny back, that's a nice! Well, you know, I was gonna say that's because you have some bad fanny packs and it's gonna be own. Very all. Yes, like they have tigers on them and stuff, and that's actually call
tasteful is nice. This is very nice. Yes, I I very much agree with you and I'm very grateful to your conan on smart. Then go alright. You've been very formal about this. We didn't just sign a peace treaty. It's okay! Sorry! I look okay! Alright, I have an address, am conan Yes, I'm wanting to make sixty minutes of ha and I'm going to tour around the country. I would like one more piece of advice before you delete and format drives of this. Then I wouldn't be me and I would be gower dourly. Galileo can have no, my favorites. I I think it's important for you. maybe get outside, because when so much time working out that I don't think you're com all about observations. How you look at seinfeld, yet legwork surrounding lula. Looking guy, what's he doing? You know that kind of thing? I noticed you know what you want. What you want to do, as you want to notice things and say I am you notice when in I am a day,
I was over there. You know by anna ice cream pop over it his cream store, and then I noticed this, don't you hate it when they do blank and blank and then the audience is like? Oh my god, he just like me. I don't think you can do that. No, because you don't go outside you're inside working out listening to music from nineteen. Ninety one yeah I just like: don't you hate it when they play songs from nineteen? Ninety, seven, That's your opening bit! What I'm attempting yeah you can't do! You can't do observational schumann! if you haven't gone outside shouted apartment serving if you're a strange german man? you're inside your apartment, lifting weights and occasionally blowing into a horn? What oh, you meant? Sorry, I didn't get yeah you're not going to be able to do good, observational Okay, you know what I'm saying yeah. So I will not go outside. We are plenty of the screens and rest observed things and then say what I have observed to people who are sitting in
chairs, yeah, try and try and make it like a joke. Don't just say you know I was have you noticed when you go outside? Do you know the? Does the box meter and it actually you put the money with two minutes. Then you get the you gotta, be a real observation. Oh I thought that was. There was just describing a meter does, and then you say you got it not don't say you don't say you I'm very excited. Couldn't I feel prepared I see an intense outline of questions that you guys wanted to ask me what what else isn't think we can any of I don't so funny. Oh usually, I have notes here about things to talk about, but with you I think, that's a waste of time. I must slice through the notes away. I do as well I I what is there. I mean it's ridiculous. Why would I Why would I look it notes to talk the flu borders? The purpose here we support. What is the point? Is you know,
I agree I dont know would be right back after these massage now we're not having when I'm getting the size and when I'm getting do you ever get massages economist, I received no, it's not a pleasure to me to assign a play. you. Have your body rubbed now numb I like it. I like tickle, as if a feather has perhaps you know again from focused gumbo to lie d, two, two d, two two and at lands on your leg. I like this. How many times have you watched forrest gump fourteen times last year or last year, soundtrack barrel barrel, ball, ball, ball! Ball! Ball! Ball! Ball, you know it blah blah blah. Isn't there a couple hundred bucks? I thought everyone was costing us money every time you sing a song. Do me a favor. Do not sing any led zeppelin. We can't afford that house, so no cash dot at okay don't get on alright what do you do? What you you doing tonight? Would you it? Would you and I ever go out together the two of you. You go outside
I enjoy things in the evening. That's an insulting question. Of course I do. Oh, it does look like a man of the world. Yes, of course, what I look like I get outside a lot. You are six five, six, nine with the hair. Yes, of course, ok! So yes, I go outside I like to go to a restaurant. Occasionally I would try new restaurants out enjoy your outside in a place where clapping is occurring or dancing also staring. Okay. Do you like sushi? Yes, okay, I join sushi enjoy other things also match galilee, you enjoy. I so she loves you tryin to incorporate everyone into this figure. I think we should go with everybody Adam. Do you like eduardo! Don't ever does you know like it? That's not! Then we can happen if it weren't. sorry, that's away! That's how I role! If not order can be there. I need him, bring everybody here, just hate such unanimous! Really, you darling! so she had just. I did something about the texture of this. The text is the best part, That's why you re to utter it's fantastic. Maybe I haven't had the right one mile zone, one you reckon wonderment. Yes, it's me
yeah fuck sushi see you there. I love sushi with a ph okay. It's right around the corner from the town centre, yeah the town centre for human turning cause, it's just a wonderful, wonderful you know what I'm gonna make that my cause you're like please donate money to the sunset on santa. Yes, I wanna be mine wherever you want I'll, be there you'll be there for the four four tonnes. I guess I'll cut all those rooms, no demeanor ribbons at the tonnes centre. One I'll get us. it's. My improv styles is when I don't have something to go up yeah, I do it as well and I hope you're not deported. I think you will be always a matter of just a few. I honestly think when this hits the it's gonna, be on you immediately wisest man here I wrote a techno someone. I was for the porter till. I would write a second one: that's how you do it again and how do you keep getting back into the country even deported? Several
I am. I know I may look as this, but I am very flexible. I mean I can see you've just fedex yourself into the country where we are you fedex, UKIP mainly DHS Hiv just just to be brought forward. You have any projects that are coming up that I can promote. You have I inadvertently forgot to remove the lens caps from an entire sit com and recorded in the tire season of this ass called through law makes five. Now we ve turned it into a pug cast our guy. I hired my cousin hinds to run the cameras, he's an idiot so we're with aid episodes of a full length. Sitcom called fool, makes five. The premise is I even in the basement of a house and a family of four, does not read the fine print and purchase the house so fuel. It makes. Five has asked me to mister bell video. That sounds like the word dreadful. It's ours, dreadful dreadful. You love game off drugs, rapidly, tortured, rig
it's easter days where he did it to us where he did it. Oh, why don't we say goodbye to lula, okay, flotilla, bye, bye, I can't say it's been a pleasure. I don't know what it's been, but I I do honestly love it when you walk through the door. Also? U s! Why thank you for the deep hawks, it's nice to meet every one and an hollow matt, very good now, maybe maybe just a quick little america to hunt what really got. Thank you very much for naughty for taking the ilo for to several days inside your borders. Ok, very good, full of war. Everyone bye, bye I'm as a lesson girl. You know me as a standard. Comic movie is an actress on occasion. A writer and I've got this podcast ask eliza anything where you, the listener are the guest every week we field, I sure from our audience questions your may be embarrassed to ask questions that you don't trust her friends to give advice on, and we are here to give you the advice that people are too afraid to give you you can find goliath, anything on serious ex m sticker pandora. Wherever you get your podcast,
forget to follow the show. You never miss an episode. We ve seen all the video call fails by now the mute button mishaps, the cat cameos people, not realising the cameras on when their parents are off, but none of this makes fred feel any better about giving an entire sales pitch mistakenly using a filter to turn them into an insipid see baby duck It's too late, fred its tools when you realize it's better to do business in person it matters for you, stay welcome to the sultan garden and fed the meeting. Room is right down the hall hilton for this day. hey boss, you wanna take a voice manner to actually this is Kurt yeah. I noticed the foolish
left, usually when the interviews overflow, here you know, people mingling hang out. No, they have things to do there, they their big stars, and they say you know I've gotta go! Oh! No! You did last time. Do I don't know? I now environmentalist live. No. I've done this part cats before you ve done this park as before, and you didn't leave then either all I wonder. If so, how do I let you have not women? You must have something you ve got to do right now. Not not in this moment is about two to three hours. I will need to unite and then have a sack do schedule everything in your life. Yes, it's all on my good time. Us don't even go by bladder pressure. Nano run. No, I have a pummelled origin. The payment oral fact. No at a time of every twenty eight minutes and then, when you do do a new thing. So why don't you think what he means? Well, in twenty eight may,
will we be finished and some ever then I will return to an automobile and then I would stare at the sky mentioned callback. Ok, listen I'm just saying that what you're doing right now is probably not great for your career. You get a thought etiquette. Now I don't even listen to you anymore. I don't listen to talk. I just look at your powerful mandibles sarah and your fierce wolf like eyes. And listen to your your your voice. Thank you, yeah! It's a chocolate maker yelling at me and and what what I'm sure They say is that it creates a good impression when I say okay, thanks a lot for being here as president obama and then he has to get up and go because everyone imagines him having big things to do. I d been oh, thank you. So much Jane fonda and yet he gets up and she runs out because she's jane fonda she's a lot to do. Yes, you buy Sticking around. Yes, are like a fungus, yeah you're, You are creating Illusion
it's not an illusion that you really have nothing to do. No, it's it's a illusion. Staying power of consistency. Of always there can stop, won't stop you're, no nineteen sixty say tax or not. I mean well, ok, yes, while we were all just he about the nineteen sixty celtic jello out drew hind. You know, you're making my brother's very happy right, no buys yeah, hey read our back on all nice. Are they mass holds? Ok, let's yes,. Recently talked this word. Ok, yes, they are rk mess halls, my old nice great. Have you been to Boston? Yes, I've been to bow snuff Where were you fishes boston, its boughs, paulsen, yeah yeah? It's did you.
I get there. I did like it very much I enjoyed it. I liked to the fleet center was very enjoyable to see and you are from Boston right outside of brookline Massachusetts. I've heard that the ton of massachusetts etc. Yeah, it's not that don't have massachusetts as a lovely little town. That's right on the boston line. You can walk into boston in seconds or, if you get in trouble, you can quickly leave bus quote you're in and show out. I used to do that a lot when I'd get in trouble. Oh yeah, back in the day, it was quite a naughty boy like what did you do? I'd stay late at the library? Sometimes I'd check out a book and I'd turn it in a day, late overdue. Baby. Yeah.
every now and then I'd get a free sample of an ice cream that I didn't intend to buy and the biggest like a small spoon yeah so yeah. That was a real wild man back in the day. But what is nice to have you here? Thank you and and and awkward as well, yeah, it's because no guest has ever been in the third act segment. And you somehow have done it twice both times. You are alright, I'm like that villain that was murdered in act two, but then maybe not murdered hot enough right. So then his back slasher that gets back up. Yes, yeah, sorry, again, yeah, so it's funny that we're bringing this up and you're not even becoming self conscious and leaving now you're still sticking around. We try asking him to laugh. If you just set this, I would leave yes, of course, lula. I think you should go. Okay, great everyone wait great to meet you bye, bye! Oh, I didn't really know neither oh wow. He really is leaving wow he's getting his weight. Why is he getting separate shirts This is a sun shut with. You have asked a question yet
back. It is back. Such shirts are important to cover your body, because, no matter how many creams you wipe on your face and arms, you can still receive sunburnt I already have a shirt. Lay us layers awful play us. Ok, oh that long sleep, the long suffice and a hood. Oh it's a hood! Yes, a hoot is something else, and I ought to hood hood would dude hood? Who would let the doktor okay? Now? What did not? Let the dogs out okay where you going what ok, okay! Well now we know you gotta. Now you have to stay because we were going to do something, but we don't have time to do that now, so you might as well stick around till the end. Oh maybe we could take a voicemail from you. I would love it. Okay, send in a voicemail, hey, let's, let's check if there's a voicemail now I'm told from a flu le bourg is that right? Yes, that's correct and he has a question for a slow. What's so, let's talk to her: what's eduardo players? Hey everyone! It's me fuel a balk. How are you doing today?
that doesn't seem like there's any other. I found your voice. I am that is a terrible voicemail. You know they ask a question. Let slip full of work left another one. Everyone is my second message, Apologies for the first message, which was a question I wanted to see how everyone is doing today and also tonight, and I will offer you I'd say you can learn from the first voice mail. There is a third has authority, whether check it out and no conan me through law. Just one We confirm our recording of the podcast tomorrow at thirteen hundred hours and to just confirmed the payment, which is thirteen biscuits. Do you have those ok If yes, we'll give him biscuit, hates me, I'm still on the photo. I have one more question. Are we still on? I can't believe I spoke. There was a long gap in the voicemail and guess what there's a gap every time I talk, which is weird just wanted to say everyone, I too you and have a very nice day. You got it. The end of it. It is and then,
so weird, is that he still here now he still here. I asked you to do so. Improv, what was it were you eva, you, know a voicemail that just like oh Conan, tell us what's your favorite patent and allows us to fill out the segment? Oh, but you couldn't even do that or sorry? No! No! It's too late! You, you, you! It's ridiculous! Hello, Conan! It's me flu! Now I would like to know? What is your favorite pet? So you can fill out the second. I guess it would be my my dog alone. I die levels of cats, so you you play ferrets yeah. I, like dogs, where do you come down on cancer dogs? I dont. I would on neither one eye pets them. Thank you flew. Thank you. Of widows a using bye bye
conan, o brien, needs a friend with Conan o brien stoneham of session and mac goarly produced by me, mac goarly executive produced by adam sacks neatly out and Jeff Ross, a team, cocoa and colony anderson and coty fisher at your wolf themes on by the white stripes incidental music. By Jimmy Vena taken away, Jimmy are supervising producers, errand player and our associate talent producer is jennifer samples engineering by a duarte Perez additional production support by mars moaning talent, looking by polish avis, Gina, battista and great com. You can write and review the show and apple podcast, and you might find your review read on a future episode, got a question for conan call the team cocoa hotline at six six, nine, five, eight seven to eight for seven and leave a message. It too could be featured on a future episode and if you have an already, please them scribe. Cardinal Brian needs a friend wherever fine podcast, sir downloaded prepare.
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when you realize it's better to do business in person it matters for you. Staying welcome to the sultan garden and fed the meeting. Room is right down the hall hilton for this day.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-24.