« Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

Arnold Schwarzenegger

2023-10-09 | 🔗

Arnold Schwarzenegger feels how the f@#k would he know about being Conan O’Brien’s friend.

Conan the Barbarian meets Conan the O’Brien as the two discuss Schwarzenegger's philosophies on exercising, making oneself useful, and feeding little oatmeal cookies to tiny farm animals named Lulu, Whiskey, and Schnelly.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Molly was nigger their supposed to comment on what is like the becomes friend or how the fuck, but I know that work and pay their welcome to canada brine a friend joined by my crew, my posse my gang mad goarly I don't you nice to have you guys here good to ride with the again yeah ride free or die? I always say that for said, rider dies. I would you mean right.
So I was thinking live freely. Hearing I live, free or die hard thea is posse sought. No, it's live free and I heard or live free or die hard live, free or die hard god worst guess what we just one. The word I was contacted worst podcast this guy. We just got it. I think we can visit us review the house quiver, the over whether its live, free and die hard or live free or die hard, never even mentioning the film itself it was a muddled, tangled mass. It went on for ten minutes and then this reviewer's review was read off of an iphone yeah. Can we get a check on that fact check right now and it's verify live free or die hard, not to be confused with a good day to die hard, the fifth installment, oh then,
as gourley continues the theme. I can't believe this review came out so quickly as we're doing it as gourley continued the theme the segment became even more flaccid, tangled and self referential a good day to die, limp gurley went even further the imp who never takes a cue, kept checking out different versions. Of good times die hard. So the whole thing was a literal oral diarrhea, wow. This is man. This is. This is serious. This is slate and still a better review than good dated. I heard yeah exactly and what just when you thought it was over girls and not one that I am for the ultimate combat reviewer is now taking his life. That's crazy, look up obituary,
yes, prominent reviewer for slate takes online. This is fucking crazy, podcast, reviewer, first for slate took their own life. Just after finishing a take down of konrad Brian needs, a friend, I love that you're actually mining the swiping, because I am going out because I'm a guy deb good space work, and this is all really happening in a first o, brien red oh bitch. You worry for the fake podcast or from the fake slate review, while mining swiping up on his screen. How well agile minds, I suppose, agile minds. We got em you hey, look, we don't have a lot time, but I do want to point out some other great people there, always here in the booth with us making this happen, the great adam sacks, a wonder canned who got us into the whole yell out heavenward, you know, without whom I would be truly unknown, except for the almost thirty years before and then I had warder doing a great job.
Joanna Eduardo, designed this sound studio I made earlier effect. As then, of course play blaze here and ha I have brought him under kid. He designed this. Did you invite? This will also bless your butt ablaze with me for a long time. Blake came on. Is it your kid when you came on play as our run out of college when a thousand one for twenty two year old, fresh out of the oven? That's right and That was a long time ago. Yeah two guidelines that for reasons we were talking about it just before the podcast, somewhat jamming this in to the conversation, but you still dressed like a child like your generation man, It won't hurt you twenty year old stormed beaches, they had their lives, cut short defending america and you're wearing. What is that t sure? It's go anywhere, ironic watches that are plastic anywhere. What I've switch to a bracelet
their swift friendship. Now these are just by these are break these areas. Bracelets. I got these thailand. I got the ok whatever I want to know where the real men have gone well, did shoe every tat. You're always walking around you gotta kooky backpack and you ve got little. I have wholesome. I e g though my way you're just step in and it did you pay. I wonder if the whole, your genes, without extra, I will say the hit I've worked here for four number: here's and I and and I like to dress. I have my own style, but I would like, if I said there was no whisper. Every morning when I put my clothes on oh yeah, What is count I know daddy, I realize you dont, know targeted molecular that little. What's that movie, where I think I heard that where that saying die where I think it's the never ending story where the kid has to walk by the statues and they might open up and obliterate that with I beams or whatever, and it's like the eye of sauron, it's like coming to work. Every
day. I know the eye of sore and is going to play. My only question is this: is this just for your entire generation? Folks, ok, I can't wait to hear what isn't there a time for us to grow up. I think other generations had to go through the depression and they had to go through. I mean just terrible events civil war everything and they were, they were forced to become men. Earlier you go through. Oh yeah, please don't even get you dont know. I went to the cancellation of the show chips. I watched a great show about through a motorcycle ing policemen in los angeles. Go away. I watched gerald ford stumble, a farmer. You know what that does to a little boy. I had a terrible terrible things happen. What else baby by that eu? Like that's, not anonymous, screen. I used as a boy was not nearly up to snuff.
Paying for it. Now by having things are removed from my neck, because that some scream was probably the equivalent of an esprit after nine p m fifty, which is what I should be bad. According to my person who works on my face, I have a team that crafts this body I have suffered, and I am a man because I went through things and blay, look at you well, okay! Well, let me ask you a question that how do you think I should dress? What would be the ideal? Have you ever worn a suit? I think when you go to a funeral for a loved one you're wearing a hoof the teacher backwards, baseball cat. It says what me worry and then you ve got like seven watches that are all elastic, isn't funny. They dont tell time equip the play you just take a look around this room milk, as I am wondering how you made it this far, research like that, we have all just relegated ourselves to basics.
Is there a way to be invisible in front of this andrew? Yes, I've only criticise you for only having one leather jacket for the last twenty four yeah, we're gonna, high class snub man. It's it's just looks like the one The general war and plan of the apes got little
It is on the place they like every few months. One other jacket, that's all I get you do have that that kind of boomer train of you have to comment on every thing. The way everybody looks in the way they live their lives he's really, I'm not a bureau, and I am not now. I am not a bomb or I'm Jan Y know you yeah as in why the fuck am I working, because I'm self conscious now is there that you think we should start wherein they spoke out. That's always cool edward, oh no way, and by the way that's a football game to do now is cause you you do you think edward was cool and you like to beat up I'm not yet. I really do have an issue with play. Lay I'm worried, you're you're always going to be a child, and I dont want to visit you and inertia heart, because I'm gonna looting rubber. What I do want to visit you and inertia harmonies. Like oh he's over there and you're you don't I mean your dress like like us,
thirteen year old korean school girl, I would like to see who's gone to a club. You know what I mean and you're like oh this person on my t, shirt, that's obese. She quickly Dooley. I love that squiggly duly. I watch them every saturday morning. Oh, I don't know where they got all in as they obey she has some good merch know you're, on my mind, team play. I just don't think you get it completely. Why is that? And you hate it? No! No! No! I get it completely. It's a it's. A little story called peter pan. I won't grow up to go to school. Just to have an apparent nfl is that we rule out grants like play every day. Can I say witches boy. You are even get to say when you open your closet to get dressed in the morning. I bet there's all kinds of like plastic cats. That is true. Actually today I had to go through a whole pile
of hats. Going way would you do I gotta take us out of this was going to say, which is which is. This is a bad analogy, but you know that and the reason why back now I just speak the reason that man wears a big bang on his chest is because that's where the armor is thickest, so people shoot at the bat okay so like than about the symbol on his chest, is from the dark net return, but eight. So basically every one else should be thanking me because I am drawing his. Ire for you, but I don't want that. I wore dumping on the fashion grenade, so to speak for the office. We shouldn't have to do that. You know what I mean we had. Our I take a look. I'm just little worried about you play because you came to work with you as a young man than I thought. Oh, yes, it's cool like this young guy. Maybe he'll! Stick! me for the long haul, and that was twenty two years ago. Yes, and if anything, you dressed more like a man then, and now you ve just become like
the theme park. Animal that's running around you know. Is he hurting the only thing I say. As you know, I lost a punch away. A couple years ago it so now that allowed me. I could all. I only had a certain amount of close to choose from when you're. In exotic three, in your a bigger guy economic, so, but now I'm like all mean that school that was cool kind of having a renaissance, because I could never wear these kind of close explained. I resolved girl on. How came you all in our case? There's one thing so that he just did this jujitsu move where it now looks like I'm wait, shaming him, which is terrible, that's it terrible thing. You just did to me. First of all yes, you did lose a lot of weight. I just thought that you have. Terrible diarrhea! I didn't realize that you went on this regimen that both things can be true, yeah, but that's my favorite diet. By the way, that's going to that's going to you know, sweep the nation soon, but
I just want to see you in a suit I will, whereas suit I will dress up and not that doesn't mean you can't put any pins on it for like. Indeed now you, as this is a bang, I this year from now on this whole podcast empire of bank wishes at bank of america, I'm going to start dressing up like working in a little schooner right now. Okay, that's! Oh! Let's get him! He is not going to go well bruce Lee that'll go well yeah! Good luck! I've got a spoon, I'm going to go. Attack bruce Lee you're right. So so, I just think Adam, you think, as the guy who really is the power behind from don't you think, I'd be a good idea, like other admirer and he's a friend of jack white is jack. White makes everyone around him sort of dress up and I think that's really cool, and it has this cool effect when
when you see jack and his gang, the wrought they're all dressed for the occasion and and me I just look like I run a day- care centres- mozart casually dressed of any, but today I am, but you have to admit mostly. I were a tie. A lot I mean today just happens to be a yeah. That was, I was going to say, is that like bait it it starts at the top right. It starts with jack white, and then they all, I guess, mirror their style off of his life. He also takes them if they don't think you're, probably right bite. But what I'm saying is: don't you think? Maybe we should start to have a dress code here Where are you ve gotta? Have we have they pretended of bank in nineteen? Fifty five that's Andrew Have to wear fedora hats like like, that's from this is almost forgot marked for in the first, but I know a guy like I was a couple years ago. I ain't never wore a free or a comedy. Pied cast why there was a good idea, but we'd have to work it into the budget, because we can ask people to go and buy our targets. We need everything around I'll pay for it, but I have to be very shortly.
Add clothes yeah. I mean very bad like stuff that if it rains the color runs now I need a new leather jacket. I will give you one of my old ones: can I take a somewhat fit me? It doesn't matter. I mean no jacket. I want a new review suv, ok, thanks Why is that not getting in the river and I'm getting you a jacket? Things are incredibly expensive, very abbreviate. I just think that this is a comedy. Pike has- and I want to say record. I like hubley dresses and I'm totally fine with it and I think, you're being a bull here before I got it. I will I will I will draw up, had come in and you you might don't know what you're someone I like it. No, I love it is becoming an you're not like having a suit one day in my freaking out I mean I know it's not gonna. Freaked me, I've got you dresses and adults of your seventy two years old. For Christ's sake, it's time you know, grow up a little bit right today. It's a big deal
This is a big deal. Is a big deal for my child it. This is a big deal for anybody. I would think My guest today is widely regarded as one of the greatest body. Builders of all time audience still thinking Tom hanks It is also an actor author and politician the ease of massive. Figure, as you know, has a massive feminism. There. Now he has a new book entitled to be useful. Seven tools for life, I'm thrilled he's here, today on all sorts of welcome. I just walked in this studio and it put the bees paper underneath in the media and they say comment on what it is like the be Conan's friend I dont know. I hope it's
it'd be a fantastic friendship. The give and take that's what I hope, but the men right now. I just saw him for two minutes and we have been kibitzing for a little bit here, but of course it's not worse than we have seen each other- and I get outta here many times before then he fell before we had a good time and he was in charge of promoting all my movies yeah. That's why they went through the roof. I hope our guy came out with a book called be used for hope in this assembly. The book- oh hell cell zelda, down of the chapters illegal guy, commendable cell cells. Do you already much? Must I don't even like I propose that we should let arnold just keep going task, as is absolutely ass? They much already. I don't want to talk to my guy in the next fifty minutes. I'm not gonna say nobody wants to hear me they want to hear you know. I want to hear you. You were so funny. I list
do you when you attended copy and this guy's on the hands in France stig were reading, and you were reading out that you actually invited me, but they had to environmental conference yeah so couldn't make it, but that was so funny I was laughing. There's no comedy movie be honest with you did. I have laughed dead. Much then just listening to you with a hundred dies nobby any everything. I've ever eleven exaggerated, Michael roberts, vital yet mile smuggled by good guy up Thats making my life, we wrote a movie a long time ago. I'm just going to tell the viewers. We wrote one hundred and fronds movie and it was and we you is half the movie, even though we had even pitched it to you added and one of my favorite things as we depicted your house is being too flexed, buttocks that oh and it was hilarious. It was so much fun cause. Then I remembered there was one scene in there that I still remember from the script. One of the my cousin says I have to go to.
Bathroom and then, as as a widow go in as her. You go right down to the del. Do it yeah and then you will see a huge caf, also walks through the caf and is a six pack as the bbc and eight pack. That's not the way. I'd go with coastal. We have to make this movie that movie and that six pack this is a walk in and that's where you go to the bathroom, but it's just another girly men bathroom, I mean there's all of this stuff. I remember yesterday I was talking to Robert and I was talking and I talked to Dana a lot and I was telling them. I remembered we wrote a scene where you are some someone passes it's your very saying, you're, one of the possibilities and with all your friends and then you get to the grave and you all start doing lifts with the coffin. We put all this foolishness in. There was so much like I've been tasked thick one. So well right now written and I hope they do it yet.
They do not have the money with the money I may have it. I'm in ireland is added you later you Bob, I mean they did. They paid was the billion dollars for these pod galva Amelia their rebellion, two billion two billion dollars a year. We are bitcoin, you merit, I added. I understand twice as most of my life now needs to be. You know I have to say I am so much to talk about, but from the first time I worked it saturday night live when you came there and you to HANS and franz sketch and I always was. Of your movie work. You are so fucking funny you are hilarious. You're so naturally You can see it in pumping iron. You can see it throughout your whole career, always very funny really funny. And you came on my show mom you're out here in LOS angeles, the late
show and you prepared and that's a big part of your book is per racial, which kept calling our sing produce from saying I can do more and more before before you came on the show you had so many great jokes you prepared more than comedian. I think I've ever worked with you were apps we fantastic and then my favorite things we wheeled out a real photograph of me in boxer shorts, just boxes shorts that we took before the show when it was life size and you tore me of heart burma, my body, he went after my body and the crowd was laughing so hard. They started stamping their feet and the fire marshal. If you're worried that they would do structural damage. It was. I remember that this amount of one of the things. I remember was that you producer oh, show rana whatever they call it than those that night night shows told me not to throw up I regret that the role of the big just a day- wouldn't it be great if I just throw up, I said because I will
and something on his body that will be throw up a anything. You, though these is it there will be, do grows because it's a lady, We will then detain people, you don't want the growers them out. That's right after you, those of food, commercial, somebody somewhere bigots, senor big achievement in show business among many is looking at my almost naked body and not throwing out as I do. That is discipline. And I talk about this. That is this. I mean I was doing everything that a good day do get a look at the you know, you doubt lloyd's died another link below the belt. I was doing everything to try to stay as serious as possible, not to throw up congratulation but the bottom line is you have good body,
you look lean. Yes, I do. I think that the most important thing to stay healthy to stay alive for a long time, ok to believe been inserted, as is a year in the right direction. If I'm wrong arnold, but when you first came into the room, and you can tell me if I'm wrong. I looked right in your eyes and you were right in my eyes and you size me up. We haven't seen each other a little while and I saw your eyes fear of the oil. Now I saw fear now, though, intimidation I didn't, I know that the did you detected that
I saw a man, a double I was trying to cover up. I was only cover the flicker intimidation and how little I felt compelled the EU, korea, wise intelligence, wise party, wise definition, wise eyes, wise six pack, wise everything I mean, I think. Maybe I can hide my inferiority complex young birds, as you obviously saw it. I saw you I saw an at that. I smell the needs of its a fair amount, can smell when fear is really. Into the air. I can smell it absolutely. I could smell it's sort of a sausage smell, but I couldn't go the mids more like a wiener needs. We are first fall. Could god this is already my favorite interview. I mean I've, thought everybody, but you are just
a delight, and I want to tell you something which is a few years ago. I've always been and of yours, I always found you to be just inspiring personal, a ways and then too years ago. You released a video after january, sex and it's called a servants heart and you did it put it out alone, It's you at your desk talking I knew it was your responses january sixth, and I thought it was one of the greatest public services I've seen anybody do for their country. Because you were elected governor as a republican, but who worked very hard to be by partisan and then you came out. This crucial time and you're adored by people on the left and the right. You fans all over the world who don't even know what your political affiliation is, and you just talked about how this was- and I thought I said to o my producers- I have got
to get into a room with Arnold schwarzenegger at some point and tell him how thankful I am. I really very thankful for that, and also your post about war, in ukraine in russia's invasion? I thought this man is speaking from the heart. He doesn't care about. The consequences he's telling us that ruth and I was just blown I so we really seriously all that will get back to mocking my body and is a lot is my right. I did want to tell you that I I was heartily impressed and I think you ve done a lot of good so much go. Thank you. I appreciate you saying that, and they know it was really action he's very kind of satisfying doing it, in the wind. You see something that is so wrong yep, then you want to speak up and he wondered led your voice be heard and dinner. We're very fortunate that visa silly but this and beyond
a have an huge following answer when we say something people pay attention and said The idea is to use the power of influence and to make peace pay attention to something that is dead importance into very important issue, which is to protect our democracy to defend our democracy and to do everything that we can do that yeah, because it's a very scary time. They are absolutely- and I dont know this airs pretty soon, but I know Mitt romney just announced that he's not gonna run Send it again he's a republican he's. Another person who I found a lot to admire because he speaks his mind about tromp about was going on in politics, and he just said he. He said in one quote, that is coming out his ill. He doesn't believe that a lot of his people and workers in the Senate really billy, when the constitution- and that was terrifying two year absolutely. But you know, I think that the we have gone through difficult moments in the paths. Yes, we should not forget that
I remember that when it came to me, good night and sixty eight the year, where a shot martin luther king and where they shut the Bobby Kennedy and though riots that derive lighted a convention and dead, vietnam war, the hippies we're running out their own was stone beyond them bilin mind, including myself. I love hippy arnold Deanna. Well, it's all grew. No! The funny thing is, I was noted, the opposite. I dont even know what it was a body bills would take me up due to san Francisco. Do hate there was complete ass buried as areas zog and an end. And I will be sleeping out. There were night, then there will be getting stoned and orders of say was egg. It was a really we attempt. I thought it was american. It was quite normal. I didn't even know I was in the dead and then we had zone in america with america was going through some really increase, what challenges
that is not enough. The dead was followed up with the Nixon get elected which was terrific, but then he screwed up now, did the watergate and it was all that's going on and the you know and then finally in no, we give found a leader, in ronald reagan- and you know, I think that the Biden is not going to be the guy. I don't think trump is going to be the guy, but there's someone out there I'm getting longer it's getting late, though don't want any change very quickly in politics, there's someone out there in america, because america has a lot of talent so the seminar dead dead has the energy and the vision and third the strength to buy and people together to create a new kind of leadership in over the new energy and stuff, that's a red knight on seed, but what? If, first is closely right now than you think, o soda
did not looking at him right here. I bring the country together the goods, the real count and now you're talking right with the sword. The common golden o brien running makes with you you right, look clear that whole immigration thing up, but that's right, because I was it I think you first became governor people, said well knew so excited they thought could could could What sort of a presidency will now you need to be born in the united states ass yet and that's when we thought time machine how we go back and I'm your born in maine. Close, your we change, yes the constitution, a back
I'll go out at that time. Travel movie and you ve done them, go back in time to change the constitution, so you can be present zero, determinator just the editor. Yet we are talking about the immigration reform, that's what I'm too yeah, yeah. Arnold schwarzenegger is back in time, Jeffrey scribbling away. I wouldn't really be jefferson if it's the constitution but which this play with that anyway. Sorry, you're doing here about with a way, maybe that quill, I poured I'll be back. What are you talking about? there's no such thing as movies needs. A friend is brought to you by t mobile from listening to your favorite. Podcast driving cross country. Tell us they at home. T mobile helps you stay connected. I wonder what people's favoured podcast is
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the I do want to talk about your book be useful, seven tools for life, because I read this book yesterday and there's so much in here that, as I said, if I have just seen your only your action movies over the years I in especially in the early ones. I would think, will this man he's great action star, but then as you start to make other movies, and- and I got to interview you and be around you a couple of times- I saw how hilarious you are. How funny you are now truly and its in you. I thought It is more in this book that comes out that I never imagine. For example, you say that and I would have thought If you have to define the self made man in hollywood, it would be ports nigger you can from a very poor part of Austria. You grew up no running water- and you did
the language and you came here- unite- managed to not only be a body building champion, but the biggest star in the world and conquer politics Do all these things you overcome these challenges and in your book you say, call me whatever you want. You, commissioner, you can call me arnie do not call me a soul, made man. What do you mean by that word? I know the people when they call me herself made man, it's a complement them. In it as a compliment, but I said the same them when they make it clear that of made man means that there is no one did help method I made myself, which is not true. My parents helped me my father, my mother, may teaches help me. My coach has helped me. I had orders rebuilding coaches. Weightlifting coaches, to tell me Joe Wieder, who was kind of like the king, body building and fitness in america bring me the america and make a dream become a reality. God minute,
more than a kingdom. America got me some money, so good get started here and become the greatest bodybuilder of all time it was you know that agents in the producers to help mitigate into movies so and remember, five point: eight the people voted for me to become govern of cut. If one huggin aceh made myself governor right as wasn't, is another dictatorship or anything like that, so I think that I gotta help. I got there for millions and millions of people, and I want to have people understand that that I know that I'm a product of a lot of help, because that's it what do each one of us to know that that be a product of a lot of help, because it makes you then go and full responsibility to go out and help other people, because a lot of young people and people did a helpless people. Did a poor people dead dead, don't know how to make the next move help them, because we were helped. So, let's
them. So this is what made me unenthusiastic kind of public servant. Some the good involved very enthusiastically, with special olympics in the beginning in the seventies and create weightlifting with special and beans and become international coach for them at this have been involved in the president's counselor fitness. Travellers rule fifty states and give something back remote, health and fitness. I started after scoop comes in, and eventually I rent the governor when everyone say the honoured you insane because, together miss out to move is a year which twenty million dollars a movie, you missing! Other nordic money for big. Mcgovern governor you crazy and at paper as it look every dollar that are made. Was because of america, became rich and famous. Because of america, but because of austria, because of germany or any other place. America so's was its natural for me, the one to give something back, so he does
bout, a bottom at all, not to go, go and make movies for few years. The other surprise in this book is you talk a lot about failure. You make this point about body. Building. Which is built into the fabric of body building, is failure because you needs to grow the muscle. You need to push it to the point of absolute failure. Recover then add more weights and you need to push it to failure against its repair in a weird way. Body building is repetitive: failure over and over and over again, which I never really thought about you and that's Why help people dead wood. Makes you sometimes not be successful. Is you fear of faith and so soon, as you become kind of friends with failure and his It is a win win. Maggie Jordan talks about he became too is basketball player because he missed its five thousand shots.
He is screwed up to an eighty some games and of this in that's what made him the greatest basketball player. So it failure will learn really the most and embody building its bill. Then that you do the exercise that you say until you fail in waiting did you go and lived until fail, because it's the only way. You know how much you can lift. If you go all out and always beyond of where you can lift and then you know exactly what you can do I'll. I missed the five hundred, bench press least, in times indifferent competitions, but the eleventh summit did it in a so was, I didn't feel it goes a failure? I just felt like I have to train once so. I think the key thing is to tell people dont be afraid of fairly It makes you kind of leg, freeze not make a move forward? Be friends with that? the standard from fairly, we can learn more and therefore, it's gone out and just feel free of that and not be worried, in an and afraid all the time
didn't realize, just how much I mean there. You know cliche, no pain, no gain in, and you talk about that you're very disuse. They look newsletter cliches out there, but here's a reality of it. But when you talk about lifting- and the pain that's involved is real pain involved Why I never got into professional body I'll. Be! Ok is big. Excuse me: when you mean I'm sorry, no, no don't you I have the frame word. I have the natural genetic disposition, our the deadly. Thank the someone here who knows you. I think we should respect recent, very genuine when he's with, which would cover the bureau to you. You got them from a circuit. Why do you ask if they were free love of master the chest? Whenever I look at the outset, I see these other mirrors and spit on, but it's it's that you became comfortable and you were. You are kind of almost it's almost ass if he were addicted to
bad way, but addicted so addicted to two working out. I love this section of the book as a young man. Fifteen. Sixteen years old you broke into a gym because it was open on the weekend, and you wanted to work out now. I've broken out of gems. I have never broken ever broken into a jim that intense he was always there wasn't. Yea was were our weightlifting club was in a stadium, and so in the weekend there were always games saka games because he was an beneath the stadium. And so you were not allowed to go in underneath- where the than cup was bid? The boxing up was the way lifting up in order because- for the sake of lakes. And so I had to kind of sneak in so what they did and friday night was, I did a opened the letter which of the window on top and so that, The outside. It can open the window, and then crawl in and someday?
one them. It was a forgot to open midnight. Just broke the window and I climbed in there and after that, the back, and then it worked out for hours and hours now as he was like absolute Heaven. But what is important is is to recognise that brain and Do you mind is noted? and then the muscle. So the slow grows by You know pushing it and going through pain, answer discomfort we're the same. As with David, you head that if you really want to grow as a person and if you want to get tough, you got the goes through pain. You know you shouldn't shy away. This is a lot of times today with the days youth in a to talk about the, though the boys having a problem. The gross having a problem this is about, as about in iran, is a problem. It's like they're getting softer,
and then not willing anymore, the kind of take themselves through this pain period and through the discomfort everyone wants to being come in comfort. People kids wanted sleep in at the seven eight a good night. When I mean sleep longer than six o clock I already have my father's voice, who has been dead for more than fifty years. I still whose voice anode be useful, because that's what my data was said- and he always would say is: do you think this country was built by people? sleeping in now this country was built. The people did Would you were caught up to as self and goes you watch and goes through pain and to do of that, and so I was- that's. What motivates me because I don't want to go and lie around and live living comfort. You have any convocation. Of course skiing, a goddess invalid yet- and I live in comfort- said that in the jacuzzi after skiing, in order by them in
What a year, it's all about giving go and do something right, move things forward, and if I don't have enough to do with, own work. Then you do some stuff for the community. Always things to do, and so this is what I m. Trying to teach people is to make this life rich not to exist but to live and living means through to go all out twenty four said, they, yes, she sleeps exhausted. They were. If you need seminars so be it, but the rest of them time does so much that we can do? Why need fifteen sleep was asleep. Fifteen hours no baby here and there
I need to sit in her bath of heavy cream I'll. Remember you just have to pour the cream into the tie. How many times you have to change. Diapers know he needs some time yeah as a person for the diaper. You know it's fascinating to me. Is that because you're talking, your father a lot in the complicated relationship, because you said that your father could be physically abusive. Absolutely we were beaten mid the hands with the fist with the belt? With branches, I mean if you you you, you can try division, that's exactly what happened it would. There was a whole inventory of things that you can use an death. At the same time, he was the kindest, the sweetest man, so what happened was is dead. They realise that after I left home- and I thought back about this did you know tat. He was
in, though, in the second world war I have mama. The talk a lot about that he had shrapnel in his body and dead. Yet surgeries head back surgeries and suffered that they would be in their leningrad during the second world war than ship, the poland and then shipped home. With back injuries, noticed of so You know he went through in anti malaria, so he went through a lot of pain and so the guy's after the second world war that was born in they ve been forty. Seven lot of them were drinking ants The problem was when they were in pain. They were drinking they were drinking together, did that once or twice a week they come home, and you could hear the rated three in the morning. We would live in fear because we knew that he would be violent when he gets home he would throw around dishes and all that stuff, and so It will be that kind of an atmosphere because of Spain, and because of the misery that he went through
but then again he's naps into this kind of a wonderful man and very giving in giving us getting as ice cream and deserves, and and treating us nice and we were cuddling up with him in bed and was the sweetness, and so was as it had a freedom. They re using very, very confusing as a young kid, but didn't mean that we didn't learn a lot from him. The discipline enough that we had to come to our two pushups in wanting to earn breakfast in it, we do not need bench near the dew running. Everything was always a competition between brought an I. He set this up always to make his very competitive and so on, and so I think that the or of that was really helpful for me. You ve been, I think back with gave me the drive. Was him and was my mother? You know my mother, mid the love he gave me the discipline and both of them together made sure? Did I ran away from home as quickly as possible at the age of eighteen. I went
the military to become a driver. I wanted to go quickly as this pause was a good legally, to go in a military, so I could get my passport net could leave country, and good leaved at home that they did I felt was miserable. I dont want to grow up like that. I'd want to convey mill after that, America, you know this: is new dream was go to america. Do live where the empire state building was with a golden gate. Bridge was with us lane highways were with his hollywood muscle beach. In all of this, So there was my motivation, so my father helped me away. Do away from home and do build a new life? and It was his kind of brutality in his toughness and audits of the made me while the day so I cannot say I hate the dad. I love my dad love that he gave me that discipline and dead tee pushed me all the time
the damn here and I'm successful, because Dad because, if all of that to some other book, they say. Oh, if you visualize it, it will happen and- and your careful to say I dont- you- don't really believe that, but you do think having an image. In your mind, and can be quite helpful and you had an image in your mind of your name on the top of a marquis schwarzenegger. And when you come to hollywood, and you start to but you're gonna have some success in the business you getting a lot of pressure to change your last name, but you had no swartz, nay, there is gonna. Look so great at half of a movie marquis on the top of a movie poster, and you had all the experts telling you know you got a change it and you sit. It's gonna look great and you were right, I mean, but that was just you, you imagined it and you made a reality to yourself. And you knew then that it could exist. You had to put an incredible amount of work, but I think the fact didn't change, your name was and is a sin.
A lot of things that you refuse to do you? I think that the the these shea thing. Did people say always his seed believe it, achieve it is, absolutely so accurate, because the fact of the matter, that if you don't see it you're, not gonna, go and become successful by accident, you know you don't have you you didn't. Have you show or this cast because you the thought about it read semi need. You first, of course have to dream about it the visualize it and I visualize, because I think there was nothing around multi, veal or anything So I was sitting allowed than daydreaming as a kid in I was there. I was kind of visualizing the stuff, and Eventually, I could see myself as a body building champion and then, when it became a body building champion, I could see myself. As a leading man, because I'd less clint eastwood this image of what, if he can make it
My idols ridge part could Steve reefs. Did the turkeys movies if they can make it? Why good night and then Eventually, it happened, even though, as in a book there were the naysayers. Now you know it'd, be great idea. Did you have am sure that he went through the same thing? Every graded you have people say at as is hard to do that right here, you're sitting in a room. This is the nay saying her right here I tell them. I can be a great bodybuilder, a male model, no, no, no, and then once I achieve that which I will list it says it says. Always, then they say is so of course imagine me as the way to an fifty pounds as it ought to be a leading man, of course, agents in the produce who say: look there, the body billing into hercules movies are out in this. The seven days in, though, does not mean is the The idle, in the note, the woody Allen at the end,
you need to lose. Two hundred and four euro get some glass that's right and in new york access, yeah. So This is your out. So why don't you just David body, building, an open beheld for tourism in like that can help you with that. But now, to get into movies? So no! No, no is it. This is the body was too big, May I have an axe and people's skills of the german accent it did people, the wrong way and the name no one can pronounces is to forget it and june of authors. Things an end became assets in the common, the barbarian John million today read the end famous writer said: if we wouldn't have hedge what's nega, we would have to build one yeah over the body, was without this body. I've done comin. The barbarian yeah right, so that will be ruined my life. By the way I have when I grew up common wishes
interesting name and no one really knew about the comic books, and then that movie came out and everywhere I went. It was hey with you sword, reason, sword, combed and maybe alone, and that created something for me to fight against lapses That then adds and that's how I grew very pro european. I was sad. I was so different from Conan that forced me to be a comedian is that was my only requires you know you did it is. I would say I haven't. I mean is that we really interesting that always said body was the thing to have he couldn't do Conan the most were welcome them. Intermediate terminator Jim camp said: if schwarzenegger would talk like a machine. Naturally with the german accent move, it wouldn't have worked. The opposite the axe and became a big plus the end. Did the name in the eighties of his, then is it. They don't really changed the names anymore. Now they keep
Gina Lola bridge you done there. An arch was they're gonna name in order as long difficult names. They keep those names because it's hard to remember that has had to forget you know you say something in the book. This very funny. You said at one point in the debate you hired a coach to help you get rid of your accent and you want your money back. Let's be honest. I remember sitting gave your way out of this. Guy robbed easton So he was like a speech coat and a voice coach, and he was an expert in leg, hundreds of different accents and he studied then in he worked with a lot of famous active help them to get. An irish eggs and or to adopt australian exit, he was just so good or german exit whatever, and so you would go to him ass. If you have a german accent to get rid of it, and
so he will do. Have you to exist, as is as either the gemma's always say. Every every t, h with an s so is is, is three thousand three hundred and thirty three is his know. It's three thousand three hundred and thirty three b, the th not with an s it says it is practiced edna over and over that was running around in a three thousand and thirty three and one third, and then also we don't have kind of the v in the w sounds. You know suffices says I have similar vade vine not wine, but vine dv. So he had me practice the fine wine growers. And a blind car and sink is made out of zinc
and things like that, because there's an august sky was pranking, you know the couch. This was a fraternity prank, but why I said them as they gave me my challenge. Robert is, and I'm going to go after his estate. He already passed away, but I'm going to go up this because this did not work having the axe and bind and no one wants you to lose the accent. No, no, that's the thing. I one wife lets you, that's you how many years people said they would never make it, because if this action and then all of a sudden Turning outside the then I live and there's hudson france yeah, you know having the greatest diamond is becoming this huge hit here because of the accents. Yes, a pupil asked missus you mind, they make fun of tax, and is it no date, to them. I say they make it real. Now it becomes america's fabric. You anna this fantastic answered and indicted men to show and village, diamond even when I was in front of them,
white house and we need the great american broke out there. You know when I was the chairman of the president's: come fitness I'd in france come and dynamic. I remember that in and the white house about you know the hans in france and we did our love stick with it. They have it the axe and noticed, and people how the love that every every minute it's a. It- was really great disguises. So it's so much in the fabric that my son has grown up he's aware of you any seen some of the movies, but primarily he knows you as your counterparts on the simpsons rainier wolf castle, and so you are wolves into there's a simpsons character whose, based on you clearly who talks like you and he ate it me that's! The real achievement is when
even if someone tried to avoid I'm not going to see any arnold schwarzenegger movies, I'm not going to have anything that I'm not going to know anything about his time as governor I'm going to try to ignore everything he's done as a physical fitness champion, I'm just gonna watch the simpsons you're going to run into arnold schwarzenegger. You're everywhere have certainly, but it has become so odd in because I will be city away in an elevator and will be talking to someone into dwelt himself, and then someone will walk in and says I knew it was you as it will mean as it. I just heard your voice and I knew it was. You says it's my voice and action is so it and a file banana that people Donovan's F, to see you and immediately the deck that it was. You have you order a pizza and not have a person on your eye like like, ok, arnold you now
No, this is, u generally mean when he roared and am shrieking ordering a ton of pizza love, seven thousand pizza, only those bids us while he waited I want the venus is the fact that this need our device, which is a sort of sorts nigger again? No, every year? in the early part of the book when you're talking so much about you come here to los angeles to be a body builder and you, realize that it's not far along as you thought it was. You know you that that the body building and you really had to become part of changing that movement and adding a lot to the sport and that it was a challenge to become. You know
a body builder, even though you had all the success in europe when you came the you ass, you had you felt like almost like. You were starting again worry, really funny, because you know the magazines to the gut a kid were american magazines. A lot of them and so this american and ouida magazines in though he had pictures of body builders in hollywood. You know this was Dave. Draper was doing the movie, don't make waves with tourney counted a good curtis m and there were others we're doing movies. Infinitude then realm and all this is about this body. Billy's really big. Not he asked by the men in america so limited oh that america. I really the people asking. What do you do ways of muscular, a u football player. Are you a sir you know what what what's going on here. You know he arrested blow your professional restless, but didn't who gets everything except bodybuilder
almost didn't exit exists. So I realized that's a dead there. I ve was love to sport and F, like ok, you learned how the cell. You. You were an apprentice, in selling and being a cells person so mid cell body building and so southern approaching it in the same way as a broader than he product and as that had hiring publicist, the girl, but the name of Shelley's celebre I remember name: did she was sick workin for big agency, visit the agency and she kind of like beginning her craft and that's why they gave her the me and his ilk you deal with this bodybuilder and, as she was very good, she got at the night show and the number of grief show on the In one oldest various different talk shows the individual daily times and going instead of promoting the sport and then the book pumping started coming out and those
eyes. Charles gains in george butler did an extraordinary job with the photographs in with it adding of pumping on and then event The documentary came out and we did that. That was like a huge hit, one of the biggest measures in the seventies and so all of body building started to grow and grow, and it became really fashionable, became in. Do you is now at this age. What do you do? Is you look fantastic, but obviously you ve probably change completely changed up your regiment. Is you have different goals now, so in the wood you do when you get up in the morning six six off, I've? Six? Oh six, you ve your venus schnitzel pizza. You ve made sure you gonna online and checked in on colonel brian. What he's up to listen to his latest podcast? That's all out of the way way you watch my closet eclipse now its eight o clock, nine o clock, but you ve got to work out. What you'd would you do is the goal
How do you know any worries? Awaits you want. I don't want anything these. It is absolutely true that flexibility is not the only thing you forgot, It is kind of like very selfish. Thank you. Because you forgot my animals. Oh you re. You see, did you how I watched comin if one listened to you, I go and feed lulu and whiskey. That's right, and then I feed the of course nelly, which is my pig. You have a pig and his and then have three dogs. If three dogs is in the end and lou. This is not an earth is that is diminished, donkey miniature don anden ended and whisky is demanded the pony. How did you get to have a miniature donkey? my girlfriend give it to me: ok, with the headings yeah I had. I had ski, which is my daughter's, manage a pony and the my daughter's somewhat abandoned this whiskey.
So's. You know she used to be hanging out than taking around and everything over this an shows and and the walking with her and then was hidden from one day to the next. You didn't do anything in this way. Ski was his men the pony was down in the stable, dunham mandeville cannon by herself No, no! I read it better than so. I said to one of these guys down there, you bring the whisky up to the house, and so I have a big backyard have to enough acres of flat. Ground is oh he broad whisky up. As I had to run around up then that are brought into the kitchen. Is that of feeding as some cookies and some of the carriage nowadays pony and yeah? That's a pony and a donkey, and by many other now in a dark color years later. Often says. Ok, you can have pony alone, it needs company socially before christmas
manage a donkey side, this little manage a donkey which was very young, nine months old and today fell in love with each other. They hang out together. Now they both come into the house in the morning so when I get up in the morning it that get them out of the stable, its in the morning the come into the kitchen and feed them you said that the pickets learning must be eating cookies. Winner did that it opens up. I thought you just like yours, oriental john audio feel about you. Have you not get the fuck out of here? I got this oatmeal cookies. I got this out. Mukoki is made for myself because I didn't want to have the regular commercial milkroom gives me the sugar sector. This may be the han, so they did serve this big job of milk, so then oh always ends. I was eating this cookie and a high was pushing me says it. Let me try it say: give it a cookie eating it immediately pushing me again said, give another cookie. Then lula a lunatic cookie solve,
became a stick by the now we make extra cookies for the horse but alright the dogs sit down. Next to me that was decided in the cookies so that their begging and they reach of the past so now giving cookies to the dogs. Then the pig comes around now. There's like all of them sit, their and I've just do, though, for the ten minutes hiding out of use in order to make pounds it out of cookies. Everyday. Yours is no reason why that is under your little doktor heinz. Do I don't understand, that's what I do so you know corner that's what I do people I listened to your pocket. I mean if you do it, while listening to the gas
This is what the delight of of honest is that we're talking, and I think I here's we we're going How about is his new body work body, building regime at this sage now would you do now and before I know you're in a room you're, basically in a keyboard, elf tree making cookies for higgs, donkeys and pony right, exert its madness Jim. So now drive down did you write the little poland? I no kidding me I have made my grandchildren. They write the pony, diane rather than a manager donkey but I hold on to the kids because- you never know you never dare verifies, did as animals did Elvis in charge and run off a notice of somewhat mixed, the decisive, but then grandchildren love coming over the house and seeing all the animals I want to be. One of the goods has their favorite animal now again ass. He jerry Kenneth.
Nellie can see. Lulu can, as it is a gay rights, it is and then what do a lot of times is. I have a cause? that is ninety five years old and new york s kind of old. And it is united by a very late, very fragile, so where they do not have a cousin of others, the aim of monica in Austria. So what I do a lot of times is, while I'm feeding down was I going down their number on? My ipod and filled the whole thing they love it. They talk about it and they did just rules of so people really get and attain bid that a lot of those people ask me. Can I come over the house and see the animals? Let us
Can I come and visit. You know. No one is interested in that this is not to go and see the animals, and then they come over to see them with the kids or whatever. It is now got another delay until a peg, but anyway. So then I go down to the beach tunnel J, their maria author of make you come and then I drive tooth gorge. Jim then a good Forty five minutes is god's Jim and then the right back, but my bike back on a on a truck. And the drive home and have breakfast will have. Nothing advantages continue on. Maybe I would love to work out with you some day, and I am you might be surprised. I might. Be in better shape than you think I am in I'm just saying, or you might be so as the other way that a man my age could let himself go that money could go either when? Why would I have to be surprised in the first place, what is the obsession above me being surprise? You right now I'm trying to impress you one where the other, whether took
even in the positive way, are the negative ones when an ex some impression I wanna be. The last thing you think of at night, before you say good night to show, is only wakes up due to watch conan going to sleep thinking about you. Exactly additives as a great good night is little good night. Isn't real vision goes, as version is unbelievable. I'm sorry what is going on, I gotta be medicated and I am medicated. I just need more medication. I? U talk in the book that you said you favorite and you ve had so many great jobs mean you in your life. You achieved great dreams, he said your favorite job ever was being governor of California. All time favour job the toughest shove. Without any doubt, goes to bring a hundred and twenty legislative together make them agree on anything, it's kind of flag impossible, but we made it possible, be figured it out and I think that to serve forty million people and
the governor of the greatest state in the union, greatest stayed in the country fifty states cut, one is built up by far the greatest states with the most revenues and the most power, the most diverse, you didn't notice, unbelievable and not on that, but that we are actually now the fourth largest economy in the world. So be governed of that, I believe the responsibility, and You learn a lot, I mean it was the most, extraordinary learning experience to sit in that capital and to have meetings think about that If a meeting from nine to ten the nurses union, and they want to have a bigger racial between impatience and nurses. If we refer for every
for patients wonders rather than for every six patients wonders and an even heard of that before the racial. So you learn about all that and what is it that neurosis goes through and why is it important because they lift a patient from the operating table? in no under the bed. Two women can sometimes due weight of his a heavier patient. So they need a male patient did so they were fighting alternative male patients. They build stronger to lift. The veil this is an area that is so all this stuff. I've never even heard of those debates, then the prison guards come in as it were So many o with as much over time they ve been to have more prison, does meet the high on what we have to have my salaries, my wages and what benefits in those. So they talk about that issue then The teachers come in, the teaches you ended up above the din of teaching and the challenges teaches goes through them
people they represent the kids coming. So this is how it goes on and on and on from wanting the night and it's always issues that you have not really been aware of senate, getting it, was kind of like a university where you study new subjects, sk in new issues all a time and you come so small in all of this there and I had one advantage and it was. I was other ideologues in oh, yes, I was conservative. Yes, I'm a republican but eminent stuck in this ideological corner. And I didn't look at the Democrats as the enemy. I always kind of like in order to make this work? You have to have them. Cousin republicans worked together, so we work together we figured out what is it that we can? together and then that fight over the other.
People are so hungry for that year and sounds it. That is really what we did and that's why we way would be to build orders infrastructure and why we were able to do that. The redistricting reforming, get rid of cherry mentoring and why we were able to go and pick some any minority judges and women and an office So what we were able to do things and then by mental issues to be tackled middest the only stated really reduced its greenhouse gas This is pollution by twenty five percent within ten years, so there was a lot of great stuff tat was going on, but the gather demagogy. Republicans together. Did this work, noting me not everybody but democrats and republicans, here's. What really I took away from your book and and what you're saying right now is early in your career. It's you and you are in a situation where you can control your body? You can control what you do to your body and how you build your body. You can be in full. Control as a bodybuilder. Then control was very important to you and you got into movies. How can I prepare me
self. What roles are right for me? What rules wrong for me from gonna do a comedy. What should that comedy be, and what would the best way for me to? How can I best so my humor. What would work, whose the best this who's the best that when you become governor yu put itself in a situation where a governor can do so much it's almost, You wilfully put yourself in a situation where you dont have a alive control. There's a lot. You can't control when a job is that big Today there was some part of you. There was pushing you into a situation where you can't control everything you can do is try, but you there's a lot. You can't control unit absolutely redwood. You don't want to get because you don't want a dictatorship, you don't want to have one person make order, the decisions, because, when a perfect, but in and sometimes that goes overboard and he said going power crazy? stuff, it did so. You need always have rejected bounds. I think that's we terrific, but what You can do and we have total
control, always motivating people to move forward and to do great things it doesn't matter what philosophies but to say we must down guys because god, to build my highways in three ways, but tunnels bridges, my own remsen offerings busk, If the buildings were university, buildings, affordable, housing- let's do it, we can do it, you know so now they're going to go yo, oh, this is great and they sit down and you can motivate soon become. The motivator and a force behind bringing people together. And creating a vision like I said in the book of visualizing is the most important thing I ve clear visions, of course, crazy visions of what california can be. I visualized, I told him I visualize in every city having a thousand cranes and the abyss, in building a building new dams, new highways, new business. As those I was crazy vision, but you have to a vision but did motivated them to sit down, and then
why able to do? Sixty billion dollars of infrastructure, half of what they wanted, but we did it, and so this is routed the great things. So I think that One thing we have control, always motor. Indeed one of the things I feel egg is missing the day There is no one in washington d c leave rolling up the troops and is motivating them and becoming kind of like they're dead them modem. International kind of force behind it to bring people together, because the way of doing it. There's a wave dispute, the people not saying I don't want to get the girl with the other side. I think it is need someone to motivate them. The really make it attractive and kind of like talk. Them and communicate the red way, and so this is, as a decision powers did, we do have did was dead, was able to use, and that was was a positive person, you know me amid it was never gov leg. I always see the world can offer norman rockwell
norman rockwell. The veba always painted everything that was fun can of optimist exactly optimistic, missing and funding color fallen, seven. So that's the way ice. That is the lens that I looked through. Wendell did america or when they look at any of the issues of the problems arising. It's always the deadlines. I sees brightness instance he'd dog in black why do anything like this? I always see bright and as a bright future ahead and I think the dead. To me is much more help for dinner was being depressed and place. How I got things a terrible things are going downhill in on it. Now I was, I was very impressed to. At which I didn't realize in the book is you had surgery that was supposed to be retained a couple years ago and They went very wrong in the surgery and it was touch and go away. I was really pissed off and
I can tell you that I am a lighted rico, invest off that I had a life and death exaggerate amazing. I mean you go in there and you say this is a two hour besieged yeah and the next thing you know is you wake up and they say: oh go. This is sixteen hours later yeah and drawing to talk, he won't won't. They were not don't try to talk on these they'll. Have this thing, but it was you who wrote in his throat and saluted than that put it did the two bottom ezra alone coughing and is- or added, as explained the things, south we punk. Sue the hot water we had an accident accidentally. This was divided. Was to go up? remove you old valve. I would evolve And then the other way I was supposed to replace deadened, but the new I would evolve in, but bags bags and be punishing bunches of the ball.
And created internal bleeding. We the emergency opening of you rip cage rip everything up very quickly out of ass. He would have died and now we had them into this business than den viewed by oxen hosted a damn. Today other valve and this is how it went on and so now sixteen hours late is about to be. We saved you, the vote. That is really fantastic. I had the kind of like what I called their ship think years yeah now had the shift gears, because now this thing going out in the afternoon than out, and do you know, a good time was out window. Now I'm trying to survive, and this is to do
I reiterate you thought you were going in for arthur Scott big. That was already. I gotta tell you over thing I'll, send you home that night, I don't know, heeds tenure donkey and in you, wake up sixteen hours later and they took all of your insides out and put them back in upside down as well the exactly so. The midst of this is where the But what would happen So now you have to shift gears began. I have to say when did tell the there unit out of the woods yet because What happens a lot of times the says you can I, because all for pneumonia and so this is why it is very important that win the day you must get a bed and you got the goats that walking the rig it ll. Exercises, because debts would usually gives you up and it's very very important, as I now start setting my mind. Ok. I am going to go and I'm going to get out of bed as soon as they will me from this date
in over to my bedroom, I'm gonna get out of bed and then the matter was now minister walking so this becomes like the mission in the study- walking I do The die because of pneumonia. I've gotten swiss, adrian probably- and so I was kind of a touching ghosts- in the first few days. But then a strong and stronger three months later. As that with the terminate a six now, instead filming says three months later started filming again. They couldn't believe it and has his bag again working out regularly in order stuff. So you know, I think, that again with the positive way of thinking and I can do it and nothing is stop me another kind of an additive. I was able to do that this book is, I reckon everyone be useful, seven tools for life, I recommend, because the quality, so again and again again in his book. It's really sweet is humility. You have,
humility for someone who is almost like the cartoon representation you can do it all and achieve everything very, very humble and you have a lot of empathy for people who may be dont have some of your qualities or struggle. You have an incredible amount of empathy and I could see that when you made these videos after general, relax, then crane- and that really spoke to me and I thought of god, I'm happy this this man's out there and he's doing this now with his platform myself. Thank you very much, the guy. I love being a motivational speaker out there and are writing a motivation of bulk and having a motivational newsletter that that is out there every day and to do all of those kind of things the pump club in orders. You know I've I've felt kind of like I was motivated my whole life but bull and I want to motivate other people now millions of people around the world yeah my mission. I feel, motivated
me out with your modem. Oh, oh you dont of she's, not more motivated. I think I'm loaded, I'm still stuck in your head ash, buried she'd. Where I see it, did you motivate? You know why you the only woman in this room and who is your tagging? Oh my god, you believe tat. You know what I'm saying. Yes, I'm gonna start a room with a deal's, a hostile, broken roma, not bad at all. I need your help in other. Rumour does not rule out a rover. Arnold Swartz agar. Thank you very much.
Lack of further beggar about value. There was fun. Conan, o brien needs a friend with Conan o brien system of session and mac goarly produced by me, mad goarly executive, produced by adam sacks, nuclear and Jeff Ross, a team, cocoa and colony anderson and coty fisher. At your wolf theme, song by the white stripes incidental music, by Jimmy the vienna taken away, Jimmy our supervising producers, errand layer and our associate talent, producers, jennifer samples engineering by a duarte Perez additional production support by mars moaning talent. Looking by polish avis, Gina, battista and great com, you can write and review the show, an apple podcast and you might find your review read on a future episode. Gotta question for conan call the team cocoa hotline at six six, nine five, eight seven to eight for seven and leave a message. It too could be featured on a future episode and if you have an already, please subscribed to colonel Brian needs. A friend on apple pod casts nature or wherever fine by cast down.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-11.