« Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

Bob Newhart

2019-05-27 | 🔗

Stand-up comedian and actor Bob Newhart feels anxious about being Conan O’Brien’s friend.

Bob sits down with Conan to share stories about meeting Don Rickles for the first time, sitting in for Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show, leaping from accounting to showbusiness, beautiful moments from The Bob Newhart Show, the danger of cynicism in comedy, and Chicago values. Plus, Conan responds to a listener voicemail about an award that was named after him.

Got a question for Conan? Call our voicemail: (323) 451-2821.

This episode is sponsored by Chrysler Pacifica (www.pacificaconan.com), Mizzen+Main (www.comfortable.af code: CONAN), Turo, and Calming Comfort (www.calmingcomfortblanket.com code: CONAN).

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
My name is burdened word then. I feel anxious. About being Conan O'Brien from Gonna Brian here welcome to another episode of come. The Brian needs a friend tied cast, I think pretty much based on it. Just a scam, you think yeah, I'm I'm I'm just convincing people to come in here and talk to me and having a time in my life and
May we, I don't think anyone gets paid. No, oh, you do do yeah in the mattresses repay. Mattresses and and free free socks. What are they called bombast bombers bombers? I love bombers. Newcomers wave me off. If you think this openers terrible's rate really thank squarely, joined here by my Hosty assistant Solomos S in how you son I'm doing very well, thank you and, of course, Matt Gorlias. Here I you looking good again met matter is quite a sharp dresser here. Yeah. You can very sharp natlink suspenders wishes winners. Today you are said he is it's a pretty quality which the nickname for it, I hipster he's kind of a case,
come on girl. You have this coming. You wore suspenders today and wool cap has a wolf cap and suspend and he's got a little pipe come on those mere sham pipes tucked into his pocket your ridiculous first, It's a tiny pipe. Ok, it is a tiny pipe. Any propaganda and how is telephone and he bought on Ebay anyway. The fact that he's not defending himself. It is just a sign that that we are right yeah and he is wrong it does show. Shall we ok? You should probably take our laws injure. Something goarly! Your sunny little horse he's like a little wood. Each year. I knew I don't ever heard and take it like this before now. I guess he knows when he's been bested yeah clearly superior mind. So now I'm giddy today I really am. I know I am giddy today I am is giddy as a school girl is at something He still say I yeah, but why don't you just say school
why school girls get more like you always had a gender thing. I don't know, but school boys are giddy to their low key laying out play video games? Ok, whatever, let's not, I dont see gender, I really don't. Let's, especially when I'm showering Zing, there's nothing down their smooth Stella Hedge sing, to myself I am giddy and I've gotta up my game because today is a very, very, very, very, very special guess, some one I grew up. I listened to his records that some of the funniest a comedy ever put on any audio form and and then, of course, his mouth or tv shows and his appearances in movies and he's just such a perfect comedian and a great man, Legend alleging and he is here with us today and I am absolutely tickled pink
Bob Newhart. I can feel the power pull anxiety in the room, as Bob Newhart contemplates being my friend I've made attempts over the years to really connect with you Bob. You know that you and my home we're gonna, get into Have you been invite you'd been into my home and I've been to your home against your? Will you let the boy whom I thank you you look. I did when I first I was gonna move out here. I was looking for a place to live and I saw this absolutely gorgeous home there. Completely out of my price range and also we have the tour buses going through. You have yeah, and you had a sign out front. It said no irish I did have a sign outside said arms dog,
no one paid any attention to they didn't care. How is kept moving You know I'm a massive fan of your work and also a fan of you as a as a human being, so it's a double treat their sometimes people that I love their work and I dont want to get to know them or if I get a sense of who they are like Rickles do, as I say I know, is I know, he's goin do yours, but yeah. You know it's. What's nice, as you know, is up there in Heaven and he's listening to you. Take shots Adam and doesn't get to say anything now. Yeah, that's right, like reckless slavery illustrates that he gets to see if you see Sky appeared, don't let em in don't let a man, don't you see new hard come and don't let him young man, don't let him and he's a hockey puck, that's right! Of course Brenda and on Rickles, great friends, for how many was it.
Dear sixty years, and when you are such good friends, tell you this Dr Towler, before the story of how we, but I knew of dawn, but I didn't I didn't know done, but my wife, new dance, wife, a barber scar who became barber Bob, rifles and we were in Vegas. I was at the desert. I was at the main roman desert in I was in the lounge the Sahara, which itself, which I love pointing out, because There is a pecking order, an inch I should just like to point out that you and the main room and he's in the last year the kids table kids table to the kids so anyway were in town together and and he said all we have to get together with- I have to go barber and we'll have dinner, and I presume that the great do so
we set up more, I'm done was working again. Hunch and they work like you, ten, the first ten in the neck, shows one o clock and right. So we go to dinner and unknown engineers talking to dawn, I'm talking about and now it's time to go into sea dont show I'm not so Jenny and I are done left my five minutes early and I'll get dressed, and sojourn in our working entered into the land and she said he is just he's the sweetest man in his he such a wonderful family burden, his he hates being on the road. He hits the ones to be home and I said, well honey knowledge. His his act is gonna, be slightly different than what you saw.
He's not gonna, be the sweet guy and I saw the lovely guy family person and none and she said: oh, don't ruin it. I'm trying to tell I said I said: ok, Odessa, so we sit down. He comes out the first thing he says Is the stammering area from Chicago is a new audience with his head? your wife from beyond what a nice introduction there. You are this dense nice. Suppose you read me those I tried to tell you, try to tell you it's fun. Because you too and everyone point this out, but you couldn't your committee styles. Not a bit more definite! You couldn't be more different. You are sir Gabriel. I think you ve wade every word carefully and he was a sprinkler
Sprinkler system are turned on high. That was firing random way and Kay. I could never say, as he said, every night I could never say to someone I had never met is that the wife, oh yeah, yeah yeah yeah. Now he could, he could He did my show several times over the years and even at that- stage. I mean I was this is in the nineteen nineties and he had no sooner they ve been around forever and he'd come here and you would completely turned the thing upside down and should be going. The band and he'd be in saying some things. You don't think people could say any more, but he had this. He had this inner sweetness and I think he also got a pass from people because he invented this and they did. They knew that it came from a good place. You know who Always he toddy offended somebody. You would ruin the day for yeah yeah, we knew it was all in fallen. I'm only kidding and don't take me
seriously I had probably Lou sleep over, so I could see how you would both click as real human beyond that on that level. On that level, when I was coming along, my father is, it is a huge fan of comedy and he introduce me why I was just a boy to join, Benny's radio show me made sure that I listened to that. Even though this is the nineteen seventies Jack penny was payment was gone at this point, and he introduced me to Jack Penny and he really one me to understand why how Jack penny was so funny and it was interesting. Is I had a familiarity with Jack Benny? and then I started watching your show, the Bob Newhart show and you. You realize I stole from him. That's the point
conversation is fully. This is the actual do other police are here not wasted. Here he's got some. From him, but we're gonna. Have you sign some documents level matter I, but I saw that you were like a musician. Your will. Working in a similar style, which was this fearlessness with a pause. You would take these pauses and so much of comedies people trying to jam in as many notes as they can and you would take these laws causes, and I could see the way that Jack penny influence, so many people- Johnny Carson, for example, no questionable- would get, and I- and I will admit that I have been drinking from that. Well, for a long time realising you can get the biggest laugh in the room. If you don't say anything, I'm drinking from the meaning meet drinking from the well meaning. Drawing from that tradition,
oh uh I didn't realize actually mean drinking well, water might be tainted vagrant figure out what they had to do. A check when a year but we all know that Jack penny was an avid drinker of well water here. This is the completely and I want to apologize to. Everyone is listening and I think it's Bob Newhart fault, because I think you are underway I was saying I see I tell you destroy our tell your story by Jack. What how brave he was here. The bravest committee and I have ever united people lived in. My time is similar to his, but I dont think you can teach timing. I think you either here or you re, you don't hear, but he was the bravest communion and did Martin told me a story that he was dead. Man run a mark of landfill yeah and he said jack was, I think, at the Sahara and in LAS Vegas in the
they had the will Mastin Trio featuring Sammy Davis. Jr is his opening act and, of course the comes out. Sammy destroys the audience odor pounding standing on the tables and they leave a jacket, and he said He said you know of in the afternoon sometimes around, nor for four thirty I like to get some tea and some sometimes four point. Forty five rarely five I hadn t- and I ran into this- this actor I had worked with and his name was and I'm trying to think Oh, he said I don't know what's wrong with me today that I promised Sammy Davis
could do another number. Would you like Sammy? I will mention trail you'll out screaming screaming people go crazy. He comes out birth of the blues, destroys the room bridle pounding on the tables and Jack Watch, watches him walk off and he says. Clive knows flew in person in the world. Does have don't bear yourself, you know it's amazing, To me in an all kinds of people, listening, podcast. There's a lot of young people listening. Who may not b as familiar with Jack penny. I encourage you and plead with you to go out and listen to some of those tapes because he was the greatest one of the foremost comedians of their thirties forties into the fifties and just
just a massive star and he would take his time and he would take those long pauses and about him going out there and the election. City, after following the energy in the room after Sammy Davis, as absolutely destroyed and melted. The club and people going well to go out and let all that energy subside and get quite most people their instinct would be. I've got a ride. This energy take this energy and keep going. He's cutting so far against the grain. Very few people to get away with it. But he had the timing and he also, I think, have status to ease our dear doing it. You know the pudding yourself in that position. But knowing it, would work. He knew it would it would pay off. I ever
There was another story: Freddy do quality food produced long term, a long long time pretty serve the ad tonight shouts Johnny, Carson hate, it a story that done Jack was doing. The radio show an Ronald Common, the actor them benefactor. Was on the show and they're sitting around the table read just reading the script and Jack does the line he said. Oh, oh, give that two Dennis Dennis Data, that's a better line, Dennis, says man, and then they read more uneasy or give that fill Phil Harrison. So it a day. Who are the table? Reading Ronald Colman said Tony said. That was amazing. You said you gave away some of the best material to other people to other people, and then Jack said, but I'll be back next week, yes, I know all the matter. You know I heard that story
that idea years ago and not always attributed to Jack penny. Some glad. I think I'm your telling me out. I think I have the right person, but I must have the same feeling which is. I have a psychic in any rector whose one of the few these people, I've ever met and I've always wanted to have hilarious. People on the show in and give them space to breathe, and I always have the same idea, which is its the Conan show. If the count. Show is funny I'll get my check at the end of the week, some Sorry didn't, but if you're gonna show, is funny I'll get my check and I'm not try not to think about whose getting whose getting the last as long as they know. I watch that show- and I had a good time- and I think that's that's something that has sir me well, I think, over time loads, Johnny Carson. Did you he'd? Have them Robin Williams on here and the next morning
more thing? Did you see Johnny Carson last year? Were the right an end. Did you see how hard Johnny was laughing? That was either thing you pay attention to her. I know that We'll get back to this idea of rhythm, but since we're talking about Johnny Carson, I know that you were pretty regular guest host for Johnny. You are you in Seventy nine seventy nine tonight you fill in, and I was wondering you know it's hard for people to understand today. In an era when there's six hundred late night talk shows and people may be seen. On the computer the next day they see bits and pieces that their work the time when there was one show of America watch that show Johnny Carson was arguably the most powerful purse In show business, when you sobbed for him and sat in and took over the helm of that show, was it nerve racking to think This is Johnny Show this is the prize flagship they have given me the the wheel.
But tell her to handle this thing and yeah pretty nah Germany was dead want a job. I mean, though there was a point at which it DC was like in the seven thousand and seventy one they were thinking of the other Johnny was a raise and they said that's it. No more is not going to hold us up anymore. These are of the 70s. John lived some time in the late nineteenth, nothing. I lived in ninety two. Ninety two hundred to show their withdrawing these other host, and I did the chauffeur through weeks in new york- and I didn't want the job I didn't they had offered it I work because I knew what a killer job. It is every day I'm through his marriage. He devotes to the show we'd still be married to his first wife right. Just as that. Voted the time to his marriage. He devotion to the ship
we'd still be married to wish for his right. It just is that the Mannings I'd I'd get the nervous because I didn't care if I lost the job right right, but he would let you know if he would sometimes be watching that everything to is that he would not be doing to show, but he was is very concerned with how the substitute hosts for doing so, should be aware of how you were done or what you have done with it while he was away what he would do. I was again with Freddy Decorum my authority, Syria. I was filling in four for Johnny, guess, toasting and the threat of- and I are setting and talking during the day for the show and the phone rings and its Jai and Freddy is talking to him who sang remember this sketch and we four or five years ago
and here we could updated and nuts doesnt Johnny he's on vacation, supposedly calling Freddy about a sketch turban adieu. When I am no longer just a sting in his bed. Doing that. He's like a man, that's away from her child. But his calling in saying. Ok, ok, I noticed- invocation, but this the kind of cereal he likes and make sure he gets this cream for that rash, and you know it's the devotion that I think is required. I gonna ask you about. I remember very clearly in two thousand six and jumping around a bit here. But dumb I've been drinking a lot. Two thousand six. I headed a second crack at hosting the armies, and I we find this bit to try and keep their showed a time where we, keep a celebrity in a box
if a limited amount of air and the concept was we. Need to keep the amused to time. So if the show as long as this celebrity will die in the box, and it will be your fault, America and we have We thought that was a very funny idea than we had two requirements. It had to be so who was beloved in icon. Ok, those are hard to find and it had to be someone who is going to be in a sound proof, booth and never speaks, and, hilarious. Using just their face with a look of peril, and concern, and there was Only one answer was you and we heard Iron George Clooney and turned down the eggs order. You want to meet yeah, we gloomy always first, no, and so
We knew it was you and we knew it's going to be fantastic, but it had to be you. It had to be you, but then the problem became what if we get a quick no, what if we just here well, you know Bob isn't really want to do it and we were petrified. And I remembered getting in touch with you- and you said well, let's, when you're out now, I would get together and talk about it, and I was so you don't it is, but we went to lunch and I was nervous Cosette. I I'm nervous to be around you anyway, and I had to sell you and on this idea, and I thought it was take the whole meal to sell you a nice idea and you We said yes, a funny idea I'll do it the way, let's and then you'd participant I'll, always amazing stories. I had the time of my life and then you did the bit and it's one of my favorite things. I've ever been involved in because
as we will you out, you're sitting there and the conceit. I think witches We are quite aware why you were in this box and then I start to sit is a limited amount of air Anna there's. Just this growing concern tanner panic, but they can, and you never get out of the chair. You never bang on the glass and you can see you're thinking to yourself. I this may never heard of it. So you, which is the playthings, so you play- is notes so quietly and with such a brilliant ear. It sets you, apart from everybody else, and I dont know if that was announced. Where did famously use? You did stand up and then you made these. These records he's albums that were smash, hits button down mine just massive hits. He would beat out. I think, Elvis Press leave for a Grammy, Frank Sinatra for help
the year. You beat Frank Sinatra for how we got here. I recorded nineteen sixty near and the record came out. Nineteen sixty show in sixty one at the Grammy ORD, sixty one one and best know hardest, one spoken word. They didn't have a category four accommodate deny spoken word, which could be L again, sir sure would an album only of deer and riches. As you mentioned a bit out the soundtrack sounding sounded music and, as you mentioned, telephony and and Elvis and frank and Frank put a hit out on you that's right good just on the shoulder, but there they were last
shots at that's. Why I'm here the dire here today and I had been we'll start in the car for me it later, because I got started a car women up a little bit move ever done what they go for many people, high schools and embarrassing time of life. It can be embarrassing if you had that sooner. I did not. I was an incredible jock. What no captain of every team, every single sports team. You can't change the narrative captain of every single team by ice. I feel like no one would believe that lost my virginity. Fifth grade. Ok, I was just incredible, so I don't know, but I told that people have a hard time of yeah, I'm sure with your awkward body, see, upsets supper
you seem sorry, usually when people feel really sorry, they laugh so hard. They can't catch their breath. Okay! So now you win, I had some difficulties in high school. Yes, you know I'd it and all smooth sailing. What yeah? Ok, that's really funny yeah. I guess the jokes on me yeah anyway laughing at you again. We hear nothing when upon Castillo here. No, anyway, this new show a new show called every things gonna be ok, and heard the sun. They show up it's it's quite compelling, sir. Sounding there's a cat character. Her dad is dying. Her gay australian half brother moves in two razor end of the show is called everything's going to be okay and it's these two characters. Matilda and genevieve- and this does not sound like your typical sitcom Matilda has autism and Genevieve is just as someone who's dressed up like a quote child whore Widow- and these
characters. I guess have all these adventures. I have a half brother Nicholas, there's a funeral. Everyone shows up, apparently they he's got a little off the hook. This may sound depressing, but I'm told this show is really find a watch. I'm sorry, did you see a little off the hook? Yeah! That's that's all. That's always kid say it sounds like it could be depressing, but then it's off the hook. Now, although I used to correct Ok, yeah so maybe you're in Kronk village? Why I'm quite content- and I use that Equally, I re worried I don't throw a hazy over. There are oh, my guide, everything's gonna be ok, that's the name of the show. Out of here I just turned eighty springs. Premiers January, sixteen thirty, eight thirty, seven thirty central on free form, that's right watch. All my entertainment free form check it out.
Let's face it hiring is difficult. I run a big operation here. People, ladies and gentlemen, listening and I have to higher many people for this podcast. I heard many many people to help me and mistakes were made to leave it there, how not to night. I didn't. Why do you assume its yoga? Because you looked right at Israeli settled now I mean first of all you just have to look somewhere and you're. Really the only to hear- and all I said- was hiring this podcast was difficult. And mistakes were made, and then I looked at you too, and only you too. I don't know why you take that personally, I don't know, you're, both great you, both fantastic. I just read that
I wrote that on my hand, night, you got your grand says, on my hand, have written it in ink in indelible sharply. You guys you're great love, you guys, and I just use it throughout the day. Anyway, hiring difficult, which is why you need zip recruiter. That's what I'm talkin about zip recruiter! you're at that. Exactly that's where they should be running down zipper recruiter is not to be confused with zip recruiter. Ok, zip, recruiter, zip rig Hoosier. You know you have a coat visits. We replace they'll help you but zip, router dot com. As Conan they come in handy when you're hiring, ok, and I want to make sure I clear up that confusion right away.
Zip recruiter sends your job over a hundred of the webs leading job boards? Ok, they have powerful men, gene technology, ship recruiter, scans, thousands of resignation to find people did not experience and invite them to apply to your job Zeb recruiter analyzes each one spot likes the top candidates. You never miss a great match. Guys. Can you imagine if, when I was putting his pod gas together, I had used a zipper recruiter because I use. Recruiter ended up you to zip recruiters, so effective, get it s four. Five employers who post recruiter, get quality candidate through the site within the first day MIKE Rob Shazam in right now. My listeners contrive zip recruiter for free at this exclusive web. Address zip, recruiter, dotcom, Slash, Conan that zip recruiter, dotcom such Conan c, o n n spell out Conan God, that's demoralized
Saint Pierre Seo, any hidden, zip recruited, comes lash, Conan, Zip, recruiter? This modest way to hire not be confused with zip, Recruit. You know it's interesting as our thinking about it that b the albums you're so much comedy that is at the moment and then it's it's like milk, it it doesn't hold, it goes. It go sour quickly and people can understand that context. I think your comedy is timeless it is you? Doing these wonderful bets and the time You is so terrific that there's this young generation now that's listening to podcasting Comedy POD Cason, their huge comedy fans I think you're comedy, is as relevant today in two thousand
nineteen as it was in nineteen sixty it has stood the test of time. I hope so. I hope you No I'm right about everything. I've got those. The sign on the do ass. You compare how unemployment is right about it. Yes Oh, you can rest assured, I'm sorry for violating Neuro. Now it SAM I'm, I snapped you have a quick temper. As you can see, I apologize. So please stop laughing. This is a serious conversation between iconic comic I know. Could she get out of the room believed it? I've been trying to Bob and trying to get her out of the room for a long time. This is awful boy s place us out of place, you're lucky to just be here in bathing.
One in her you're gonna have to use this new heart. Go out. Ok, that's she turns on me so quickly, Europe abruptly about death by bottom Conway. While you know why were we, you mentioned it briefly when you came in TIM Conway, I'm not sure where exactly when this will air, but Conway just past and you were at his funeral general. Funeral mass and again, someone who, like you delight me delighted me to know end as soon as I was coming up in the world and watching television and paying attention to funny people and who made me laugh and another you and TIM, were very good friends Elvis I'm sorry, I'm sorry for your loss caused saves a Berlin with one eye was not unexpected head dimension to a, but he you
he will live on because his legacy is in those sketches he inherited for years to get together. There is a group of us them. As I mentioned. Dick Martin did right department, none, my wife, my partners and Mary Lou, my Connor's Manic, my Connor's manic share a wow. I love that show here one day. One of the coup was detectives: Dickie drove a Mustang on his show. Anyway, your pay, they rode on babbling. Now but anyway, one about one of the cruellest shout tv shows the late sixties the name of the show. By demanding that badly battle Yes, the aim of my shout Honan battles. Occasionally, aid aside cuts in puts him down and then Bob Newhart takes over and everything's well that you do
do it very well, I mean overshoot, lightened babbling brooks I've never heard a babbling holds no I'm well, not only of my work, anyways too timid our seas door. It was also still you got me were joined us down and Barbara joined us an anti timid, telling stories about about his upbringing. He told the story about his father thought he was handy. You grow up, they lived in chagrined Falls, Ohio, which, which is interesting, because what are his chagrin fall. China hope, but that that was the name chagrin like that they wish they had falls. What does that mean?
chagrin unaware that he got up. If you get a set of falls? Just it'll? Do, I suppose so anything filled? TIM's father thought he was handy around around the house, so he put in a new doorbell. Which he wired improperly, he filled it rang all the time except one. German rang the door and the sudden there was a silence. When that would happen, TIM's father would say I'll go me
it is vital that there also they were driving from chagrined, falls to the men had or TIM's systems and they drove to men hen. I guess it's eight hundred miles, unlike they drove them, they kept circling the block and couldn't find a parking space and father drew back to green falls. I just couldn't. I guess that's all you can do with it. I don't think so I mean knob in their houses old. Tim had to be a comedian. He has no choice. They had no choice. You have a choice, you had a trade, you had a profession. You were an accountant, you're, a damn good accountant by all accounts, and though no no, I was not a good girl,
I just said that I had no idea I'm trying to build. You are going to be your friend of your height man for accounting devalued been with Enron, you can learn about another height man for county soaking, wet, didn't make sure your hide man, foregoing you're, we're not the greatest accounting day, if I had been they can with Enron. They would they'll, be arrests. Couldn't I cant figure these books out, I know so they but what of calm, so you weren't account and then it so far because, knowing you, I think, how did this happen this man it would seem so cautious and so soft spoken decide. I'm going to become a stand up.
Median at a time when I think she'll businesses more perilous back then like, if it didn't work out, some guys would take it. An alien beat you up for separating us. Just like a tougher the time. I was a very brave thing to do. I just I I was an account. Then I was in charge of petty cash. True story in the salesman would command from out of town, and they give me received for the motel room for gas or whatever Would you cash out petty cash? Is men at the end of the day, I would have to balance what was left of the petty cash written and the receipts I had never had. Never bow and so at five o clock every one left- and I was still there sometimes still eight o clock.
Trying to find a dollar seventy five men. So I did it for about a month and none. I said the hell with it and it was. It was under again about a dollar fifty. So I took a dollar fifty out of my pocket and I put it in petty cash. It sits, but then the next day it was two dollars over. So I took the two. Others out. Well, they headed the comment by Mr Hutchinson said. My my legal aim is George George, you our he's in a George, so those are not sound accounting principles. Polite way to avoid it- While it makes sense to me and cuz repay me, I love eight dollars an hour to find a dollar. Fifty in some took me before five hours.
I wish that I was saving money now, not I out and not cut out for not cut. That's when you did I did and then it was the road number token now it's just that I had to find out. In her. I was thinking about you get this start, and then you have these records that are a huge, phenomenal success and then I really get to know you with your tv show you first tv show in the nineteen seventies. Bob Newhart Show, and I The things I noticed was that you could take these pauses on the records and you can take a pause now and you can hold for I take. You can do that. On a cast when you're just listening or on the records. But when you didn't on television, you also had a great deadpan way People wouldn't have known if they just know you from the records. You know, and it was really
they would cut to you on the Show- and we are one of the characters- would have said something absolutely ridiculous. Your neighbor Howard Borden would have said something unicorn daily would have said something absolutely ridiculous and they would just or somewhere that's been incredibly a crazy question and they would cut to you and your processing and you have the sad eyes and then you're, just the camera would hold on you and it was one of who sings I'd ever seen. I never knew I had sad eyes, cuz, very sad, that's the first time very I'm letting me nine years old in September. You'll be ninety in September, and no one has ever is has ever said. My eyes were sad: while they can oak sadness, the very powerful eyes they can also of of joy. Why do I say that I think the kind I thank you. I think you have really nice. I like you. I would use the sad. This isn't going well, I've been alienated by everyone here. I think
I was trying to say then begin to muster Keaton way how kind of four lorn you're Get back. Ok, Being a visa rated, but that we do not know how many of you, if you don't like thirty of dealing with everybody and then then Bob Newhart come to an end. The gent was kindest comic of all time and he's tearing my face with words. I'm just a scrap of leading skull right now hope, you're, happy I'll, give you an example mocha. We did issue and the writing. With with more to this, the bug you, our tools like come in Harold said from this and is in your office, so I come in and there is even trilogy awhile. Oh my god, you notice, such as I love this apathy and he's sitting
I his dummy, yeah and sit down here- and I said what can I do for you and he says danny- wants to go. Unresolved, the dummy fettes. And it was so much fun. The two: why shoe you know: whoever had the idea to say Bob New hardened is a psychiatrist. You know and His job is to sit there and listened to the same people because it- about the reaction. So if anyone, look that seen up. It is she's hiss absolutely wonderful, because you're sitting there and One point: even you get lulled into talking to the dummy. Which is out then the dummy ones,
to be alone with me. Yeah yeah, yes, can I speak to you, allowed live in private labour and he's like gesturing up at the guy operating. Unlike I got lose this guy yeah. There are so many she- I told you, I think I told you once one of my favorite episodes at a time Well, you were lobby better, get someone for her No, no! She needs oxygen ambulance I don't want both on my own, where no no, it's you'll be implicated. They were in the room and you'll be implicated when she is sixty eight. It's it's so nice, because you said that you think comedy is often best when its approached from almost a child, like mindset, This is simplicity to it, and this is something I think, but you and I
please agree on, which is. Danger of cynicism. The Dame or of cynicism getting into comedy. Something that I know that you have feel strongly about nice strongly about yeah. There's a story it within my book is a matter for our links are told a story any. It is true programme can say the darn distinguishes a massive pitch I think, fifties and fifty sixty ass So he's doing the show and there's does one kid in this five days not smiling participating at all. So they go to commercial, so outcomes overtime. You said you'd, It seemed to be enjoying the show, and he said well my dog died, and I love my dog and I miss him, and then I heard well. He said you know you, dog, died and you're young are young listen and you'll live for a long time
but one day you'll die annually. The Heaven and there will be your dog you'll be reunited with your dog and concern. What does garden? What would the door question now? the commission still has the child quality of asking. What does God want with a dead right right right in it end you know obviously there's all kinds of different. Movements in comedy and their people to think it should be. Very. Horror sure it should each it is safe to say something. Should say something. I've been preaching,
Oh, I was saying to you say, I just like my lawyer here- I'm getting a show business I'm getting destroyed as soon as the loving zone is no friend of mine. She loves to see me get destroyed, but not at that point that people want coming to say some. He said for years. If you ve learned anything from my comedy than I failed EU you, I believe that I just want to. I want to make people laugh in very silly ways, and I do think that's one thanks to that has held up so well, as your body of work is just you enjoy being yourself and being funny, and I think this very primal simple way. You know, I mean yeah, that's it. You know that some
That's our job. I've been to take the absurdity of life, and then maybe maybe some and distant help. People get past that pain. You know, if you do, that, you at a very important role that laughter plays in in line with the I think its essential. I know that you ve made you made an attempt. You told me this when she made an attempt to He's ok, I've done and all I've had the have conquered so many aspects of the medium and then you you got to the point where you thought you know, maybe I'll, maybe I'll stop doing the live, touring? I won't do that anymore and you decide it I'll, just just enjoying my time the house I'll stay with Jenny him we'll just looking,
enjoy this time, how that go now not well it will save general another benign white? Why do you still do stand up? and the alternative is to me a sunset boulevard. You know is sitting in the darkened room and having married Strove I'm come in and say what would you like to watch and not the sort of new art or of the town and you're sitting there with Other edges as old characters in your old year that houses very creepy yeah. I know now in its view, the thing is, if you as hard as it is to believe I've been doing my thing for a long time to some people to younger people. I am now this guy. They grew up watching or were being forced to work,
sure trying not to watch- and I have they'll say to me sometimes will, when are you gonna sort, a wrap it up and I'll think? Why am I love? I love doing it and I love making stuff by the way you know which probably think it'll anyway, it's like I'm just tired of me, making people but I don't want to do it anymore, right right, Why why why would someone say that respect it don't hate the sounded laughter, the sound of it I just figures on a black. Yes
was it your wife who notice that this wasn't working for you? You are sitting around the house in what I had in stop totally reduced allowed. The appearances and Jenny said you going nuts. Aren't you yeah, I said yeah that system. Will. I guess you better go back you better get going here now do more dates. I sometimes threaten my wife, with stopping her ears Jenny. This is we fifty six years while this past year, here. As you know, you have to take out the yet the separate tackling those non recyclable. You will say to me on a Monday night or Tuesday. Whenever they pick up. She said
Bob you wanna take out the recyclables an ice gonna feelin follow myself. So I said and this is when they were getting along. I said: do you think that Angelina Jolie says to Brad Pitt you forgot to take out the recyclable engine is dead, if you were bred till. I wouldn't ask you you been handled, that's kind of relationship You came to me The first time he came to my house, I had a bunch of people over and it was sweet because no one knew that you are going to be there and but he lost their mind. And align formed and people where the lining up you know, and vicious dip
Big names today are lined up to come and end and get a chance to talk to Bob new heart and just a lovely to see no one had any interest in talking, so they were there but you're used to that. Guys say why. Why am I through much right? Oh no! No! No! No! No you early! I they are. They stop Zono Persona might say not enough, and I appeal to you not Bob, I'm seeing a new here where I go on stage with you and you just abuse me for forty minute, but it's like low hanging fruit. You know you just do easily clear is that there are no sooner Sonny.
Remember if you're real loyalties TAT bought a new high What does it mean that you have Chicago values? You said that about yourself and about your wife. So we have Chicago values, and I didn't know that mean you like deep dish pizza. What does it mean when you don't start putting on airs right. You know, Ay ay. I knew you ok right, who used to play baseball together? Sullen, don't be like a big star, So do you find in your life I'll shoot you you finding your life that you ve had to compensate because you ve had much success. You feel that you need to compensate and tell people, I don't. I Think I'm a big deal. I know I've had a tremendous amount of success. Are you just you don't worry about it? I get nervous. Now I get self conscious, though, about the fact that you have had
Success in so maybe the more I compliment you ride forbid. It ever stopped right now and I trust me their well being I went on getting the senses it the more. I compliment you, the more uncomfortable you'll, be that's refreshes via the gear. Annabelle genius, be redefined. The media. Ok, it stopped in Cuba is no. Unlike you start body of an Adonis, well that's true. You know, at some point. I'm gonna just leave little class here and can always jumping and say something about me or my worker. How much meant to you and I'll. Just I'll just leave pause. Is there and you jump in anytime that you like, and if you say whatever you want, I did you had me on your podcast. That was one of my favorite things. I wish there had been a camera rolling because you were talking to
and we were chatting and at one point you didn't realize how cold it would be in the room. And I think I was wearing a jacket and you were cold and so during the podcast you come at how cold it was and someone who was their working with you. There was nothing so they just took at the big but efforts the afghan or that cover off the bed. This big blanket Can you wrapped it around yourself and all? I could see it isolated your face in this way that was hilarious anywhere wrapped up in his blanket, but there's no record of it with just audio. You are wrapped up and I thought it. I just thought I was talking to this. Eskimo woman have completely wrapped up. I couldn't, and it was one of them. These things in the world, but we never talked about it. You never lamented. I there was a theme. You started about the donation, to oh yes, yes, yes,
So I think I started kidding. I hope people understood the job that they may not, because we are both being very dry about it, but we were talking I do in charity events and I talked about have course it's important to me to get paid and how I've only work with charities that pay the most money. How later people have come to me and said you know, this is really hurting the charity. Simple. That's that's your and you were. You- are like really this year so straight about it, and because I was following you and listening to your rhythm, I was being very straight about will look. You know that I have been contacted by hospitals and they said the researches really start at ten. I said: look that sir. I don't understand. Why are kind to me, I'm a professional in any place, and if this means that you didn't really care about what whatever, oh god, no no I needed to get and that this is a business and and what did you Call-
ACT. Today with children's ass, it was children's and I said owing to know and what I did as I started, and then I say I said in a week really do is the real money than the children's diseases and we were playing it so straight convinced that anybody listening to this is what I think He's an absolute monster and at no point did you say: okay, this was a fun bid. You never did that. And it so it's out there somewhere and now we repeated at the real money is doing so for kids they have a hard time tracking you down a terrible person there too sick
we'll be enjoyed. My genteel interview with Bob knew it is clearly the the meanest rule as a person in show business. What do you think? So? How much did you enjoy this? How I loved it she's crying she is prior I've made her cry, but for different reasons. What's please do this again? You know it and I'll come to you. I wouldn't have reducing this again. Well
money is we'll get you some money. Next time gets up, we'll find will make it worth your while each of us, Mr Bob Newhart this is this is but the best times I've had in memory. This is just I've just the hardest. I've laughed. This was fantastic and thank you so so much for being here. I think I'm just continuing done, Rickles legacy. You out recall, sprinkled, do much time with wow. The beauty is, I didn't see it coming so both Don, I would have been covered up a little bit here. I came in arms open and you put a knife right between them. Less and six I read out was within the first five minutes, Bob Newhart. Thank you so much that you enjoy
So are you ready for some voice mouse? I am. I love voice, males, Conan you're, ready for some voice mouse have some trepidation. I always think it's possible that my feelings or get hurt. I took note last time, so these are purely positive will now I don't want you to do that. I have given a number no notice of it. You know I mean, if all comic artists are extremely, I think most of us are really sensitive and whenever someone says we're opening up the lines and we ve got get some really fastening. You always think someone's gonna say I've always hated. You come I'll say dad this is our common. Are, let's start with number fourteen day in it, Seamus you and I have the same teacher or english or seniors of high school, though was several years apart at the end of my fear.
You're an english class. This teacher gave me the Conan O Brien award. Now my question is: what exactly does this mean? Did it mean she thought you were big success and she incorrectly assume that I would also find sometime success in my life, which certainly have an end, or does it mean that your senior english teacher actually thought you were big failure and she accurately foresaw my feet. Are your thoughts on that? Please? Thank you very much. While this is, loaded questionnaire. While, first of all, I had a passionate affair with my teacher guide, and so now I think and we know what's wrong with that- was higher than did didn't you say Signor, nice go yeah yeah, I think that is fine. I was, I consider myself an adult, ok eighteen and I was quite skilled what's this
I'm just saying growth, hello, very its growth. That is, I know you want me to say that, but its growth gross? Why into young? At that age? I dont, like thinking of you, away and all ever listen it most people listening now. I understand that the thanks a lot of, but most most people listen to the podcast because they think of me as a highly sexual I'll be ok. Well, this is You guys talk about Eisenhower's phone yeah or not. I was pretty steam, we seen the phone, its top yeah. I did see it sooner. Yes, we worked together and, of course, you ve had to block out any thought of seeing me that way, but the only success I've had in show business people seeing me as a highly sexual eyes only guide weight. So I have a question
yeah, so you guys had a passionate affair and then she just named in a word for you before on ice reasons, and I think no one's quite met the can the brain standard since then accept Seamus, Seamus But apparently she has achieved an eye for the Irish. No. This is a first fall for legal reasons. Let me point out that no, I did not have any relations. Why, with his teacher, so that was re hurtful. So now you may say that, because you happen to know that I lost my virginity during Obama's second term, I was waiting to see how the healthcare thing went and celebrated. Is he claiming how long after me did? He
go to school. I couldn't quite tell that part. Does he say think. Is this: when I'm on television and I've become like unknown person, it must be I'm all round the teachers bragging to her students. Okay, I had Conan o Brien the person you all know from tee, yeah. I had seen him. No, I see what you saw him. No, I am just saying if I know What team is now you know how they make those eyewash is in laboratories. I want one from a now: listen goarly, your mispronouncing, it is it is it going anyway Gower I'll. Let you have a beard look again at the face of a different kind. Tells a package must bear a lot of food, yes dished out at that focused okay. So famous. I don't know why she gave this to you, I'm going to assume that she saw greatness in you and I see greatness in you, even though I can't see you so Sheamus, please don't get down on yourself, maybe you're just being stuffed up
Maybe that's! The key Seamus is clear, they very self deprecating, so she probably gives the Cardinal Brian award to these student, who leans too heavily on that type of humour. As do I,
well done, Conan o Brien needs. A friend was soon I'm of session and Conan o Brien as himself produced by me. Mad goarly executive produced by Adam Saxon, Jeff, Rasa, teen, cocoa and Chris Patten, and common Anderson at ear was special thanks to Jack light for the theme song incidental music by Jimmy, the Vienna are supervising producers, Aaron blurred and the show is engineered by will backed you can read and review the show, an apple pie gases, and you might find your review featured on a future episode. Gotta question for Conan call the team cocoa Hotline at three two three four five one, two eight to one and leave a message. It too could be featured on a future emphasis and if you haven't already, please subscribed Conan o Brien needs. A friend on apple pie casts wherever fine gas or downloaded
this has been eighteen. Cocoa reduction in association with.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-10.