« Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

Michelle Obama

2019-03-18 | 🔗

Former First Lady Michelle Obama feels cautiously optimistic about being Conan O’Brien’s friend.

Michelle and Conan sit down to talk about Michelle’s memoir Becoming, childhood inspirations, embarrassing her kids, spending time alone with Chipotle, putting the right people in office, and the loss of anonymity.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hi. My name is Michelle Obama and I feel cautiously optimistic about being an overriding friend phone back to banish working on a low welcome. Colonel Brian needs friend. This is gonna Brian. This, a very special episode of our pod cast we're on a flight to Milwaukee, and the airline is kindly let us set up our pod casting quit meant, I think, in violation of most f a rules. Today, I'm going to be speaking with former
Lady Michelle Obama and we are really looking forward to having IRAN are. That will show us as a guest joint is always by my trust, team of sleepy ninjas swarm of session, my assistant, I saw a high conan. How are you I am so happy that I get to go industry. I have never been so happy to go. Have you met the first lady before I've were now hope? Is there a couple of times, but you haven't matter: I've gone to a lot of the events where she is brave, only stared at her from far away. Yet that's creepy do that when we
get our security, the yes and MAC Goarly. Of course not sure what role you plan this whole thing, literally the producer, if I raised my, are all never really been in the business a long time in, and television, I've never really know what a producer does. I know what I do. This is a thrilling mission. Now I'm so excited to be yes now. This is. I want to get right to the point, because we don't have time to waste. We're gonna be interviewing. Michelle Obama, this big deal. We need to act like profession ok. Now, yes, we you're selling. Why out? Frankly, because you know we can get kind of loose, we can get kind of goofy and by we I mean you too, I'm sort of the anchor butts
is talking to an international icon, some of his beloved around the world, and they said a former first, ladies someone who has one of the biggest selling books in the world right now, certainly and and we're going to be talking to her and Won't you guys to be on your a game. You know because we're gonna be around secret service. We're gonna be around a very professional staff, ensure Obama has a professional staff and then I'm gonna be stumbling into town with you guys. But you know I've got this, Hipster producer, not after you have a little latte making machine you keeping your back pocket, don't that's true facts and you drive a unicycle fit to work every day and you weren't tweed, underwear right now. That is true from the late nineteenth said, is true love the chief, and so you can be a little unprofessional at times. Is a true wholeheartedly disagree that I think I could work for Michelle Obama, I'm an ass,
Therefore, I urge you to do that. Supply gas. Yes just got into, say, I'd like to have a job with you coming. You know they're going to look into your past. Yes assuming you have a criminal record? Why would you assume I? Why would you hire criminal when I met you, I wanted to help you I wanted to raise you up. I touch you English. You ve done none of those things. Ok! Well, established two things that we sure, which is that met goarly, where's, tweet, underwear from the late Nineteenth century rights unicycle and that son I touch of English. Now, let's move on now: let's do this profession, but anyway our very excited and again I, like I say, I'm Can you do is certainly follow. My lead. You live in the President's Prime Minister's members of the G7 summit? You have it
while some of that is true, but I never talk to Prime Minister's remembers the G7 summit that I just through industry to pat out my regiment and I'm embarrassed. It's very. Billy checked clearly lied. Ok well sure you don't want follow us.
Balls Greenhill caveat, I hadda at you, ve got big tweed balls to I ever there are rights, I believe the next voices you hear he'll be us talking to Michelle Obama, so exciting really is, and you welcome guide anyway. Eureka. Let me put this interview and contacts. I've met you many times. I've been many occasions with you and you're, always a professional and the epitome of class. I've never seen. You happier then I saw you today we just we were in. We are still in a high school in Milwaukee You were talking to young students about going to college and there's a lot of you. No kids from
different backgrounds. Kids, it are not strictly. I affluent and and may think that colleges in the possibility- and I watched you talk to them- it's the happy so there were senior at you really. I mean just feel like this was religion. For you, it's my happy place. It is my mind my mission, my passion, because I was those kids near. We were those kids, you know, and most of those kids are those kids kids experiencing doubt. This is the toughest time in their lives when they're trying to figure out who they are and where they are go in transition and fear in doubt and I've been there and I figured that to whom much is given much is expected and if I can, your voice too
give them some guidance and some insight and some hope in some possibility and to show them. I was you because kids need to see visually where they can go on, and I am I am that journey for them as like. I was sitting in those seats, and now I am here where's what I saw. I saw these kids sitting in a small circle in this high school. No walkie and I saw them there. You can see the gears turning in their head. New thinking, wait a minute, I'm sitting here and I'm too into Missus Obama. Why? but I do anything and which is really amazing thing to witness. You can see the light go off literally in their souls yeah, and that start sitting up a little taller, why visuals the idea start spinning, but that's why visuals are important. Variances are important because you can talk and talk, and you can read about eighty about
until you see college right and you see the people doing it and you sit in a class and you see o me you're, an Idiot nine. My can be an idiot, do and still get here or right. This is hard and you failed or you stumbled. You had fears kids in all people, but kids in particular. They need to see it before them. I represent that yeah, these kids, this is were blooming away. I got the book becoming and I expected to learn a lot about you. I didn't expect to relate to as many things as I did in the book. I am the waiters men whom you are going to say that I am, I met wider, really name and why you got it. I think I am a sickly white and in the wider community has rejected me like two. Why do I do it, for that is sent him back it doesnt work for us
there's so much in this in your book. That is about this is something a little bit of a religion for me, something that I'm religious about witches, People have a tendency to look at someone who they believe has made it, and they don't. Understand everything it took for them to get there, and they don't see the insecurity you don't see the stumbles. They don't see why I thought your book did beautifully, and you telling very good stories. Is you cold All these stories that me from South South of Chicago. You quit avenue second floor too. The White House, and I and stood in it still and boggling, but I understood it, and is amazing to me that I mean an and then there's little details in their alike.
You were seventies, television, nineteen, seventy seven all over it, Mary Tyler, More- that didn't realize the maritime girl like Mary, but she had a job in a voice and she buzzing Goin home cooking. Dare I found her fascinating, so you connected to maritime. Furthermore, yeah and she was she dressed well to she's, very cute sassy and she was still feminine, but had her own voice and United. A lot of this, is hindsight looking back on. Why was I so drawn to her? Why did I cuddle up? You know after that was Karel Burnett show and yeah commoner thou tat. We re working on line up. Why are there so was family night too, but there was you know in hindsight I she was. She was knew her doctor and I loved her in the deep Vandyke show is yellows parents are. There was something about her energy to that felt new, because each character was not the traditional. Even when she was Lord Petrie, she was not the
I see and Harriet kind of she wore pant she dance. She was a show girl. She was s funny as him. You know she was an equal in the world that she played, which was not necessarily the case, but I think that the point that make a bow connection in the fact that young people see folks like us, people who were famous and think in o you'd never had hardship If we talk to hide all that yeah. You know, there's a lot of famous people spend all their time trying to pretend like I was supposed to be here: we're all kind of insecure about all of us are whether we should be here anyway, so we ve been taught just just fake it in a row. They then now, why don't you shut? people who are now looking up to you the truth of the path in the journey living there, I think about those kids. We just talk to about how unfair is it of them, Meta Present myself, as already done as some sort of his untouchable being when there
gonna get here, it's like if I really want to help you get here. I have to be honest with you about the struggle so that when you hit it, you don't give up but wait. We spend our time pretending. So we don't shoot anything with each other, we share what I say are stats. Yes, what school did you owe to? Yes tell you nothin right. You know tell me about your occupation, Gimme that title that you put, that tells me nothing went away, it's what you driving, oh god, no access, you gotta Tesla now and I know who you are well now you don't you know nothing but the stories of what you watched when you were little right in what music did you listen to? What was your grandfather like? Who was your most frustrating relative windy? New fall first strike you know What was your? What would you have? What was your most prominent memory when you were five? A lot of people ask me, hide you remember all that. That's all it's not a lot. It's! that I learned to value what I remember
every memory, even not being able why I remembered not being able to Bell the word white, why that thing in the garden stuck with me is telling to sort of who I am that's more telling that story, I tell you more about me. The tenacity that I had in the sort of insects dirty that I felt and sort of the the the vision that I had four. We who I needed to be even at four and five that follows I'm consistently that person very hard in the book where friend of yours says why do you talk like a white which is something People say to me that this date is so I could. I could relate bidest, but the fact is that since you so hard that really stuck with you to me, it's on my theories,
always been people that are sensitive to hurt, sense if to explode. Sure you know a sense if too I'll be seen for less than what I should be paid, work extra hard to cover it and those people end up becoming wildly success many times you and I, both Bennett parties Every famous person in the world is there and I was one asserted, Being a glass and stand upon a table say can install admit it? We were, We in secure nerds, when we were kids, nobody be occasionally Leubronn James essay. I don't know what it's gonna, but I think that is the game. Did you telling this story and telling it in a way that is so relate a ball, which is again Then again and again and again and again that hurt You got your feelings hurt when you, you know when I first became
public person, and I read things about myself that weren't true I had a physical reaction, sick in I could feel it physically in my chest, when you re about people thinking Well, she seems bossy, she doesn't see she seems kind of like she's domineering, alive the massage monistic sexist races. Whatever you want to say stuff. That happens when people are projecting on to you, and you are very good. It saying yet at hurt, Jan because, for whatever reason, weave sort of it and would act like we should pretend like a desert, you know now being first lady, I felt bracken I've. We both had things that hurt us that disappointed us, but The truth is that people I won't. Why are you talking about now? well, because when you the present in the first lady, your job isn't to sort of bees, Michael analyze, sort of help me through this I mean that I very much felt my role as a
parent to the nation. It's like, I gotta have my stuff together. This is the time for me to lick my wounds, because we had deaf to do here, their military families that need help their kids, who are trying to go to college kids who need to eat healthy, I'm imo. I can deal with this, so we're gonna make that the food guess of these eight years. But now that I'm away you know it's, I feel it is important for people to read. At chapter chapter. Seventeen was the hardest chapter for me to write, because I for the first had to go back and read all that stuff, which I purposely didn't I learn. I can't Adela guarding against myself. I don't think I could do it. You did, but there is a visceral reaction. You get just from reading that even later, there's stuff, I I mean I know review. You went I can read things that people wrote about you that just we're not true, you know
cruel baseless, but its everyone's working, their own agenda you find out the innovative has nothing to do. It has nothing. You are the the prop they are using. In that moment, you are just part of the game YAP in and so what you went back and she ran. I read it because I am I I want it. I knew when I was outlining the vision for this book that that chapter needed to be pivotal run for a couple of. Isn't never. When I want the nation to remember that we do this, nip that this policy ex thing in a lot of stuff. You read it's a game everybody's in on it- and you can't, EL who believes what but people are playing a role. Often times are plenty of good people in it, you were doing it for the right reasons, but You cannot buy into the political debt the of who we are who we are politics is a nation is not who we really are, because people are jockeying for power.
I want you to remember that. I also want people to remember it's like our word now gone. We're finished the country Whatever we were gonna do is done. All the things we were to be afraid of them. Be afraid of this be afraid of health care, be afraid of blah be afraid. Now what? Because that shows- is that there's always gonna, be somebody telling us to be afraid of something, and it still tell him, would it be afraid of Barack Obama? Yes, he's not the president a more well and where you at what was gonna happen, Will we what're we? What are we clutching about it now and are we watching because a race we have to own what were clutching or we clutching, because he had a different name where we were we clutching, because he had different ideas. We gotta get out of our own way in this country, so I felt for people now who view me as beloved its especially
kids who didn't know us in those times allotting kiddo, those kids and those when they were babies. When we were in office right, I want them, No! Yes, this Michelle Obama that you now know and love that selling all these books- and nobody has anything bad to say about didn't just a few years ago- was a terrorist evil person who was going to take your Eriksson ruin the land. We would Is there no sooner by into that stuff. When people do that to you, because they don't even believe that half the time now it's true I I've experienced viscerally people. Three phases where people think one thing about shoe than they think a different. About you and at the end of the day What I always say to myself, anyways keep your head down, do the work and, if your hearts in the right place, that was our motto that as our motto that that's really the when people, What do you mean by when they go low? We go high
It's essentially all you can do what you told those kids come into Dan. You were amazing with those kids by the way is you go back to the basics Job in the world is a good person with the values that you would and all of us were taught those values. Some haven't, quite you know, fully digested. But we all No them show up with kindness. Do the work number rock? Was always lake, we can do, is roll up our sleeves and do the work, and so, that chapter as you know, led into me, coming into the White House, with a very clear understanding that I just probably more quickly and efficiently, because I be given the benefit of the doubt. I needed to diminish, To the nation that I can do the work I work hard and I works
art and let me just show you and in the end I have to count on the fact that what I produce will define me now and so that What it means to go high and don't die, seek revenge, dont, harbour resentment. Just do the work I have. Say, there's one. There are few things that I was looking for in the book. I'm a grudge older? I try not to, but I'm a grudge holder and you put that on the tape workers put that on the day by day- and you said something to me- I didn't like night I'll, buy you a right and then later with those push you may like. My dear you made me, do push it s, not an embryo belies away. I know, ok, embarrass you may meet you push everyone's Anne S, lap people love to see cone and try to use his body, don't they, I've had so many moments with you just just over the years casual moments where I could see that you are here,
men being caught up in an absurd situation, and I remembered sitting with you at a White House chorus honest dinner and one of the biggest honour at the White House. Correspondence dinner is that you get to sit with the first lady, so I got to have dinner right, x, two and everyone. I know their minds melted. They learn it did. They want to know everything, the thing I remembered saying to you: is I'm never saying so. You know you're gonna do after this, I think, maybe half way through the second term. I said you well. You're gonna go afterwards in you're sitting there in your eating your dinner, and you said well but you know we act like we're going to want to stay and still live? I think in Chicago a course.
That. Guy has other ideas and you just resident. I think that guy that guy is at present in the United States, but I could see that what's his name, yeah you're, just when you set it the way, my wife ruling fugitive, my choosing will that guy thinks we're going to the more oil to get pizza. California, PS occasion, but that guy's doesn't know the real score, because the kids I've been talking. I am ranks day how an hour or so, but I love to seeing that I loved, seeing that you and the way that you as a mom just dealing with your kids, the way your kids keep you guys in line. Lay really moment at their embarrassed by you in moments. Oh, my god, hugely embarrassing. Imagine showing up to parent teacher compliments with a twenty car motor cave, you know and policing. Do yelling at the teacher no out away residence on cat people on top of the roofs. You know we had to parent by creating
this cocoon of normal, see in a pretty good, look to you to figure out how to react, and if Europe freaked out they'll cry. This is hard. If you tell em they're, ok than there. First time and they look to you to fit, how to react, and if Europe freaked out they'll cry disheartened, tell em they're, ok than there like, ok! Well, I guess I'm ok, we spent eight years just gone. It's ok! You leave This is normal, just go to school. You have guns men with guns day. You know you're so if the new reality now you have food, so don't complain to me about it. So it was very much keeping them in their reality, making sure we went to the parent teacher conferences and that we went to their gains in that we were sitting on the sidelines with them and that they had sleep overs and we had kids. Being over at our house in that takes work.
Our joint White House, our house, being the lighthouse just trying to normalize things here, our house being the White House which, by the way my kids were like every other kid it's like. Why would people come here? Mom? It's like! the White House. I guarantee you, they want to come in watch a movie. No one wants to come here of lady. You are wrong, my friend, but that their view was. I don't want to be here, I'm here all the time I want to go to excess house rum. Which I always found was a healthy sign, yes, that they weren't obsessing about this, that they were curious about other. But I am sure I am in all of my children more the way they have managed this whole thing with poise. In Greece, there is there's a resilience that they had to develop a mean we ve, we we ve got
so much more than any of us have ever had? They have met the Pope and the queen and they ve done things that just no kid whatever do, when they have also had to sacrifice a lot of their childhoods, living in those this glare and being the subject of some of this nastiness yo themselves and learning at a very young age. How do you recover from that right? How do you steal yourself from the aid because my kids warrant, like us, men the rock we were in our cocoon. We were in our bubble. We we escaped to do an event and come back. They were the ones going out into the world every day, trying to regular little girl standing in the ice cream line or added is a time when Malea talks about on a clash trip and she was a sophomore. They were at one of the museums and another class. A fifth greater is recognized her
and the teachers started gathering around her and they started taking pictures and she had to take it upon herself because, teachers warrant, stopping that no grownups were taken charge, no grown ups. They were engaged in the, but she she how them around and she said now- I'm very excited to see all of you, but I'm here with my school, and so I can't take pictures with all of you know. She took the moment to be gracious to try to address them, but to move them. She advanced herself and that's how my kids have had to operate strangers approach and being angry if they don't wanna. Take pictures. Try imagine trying to have you first kiss or sneak a cigarette and you ve got your own page six. They ve had to learn how to steal themselves and then come out not being resentful, not being cynical and still being curious about the world map,
hats off to them. I had a young as confession. I had a horrified child moment in your in your husband's presence. There was an event in Washington DC that my that I was asked to host if the eastern girl was a Christmas, it was a Christmas o, o Koyo Chris S and washed and show you by the way are well. Maybe you do, maybe you don't buy, it was it was when I say I remember that all the time that's my wife, about by my wife what happens just I'll tell you from the other side of your cocoon. I was the performer, my wife, My my daughter and my son came. They were much younger and my son they lock it down. So my wife, but she was gonna go out and get some food to keep his blood sugar up.
Only was about six or fire can't move, no rather lost it, and they said no. No, the first lady and the president will be here in its all. Locked down will be here in three hours. Tat, no one leaves so we are all locked in and there's a moment where we all get in line with the other performers to meet you and we get in the line of its a long line to meet you and My son starts to melt down and he starts to lose it and he starts to I can see him he's getting irritated and his cousin and I said to Eliza my wife, you gotta, give me she said I didn't I didn't beginning I didn't beneath and we're gonna look like it. How did you get in? There are locked and let me get out and my son Beckett isn't it? the loser. Listen, I sit back it back at you. Gotta come now we're getting closer to you guys. I see you and your husband, graciously taking pictures with people are lies gonna, through closer from a single at a time when I'm gonna meet them, and I said Beckett Mahometan, we're about to meet the Obama. That's meet about anyway, your promise any
just because he was in a battle. He sat down on a very long green. He sat down and is putting what I want to I want, and I want to hear any by presenting an exact and then I this is as part of the story, you know, who's in front of us in line is Justin Bieber Justin Bieber- and I do remember this- this is Justin Bieber, add maybe thirteen canteen it turns around and he put his hand ties to anyway. What's my my son's heading and rubbed his hair, and he goes to do and my son whips around it looks. It doesn't even says: don't you touch, Suddenly my wifi ends at the last second piece, a handy at the bottom of her purse, which all amounts have it all on had US d and later of zeal in my and my son, Beckett's mouth, he eats it. You can see sugar hit his blood seconds later. I've missed.
It's so nice to see you so balmy Europe levy this little heavily to introduce myself. I just want you to know what you did to children and minds in those receiving line when they go for many people, high schools and embarrassing time of life. It can be embarrassing if you had that sooner. I did not. I was an incredible jock. What no captain of every team, every single sports team. You can't change the narrative captain of every single team by ice, I feel like no one would believe that lost my virginity fifth grade. Ok, I was just incredible, so I don't know, but I told that people have a hard time of yeah, I'm sure with your awkward body. See, upsets supper
you seem sorry, usually when people feel really sorry, they laugh so hard. They can't catch their breath. Okay, so now you win, I had some difficulties in high school. Yes, you know I'd it. And all smooth sailing. What yeah? Ok, that's really funny yeah. I guess the jokes on me yeah anyway laughing at you again. We hear nothing when upon Castillo here, no anyway, this new show a new show called every things gonna be ok. And heard the sun they show up it's it's quite compelling, sir. I think, a key character. Her dad is dying, her gay, australian half brother moves in two razor end of the show is called everything's going to be okay and it's these two characters. Matilda and genevieve- and this does not sound like your typical sitcom Matilda has autism and Genevieve is just as someone who's dressed up like a quote child whore widow, and these
characters. I guess have all these adventures. I have a half brother Nicholas, there's a funeral. Everyone shows up, apparently they he's got a little off the hook. This may sound depressing, but I'm told this show is really find a watch. I'm sorry, did you see a little off the hook? Yeah! That's that's all! That's always kid say it sounds like it could be depressing, but then it's off the hook. Now, although I used to correct ok, yeah so maybe you're in Kronk Village, why I'm quite content- and I use that Equally, I re worried, I don't throw a hazy over. There are oh, my guide, everything's gonna, be ok, that's the name of the show, out of here, I just turned eighty MECCA premiers January. Sixteen thirty, eight thirty, seven thirty central on free form. That's right! watch all my entertainment free form check it out. You know it's crazy. This is
Can stuff we had to think about it's like because we don't know what our present did in the lan. You know, but we know where we come in hard. You know Harry Motorcade, shutting down every body, as I puber like what you think. Want me at your wedding. You, don't you don't You don't want me to show up with my dog, sniffer and blue calm down your mom from getting down the aisle. I mean it is a heavy presents for sure. So thank you I to you to putting in to me. Did you survive? You are so resilient but then we talked about resilience. The last comment, or the book in becoming us Conan is resilient. Really I really didn't see that when I was your age fired me, you know that at the moment much in this book. Leaden book- and you talk about these- time. That was you work.
How hard you have worked so hard in your life and today one of the young people, what are their questions was? Will you for president- and I almost wanted to I know your answer is no, but I almost wanted to jump up and say they ve done enough. They do more than their share. Please have you no enjoy, and Anne and you're doing great work, but there is a part in your book when you talk about, you would have before you entered this insane world would go when you sit in your car and you would each support lay and
Rachel. If you want to buy- and on this basis, I ran the ad run the ads and cause. I understand you really loved, but why did you go? There was a respite ago. I don't know whether I loved chapeau lay. I just love the time alone, which Poli we're gonna adequacy. You say, I'm gonna get all the money, that's how the business work shouting about. I know, but I'm wondering, can you have that now? Can you do, forget time to go and Could you get away? I know you have security ironing, but can you is a lovely moment. The beginning, your book, will you make yourself a grilled cheese and your by yourself and its act? The storm is after everything, and I thought and wishing you more of that in wishing you there is definitely more of that for sure.
I explained to the kids today we will forever have security brok and I so there will always be a presence, but you know, the scheme of hardships I mean. That is not one. I would list Rio wonderful team of people who were like family to us and they make our lives convenient, often times for fighting time with their own family. So you know that's not a hard thing to give up So there are more moments like that, and there will be more. You know they are there many many chapters there will come a time in life with those same kids will be like Michelle Obama Who- and I don't pay They will forget about us and then move on to the next thing, and that's a good thing will be fine with that What bracken I talk about that we do miss is, and you will understand this is the loss of anonymity,
that's something that new most people don't understand how valuable anonymity is being able to blend in to your environment and not be this and of it, but just to observe it because that's really weird and because I people so much. I love casual conversation, with people I loved, while my time in the car alone, which politely I loved also, would you learn standing in a grocery store line and overhearing someone's conversation? You know watching their interactions with their loved one and not being the watch e bud watching and taking that in an understanding life and the observations that come in a most severe interaction with your partner is about, What you saw? Would you experienced over the course of the day for Moroccan, I that still very limited, because we are not able to be exposed in an unknown.
It's way, I'm realizing. As you say it, you can't eavesdrop on someone else's, can eavesdrop end if you, when you think about it as an entertainer, is a comedian right. So much of your material comes from that. Yes, just watching people, if their lives- and I weren't we're always watched at this stage in both both brok what you learn about the world comes from that, which is why another reason why I wouldn't run I don't live a normal life. Are you are used to and I'm a very normal is baked in me, because of how I was raised, but I also know the life I've lived for the last ten years is no longer normal and Oh, I don't know as much as I would want to be in a position of leadership. Cannon. No, what are you feeling you gay cause? You can experience life behind attended window in a car
You know so we we sacrifice that that's my complaint, but if I'm be a leader I had to be in there. I gotta be able to be in their over hearing people's truce in really being able to see their pain without it being filtered through the veil of me, and now I am That'S- you think it's import eight years is is enough, is enough it's time for new ideas and people who been in AAA line and people who are struggling in ways that we, just because of the night to have what we ve done. We don't do that any more right now we need fresh, real, clear eyes in this stuff. That's what We're investing our time in training the next lears, the next kids, who still out there trying to figure out now they have the passion, But how do you do this right? You know how do you, because if you want to be in public service, how do you do this? That's why a lot of these seats git
transition back and forth. Yes among the same people, because the It's in those rooms have no idea how to get from their side to. Where we are it's our. Possibility to help expand that that base of people who can serve kids I don't see you don't have to be networked or come. A family or be wealthy in order to be president in our right now. It's like a lot of jobs, as you know, the president to be the president, because he was born to the president. Our had a lot of money, and so we want to start train in up kid to see. I've been abroad way? How do you develop campaign. How do you raise money? You know how do you? How do you hold office and in do it ethically, you know how do you fill out the right forms? How do you hire the right? People is amazed by the way. I was amazed that you and your husband pay for all the food
the White House and, of course- ethical about it. You made sure there's there's a budget for some things, but its shocking small and then you have to pay for old.
In an you noticed once that your husband, the president, was really enjoying he just casually set ale. That solution we had tonight was really good in this and we'll get it again for you, Mr President, in your eyes you are paying for their flying at an earlier and use it. We got a knock that also deny me. I know that morrows that guy not worth that guy doesn't get that aid only on by I swear to God I mean if I was gonna run for president think half the reason would be that I thought it was free food with the fact that, as I know, no pay for- and you talked about having to figure out like a lion of is a budget for while it paper, you know just how much of you use versus how much is used by guest in you know, you know it's an expensive proposition to serve yes period. Navigating the lighthouse is one in again people on talk.
Because I don't complain about living in the White House. It's like I totally insane. You can't complain about being the first daughters and having security right kid go to school year, fine, but its import. For people to understand the sacrifices that not just the president and first Lady make, but anyone, regardless of their party, who chooses to hold public office. It's a girl, my job in its hard and its thankless, and just like, I felt about families in the military where we want people to serve and we want to go to war, but we really don't want to understand the full sacrifice of the service members and their families in out before we try them off to a war, that may be could have been avoided because it does impact their lives in ways. We don't talk about it because we're taught be stoic about it. It's an honor to serve, and yes, it is an honour to serve but its import for people to understand the sacrifices that all of these families make and again, not
hold them accountable, but to understand that this is just a cake, it's not just so now you do it now you did don't you want to do that again, it's like now, and I really hope we also have a reality showing. This reality show culture. Now people can look at the presidency as well. That's that The person who got the rose from the bachelor era. Great episode was a great episode and then you, you know, I don't know it's actually incredibly difficult share about that whole Supreme Court issue of daisy in we recovered, and you know you know it's not a reality, show its real life stuff. I mean when I was campaigning for Hilary them In fact, I wanted to communicate to the electorate in this beaches. That I made is that this is a really hard job and it is serious in requires a level of of knowledge of history and patience, and you have to be it a reader and you have
be someone who can handle stress and you have to watch your work I mean you know we, in a time where tell it like it is in its like. Not when your words can start wars and shift markets. You know there is a responsibility to be careful with them and it as an shade it wasn't, it was really just for the voters out. There is your thinking about these things. As someone who has been here does limits Are you about this job because its real and one black was in office? You know this is my opinion. He made look really easy and it's not So we should all know that as part of the electorate that we should understand that we have a response. No need to put people in office who are not only ready and passionate about it, but have immense skills. Do this really hard job for a long time, could be really involved in this in this you know my what what I
have said because I'm not interested in politics, because I also think- and I have said this before- that- Sadly, in our country, when you put an hour on D on you, you and me ITALY, alienate most of the country would wish whichever choice you make right. In those times right now and my goal is that I want to be able to reach as many people as possible, I want people to stop listening or to take what I say differently. If it's the truth, just because I de I because there are a lot of our is out there, that I love and respect, and I want to know if I know something I want Republicans it's to know about college? I'm? Not one of these people are late. You either you're on my side or you're. Not, I think you can, That better outside of politics, but I will do everything that I can to info, as the importance of voting because in the end, that's what we have today
yeah. Well, whatever your belief in we is, we are just a country where the percentage of people who vote in all elections is just morphine. Small is depressing its depressing. So to the extent that I will be involved in policy. You can say it's really discontinuing educate the next generation. These kids, all these choices are their future. You know everything It's happening today, those kids we just talk to her gonna, be dealing with it. We're gonna be Roland ourselves off to the retirement home. As anonymous is we want to be by Michelle Obama Lou. I don't think I'm not getting a wheelchair. I do not want to be pushing, and I want to be a permanent and easily aren't you gonna, be there are pushed me. I thought you said you weren't gonna, be in a wheelchair. Was nice tell you this, but you said that you asked her in an empty and you sort of kindly included mean losing my anonymity and yes, some unknown person, and I do
recognised when I go places, and I say hi to people take selfies, but it was. So refreshing today to be anonymous, because when you walk into a room with me Alabama bomber, you're, anonymous and its on. Do I mean like they're, just all about you and then there's like what's what's with, that belgian woman. This has been a huge delight and I know how hard I know how hard you work and I want you to go and get some support lay I want you to get the money that support lay, owes you for mentioning them multiple times. I was really nice things for you and your husband cause. You read this book. Can I encourage you to read it as its aim? It say fantastic book and I said to you in all sincerity- so relate a bull and you read it and when you're done, you think these two people have given their everything- and this is long before you were in office-.
Both of you, you and your husband were giving of yourselves long before he got into office, and I think that you ve earned the right sit in a car? I now have some fast food and he now entangled gauge watch sex in the city or whatever it is you want. It sounds like a great Friday yeah I will have your people very powerful. I can have. Obviously you have a deep relationship with Japan, which you say they have never actually paid me for anything while they do not. I have. I have a deep relationship with Japan Way, now oh hell, yeah land. They might my best to you. Your husband and you're amazing gets well you in an amazing support. Over the years. You don't think that old team still were members are our trip, the work there? he did with military families. The gracious way that you are always open to our initiatives and your family is amazing and
I consider it. I will take the optimism nor the the cautiously out of my feelings about our framework. So I my puzzle, peace giant, an outward optimistic about being. Oh no friend, but you said it with great caution. None of them, I would venture matter that was dramatic pause, are adding. Ok in this optimism. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thanks for having me, ok, wow, acquainted day, we are headed back now to Us Angelus back to our home, and that was an intense day. I love tat from the Pike asked she really delightful to talk to, but there was just, whole day was so it with us going to a high school in new.
Cutting a round table with a bunch of high school juniors. And that was fond because we walked into the room. They didn't know that Michelle Obama was coming and they freaked out, and that was just fun to watch that was delightful and then we went in and into the pike ass to her. We were in a little classroom off to the side and I thought you guys behave very well yeah we were the stars. Are that interview, TAT, heareth, maybe giggling? In the background? That's ok you're there for moral support yeah. I really was just in awe of her eloquence.
Just the conversation you guys are? Having I mean it was quite nice. Was it somebody not means is well yeah electricity. You guys had a wonderful report. I really really enjoyed it and I know we joke around in this pike s. So I am joke yes now. I really did feel tat. I loved her before I love her. Even more now tat I am, and how did you get a nice Michelle Obama hug idea? I honestly rafter the after we recorded the pike ass. She was nice enough. Pictures with eyes and then at the end she hugged both me and mash. You monsieur de those. She did. I wasn't sure if I could and then she leaned in and I just close my eyes and ass myself in her like just
embrace I'm still there very nice, probably a hewing huh, I fuel S. Ten years younger, you look better today, thanks to the Michelle Obama. Thank you, your old man. You both look better. Thank you. I don't, I honestly don't know ass. She does every minute of her day was packed with stuff to do it. You shit, you know our job changes, and I thought you had a busy schedule but really I think I am just as busy and have just as much impact is former persuading show up- and I think I'm too looted that was a long day for you, those years they gave way major event. Yeah will then, after the pot cast their was we got to take a little break and we went into this place and it is the perfect choice because they had she, he's Kurds. Those ten years on me that Michel took Michelle. Obama made you ten years younger with her hog, and then you undid her healthy embrace with
He's Kurds, boy or those amazingly, my guy, bring over it's a notice to say it's. It's cheese, Kurds that have been deep Fridays and then we're all going to Cedars Sinai in separate. You have r r arterial system scraped and it was it was delicious. Then headed back. A chance to meet Michelle Obama, is rather Craig Robinson. Very cool guy got to meet Michel Obama's mom. I was fond backstage hanging with her. I asked you know. Did you like? four out of the bushes sick are very proud of book, but she's me out, she saw me out ass. She was going on and on about how Michelle Obama sold out some of the text that she has written.
This is so bad? You know it in which she's not that impressed with some cool thing. She projected those on a huge screen during the whole of yes, it's exactly ass. She sold out her mom again during the events. In the event, it was really fun: terrific crowd, yeah and then I was over. How did you guys, like being in the motorcade my guide NOS one that was so cool? I wouldn't know
you weren't in the motorcade route, they let us it's called folding in. They gave me a lime scooter at at at at at best it was a Michelle Obama, signature, lime, scooter with elegant and well. You didn't experience this man, but soon and I were in a car and they said to fold you into the motorcade yet and so our car just got in, and then we just sort of zipped along which was fun and then at one point which has got into traffic, and that was funny because we just slow down like everybody else and their this did no good yapping, and then I just thought this is hilarious, celery subpoena motorcade, with sirens going in, and you just hit really heavy traffic in Milwaukee. In now, You can do about it now ends at five. Try was genuinely above a vase. Look at all. I could do to look like a motorcade. Now, yeah, you heard sirens and then at one point we all
oh down in you, know big city Milwaukee, highway traffic and it got kind of into gridlock and then into Michel Obama's motorcade she's been folded into mine, and that gives you a little window. If you listening into my delusional madness and what we're dealing with yeah but anyway, and I mean she had like tricked out suvs, pretending that? No I'm not! I have not been folded into Michel Obama's motorcade she's been folded into mine, and that gives you a little window. If you listening into my delusional madness and what we're dealing with yeah yeah but anyway, and I mean she had like tricked out suvs, you know the bullet proof in yours was just like. It was bullet well, as people's eyes gave me an old chevy with eyes cones in this, if you want to take a pop Adam go for this is the world of
Listen to you! It's it's! It's a funny thing that I didn't quite expect. But when I read her book, there's a bunch of things about her personality that I could relate to know about being sort of young. To the two of you have conversations and interact with each other is really actually fun in nice. To listen to you, it's it's! It's a funny thing that I didn't quite expect, but when I read her book a bunch of things about her personality that I could relate to know about being sort of young anxious to succeed in a bit of a box but then your life taking his beard turn that you didn't expect for me. That was getting into comedy, which I never thought would happen this trend in had for its being on a supreme court consecutively, not bad, but you know I was very intense young fellow who is
really hard and never thought that I would have a career comedy with less and then my life took a crazy turn, but just I live going. You'll never believe who does this thing is well or whatever you name. You know I think she'd go to couple syrupy you and I greatly There is something in her story for everyone to fine. I found that too just listening to the event, in fact that they go to, couples therapy together and the relationship between Barack Obama her and I was texting. My wife you'll never believe who does this thing is well or whatever you like. She got a couple therapy you and I eagerly yeah. Ok, actually, I think the three of us go into Farrabee together and just talk out and you know we should do. We should wish you to have it on the pact, because you could get out your issues with me. Sometimes you feel like I'm putting you down when when I
and so I feel like you are, you could talk about some of your arms. You may have issues with me. I know I feel I have a ten year headstart, young man and I have a lot to unpack side down. I'm down to do that arise. Doing our you. Are you ok with me telling another person all this stuff that you have an immediate over the years about me. Call me a vampire racist. Looking to us is a very classy part cast for doing said. I still babies from a market place of the solar system in shallow bomber. Special podcast is a big deal. Unsafe floated here. Please basket We see that survived a goat attack, please. This is true. Anyway classified cast today. Michelle Obama, Podcast and I will not ruin with scurrilous rumors. Well document about my insane behaviour,
we do not have it ruined with us. Repeating things that you have set marketplace place. Gotcha gotta nipped in the bud spokes this now, while the question young. Where does this podcast go from here, because this is quite something well, Vladimir Putin, Rowboat us just sharing sorts of here sure. If it is your shirt off too, My shirt would also be off. If you takes his shirt off, then I have to take my shirt off and I was just beyond the shore yeah far away yeah Blindfolded- says: that's that's enough to see- are our torsos listening the sun that this year this is a professional and we got to you and Vladimir Putin Shirt listener, Robo yeah, so you did that though, yes no I'm proud of I'm proud of you guys and proud of our whole podcasting errand blared,
over here Adam sacks that micro and, of course, brick con who made this all happen and yeah, I'm just proud of my team. I joke around a lot, but we have a very good unit here. You guys are very good at what you do and I'd like to have. This last part erased we're like the seal team, six pod casting restricting more n we're out, and I was now and not seal- teach us we're the Walmart breeders side casters we're. I don't know, I'm saying that we are aiming for. You just stand around where the dirty dug. It is not quite clear how we add to the overall profit of the endeavour. As late as greater Yonah which so now but One thing is we did it together, as a team could work
I would let me say briefly: a few enjoyed today's Pied in your first time listener and you check this out check out some of the other Donna Brain needs a friend's episodes and subscribe costs. You nothing plus you nothing, but a little bit of your trust. Returns are staggering: while wow that just ruined it you'll forget what I said about six. We support on this team, staggering that feel teams, that's right. Male seal team five. Once we get rid of early, nl. I quit your on on an airplane got a parachute all right. There you go, that was our Michelle Obama, podcast tapes in Milwaukee Wisconsin and will see on the next one. This had been fun thanks for doing it
Conan O Brien needs. A friend was soon of session and Conan o Brien as himself produced by me, mad goarly executive produced by Adam Saxon, Jeff, Rasa team, Cocoa and Chris Patten and Common Anderson at your was special thanks to Jack White. For the theme song incidental music by Jimmy Billina are supervising producers. Errand blurred and the show is engineered by will backed you can rate and review the show on Apple pie gases, and you might find your review featured on a future episode. Gotta question for Conan call the team cocoa Hotline at three two three four five one, two eight to one and leave a message. It too could be featured on a future episode and if you haven't already, please subscribed Conan o Brien needs. A friend on apple pie casts wherever fine, I guess or downloaded.
This has been eighteen, cocoa reduction in association.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-10.