« Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 858 Scott Adams: Come Relax With Me. You Need it.

2020-03-18 | 🔗

My new book LOSERTHINK, available now on Amazon https://tinyurl.com/rqmjc2a


  • Human ingenuity, especially in an emergency situation

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The post Episode 858 Scott Adams: Come Relax With Me. You Need it. appeared first on Scott Adams' Blog.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Bump bump on everybody about it: let's talk, so you probably got a lot of time in advance. I don't know about you, but I have picked Maya, my skills, my challenges, it I told everybody that they should commander this with an extra skill keshaf all this opportunity to learn something new or minor lobby, one to get together and soda jellia. Because dockers are you gonna Dvr work Adele, Sir I've gotta was talking about and she was fascinating, herbage elegantly because talkers
You know you could watch this reply or you can watch it. My reply is a thing. You know I'm having a hard time watching talker, because he's been right about everything which normally would be a good reason to watch something but he's right about how terrible things are, and I find it a little over welling. So I get it I'm giving myself a major diet from tv news at the moment and pundits. I still was the five Like some of the sum of the shows, I think Emulous you'll get a smaller scare saw watched the ones, I don't think you're gonna scare be basically as long as I can get the news it anyway
What I want, but I thought I d give you some good NEWS now. Good news should not be mistaken for hay, everything's gonna be good and weak. I think we got a couple of weeks ahead of us, but there are some really good things through reshaping up and bubbling up some of them. I know about tat. I thought I would share them with you so that those who mentioned the two skills they decided to were to enhance so the work on my studio set up. I've got another path to go on that give finally figured out something that would give me a stable, stable way to have Collins Guess, Then you can stop me because that there really is what you need in order to ever have something that a lot of people and watches you have to have gas avenue, and since I live stream,
I would like to live stream and have a guest Anders apparently no hardware and software in the world that does that reliably. There are lots of whom the do it and you know lots of people who use them, but if you talk to them privately, like ok, privately, this work every time. Oh no, that's a big problem. You some its there's, always some old thing to change. We gonna fix offered new enough about me, I'm working on my biceps in my studio and by the end of this crisis, I expect a really big arms in a kick ass studio, because I can I have the time there's. Absolutely nothing was done
from having those two things and if you have been picked out, something that you couldn't be better at well, maybe it's time, sir. Some good news in the past two days just just think about human ingenuity. So that's the context how good our people and how good they in an emergency and how good they, when everybody on the same team looking at same problem. At the same time, my fathers, as has been the: U S, a method that the others it there's gotta, be a long delay while we're making weapons. But man are you gonna, see some stuff it'll, be mind, boggling, Anne and its starting? Now? the mind boggling part to starting now here,
in forty eight hours. This is what human beings did just with ingenuity. We triple the capacity of doctors today. Just today did out. We did that might dense announced that the I think Sir Health, inhuman services is going to announcer regulation. I am not sure whether the word is that Let's say it's a regulation, but it or an advisory doesn't matter what it is, but it they're going to allow doctors practice across stay lights. Now, if you want to feel confident that your government consider that here, that's an idea that I put up through the high line,
ordinary guy sitting in the in pleasant and indirectly, though, is the law- the lamp and effectively triples that capacity, because then there would for for every city, that's impacted. There are plenty of doctors were not not yet impacted, we're happy. There retired doctors etc. So in forty eight hours we tripled, the number of physicians were available at least remotely stilled aliens on people. In last forty hour, forty eight hours humans figured out how to what droop all the number of available ventilators without buying ventilators. I told you about this that there's a there's, a quick little hack. You can do just using stuff, that's already in the irregular hospital. So no after you gotta go to workers supplier, whom Depot invited things. Some medical staff there,
his report, this turn of events later into a four person but ventilator. I think they they may end up staying with two, but that would be a Dublin so in forty eight hours- and this is not counting adding doctor, he's not going by new bandoliers or or making them. We could Jupiter ventilator capacity potentially and triple probably at least trebled deciduous my own numbers on top of my head, but something like that tripled our medical advice capacity, while forty eight hours. Our food supplies coming back our line. We have the most robust, mature, experienced food supply line, probably in the world. I would think
Maybe somebody maybe somebody has a better one, but I would guess we have the best one and sure enough snapping back snap in back. I would say if you could put a number of this, I would bet that the average person has reduced the number of contacts, and this is just for sizing this not any kind of real data, but from somebody like twenty five people- data- maybe five and most of the fire for the people in your family area. The people you're gonna, see anyway, I'm think about putting numbers. On this year we reduced from probably twenty five to five. That's just numbers are making up, but it feels like that number of tests gets. We we ve scaled up so that already anybody who a doctor says
she can test, can get it s pretty good. Now, we're way short of being able to massive leap, test everybody who doesn't have symptoms. You really know what you're doing, but there's all kinds of stuff happening. Companies are going into wartime footing the smartest best most poor people are just spinning of factories. I knows I know more than you do I'll, tell you more as the days go on, but there are some things that I've heard that pistol still yellow early incubation stage, but there are some heroic stuff happens out there. You know people are stepping up like crazy, so here's, my guess, is that the number of tests gets. Will you got off to a slow start, but when we start Kragan these out
America's still pretty capable and we're gonna crank and allowed tests, and apparently there's some kind of through breakthrough. The otter know how hard it would be to develop a budget dimension it for something you test at home. They get a result. Almah, yes or maybe you Melick, probably mail. I guess the still you can do the test, without having to go somewhere now uttered I'll, settle Catch Reykjavik scaled up as quickly as it needs to, but he don't count anything out at this point you can't kill anything out. We might be able to scale this up like you, ve, never seen same with all the other supplies from from masks the gloves to everything else. I can guarantee that there's a lot of manufacturing muscle going in there. I know a lot.
The number of potential meds they could be used to treat this. That now different countries are reporting are effective. They report its effective anything to her. I was trying to keep track of how many there are, and I think there are some like ten of now, simply like ten different methods that various countries have tried, written up reports is a year without the benefit of a clinical trial, they're saying, basically, everybody we gave us to get better and the people that didn't get it need. Not even close.
So I've seen at least three of the ten that the evidence you just again in a totally works, really promising and done what it would take to make more of these pills, but they can be used now, like the Manhattan project. It's a publishing operator faster and more build another one. We can make ills. The one about the record we set for getting a vaccine into a trial sixty five days did I get there right. I may have the wrong but tragic news, but didn't we break records? You you couldn't even imagine could be broken, sixty five days to get a vaccine them to trial and there's a whole bunch of others that are re behind it S. Amazing! Now, here's a year,
This thing thing that's happening world and I'm gonna tween round assumes a suicide, as is written up I'll. Give you more information about it, but there does seem to be some suggestion that blood serum from recovered people gives you some immunity and the other countries have experimented with that and they thought it worked. So here's the question you could you? Could you scale that up and have least stay a well thought out answer to that pretty soon, so people are stepping up and you'll know what came from when it happens. The New York Times, a despicable, had piece on Doktor drew his all that I recommend you go look for it, but rather the loving alien human with the so called flew deniers. There's a problem.
As far as I know, I need the fact check me on this, but I believe the doktor drew has always been a hundred percent compatible with doctors, algae. Who are you listening to me that if, if Doktor drew listens to the top experts in the country is running, the thing in his opinion is changed, is spending, but also so as to achieve in terms of what we should do and when right am I wrong? I'm pretty sure that fancies opinion of what we should do and when has evolved as as the situations of old my impression,
is the true match. Timid lockstep, as evidence gave out, is more facts came in. I think he was perfectly compatible. Am I wrong about that? I feel like I've been watching them both and I've seen I've seen. No I've seen no distance between her opinion and, in fact, doktor juice stops and says almost every five minutes. What he's talking about it here? There's Northstar is doctor foul cheese, and these known him from long before he's the best and any just conforms to is
expert opinion the citizens. So I really have a bad feeling about the New York Times desiring to me political hay and this especially medical professionals completely compatible with the top expert in the field and this kind of despicable. I think I think they have some explaining to do when this is over now again we'll do or autopsy when it's all over alarm people ass in explaining, but must focus forward that happened, can't take it back and go back in the basket happened, so listless focus forward How are you guys will, I have to say I'll, give you a little less road death of how my sword.
Attitude and worry has migrated. I think I was most worried. When I wasn't sure that the president was on his game. I think we all other feeling right. You feel like you get, you did a great job of stopping the airport. Travel can't take that away from them. That just will always be one of them. Greatest presidential decisions of all time, probably in my opinion that will now rank as one of the great presidential decisions, no matter what else you like or don't like about what he does her so you get it then with them, but his communication was all spotty and I want to correct myself and apologise to the president for criticism that I didn't realize. I didn't understand the full context, and now I do.
And the criticism was that, when the president, tweeted and in the middle of the emergency, that was a yeah blah blah it's a chinese flu or chinese virus I winced along with much of the country, because I thought our case young he's doing this thing worries the provocative draws. Attention is productive for abuses, it baby it makes the day savvy, etc. But, despite all that, it just in tone deaf to me, it's like now now now you can do that. I love it. When you do it in normal times. I mean nobody likes it more than I do you soon. You see me laughed until I cry his tweets and Eve see that yourself, but that now really. This is the time to do. The beers where I was dead,
I think some of you have the same feeling, maybe dead wrong completely wrong. Here's what the president did. He saw the report and by the way this is from the present, I'm not reading his mind I'll, tell you what he said directly today that the areas s press coverage why'd, you call it the Chinese flew because we're so down. We can't do real investigative journalism, but maybe if we can trap you into saying something provocative will take. Another contacts will so why'd you qualify these root. I believe that was exactly what they ask them. I think a nail, the exact wording and the president so who I forget what the report was its forget about this matter and says: why'd you why you going with the Chinese flew and the president dead serious
just look Saturday goes because it came from China. Now if you'd stop there, you know most of our souls. This is still in the ways out of want to care, and then he said, and then he said that a chinese diplomat. I saw the sweet myself is claiming that the virus was spread by the Americans service person, maybe intentionally in one, and the as I said that when there are rumours out there that America started the virus from that point on its ideas, flew out of use, got u chinese flu or chinese virus. I forget, but with all due respect to the people of China, let's not make this person, but if you're going to try to brand us with this with us,
Don't try to brand, they have children whom everybody s, children will turn off the sound or or ask them to leave the room. There will be cursing ready for that. There will be a person it's coming. I give you warning so you'll have yourself, in the context of the chinese government. Obviously, the chinese government to approve of this diplomat. And he was a minor diplomat but still use ambassador to some country, does man and So he says he blames United States for it now, if you- try to brand. The United States a good time, to do it would be if the present in the United States was maybe Obama present
the one you have a good time to try branding us with this would be bill. Clinton. President George Bush, George Bush, either George Bush That might about a good play. China but a good play to Tredah brand us for that, but You don't want. It doesn't work when the president of the United States is the best fucking brand her in the whole universe. Sorry, you're, not gonna brand, are fuckin. President you're, not gonna, do it he bread at them like they were cattle, and if you didn't catch it, women, Explain it when the president said it's a chinese virus. He knew fucking well, that it would cause a ship storm,
And what do you remember about it? Don't don't think what he said. Don't think what the question was, what are you going to remember about it? It's a fucking chinese virus is what you can remember. My president did that impression: good job. And what are we talking about chinese virus chinese virus chinese virus do all of you now know that China made the miss move, they ve ever made. They tried to brand doubled, fuckin trump like bitches, and it didn't work. He just branded there ass right back there one. I loved it, and so let me say I apologize.
For criticising my present for doing that. I didn't know the context and why did it but good move nice play and China don't fuck with me like that you don't try. Something else. Try hacking us! try and try better trade deal. You may have a chance, don't try fucking Branding President Donald Trump. That's just now The work done, the senior revoking dead. She swearing was done. The decreasing is over. Now. Let me tell you this story back to my original point when when the virus first started, I felt like it
president that off to a shaky start, but that, as I've said often the one thing you can't take away from even even his critics can't take this way from them. He is a really fast learner. I mean you seen him jump from industry to industry, lend arbiter of becoming president on first try well, wasn't first try, but he became president without practice of being president or a politician, so so here's why I feel so much better. I feel so much better because we're on a war footing, the president has fully embraced the war presidents model and boy. Is he good at it? so he wasn't really good at the war is ass. Bad ass, bad stuff has come a long way, but man, he given you, give him an enemy. Let's say China,
really gonna- that so you don't want to be as enemy and so There is just one part of the parliament. Very large machines. Working on this I would say that and have said this before, but the more say this, the more this is going to be a filter you're going to want to look at long before the coronavirus. I had told you that we were approaching. The golden age doesn't feel like it today, but we are approaching the golden age because we no longer had material shortages and they're, all of problems that remaining were information problems in disguise. In other words, if you had enough information, you can solve the viruses. The perfect example is purely an information problem that is disguised as a medical problem, because that's the
come of not having the right information but watch our information acquisition process, seven billion human beings along the same path in terms of the same objective, at least those that are paying attention. Each of them have hands and eyes and ears. Means and they're all like little sensors and all others sensors in the form of human beings all over the world are and seeing their world and their absorbing information at an incredible rate and filtering it. And finally, you what's good so the information that it would take to defeat the virus is moving very quickly, but the nature of it is, you don't say, the impact until it reaches some critical mass. So imagine if you will that our information, when from nothing fog,
war, if we had information, was more likely wrong right to something to something much bigger and we're sort of here right now we need to get here. You know something like Malta. All of that, but the rate at which were going. It's not gonna, take long. So the in the testing kids, for example, are information gathering. The the knowledge of what worked and wouldn't is information and knowledge about a change of ventilators. It helps for people the information it has operated if we knew or people is information the euro, even even starting up these little wartime factories to rapidly build medical equipment. I'll bet, that's almost entirely in information problem in terms of how long it takes because in an emergency you get rid of the obstacles. So here you got the money, everybody's unsafe badge: you go
skip some steps of approval and stuff like that. But imagine you don't have that friction you're trying to build an emergency factory in there's, no friction of complaints or policies or programmes. It's all been wiped away. What's left what what is the obstacle is left is pure. Prevention, because if everybody who is involved in the project suddenly could magically know exactly what to do, and here is the important part when now the words that there would always drive to the to the site, just as the site was ready for that exact piece. It debian information solution, so information, ultimately, is how we beat only six gets translated into technique and strategy in weapons against it in our efforts,
vision is increasing insanely, there's a story of Israel that israel- I know what you think about this before I say it- but Israel is apparently tracking every residents phone location and and knows a record of where it spam and their their crunching those numbers, so they can find out. If somebody is identified to have it, they can actually reverse the history and find out all the people went cellphones there were standing within infection distance and they send them a text message and say coffin guys used to next December, use it infected. Maybe you should stay away from people for a little while now that's what can be done now
Do you think that other countries couldn't do that? Of course, I could be. The more advanced countries will be better at it, but yeah. Every part of that is Is well within the quite doable range now, if you're wondering how is that possible. The phone companies already have a record all the time Where are you where you are with your phone? They just don't share it, but it's an emergency so apparently in Israel they shared in utter another situation with their phones over there. So how do you feel now? right because, under normal circumstances the public would say no often way you are not giving.
We everywhere I go, but in an emergency, if it's a difference between crash in the economy and not, would you allow the government to track you lot safer three months now, of course, you're also x, and you say Scott, Scots God. If we let them do it temporarily, they will build the capability and then they'll just do a permanently to which I say what reality airy living and they already have the capability do. I know that now course now it would be a state secret if, if anything like that were happening, but do you think there is any chance that the countries you can do it Now look into it right because now that Israel is announced at the castle of the bag, people can react to that. We can see how people react lab.
So I tweeted when I saw the story about the Israel situation. I said in public in the tweet I give permission to the United States government to track my phone for the duration of the crisis. Now course they don't need my permission right. That's what that's! What an emergency is, there's no point in having an emergency if they have to get my permission to do something they just need to do with the need to do, but it's gonna make it easier. Is. You're, gonna get wisdom more possible. If citizens say you know under every other condition, no way under this condition go for it, but go check in when check it again in three months, because you know you need a hard stop on this in three months. Maybe it neither maybe you need a federal judge or something appointed just make sure it is shut down. At some point, you can take care of it these these kinds of things
it could be fixed. So I would say that our leadership team is a plus you right out of you things. I was sort of waiting for to make a judgement on how competent the government was being one of them was to see how long it would take for for an announcement that doctors, good practice across state lines for the duration of the urgency least answers I didn't take their long. I don't know how long was in a week, but that's nice, pretty darn, quick in governmental, terms so you're welcome you not. I don't have any way to know that I wouldn't have happened on its own. I just know that I worked really hard on it and I do know that here the the idea got to the right people at the right time. So that's all I know, but one has to one
to think that view for every time you ever brilliant idea of doing something, roblee somebody else that idea, because it wasn't that wasn't so none of you, certainly the teller of people probably add that on top of mind, but if the citizens rotten along a little bit. Maybe we helped in some small way Sars look into that sit, a goddamn, because if that is simple thing, couldn't get done? What kind of confidence with you government really so that that was like a real marker of confidence to me that that there are no brainer thing indeed was treated like a no brain. Nobody push back. That was it no push back, I think, to celebrate. The other thing I looked for is whether politics
taking the side aside seat and when you see the year, the Republicans try harder to give money to the low income people to get through the crisis. That even the Democrats that that's true just you I'm just saying after I probably see both the Democrats and Republicans are trying hard sincerely to do something that looks pretty socialist, at least in the short run. No ill will call it a different thing: it'll be emergency, but it's got a socialist than the short run, so we're seeing people get the least in some sense of free healthcare. For this particular situation, the EU be eyes almost certain to happen and offering anyways painters school. That's at the moment, so.
Nobody under Republic inside well, maybe somebody probably somebody is, but I haven't seen it- they don't seem to be pushing back against doing something Andrew Young thought, was a good idea a year ago that we would expect their right if we're just being political. If you just being politically, it is expected that the Republicans was keep your socialism we'll work it out, but they're, not
so watching the Republicans become completely flexible. About what's on the table and what's not is encouraging is very encouraging some. He says some users, Nancy Policy is being political while she is also the other than approving some money, and now she has much of a role and which, like an executive branch thing once the once the converse gives a money and they have let's say just like you Governments, this isn't socialism. This stimulus and healing air you're also well trained that you don't want to use that word socialism, but
anytime you redistributing money from from the rich and the poor. Even if it's going through the government, you can call it whatever you want. The point is that the Republicans blocking any idea that looks like it could be productive. That's what you want to see if you want to have confidence, that's exactly what you want to see so that so if he asks me, every part of this looks like we're getting smarter and better, and if we're focusing on the past as a mistake, I think we can look at Essen later learned something what about the election with a virus? Tough going off! Well, I think we're gonna work it out. My guess is that November is a long ways away in emergency time. I've said this before, but in
more time. You wouldn't builder your retrofit you're your entire election process and do a quick lean get it done, but I have to think that after think that, in the context of an emergency, we probably have ten different ways we get near retrofits system and make it work, so people don't infected. So my guess is the primary is probably going to cancel. Maybe the convention will get cancelled, but baby. Both conventions will be cancelled. If, if one does both get but are another, we needed any of it because nobody's doubting the Biden. There's gonna be the nominee right now visually value. Do you need a bunch of people to be in a room to figure that out, there's gotta be somewhat
working so I'd, say: you're just be an inconvenience in terms of the political process and people working there. That's my guess. Somebody says: should I buy a gun? Well, probably duly probably do it s a personal choice. Right somebody says flew season ass to any sometime. Does it well wranglers loose? Do we'll see, I think, he's out everything I want to say. I think at top here must be ever good day over there, because my audience went over to watch him, but I'll talk to you in the morning. So stay I've stale
Transcript generated on 2020-03-31.