« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 789 Scott Adams: #Shampeachment Theater, Liz and Bernie, Lev Parnas, China Deal

2020-01-16 | 🔗

My new book LOSERTHINK, available now on Amazon https://tinyurl.com/rqmjc2a


  • Young people still believe “The News” is legitimate
  • Emotional impeachment
  • Robert Hyde and Ukraine Ambassador surveillance 
    • Nice try Rachel Maddow
  • CNN didn’t report the MAJOR China deal yesterday?
    • No pretense of being a news organization
  • CNN’s common opinion piece TRICK
  • Musical artist Akon building his own city in Senegal

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The post Episode 789 Scott Adams: #Shampeachment Theater, Liz and Bernie, Lev Parnas, China Deal appeared first on Scott Adams' Blog.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I hope you can hear me when I plug in my microphone after have already started. Sorry, I'm a little late, I'm late, because there's so much news There's news all over the place and skins fathers, the good guys it's the funny guy is the Es Guide and all you need to enjoy. The news today is a copper mugger, a glass attacks. Charles was again to injure flask of vessel of any kind. Would they re reliquary like coffee and join me now further unparalleled pleasure, the dopamine
they think makes everything better. These simultaneous go alone, three minutes late. Why good reasons good reasons when you see the quality of today's per you going to save yourself. I'm glad I waited the extra three minutes wow slowly away and so good first of all like to start with the Tipp. If you saw today's Dilber Comic, you know it's about the topic of people will repeat.
Themselves. Have you ever been in the debate with somebody who keeps repeating the same point and you say to use being you say to them now I understand your point, but here's what I'm saying and then they'll just say that same point again as if you had not addressed it. Here's what you do after about the third or fourth time that the pursue talking with says exactly the same point say, although the second limit. When we write this, don't you take a look note the paper you say I I will stipulate any right down the sentence. Bob says that it involved birds whatever it. It doesn't matter he pulled out all of his paper and put it on the table between the two of you face up. So I can be read, and then you start your conversation again and at that point
When the person starts repeating themselves, this is what you do you just reach over to the piece of paper. I just slowly move at a few inches in their direction and it's gonna make a mad, then way until the repeated again because they well and then again reach over and take the little knows that says exactly what they just said. You just move a little bit closer to them. Eventually the person we'll get really angry at you in store manner the room victory. Let's talk about the Democrats or less say the left Is in complete self immolation, they ve they ve turned on each other. Is a wonderful sight to see. You say you have all over. Did you see that didn't The story about Wendy Williams, marking, walk him Phoenix for A.
Say I don't want to say I'm not even gonna say, but it will say something It was one of the worst things I've ever seen on television when When I saw it, I thought seriously, you that's why you're marking earmarking the sky for that? public will she had to apologise and it's not up to everybody except working Phoenix to accepted or not, but the trouble this she got into is one more example of the left eating itself. But my favorite is: Michael more, who is quite distressed, worn and Bernie Sanders are at each other and he says they appeared in my films. I love them both. Why Elizabeth chose to stick a knife in Bernie's back is beyond me. Well,
it's not really beyond me. So let me explain this to Michael more, There's this thing called the presidential election. That's coming up and there's this thing called the primary There are people in the primary who want to win, and then they do things like that, because that's how you, when did it work totally. Now. A lot of you said I was with warrant sounds like you're you're causing trouble. You said he wouldn't your stuff. Bernie assumes bad sort of bad look and all that, but a day later,. Totally work. I would say that operation step burning in the back was a complete success. If you saw the panel that
Why sure most independence said well, the big moment from the debate was when Elizabeth Worn said that the only people in stage whatever one and the elections were, the women actually the others and one election. But they also lost, I think, ten elections, but the women had one every election tremendously good political point serve rum from the point of controlling the precision moving people's attention where you wanted to move it. I'm going to say Elizabeth Worn, a plus, plus plus sheet totally changed? The conversation made it about the sort of highlighted the fact that, as a bunch of we'll white people on the stage, which is bad enough, but at least there some
right because the day before that we are all talking about Ha Democrats democratic. The party of include seventy and they just got rid of all other people of color on the stage. Wasn't that's the story two days ago, two days ago, that was the story not anymore What's the story today, thanks to Elizabeth warn, the story today is hey. There are still two women on the stage in our way, during the fact that they have won all of their elections and that the men on the stage of ten lost elections collectively it's really good point into just in terms of politics, and as it is a good point in the war where there is a good boy, logically or rationally, or anything else, but politically, why so I'm gonna say,
Warren has the play of the weak political player, the weak, very successful? I think she actually change tell people are thinking about this good job. The other question is. Whose lie is burning lying when he says I never said a woman can't win or is whereas Elizabeth worn lying when she says they did say that I have the answer to that in my opinion carried binds, but if use of course we ve all seen by now, the clip of Elizabeth were not shaking. Was burning and CNN Cnn magically found a separate. Your file that they up up with video, so you could hear what she was saying and
with warm walks directly over the Bernie and says you accuse me of lying on television, I think did say on television or in public now. What? If I told you about detecting liars liars, say things such as what evidence do you have war? why would you make that accusation and based on what you that's, what a liar says. There's one an honest person says they get right your face and they say you're a liar now keep in mind, That is not clear. That weren't knew that this would be picked up on audio, so for suggesting she is smart enough to know that there's probably was an audio. Some have suggested shoes who did CNN see an end and she knew there would be an audio I can say it was that clever,
Like an honest moment. To me my impression. Is there she actually believed Bernie lied? I believe the that Elizabeth warrant believes her own story. I also believe because of everything the Bernie has said and done and his entire career he so credible to me too many of you, but to me he's completely credible, so you have two versions: the both believe their stories. I believe so. My opinion is that they both absolutely do believe they're versions of the story. How unusual is that not its two movies on one scream too people were in the room and when they left the room they had. Two different impressions aware happened in the room. How Usual is that zeal,
RO unusual activity of it see amid up a word unusual. Eighty, you can use it one of the things about being a professional writer. I started using the word: it could enter a common usage, so the unusual or maybe it's already work, but I doubt it. So let me give you another example of exactly this situation, which is also in the news. So there is a story about, let's see a gentleman Peter Lucy do whose Michigan State Senator now here's apologized. After a female reporters, any written, so a young something reporter was spent. Some time with this Michigan Stay senator, and I guess he said that there were. He was gonna, be meeting with some high school boys later and and said:
She should hang around because it'd be a lot of fun. According to him, this version is hey, you should hang around it's going to be a lot of fun hanging out with these. These guys from this high school hang around a little bit. She says that the sum version of it was that you'll have a lot of fun with those boys and the level of one with you, if you know what I read or some version of that, her version of a private conversation between two people she left the room and I think she actually believes that he said something were they inappropriate sexual tone to it. If you watched his response, he looks really credible when he says that it happened. I just it would be fun as nothing to do with any kind of sexual anything now possible that one of them is just lying right, but I don't think so. I think they're both telling the truth because
Actually like worn and Bernie, I think to people had the same experience but watched different movies and when they left, they both believe they're movie? How many We do need to see people experiencing to differ movies in the same place. Before you understand. Most normal thing in our experience, it's not the exception, because if you imagine that snakes what time you say all get one of them is lying. You know it's not it's not one of those weird cases where somebody saw two different movies in the same place. That would be weird. It's not That's the operating system of human beings were subjectively creating our own little environments and whirls all the time. It's the basic way we operate, which one understand that everything starts making little more sense.
So that's my preliminary, maybe it's my final conclusion: Warren telling truth ass. She sought Bernie telling the truth as he sought to people who are being honest. Although Warren, maybe a little opportunistic bye bye, bring that up at exactly the right time seriously. That was just a great great political play: ethical NASA but still within the realm of what we expect in our political process. Not that not that far out talk about talk about impeachment moment. Here. Here is an example of why it's better to boomer than the Duma, now boomers people like me, my age, we have a lot of experience. We ve seen a bunch of things help. Well, let me give you an example:
today, I saw message came in to me from social media platforms. There was a writer asking me if I would be interviewed foreign, he wants to write on the topic of love and persuasion, and because I talk about persuasion, he thought how I'll ask this cartoon this guy. If you will Some quotes from my article on love and persuasion. What did I say. Because I'm a boomer and it's not the first day on earth. I said nope nope now get anywhere near it because Do you imagine how many ways that would go wrong suit issues persuasion and love and the same conversation. Nothing You can go right from that point on whatever I would be quoted as saying would look terrible and of content.
Because it would be his contacts whatever his article was gonna, be, wouldn't be my context. Might be able to do it, but probably not I mean I don't even think I could do it. If I did everything I could to put it in the right context, it would just seem creepy. So that's one of the advantages of just being around a while. If I were twenty five and I got the same request, you know what I want to set free attention, I'm all over it. So and by the way, ok Duma, with the with a and dog as a response to ok, Boomer works really well, because it does seem that The younger people feel, like everything, is doomed,
do you know why young people think everything is doomed. Climate science is gonna, kill US president trumps gonna blow up the world. Do you know why? Because young people still believe that the news is legitimate. Imagine a lot of you were with say. Probably half of you are over forty I'm guessing roughly. I saw my statistics recently that spell right so about half of your over forty. Haven't you seem the doom and then just kidding process, just repeat itself we're all doom. I guess it's ok Oh no we're gonna die. I guess not. We're all we're running out of oil now so much. Nuclear war. Well, we didn't happen, You see it enough. You become skeptical of everything else, so the Duma, which is a perfect name for them because they ve been sold. This
story of doom are walking around in this weird doom bubble that I do not envy now when I was a child. I was I grew up in the era in which we thought Russia was going to nuke us at any moment. We actually had a nuclear bomb, shelter in my house. Now it wasn't very effective. Does it was just a basement but my father wasn't exactly a radiation expert, let's say so. We built little bomb shelter in the basement, and I I actually didn't think I would grow up to adulthood. I actually believes the odds were very good that I would be killed in a nuclear war.
Was my childhood childhood, where you actually expected, that was a high likely you die in the nuclear viable. Let's talk about. Let's talk about impeachment because I know you. Do that so I've been calling this an emotional impeachment, and
I think I've ever branded anything better, because once you consider that even the Democrats think there's no real chance that the president will be removed from his office that what was the point? Isn't a point of impeachment you're trying to remove him. But if you know that's not going to work, why are you doing it? Of course, is the political part and policy descended directly. She said that the president would always have this. The stain of impeachment would be doggie forever. She used your own words, but she basically put it in terms of ha ha. I gotcha
That said, ha ha I stay in you! That's why they did it because it feels just personal and emotional and completely irrational. Now I get that they think it's gonna work, maybe for elections, but that would be done because I think they should have been able to predict that it would help is fund raising it would galvanizes base exactly what happened. The same thing that happened, Bernie Sanders fundraising went through the roof. When Sanders when worn attacked him. So was policy not wise enough to know that this would work in the president's favour when there's a pretty good track record, to suggest specially with Bill Clinton to suggested problem. We would so if it wasn't removed from office, and it was
to hurt him in the election, really, unless you make the case that it's all about getting democratic senators elected the next time they haven't yes to do that, It just looks like it was emotional would like yours and emotional impeachment. So I've joke that so far, the impeachment trail, which, like a combination three movies: did you see the little impeachment prayed? Ok, I watch the impeachment parade live because I thought it would be hilarious. It was a little funnier than I had hoped because they were all tried to serious and somber after they had all been walking it up when, with Nancy handing out the twenties ceremonial bans that they're trying not to look like they're happy about the day, so they're doing the, Amber Mark. We are sobering, it is, solemn day,
solemnly large with our little black suit and Nancy's. But were wearing nor a little black suit and it looked like there were three movies that had been put together as a trilogy, the first movie, if you ve ever seen March of the penguins, it looked like a bunch, penguins you're young men. Were there the monarch penguin, I also know that these black suits or like or Bobo walking down, not talking to you march of the penguins. Then of course the trial is just go endeavour, I dont know how to go any other way. Its gravity diamond dumber, yeah, you, you don't have to wait for the details, this one is gonna be and in the end we know how it ends titanic. It's a three movie trilogy. Bargains Dobbin, Dahmer and Titanic. That's the whole impeachment trial, both.
Do you want to know how the impeachment should go? Let me tell you, I tweeted the sound and eat up people keep the accusing me course of always supporting the president and his team and everything, but I've said over and over that. I think the Republicans have totally botched their defence of the president terms and saw Ukraine thing in the quid pro quo and all that here's wise botched they did, and the Senate has as a chance to make good on this. So here's your, so what I tweeted in terms of how the Senate should handle the impeachment trial. Two steps step number one ask both the Democrats other through tat law.
Which lawyer, wasn't Feldman one of the one of the Democrats, lawyers embedded in the last round of impeachment hearings. He admitted that there was a look And then you ask a republican lawyer: doesn't matter who thoroughly. So question number one. You ask you ask a democrat lawyer and then you ask a republican lawyer, doesn't matter who thoroughly could be a young Dershowitz and you say based on what we now was a legitimate: U S national interest and unjust. What was going on with charisma and the buttons now the answer is gonna. Be yes, because both the Democrats and Republicans Republicans say yeah can add to look into that step to vote.
Just hope, because that's the only thing that matters the the Democrats have correctly wait, bamboozled and owned. The Republicans by making them talk about the topic of whether it was for the president's own self interest, it's not relevant. Smart and any, and every moment that the Republicans argued that it yeah argued the case of. Was it a quid pro quo? Any of those details about who said what who wrote? What who is me the sooner, the Republicans engage in any of that they ve lost, because most of the track from the Democrats is to get them to engage in all the details. It's a more you're thinking about the details. The more you thinkin about impeachment and the moors bad for the present. It just gets you in that
My god there's all this stuff. Why are we talking about it? It must be important because we're talking about complete mistake, total mistake, Even the house should have done the same thing we ve got. One question was a legitimate for the United States to look into this proves my Biden situation. The answer is, yes. Democrats will say: yes, Republicans will say: yes, that's the end. It doesn't matter if it's also good for the present is re election. It doesn't matter completely irrelevant the Senate should say this is a big, complicated thing, but it comes down to one question: was a? U s legitimate interest? Yes, say Democrats, yes,
The Republicans bipartisan less vote if they have witnesses well, the only reason have witnesses is. If they already know what Bolton and anybody else's can say, and then it doesn't add anything do, and what they really loves to bring Hunter Biden now grassroots arguing that Brain Hunter Biden doesn't make sense because he's not a fact witness, meaning he's not a direct witness to any the conversations between Ukraine and the President and the president and his staff he's outside of that circle. So therefore he's irrelevant raw completely wrong. Why? Because there's only one question. The one question that matters did. The United States have a legitimate reason to look into berries, and the buttons. How do you know the US with their question without talking Doktor Barton and saying we got a few,
oceans for you you're and roll over questions, but well at least find out if there is something that was sketchy enough, that the President have legitimate reason to look into it could be there's nothing there. I mean nothing beyond the the obvious swapping us that we see So that's. Why should go there's as others sub story, truly avi telling love, love Parnasse was a guess. Loose Associated was helping over in Ukraine and apparently there's a distinction that the Democrats are trying. Make between Giuliani working for the government. Doing the doing, what's good for the United States Versus was doing what's good only for trumps reelection, in other words, only something this person
for him and Giuliani apparently was telling people precluding love Parnasse that he represents, be very clear that he represents the president, not the government, so he's the president's personal turning, not the government. How should you doing Put that well, one way to interpret is ah that's prove its proof. It wasn't for the country is proof. It was just for Trump Zone, good re election. No, that's only one way to interpret it. Here's the other way to interpret it. Giuliani did not have official government say portfolio, he was not appointed, he was not elected. He had not registered as some kind of a lobbyist, I'm sure from a legal perspective. If you're a lawyer, wouldn't you like to make it clear to everybody that you're not officially working for the? U S, government.
Probably, would probably have some specific legal importance that he needed to say now, I'm not an official emissary from the government, because I would imagine that would put him under some different legal states, but here's the thing. If Julia they says I represent tromp. Can you separate that from trumps job the answers you can't I've had lost Lafleur's tract. I fired one of my lawyers last week. I got lots of lawyers for different phases of my business yeah there's a contract lawyers or some other kinds of lawyers and Here's the thing: do my lawyers, no matter what fields are working
do my lawyers make a distinction between me personally and me. The creator of Dilber was a job and a public figure. This was no. No, they don't because if they did a fire, because I am ache, Please person who is me personally and me my profession. He kept separate that so is mean to say Julia. The is the president's personal lawyer. It doesn't mean he's not concerned with the job of being president. Of course, he is because otherwise you can serve the the client, which is the person so I dont know that that means anything. The Giuliani studies personally representing the president, can you get really separate out the profession from that? It's not a thing. Now. Here's the folly of sport,
yesterday I here I heard this story and even understand and make any sense. Noticing my numbers and way down today must be because the impeachment son or people watching the impeachment live renew so this guy love partners will we got from the documents they were produced at the sky? Robber hide, who is a prominent from donors of some rich from donor, was making in some messages to live. Parnasse was suggesting that he had the Ukraine Ambassador Eu Vandeveer under some kind of surveillance, and I said those messages, and I thought what because when I read it, there's something in my lab. When I read it, I did not get them out of it
so a lot of people reading those messages and they seem to be getting some kind of a pointed out of it I wasn't getting one, I read it and it took me a day to figure out what are you what they were saying and what they were saying is that it seem to indicate that this rich Trump donor robber hide somehow was involved in direct Monitoring are investigating were like stocking this ambassador in Ukraine. When I read it. I just saw well that what like crazy talk, so my impression was looks like crazy doc. I didn't think anything, and I didn't even know what other people were saying. So he was asked by this is just the suggest so funny this is my favorite. The day, so it gets interviewed by Rachel Battle and
Debbie, he says no, that text message you saw was just this robber out this high guy uses drunk no matter how cleverly cause she's very smart weather. Rachel matter we're not with allegations super smart, so she sees the flawed. That's and she says that hides texts which were sort of up the same similar topic went on for several days.
So the explanation that he was drunk doesnt really fit the evidence and hears us. The best lack a part. Ass quickly noted he's drunk the whole time. Parnasse responded he wakes up and he's drunk. He starts as six. I've never seen him not drunk at the star, witness the best evidence they ve ever had a guess. This president, somebody you'd surgery here six in the morning, Can it be better that it can't be better than that? I mean really can be better that so so not only is Rachel Meadow interviewing the person, this love foreigners who
based on just a little bit. I've heard I thought was the least credible person on the planet earth. I thought to myself, you know your whole case is built around this love, Parnasse guy and from what I can tell- I mean I don't know impersonally what it feels like He might be the least credible person. I've ever my life, but he's not least credible person you ve ever heard of your life is the guy was texting him drunk as six in the morning. That guy was a little less credible. So if you look back at the messages- and you say to yourself- ok now, let's put the drunk filter on it. Do those look like drunk messages. Yeah yeah. They do they look bravely drunk to me. So there's that David newness getting little heat because I guess he had said
He didn't know who love Parnasse what's, but we have now learned. It was, I think, one phone call that Nunez Stock, which he says he did not remember now. If you're Democrats we react to that lie Liar He's a liar because he said he didn't know this letter love partners. Guy was, but now we have proof that he had a phone call with them. Well, that's what inexperience people say: here's what experience people say they say exactly what Devon Nunez said he said Congress, I'm paraphrasing, do you know how many people we meet and talk to an average day a lot How many of them would here?
Member their names and have some lasting memory of ten percent, twenty percent of all the people who need somebody does he actually remember their names a year later, no more than ten percent. So if you are an inexhaustible his person or, let's say an artist, you might say to yourself? Well, if you talk to the guy, he obviously knows them. If you've done anything in your life, that involves meeting lots of people- and this is my life as well. Do you know how many people like meat? Do you know how many people send me a message and I can meet today before I got on here, I communicated with maybe twelve people whose names I've never seen before that I actually directly had a communication
now most of them were on Linkedin people were messaging me, and I was just saying, hey responding to queries in quest stuff. So now there are twelve people just this morning, just today in my life I'm just miss, but in my life twelve new p, Oh entered my life ever One of them will remember that they communicated with me because I'm the Dover Guy How many of them will? I remember their name if I saw it again and they say aid, you remember, we talked none. Probably none. I write by might remember the topic, but I'm not remember One of their names, so what are the odds that Devon Newness is telling the truth that it was just many phone calls- and he doesn't remember it- I say close to one hundred percent
They carry miles, you never know you could be wrong, but that's completely credible, completely credible, so the people who say that you should remember just inexperienced there now not just wrong, probably just inexperienced, Let's see what else we got here, hilariously jeopardy. I think it was yesterday. One of the questions was about Adam Schiff, so Adam ship was the answer to a jeopardy question. Another the contestants knew who he was. So if you ever wondered, hey is the rest of the country.
Attention like we are those most of you are probably political junkies. If here, if you watch this periscope and it's easy to forget, the rest of the country is in paying attention to any this. None of it. Three very smart people on jeopardy didn't, even though this guy was when they saw pictural now its extra funny to me, because I've been age, jeopardy answer, maybe three or four times, and they always get it right so so when the jeopardy questions lash answers about me personally, I think at least one of the contestants has gotten arrive. Every time they have sometimes is better Dilber, comics
spare me, so I think I'm three two one advantage over Adam Schiff on the on the all important scale jeopardy scale. So there was gigantic news. Yesterday I mean really big news about Trump signing phase one of the China, I mean that's big, big news, so I went to read about it on the CNN. What website, but you didn't have anything, is the biggest news, and I looked at the CNN website and, like I see well, see then says about the chain. Trade deal crickets. There was one tiny little article. Over on the non emphasised part of the page about something bizarre that happened during the signing. It was something weird happened. I think it was just because
Talk about impeachment or something white. Whatever was that's it. That's like one. Biggest stories of all time and it didn't make the front pages. Cnn Gordon Chang, who I quote lots last I'm so is an expert on all things: in terms of China, North Korea and other stuff, and basically Although this was CNN headlines, the little square they had trumps truck China Trade Deal signing takes us a real turn. That's a little something surreal about the siting itself. Scorn. Jane basically said the deal is inadequate since fake deal, because China is not going to do anything they say and that the part about protecting intellectual property is totally
because they still have the ability to monitor and steal anything in the country. So I anything that has an electronic communication to it. They're gonna pick up in the country Susie for China to say: oh yeah, we won't force you to turn over your technology to us, then only do we'll just still so they can actually agree to work is not giving anything up. The ladder will just stay anyway. So Gordon Chang says it's a vague deal. Basically, I don't want I shall put words in his mouth, but certainly those who deal with some substantial holes in it. Do I think, that's true? Yes, yes, I do do you know it's missing and they haven't talked about
no Fenton is missing, so I'm not a fan of the China Deal because events and all is not the first thing that you deal you're not dealing with a country. You should be doing any business with it all. So we just made who deal with a country- that's knowingly, killing tens of thousands of Americans every year well that a gigantic failure. So up with that in mind, in my portfolio of criticisms of Trump. So when everybody says a you keep agreed with them all the time, but that in there
phase one trade deal. I would call a gigantic failure because they shouldn't even be able to negotiate until they shut down the sentinel dealers that there should be there should be a ticket to the negotiations. If that's in phase to really phase two you get away for that where it's not even part of the deal somebody said Trump did Trump talked about it. He mentioned arrests well until the major away to see an article on that as on being corrected in the comments that he did mention it. But but I don't see it in news anywhere, so
after dig a little deeper non airlines we mentioned at the ceremony, but it doesn't mean that they have actually done it. So here's the thing- and I shall say this a million times until this this message is all you can think about unfair national, There's one guy in China who's the guy, he's the main sentinel, this Pollys lesser ones, but there's one who the who are. And we have this picture. We have his name and sixty minutes actually him and talk to him he's not even our defined he's a public figure. We know his name, we know his and we told China he's Does a guy if you don't hear that guy's in jail or or executed, they're, not try anything else, they do is use bs,
So let me call me a giant sceptic on the China deal. I say decouple, let's decouple see what else would also going on here. Yes, so somebody saying that in the comments that. One guy these be dealt with. I had one critic today on Twitter, which is strange, usually there more and he tweeted back to me. That I'm a dishonest clam, I'm a dishonest clown, so I tweeted back to him How long have you been involved in the arts if you're new to this? You know that I mark people for being artists, because artist do not have a good view of the world. Have you
an economist probably, would have given me some reasons for disagree, so I said to him Michael Grant, who called a dishonest clown. I said how long You been involved in the arts and responded back. He has written a hundred and fifty books over forty years, since I said good for you, very productive I no longer want to get into debates with artists. I'm just going to note there artists and then move on. If you Try this! You really need to, because somebody says you're an artist. Let me give some context. Thank you for asking First of all, I'm not much of an artist, but it is true that I rate and I draw for a living in my book- loser think, which I am sure all of you have ordered by now.
We have haven't already read it. I talk about have having exposure to multiple fields, gives you more windows into every topic. I'm an artist but also I've got a degree in economics. I've got an mba in business and I've worked in corporate areas in everything from marketing to strategy too, name it so, in my particular case, are is my job. My actual experience is much broader than that. Yes, that is what I wrote my book sculled loser. Think I'll put it back here, see kid you can help me what else we got here. We get so Do you know the year the musical what do you call musical artist a com, a care when those views were not up on you,
Music is one of the most successful artists in the world and I think it Came from Senegal or that's that's where his family routes- or I can remember in Africa, but he's building its own city there so acre decided. Build its own city and cynical and is there can have their own crypto currency, and I love this I absolutely love this now. No I'm not going to say that it is going to build the best city I love, as are these trying and even says same thing was the point of having a billion dollars. If you're not gonna, go fixed stuff, I'm a big fan, I mean I was afraid of his meals. But when you see an artist of this stature, say what's the point having a billion dollars if you're not trying to fix the world. And then he goes out and we try to build a city in Senegal, I dont even
If it works I love what this guy doing for them. For the world for the way. We think the way we I just love these ably testing. I'm sure he wants this to be the thing that works, but whether so now- we can learn something- maybe the city after then, when the city, after that it is a good one, but going a gun. I like to think that in some ways I would be surprised if Collyer is not somehow and influence on this directly or indirectly cause you know, colonies, trying also separately to design and build lower cost structures for people living which stuff and there's just the best example, one of their usual pundits, just rights and anti term peace every day for their website.
They will then make a claim about usually tromp barriers. You then you have to read way way way down the article to see why they say it. So what you why you say that and there's just as best exists. One of their usual pundits who just rights and anti trump peace everyday for their website. This is it. This is how he starts it sure the sunshine and I can present,
from its, not waiting to be acquitted of em Peter Bull crimes. So, first of all he says that the crimes are repeatedly. That's not true, so the very some first sentence tries to get you to uncritically accept that these are in peaceful crimes. Well, he wasn't peached but they're, not really beautiful crimes, because we're going to find out that these Senate is gonna, throw it out. So I suppose, may be technically is But they're not crimes, there's no crimes involved or even alleged, so a CNN in new site, very first sentence accused. Donald Trump of having impeach crimes and yet there, on reporting has never suggested the crime, at least in terms of what's in people, and what's was on that. The impeach.
And then it goes on to show that no one can stop him. Doing what he wants to do. What that's what Europe is doing. He's trying to show the world that no one can stop him. Who is at mind raining? Where do you get that what facts a to have the trump is quote. Try to show that no one can stop in doing what he wants to do this, not in evidence at there's. No evidence of that. And those who even offer an argument, it just says it like its of act. They says no, Constitution Democratic House Code of accepted Presidential Ba Therefore, an Islamic grow up up up up up up up up up up up is going to railwaymen, so basically
nothing's going arrangements. The tenor of this is that he's gonna become a dictator because he's gonna get away with this impenetrable stuff that doesn't exist And their way down the article, I'm waiting for the actual reasons go so far as just a bunch of insults and accusations that domain the facts but way down for well. There must be some reasons. So, let's get to the reasons. So after him higher page of insults and live. Less claims such as crimes. Here's a reason. A week after a showdown with a rather nearly erupted into new war. The administrative is still defying congressional demands for more information about the rationale for killing. To run Tehran's top general now This entire story is based.
CNN and other people miss quoting the present. So when you, finally, to a it's, not even a real one is based on the misquote, because what the President said was that he believes for embassies would have been taken. They change that into he saw he he claimed he saw you now Intel. Therefore, specific embassies were being targeted, never said that he stated his belief. Therefore, on this This would be targeted. He's rioters wrong doesn't matter, it was a belief scene and turned it into a statement of fact that fact checked. It turned it into a statement that he was lying and then turned it into more of an argument that nothing will stop him and he's can only do undemocratic things. Things before it becomes a second term dictator.
This is so far from reasonable discourse. Rolling stone I had an article mad Tybee who what we call. It was exactly what he called CNN. I've got to read, them is good, but the summit I ve just went after see around us. Actually, for their part, were Abbe Philip treated the difference. The the disagreement between work and Bernie as being worn warrant is true. Because it must be true what warrant saying, because CNN has reported as fat now as smart people have pointed out, the number of them you ve, seen a bunch of people say this. The reason that CNN report
as a fact which had to be one of two people told them, because there were only two people in room, Bernie or Elizabeth, worn And then she said and then. And then I think was every Philip said that Lisbeth, worn confirmed was CNN reported now, Obviously Elizabeth or warmer people are the people who told CNN in the first place, if, if Warren confirmed it, there's no confirmation is still the same source is Source said something that the other source says didn't happen so foreseen and treat it like it's a fact, Because they got it from worn and then instead, it was true, so was confirmed. They turned one fact into two facts right in front of you.
Is there not even trying died. So as Turkey girls and pointed out that you be pointed out and rolling stones, Stone CNN is just stopped the they ve stopped any pretence of not being a political player, any any thought of being a news organisations, sort of outer door and it's amazing, to watch because, as I said before, the Duma there's still think its news. The Dumas Watch MSNBC and they watch CNN and they actually think they're watching the news, though, not snapped the news anymore. That's that's what it used to be. I would like to close by saying if you ever tried to male letter recently I
So yesterday I had these W2 succumb to me. They come in these envelopes, the size and I needed to mail them out to my a couple of systems, and I thought to myself male things, it's been so long since I put a stamp novel opened mailed it that I was having a little trouble remembering how to do it. So the first thing I need to do is get these things called stamps, and I thought I had some in a drawer here. There's a little jump drawer In my kitchen sure I saw some stamps and there some time ago, so I looked through the door and I looked again because I knew their stance and I couldn't find him I looked again and then I really looked. I took each item out and really look and the stamps we're not in the drawer.
Now all the men watching this. No, what happened next, I don't even have to say that export doing so. Finally, after several times of what use of this one drawer? I didn't look at where anywhere else I knew it was in the drawer looked and looked confined it. I went to Christina and they said. Can you help me find the stamps I think they're in the store, but I can't find it so she said sure, but I think we said it when I was in the car within right down to remind ourselves and forgot- and I thought about it again, but she was busy I thought about it again, but she was out of the house. I thought about it again, but I was busy it took me one week to find it when christine- and I were both available to save time and in my kitchen so that she could open the door and do this here- ego harrier stamps that are right here-
Here you go now. You already knew that's what gonna happen right. This is a basic male female difference. When I looked the drawer I just see, noise and is really are forbear began. An item. When she looks in the drawer, she sees all the items like how just some gonna male female difference. I guess she's Isabel, so she says here's your steps. I spent probably thirty minutes total on different occasions. Looking through that door without finding those steps. So now I've got my stamps and I thought to myself You know how many stamps to pull out the letter because its, not a regular size letter. So I've got the website for the: U S, bs dot com
for the information on like how much postage to put on it, and luckily I've got it a postal scale behind me. So I take out my postal scale. I go to the website and there's no example of this, Yeah yeah sort a guess: well maybe sorted this thing that thing, but not really a direct answer. Some sort of guessing. So then I use my scale and the batteries dead. So I've gotta go find a battery to put my scale so I can way my envelope. So I can look on the website figure out what the postage is get my stamps put around the lever. Now I finally figured out roughly what the postage would be, but I figure all doublet cause. I don't wanna go light, so I take my stamps and there are these four, her steps- and I look around I go
what's a forever stamp, I mean, I think I now Positive, I know, does a forever stamp work for any kind of animal. Is it a specific value, or does it say that anything that system evolve. Lobe will always be this so after Google. What's a forever stamp But I don't have enough forever stamps. I've got some other stamps with a value on. So I'm looking at these unlike, I just put too much so I just over postage and now I'm going to take him somewhere like will I put him in the mail box and put the thing up, but sometimes I don't take it drive into the european store because I had another package at the drop of anyway. And I think all together I spent half a day trying to pull stems.
Novel, open mail. I thought to myself. I did not like the stamps they were. They were self licking stamps man we gotta get rid of the post office. Let me ask you: this is listen, listen! If Amazon com offer to buy the post office and privatized it. Would you be ok with that? I would because that post office should be taking the mail that I get scanning it and even earlier to me period. I should never get a piecemeal. Let me tell you my other male problem as such four years ago I created a rule where no, U S. Mail can enter my house, it can only the garage, because the garbage is so I always saw my mail in the garage because if it gets in the house it becomes a big pile of garbage in your house
and almost all of the. U S, mail is garbage. Almost all of it. So. I started in my grudge so that it can get my house but my main man keeps thwarting me because kill him if he has a package, will bring it to my door and then to do me a favor he brings the male also to the door. Well then, I love my mail. Man is a great guy. But I don't like mail in my house, can you bring it? My garage do should ever be mail in my house was not a nothing. I will talk to you all later.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-05.