« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2352 CWSA 01/13/24

2024-01-13 | 🔗

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Lap up up above the phone booth one good morning, everybody and welcome to the highlight of human civilization. It's called coffee with Scott Adams and pretty sure you've never had a better time. This is going to be an amazing morning for you full of entry, interest, special interests, human interest, epic adventures, if you'd like to take this up to a level that well humans can barely understand all you need, for that is a copper mug or a glass, a tanker gel sustain a canteen, jug or flask of vessel of any kind fill it with your favorite liquid. I like coffee and join me now for the unparalleled pleasure that dopamine the other day the thing that makes everything better. It's called the simultaneous sip it happens now.
Very good, very good top. Then one of the best observer, hey. Let's talk about the news, I don't know why this is news, but the facts. Whose has reportedly killed build, called hold, not build. They pulled the pillow advertisements for my pillow and Michael and though there were no reason given, but there's a code. And a sudden thought that apparently make window has his own network that you, Michael indelible, started his own network for new And apparently, Michael and hired an ex fox news guy like what's his name, why am I forgetting his name? You wonder you spoken luther.
Yeah so, and so Michael and L hires Lou Dobbs, who used to work for fox news? I think they had as similar opinions about the accuracy of the last election and and fox news pulled, the advertisements, in other words, a fox news, was no longer willing to take money from MIKE lindell, especially radical. Is it that you know what no no longer willing to take money from you? What are your biggest advertise interesting, but they got plenty attack. That money is take tax and advertisements, no problem. What what could possibly be the problem here, yeah no problem, so that's probably exactly what it looks like fox news would be a competitor, I guess with Michael Adele, so they just wanted to cut connections. That's not actually too surprising yet were at once once he becomes a competitor
and you can expect them to play along alright to NBC. Has a news story today about was sciences discovered about a giant ten foot ape that lived two hundred thousand years ago in China. They found some bones, I guess, but they figured out what killed the ten foot huge apes? Can you guess you and take a guess? Climate change. That's right! According to NBC news, our sciences now so good that we can tell what a monkey was seeking two hundred thousand years ago. They actually make their claim, as they say that the climate made it difficult for them to get their normal food source and, unlike the other apes, okay, it's named not a monkey while, unlike the other apes who adjusted- and you just found other food sources, these big ol apes- they were too dumb and they decided not to diversify the food, say sources, so they they died. So climate change kill the big the big apes.
Now remember, I told you that you can't understand any other news, a lesson of the players. Now, allegedly I don't. I don't have confirmation of this myself, but people who seemed to know more than I do claim that NBC is a big ol cia propaganda operation is it? How would I know- and I wouldn't know but I'll tell you what if they were, they would act exactly like lists. What what are you thinking,
Close to you, when you hear that something, that's it a little bit like you know an upright walking. Probably ten foot ape note. You say to yourself: ah, if climate change killed, that big ape, aren't we in danger? Yes, now obviously there's not a direct connection between the two hundred thousand year old apes, animal and humans, but your brain doesn't know that your your brain will say: uh, oh, it killed the big ape just like me. It must be ready to kill me too. So this is the kind of story that you would only expect from somebody who has tried to brainwash him now. How many of you think the science actually knows why these apes died two thousand years ago. You think you really know that you'd think the science could figure out what the apes were thinking and why they died two hundred thousand years ago that the absurdity that they would want us to believe that something they can do or they can now.
Very funny, actually you're saying to yourself scott. Can you move that microphone is, is putting an annoying shadow on your chin? How many of you were thinking that just now now you were thinking that now it's all better yoga, alright! Well, all of you as puzzled as I am why the following story is not being carried by all the major news organisations? Is there something I missed whatsoever day wrong or something? Here's? What I think happened. I think I think they're dead, representative him
burgette and a couple other of the people in congress had access to a skiff, the top secret, most secretive place. You can ever go to look at materials that are so secretive. You can't even make a copy, so you have to go, see the originals in a special little secure building, because that's our top top top secret. Nothing is more secret than stuff, that's in the skiff, so of course the representatives can tell us what they saw as They get to say about, but top secret. So what did timber shed say after you saw the stuff? You said that was obvious to the people who were with him and to him that David crush the whistle blower about eu of ours is legit. Now David rush says of the: u s has in his possession new.
Press down your foes and also what he calls biologics. In other words, parts of the aliens themselves are gathered in big warehouses and that's well known, has been going on for years and according to timber shed and the top secret information which he can't be more specific about. He can tell us that everybody who was in the skiff believes that the whistle blower is legit and the earth is being visited by some kind of advanced intelligence, either from outer space or for them the inner core. or possibly the ocean or possibly north korea, because we don't know what's going on up there or what do you think about that? Ah
another representative who goes name, but he had a great answer for why congress cake it better answers from the government about the EU efforts. Were you a piece? I like to go and what you said was you can ask these guys questions but if the is only allowed to answer in their little domain. So it's actually possible. This is hilarious to me. As the author of billboard, it's possible that the government is so.
Incompetent that every part of the government only knows one thing and that the government collectively doesn't know if the aliens are real or if they have thus right. I actually believe that the government as an entity doesn't know if it has in his possession aliens now. I know that sounds ridiculous now that we know what I mean is that if we added aliens which I'm super skeptical of, I don't think we have any aliens. Where are the spaceships and I'm going to say that forever, like you, I'd, have to touch up myself to believers in alien spaceship? No, I don't think the iranians, but I think it's fascinating that the information that the government is so compartmentalized and, of course, every government employee knows I can only talk about the thing I know I'll get fired. If I talk about anything else, it may be the you can't ask enough questions to find out what's going on, because there's nobody who could tell you not only what they do but how it connects to other people, and without that you wouldn't know, what's going off so and the I figure which politician was yesterday said, if you don't know to ask the exact question: they're not going to help you because they are all.
answer, the exact question. So if you said to them that whistle blower says you have I'll just be making this up, but the whistle blower says you have to alien your foes. Is that true? Now it's not true. What did you learn? You didn't learn whether or not there is aliens, because you didn't ask the question right, you should have asked: are there any do we have amnesia, so I'm just making up that example of the point is it might be that the government is so ineffective and distributed and bureaucratic that almost nobody in the government can even answer the question. Do we have any aliens? So presumably there would be a very small number of people with a real answer if we had real aliens, but I don't think we have relays do not. I think I think it's a cia op. I think the op is being played on these members of congress. I think timber jet is being played. I think that they they've identified him as a gullible, I hate to say it cause. I can't like you know when I, when I see him on tv as a bluff. I say to myself I'd like that. Guy, like he'd, be somebody you'd hang out with and have a beer like. He just looks like a real nice guy and he looks like he is actually trying to do the right thing. You know he gives off the vibe of an actual citizen who got elected
If there was the help- and I think that there years ago I think their sincerity is what makes him a little bit vulnerable now just speculating, I don't have any. I have no information yet to directly say that, but I'm pretty sure we don't have the aliens. So if there was anything in a skiff the suggested we all were, we absolutely have some aliens that had to be our intelligence. People distracting us right, because while this was happening and the lawyers the other day, I looked, I saw a video clip about this. This topic yesterday and I said to myself: oh I better catch up on the story must be a big story in the press, because, if time, if members of congress are talking about it, then they have this experience and they had this revelation that these aliens are real. Thus like the biggest story as it did, you see that story anywhere in the press. Did you see or written anywhere? I saw. I did a google search and or a bunch of videos that probably all pointed to the same video, why? Why would there be like a youtube, video or two, but nobody wrote a story, members of our government,
just confirmed that our government has alien spaceships embodies now confirmed. I dont mean it's true because I'm sure it's not true, but they thought. So there are members of our government. We saw secret information from our government and then told the public yeah. True, it is not an see, then there's no written article about it.
What does that tell you? What does that tell you I mean to me: it tells me the press knows it's not true, but what else could you conclude? It would be the biggest story, not just of the week of the year of the decade of the century, of the entire history of humanity. It would be the biggest story of all. There would be no bigger story right and the disappeared, the biggest story in the history of humankind. If it were true, we'll see it and decided that wasn't newsworthy. Here's. What I think I think at the top of the news, pile
They know it's not true, and so they don't want to be the embarrassed ones who write about it so that there may be everybody's hoping somebody also cover it like. While I hope you guys cover it, because this one doesn't seem too true to us and just think about the fact that timber shed is a republican and I'm pretty sure the fox news didn't cover the story, then that the fox news coverage in let's say read for they may have had a video, like others, did it's weird that exists only in video. they're, making a disappear Bernie well anyway, so might be some kind of adobe situation. However, up that's accidental or intentional rose. Tromp was a lawsuit. I guess who's was really the new york times over.
We're reporting that his financials and I lost so he's going to pay the legal fees four hundred thousand dollars. So does that tell you that trump lost? As yesterday four hundred thousand dollars Hmm, that's what you call wedding. If I were these reporters, I would say to myself I sure hated my last year, as I just spent a year defending myself in court and buying lawyers and borrowing money and shit yeah. That's great! That's great! That I'll get reimbursed, but I just lost a year of my life. You think trump is happy with the outcome. Four hundred thousand dollars
sunday warning signal to anyone else who would use what I'm guessing was: maybe not the most confirmed or information, or maybe they didn't put it in the quite the right context. They showed both sides. I dunno what the claim is exactly, but don't you think it sends a chilling message to other reporters that if you're going to write about trump, maybe you'd better stick to the facts. They are really sure about. Don't you think I so I would call it a success for four hundred thousand dollars at his level of wealth to send this a warning shot across the bow of reporters who might be looking at more or less say speculative stories about him as a brush back pitch
he got his money worth. If that's, if that's the end of the year, the story, it just cost him four thousand dollars, he got his money's worth yeah. Do you want amiga podcast spotify has gonna a platform that lets you make one super easily then distribute it everywhere and even made money all in one place for free is called spotify five about gases and years outworks spotify for podcasters less he record and part gas re from your phone.
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The view w w does spend five come slash upon gases to get started. So I guess, on a monday, Iowa goes to vote for in the primary for the Republicans and the big stories about that. Our number one, the weather so fairly, the snow is just insane, so they the ability of our old people, especially you even get to the polling places and or the caucus places. I guess I would be very limited now. What does this tell you I'll? Tell you I'll tell you the message, I'm getting from this every time you think you are in the system where the system is you working to express the will of the people so that the people can see, for example, that their vote counted then they picked.
Well that they work, I feel like there's always is like charlie browse for all, there's always a little at thy poland, the football back just before I get an eye.
Like the idaho results are going to be based on the weather. Does it feel like that to you? They basically had to say about this: the vache just absolutely blanketed, as they like nobody's ever done before. Not only did he cover more of the precincts, and yet he covered every one which, which is called the full grassley. He did a double grassley and then kept going. He did a double grassley. He visited every precinct that I know twice twice, never been done before, just absolutely out. Just absolutely was just all over the state and then it snows it could be. It could be that none of his work will make any difference just because of snowed like that's our system, thus how we pick a president by the snow. Basically, so I dunno if the snow suppresses democrats the same amount as it is suppresses republicans, but no republic, republicans huh,
older, I think they do don't. They republicans tend to be a little older, and if I saw a snowstorm I'd say fewer older people are going to go outside on the ice and then just so so good luck with that now vickers are confidently predicting a surprise. Now I dunno what a surprise looks like first place or strong strong showing at and what that would be, but he might be right and this would be a good test of the polling. I think there's a good chance that the people that vega is attracting to show up are exactly see it see if you think the situ the people he is attracting are very much exactly. The people don't show up in poll mri as the pollsters, you know, they've got a problem cause or they got land. Lions that are polling, and then they do online polls by young people, don't bother David, read them and you know a general poll of people. Don't care about. Politics is completely different than the poll of people might actually show up at a primary or caucus right I mean those are pretty dedicated people, so is it possible that awake is reading the room correctly because he did have big crowds and big crowds if the size of the crowds was the projector? And you didn't believe that the polls could, you know, dig down deep enough to find his supporters specifically. He might have a surprise he might actually. He might actually pull this off. It was a fun party game. I was playing this yesterday. Some of you heard me is to imagine that the founders of our country- america- you know the the famous ones, your Ben franklin's and your george Washington's and Jefferson's and hamilton
What that and then map yourself into one of the founders, just ask yourself are a which one would I be in which ones closer and then fill out. The other words I see, so you get one free pass to be a founder yourself. I chose John Adams, so you know most will pick my cousin is that because I felt a little like John Adams in the cruel situation, because we feel like we're in a new american revolution, especially with a vague but also with trump, and that, in order for many of us to get the president, we want.
We have to know or understand. Is there some big uni party power behind politics that we don't see directly like you need to know they're right, but doesn't it feel as though both the vague and trump are a new american revolution against these hidden powers that maybe we don't even know who they are? I dunno. If that even exists, I don't even know exists. I know there are a lot of people pretty sure it does, but I don't hear names and you know I received facts, but it feels exactly like that. Doesn't it we'll talk about that a little bit more, but it does feel by coincidence that we have something like the founders have lined up the vague maps into thomas jefferson really easily, because they're, both bigger than big and smarter than smart and more patriotic than patriots. Like that thomas jefferson, yeah there were, there were a lot of smart people, but jefferson was smarter than the smart ones, as for Vache is not just smart, he's smarter than the smart people and jefferson to the louisiana purchase the american revolution and that's about the size of the change. The vegas saying he'll do seventy five percent cut. The government you know goes on a wars, basically huge changes, so that's that's very jeffersonian and then it does seem like a maybe trump feels a lot like george washington
well because trump seems like the one who's going into battle, is actually fighting. He is literally fighting the law, fair that the cannons of the the system, Sir George White, so George Washington. This area is marshaling, the army you're, the the mega army or whatever it is against the the tories or whoever it is we're fighting and then it seems very much like elon musk is the modern version of Ben franklin. Now. Does he fit the the the Does he fit the model of a revolutionary will assess the wall street journal? The wall street journal just wrote. The those bullshit stupid fucking article you'll, ever say that that decides that
We whenever you think of an elon musk, you should think of donald trump. As the same same person, you fuckin assholes you goddamn pieces of shit in the wall street journal. What are you doing with this article? What what are you educating us on what news as this? This is pure fucking propaganda. This is disgusting. You should really be ashamed of yourself.
This is not. This is not up to your standard. I usually have a lot of respect for the worse for you, but this is not up to your standard. This to me, looks like a pure hippies thither. Trying to disguise is some kind of opinion journalism. Important story, it's not important is not. Journalism is now fox news. They say hippies on one of the most useful americans in the history of the fox republic. Why? Because I feel I must runs a platform that doesn't always hate donald trump. That's that's why it exists, or at least less why I got published. I can't read the mind of the writer, but I can tell you it doesn't have news value, so you do the math right.
Amazing amazing and how do they say use the same because they both use twitter really well, that was one of the biggest evidences that their populists who use twitter really. Well, how exactly do you write a hit piece about a populist? Doesn't that sound almost like that's backwards? What the hell is a populist except somebody that the people really like once they get along and they really agree with them once they get to know that's what a populist is somebody who's popular because they're doing the right things according to the public, so that they've got to make populism. Look bad because trump does it trumps the best populist ever I dunno, maybe of all time but elon musk is definitely a populist as well in the sense that he's tried to do things that make sense of her popular. I don't think he does it because her popular you that's obvious, but
It does seem to be very dedicated to what would be good make sense, such as population increases the liquids and so got that going on about many of you saw the the ai created. George Carlin stand up comedy how many of you saw or listened to that clip and embracing it. So the story was I I had finally done what I said couldn't be done, which is re humor. There was high quality humor and the fact is good is the real job
scarlet. So there is at any of those going around, and people were impressed because this that the writing seemed to be almost human like quality, and I think I tweeted it before I listened to it. I listened to one joke or something, and I thought the joke was lame. So I thought well, you know it's wordplay, so probably a I did write it So I spent the time to listen to more of it and about five minutes in it was super obvious that I did not make the day I didn't make. I thought they I really made it. That was re. I hope in the weeks, so it was confirmed by the weather was a real there. Were it wasn't here, but.
Years, I'm going to give you, while I guess I'm giving myself a pat on the back. It took me just a few minutes of listening to it to know it couldn't be a. I is a. I can do that. The I can't do that, so I was pretty sure they. I can do that and sure enough it did. Then it became you can't even come close. So here's what I did that was my tip off part of the comedy- was that George Carlin was insulting god for creating us, Creating all these diseases to kill us now on one hand, that's all that's very george parlors is right right in his sweet spot. On the other hand,
There is no ai that will ever insult. God is not going to insult god, and it's certainly not going to mock people of diseases. It's not going to do that as soon as I heard, the god part as a coma and there's no way. This is a I, but then then the story was okay. It was written, it was written by a human and we know the name of the human. They admitted, I think, at the end of the video it actually says, selection. Somebody says the end of the video which I didn't get to. He reveals that it's not real, but the claim is that the the impersonation of george Carlin was a I even the impersonation didn't sound like him. There was a one thing. This I was like George Carlin didn't sound like his voice. The writing we actually was pretty close was like a sound like a human imitating george Carlin, and I picked it them immediately. Now. The only reason I watched it, let me give up willow. Grenier is at that greg, garfield and watched it, and he sent me a message and said. I probably shouldn't tell you what private messages people send, but he wouldn't mind. I don't think I said this as a look real. Does it so Greg who writes jokes for a living and understands your writing. Of course your best selling author. It took him two minutes to say this Gabriel, and then I looked
I looked at it and it was like this scabbard. So edible is a professional, professional writer and professional humorist, especially, is here right away that this did not fool anybody who is in the business either as a no labels. It's a third party group and they've got a big pack and either going to be raising money to run some third party person in two thousand and twenty four who is not yet selected now? What am I told you about how to understand that news stories? What I always tell you is: if the only thing you know is a story, you don't know anything. You have to know the players in the story and how they're connected, and then you understand the story. So, as the only thing I told you, as as third party group and they're raising money for
third party? What does that tell you not really anything? Actually, mother, because you don't move you're gonna run you hundred who they are? You don't know it's legitimate. There really know anything Well now, I'm going to tell you the people involved and watch watch all the gears? Go. Click. Click. Click click, click and format, an entire. picture for you I want to, I don't need to connect the dots I will, but I don't need to listen to this. See the person in charge. The group will be led by kathleen shanahan reprieve. firstly served as chief of staff to former florida governor job bush Republican, And worked as an aid to former president george Bush,
the former vice president dick cheney, any questions, or are there any further questions yeah? This is your confirmation that we don't live in a republic. This is your unit party confirmation. The republicans are trying to take trump out as much as the Democrats. There's only one way that that makes sense that we don't have a real government. There is no other explanation for this now, as they tell you all this, because we really think this third party is viable.
Well, that's not true right. If you'd rather not tried to actually elect anybody, nobody thinks a third party can get elected. The only reason for a third party as if you're true believers. Do you think that this ex chief of staff for these three major republican establishment people do you think she is? She is working and have a true belief about helping the republic. I don't think so. I doubt it. It just looks like she is
working for the establishment republicans. So why would real establishment republicans want to run a third party? Do you think they're doing and help trump? Do you think that the chief of staff previously of georgia have both a jab and a george and dick cheney? You think that person has decided to help trump? No, no. No so remember, vex are warning that the
We'll play is to bump trump out one way or another, whatever it takes to put haley in, because she is the unit party candidate that will spend their money on wars. Now. That sounds pretty conspiratorial crazy. Doesn't it honestly it sounds a little crazy except every piece of evidence that we can confirm. Seems to me very compatible with our point of view. Now I'm open to the argument that there's something in our reality. There would tell me that's unlikely where there were wakes prediction that the election will be rigged by not just about necessarily rig by who is allowed to run in the end, the others. The final two.
It, does look like that. It looks exactly like that. So I'm not saying that I'm totally endorsing the the protection that will happen, but the vacant has a hypothesis which fits the facts. If he is right about this well, he probably is an alright yeah. That's pretty much confirmed that we are not what, whenever you thought about living in republic, I think you can throw leisure away. I dunno what's going on exactly, but this is pretty much proof we're not living in any kind of election. No republic, Democrat
Or something else has happening alright. Now what else and Biden administration is looking to reclassify marijuana as a level three drug, because it's not as dangerous as the level ones according to initial research and now? This is why I have been promoting that we should have more trans people in government. I mean I say it all the time. You know what we need: it's a lot more trans people nears why yours is a perfect example: racial levine health insurance services, as is secondary,
She wrote a letter to the drug enforcement administration in which is basically advocating for making marijuana schedule three, so that is good work, Rachel Levine and all of you haters when your anti trans stuff well, the joke's on you, because Rachel Levine's doing some good work here. According to me, you don't have to agree with that by the way. Now I can we can we do some npc stuff. I like to do the show for embassies, as well as the rest of you who are actually real people, because I haven't pcs will watch as well, and I liked the service everybody I now I, if you're an npc the way to look at the question of marijuana, either legalization or change in scheduling. Is this ah assume that everybody who smokes marijuana is injured or or nobody who ever smoked marijuana had a bad experience,
and also you must believe that marijuana is either completely good for you all the time or completely bad for everybody all the time and then make your argument based on that now the people who are real people not in pcs
You are still allowed to look at the pluses and minuses of violations, so you can say, for example, it appears as Scott is getting more benefits than costs than that, because he uses it medicinally and reports. Many many benefits and his life appears no worse for it, but you can also say equally true. I know this teenager, who is ruining their life, as the marijuana is sucking all the joy out of them and turning them into porn addicts. Also, true, also true, and it's a tough question in a free society, whether I get the freedom to use it in a way that, as far as I can tell, is all entirely productive and makes me happy- and I couldn't be happier.
At the same time, I do know is gonna kill that teenager. I do know that right and I don't want that. What do you do? Well, that's why we have governments but rachel a really good job. I met. I met the dumbest store in the news. California reparations believe it or not. This is still a story. Now you remember the background that a government do some authorize a commission to go study the questioner reparations for the citizens, the slaves and when the recommendation came back to give one point, two million dollars every person who is eligible for oppressions governors and said nothing?
worse that I don't have it. I don't hate it. I don't criticize it, but I'm not accepting it and what he said was not that it was wrong or bad. He said he said you know it's more. It's about more than money reparations about more than money as well. You know fixing systemic, isn't a variety of ways, but the issue is still there and I would like to point out the following. As long as this issue still exists, in other words or stolen active question in California, he can, he can never be elected. Pressed a Republican would bury him on this, even though he didn't accept that there were, he would be forced to say I do not accept reparations even after I formed a commission or he's going to say is still on
yeah, then I haven't decided either one of those he can't win. He cannot win because there are a lot of white people in lava states who say what if he gets away with that in California, the desert. My state is going to be talking about that tomorrow and I'm going to pay because a hair gel hitler. You know: did this clever thing in California, that is the most Disqualifying issue of all issues I've ever seen, I mean he literally would be running for president on a platform that he won't guarantee taking money from white people to give it to people of other races, not just taxes, but just take their money because they're white, because they're white and give it to black people. Because.
What I didn't get elected with that it's impossible yeah now there isn't any way he can be elected to national office. So all those of you said and by the way I used to think those two they would have a serious shot at getting elected. Now he kept there as long as reparations are out there. He cannot get there. There's no way he's going to get enough, william,
would should make that happen or rumbles under attack. Big surprise cause the rumbles a source of free speech, and so you you, you had to know that the government will come after them sure enough, there's a short seller, that this is a claim from the president of rumble that a short seller put together report of bullshit senators, the scc and the scc said we're looking into it. If somebody had reported there, some bullshit, then the same person who reported it goes to the press and says: hey, don't look at me, but the scc is is says. This is serious. Now, when assured seller is somebody who makes money if they can identify a company whose stock is gonna drop like a rock, so one of the dirty tricks they do is create the news that makes the stock drop so that they can make that
quick cash. The uk- and so I saw rumbles story- is that it's completely legitimate will be easily dismissed the claims against them or something about the claims have something to do with whether they are properly accounted for something financial, the response again, not in a legal context, but just from the president, is that they always anticipated this kind of attack, and so they have a bullet proof accounting. Exactly for this reason, and all afternoon show it and that's it'll go away then, in the meantime, it's like swatting. Thus, this exactly right, then the comments on local somebody said it's like swatting a stock. That's exactly right! It's like swatting a company. So is there anything to the claim? Well, we don't know, but we do know that the person making the claim, according to the present rumble, is a financially motivated person who would benefit whether it was true or not right. So the claim from rumble is that the source of the accusation is somebody who would make a lot of money, even if it's not true so that so you should judge it's credibility at exactly zero. That makes sense from a risk management kind of understanding the world basis. It doesn't mean it's not true, doesn't mean it's not true, but you should judge it's credibility and actually zero cause their somebody as a financial motivation, a jacket
like what and they're in the business of doing this very kind of thing. So no this is not. This is another believable accusation, but, like I say, sometimes accusations are true, even if they don't seem credible when they're made. So you can't rule anything out, but I wouldn't give any credibility at this at this stage, and- and I guessed I full disclosure- I'm sorry- I shouldn't disclose this- I am a stockholder and rumble so I owned an initial investment. Very small one in locals, which got acquired by
I bowl, which allowed my stock rollover to rumble. So I'm a stockholder at a much higher price and the last I saw was in the threes thing when public round twelve and now the short seller drove down to about three. So the short selling works means a dirty check that it works, so I'm holding my stock considering doubling it, but that is nuts financial advice. That would be pure gambling. Let me say that again, I'm considering doubling my holding, but it would be a super risky play. I do not recommend you do that. That is pure risk, just pure gambling, but but the play would be this and again don't follow. My advice. Do not follow my financial advice on this or anything else. Unless I tell you to diversify your portfolio, if I tell you that diversify listened to that, I may I tell you to buy or sell a specific stock. Do not listen to that or anybody else right, but I'll tell you the thinking. Investing investing makes most sense when you think you have special insight that the market doesn't have
I usually wrong, which is why you shouldn't do this, but here's my special insight. It is more likely true that rumble is being unfairly attacked. Then it is likely to be true that the accusations are true. Now I don't know what the odds are, but it's not fifty fifty. This is definitely a weighted heavily toward not being trip now if it turns out that the scc goes through it and it's not true you'd expect to maybe a at least a twenty five percent bump in the stock. So that would be reason that a rich person only a rich person don't do this. If you're struggling my gamble, you know just because it's canada a fun gamble, but I do gamble that the news is wrong. When I invest that's a common methodology
Just don't don't use that method it, but it's just one that I use to some effect. I wouldn't say it works all the time while delta airline is a racist or Robby starbuck reports on the x platform
I showed a photo of a delta airlines training. There says they instruct their employees to capitalize words, black and brown when talking about people but to lowercase white that the okay with that you capitalized black and brown, but not white, even when used in the same context about talk about people now, that's completely racist and delta. You are despicable. If this is true, I mean I saw a photograph of it, but anything can be faked if it's true, this is pure racism and by the way, that's the definition of racism. Treating people differently in the in the official sense.
Individuals are different, but a company doing it would be racism. Individuals can do whatever they want. There's no wagon set. I do you all know, probably the story. If you follow the news lad oliver, american in durban, reporter name guns, Allah Lira, who is reporting very inconvenient things from you create and use reporting things at the leadership will require I wanna see he was put in jail and reportedly has died in prison, and some say he died from poor medical care. Some people say he was murdered. David Sachs points out and I agree. What's the difference, they put a blair to take care of him if he died, because they haven't bad service really die.
as I strangle them legal. So ukrainian government killed an american, but at least the america tried really hard to get him out because he was unfairly accused right, nope nope, it looks like america, let him die, because he was also saying things in giving you to america. He was, for example, another know the truth, many these accusations. He is making he made these accusations that the word ukraine was largely victoria, nuland, american victoria, nuland, being a bully and having bad motivation. I have no independent your knowledge of what she did or didn't do, but that was as accusation and a lot of people said this. By the way the Tucker Carlson often says, Victoria nuland is at the center of the eye.
War, machine that likes to profit from war, the neocons, the neocons. As I say now, I don't know about any of that, but that's his accusation and a lot of other people's accusations, but went on, I saw a video of a gonzaga before he died, because the videos of him after he died, are less interesting really well before he died. He was a. He had the following theory that I, for some reason I didn't know now. I dunno, if it's true, but I certainly should have heard about it and here's The sheer your ears what he said about ukraine, you said there is a billionaire. Who founded the news sorted behind the production company, they created a tv show.
About a ukrainian guy who became president and he hired, Zelensky and Zelensky was the star of the show. What was the name of the show something of the people servant of the people was that the name of the tv show gimme gimme a confirmation on that, so the servant of the people, or so the tv show, was called the service of the people and zaleski was the star and part of what the Gonzalo lira reports is that for reasons that are mysterious, it was a gigantic hit. Now what makes them mysterious is it wasn't really that good a show, but it hadn't massive like advertising some some kind of massive support, so.
Are you a sort of artificially pushed to the top of the market by powerful forces and here's the interesting part then the same billionaire, who funded the tv show allegedly again. None of this is for me. This is from allegations
allegedly created a political party and he called it the same name as the tv show servant of the people, and then they needed a candidate. So he picked Zelensky who had no political experience by he had made him super popular as an actor pretending to be a president, and then you know nobody believes that elections in ukraine are true, so then Zelensky becomes president did the? U s help, probably what was at their intention? Were they working with his billionaire? Well, I don't know if they were colluding with them, but they might have been they might have had compatible interests. At one point, it's unclear. But it gets better if you, if you think that's a good part of the story of near the good stuff. Now again, these wrongly accusations the same billionaire
I want either a lot of where most of another company you might have heard of it's called the barbarism or that's right. The same millionaire, one bresma that was paying hunter Biden and ten percent of that theoretically was going to the boss, was pulling Zelensky as a puppet in charge of the ukrainian government, and maybe the entire operation was a coordinated effort to use ukraine as a piggy bank, destroy the country suck his resources out launder money and also maybe give putin a hard time which would be just a bonus. Now is any of that. True, I don't know. All I do for sure is that the guy saying it just got killed by ukraine. Then america then complain so the suggestion is, everything seems to be compatible with it being true. What would be incompatible with this being true? Is there any counter to it miss hard to prove a negative? Of course that doesn't mean this doesn't mean it's true just because you don't have an argument against it, but it's feeling really true. I yeah I'm. It is I'm very biased by the fact that everything that we've imagined as a conspiracy theory ends up being pretty close to true. So probably I'll tell you what I believe to be true: you're based on not just the story, but the the totality of information. It does seem to me that ukraine was always a piggy bank for the billionaires and the political class. It does seem that american politics
as had been wedding, their beaks of ukraine, possibly for decades, and it's exactly what it looks like and that the war was optional and that killing people to make money is the business of america and killing our own citizens to make money is a critical part of that? That's what it looks like it looks like the bidens are a deeply involved in that part of the world. So I dunno it's true, but that's what it looks like, and it looks like that american government and the ukrainian government conspired to kill an american. So let me let me say that directly, I dunno is true, but the evidence strongly suggests that the Biden administration killed an american to keep them quiet or kill them by not referring them, which could have been easily done because obviously american can get Zelensky to free them.
We walked. Will you agree if the present centres landscape I hears a deal, I don't care. What is charged with using american. Let him go. Zaluski would have put the key in the door. The five minutes later zone, if he isn't going to ruin ukraine over one reporter in jail? Nobody will make that tradeoff right. So you can know for sure that america wasn't interested in his life or wanted him to die in jail. So I would say it's a case of murder. The evidence suggests that the Biden, administration and Joe Biden specifically because he had been the boss, the the evidence suggests the Biden was part of a plot.
Berger, an american are now maybe murder by statistics. Now what I say by murder by statistics as you put them in a situation where he's probably going to die a ukrainian prison, probably going to die. Now you can say: well, it's not technically, not murder, because you didn't cause it. You just put him in a situation where it's probably going to die. Now I call that murder. That's called murder we got brittany grinds out where we got brindley greener and of russia. You'll think when you get an american out of ukraine. Yeah, so I would say that the official stories are ridiculous. The accusation are wild, but they fed the facts that we now. Aye, sir
sk in us- and you see a lot of news today about the war in ukraine. Anybody here did you see that the news is just word with now. Now there a big old war over there, and suddenly the news isn't interested huh, weird, isn't it it's like they're all coordinated or something? Suddenly it just got an interesting debate about the all the courage on Gaza today, Gaza is just wall to wall What mother nothing about gaza. The other war were in. About the war, and yet we know that we attack him, and I guess it happened again here today is wrong, but massive coverage would of details right nope, Nope, why would you be so little media coverage.
Of the united states be in three different wars. Well might have something to do with some comments that donald trump recently made untrue social, that gap promulgated, an axe and trump said their Joe Biden garrison at three different wars. Ukraine, gases situation, yemen,
and that is the worst president in the history of the united states, so trump is pushing the idea that the Joe Biden is a war starter and the news just went silent on three wars right in front of you are right in front of you right. It is not like I'm coming up with some conspiracy theory. You know there are three wars and you can look at the news and you can see that there are clearly intentionally underplaying them because it would not work up to their narrative. Now I like that trump's persuasion when he says that Biden is the worst president in the history of the united states or what's he doing there while persuasion trick? Is that that I've taught you many times he's making you think past the sale that he's a terrible president? If you're thinking, whether he is the worst you've already accepted, that is in the you know the bottom ten percent or something, and then that would be enough right now. In my opinion, he actually is the worst president in the history of the united states. I do think he has surpassed Jimmy Carter. Would you agree because Jimmy Carter kind of classically was considered the worst president, but.
I think Biden, is now surpassed now to be fair Biden has some successes, yes, some successes, but probably Jimmy carter into though it's not about the fact he had some successes. It's also about why he got wrong and starting three wars, plus one on our southern border, which you're ignoring the
The only one that affects the homeland, the only one that affects the homeland he is ignoring, that is the worst president in the history of the united states. If the only thing I told you was, he goes involved in three foreign wars and didn't protect us from the active invasion on their southern border. Would you need to know anything about his economic policy to decide? Who is the worse president? No you're, not would you need to know his views on lgbtq know he's the worst president in the history of the united states. No, you would not know you would need to know that it wouldn't be relevant to the overall obvious characters his presidency, which is basically starting wars that probably didn't need to be started or getting us involved using up our weapons, is shepherd using up all our oil in our strategic reserves.
giving away our artillery shells it just goes on alone, the worst precedent in the history of the republic. I think that it is obvious that there are no matter what you think, you're, drunk or anywhere else, I think he's pretty clearly the worst and the fact that he is not even really consciously able to even show up at events
I mean how did we allow that to be normalized? You know I I always give this quote from my mother. She always used to say you can get used to anything. If you do it long enough, and that explains so much of the world like why things are doing the thing doing what they are. Did I declare a race war? There's an article. Did Scott Adams declared a war and typical election year kind?
social media activity alleyway, and that's where we're at yesterday as a public service and at idle deliver sounds like a joke, but actually was as a public service, I spent hours pulling together a debunk of the fun of the drinking bleach hoax. The reason I did it is because it just hadn't been done, and nobody in the news has ever done it as one of the biggest stories of all time and nobody had ever recovered it. Let me say that again, one of the biggest stories of the trump presidency that he said: hey you should drink bleach, which of course never happened, was a hoax and the major media has never covered
the story. Just think about that does annoy you need to do that. The unit party yeah remember a fox news during the investigative report showing exactly what happened and how the hoax was graded nope. Nobody else ever did it either, so I did it so you can see it on locals, but I I linked to it on X. So look at my feed of the the drinking bleach hoax. Now give you the I'll, tell you what's there so you'll see the entire transcript, but I highlighted so that you don't have to go through the whole thing. The parts where he mentioned light. So when you see the whole thing, it's so super clear what happened and, of course, people are still denying it even after they read it. Here's what you need to know when he, when he teased his guest and said you know I've got to get this guessed. You said, there's like a really exciting, exciting news and then the gas came out and said we tried various things to kill the virus. On the external surfaces we tried some bleach, we tried some isopropanol. Allow me tell ya compared to those things. What really worked is light, so light was really the topic. Light was mentioned at twenty one times by either trump or somebody else. As the main topic of the event, were you aware that how many of you knew that the main theme was about light as a disinfectant, though, the news tell you that now now that and and what did the experts say about bleach and iso propyl and liquid disinfectants, the only thing they said about them is that they don't work anywhere near as good as life. Now, do you remember the part where trump talked to
the berks at the same event in public and he said, will the light work on porous surfaces, meaning skin and the doctor said? Well, probably works better on non porous surfaces, but yes yeah you would expect it will work a little bit, but maybe not as good. So now we have a clarification that when prompt when trump said something really exciting is going to be revealed, he did not mean bleach and he did not mean iso propyl, because you know what every person already knew that those things kill viruses am I right. Everybody already do the whole country. Every citizen. Every person knew that
It's just in seconds. He'll viruses on surfaces. The only thing new that was presented was that light was a superstar the whole point of the latest superstar. Did you know that the news didn't tell you that it was all about light as a superstar, so the news didn't tell you that there was a trial of light and that the wall street journal talked about it after that event that there was a company or you buy your science, they said. Yes, that's us we're putting light in the catheter, putting it down the throat I injecting it into a body to see. If it works turns out. It didn't work as well as I wanted, but it was being trialled at the time and trump knew about it. How do I know that trump knew about it, because I was,
within two days before the that and other people re tweeting it, and we know that his staff- and he looked at that news, and we also know that he is drawn to things that are good news. He is especially drawn fearing this. There might be a solution that might be some good news. So did his staff tell him about something that would be exciting and might be good news? Probably probably they told them because that's exactly what he wants to hear. Tell me some good news about something that might be working, so I can tell that story. So that's why he was excited now. He was more confirmation that he was only talking about light because people still say he wasn't here. It is when the expert said we tried the the bleach and the ice propyl, it did kill the virus, but it would take. You know a while several minutes, but when we tried light boom, two minutes gone so light was the two minute one, the other ones take much longer. So when trump was talking about disinfectant, he said and look at him could kill it in one minute and he repeated one minute
More than once, there was only one topic of one does, in fact, in the good work and the other experts and humanism drownded as usual trumpeted thing, I'm making a wonder, but there's only one thing that was ever discussed. There could be that quick. There was always light and end. If you look at all the references from made the light, he never once thought about anything that wasn't
right now. What will he did, however, use the word disinfectant in the middle of a discussion about light, so people who put that one word out now? How did the hopes get created when he very clearly was talking about only light? Jim Acosta asked the question of one of the experts who says: well, you wouldn't put these. You know bleach a nice purple and disinfectants into your body with you or a paraphrasing, something like that and the expert said no. No, no. You wouldn't do that. So Jim Acosta started the hoax by pretending. He didn't understand that it was always about light that southern house was grin so once he pretended that he he thought he heard that it was about these other things than the rest of the news. Just picked it up and it became begin hopes. So that's how happen now. What you should learn from it is how hoaxes are created that you know we can go back in time. It doesn't really matter at this point, but if you learn that they can so easily create a hoax- and here are the mechanics, the first mechanic is, you take something and the context, so they had to cut off his many references, the light and they had to completely remove his conversation with burke's same events on the stage in public, thus remove the whole brooks conversation because I would be so obviously was talking about skin the whole time and really others, so they just get rid of it, so they get rid of it. And then, if you want to see the transcript will show you just the parser edited and you think you actually saw the transcript by them or they'll. Show you the entire transcript, which is thirty five pages, and you it's just too much work to pick out what happened. So I did that for you. So I took the old transcript, but you don't need to read it as I've highlighted just the half dozen places that matter, so you can just read those. So for the first time in the history of america, somebody explained how the find that drinking bleach hoax started in great detail. You see yourself, there's no question about it, and boy you should learn is that they can into a selective at it. That's how they find people who started is how the covington kids thing was pushed.
this? How the overfeeding the koi fish hoax was pushed yeah, it's called a ropar as a selective at it, but then the second part of it is if somebody takes it out of context and then all the rest of the media pretends. That was a reasonable interpretation, so as the repetition over and over that turns it into the house is not just the misinterpretations repetition wrap up smear. I dunno, if that's a wrap up smear boots in the same category. Alright, so yeah, we do know about yemen, salt fog of war stuff, so I don't have much to say about that. Don't you think that do you think we're being suckers, because it seemed very obviously, yemen was begging us to attack. If you attack somebody who very clearly wants you to attack like Hamas and Gaza, are you really winning makes you one? It makes you wonder what winning looks like
if you're killing people who wanted you to attack them and kill them at least a little bit, I dunno. So I don't know if we're winning or not. But let me ask you a question that nobody's asked, since we know for sure that these are all iranian proxies, so Hamas is iranian proxy hezbollah is the hoodies hoodies in the blow ship, the end, the the attacks in syria and iraq and american forces. All Arabia do the iranians. Now
internships or what am I missing, not one iranian ship have we blown out of the water shoot you? Can you tell me that this will be hard to solve if have a vague or trump or president? Let me let me solemnly for you, hey IRAN, you use the red sea to. If I see one were fucking missile, come from your proxies in yemen, we're going to take out your biggest. And if the damages go, where you take, your second biggest stagger: oh, but will retaliate, we'll retelling so hard yup did you hear the party If you take on a rainy in tanker, I will return.
Really hard. He up and then you dumb was a now. Instead, we ve been written, lloyd was sent back He also govern well. At least we don't have the dementia patients making the military decisions. Instead, we have the guy in the hospital bed, so fear us fear us our hospitalized guy in our dimension guy, our common for you I worry about our lack of artillery. This will neither the need any artillery in this case or dewey. Maybe we will. so the Biden campaign that to say an end to tell the rest of you that's what,
expect is that the undecided insurers have not been paying attention and that the sooner they realize that the race will actually be Biden, vs trump, then all those undecided people are gonna, go what what and they'll they'll line up for Biden and Biden will whip. You see the play So there's a narrative forming for why everything's gonna change at the last minute, as literally happening right in front of you, What would you do if you are going to rig elections? And you know it? You start about now to tell us.
Sorry about how all the people weren t shown up in the pooling our going to show up and there's a good reason while be toward the end or less convene, but the wrong. I don't think you're wrong. You know how many people in the general public have heard of just heard of a vague round the swami. Have you tried to ask your normal friends what they think about the way? What do they say? Every person I've asked who isn't like a real political person. Every person is just a normie. They say to say that I hope you have a vague round the swami running for president Republican he's all over socially and they say it doesn't ring a bell. What do you think causes that some of it is the media coverage, but a lot of it is that the
The undecideds really are not paying attention the undecideds know they can just gotta wait till the end and make a decision the week of election day if they want to there. There's no rule against that. So you do have to remember how uninvolved the public is, and I agree that if the anti trump people realize that he's the guy, they might form up on the other side as possible, it's a little bit more possible that Joe Biden's obvious decline will be so bad in less than a year that he will literally be a vegetable and you still get a wind, probably alright. A Biden spokesperson, Michael tyler who's. The lsc is a Biden, communications director, Michael tyler. He said this and I want to see if this sounds like the scariest thing. Any american has ever said in any context as a big claim right. The scariest thing that any american has ever said. In any context, I'm going to see if I can meet that
I think I can be that the scariest thing any human has said in any context here it is direct quote talking about Biden. He says quote: the president looks forward to spending the next ten months, reminding the american people how dangerous donald trump and his maga agenda are for americans' pocketbooks, their freedoms and their democracy. You know I don't mind when our presidential candidates lie, you gotta respect it. I don't mind. Some are exaggerations of my verbally as expected. I don't even mind when they try to scare. You is usually they're. Scaring you about something real, I didn't mind when trump said you should be scared about the border. I didn't think I should be that scared, but I thought that was just good politicking, as the border was a real problem, obviously, and it did bring in real real crime, etc, along with good people, but that was fair.
Because it was a dangerous situation. Maybe exaggerated had some would say. Maybe not if you look at current events, but fear does make sense when you're a leader and or something you need to be afraid of seeking after I get that, will you know you don't need to be afraid of the mega agenda. The mega agenda is literally about keeping you safer. That's almost the entire thing. How can I keep you safer? How can we avoid you're being a dictatorship? How can we keep america.
as some kind of republican. That never was so. The fact that the way Biden is forming this is in revolutionary civil war terms is actually the scariest thing. I've ever heard an american say that is the scariest thing ever and it's scary, because it's not true if it were true it would. It might also be scary, but it would at least be in the service of young some some benefit and I'd be like okay, but to actually say this when, as is very obviously not true that democracy is at stake, that's some dangerous, dangerous theft from the american world. Let me tell you my current thinking very biased by all the stuff I see, and my current thinking is- is very unlikely that america has been a real republic, probably for a long time. If ever, if ever to me, it seems sort of obvious that the pretend stuff we do voting for things as now anything happens now I dunno who's in charge or if the changes are over, some billionaires fighting it out, and then we just find out who wins later I dunno exactly was happening, but I do know there's very little evidence that we live in a genuine republic where the where the citizens become informed and then choose their leader. I don't think that's happened, maybe for a long time and when you look at the lack of interest from both parties in fixing our election system. Now there are members who.
Would you ask for it a lot, but as a group, neither the republican party nor the Democrats seemed to show any real interest in fixing, because each of them control, states and one has to assume that they like controlling their state and winning in their state every time as they control the election. They don't want to give it up, and maybe it would you know. So I think under that situation, the working assumption is that we don't live in the republic. We live in a kleptocracy in which there are some group of billionaires with figured out how to game the system to make more billions of dollars, as what seems like so I I would say that, and I don't feel like I've ever been part of a republic, as my current opinion. Now again, I can't say that that's truth the I like to use the phrase a working assumption, because it it fits the facts better. If, if the facts were more compatible with us being a real democratically driven republic, then I would favor that yeah I'll take those might be, but the facts really strongly argue against it. You know the entire situation with trump. I don't think it gives me a much more clear than that yeah alright. So that, ladies and gentlemen, is my amazing chauffeur today, thanks for joining on youtube and rumble and x, you're, all wonderful hope you enjoyed yourself I'll, see you same time tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-15.