« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2338 CWSA 12/30/23 Lots Of 2024 Optimism While Laughing At Today's Batch Of Absurdities

2023-12-30 | 🔗

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Politics, Michael Cohen, AI Case Law Research, Elon Musk, Tesla Robots, Ballot Printing Hardware, Swatting Conservatives, Seth McFarland, Bill Maher, President Trump, Insurrection, James Lindsey, Social Media Moderation Policy, Politico Hit Piece, Politifact Hit Piece, Mayor Brandon Johnson, Violence Reparations, Mental Health Detection, Derek Chauvin, CA Free Healthcare, Vivek Ramaswamy, President Trump, Thomas Massie, SBF Charges Dropped, Mike Pompeo, Ukraine Funding, Unvetted Immigration, Ukraine War, Adam B. Coleman, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good morning. Everybody and welcome the highlight of human civilization. We call it. Coffee was got out of cause as what it is and we're gonna have fun today, so to go away. This is going to get better and better the whole time. If you'd like to start off at a level that people can't even understand it so good. Well, then, all you need is a cup or a mugger class I'd. Take your charles is dying again: team, jug or flask a vessel of any kind fill it with your favorite liquid. That, like coffee, enjoy me now for the unparalleled pleasure, the dopamine of the day. The thing makes everything better: it's called the simultaneous happens. Now: hmm, hmm savor, it savor it. So I've got this a fancy meal, a coffee machine.
And let me tell you: it makes a good cup of coffee and only give you two to five air conditions. Each time you want a cup, sometimes inside beans. Sometimes you need to clean it. Sometimes something's not lined up. Sometimes the pan has to be empty, sometimes the trash, partisan. I think I to clear five different faults this morning to get a cup of coffee. You know what you want to do less than anything in the world when you first wake up and before you've had your first cup of coffee. What do you want more than anything in the world.
to not have to clear five falls from your coffee machine. There's nothing! You want more than that at that time of day, but we're all good. Now I got my coffee speaking of weird things. did you know that unless you're an engineer, you cannot hold your head three specifications? I learned this when I asked for recommendations of how to make a dover calendar for twenty twenty five. The wall there won't be a physical one for forty four does, I guess old, so you're this writhings, I'm looking for a little tell you up and what I am asking for it. I'm looking for a printer in america
In america, only somebody who can print a day to day calendar, which are the kind that rules squares, are on top of each other. The rip off rip off each day now as to be that trust without physical form of the calendar, no other calder as reprinted in america. But on top of that, since I don't have a publisher who, wouldn't it be great if the publisher also added E commerce site and could do fulfillment actually mail it to the customer.
In my perfect world, I just wanted to tell people where the link is and not do any work, just click the check. So I asked people. Where can I get these three things, an american printer who can print this kind of calendar whoever's at a web page where you can go to get it and will deliver it to house what happens? If I ask the internet for something that'd be so three criteria, you know what happens. You will get hundreds of different confidence suggestions that do not meet those required terrier and it will be harder for me to go through the suggestions. Almost all of them will not meet all three
criteria to find anything. That's like a a piece of gold in the garbage. So the reason, the reason I asked people and put an axe is because you can do a google search in a way you can do a google search to find this is so polluted with sponsorship and lies and wrong answers that all you're doing is you're just going through this mountain of wrong answers, and you gotta you gotta go to every website. You have to penetrate their lies to find out what they can and cannot do. So you really almost care research. It is almost by it's nature. I don't have enough time in my life to find the answer to this question and there is no technology that will do it. He might say well ask ai ai is fucking useless. I don't want to be the first one to tell you, but ai is fucking useless, yet here here's the absurdity that we're having right now you're just trying to hold this in your mind that this is a real experience that we're all having
well so trump's ex lawyer, Michael Cohen, is in trouble because he used a I to find some case law to make his case about getting out early or something and barely a. I invented three separate case laws that don't exist and now he's in trouble because it looks like he is lying or something. Now. Let me ask you this. Having also experienced this very same thing, where a I will come, Probably tell me something that is not true. What would you say I for once? You know it can lie to you and there's no way to stop it. There's no way this. Papa you know nobody has any idea how to stop it from. Why have you heard anybody say? Well, sliwa we've got easy fix for that. We'll just put a few light lines of code in there. So why
Nobody has any idea how stop it. So something that we know where lied to us now, idea to stop it from lying and you think there's gonna be useful. I swear to god. I is nothing, but damn aware is nothing, but
Lower demo, meaning you can do a cool demonstration of what what ai could do if it worked, but it doesn't it just. Does you you and you think to yourself? Well, maybe it's no good for detailed information as it lies, but it'd be great for just having a conversation notice and have you ever tried to have a conversation with ai? Is it's excellent at understanding what you're saying is really good at that the voice recognition is amazing. Now it's not like the old ones where they'd never never can hear you correctly. They really do understand what you're saying, but everything interesting ai is banned from talking about every
it's interesting so now just try to try to understand the landscape, as there is the land of things that are just facts that it will lie to you about the facts, so you can't use it from facts. Then there's a world of opinion and it won't give you opinions because it's not allowed so you can have no opinions or you could have no facts. Those are two choices. I would like to have no facts or I'd like to have no opinions about both know
actually no opinions, what the fuck is it good for now have we all been hypnotized into thinking? This is going be useful. Give me any example what the fuck is it useful for you know what I hear the most I hear people say it helps. Some of the writing really really show me some of this great writing that comes out of the ai. I haven't seen a I've seen a I write, nothing that is good right. There Spelling is good and the grammar is perfect, but it's not good writing. It doesn't know how to talk to a human. He just saw a copy. Some things had seen before and that's not good enough or so. I don't want to be the old man shouting at the sky. He says.
I will never improve, even though everybody knows it will get better and better. My point is this: isn't like a microchip where you've got a really good microchip and you makes a little faster. That's a good yeah begun protection is something we know how to do, and we have a long. Consistent record of improvement is not thou art, a predictable cuba. The trouble with ai is there's nothing happening that I'm aware of that would fix these problems. How can you build a large language model that does mysterious things on the inside without your direct involvement and then fix it from hallucinating? As that could happen, I dunno. You gonna get her to deal with opinions. It's too dangerous geller. I amateurs. so?
I think what it will do well is going to help you code websites definitely get help on that, and I heard somebody you whose english was not their first language say that they were building their own website. It was really helpful because they, I could put things in perfect english and they didn't do that. So that's good, but these are really minor things really really minor improvements are the big improvement will be if you eat your optimus robot, your tesla rover, so at elon, musk doubled down on his prediction that, if optimise the new tesla robots are designed and built as well as he thinks they will be, that the value of tesla from just the robot business alone will make a value bigger than apple plus aramco combined. That would be bigger than the two biggest companies in the world as elon musk protection. Now let me ask you: this: does elon musk make crazy, stupid predictions that aren't based on good information and a logical sequence of events, oak oak, and now I do not give you investment advice. If you take my investment advice or a fool as I do not have, I don't have a track record. The suggestion that my best
lights. However, the mosque is making it very difficult to not own tassel stock. Am I right is the downside of tesla? Is it just becomes an average car company? Now thinking you lose all your money, I mean you got anything possible, but the downside is. It continues to be a solid car company. This leading the pack in this domain, the outside
This is bigger than the apple and aramco combined now do you know what an expected value is calculation expected value as you multiply the odds of one thing happening times, whatever the dollar one cup a day, and then the odds of the other thing happening, the other possibility and the dollar outcome. So the odds of tesla just remain a non robot company who's, pretty good. You know, maybe maybe a twenty percent chance will just be a car company, in which case both
it's not a bad investment, so people say it's overpriced. Some people say it's more to run, but that's normal right, so I would just be sort of a normal investment and, honestly, let me be as clear as possible. I can't tell you that I would be a good investment. It would just be a normal one. I will be in the normal domain of addresses now what about the upside of being twice as big as the biggest company.
If we know of the sub, what what were the odds you put in that? Well, let's say they're, putting putting odds on it. I'll give me a percentage chance. The mosque is right and his robot business will be bigger than everything I'm seeing a twenty five fifteen, forty five, sixty or so years. What you do, if you say, there's a twenty five percent chance he's right and that's a trillion dollars. You multiply the twenty five percent times the trillion you get two hundred and fifty billion, and that's the expected extra that tesla could go up is kind of a no brainer. I hate to say this because it does have like investment advice. How can I withdraw the investment advice and keep the math here's? What I'm trying to do and tried to make a distinction between investment advice which depends on everything from the quality of the management to the market
a petition number that I'm not making a recommendation on invest unvested. So this is not investment advice. This is math is a math lesson. The math lesson is this: if you've got an investment, that probably lot of smart people think is worth about what it, what is valued at is likely continue.
but it also houses upside ticker. As a twenty five percent chance of being worth trillions, multiple trillions, that's less called a no brainer, as called a no brainer. Right, in theory, is the smartest investment in the stock market, but I don't give you investment advice as not investment advice, because the the number of unknowns is so tremendous. For one thing you don't know that robots will be worth anything, they can be worth zero. The other things you don't know if muskets taken down by the government and maybe as a medical problem, if musk is musk as a medical problem, the value of his business is going to go down twenty five percent that day, so there's a lot of risks and I do not recommend a specific stocks, but there are very few times in the history of humankind that there will be something that looks so obvious as this. This is the most obvious investment there's only one that I've seen those four options, and I told him that the mistake I made before you remember. Was it a two thousand and eight nine? The stock market tanked terribly now help me with my memory. That's I've got that right. Two thousand eight nine, the stock market.
wasn't right in the toilet. Right now when the entire stock market went down. I said to myself: this looks like a once ever opportunity to buy to to sell every stock. I own input every dollar I have into wells fargo stock. You know why, because I rightly reason interno rightly, but I didn't act on It- that if things were as bad as they look, it didn't matter where your stock was. Everything was going to be gone because we're talking about the end of the america. That was actually the conversation. Now I didn't believe us and in america, but that was the conversation like the entire thing is going to fall apart. If the entire thing falls apart, it doesn't matter where you're invested. You understand that right, everything's gone, doesn't matter where your money is, but if it comes back, if it comes back is guilty because the banks didn't fail, is the bag still fail? The biggest bank, the the strongest one, is almost guaranteed that your quadruple almost guarantee. So as the only situation, I've ever seen where what you should do with your money was right in front of you and the most obvious thing and you couldn't, but it just was the simplest investment in the world. I should have.
in every penny. I had and moved into one or two big bags had I done that I would have doubled my net worth or a double that I didn't do it now, when, when I saw the the tesla estimate of how much the robots who make the value, this is one of those. This is very much one of those you don't see. The But once every ten twenty years. If you are rarely see a case where the downside is close to nothing yeah. But what are the odds? A tesla as a car company will just become worthless, mean anything's possible. You know things can change quickly. That's why I don't give you advice. I've never seen one this clear. So
I do what you will, but don't just not advice. Scott big Billy opposed to this day said that if you can't keep your property less less, you pay taxes. Do you really on it? You don't know you call your job, your earnings, your heard it's inheritance because you have to pay off the government at every step. Were you lose it. I don't really own my house, because if I don't pay the government, I can't live in it. Don't really own my car, because if I don't pay property taxes are taken away. Your own, my job, because my lawyer confirming anythin walks. don't own by staff is regular, is their children. They put me in jail for abortion and take up my ship. So, are you happy there a close schwab.
At the sunday you're on nothing but you'll be happy. Is everybody happy today, I'm pretty happy today and I don't own anything for our soldiers. Our klaus schwab, against all odds, is the most right person. Then the world we don't own anything a lot of you are happy nailed it. You didn't see that coming video and then it already has exploded. You already don't own. Anything has been a long time since you did. If he ever. Did you don't own anything skirt scalping really is one hundred percent right. Why did it take me until today to realize that klaus schwab was right? There wasn't a prediction that
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despite a favour by guessers up or go to w w w dot, spotify dot com, backslash broadcasters to get started. I! What do you think of this story? That rasmussen reports talks about nearly every day. That there are unfolded, allegedly according to the Rasmussen folks, the news reports there if all the pristine mail ballots with perfectly filled and ovals. Now this is based on witnesses. We don't know that is true, but witnesses have claimed this more than one the joint. While I was at a huge problem for twenty twenty four hours rest themselves. Well, here's a fun bark, erasmus.
Now we don't know that this claim could be confirmed. The claim is that these ballots are in the locker room. I would think that if they ever existed in the locker room, there's no way they're in there now are you kidding. Does anybody think we've been talking about a locked room, full of proof that the light reelection was rigged and then nobody's empty that room? I don't think there's any chance there
is this: a locked room with a bunch of fake balances, because anybody who would put that many fake ballots, like hypothetically there, will be smart enough to get the fuck those ballots out of that robe, because everybody's looking at the room. What do you think as cameras on all day if it does, and maybe that maybe as some security cameras, you don't think those security cameras have already been Epstein? You know what I mean so here's the first thing. I don't think there's any chance that years after the election, you're gonna open a roman fides on perfect balance, I don't say is impossible that there were ever there. That part ended up. What are they still where a man? What do they? Also? That, however, was play along.
I was play along imagine that they produce out you're used to fund work according to rasmussen reports,
they're an indicator of a multi state counterfeiting operation, something that requires special, the ballot, the software to do because of precinct voting. Hmm now this claim, I would say, is short of your confirmed by evidence, but there is the suggestion forming that. If, in fact, there is more than one room, the hasn't these perfectly printed ballots, it can be because there's some equipment somewhere that is sophisticated enough to make fake ballots for more than one precinct is doing it for one tree saved would be worth doing it for multiple precincts would almost certainly take specialized equipment with this specialized equipment being located where what would be more fun than finding there's a warehouse
full of illegal bella printing equipment, what will be more fun than that? I saw the comments I may have found my by dilbert calendar printer is probably at a warehouse somewhere behind the locked door, and if you had to bet yet again on the outcome of these pristine ballads, I would bet that, no matter what the truth is that none are found. Anybody would take the other side that I say no pristine ballots will ever be found behind the locked door either because they never opened the door.
Or because they open and surprise was not even there. I was the only way they can happen. Well, the swapping continues jack disobeyed says that soldiers, members of congress, brasilia professors serving commentators and the railways are hit by a nationwide squatting ring over the christmas break and jack points out that here. the eyes not said a word. Well, even Jonathan Turley, gotta swatted marjorie tell the green. Does swatted apparently some others are we don't know about now? Wouldn't you predict, I guess what it seems obvious. Who should I call? Who should I call to make sure that they checked before they run into my house with guns? Should I call my local police and tell them
well, if there's a high likelihood august water, but what happens if I have an actual, if I have an actual breakup or are they going to ask me if Israel here's what they should do, they hear irs instructions? I should give them. If I get. If I get swatted, they should call me and ask
It'd turn on my video on my phone and to walk around my own house and walk out into the driveway. If I can, if I can do a three sixty video and then also wallace, live walk into my driveway with nobody. Stopping me, though, the safe word, I think, would work the the safe word. You know the bad guys can figure out your save for it. I know that that feels like a failure, but if they can put me on facetime and I can walk right out my door onto the sidewalk and the street- and that- and I say, don't worry yet work on the street already.
I feel like that, would keep him from the boy I'll probably do that today or some sometime next week. Alright- and I remind you that getting swatted is a murder attempt. You all agree on that- it's not a prank. It's a murder attempt is definitely a murdered. So let's not treat this like a prank. If I get swatted, I'm going to treat it as a murder attempt. That would be my attitude, but I can see what else says fallen was under mars, show on web random.
and they got into a little back and forth on vaccinations. Seth macfarlane is on the page. Oh vaccinations were a gigantic success to save millions of people and there's no evidence of children dying at a high rate or a beyonce bill Maher the thought that the vaccinations may have helped some people. You know the older people with co, morbidities and obesity, etc, but thinks think the mandatory part of it.
Out was bad and that maybe there were more harm than the government's thoughts now. I hope I don't have any interest whatsoever in talking about this topic anymore. I think you're on the same page, right. Here's what's interesting. We have formed two worlds in which these two well informed public figures are living in completely different worlds. I mean to imagine that the vaccinations were a huge success. There was no special problems with the vaccinations themselves, except your normal manner of rare side effects and that it was a big success and we sure better do it if we have another pandemic- and there was nothing actually before macfarlane said that the vax and the coven vaccination was the most tested vaccine in all of human history. By the time he took it as he didn't do it in the first months they decided. What do you think that it was the most tested vaccine in human history by the time you took it, you know. Maybe six
or something I know is. The long term effects are, of course, important a number two. We think that the data was all fake, or at least the data was unreliable. If you have unreliable data- and it's only been six months, thus thus closer to the opposite of testing, but I'm living in my bubble in my own little world, where all that Hence I have. The interesting thing is that the functioning smart well informed adults who live in completely different worlds,. Does that blow you away and that can never be settled you could put them themselves. Those chairs all day long? You can see
I found them with a team of experts. You know fact checking nothing would change. They would live in two different realities. I will go to their graves, believing that they were in the right. One to me thus fascinating way. More interesting than the question of who is right is the reality that it doesn't matter. They can both live in their bubbles and there will never be a probable that there's nowhere. This is why I think we live in a simulation. If you are going to program a simulation, it would be way too hard to make everybody see the same facts. It will be easy to tell people that whatever they say is true, but whatever you say whatever you imagine yet the street it like is true.
and just go on as if that's true, that's an easy way to program an ai such as ourselves. So do you think it's a coincidence that people can't agree was even real as they're sitting in the room together? That's not a coincidence or it could be, but it doesn't look like a coincidence. It doesn't look like evolution. Would I created that situation. Yup it'll, be one thing. If we were all uncertain, then that makes sense, but to be certain in a completely different world that has opposite consequences. Well, I feel like that's, that's a pretty strong indication we're in a simulation, as you would have to do that have enough processing power to simulate the
Where's, the james, a lindsay pointed this out on a post. He said that people keep saying that the people on the right Keep saying that tromp hasn't been convicted of an insurrection. Have you heard people say that as a against against the the states were trying to keep them off the ballot, because they say
he doesn't insurrection. You've heard lots of people say that right is that a good argument, you think, is a good argument to say: trump has not been convicted of any insurrection. Therefore, any other government entity should not treated as a true fact is that a good argument nope not a good argument this. This is going to make you mad, usually good argument, as James Lindsay points out. The good argument is he's never been charged with. It he's never been charged with insurrection. That's the argument, because if the government thought there was evidence of insurrection, he would be charged with it if they thought they could make that case. If the evidence, if the evidence that these are the crazy people in the states are saying, is obvious and true, if that were true, the government would have done at least charging him doesn't mean they wouldn't have been successful, but they would at least charge him. I mean he got impeached for a phone call. It was a perfect phone call. You told me that wouldn't even charge him so stop saying that he has not been convicted say he has never even been charged. Your own government believes it's not true or they would have charged the people or here's a better way to do it. The people who have looked into it, the most. The you know, jack smith types, the people who have looked into it, the most have not even charged it not even charged him, and you know you can get an indictment for.
Fill in the rest of the blank you can get an indictment for a ham sandwich. That's right! You can get an indictment and charge somebody on the weakest, flimsiest bullshit evidence. That means that not only is there not solid, irrefutable evidence of an insurrection, there is not even ham sandwich quality bullshit, a suggestion of anything is so far from being true. no, you can't even get a ham sandwich, fucking and bade them up, and you know they would have liked I believe that will be anything will be higher priority for the Democrats, then, that exact if it were anywhere in the neighbourhood of possible, they were party so good day, good catch fire juice lindsey there.
There's a new content, adoration rule, that's going into effect, I guess, if we're in america for a social media, I guess the social media companies have to publicize their social media content moderation policies. They have to publish their content, moderation policies and of all people. Elon musk is pushing back on that cause. I see where. Why would you push back on transparency about what things you moderate? I feel we should do what is moderate, but you know what the problem with that is. I didn't see it at first, but the muscles right. The problem is that somebody has to define what is inappropriate content
If you can't define what is an inappropriate content, in other words as a public, we can't agree what is wrong and what is right, then? How can you have a moderation standard which tries to achieve the closest thing you can to rightness and get rid of the wrongness? When we don't know what is right and what is wrong? Dammit I hate when elon is right and I didn't see it he's right- he's right, he's right, yeah he kept now. I'm not sure that completely says you shouldn't show what your policy is, but it might be more true that, even if you showed your policy, there will be massive, problems in implementing. So I believe that my understanding is that must standard. Is that you allow anything that is legal? Is that the current standard.
and any or modify in different states and countries so that his legal within that country, even though thats a different standard than the other countries? So why can't? He just say that? Why can't we say our moderation policy is oh, if it's legal, we keep it. If it's illegal, we bump it so that there's somebody else's story that there's a nuance to the story. I don't quite understand because if that was in fact the totality of the moderation policy. think he'd be bragging about so there's something else. We need to know here, doesnt way back sunset, I tat what was my best prediction of the coming year already came true,
as next year, you're going to see a whole bunch of hit pieces, not just against republicans, and also the republicans will be doing the same thing against the Democrats, but that there will be hit pieces about me. You remember me saying that I said there will be hit pieces about me in the coming year. Three this week, three the three pieces I may this fucking week fiery. I about forbes right There are no political fact and a politico. They both area pieces at midday today.
Right after I predicted, you know what the politicos hit on the us they hit that I predicted politico would do or people like them. They say I'm bad at predicting. I actually predicted that they would say that you'd think they'd mentioned that I predicted they say that in a in an article about being better predicted, If is what you would fucking do politico. I can tell you what you're going to eat for fucking breakfast and the best of the best predictor there has ever been in political life, the best predictor ever in all of political life,. Now, though they did, they find something. I got it wrong. That political actually found the permits like iraq. Did I get any predictions wrong,
course you know why I got some predictions wrong, as I predict for a living like this. Why do every day I get up here and I make predictions now? Don't you think if, if you get a judge, but these quality of protections- what's that was a minimum eu- would do if somebody is a prolific. Predictor was the minimum. You do you look at what you got right. You compare that why you were wrong and you say: ok, what's your ratio, you'd say I was at work compared to other people who also make products. Here's what you don't do pick out the one wrong prediction that, as it turns out, wasn't a prediction at all. As I still don't know my game at all: at another. You say wrong. Political actually said that is what they said.
We'll talk about people always wrong this, maybe a still greater scotlands was managed to appear, I understand your round up as the worst protection in politics. Than any other person on the planet. Why I appear on their list of worst predictions more than anyone. Why. As every year they do happy, so they did the same fucking here beside me I will take one thing. I wrong ignore things. I got right in the end that, after they keep malign, do me They use themselves as a source. They use
themselves as the source that I'm always wrong. Now. The funny thing is, if you didn't follow politics at all, you wouldn't know any of this. You just read this and say wow that cartoonists guy, it's a good thing. We cancel him in everything wrong by far I'm the best predictor in politics nobody's even close. I there's nobody even close honestly. There isn't. Now that doesn't mean I haven't, got some some whoppers wrong. Of course I have because I make a lot of predictions.
Yeah, did I ever promise you that I'll be right? I don't think so. Don't think every promise that I seriously prediction they said a. I got wrong and this puts me on the list of worst predictors ready. The one example of the thing. I got wrong, how many predictions that I make in two thousand and twenty three anybody a few. They only picked one. He was the one that they say and by the way I don't even remember saying I don't remember those, but I'm sure I did. Apparently my prediction was a tic tac would be banned by June twenty twenty three. Now that didn't happen,
so if you are doing a good context, laden story about the situation, what did what did they leave out rather left out about that production was left out? Here's what I left out. It wasn't a production. They all understand that that it wasn't a production, though it was persuasion. It was persuasion. I was making people think past the sale. They could even tell the difference between persuasion and protection It was in the form of a production and suddenly I hoped it would be true, but did I predict? That would be true. Not really. I want people to understand that that block the banning tiktok.
could be ordinary enough and doable such that you would discuss whether it happens in june or before june or after june is a simple case of making people think past the sale, because I wanted to take it from the my god. You never ban a social media company that we'd never do that free speech, but the real reasons against banning tiktok, where there's just too big of a too dramatic too drastic. I wanted to move it from too drastic into. It's just a yes or no, the banner or not. Now, let me ask you this: over the year twenty twenty three was I successful in moving the ball toward convincing more people in government and in the public that tiktok should be banned. Yes, so they,
the so called. Let it go reported that I had a failed, the protection. They picked, a prediction that were so trivial to me. I didn't remember making at lunch. I did. And it wasn't even really a production, it was in the form of our protection, but it was pure persuasion. It was for that purpose. The purpose was persuaded now they didn't even know that so as thus political, How about a little fact. I of all the things I ve said: here's where politicized decided to fact jack beyond under round up as of people were terrible were takes years, the one they fact
They said that I said people not vaccinated against covered came out. The best people not vaccinated came out the best and they call that false number one number one they got all of the context wrong. The first lately, then understand is that it was a brain,
It was a prank. I was literally playing a prank on the the four chan people who had played a prank on me by saying that all of my pandemic opinions were the opposite of what they were convinced, a bunch of people to be mad at me, so to make those people were matinee les matinee, I prank the prank, and I apologize for getting everything wrong and making the wrong decisions, which had the weird effect of making people respect me for a fake, bring the reverse of the thing that was reversed anyway. It was very funny and very successful and totally work now also, what I said was one hundred per cent. True, it was a prank in terms of what I expected too young to say.
See that, because some people interpreted it as a different different that I sat at nus. What I expected would happen, so here's here's the truth. Apparently they changed the context to make it false. It looks like they changed the context from if you're, in the middle of the pandemic, you shouldn't have been vaccinated and they would say that's false, because the vaccinations kept people alive. That wasn't my context. You know that right. My context was after the worst part of the pandemic is over and we just got a little on the crime going on. If you could have gotten to that point without a vaccination that you would be a person who had nothing into you had no coven of you know long covered if you did get cover and that probably no vaccination now, if you did get covered, you also had some natural immunity which.
you, probably didn't die from and will be better off than having some vaccination in you now the way I said in context, literally nobody disagrees. Would you do that That's the way I said, there's nobody on either side of the screen. This better diver, no risk than one risk? This is counting on. My opinion is just counting that one is better than zero. It's not even an opinion was bigger one or zero one.
If he has zero risks, is that better or worse than having one res, I think, is still one is worse right? There's all this one is bigger than zero as my entire. Thus, my pity, so they fact check that bullet effect is not a real fact. Checker there at one of the demographic fact checkers anyway, here's what they didn't fact check. So, while they were fact checking, they fact check a bunch of people, a long list of people who they fact check, as idiots were saying that there would be a recession. Twenty twenty three, that's right in the same article where they fact check my correct thing and a context for being wrong. They ignored the fact that I'm, the only public figure in america who correctly said that twenty twenty three as the economy would surprise on the upside. I'm the only one, the best prediction of the year didn't mention it dimension it. Some of you might have predicted tuba of of public figures. Who do this sort of thing? Nobody else got it. I was the only one so.
Yeah the way the new york post reports that the chicago mayor, Brandon Johnson, this is so funny that you're you're going to think I'm making this up. I swear I'm not making this up he's calling for reparations funding to reduce violent crime in chicago without thinking a little bit. He wants reparations to reduce violent crime. Now the first thing that that does not suggest that the mayor of Chicago a black man Believes that violent crime is coming from white people is allowed to say that so he's only gonna work on black people here s where the violence is coming from, I'm pretty sure I would get cancelled. If I were the mayor nicer
but if you are a white mayor, you said maybe the reparations will reduce the violence. Doesn't sound. Does that sound exactly like you're blaming the black people for violence? Interesting, but that's not the best. That's not the most interesting thing. If you, sat in his premise. The black people are unusually a big part of the the variable of violent crime. If you accept the mayor's premise, The way he's doing is taxing the victims of the crime and giving that money to the perpetrators of the crime. Am I wrong because reparations comes from taxes, taxes come from a law. Abiding people will pay taxes, criminals not really paying much less.
So the mayor wants to tax the law, abiding people, the victims. We were victims of violent crime and that he wants to take the victim's money and give it to the perpetrators of the crime. I'm not saying all black people are perpetrators of crime. That's why your baier saying not what I'm saying, and he said that in public in public. You said I want to use his own words, but in public he was the texts, the victims and give the money to the perpetrators of the crime, because the the thing here, if you will, for example- let's say- let's say you get mugged- let's say your mug one way to make that crime go away. I think this is obvious, is as you're being mugged you say hold on. Can we change the model,
smuggling from you taking my money to me, paying you reparations on the mug would be like, say more, you say alright, so here's what we'll do since I'm the victim and you're the perpetrator. How about I just pay? You reparations and the muggers like! Well how much I'll say how about my entire wallet and all of it's contents and the muggles say well. I was also gonna. Take your watch, you go and the watch and the watch so watch him the wallet. Then the motors like. And ass I was gonna. Take I want. Why am I so confused here? I want to just mug you I know, but muggings terrible. Would you Well, no, I mean I am a mother about. The other point is gonna terrible about this.
Wouldn't you rather be a recipient of reparations because of systemic racism is the cause of your criminal activity? You know, I never thought about it, but now that you mention it, it does make sense yeah. So I will call this reparations, so you pay reparations and everything solved. That's how you solve crime, you just turn it into a patients, payments in everybody's happy so that those clearly the dumbest thing of twenty twenty three, if you can make a list I would like to talk about mental illness space. I believe that humans
we evolved to do to identify sickness and bad health in another human. Now that's been tested, you're aware of that right. They can do tests where they show pictures of people who have medical problems and people don't, and people can weigh more than chance. They could pick out the people with medical problems. Now I would argue that people who have mental problems are More obvious that even people have other kinds of health problems, the mental people. They often have your charles manson eyes, crazy eyes, crazy, facial expressions and I think we're really we're looking at a massive mental illness problem, which the group that has the most mental illness in america is say it with me. What demographic group in america has the most mental illness according to
Your prescriptions, why women away white so why women are basically mental basket cases relative to the other demographics. Now. Who are the people behind? Let's say these: all these secretaries of state were trying to take trump off of the ballot in the service of democracy. Does that sound like something sane people? Do you sane people, take the most popular person off the ballot and actually say out loud, I'm protecting democracy. You said people say that now, but there's a zoom call people are tweeting around. I saw collin rugg three. This. I shows footage of a zoom call with the second
crews of state, who are all these white women who look alike and they all have crazy face and discussing the biggest threats to democracy and how they can solve it. Now that you've heard people say that that the wheels are coming off and everything seems to be falling apart, school systems, bad college is crazy. What has changed? Why did everything go from working to not working? Well, I have one hypothesis. The hypothesis goes like this for ninety nine point: nine percent of all human history- women didn't have any power at all, at least not for political gain. When women got massive political power as they do now, they have more political power than any group. I think we allowed the craziest people to be in charge, actually bat shit, crazy people. We actually promoted our craziest people literally mentally ill to be in charge and dinner. Why we do that? Why do we do that, because we're all afraid of crazy bitches,
Let me just say that loud white men are afraid of the crazy bitches. We just can't deal with it and the deny we can deal with it. There's there's nothing, you can do you can't physically constrained somebody, you can say I won't hire you because you look like you're a part of the group of crazy bitches. So you can not hire them. You can't vote them out of office. Israel voted. You can't put them in jail because they're not doing anything illegal. You can't beat them up because that's wrong and lots of them was so we managed to figure out a system that takes our least capable people, the ones who should be nurturers and put them in in the basically defence jobs
it's jobs and I think you get exactly what you think you would get if you put crazy people in your important jobs of the whole thing falls apart. So at some point we have to be awake enough to say we do have a crazy bitch problem in america. We have a crazy white bitch problem now. I don't think there's another demographic group where the men vote one way and the women vote. The other is er. I asked this question. I know that most of the demographic groups, more men, are leaning republican than women, so that's normal, but I think men are, and I'm not sure about this I'll take effect. In fact, I was white men and why women are actually on opposite sides of politics, but there's no other demographic group where
there are men and their women are opposite sides right, yeah, here's why I think it's because white men who are less read less constrictions on why women than other groups, I think other groups are more likely to maybe it'd be more traditional in a way that we we thought was bad. Probably as bad in it's own ways, yeah, if you can say it out loud in a reversal, america has a problem with crazy, bitches they're, ruining everything that this has more more chance of being a viral clip than anything I've ever done in my life, he said. Maybe one thing possibly one thing was more likely to be a viral out. Now, let me be, Where this will? The part that is set down in the club only be I'll take? All women are crazy.
I don't think all white women are crazy, but far from it now most people are saying the normal most women most men, my most wife was black, was the spanning most most people are just normal, but if you let your craziest people in your group get too much power, you end up with us. So the thing is that men cannot police the actions of crazy bitches women can't police the actions of crazy bitches. The law can't police the action of crazy bitches voting care. Stop crazy, bitches cause. There are too many of them. We don't have a system that can stop or.
it's the bedrooms? That's a though we'd better fix that and by the way I don't really even want to have a conversation about this, not being a case of crazy bitches, because you know it's it's not just the women. Oh, let me make it more fair. There are a lot of weak men who are part of the problem, but I think it'd be more fair to say that men are at least equal to the problem. Is that fair to let let, let's make us more fair? Let's say a weak men allow crazy bitches to exists, so it's shared shared responsibility. If you could change either, one of those things might get a good result. where's that sport is a weak. Men became stronger, fuck the they going to do that. That show that a man can do anything. I have no idea
Well, what am I going to advise slap around now? Outvote them? You can what he do. I have no idea, I don't have any idea, but I think you have to start by saying we have a crazy bitch problem and if somebody has crazy eyes, they look crazy. They are crazy. Let's just call it what it is. Iran is fuckin crazy, ship. I know that there was a post by somebody. I don't know. Chicago one re who said this. Raise your hand if you think Derek chauvinism prison because of the color of their skin. Now this is a new category, things that we couldn't really say out loud a few years ago, but now you get, here's was interesting. I knows it is out of
I agreed with it, but it had one million views. So a small account got one million views because, as how many people think that Derek Jovan is a political prisoner because of his skin color, I absolutely That is a political prisoner, because the skin color and the problem, at least in part, is crazy catches facing webpages problem in part not entirely that once more complicated. California is giving free healthcare to all illegal immigrants on january. First. So as I think that some optimal yes once again we're going to reward people,
breaking the law, so gonna give reparations to violent criminals in chicago. Maybe it's america's his way. Now, in California, we're going to reward anybody who could make it illegally here are some free healthcare. Now to be fair, to be fair, does I I saw this story reported with the wrong context. To be fair, what california is doing is allowing everybody who qualify as low income to get free healthcare, so the illegal citizens who have low income can also get the field whether you like that or not at least at least everybody has the access to low income. I don't know if you had you in the unlikely event, you had an immigrant with a highest. I imagine they would not be eligible, but that probably so so rare than it does happen. So I have very mixed feelings about this number one we ever since.
it's a billion dollar shortfall in the state, so maybe we shouldn't give them money way too much. On the other hand, universal healthcare is the only thing I agree with. That's like purely socialist is the only thing I agree with now. You can have a disagreement with me about it, but I'll just give you my opinion. My opinion is, I don't feel like a good person if I could watch somebody die sitting next to me, because they don't have healthcare. I got. I just can't feel like a a good person period. Now, if you can well okay, but my entire, my entire political philosophy about healthcare is that we should find a way for the the free market to make it cheap enough that everybody can get it so I'd love to see technology etc. Make the cost of healthcare come down so much that everybody can get. So my preferred way for everybody to have healthcare is a free market, but if you can't make that work, there's always going to be some people can't
If you can't make that work, I don't want to watch them die because they can't get a doctor now in reality, they'll still, there will still go to an emergency room and yeah the hospital with eat it, and it would come out in your taxes so that didn't exactly die, but I'm so. Let's say that I'm philosophically in favor of everybody having healthcare, but I would do it the details. I'd do a lot different before was a vague run. The swami was asked about the civil war. Of course answer. Nicky Ellie did such a bad job of internet. And I will give you his answers is long, but if you want to see the kind of leader that america could have,
If you want to see what it would look like to have a president that you could send to the g twenty and everybody, there would know that our president is the smartest one in the g twenty, if you want to. If you want that, then look at the posts from the vague simply describing a little bit of american history about the civil war and more, I just watch him do it and if you know why thou on up every other campaign, speech or appearance by the vague, especially the ones that are not scripted, because I actually have never seen them do a scripted anything. So everything he does, I think, is unscripted But just watch him answer any complicated question about everything and you gonna walk away, saying I've never seen that before and what you ve never seen before, somebody that capable
and that's smart and that much on your side, you just don't see that now trump very much on your side and, like I always say I'll, say it a million more times. He really can't be compared to other people. So if you, if you think I'm sayings of acres in some your general way better than trump, that's not my point today. You can like trump for his own energy right way. He being he brings a lot that can be duplicated. But if you want the smarter. If the president, like you, really want to feel good that the president has your interest in mind and he's smarter than the others, and he understands all the topics and he's not likely to be bought off, I can't see him being bought. You do have a choice. Now, of course he is. You are deeply in the shadow of trump at the moment and it's the basis.
Will trump's election to win or lose, but there's a lot that could go wrong, a lot that could go wrong and if anything happened, to make trump trump unavailable. Do you really need beckham? Second he missed their back up. Well, as america won't see asia, they come along, but every forty years I think, he's a once in forty year it is- I I think he's a ron reagan in the eighties yeah. I think he's a completely different animal and the public hasn't quite caught on yet how different he is different in a just a whole. Lotta luck. We weren't we're now seeing anybody operate on that level. Again, I don't put trump on any level like the others,
drugs drop. You can just be job yet no andrea Yang, not in the same category, and I like andrea, Where do I enter Yang very smart, I don't think he could have been bought off of good ideas, but he's like the poor man's vague I'll say it again. Andrew Yang is pretty awesome, but is the poor man's povich? You know maybe not economically, but it doesn't quite have the energy, the pure
The mental firepower that congress has figured out a way to thwart democracy again by instead of getting congress's approval to fund Israel. I guess all they have to do if you're, the president is declared emergency. So if you declared an emergency, you can send the money as we do like our presidents have a lot of power when it comes to emergencies, but this is pretty fucked up. This is fucked up. This is an emergency young completely on Israel, silently gases situation under the sun other side, but what it did their money. Really israel rather money. They run by borrowing power. Really they can't pay back,
alone, I now heard that the the israeli I had not heard that their economy was on the rocks. Is it I thought they add some borrowing power like wire? Why are we funding the war and I'm again, I'm one hundred percent in favor of israel, but. Don't they have some money? They really need our money. I just don't understand it now. If they do need our money and they can't succeed without it, while I'm in favor of it. But wouldn't this be something that that Thomas massie should be able to debate in congress whoa why the fuck do we have a thomas massie if he can even be in the conversation I I will. We've gathered national assets.
I say this all the time because I like a but massey is not like the others. You'll know why right is your smarter, he's smarter and he appears to be completely unbelievable and he appears to be completely able to go where the the argument goes without without regard to team. Now, why do we bother electing and paying a superstar? In my opinion, like he's, had. shoulders above the other. People in congress are not all of them, but you're muslim. Why we bother by going through all this trouble to elect them, and then he can't even be in the conversation he's not allowed even argue it, what a waste, what a waste of the national ass it does not always. as you know already talked about that.
He had asked her ears. Example: Thomas Massie exclaimed, unsocial media and for some reason I didn't know this, so this will be a test of your general knowledge as well. I think I mentioned this. Were but massey says that only the house of representatives as the final say over whether electors from states are certified. So apparently all this business of the various states trying to keep trump off the ballot. That could be completely overridden in the republican house, but only if the republicans hold the house so they're going to have to be an office and ordinarily they could, after all bells, but really. How did I get this far with nobody telling me that the states can do whatever they want and the house could just overrule how?
How do I get to this point with the news not mentioning where how and there wasn't any other republican? Who was aware enough to mention it like that? This is precisely what I'm saying. What's the point of having a thomas massie, if you're not going to, let him be part of the argument heard him loose now. Let him do his thing. But this is funny this is another Jonathan turley point and so dissenters as publicly said that he would fire jack smith, who is the prosecutor for trump, one of them on day one if he got like now. That would, of course, put some pressure on jack smith to try to wrap up all of his trial stuff. Whatever he's going to do about trump before the election is after the election, there might not be any jack smith.
Might not be any anything, so you can see why he needs to hurry, but here's a great thing if you have, if ever the situation where your strategy can work. If you can delay things and you can use the bureaucracy and the rules of the system itself to delay things and the laying works for you, it's a real, tough sell. allergy debate, so it looks like the trump people have a strategy that would allow them to just keep dragging things out until after the election, so that, if trump gets elected he can just fire jack smith, but even better any republican who gets elected is likely to also fire him. So he's got a rush to get this done before he gets fired now. If this were a movie which sunday it will be, it will be. The movie. Is this the best third act?
got the the election, you know maybe there's some locked door with some ballots in it. Imagine the movie version of this imagined the movie version that always has a story. It's called a story and a b story. The aid story would be about just drop the strong doing their strong doing that the biggest story could be other rasmussen. People who keep a check on these boats, it's that or behind a locked door and like every once in a while. You go to the b story in the movie and you see them like standing in front of the locked door and like ah
We get in and then you see them like just grinding through the process every once in a while. You go back to them and it looks like they don't have a chance of finding out what's behind the door, but maybe they do maybe they don't. And then you look at the the trials, so the trials will be like also a b story, but you wouldn't call it. That would be like a fierce history and these watch the trials going on and you see like jackson sp. It seems he's got to figure out how to beat the bureaucracy, beat the legal rules and everything. And then you get like right up to the yeah. The final thing and then Biden drops out and newsome comes home. I mean just think of the movie. The movie would be amazing and it's all based on real stuff or. Could they, then imagine in the movie that. Some comes in and suddenly shit he's leaving in the polls.
because really it was all about not electing by the moment. The moment has replaced. The poles reverse. Let it was a trump was just dominated in the polls, and it goes right into like you're into september, and it's like an emergency. Now they put newsome and the poles reverse, and slowly weeks before the election days before the election.
The illegal stuff gets paid back so trump's not in jail or even better. He spends one day in jail and the country just goes nuts and you know they have to let him out or they find those balance. Imagine finding the ballots two weeks before the election, the the alleged fake ballots, which I can confirm, exist and all would that'd be awesome. If you think of this as a movie, it's got everything. It's got a star power. Your intrigue gets got levels. I mean this just got everything. I can't wait to see the movie. I mean.
Quite honestly, this is going to be a great freaking movie, no matter what happens, but I think it's better movie. If trump wins, it could also be a movie if trump had to drop out and the vague one and then just laid havoc to the government gets rid of all those departments, fires all the bad people, your jails, all the criminals. Now he just goes full argentina on it cause you don't have a vacancy to go full argentina right. It is very clear about it. He is going to go full argentina and just get rid of all the ship is sweep that. Was out the door trump as attorney general, oh my god that would be fun and how corrupt the Democrats well watch. Your diet guru points out that the same when free donated millionaires, stolen vehicles, stolen cuss refunds. U s! Politicians! I guess ass affair characterisation.
and then he reported today, the u S, government announced their dropping six charges against them and will not prosecuted for political campaign finance violations. To which everybody in the world says. Oh there's a big surprise that the biggest donor isn't going to be prosecuted for finance violations with a stole the money. Well, let's talk at the the so called the wolf of wall street. You know the first. The real person knew they made the movie about the wolf of wall street. On his show, and among other things he said that policy has to be operating information, this non public, another words a guy who knows a whole lot about investing, says it seems kind of obvious to him. That is insider trading, and it's right in front of me now I dunno that that's true, it sure looks like it does. It
that what's exactly like it. He also said that the bible, This greater laundering money what I've seen right now, I don't get it like. Just imagine if it was trump. Who is president? Yes, imagine if trump had been receiving forty thousand dollar checks through this, like obvious, you know a sketchy, looking situation, there's no way we would be just well. You know, that's just hunter, nobody, nobody would we say. Ah, you know there's just dont junior. As this time junior dog junior does lakes, Dont junior is not drop, that's well! That's what anyway, so yeah. So perhaps the Democrats are exactly as corrupt as you think. Is there any any other crop people? Well, I don't know the crab butter microphone.
Also this post? He said if Putin wins. He won't stop at ukraine's border now. This is just today this, like a brand new posts. The poodle and zero stop at ukraine's border are allies and our interests will face a constant, constant she's, a continuous greater threat and the cost. america will be far higher. Isn't A to provide ukraine with the weapons to win the win. The war now. So my compatriots really really want, sir. You claim to be funded. so you know miles John knows this. wondering why MIKE bumpo is lobbying so hard for you re well look at who is employee and now he is now on the board of directors of she ever star the largest law,
well service provider in ukraine. Really really isn't that obvious, but when did people stop hiding. It is not even hiding. It is public knowledge that he's on the board of the biggest a mobile phone provider in ukraine, which is basically a licence to print money. Not only that. But he was out of the cia, with the exception of the cia, who's got the best one money laundering job, which is that you'll be on the board of this a mobile phone company in ukraine. You know what's wrong with a story, everything everything is wrong with us. Absolutely everything is wrong with us.
Oh well, you Musca commented on host by David hazard ethic, puzzle away since august. The more immigrants arriving there an american children born, and that's only the official number we now that were assessed or caught that doesn't count the people who got it illegally. Nobody knows where So we are literally bring in more emigrants than where birthing new children where's that end up in a lands up in one place,
And why are we doing it? Why do you think this situation continues? Is a two word answer? Two word answer: have you forgotten already? The two word answer: crazy bitches is crazy. Bitches. If white women wanted this to stop, it would have already stopped as white women control. The democratic party republicans were already on boar. This is a crazy bitch problem
Why do I say it's crazy, because you'd have to be a crazy bitch to let in a bunch of men that are unvented, there's nothing crazier than that, but yeah, that's that's crazy, bitch, stuff and honestly, it suggests a women shouldn't have power over anything that involves national security. I hate to say it, but now obviously there will be plenty of women who would be perfect for that job, but if you put them as voters, if you look at him as an average they're, not getting it done so I'll make a distinction between an individual woman who could be. You know terrific, as a president terrific, as a commander in chief, that's very possible, nothing against individuals. So this is not a comment about any individual woman who can be super, but on average you don't want them to have a vote about your nationals.
It was a apparently can't do it. Women don't seem capable of protecting national security. I don't know why and and obviously white women, but we need to look into that ukraine is entering what I call they pre negotiation phase of a peace deal. Pray negotiated, looks like this. They have is the aerial attacks on kiev. Yet so the reporters, the heaviest, know missile and drone attacks on care of them. I guess other places. Why is that the pre negotiation is? Everybody said? Why is it pre negotiation is, They want when the war and are not doing anything on the front line. There would change how much territory they control
The reason you would do massive bombing before you negotiate is yet they you want your you want the people that you're negotiate with to be in the maximum sense of fear. So you want them to be emotionally, rocked by the fact that rockets just landed near them and care. You don't want them to think the war is suddenly happening on the border and that they're all safe setting their cap cause of the people will feel safer. Not gonna want peace like well so far as just other people dying, not me, but if you take that risk to their family, which is what putin is doing you're going to get a much better deal, so I think the uptick in bombing civilians, and that, I think, is mostly
Civilians in the populated areas suggests to me, because, wouldn't you agree that if you are trying to win the war, you would use all those assets on their military is on the front line when you bomb like you would use those on your direct threat. If, we're trying to win the war, so it seems that we are preparing for peace. Here's your chest. if anybody also the news says what I say, because this is my prediction: that burden is prepping, he's priming for a pistol. I want to see if anybody who knows what they're talking about mirrors me on this, what do you think so that's the prediction: the prediction is that this will be seen as priming for a peace talks. Alright,
Here's what there is opposed by adam common causes, It's the president of each blackest stand so anyway, Adam says, and the woke he was texting me, I'm always interested. He would text me during the show. Come on. You know about the show you're watching right now December twentieth, why December twentieth.
We'll be noticed, crazy gets day ass. I ain't gonna come up. I haven't common, said this and see if you agree with it now before, I tell you I'll tell you that any absolute sir, you generally false, so we persist in absolute, but in your head. She say he doesn't mean every single person. I says the woke left believes the only way for black people to get a job is with the I. Whereas the walk right believes the only reason black people have a job is dui. He says two sides of the same coin. I I spent some time thinking about this. Only
Oh Adam, I believe Adam is black if that makes any difference to how you receive this, but it is, I I feel like he has a point here. He is saying that the left believes that you need the eye for black people to get a job, and the right believes that they got a job because of the I it kind of does make sense. Does it I dunno I I just have to live with a one for a little while cause. It does look like they're saying the same thing in a weird way. I promise you some optimism and now I'm going to give it to you and I think twenty twenty four is going to look good. I believe that we are we're all suffering some form of ptsd. If we watch the news love if you watch the news, what makes it interesting is that
worst case scenario. So the mirrors is nothing but non. Stop your site is a bad we're all gonna die If you follow the news that the natural thing you should be feeling everything's falling apart, how many of you have the natural feel you should visually if you watch it. is that just everything everywhere is like suddenly everything's falling apart, and I'm looking at that. Yes as the nose, so I get lots of yeses yeses. Yes, it is, it obviously is yes, I do. I do, but now that's the way you should feel if you took any normal people are doing more people. So I'm going to sit you in front of the news, but you should know that news will focus on the bad news as that's interesting stuff. So when we're done, there's no doubt about it, you're going to be going to ptsd, as as how it works. By giving me a bad news all day long and the good news you're going to be damaged at,
And so since I am not paid by advertisers, and so I don't need to say you know only bad things to get your attention. I have the luxury that I could say some good things so I'm going to I'm going to fix your bodily anxiety right now. Here are things that are going right and likely to continue going right. First of all, free speech is in better shape than has been in years thanks to X, and we can now say things out loud that we can never say before people like me and Tucker, carlson and
even now out jones, mothers have created a model which suggests that, even if you get cancelled for what you say, you can still have a life and it could even be better. In fact, a number of cases it would be so free speech
I think, isn't the best situation in span and maybe five to seven years. That's really good. It's not great, but it's way better than it was just a few years ago, I'm going to agree with Joe Biden that the economy is strangely strong and you can look at all kinds of indicators of the economy and they're. Strangely strong and and and I do think, inflation will continue to come down if only because of robots and ai and will find ways to save money and will adjust and blah blah blah blah blah. So I think inflation will come down.
I think that our debt is the biggest problem. My worry about it, I think, were actually to figure out a way around it through productivity. So in theory we can boost productivity enough that we can make that less important. So we might do that
I think, there's a good chance of that. So stocks are up this year and stocks are future facing if you're trying to prove correct the future the economy. One typical way to do it is to look what stocks of that, because stocks are a leading indicator, meaning that the stock price today does not tell you what things look like today is not what it does. It tells you what people think it will look like next year, so the stock market, the entire stock market, just told you that twenty twenty four looks good according to the people who have to make it work that includes optimise the market would not be up. If there were no optimism. Optimism is what makes the economy work. So, if you've got good employment, which we do and you have optimism which we do and you have a clear path toward enormous reductions in cost, which we do robots.
Fusion you're, better green energy, you do have a plan that suggests optimism is warranted in the twenty. Two. Thirty arrange how about this? I think migration is a disaster, but a sky ended november. Whatever, whatever is your worst thought about, immigration is gonna, be done in november, you're, either gonna get republican president by then we will have to shut down just when the present. Now he could shut it down. But reopen it as soon as he wins, but I'm not saying that is the most likely case. Most likely case is either Democrats will close it because they have to or republicans will close it for them, but this is not a permanent problem. This is the most solvable problem we've ever had with an obvious solution. This
Your everyday is getting closer to the solution, so we're solid and we don't have enough people that Iraq, the country we actually can absorb three million immigrants pretty easily. We can, we can absorb infinite immigrants and we can't absorb enough. They all come in and flood one city can do that, but it's not the raw number of them. That's. The problem, though, is the rate. That was the problem, not the total number. So as long as you take care of the rate, the ones who are already here will Why the probably additive in the long run might take two generations but they'll be additive? What about the I in the sg, two things destroying the country? Well, big companies are cutting them. The d I departments they are now being treated more like the joke that they shouldn't be treated as and because of free speech. People like me can say that these are
which programs by idiots and mostly driven by crazy, bitches, crazy bitches now crazy bitches are not the by numbers, not the primary reason. There's the I, of course, is the people who would most benefit from it are probably the primary drivers. But if you removed from the argument the crazy white bitches it wouldn't happen, that big group of crazy way budgets to be in favour of the IRA just one up, so they are really the problem, but now we can call them crazy way, pledges and call it what it is. So do I am yesteryear now disgraced in declining.
I would say that whatever you thought was the risk from the climate. You probably think, is less now, because everything from you know fusion to electric cars to not really seeing the the worst predictions. How many years ago was at that at that gore did the inconvenient truth. An inconvenient truth made a bunch of predictions literally none of them happen
am I right and is more obvious now that we can't measure the temperature there. I always laugh because you know how you look back in time. You say how those crazy primitives ever believed that thing they believed, but if you're in the time when people are believing crazy stuff, it's even weirder here, here's what I think will seem funny to have the next generation. This is going to seem hilarious, the next one that we could ever measure the temperature of the earth over the last hundred years Who, within a degree, call me die science if you're also going to ask me to believe the science good measure, the temperature of the earth on average, two within it? Ray over the last hundred years now
Do I even need to give you any reasons why that's absolutely fucking crazy. You know who would believe that that's even possible who would believe that is even possible what kind of person crazy bitches and the and the men that they that they that want to sleep with him. I guess you'd have to be pretty fucked up to think that that's even a thing am I wrong so independent of whether or not that climate change is a problem I'll keep that as a separate question, if you think you can fuckin measure it over a hundred years within a degree. You think you're gonna make a model that will prevent that over the next fifty years. This is crazy shit. This these are not even like a difference of opinion, is not a difference and priorities. This is absolutely fucking, crazy, shit.
though, you could ever measure those things and again, I want to be very clear before a polit effect was beyond their list of the worst predictions. I don't know if the temperatures is going up. I dunno and I'm kinda glad that people are panicked about it. You know, I am glad that people are panicked about it, because it does create a lot of action that will give you your electric cars and your fusion energy, and all that that stuff is only happening because we're panicked have a plan, and I think we need to get there. We do need to get to a post coal world. If this is how we get there, well, it's not the best way, but it might be the way we get there faster. So I don't mind a little panic about the climate, because people working but don't tell me you- can measure the fucking planet of the earth within a degree over a hundred years. Please please don't don't take that anywhere near me is ridiculous.
What about ukraine and israel? I say ukraine is going to wind down and they'll talk, peace. I think that Israel is on track for the Hamas iphizing, the area it'll be longer than anybody thinks more expensive than anybody thinks uglier than anybody thinks there'll be horrific things that happen and, of course, as for, but it looks like it's on track. I don't see anything, that's gonna pay grafter, I think a rattlesnake contained. I think china is on the decline. I think our This energy situation is good, surprisingly, were The popping in exploiting more oil than ever in the history of the world are our country is right now producing more oil. Then not just
more than with produce more the railways are reproduce like, as were the highest pollution, will spread out. That's biden. If you get a republican presence, could go here another at times that. I assume effusions looking good with no recognition at once. It wants livermore lab near me. There were three successful ambitions and created one energy, the news so yeah at least fifteen twenty years away, but it's on the way, robots and ai are coming. That will change everything I think it'll be good and californians have health coverage, whether you like it or not. In my opinion,. There are also out or note that the news landscape has transferred power from the networks and the billionaires to just influence.
others were got on social media. Now I want to see a world where NBC news as less power makes under which has more power as good world. So I think we're having told all good things so that you're out it's for the year, and I got you today thanks for joining youtube and as of now, it's you who see tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-31.