« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2336 CWSA 12/28/23 All The News Fits In A Theme And It Isn't A Good One

2023-12-28 | 🔗

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Politics, Project Lazarus, DEI, Well-Intentioned Bad Ideas, 25% Poll Answers, Vivek Ramaswamy, John McWhorter, Social Skills Decline, Zuby, Forbes Ownership, Debbie Dingell, President Trump, Russian Schoolbooks, Rural-Urban Polarization, Fake News Algorithm, Nikki Haley Civil War, AOC, Open Border Migrants, Bidenomics, President Biden, Brandon Straka KKK Act, NYT vs ChatGPT, Jack Smith, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Dirty due due to leave to the morning. Everybody walking welcome the coffee, Scott Evans, I light of human civilization alone. This combined little. I started an hour early cause. I had read the clock wrong and then I started late because I stopped looking at the clock, the second of the day, but otherwise this could be great if you'd like to take this experience up to levels that nobody can even understand with their tiny human brains. All you need is a cup or mug, or a glass tank or gels, or stein Akim tea, jug or flask of vessel of any kind fill it with your.
Liquid. I like coffee and join me now for the under our pleasure. That ought to be the other day that makes everything better. It's called the simultaneous weapons now savory read well Have you heard of a project lazarus, it's a project to use a aid to take over your social media accounts after you die just keep tweeting will live in an age. Your profile picture. That's right! So now, if you die, you can still do social media. No problem, but some anonymous personal project. it a little worried that say he had dark turn. This apparently, is a little bit too good.
also now that I could make a perfect reproduction of you and again postings. Just like you would inside a dark turn. You think that people who have will have ongoing relationships with the deceased. I do, I think people are just going to keep with their partner. I think that peoples like spouse will pass.
The way and they're just going to keep deliverable they'll just keep going on about. Imagine you're. Eighty five and your life is basically you walk out the living room. Your spouse is sitting in the chair drinking some coffee. Maybe talk a little bit, but basically you're not going on big trips. You're, not you're, not going to the gym. What would be the difference between that and walking into your living room? Your tv comes on it's a perfect reproduction of your spouse, who died last year and as a conversation with you just like your spouse would buy. That might actually be more interested in your problems and your spouse was what's going to keep people from just continuing their existing relationship. Now, if you're, you know, twenty five and your spouse dies. You're you're going to need, you know some human touch and stuff you replace them either. I think a lot of people are just going to continue living with the dead and then eventually they'll port, the dead into a robot body, just reproduce their dead ones. The weapons I dunno there might be something important about our ability to let go what if we lose our need to, let go I dunno it'd be an interesting change, might not be good. Alright, I am having a common problem on locals. I'm going to open up my foliar just
look at her comments on the separate device which will totally work. Your girl totally work, no problem, and it's totally working. Alright, we're all good. I can see all your comments now. I have the theme for today show is all of our systems are designed in America. All of our systems are designed to promote the least qualified people. Who do you think? That's a general thing or just sort of a little problem well under developed the idea that, Yes, everything were doing. We went from a system that was decided very specifically to promote the most capable people you one which in every way, is designed to do the opposite.
Isabel, what is the obvious outcome of that? But there's only one way that adds up and limit. Let me develop that a little bit, let's stay in schools, so we have these things called teachers' unions. Now the teachers have a little bit different interest than the children and the parents. That's why you have a teachers union, because the teachers have their own interests that are not identical to their bosses. Are the people who pay them so they have to have their own production now, I'm in favour of unions, alike, unions, but if you have a union in the context of teaching your children, that is a system designed to maximize the teachers benefit and that will be at the cost of their children's capabilities.
Now why don't we have unions in the military zambada? Why can't soldiers join the union or is such a stupid question that you don't even need to answer right, like you, don't even have to think about it too much you like the union. If, if soldiers were in a union, they could just refuse
his orders to go on strike yeah. Obviously, so you would never have a union in a context where your very life depends on. Everybody understands that right. If your life depends on it, you don't want to have a union getting in there with her union rules, but what's the difference between our education system and our homeland defense? What's the difference, while one of them shoots bullets and blows things up and the other trains children aren't they really the same? Because if you don't train the children, the country will be helpless and will be in rather than be destroyed. If you do train the children and they become very competent and capable than they help your economy improve and was the number
One thing you do need to defend yourself from other countries. Number one thing is money is: if you have money, you can buy weapons. Look at your grade, so the fact that we separate our education system from our military is a logical mistake. We do it because our brains naturally put things in buckets, so we think our training, That's a different backing from the military, but it's not it's a continuing training, the children to build a good economy to make them capable to be the military. If they ever need to make the decisions, you don't have to send you military out talking So we have a system called teachers, unions which guarantee we do not do the best job of teaching our children.
Then we've got the d, I diversity, equity and inclusion, which is infected or or colleges or schools, and our corporations, and now the I, of course, as well intention, in my opinion, well intentioned, meaning that the whole point of it is to make the world better more inclusion, better diversity. As long as things work, the same, you get more diversity, you will be a better world, but intentions do not necessarily translate to desire.
But if your design is the opposite of your intention as mistake, and in this case I think we would all agree that if you focus on diversity and inclusion and even have a staff members whose job it is to make sure you do it, you are going to give up capability for diversity. Now you won't plan to do it. It would not be your intention to do it, but it would be a necessity by because of math if everybody's, if everybody's, going after the same pool of diversity, there just won't be enough diverse people who are also qualified for your specific job, so you're pretty much guaranteed,
pretty clear that you're going to get lower quality because of the I so the teachers unions guarantee at the I guarantee that how about a current mass illegal immigration is mass illegal immigration going to get you high quality people compared to vetting people and making sure they add things now are obvious yeah. That's you don't even need to ask the question. Obviously the point of mass immigration is not to increase. The capability of the citizens of the united states. Does that labour and I would say that the second generation of these immigrants could be quite high quality. I love our second generation, the second generation pretty awesome, but you still take awhile to get there. So if you had enough, first generation can speak English were not vetted yet you're, pretty much guarantee that at least for next ten or twenty years you could have lower capability. Would you agree which, which has nothing to do with the of the natural nature of the immigrants, is just the system if the system stops checking people and lets everybody in you, don't get the same? You know qualified young job seekers that you would otherwise how about our presidential system do we have a political system which guarantees the best and the brightest become your leaders? Well, let me say this way, no matter how much you love trump you've got to agree
if you could get something like his policies without provocation, you'd probably be in better shape, but here we are, this can be Biden vs trump trump, which will make fifty percent of the country literally insane, is your best choice. I do think he is your best choice of the two I'd still rather a vivek ramaswamy is he he gives you all, the goodness without the provocation, so any jumper which matters to me.
so do we have a system that guarantees your best political candidates, or can you just look at it and say to yourself it's kind of obvious: that's not what the system is doing whatever it is that the system is doing is definitely not choosing the best candidates is choosing candidates, they think they can win in the case of trump. Yet it is that you touch them emotionally, also looking for job candidates who just seem safe, or maybe they can control them through blackmail, maybe Biden, I dunno, maybe
There's some blackmail, that's on the part of the process hard to say, but you also can't rule it out. So that's not good how about the tick, tock and smartphones? Are they making us more capable or less capable, obviously, less, there's nephew stupid and that's dividing the country? So it's making us less capable of being good citizens who can work with each other to good outcomes, and are we changing it now now? I will continue. Smartphones will continue and about our health systems that are safeguarding our health.
Well, now so much, I would say that our food sources or compromised, meaning that to my sugar, too much god knows what kind of chemicals in our food- and I dont think that this year, if your food is compromised, you're physical health is compromised and it's a straight line to hear your mental health in your physical capabilities up. What's so, do we have a food system which is going to promote capability or a food system which is going to promote. Sickness and poor mental health. Clearly, the food system is making us less capable about So those are just some a few examples and give me some more as we go, but I'm not wrong. I'm not wrong. We sort of drifted accidentally into
every one of our major systems that we rely on to be healthy and have leadership and economics every one of them with polluted with Ideas that were often well intentioned yeah, so let me say it again: if you figure diversity for free I'd, be all over it. Of course, of course, I do what I do on our businesses and or organizations to roughly look like the country. I think that's a good thing, but you don't want to give up too much to do buy that I and that's the problem, might give up too much. Two gorilla, alright about how the people feel about leadership. I would like to see if my serve my
We also so smart that you can get the answer to the question I haven't even asked. Yet before asked, go the answer to the question before us. asked the question. You don't even know what category this is. That is correct. The answer is twenty five percent. You want to hear the question are doesn't matter because you have the answer. Yeah well Rasmussen that did a poll this. They esther.
Us voters as they believe in their lifetime. The overall quality of america's political leaders have gotten worse. Seventy five percent said yes in my lifetime, the political leadership has gotten worse. That means twenty five percent of the country as either not noticed it's gotten worse or believes that has gotten better or declined to answer. Now. How many of you, when you first heard me, say that most of our polls have twenty five percent of the respondents have the dumbest fucking answer in the world. Just the dumbest answer: it doesn't matter what the poll is only five percent, a good, solid. Twenty five percent are going to give you the dumbest fucking answer you've ever in your life yeah. I think our leadership side so great best. I've ever seen who who sees that ahmad? Oh, I see a questionnaire in the comments on locals or what came first, trump or or the controversy. I would agree that it's not so much trump who caused his own problems and the Democrats painted trump in a in a way that causes the problems, but he is unique in that the way he he speaks and acts makes it a little bit easier. If you compare that to the way vague speaks and acts, the vacant say things and actually is, will talk about the same things that are even more provocative than trump. By far. Actually, if you look at what the veg said just this week, he is way more provocative and trump. You know, I is not a number one news story about all the crazy stuff that vague said. You know why it's not a news story, because the left is scared as shit, because he can explain his provocative opinions so well. Trump trump speaks like his base and that's great for your getting them to love you because he speaks the way they do sit very simple terms: cheap and easy. The wind stops blowing. My tv goes off. Ok, that's not technically accurate, but you get the idea
yeah right so trump's more of a you get the idea. You know what I'm saying. Do you feel it too? That's how he communicates is very effective, very effective, but it leaves them open to attack because, if he's taking those sort of simple emotional truth- and I believe he is closer to the truth- even when he's using emotion to persuade and is very easy to attack from an intellectual perspective, does she say well he's not defending that that? Well, but then you you introduce of a vague, similar or even more provocative statements, and you do not want to put him on television on MSNBC and let the Democrats hear him speak. I'm surprised, he's gotten as much play as he has on the on the left. You'll see an inside among.
Time is to their credit. So let me give you wanna give some time ago, cnn some complete credit, they ve had vague on and they love him talk. I'm gonna give you credit for that anyway, so I just want to say that the pentagon's effort to crack down on extremism, you know the extremism or that weight supremacy. It was in the military. Well, they looked for it there. They said it they searched and they searched for the white supremacy that are ruining the military and you know what they found. After all, that searching it's really no different than the public at large. In other words, it was an illusion. There was never any excess way supremacy in the milder now, but that did they decide that they didn't find this or they're done. No, no they're doubling down
Gotta look harder, they look twice as hard now now. What do you think happens to the er readiness of the military when you start dividing them by? I dunno. I think you might be an extremist or away supremacist well as the deity department it is certainly feel, might be causing greater feelings of alienation and are still so, in other words, the military system which they implemented. You get rid of waste supremacy which would be what well intentioned well intentioned. I don't want to see any way supremacy of my military none. I want to seize euro ways of embassy in my military, none, but intention.
A bad system as it turns out there wasn't much there to look for so if you've got a system that is causing alienation and division and is not finding any problems, and it was trying to solve, makes things worse. So once again, we have a system that bias design will reduce the quality of our military by it's design. So as long as they're chasing diversity in the military and trying to root out things that don't exist,. You don't get a good outcome: ligature schools are ruined by the teachers, unions, you D, I ruined and corporations in the government. You ve gotta.
ass, a legal immigration ruling, the capability of people coming in allowing the average you ve got your presidential system. That gives you a vegetable as the major candidate and illustrated by this basically vegetable. His point you ve got food supply is making is unhealthy, smartphones and take up that are making is stupid and biased, and a notary. The spice design is renewed.
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on five or by up or go to w w w dot, spotify dot com backslash part to get started. How about his work? This? Well Do you know a publication called Atlantic which is famous for being super lefty and republican, Apparently they allowed writer John the quarter, who pressures black. To write a negative article about robin the angels book, what is it? It's right, so fragile is one of these. You awoke books and the atlantic actually had a ran, a peace in which john the quarter responding to some criticism of his person.
I opposed this today. Apparently the author, robin the edge low, said that she was been criticised by somebody who was answered as right wing as or as conservatives as clarence, thomas and then carson and woke water says about that. I'm quote very concerned. like clarence, thomas and Ben garson, she has clear red barely a word of my work. At least when I slammed her book. I'd read every word and I mean I maintain that I'm sorry it was white fragility at the books wrong and I was anti fragile as though somebody else's book that candies book, I'm confusing it with some of the book or antifragile his talents, but then nassim taleb, alright to go back. The book is white fragility, white fragility.
and that's sort of awoke work. Obviously- and I wait look so mcwatters as at least my slammed book, you'd you'd read every word of it: and then he goes on. He says that white fragility is literally the worst book ever written. It's so bad. It's an achievement. This wholeness in your head that woken us has jumped the shark so much that even atlantic will run a major piece against a book which is you
One of the foundations of weakness from a black writer who isn't as conservative as clarence, thomas and Ben Carson, apparently, but there I feel like that's. I feel like the fact that this even happened is telling us something is telling us that at least you can say what you're thinking about the topic of weakness in the eye and all that. That's that's an improvement, because I don't think there was even a year ago you could even speak honestly. You should see the things of a vacancy this week. There's not a thing. He said this week that you could have even said out loud couple of years ago. You would have been cancelled. The meeting
so now use now we say: okay, that's actually pretty good point that you can say that aloud now, big difference, well that I dunno what to call him when he called Xu B, musician and philosopher, but it is impossible to characterize yes, so many skills he does zombie So you might not from social media. Well. Zombie says a social media is reducing people's social, skills and the attention spans. and he says that he's been talking to people over a basically is job is dollar a job is desperate.
He goes around. He travels a lot. He talks to people. He really has the best job he goes around and he talks to people and then he graves got the anatomy properly and the influences his music influenced. Is that political opinions and everything else where he, the average person is less social and competence posts gave them a key goals. Have you noticed that people are less socially capable who, since the pandemic, how many of you have noticed that change. As I definitely am yeah. I I've said this before, but I completely lost what I'll call a social instinct. You know what I mean by that. A social instinct now that doesn't mean I'm going to treat people poorly. I hope I hope I have not accidentally done that, but I do
I have like a drive, and I can't I thought it was just me so you know I've told you before I can spend two to three days a week without seeing another person in person at all, not not a word of in person contact two or three days week and for awhile. There's bothering me who she can feel is unhealthy. You know you can just feel it like out of your body and your brain, like even at twenty four hours. Without talking to another person, you feel a little unhealthy and then the moment somebody comes into your life. You have like any kind of good interaction,
You feel healthy, I guess just noticeable, but I wonder if the loneliness was killing people as much as any other course of which we could mention many, because I feel like the lonely. This is like level like not at the level. I experience it, but I feel like a little bit more of a good kill me. That's what it feels like it feels like it. You just fucking kill me, but I also get used to it. So I grew serbia but at least if you ve got all these problems. At least you can go to your therapy or my right, thank goodness the system of mental health care in the sky.
It is vibrant and it works every time, but not well. Yes, we don't really have mental health system before the people were in the worst shape. But we know we didn't. We get involuntarily put them in in institutions, but at least the average people who can afford to go to a therapist at least they're, getting super good service from the therapists who are trained to what is now right. Well, ok, well, Jonathan hate host of this data. I wish I had not. design from the epa. I guess this must be the social association american psychologist association. For goodness sake,
Well just says he wishes, he had resigned from it and twenty twenty one. He knew why he wishes. He hadn't resigned, so he could do it now as right in your face. He wishes he could design, he could resign from them twice. Because they ve been infected by walking, listen apparently there introducing the concept of colonizers into these therapy model so that you can know if the real problem is your cousin bipolar, maybe Yeah, maybe a little some, some or area victim of colonizers. Is it really a victim oppressor, oppressor and victim?
the model. So, apparently even therapy is going to be ruined by awoke us. So we have a system that if you have mental problems we can make them worse. Is your employee and or your spouse? If they go to therapy, then they come by better or they come back worse, your coworker or your spouse does the therapy. They come back better or they come back worse. Now. I've only done in one form of it was a marriage counseling for my first, my first marriage definitely made it worse. I never could have guessed that marriage counseling could make things worse, but it definitely did definitely dead. Now I dunno, if that's common, but for the other therapies. I am sure the therapy is number one well intentioned everybody agree. I don't think anybody
into the therapy job with bad intentions, good judges, but if the system is to allow in the victim oppressor model, you're not gonna, get a good result. You're not- and I have a feeling that might have snuck into my situation- is. I think I might have better oppressor in that context. This was all like the way I told you that forbes magazine is kind of a magazine still did a hit piece on me. They used to be a credible magazine, but another just ridiculous. Garbage. I have to look into the ownership of it for awhile. It was owned by a hong kong based company, so I said to myself: aha, it's china. China doesn't like me so they're, making forbes write bad things about me, but that is not the case so
the hong his holdings to a twenty eight year old risk. Guy ceo, aluminum technologies. So the forbes, like the washington post, like atlantic owned by a rich guy Woman cases lead. So why do rich people by major publications that do not look like they can ever make a profit. well, nobody would buy any of these assets to make money. Just wouldn't do it that nobody is that dumb? Why do you do it? Will you do a fringe loans? Don't you I don't know
The other reason, let me ask you this: what was the forbes opinion on climate change? Up until recently, traditionally was safe last twenty years? What was the forbes view on climate change? Was Steve forbes view on climate change. Skeptical skeptical that either I don't want to be the one who characterizes steve forbes opinion on climate change, but I will say that he, he might have been a not alarmist. Not. Almost about the new guy, while the new guy apparently has donated money to both parties, so he donated to both republicans and Democrats, but not much to is not a big donor, but he spread around the both sides, which makes sense just a good.
since version, but he is so he doesn't advertisers political leanings accept that one of the main concerns we know from a twenty eighteen, article was climate change, so somebody who is not political us, as is biggest concern, is climate change. Now, always forks. What's my opinion on climate, is the probably really close to Steve forbes skeptical skeptical of models, skeptical that you know it's not for the benefit of china. Skeptical that you're going completely green too fast, is a good idea yeah. Maybe you should phase into it. So I probably I is just a guess cause. I don't know this to be true, but probably of Steve forbes and I sat down
and talked about climate change. It'd probably be not much difference how about? If I sat down with the new owner of forbes and we talked about climate change, if it's as big as issue, I doubt he's skeptical about it. So now, remember I told you if you don't know the players, nothing makes sense.
Do you think that the Steve forbes would have allowed an article? That's basically a piece about me. You want to know something. I shouldn't tell you for several years, Steve forbes asked me personally to sign my books as christmas gifts for members of his family, which I did, which I don't do by the way, but in case you're. You, though I'll, send you a book in your sign that I'm not going to do it. I will throw the book in the trash, but it was steve warps and I always liked the forbes. So I thought oh steve forbes. I don't know him personally, but I thought you know if he wants my books for his family. I want his books that my I want to travel the time I bought. So I sigh.
A few times now you see how important the players are. It's the players yeah, if you read the news and you believe, you're reading news that somebody objectively thought. Oh, I think this is the important thing that the young, my audience needs to see sometimes but lots of times it depends who owns the the product. So I think c forbes is involved in some ways, but obviously this year would be the boss, There is so much controversy that transit star on the hollywood, walk of aim that what is so in hollywood, you, you know they pay your star, sidewalk and some people want to.
removed, but I don't think you should have removed. I would think, as more use a bigger use. I think your therapist could take you down to the sidewalk and point you to the star and say I have questions. How do you feel about your mother? What do you think about the star. and then you know all of their mental illnesses, so you can use the trump star as a way of diagnosing mental illness. So when you look at the star, you see hitler mussolini, pol pot, Stalin and thanos, a okay yeah. That's all you need to diagnose of his mental illness.
So I think they should use for that for nasa? Well speaking over trump, And then there's still talking about his christmas message that all of the losers should rot in Hell, which was one of the funniest things he's ever said, because if you take it in context, it sounds like hitler mussolini. But if you see it in context, it's just funny- and it's you know is on is on message and is something he has been doing for fifteen years or something. How long has he been doing messenger well before he ran for president the first time he was doing things like uh yeah. Merry christmas accepted the losers or something it does this, but ass. He had a dummy dingle one to look offended
now Debbie then go. If you don't know, she looks like just imagine a poor man's e g girl or were eating girl, look like if she didn't like sick for a couple weeks as well. the sea of the visual, but if I were in charge of thy nicknames, what would you oh debbie, dingell, it's gotta be dingle berry, it's gotta be dangle berry yeah, that's all I'm gonna say about that like I am not in charge of nicknames, but if you could look at a Debbie dingle and you come up with a nickel nickname the isn't dingle berry while you've done it incorrectly, you need to go back in that gesture. Look and the EU people who are not native american speakers I'll, give you a few minutes to look
up in the urban there in the urban slang picture, I found out today from a post by dc dream now that russian textbooks teach his region. Are students and in russia they learn that the twenty twenty election was rigged. It was rigged for Joe Biden and the buys his family as corrupt commercial interests in ukraine. That's right in russia. They teach at a school. That is a fact that the two thousand and twenty election was rigged and is a fact that the Biden is corrupt,
That's what I learned school now I happen to think. That's true. I happen to think that's true. Let me be very clear I am not aware of any evidence whatsoever that the twenty twenty election was right. I'm not aware of any evidence of it whatsoever. I've not seen anything that I consider proof of that, and I also believe that Biden was elected by our american system. So I congratulated on Monday one and has never changed that, because, even if the system is corrupt, it will but the way the crop system works and that, as a result incites up because I don't know maybe was always grub. I've accepted all the other presents, but.
I'm going to say the obvious if you believe that every american system and institution was corrupt except for our elections. I just want to hear you say that allowed see if he could that there is a challenge for you for new year's get together with your yourself, see if you can get a democrat to say out loud that they do understand that all of our other systems are corrupt, as most people can see that, but that they believe that the elections are the one shining example of non corruption in our country, which everything else is crap. I just want to see somebody say it out loud and like a complete sentence.
You know those islands that no court found any problems, s right, and so did you know that before the ninety nine is. the rural voters in america and his city voters. They voted about the same. Wasn't that much difference between country people in setting up But around the mid early nineties actually but closer mid nineties was a big boot, big change, and suddenly the lines diverged and country folk became more republican and city folk became more democrat. Now anything was that everything was gone, long, stable way, the mid nineties, they change web.
Your blaming it bill Clinton on racism, cable news or give it days. I think, are relevant to this fox news started in ninety ninety six, the exact here that the gap widened. Rush limbaugh started his radio show in nineteen. Eighty eight was a gigantic impact the the year he started. Not exactly probably not. I mean I don't remember, but I don't think it was probably took him a few years to ramp up to become the the rush that you knew and love so mid nineties. You had rush limbaugh and fox news are entering the persuasion game. Remember when I told you that our opinions are
assigned to us it is you don't have to wonder it's really obvious. As soon as there was there were new entities, there were credible enough that a lot of people watch them. They, their opinions were assigned to them and they accept her. So it's pretty much just that is pretty much just that
There is a study to try to see if they can identify fake news just by the the semantic information. So is there some some kind of algorithm? You could run against a news story you'll find out of his fake just by the way it's constructed. Now you see a problem with that yeah. Do you think there'll be any risk if we developed an algorithm that can spot fake news or anything go wrong with that yeah? The last thing we need is a secret algorithm for finding fake.
It is, I can't think of anything, that's a worse idea. Oh yeah, yeah yeah. We are our technology spotters who fake news. Well, how did that work like? How did you spot it? Well, semantics and stuff? What can you be more specific? Well uh? Yes, as the order of the semantics, it is still not. Where is the specific order of the semantics which we run against the filter? This based on patterns were taken from a large language model which we run through Some other filters and then a transformer, and then we get the answer. I dont understand any of those words which you just said. Don't worry about it. We just told his fate news is.
Why do I know? That's true, you idiot look at what the fact check your say just check the factors, the fact hackers who are Democrats just like we are, and only want our side of the thing to show they agree with him. So there's proof, while I'm not sure I could believe those fact checkers and I'm not even sure I could believe your algorithm well, if you're not going to believe that, would you at least believes the new york times, because the new york times agrees with the fact checker, which agrees with us. And just because all democrats who want trumped die, that's a coincidence. You just have to look at that. All of these things pointed in the same direction. I mean where there's smoke, there's fire yeah. The last thing we need is a secret algorithm for finding fake news. That's going to be corrupt in about ten.
It's nikki haley, it will say so optimal love weekend or yesterday ass. She was asked about the cause of the civil war which made her laugh because it's not exactly a normal campaign question, but you know what it is. It's kind of a layup that it was kind of a softball question. Wasn't it What was the cause of the civil war, although allow me to take a crack at it? Well, because the civil war, of course slavery was at a at a base. Concern But, of course historians will tell you there were there,
Then there are other variables as well such as lincoln, wanting to you now give the country together in such as your different economic interests etc. But, yes, slavery was at the core of that, but was not the whole story. I do. Okay, everybody happy with that answer, though, even if you just agreed that it's reasonable for a politician to say yeah slavery was a big part of it, but you know other issues Well, what did Nicky, I always say, She summarizes are well and truly about worker.
Women can and cannot do what yeah sorry about your big government versus bulk? You know she didn't say that, but she tried to give sorta generic non answer. Yeah and then people took that as she either doesn't understand the legacy of slavery, which of course he does is basically just wear these casual things. But as for you as before she yeah as part of her answer, she said quote: what do you want me to say about slavery and other words? She was trying to figure out where slavery had to do with her current run for president. So that's a reasonable question. I well. What do you want me to say about slavery? Sort of like once I got to do with her. precision, viagra, rob islamic closer and opposes the oasis. What are you we say about slavery because her
When he says, I think she mistook the person in the audience for a super pac donor, that's pretty good! What do you want me to say? Ask your donors what what they want, you to say pretty good the lake? Alright, I don't think that's an important story, but it's happening. Glenn Greenwald pointed out that cnn went easy on her because you know she's. Part of the military industrial complex. He is a he suggested, alright. That air sea was a some crazy video life's really about the border, and she says not. An immigration crisis is an imperial was in crisis. It's a climate crisis and a trade crisis. That's right if you fix the climate, imperialism and trade and, of course, you're also,
have to get rid of waste supremacy? She mentioned you get rid of those things. Immigration just takes care of himself, sir. Oh, so we do have an immigration problem. We've got a white people problem a lot of white people problem. I may be interpreting it that way. Yeah she's, crazy, worthless and giving back to my theme about the court
we have our leaders desire, he said she's very persuasive, I always say, but does she seem like a qualified leader? I don't think so. Being persuasive isn't good enough, she is at. I don't think she is even I'm not even sure she has good intentions. Really I mean she might have carried her mind, but it doesn't it's not obvious that she has good intentions and there are a lot of people. Agree with her that are more obvious, that they're coming from a place of good intentions, but this is crazy shit. This is looks like a she's mad at her father or she's mad at white people, or something like. Why would you throw in imperialism climate crisis, trade and white supremacy into a unguarded border question?
you're, either sick or so political you're, useless or you're, incompetent or you're. Just a racist or all of the above. I think she is incompetent and a racist is my best guess, but as our current system elected her because of her a great quality right, do you remember why she got elected because she was female and she also tried hard. He wore honor sneakers cause. She tried hard because people were really excited to see a woman. Try hard. I hate to say it, but that's what it was she's female and she tried really hard.
That was good enough. Well he's young and female, and she tried really hard alright and latest on ukraine. Is that the rumors are that the Biden administration wants to start some kind of negotiating an end to it and of course, if they did that the end would look like some limits on nato expansion, probably russia keeping the stuff that they already got. Probably it's going to look exactly like elon musk said it would look before they killed so many people you moran, has trouble at elon musket for suggesting. Maybe they should work it out before they just mindlessly, kill each other, but everybody said no, no much better to mindlessly kill each other, but let's just keep mindlessly kill.
Each other and so that's what they did. But they're going to end up right back where the smart people, like Davis, axle, elon, musk and other people said they would skin. Look exactly like it looks now. No nato russia keeps those places Now I think we will find a way to make the obvious not happen the If your solution is just work, it out the door quickly so since as obvious and smart will find some way not to do it and has
immigration doing our immigration court as a backlog of more than three million cases, three million people according to our system needs to be interviewed to find out if are really come across because of their their like. What's the word at political refugees was sort of silent, are they really legitimate?
one seekers, or they come in here for work three million on. So I ask you: again: are the assistance in this country designed to increase the capability of our workforce and our people or to decrease? Well, if you ve got a court, they can't even look at asylum cases. It is clearly by design, not intention, but by design you make us less capable what else could have it does not a week ago: celestial design, designers, destiny. I abide by economics coming with these stocks are up shut your prices are still higher than we want at least a rate seems to be down in a reasonable level at the moment,.
Gas prices are lower than the highest, but they're are much higher than the lowest job. Growth is not bad unemployment, not bad But as Michael shellenberger points out today,. a real wages are down so workers have less money. Interest rates are high, which has the effect of giving you less money is. If you want to buy a house with caution. so. How would you net this out is if you take the net, is you can be good or bad? Does you do? Have people have jobs? That's good prices are not going up. Anna control, that's good.
While people are less buying power. I think the less buying powers was baked into the model right. Inflation was guaranteed for awhile interest rates will probably. Im down? So here's how I would say you should look at it. It depends entirely upon which of these things, you think your temporary, if you think interest rates are coming down and the fed seems to be signaling that then we might, you know, be less a gliding back into a better situation.
I tend to think that we're in good shape, except for the debt, that I have no idea how we will ever have unless we can figure out with robots and ai and boost our productivity. So much that you know that inflation gets eaten up by productivity. Maybe, but everything we're doing so far seems to be to make all of our product of any worse. Instead of better. I'd say: look at the law affair situation. Remember: brandon strata use a leader, the walk away, movement, meaning walk away from the democrats
after trump while he attended the the january six events he did not go inside did not go inside the capitol and he did not hurt anybody. So he did no violence and he did not go inside the capitol. But. you're not only was threatened with jail by you sued by some of the police officers, including this one, byron, evans,. And he was soon under the kkk act, alleging that Brazil, that the ban on that Finally, the civil rights and conspired with waste two premises to commit a soul and bury all leaf fuck and no idea that happened. Did you know that this poor guy get sued under the cake, a gay act.
or discrimination. Was there anything about january sex that do with race? In fact, January sex was the most pure non racial event in the history of the. And states, we've never had an event that that would that was a completely non racial. You look at the the defenders of the capital. Did we now see white and black and asian and hispanic defenders of the capital working arm in arm Together, that's what I saw where it was. Anybody in the crowd saying anything: racial now, nothing there and it just wasn't even part of the conversation
This was the least racial event of all time. You can make almost everything else racial as we do that with our news and everything else. You can make everything else racial, but there was nothing. There was nothing in january. Sixth, that was racial at all. That was purely about. You know the integrity of the vote that was up so just watching. This is mind. Blowing that this poor guy, who became influential you're in politics, was taken down by the first criminal charge. and then a marshall. This just plainly riddick, absolutely ridiculous insane where rules is in trouble, the sayer
so James O'Keefe, you know is undercover videos is now running on operational energy, so act It is reported that manhattan judges denied project. Very us. First, amendment claims, in other words when, before whose own g o keefe was. project veritas and apparently they're not going to get protections as journalists with first amendment rights while, but what this means is that prosecutors are going to be able to look at a thousand documents are related to the alleged theft of Ashley Biden's diary. So that was the case that triggered this and I guess project veritas was claiming it was somebody else who stole them, so they were just acting as journalists and but.
The moment it looks like we might see a lot of documents related to that. So I dunno, if that's good or bad idea, the new york times, as you know, is suing open. Ai microsoft, as it says, Chad gb t, is stealing their stuff. I didn't know how bad it was until the new york times gave examples. The new york times gave one hundred examples. You know obviously there'll be infinite more, but they just picked one hundred.
For their legal case here, and they found one hundred cases where, if you asked interesting- and he said that, oh so the new york times tested and they asked the chad gp team, some questions and then they saw how many times chat. Gvt gave a verbatim answer from an article in the new york times without mentioning that as a verbatim answer from the new york times and salon. So why does it do that? Why does Chad gb t take entire sections and plagiarism in effect plagiarism from the new york times?
when it has access to so many sources. Why? Why would it at one source sore preferentially well I'll, get a hazard, a guess. what do you think they don't use fox news preferentially? It must be programmed to favor or to favor. What somebody would imagine are high credibility, left, leaning, publications. Now the new york times would be among the left, their greatest standard of credibility among people on the political right that would be seen as a joke. Am I right? If you talked to somebody who is very involved in politics, very informed on the left, they will tell you that the new york times is not perfect.
It's not perfect discussing things wrong, but, as is the standard for news, will they not they'll? Tell you it's a standard for news. Have you talked to anybody in the right? There will laugh and say it's just political is basically just brainwashing and propaganda. right now and not say which one is right. I'm saying that somebody had to pick watchword was right or somebody's, so I'm assuming the obvious there's somebody who's has programming Control over chachi t decided on their own, maybe with some of their coworkers, that the new york times was very credible and that they want their ai to be as credible as possible. So it should give it a little extra consideration.
but since I is not programme completely in detail- and I guessed assorted do its own thing based on matters, it's no surprise that it favoured patterns coming from one source. It was a favorite son. I assume that's what's going on so do under the circumstances. I think I agree with the new york times on this. Would you agree if it's true that day I routinely just quotes verbatim the new york times. I think the new york times as absolutely as a case. He not you, no one else is really funny. Apparently, apple apple has very quietly and cleverly started paying for it's trading,
as for as as building and set in spain a lot so in an order, in other words, on earth, instead of just scraping somebody's content, the way it looks like Chad, gb did Apple assaying- maybe maybe We train our ai in your content and then the owner says well for a certain price, and then they say what is their price and then they pair so apple is making you chad, gb t, look like criminals because apple without even requiring to pay, there's no law.
as I have to pay yet I mean I imagine there will be but they're they're getting ahead of the law by doing the ethical thing. So let me stop for a moment. I sometimes compliment and sometimes criticize apple. This is mark is ethical and is smart. They just said: if it's going to go, this direction we want to be on record, has been the ones who paid for it now where we want to pay our bills, absolutely respect that good choice, apple, good choice, so yeah. I expect the new york times, is going to win that and probably it means that microsoft pays them a lot of money unless, like an unprogrammed that at the same time your senators chris coons and Marsha blackburn are trying to figure out what to do about the fake music. So they've got there. They're drafting some legislation, the no fakes acts
would not allow you to use a. I pray music. There comes to closely for many specific artist, and I guess this became more important. Suicide gigantic viral video, any other will round of some fakes, drake and the weeknd drink Now suppose you would ask me skype. It looks like we're entering an age where ai will pretend to be real people and real performers. Who would be the first artist you would want to copy? Well, you don't want it to be an artist who is so unpredictable and good that you don't know what they're going to do You don't know what they're going do, but who will be the artist who makes every song sound like the sun before I got it, rake
Would you like me to give my impression of every drake song. I've fallen asleep. my answer- I take on board I don't know why I rise is- I am a worse yet barber and now I've, even though scott lights up, I like the genre, but You even understand why, by our lesson, a drag, I don't gave it all now. Let me be consistent with my artistic. Been art is subject, so the fact that I think drake has no talent whatsoever,
is irrelevant because, as on me, because drake sells a lotta music that guy Those are a lot of music. So what can you conclude about? That is very good to admit it, but if you saw that much music for that many years and people are really happy, they bought it. He is a great great artists. This is the truth that the way you can measure re are, if people want to pay for it year after year after year, they're going to pay for it and they do they pay for it. So if you use the most objective, most reasonable standard and indeed a substandard, I like applied to me- I don't want you to tell me that dilbert is good or bad. I want you to tell me that people subscribe to it that they buy the book, that they want the Kellen, because that tells me what I need.
Well, I don't. I don't need the internal thoughts, so drake is one of the greatest artists of all time, but is probably the easiest to copy that is out too far. Would you agree with me that he's gotta be the easiest one copy anyway, so no offense drake is actually great and let's see what else is going on. Jack Smith is trying to block trump's defense from offering any ad defense that this is a real desert that doesn't sound like. You could possibly be real that in public in front of all of us, he is trying to make sure that trump can't give up.
At the fence, I saw one of the things that he's trying to block the jury from hearing is that trump requested increase capital security and was denial. Now, if you are on the jury and you're tried to figure out, if trump were trying to take over the country or not. here is the insurrection list. Would you want to know if he had tried to stop the insurrection and suddenly stopped him from stopping? I can imagine what will be more important now, since I not a lawyer and another following. This is closely, as I said,.
I missing the point, though, because smith is not charging him for insurrection, which is weird in itself. Right is, that is that true is not being charged specifically with insurrection, if he's not being charged with insurrection. Is that the justification the smith is using for why he can't defend himself against the charge for insurrection? Is that what happened? This there's gotta be a legal argument for right, so we say is just off point. but if I were, if I were the trump defense, I would consider a completely on point. Does this suggest it suggests a frame of mind now? Is the what exactly is the charge against trump for january six? If it's not insurrection, it's inciting violence. What is the charge there is also
actually in law. Fair that I can't even hold my head. Was it obstruction so charging him with obstructing a government's process? Don't you think it would be relevant to obstruction that he tried to make sure the obstruction didn't have. This allows relevant thing in the world so relevant. Now here's what he hears. What I take from this, I think we all understand that the legal system is a europe
test where you're fighting is art, as you get. We all understand, and we agree that the defence can try everything this legal way. They can just throw that, maybe stress the truth. They throw every defence. I get this, we want. We want the best defense. We also think that the prosecutor can do that. The strongest prosecution they do is you want them to do that as well? What is it you're a bit of an ethical problem? If you prosecutor is trying to take away the defence of its friends, that's a little different than trying hard to get back. That does even with legitimate, not even a little bit here. You know in the legal profession there is the concept that if you lied about one thing,
if you live under oath about one thing, the jury is often instructed that they can assume that the person is a liar and gentle and may have lied about the other things to lie about one thing in a course, setting is reasonable to extend that too. Well, maybe you're a liar. What would you assume about somebody who is doing something that at least to our non legal mines looks obviously corrupt, Alex smith would do one obviously corrupt thing preventing trump from you know with this part of his defense and by the way, if this defense actually affected smith's ability to get the prosecution, then it should be him if it doesn't the fact that there was a difference. It just looks legitimate
So jack psmith can do one thing that was clearly a legitimate we reasonable to assume that the other things he's doing are illegitimate and indeed they do look legitimate to me. Alright and MIKE Benz is a again Joe you through the players are so they say, So there was a group, none for non government group. behind the lawsuit they removed from from the colorado ballot with a girl get reversed. At the moment, colorado court said trump can be in the balance. who do you think, is the biggest donor to the group that removed through the courts trump from the ballot? Your sorrows at the head of the group says at an on camera, so yeah, which.
Or says that that their sources never try to get them, do you anything specific. though she was sure now the george soros- and nobody knows organization ever said- do this. You don't do that. I just gave a month. So that's fine right now now. because it is. This is a democratic used to work for a high ranking democrats, Obviously one of these Democrat cut groups- everybody knows what they're gonna. Do you don't have to tell them what to do because they want to do the thing you want to do to be young, the dirty tricksters against republicans, so
Oh, she said that to an interviewer I used to be political, social strive to tell people that she used to work in politics, but now she's in this non government role. As a Democrat, I used to work for high ranking democrats who's taking money from soros to take trump off the ballot, but you know what she used to be political. yeah now appears to be political. There was at one time which use political is exactly what it looks like. It is exactly what it looks like amazing. And in her own documents, they call present trump the most corrupt president in american history, but she's, not political.
The do others, the surgeon who's, complaining that the dea has infected medicine and lead to a erosion of quality of their care. So we had a system of medicine that guarantees you get less good medical treatments because they're going to value diversity over capable, certainly in the medical schools they do that, but in even after medical school, apparently they're doing that as consistent with my The yeah so, let's say you're something their veg said that I do. I feel, like you couldn't have said two years ago and you couldn't even say it unless you're as good at defending yourself as vegas
Yeah, he posted that everyone agrees that affirmative action in the n b, a would ruin, basketball and affirmative action in the nfl would ruin. Football turns out that affirmative action in the sciences has a similar effect. It should surprise no one well when he says this should surprise no one. How do I say that way? I say it is designers, destiny at designers, destiny, so they haven't designed the guarantees they'll get it's good medical outcomes, but what about the nfl in the n b? A what does their design guarantee the best players? The other day the nfl are designed to get the best players here- is one the argument of worthy vague over job.
I'm pretty sure that a lot of the mega people are sick and tired of diversity, equity in inclusion and the negative it has done to the country and the trumps opposes those things too, but he doesn't oppose them nearly as elegantly as vapours tried say that Depending on where you place, your priorities for getting rid of weakness, nobody's ever made a better agreement than vague and trumps, not the one to make that argument. Yes, here he is not so much. The air explain her as usually persuaded the different skill. and then vague talking about january sex. So easy,
Well done this from you know his first impression was: it was all bad, but the more he finds out the moore's opinion changes. So listen to this survey said this about january. Six, if you'd have told me nearly three years ago Now, just a ceo january, sex was an inside job. I was That's crazy talk is that there is now clear evidence that there was a very, at the very least entrapment, a peaceful protesters similar to the fake, wretched whittemore, kidnapping, plot and countless other guests. Think the brendan struck her situation. How's, your cell legitimate, the f B- I won't admit how many undercover officers are in the field. On january, six, capitol police on one hand fired rubber bullets explosives into a pistol. well crowd, who they then willingly later allowed into the gavel. that doesn't add up actual evidence turn supplier narrative upside down is the deep state is willing
manufacture area code insurrection. They take out his political opponents. They can do anything once you see it, you can see it. That is correct. With ec january sex has always been an up and not my report It was a Democrat up from the beginning, and now it's obvious, but if you get outside of our liberal political bubble, is the bubble of people watch life seems like us and pay attention. Nobody knows his stuff, nobody really knows who the players are. They don't know who owns what magazine. They don't know, which ones are typically organs of the cia. They don't know any of that they're just reading what their team says and then adopted, medicine, but vegas looks like it's just Well, wrapped around the ball, so he's collyer climate changes, oaks
the eyes, just u unproductive burbage racism based. you say the january sex looks more like a horseman than a real thing, though, is a symbol of things to say: you know what a mess- and these They can't touch him now, because if they bring him in, they have to ask him these questions and the problem is he has answers. You know the old lawyer thing, don't ask the question: if you don't know what the answer will be? Well, they don't know what the answer is going to be as they ask scope. So you get. You know msrp is mostly failed lawyers who became an lighthouse, the mostly lawyers right. It's like, I think, half of their hosts are lawyers and no lawyer who's going to bring vegan and have him dismantle amis.
This is the entire narrative. You know that that would be bad, but you could you could bring on other republicans now you could bring on a lot of congress critters and they wouldn't embarrass MSNBC. They would just do their little talking points and then MSNBC would embarrass them after they were off. The air wouldn't leave the mark of available labor market, so I think they fear him at this point. They should.
Although let me summarize us, I think, trump speaks like his base and that's what makes him so persuasive when people listen to him, even though you know he is a billionaire and you might have a regular job. You still say these talker like me, with the words coming out of his mouth, and it sounds like I could have said that so that that it really is a bonding thing for his base was vague, doesn't speak like his base. You know, vacant speaks like it, but before I tell you my opinion, you tell me what vague speaks like trump speaks like the base. What is vegs replied some say a professor, some say a car salesman, pastor father
resident, dad preacher, highly educated, grad student, Chad, executive I'll, give you a lawyer, with the right answer. All of your answers are pretty good. All of your answers are burning. It see. I was good answer. There is the right answer. He speaks like cycle leader, you want. I don't want somebody who is only as. Me I don't want somebody who talk to me. I want somebody does better than me. I want somebody who can take my exact opinion on climate change and they go on television and explain. My opinion might have been better than I can explain. That's what I want. I want somebody who understood, Second economics, better than I do
I don't want to. I don't want somebody who talks the same way. I talk about economics. I want him to go on and and promote essentially my point of view, but better than I do it and I do pretty well, but he is better, I hate to say it, but he is better at it. That's not easy for me to say I mean I dunno, if you're catching this, but I'm saying that somebody has a better communicator than I am. I will say that a lot I'm pretty cocky, pretty cocky and in that particular domain I don't say that a lot, but he is better. Now he has more communication skills than any politician ever
I see now. Trump is still trump right, so I don't like to get into their comparing them directly and reside. Don't compare them directly, as I believe trump has earned, icon status. You just there's some things. You don't compare things to comparing something to trump: it's a waste of energy. There's only one of him. He is what he is and that's just the end of the story. The same reason I say: don't you know, compare things of the holocaust there. There are some things that just don't prepare anything. You can talk about it but good to compare his commute patients style too vague is wrong. Question one question: no illusion at the boy says that the highest.
secretary mayorkas, came back, came back and said yes and challenges down there, but there really happy the mexico is stepping up their commitment to help so good good, that's a good jobs in my office. I went and met with the present the laboratory, mexico, I got this commitment for a less of mexican help, so we're all sat right are good for this. Next well, not according to fox news building delusion who spends a great deal of time down in the border, and you know the probably the strongest reporter from that area and the illusion says about that continuous efforts, what efforts mexico is enabling the gas at the border by mass issuing humanitarian visas, the migrants-
allow them to travel through mexico straight to the u s border. Then they discard the visas on the ground when they cross illegally, and then he says at the trains and the trains. Mexico is running like train loads of migrants with visas that they issued to the border, but he's like what progress, what commitments already have I completed my theme. My theme is that our current systems in this country are by design not by intention not by intention, but certainly by the way, their design. They guarantee lower capability of future citizens, they're, making us less capable less educated, more divided and, as everything is not just education, it's not just corporations. Not just government is everything
I think that's why you need evac right you if you, if you want well, let me give you an example out, so we're all watching argentina. They got their new president relay and he is a. He is just a crazy guy in a good way, ray is changing, things is getting rid of, departments is streamlining, things is bringing free markets back and all that now, if you say to yourself what is it that makes them so strong as a politician- and you probably have lots of answers, say well, he has a real good, broad background. Yahoo is a popular athlete, but he's also an economist is a wild man
And he's got look with his hair, though he communicates a survey, so you'd have you'd. Have all these reasons, but there's one thing: he has that not everybody can duplicate well, actually, a lot of things, but one that stands out is young. How old is he he mews age resident of urgency in his forties, the pushing fifty year now early forties? He looks like he a mid forties, I'm guessing you're under fifty. I think you can still shake.
It's up over seventy good luck and good luck. I don't see anybody in their seventies are ripping something out by the route by the time you get to your seventies, you're like well, we could trim that tree and keep it yeah you need. You need to be a certain age. He is fifty four recently says ST fifty three. That would have been my guess: yeah, our our report, 'em early fifties actually by early fifty's, still young enough, still young enough eyes at the fire to change things. Fundamentally, I just don't think older people change things fundamentally and that's another vague advantage now, the other vague advantage as if he don't like this- and I know that on the right- that's a big deal. Who, who can rail against walker has more effect? If trump does it and you support trump? What are you why supremacist right.
Even if you're, not white, you're, still away supremacist, if you support trump, what, if you support the vague and he goes hard to dismantle the ai, are you a white supremacist? Well now, as a lawyer, arguments bake isn't as you're saying well he's brown. So how does that make me away supremacist farms or in the brown guy right? So vache has not only the communication skills that are unparalleled. He is coming from a place. That's just the more comfortable place to make the oregon know you. Anybody can make the argument, but we're not not all coming from comfortable places. I would be a good example of that right. I couldn't run for president and make a d. I argument without half of the country saying what you're just a white supremacist soul right, but as a vague mix.
We're going to have to do better, they are going to have to defend the eye because they can't just go after him, so well, you're, obviously a waste okay. Why isn't this working anymore? So that's another advantage. Yes,. Now the veg says he doesn't think that those in charge will let either trump or Biden get to the finish line. He doesn't think either one will get there is there are too many powers trying to prevent
So if you're looking for your backup plan, I think Nikki Haley's, looking like the insider, deep state, military industrial, complex friend, the santas just sort of disappear, but if you're looking for your your backup plan, you might need a backup length. So, at the very least, here's what I had asked you to do just become familiar with vex policies, just just become familiar with them. That's all just in case it's come just in case it becomes necessary cause. I know mostly you're, just the most severe just that drops borders probably but keep an open mind, because a lot could happen to trump. That's not good. You know if, if trump is not
I cannot with law fair or some other dirty trick. We can imagine he should win, but there's of dirty tricks. A lot of time left so don't be too confident or, ladies and gentlemen, that's all I got for you today, thanks for joining here on youtube. Sorry for my bad timing. This morning, when I started early, another tried again but yeah hit that like button and subscribe and do all those other things I'll see you tomorrow, you've been great.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-29.