« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2331 CWSA 12/23/23 A Shift In Consciousness, German Lessons On American Propaganda, More

2023-12-23 | 🔗

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Politics, Sumerian Tablets, Doppelgängers, Consciousness Shift, Simulation Theory, Old Souls, SCOTUS Rejects Jack Smith, President Trump, Dictator Accusations, Analogies Without Argument, Inflation, Governor Newsom, The Atlantic's Propaganda, Congressional Blackmail Process, Rep. Tim Burchett, Honeypot Blackmail, Nikki Haley Rumors, Louis Farrakhan, Julian Assange, 40 Murderers Pardoned, Governor Edwards, John Fetterman, Weed People Pardons, President Biden, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good morning. Everybody and welcome to the highlight of human civilization is called coffee with Scott Adams and there's never been a better time in your entire life. If you'd, like this experience to go up to levels that you'll never forget your small human brains can't even comprehend. Well, all you need, for that is a cup or mug, or a glass of tank or charles, was dire, the canteen, jug or flask of vessel of any kind fill it with your favorite liquid. I like coffee, join me now for the unparalleled pleasure dopamine end of the day. The thing that makes everything better is called that's right. It's the simultaneous set. The map is now go, take a moment to savor if you're awake,
in bacon, continue while I'm trying a new microphone set up for youtube, and it appears that the how's, the audio on youtube should be a little worse than normal, been clear.
Okay, good, who said we're good here's something I learned just moments ago from a instagram video. Apparently I saw screenshots. I think this is real. The german high school students have lessons on how americans are propagandized by their government. Is that also lower rate? German students learn how americans are propagandized by their own government? You know who doesn't learn that americans. So if you want to find out what's happening to americans, you've got to ask a german.
As I learned in school, that's a real thing. I think I'll take a fact checker this, but there were screenshots and that one is it one of the german textbooks. According to the screenshot says, America has become a no longer self critical and we're lonely, and my first reaction to that Goddamn, you germans, why are you calling us not self critical when and lowly okay you're right? It's true, you nailed it, but why do you have to say that about us? Then it stopped being A while Tucker thousand clarified is his belief about what The unusual you, a pie, is sunk, all of your foes are all about and he believes that his beings have always been here so Tucker believes are real beings.
the other civilization that I've always been here and that they have a spiritual components. Hmm interesting so he's not buying into the aliens from another planet, but that there is something here. How many of you believe that that there's something here, that's spiritual The I'm gonna go with nope. There is nothing here, I'd love to believe there were no. I like my conspiracy theories. I like them a lot, but no
now let me let me reiterate why I dont believe it. I acknowledge, there's a mountain of it. You ve got your whistle blowers, eyewitnesses young people under oath. You got video, you ve got radar, you ve got so now. You ve got the god. So much so much.
and none of it's good- that there are a million things that have that much direct elements that are not true, one, an example: how about our president trump once called NEO nazis, find people that must be true, there's tons of evidence, you can look at the video. All the news is reporting it and then, if you wanted to say well, but is it true or is it like a one off? Well, then, you would look at over the mountain of evidence that suggests that trump is a racist dictator. It's a mountain of evidence,
so it must be true, but listen to me seems to me it's not true. So the most ordinary thing in the world is to have a mountain of evidence for something that isn't true, because the evidence has a certain quality to it. It's all kind of sketchy, there's a lot of it, but it's all kind of sketchy. Those are the ones you gotta watch out for all right. I am Brian remotely there's a post annex. It tells us that there's a two front, there's a sumerian tablet, so sumaria at you will know where the sumerians were right in where the sumerians were that route.
Your general knowledge, abstract, yeah, the area which we now call Iraq and yet the larger area, the so the Sumerians where there are thousands of years ago, and they found the sumerian tablet from two thousand b c e, which apparently shows have several math problems being solved, including drawings of trapezoidal and triangles uh. Oh, it suggests very strongly that the Sumerians understood pythagorean theorem long before the greek philosopher pythagoras and the Brian answers post with the amnesia of who we really are. Now I told you I'd like conspiracy theories, here's the one I liked the best. If we know that there are all these buried civilizations, we keep fighting like there's a one whose name I can't call the copy isn't. What's the one is called the go, Becky something the plucky go: blackie, there's a go: blackie tabby.
it's like. I said how many times do I have to say clearly say it go black and Debbie, but it's the name of another one of these ancient at your incredible sights they got dug up, was completely bury and appears to have signs signs of civilization beyond what we believed existed at the time of these ruins. So there are lots of hints that there might have been an earlier form of humans that were more advanced and something happened so that we lost, maybe maybe we lost what they knew, so I gotta believe that one because, because if you look at our ability to reconstruct history, whether it's the yeah, the evolutionary tree, which are always changing and evolving or the history of humankind now did we all come out of africa- is more complicated than that. There are big things about the history of the planet that we revise all the time. I would not be surprised at all if we were once more more advanced and it wasn't a straight line from primitive to advanced reveal years. Gulliver
a bumpy ride where we got more advanced and then we got wiped out by war and we got more advanced and then we got wiped out by a flood you're, probably something like that. It's my guess, but I've always been amazed that there are abandoned cities. Why would you ever abandoned the city that there's something? I fundamentally don't understand about history? It's like a whole city. You built the thing now I understand if somebody conquers the city, but if you conquer a city, you don't you stay there and like run the city like why? Why would you get rid of all the people and then leave it? Leave it empty so long that it gets covered with sand by nobody sweeping for your thousand years. If you were a homeless, primitive person- and you knew there was a whole abandoned city somewhere when you move in I dunno, maybe his food in ear might be all about food and resources. Yeah, I can understand disease, but disease would kill everybody. Then let's say it becomes empty, but once is empty. You tell me nobody wants to move back in there's no other civilization and says hey free city. There's nobody in the surrealists was taken. It may be superstition, maybe they don't want to inhabit dead people's homes. Maybe my sona ditch tweeted. That day has been seeing more doppelgangers unusual doppelganger meeting. Somebody who looks just like somebody else is either a friend even son. Wanted me in his village could be code, reuse as scott himself says, and if so, why now, of course, he's just being provocative and having fun with it? No don't take it too seriously, but how many of you are familiar with a book written decades ago called the Celestine prophecies. Remember that it was a very influential, but his affection is just a fictional story, but the a key concept in those books was that when people started noticing coincidence,
is more often the coincidences were a signal for a consciousness shift that human awareness was about to take a leap. Now. I've always been fascinated by that, and there's no reason in the world to think that a consciousness shift would be preceded by some kind of a bunch of coincidences unless there's an obvious reason for it. You won't hear an obvious reason why you might notice more coincidences right before a perceptual shift. Like a really obvious reason. The coincidences were always there, but your awareness improved and you're just noticing something that was right in front of you the whole time, but you just didn't see it.
So when somebody nervously dapple gagner makes out of edge, maybe a year ago, they would walk. I pass not even noticed. So I'm not saying that this is true andrews having fun with it But you can imagine a situation in which the general awareness of the public is increasing and they not only see the big stuff more clearly such as the misinformation, your architecture of our existence, such as the food propagandizing news. That sort of thing, if you noticing the big stuff that you didn't really quite understand before, wouldn't it makes sense that you're also maybe noticing other patterns. Just because your pattern recognizer he's going to another level, and might we see? Might we say.
Other examples that would suggest that human awareness is reaching a new level. Do you know anybody who predicted the human awareness was about to take gigantic change? Yes, that would be me in twenty, sixteen or fifteen. I can remember, I predicted a number of times in public and nobody even commented on it, because it was such a strange prediction that trump would change more than politics, that he would rip a hole in the fabric of reality and change. How we saw reality itself. One of my better
But let's say: let's take this a little bit further, why? Why are some other reasons that you might be see more coincidences? Well, it could be, like I said, there's a quinces and storm that you apparently notice, because your ability to notice things is getting better in general or there's another possibility. Maybe this code reuse and worse, emulation that were literally a program and the program is reaching some limits. No physical limits because we keep getting more complicated. More people are born. Every person has a complicated life, thus to integrate with every other complicated life. So you could quite easily imagine that even an amazingly powerful computer would read
some kind of limitation of his resources eventually doesn't have to wear a burqa. Now, if you are the programmer- and you are like really good, like You'Re- not even an average programmer like you're a programmer future wherever they arab, maybe I programme. You're really knew how to take care of every possibility, as does the best program right best programmer anticipates everything that could go wrong and then programme is around it. So one of the things that could go wrong as you run out of resources. Now what are you going to do slow down and we all start moving in slow motion? Would we notice it? I think I'm moving in slow motion suddenly now as the bad solution. How about the program starts to reuse code, so it doesn't have to make a nuke.
alba thought that would save some resources. So maybe you would say: oh how I'm not going to design a new person I'll just copy some of the people I already have and they're not going to knows maybe maybe you're just running out of resources in the simulation. I don't think that's true but like to put down all the fun possibilities, but here's the thing you have to understand about what you see around you if you could somehow know in in where you're sitting right now, as you watch this your exact environment, where you're, if you had some way to know how much of your actual environment that you think you see clearly, is actually a clear picture. If you could trace the light come into your eyes, then how that is translated into a signal and how that reaches your brain. If you can see that somehow a separate familiar brain is processing it, you would see it's just as big fuzzy approximate thing yeah, and that would blow your mind. It's a good thing. You can see that what's really happening is your brain is making you see, clarity where none exists. Let let me tell you, what's probably close to real,
But if I hold this object in my hand that I put all my focus on it, there's a reasonably good chance that I'm seeing this very simple clean object in the middle of my field, somewhere close to what actually exists where everything in my peripheral, I imagine, is also clear, but I'm not looking at it at the moment, but probably as tall just invented. It's just sort of like this general canvas of invention that your brain is putting in there, because your brain can't see everything. Clearly, here's where I learned this first, a tennis player Watch the ball, hit near a line and then know there's an argument. Hey. I saw clearly hitting the line and something else, as I clearly saw downside, which one of them is right.
Once I hit the line and one saw miss lot, which one is right now you say: why would I know I'm not there you're just making up this example know, there's an answer, there's an actual answer. The question the answer is: neither of them are right. Both of them are seeing an invention of their mind. neither of them are seeing a ball hit a lot or not and await reason. We know that is at a certain speed, your eyes can't really process. So the ball is coming in faster than your eyes can see it, and the moment it hits is actually your hallucination. You don't actually even see the ball hit
I think sometimes you do by coincidence, because you haven't seen the ball at stages and then your brain is filling in the in between stuff, but the part you're seeing is here then here then here. So if you are lucky at the exact time, the ball hit was also a time you're, seeing it what maybe see it, but probably your brain filled in a little movie of worth. It thinks it landed, and you you think you saw it with your own eyes when you saw as your brain inventing a scene for you, because it couldn't see it at that speed. Yet most of what you see is invented by your brain is not actually what it looks like we're. Your brain says is clear. Now let me give you another example was say: I'm a bad programmer and I want to create a simulated world.
But I don't want to give it a lot of detail, because my computers are not strong enough to make everything precise and detailed, but I don't want the characters who are in the simulation to know it's not detailed, because if they see a pixelated yeah, then the game is over. They're like hey, I'm in a pixelated environment. This. obviously a simulation, so that's not going to work so instead, I program it like this heh heh little character in the programme that I just wrote if you think you're looking at an object right in front of you, your brain will see this clearly, that's it. I saw a programme. Your brain will see a clearly, even if your eyes don't really have the ability to do that, so your your environment will always be clear, but it's not actually was there or what your. What your eye is picking up so
yeah reality is gonna work, The possibility is that these coincidences are rather something called a coincidence, and they don't mean anything at all you're, not in the simulation. Then there are no doppelgangers and none of us none of Israel and, if you're going to bet on it, I think I'd bet on it
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I download the spot a five or bike up or go to w w w dot, spotify dot com, backslash pod, to get started, possibility, for example, gangsters from a reply by Michael, a grammarian, and I think I'll just read it cause it's so well expressed. I never heard this before. Michael says, genes like energy are conserved at scale, which I say and what that means biogas. He says they don't go away, but will resurface his. Some do some evidence that humans have suffered several population bottlenecks, which is when total number of people live worldwide was quite small, which gotta make sense. With my earlier conversation of civilizations coming and going
One such example comes from rockers, I think in two thousand and five or six sir sancho study that pre Team. Ninety two native americans descend from approximately one hundred people that crossed the land bridge and that kinda makes sense. Doesn't it like if you assume that native americans got through of that, will land bridge that was frozen for much of history, but at some point they can walk it. You wouldn't really guess that a million people came over. I would guest small group, you know made it so and maybe a lot of people died on the way and cetera or one of his true that one hundred people came across and were all there in history. There are a number of other times.
The total number of people that really small and then back group had we grow the population. So, as Michael were mine design, he said that you would expect the bottom. It was small enough and the total population today large enough that there would be lots of doppelgangers because the way genetics work is you don't always crave something that's like a copy of yourself, but you can create maybe a couple of generations down something that was pretty close to you just by chance. So gob doppelgangers would not be unusual as they all came from the first group of one hundred, but it would be very unusual if you're starting group was a milligan. That makes sense so it can be one x.
One reason why you see more doppelgangers than you think ought to be normal, and then I would add to that. I said this on my man cave last night. I get tired altogether now you know how some people seem like old souls and if you send me to scout what does that mean? What what do you mean by an old soul? My answer would be I'm not really sure, but if I feel like, I know it when I see it right- and I think most of you would saying the same thing- I'm not really sure how to define that. I kind of know it. When I see it right, there are some children or just born adults, I happened to be one of those base were born in the dock and it feels like avenue was all, but one f.
They are very similar genetically to some relative from before, like in my case, the grandfather of untold, and I never met him cause. He died when I was in the womb, but I'm told that I'm sort of the personalities, spitting image of my grandfather- I never met, but not so much. My father, my father was different than both of us, so it could be that the genes, you know, did their thing and I just became very much like my grandfather. Now. Here's the interesting thing I don't know if epigenome is an epigenetics le marquis and stuff. I dunno, if any less real, is it possible that a grandfather could have a life experience and modified his genes in a way that I would pick up two generations later? The possible lot of people say yes, but just for fun, let's say lives just for fun. What would happen if my grandfather had it life experience and modified his genes and then I'm born later? Would I pick up some of the qualities that would be associated with wait, for it lived experience, in other words, could buy genes have picked up experience in a way in a in like
Iraq way that came from another human. If so, it would be very much like I had inherited an older soul, but I had done it the honest way through my jeans: nothing magic, nothing outside of the physical realm, but it would feel exactly like a soul being passed out, and I wonder if I would even have some awareness of it, because I feel as if I do. I actually feel the length of that connection to my grandfather. I've never met, but it's probably mental, because my mother used to mention it a lot. But anyway, maybe there's something to jeeves the souls or let's go to politics. The supreme court, as you know, rejected the request to expedite jack smith, the prosecutors, a question about whether I think the question was whether trump would be immune, because he was the president during some of the some of the accusations. Now the supreme court rejected reviewing it, which means that now the lower court can do it's thing, because the request had been hey. If we think this is going to get to the supreme court any way that we just skip the middle step, because it's wasted the time so the supreme court said nope, you are not going to skip the middle step, which I kind of understand. The middle step exists for a reason and they did not have a compelling reason that to skip the metal step middle step, so they didn't want to do it just because it's important. I liked that. I liked the fact that they weren't willing to do it.
It's because what's important is that wasn't the right reason? That's not the reason. The reason should be that the lower court didn't get a ride or something, and there was a reason to appeal: that's the reason they should handle it, so they stuck to it. I like it, I'm happy with it, but here's how people are interpreting. If you turn on any right, leaning news or watch everybody tweeting about it, they will say this that really the reason that jack smith wanted to expedite it so that he could put trump in jail potentially before the election and therefore trump wouldn't have a chance of winning or his chance will be much lower. He could still win.
Oil reserves will be much lower that that our help? So that's why you have any of you have seen that reporting and therefore say the experts on the right. This is pretty much prove that the prosecution is political because it was so important to get it done before the election, and the only reason will do that
he has to stop him politically, so how many of you are on that page that the supreme court and Jack Smith's action are really confirming that the legal part was bullshit and it was just political on everybody. So basically one hundred percent of you are on that page. As anybody checked out MSNBC, have you seen what the law says of others it? If you haven't seen what the left says about it, you're going to need to check it out. You know what the left says about. It is not going to be done and it's not going to be delayed now in my old it up a little bit, but it'll still be done before the election, but I I I thought ours like hallucinating, because I just happened to. I was just flipping through some news channels and I caught a legal expert and the lie.
Wiggle expert was very experienced in this field, like he was actually a. You know, a federal department of justice lawyer who knew exactly what he was talking about and when people people on the right are like, ah ha ha yo trump one is this won't get done before the election, a guy. Who knows exactly what he's talking about said? I won't make much difference here, may be delayed a little bit that so now now check check your own propaganda situation. Have you been propagandized by your own side did they tell you some bullshit about this is gonna, make a difference. I don't see it. I will say it along. I don't see anything happen. I'm gonna go further to really make you mad.
I don't see anything they suggests as political. Why did you all see that? What are you saying that animals they now? Let me be clear it good day and probably is like my my intuition, my got my experience and everything I've ever experienced in my whole life all point. The same tat same direction, which is everything Michael all. Ninety one indictments all four cases outlook, so you and I are a hundred percent. The same page, the everything's blooded. However, trying to expedite gaze. if I were the prosecutor, I would try to expedite the case for what reason we're one would be purely political, but what would be the other reason you try to expedite the case.
About every fucking reason in the world about the best reason to expedite the case is that that's exactly what our political or justice system requires. The justice system requires him to try to do to do the job fast. If he knows it's going to end up in the supreme court, he'd be a fucking asshole not to go there. First. Am I wrong tell me I'm wrong if you know it's I go to the supreme court. He would be a fucking, incompetent asshole if he didn't at least say well. Why don't you saving and just handle this right away.
What. Why would he do all this court preparation for a lower court of his complete waste of time? Don't you think he wants to go home for christmas? Do I mean next christmas? Oh no here so here's the thing, you're you're, making some assumptions, Here's the assumption you're, making that there's one and only one valid reason for for asking the supreme court to go fast. There's every reason to ask them to do that reason. Number one is the right thing to do. Speedy trial, speedy trial is the most basic.
one of the most basic things in our system, so you're telling me that you're mad that the prosecutor tried to get a speedy trial and skip a step, thus completely a waste of time. That's why we pay him. We pay him to make a speedy trial that doesn't waste anybody's time and you're, acting like the only way to interpret that is politically now keep in mind. I do think everything that they're doing this political, but you don't see them that is not in that example. Well, let me be more clear. It could be entirely in that example, but the alternative that he's just doing his job exactly the way you'd want him to do his job. This is exactly how I want him to do his job. Don't you how many of you would want him not to have tried to skip the unnecessary?
is that, where would you be happier if you skip the unnecessary step step? Why was the argument that a wrong the speed to her defence? So some are saying that the reason for the speed would be the cripple the defence, but correct me: if I'm wrong does not the defence yet to argue how much time they need to the court and cannot be modified based on real reasons. Is that normal ready they you? You say how much time you need
and reasonable people look at it say yeah and if something comes up this, like a real, real, real good reason that you know there's some important evidence that just will take another month, no matter what, when the judge say, alright that such that so important will change the trial date to make sure we have that. So to me, it seems like the defense always has the right to at least request under reasonable standards, a change of the trial. Likewise, the the prosecution does, for a variety of reasons.
So you're wrong. Let me just say this: if you haven't seen how the left is treating this issue, I feel like you're flying blind, so you don't need to change your opinion. That is completely political, because I think there's enough obvious evidence for that. But if you think you prove that because of this I don't see it you're going to have to be the man if you asked if you'd asked exmouth didn't even want to do that. What do you think he'd say I'm just going to guess what he would say: here's what I guess do we try to do speedy trials and not waste money, and I tried to skip an unnecessary step that both sides, prosecution, etc. Probably thought were unnecessary: did we at the thirty four minute glitch again, I'm sure I've seen both platforms. There is three four minutes with aliza. That's a thirty four minute glitch, but it's on both platforms and the only thing they have in common is my wifi. Why would my wifi lich every day
I feel like there's. Maybe something comes online that uses the same. I dunno this throttling no buffer overrun. I dunno it's mystery. Alright, let's talk about the rolling stones as an article about the trump who apparently is telling is close. Vice types, as to keep saying that the illegal immigrants are raising the blood of america. Now, of course, his opponents are saying that came out of mind. Can you talk like hitler? Stop talking like hitler, to which trump says I think I'm gonna double down on talk like hitler. Now, don't do it
Well, why killer now I'm going to triple my talk like hiller? No, no you're, so hilarious. Stop it! Okay! Now I'm going to do nothing but hiller! Oh no! I feel like he's just making them crazy, because he's literally doubling down on the thing that they think is his biggest his biggest vulnerability. Let's thinking about it is doubling down on giving them fodder for what they consider his biggest vulnerability. What's up with that is he suddenly stupid drunk is it? Is it like just doesn't make any sense. My first react
Why would you do this is just making your job harder? All you have to do is just keep your mouth shut. Just you know coast them to the job. No well, let me suggest a possibility, because I know I know I'm gonna get mocked for all you're doing forty four d chess. You know he's just being stupid, maybe maybe when it's nile I wouldn't play that so, but let's just explore the possibility. There's something here, that's more strategic obvious, this comes from a andre. What was his name famous senators or Andre Agassi, so Andre Agassi when he would play against top players, he only needed to do the spell
if the top players, though, let's say you're, playing somebody who has the best backhand in the world like? Oh, my god, you don't want to hit the vacuum. You know he will do it till they're back in the zoos their best shot cause if he couldn't break it down. There was nothing left, because if he takes out their best shot by your winning more points on their best shot, then they went on the best shot, their entire architecture of confidence crumbles. So he can be people in the first few games and it's like maybe after when three out of five sets, but he can, he can win in the first three games. All he has to do is go right at their strongest shot until he wins more points than they won under
well the shots and then they're dead, they're, absolutely dead, and then the rest of it is just your bayonet ring that the world wounded. Basically, now you have to be so good that you can beat their best shot. So I mean it's not like so much strategy. Is he so good, but he couldn't very easily. You know tried to go the weak shot, which would tell the other person that they have a really good shot, because he's rarely stayed away from my forehead. So you don't give him any confidence. You just go right after best shot, you break it down, and then they got nothing. They have nothing left after that. Now. What is what is the Democrats? Have the best shot and drop while clearly they've completely?
independent anything like policy this year, as he is a he is a dictator, and you fill in the blanks where we have some new democrats who have added some new dictators. also an anti trump group is now comparing them in some gather, had to move muslim. We were or ban were ban. Is the leader of hungary always orban? So the comparison to other leaders at the girl to delegate now, let me madness-
They actually have to add more dictators so so saying that trump was like hitler wasn't getting any traction, so here was their strategy. I think we don't have enough dictators: okay, they're, not buying the not by hitler. What? If we add the mussolini? Well now you're talking now you're talking less two dictators. While I wasn't too concerned when you compared trump to one dictator, but oh my god, now do warband orbit three three or no. Oh, no. Three dictators about boon, allow a spoon ah for dictators ugh. He wrote this makes me think of when they keep adding dictators and see. If this doesn't make, you laugh I'm waiting to see if anybody said he had the comments. You're, not there. Yet two herbs you're ready for it more cowbell that what do you think more cowbell? Do you know why that's funny? Now, first of all, it said comes from Saturday live and what was the name of the actor who's got the christopher Walken in some skit he is doing some musical skit and is insisting that there'd be more cowbell. Now cowbell,
it's usually that you know sort of the least respected instrument, except maybe the temporary. You know that when the lead singer, like best the tamarind cause, the lead singer can't play an instrument, but beyond the tamarin they probably the cowbell is the least respected of the the instrument parts, but I I just think a more cowbell every time they add a new dictator. I feel I just say that it's like oh he's, like hitler go on, Well, he's also like mussolini awaiting workable. Why is also like orbit well. what is also important About It is also a guy like poor bought. More cowbell. Well is also
like their knows more about such more cowbell. Every time they ever it'll be fun so years. Why,
it might be smarter than you music. He goes for energy and he goes for and he's breaking down their strongest their strongest stroke. This is their back backend, while he calls her for him cause for and usually stronger that this is the Democrats forehead he's going after forehand. He is he so fucking aggressive, which is why people like him like he doesn't. It will be easy for him to back down from this and say you know, we love the immigrants, we love him one of the immigrants, but you know we need to do a little more on the border as that really going to make you excited or even believe he's going to do much.
If he goes further than he is supposed to go to the point where his opponents are calling him hitler or cowbell mussolini, more cowbell or bare than he has got him right where he wants him, what are you thinking about when trump is going too far on the border? What do you think email where's, your brain, go? They then it'll get the job done. By the by making, you think they'll go too far. The nation is that while we shall get the job done is here, question is not exactly how I would do it, but like I always say you can't compare him to any other human or animal by drop is just as one entity like it. Comparing him to anything is just a waste of time is just as one
and I think he is going right at three or four am because he wants to break it down now. Let me ask you if they compare him to every dictator in the world and it's all they have between now and election day, who wins if it's all they have is just workout bell is gonna sound, like people will just be used to it
it just looked stupid yeah. So let me give you a good general rule for persuasion or for spotting a dishonest argument. Here's a good rule, somebody who has an honest argument in politics or anything else is going to say here- are the pros and here are the cons, but when you consider all the pros and consider all the cons on net I'm in favor of this or I'm against it now, then you've got something to work with. Maybe your debate that the facts maybe a debate the priorities but as an honest argument, here's all the pros. Here's all the cons, here's what I think about a map. So if you see that you should engage as an honest debate or yourself, you know if you want to be a good person, because that's an honest person there they're trying, even if they disagree with you, it looks like they're trying a here's. What not an honest debate looks like analogies. If all you're getting is scary analogies, you know this is like the great depression. You know this is like hitler. You know
this reminds me of yeah, the destruction of the roman empire. You know, but if you have analogies without an argument, that is a dishonest debate is dishonest, because they're not trying to win on any kind of logic or priorities are just trying to scare the shit out of you. so I dont know why nobody. He also mentioning this.
Why am I the only one to mention that the attacks against trump have nothing to do with his policies is entirely analogies, they're simply taking other people in other situations. While you know hillary, nine to thirty, nine will eat. What is not. Germany is not ninety. Thirty nine he's, not hitler and almost nothing about that applies. But if your brain thinks it does, then it can be persuasive. Now, I'm not saying the Democrats are not being persuasive, they are it's just all they have. They really have to run as far as as hard as they can from policy. Does Biden didn't deliver and Aruba. Everybody can see, for example, that the borders mass from the cities, all that and I'm going to agree with Biden's people on one thing I do think the economy is better than the press or the public. Maybe it's quite realised now you say to yourself, but but you know, prices are too high, yes and the debt is under control. Yes, so if you looked at those two things, they actually are a mass, but it is weird we have a strange economy where employment is not so bad and if anything employers are going to be begging for workers. I do think workers' pay has gone up, maybe not as much as inflation, and it does look like we're getting our supply chains slowly, but consistently we're going to our supply chains under control. That's good, especially the the critical stuff. You know not fast enough, not nearly fast enough, but moving in the right direction. So I'm gonna give are going to give Biden a b minus on the economy b, minus which is probably better than the public thinks of this is that when you buy the gas and you buy the groceries, you know you just vomit in your own mouth I mean even I do and I'm I'm doing. Ok like when I buy groceries, I'm actually shocked, I'm fucking shocked and I can afford it
So you're not affecting my life too much, but I was fucking shocked when I had this little pile of roche's and they're like that'll, be two hundred dollars, then like what that that little that little quiet, let's two hundred dollars when it's just my mind, exploded normally, I don't even pay attention to honestly now I ain't saying cause such a douche. I think I don't really pay attention to small consumer item. Prices just doesn't affect my life, but is so high the annex We pay attention and I'm actually making decisions that I went to bed before about. Well, maybe allow me so yeah. I can see why people think his garbage was probably a little bit better than nothing. It's just not affecting them personally, yet I am worried about the crushing debt. I dunno how we get on that. Alright,.
Here's governor newsom talking about trump, let's see if you can find his policy. Witticisms policy criticisms, hears governor newsom, I you he warned that her efforts to prevent former president trump from getting on the ballot in the state would be political distraction, so he doesn't want to do it, but er, that's very big of him. Isn't it like it matters in california, California, doesn't matter trump's not going to win california!
it doesn't matter what they do so got newsome instead of newson saying it doesn't matter what we do cause he's, not gonna win. California. He just says it's a political distraction which is actually pretty smart is a thousand more like a high ground. You know, I'm the adult in the room, don't bother with his trivial stuff, he's right about it, but then he says, as quote, there is no doubt I like that. There's no doubt! Oh no, there's no doubt see if you have any doubt about what follows lesser sentence, because he told you there's no doubt so. What follows must be true to every in the world, no doubt so, there is no doubt the don't jump is a threat to our liberties and even to our democracy.
Now, what was the part about his policies sale? Is it where's the part about when he was president last time which wasn't too long ago? He did all of these terrible things and took away your liberties. I don't remember that happening. I feel like that was kind of weird that trump waited until the second term to take away our liberties. Why does he where liberties, the first four years, he's gonna, take away our liberties, so you can see now that even newsome who is sort of the standard of quality for the Democrats is basically the best I have it. There is the best I have and he's not even touching policy. The only way of touch policy is to tell you is like pillar.
Please, you know roughly touching on immigration policy, but he doesn't mention like well hitler. What do you think about trump's policy policy about that energy and drill baby drill? Well, hiller? What do you think about trump said saying he could you know stop the war in ukraine? Well, Hitler is all I have
more cowbell. I tell you consistently that you can't understand politics until you understand the players, so wherever I can, I gotta tell you about a player that you'll remember that the next time you see that player you'll know you're not dealing with an honest broker of information, but have you heard of a publication called the atlantic, while the atlantic is perhaps the very worst of the absurdly political, biased, anti trump deranged bullshit, but because the atlantic is an old institution as a publication? There are many people, as in Democrat,
who don't now, is not a legitimate obligation and is now close to legit. It's just a purely political instrument to what they say. Day. Then article says in the debate: over freedom versus control of the global network leading the internet freedom versus control. China was largely crack in the. U s was wrong. Yes, the atlantic would like you to believe that china is more correct.
And censoring the internet, because the only way the Democrats can win is to prevent republicans from having free speech recognition, saying it directly mouth now. Here's the important part, the fact that it's in the atlantic tells you that it's basically a democrat up is not just a bunch of people who agree with Democrats is more likely very connected to the democratic strategy than just your randomly agrees. Woman. If the Democrats strategy is to get you feeling a little bit better about chinese level, censorship.
Or the iranian model, where the the ayatollah decides who's on the ballot? Oh yeah, we have democracy here, you can vote for anybody. You want, as long as I have approved them beat on the ballot. So that's that's what they're trying to do with trump? You can vote for anybody. You want, but we're going to tell you who can be on the ballot so yeah. So the atlantic is part of this mass misinformation, democrat machine that is trying to propagandize. You are prime you for greater internet controlled. You know why, because that misinformation, that you're getting, in other words everything republicans say or that that message information would lead to what would it lay do currently do
losing your liberty and your democracy, so that so the atlantic is one of the ones to keep in your mind that whatever they're saying isn't up is not news and it's not exactly even an opinion. It's not even the real opinion of the people saying it it's not. You should.
It is just pure propaganda. Well, this is disturbing a congressman timber jet ah described on a podcast how the blackmail operations work in congress. Now, what is scarier than thinking the worst about something and then finding out is exactly correct. Now I don't know if timber shed and seen this or he's just like us, where he just assumes is true, but he's he's there. I feel, like he sought here's how he describes the system. I remember he's in the system. He is like us is not looking from the outside he's in the system. These describing this way quote. This is how it works. You are visiting you out, right here at the town or you're, the motel about do in d,
and saw more whatever geringer women or men, or whatever comes up and a very jacket Having new jobs and violent and drinks, let's see you now, in the motel room with them naked and the next thing you know you're about to make a key vote and what happens some well dressed. Person comes up and whispers in your ear. Hey man. tapes out on you were. You know, tell Romano, whatever whatsoever and daddy. Like I said, You really, you really ought to be, not be voting for the site. You think that's accurate, I mean mean he's, could not be about source he's right in the middle of this world, This act is literally the right on the nose.
I literally have the. What do you call it, the the sugar trap or something there's a name for it? What's the name for that when the honeypot yeah, so it's a sugar trap, It's about that literally there's only bought and that literally somebody comes up and says we're tapes. Now, I'm sure that has happened in american history. yeah numerous times answer, but I wonder how universal what is it.
As a describe literally everything, because I think this has been happening since what J edgar hoover that there's been a like a an ongoing blackmail operation. Well, you know it makes us worse what why are politicians easy to blackmail and there's an obvious reason. You know why and the other than the fact they do bad things, but other people do bad things to do. I have a feeling the one of the reasons people go into politics. Is that they're too ugly to get laid. Otherwise Murrah will look at your politicians and then you subtract down some outliers. It's like okay jfk. He was good, looking right and apparently at a pretty active sex life, but you know he is an outlier if, if Mitch, Mitchell is getting a little on the side, do you think is because he is quite a lover. He really knows how to get it done. If you know what I mean is the finisher, probably not. Now, I'm not suggesting he's having any kind of situation like that. I'm just saying that if you were to take a picture of the certainly the men in congress, it's mostly the men. I think if you took a picture of the man they're not exactly killing it on tinder, so I think they're unusual.
wait. Is it blackmail, because you just gotta pay somebody to your clothes arise and do whatever drugs they need to to get the job done hut yeah? I think congress is especially so they're, especially susceptible to this. So my suggestion is this: you should either only vote for people who can get laid without your help. In other words, they don't need the job. Why can still get laid and then maybe maybe less blackmail or people who have been so thoroughly vetted that you wouldn't be surprised a bit and the blackmail wouldn't even work if you caught them with their pants down in the middle of us, you know the public square. Can you think of anybody like that? Who would be it'd, be a politician who has been caught so many times that it wouldn't even mean anything? If you call him again, yeah trump is perfect. I think he is as close to unblock available as we've ever had for a leader he might be. He may be the pinnacle of and and lack of available persons- and I I remind you of this all the time, but when he was running for office the first time he said publicly, I'm no angel,
You did that. I said to myself. Okay, you just told us what what the game is? I'm no angel, but I'm on your side. That was a pretty good package. I wanted somebody to say I'm no angel. So if something comes out later, the shows- and there are no angel y'all- why you didn't you didn't lie to me. I guess I shall see that coming, but at the same time he says I'm not going to be an angel, but I'm going to be the I'm going to be the fucker on your side and then he acts exactly like is on your side, closing the border So I can live with that. I can totally live with no angel, but I'm gonna be the demon on your annuity cells with me There are always a trump Nicky early. Rumours as CBS is reporting. The trouble
Ask these allies about possible. You deliver vice president and then then comes warriors got all excited and upset and yada yada yada. Here's my take on that. If there's one thing we've learned about trump, he will ask all the questions that are the right questions ask and then, when he's done, asking all the right questions to ask he'll go a little further, which I actually love about them. Remember the story about he asked if he could use a nuclear. welcome to stop a hurricane. You remember that now I dunno. If he ever asked that question, I think he denied it, but I love the fact. If he did, I love it now. The answer was no that's crazy and then it didn't come up again, but do you like? Then he asked the question just brainstorm that I absolutely love.
In the last question, I had no problem with that at all. So when he asked the question what about nikki haley, as vice president, that is not an indication that he likes her on the ticket to me, that's the normal trump way of doing business that he doesn't see it, because if he saw it, he wouldn't be asked. Am I right if he felt she was the right choice? He wouldn't be asking the question so he's not feeling it and when he asked the question is suggests that he is looking for somebody to make the best argument to see if he changes his mind. That is good. That's good form! You should always check to see if somebody can change your mind, because it's one of the biggest questions right is his vp is one of the biggest questions, so he wants to get a right.
and just like. I was going to use that example when he got in trouble for asking about the injecting of the disinfectant. The context was light as a disinfectant, so he went beyond what you'd expect and ask. The extra question: well can use light. You know if you can inject the light inside the body would work. Then it got misinterpreted misinterpreted as drinking. Of course, but I wanted him to ask the question: I was happy ass, the question they just go now so tat s. The question does any chance and as I posted I don't think I could support him issue of vice president. But when we do a quick pole.
Many of you are probably trump supporters. Should he get the nomination, you may maybe you're supporting somebody else, but if he got the nomination, how many of you would withdraw your support if Nikki haley were the vice versa, yeah looks like people would withdraw support. Now. Let me ask you this question: can you even think of another choice for voice, but vice president, that will make you change your vote. People can choose the revolver, the vice president, what they want for. I would I literally that now I probably I'd they'll be hard. Now, Because our own those would and drop, I will lose confidence in his judgment. Is he if it took such an obvious one choice? So hence was a good choice as well
I know much about it, so you just say well, alright, whatever, if you like him, is if it's okay with me, were highly. We know too much about, especially in the military industrial, complex. Way now I don't know if the accusations against the helier know as solid as they appear to be, which is she's a little too close to the military spenders, but it could be. I mean it's a huge red flag, so it doesn't seem like the right fit for trump. I'm glad he's asking the question. My personal assumption is zero chance. It will happen zero chance, but I think he in a highly of have a er.
in history. Right am, I right. I thought they got along when she visited the demonstration, so I don't mind at all. They asked the question because asking the question is how he finds out how other people feel about it. That's exactly what we should be doing. It he's probably thinking that his own judgment only put another way because he worked with her and had a reasonably good association. I think he is not trusting his own judgments and he wants to get some more objective.
Opinions are, are you'll, be fine. There's no way skeptical about nikki haley does seem to be surging in the new hampshire polling, all the way up to just barely behind trump who is polling at thirty three percent with two or twenty nine percent. The rest of the field is way behind. Now, that's probably what triggered trump to start asking the question, but does new Hampshire mean anything to anybody? I feel like new Hampshire is the least indicative primary isn't the way it goes first, so it can definitely change how we think About it, but it shouldn't so I dunno I'm not worried about new Hampshire trump was asked if he would debate a republican. And I guess you know it s not and he gave exists.
What is the right answer exactly? The answer is yes, if it gets close, but it's not there yet, because he wants act, strong like, of course I will talk to them, but he also doesn't want to look like he is wasting his time with the undercard. So he gives the exactly the right answer if, if somebody comes close yeah that would make sense of a debate just what you wanna hear I mean it, but it's exactly the right answers. Here's something you didn't see coming and ron Desantis then backed by guess. One of the biggest bet backers is the main downside group was a pack, the little political action committee. I called never back down. Never back down. Let's get an update,
never back now, other battened down rebecca now so they're not gonna, run
It's in iowa or new Hampshire, they're at they're, not going to run ads in iowa or new hampshire. The first stoop rivers feel like they back down. Let me give you some hypnotist and humorist advice. When you're picking the name of your group, you should say to yourself, how can this be marked is exactly the same if you're picking a name for your child, if your last name is cass, don't name your child jack. Am I right, because you should ask yourself how all the school kids respond to naming my child jackass you'd, think that will cause any problems now. I only mention that, because I grew up with somebody named jack, yes,
Yeah me, as he was born name was jonathan, but everybody call him jack. So don't do that. Never call your packet never back down if you think you might back down or surprise of the day wall. Street apes had this post. so you ve probably heard the honourable MR minister louis fair. Can you unawares right, he's accused, We are being at thy smelling by hearsay. Well known, powerful longtime leader in the black community, for a subset of the black community likes his ashes. So he's very controversial specifically anti semitic is the is the charge on him.
but here's why he said was just mind blowing. I remember I said that those doppelgangers in those coincidences they might associate a larger shift in consciousness, a larger shift in consciousness. Let me let me read to you what the honorable minister Louis Farrakhan says about donald trump. This is race. I'll read the whole thing I quote: the the nature of this administration is good for us. He was talking about trump. Maybe this was a maybe this was when trump was not sure the data on this because of trumps way using an anomaly? There's never been If president, quite like mr trump there's something that he's doing from this destroying every other me there
An enemy of our arise in this case is talking about a black americans, so you say the trump and black americans have the same enemies, sound familiar. Some I've told you you said: Lucy enemy arise is at the department of justice. Where we get none is economy, Where were you make a law that favours us, and then you turn around and destroy it? Is it the media that has destroyed every black leader stood up for us, Martin luther king suffer it and then he says there Malcolm suffered. It then talks about trump's voice as he he's attacking the media. How's it fake news. We have been the victims of some fake news. Yes, he's been up there,
VI and then he says: go ally. Baby yeah they've been beating the hell out of us ever since jager mover in the in the counter with the counters. So, as I feel like, a shift in consciousness does other. So the shift in consciousness is that the Democrats had been gaslighting them. Then the black americans the whole time and that they couldn't tell who their friends were and who their enemies were, but when trump very clearly targeted all the same people that america would call his enemies, he couldn't miss it anymore. What would you call noticing that trump had targeted the the media, the f b, I or the department of justice? Another word for that would be or would be another word for that is the same things that black america wanted targeted. Then trunk. I actually did it what's another word for that, as a coincidence, isn't it kind of a coincidence, so Louis Farrakhan noticed a pattern that maybe he hadn't noticed until recently that well man, that's kind of a coincidence. I don't. I think the department of justice and scrapped, and now this republican guy posted as it was weird for instance, way. We think the f b. I is corrupt by your same job, says that too so atlas the stupid citizen, where you say you're, saying that the news of the o g that the f b I oliver he's going after all, you see the batter. Those doppelgangers are people who are noticing patterns. It just happens to be a trivial matter. It's not important. You know somebody looks like somebody else, but that that raising consciousness that allows you to see patterns allows you to break out of the brainwashing is as those patterns that are the key to the door. If you're in your little brainwash above there's, actually a door, that's got a keyhole and the keyhole or the coincidences wait a minute. If, if this is true, then how could this other thing be true, while if it were just one thing, maybe it ignore it, but wait a minute? How with this other thing is true, also, as I makes us with this other thing and then the coincidence start to try and form a pattern, and then the pattern becomes a
hey. Another key goes on a walk and your escape your bubble. The Aragon just found the keel. Now I'm not american fan, so I'm not fanboy america, that's not happening. I'm just saying your ceiling example of somebody used pattern, recognition as an escape and at work and here's another pattern. Tucker carlson talking about the songs julian assange and julian assange, did a number of journalistic things that other people call him a spy. I guess and the journalistic things were very embarrassing for our intel organizations and the deep state.
I am Hillary Clinton and apparently we have reporting that MIKE pompeo was talking about plans to murder Assad the murderer. To now, you've got democrats who want him dead assange. He got a prominent republican who was even running for president at one point wanted a dead reportedly, and it seems to me that the science has embarrassed the deep state which might be a little bit, both republican and democrat added space, so
Question is why why are so many people wanting to kill him or put him in jail forever when you and I aren't quite sure why it spent a long time shouldn't I be able to express the other argument as easily as I can express the you know. The freedom. Why do I only know the argument of wires and journalists and should be free.
Why am I not aware of the counter argument? Is that a coincidence don't see it anywhere? Now, though, I know the general argument that he revealed some stuff that would cause people to get gilbertson and I'd like to see that argument and if that's the case, that's important, but there there's something about the lack of transparency and the fact that he's being treated the way is treated. That tells you that this is that everything about this is corrupt and wrong and should be stopped. I dunno what's wrong with it and I don't know: what's corrupt.
but this isn't adding up sorry that the pattern recognition is to clear. The pattern is: if they had the real goods the stuff they could argue with. The public was important and you would agree with it. They would tell you they would well yeah, when somebody doesn't have an argument that they're willing to share with you it's because they don't have one may not. I have trouble believing that our secrets, that that are the real reason that we don't know what's going on, so I don't trust our government in at all on the assange situation and therefore, because citizens, although modern american citizen citizens, have the presumption of innocence. So my presumption about the sand is innocent and you, as you know, one of the things that the bad guys do if they can't figure out a legal way to take you out
then say, come up with a fake, a sex charge. So you know Assad had the straight sex charge hanging over him, some rape charge or something- and you know I went away. This was never any evidence for it. It just went away and just it was fake. So everything that you think is the worst case scenario sort of like the representing bourget was telling you about the blackmail. If you imagined that they wouldn't cause a fake rape charge to take down an enemy you're, not living in the real world, cause yeah, they would yeah. They were magnates. Perfect example of fake fake sex charges are a common way to take somebody down. So my take on the is, I don't know if he did anything bad, I don't know, but the lack of transparency is so disgusting that I am firmly on. The better. Freer were basically put up or shut up. My assumption is: everybody is a dirty murderer. Who wants him to stay where he is? You are all dirty murderers and I don't trust anybody who wants him in jail if they won't tell you why I'm open to the argument, I'm open to the argument, I can be persuaded that he should stay in jail, but no argue strangely missing nope not buying it for a minute he should be freed and- and I'm also curious, why trump didn't
it is. You know there was pressure on trump to do it. So there's more to the story is the fact that you can't get a republican or a democrat to to do it, and yet we don't know what's going on now. This is all corrupt injured, while outgoing louisiana, governor edwards, according to the amuse, account an axe. has decided to pardon forty murderers. What that, like every possible, I know for sure that nobody would pardon forty murderers, crazy right, now, a pardon forty murders as amuse asks, what passed what reason the wars
the love. Now I do know that when politicians are leaving office and retiring, it's not that unusual to pardon a bunch of people that, maybe you think shouldn't be part but murderers. Forty murders yeah. What makes me wonder if they were since it was a louisiana. I wonder if they were falsely accused. Do you think it's like forty black guys who, who just the accusations were too weak and used to say you know, I'm not even sure any of these people murdered anybody. It could be so I think, there's more. We need to know about that, but the question why you're doing it is the right question, I'm going to guess he?
I don't think that they were. The cases were strong enough and that maybe the relics from a more racist past- and maybe it's just time to celebrate- I dunno we'll find out while sediment continues to be interesting. Thank president button for up hardening certain marijuana fences and he called the charges. Bullshit we charges. He said simply said a few christmases go Lieutenant governor I pushed through legal weed and and delivering pardons were bullshit. We georgia's ok, the ferryman, stop it you stop. It I dont want love you, I dont want loving, you're, making me love you. I don't like it, Stop he just covered up, I love. He wants to pardon the way people. I love.
Even more that he calls the charge? Is bullshit covered out? Stop it stop it, and I love you. Ian miles. Chong is reporting that a tribunal in the uk has ruled that is not discrimination for a company to rule out white men from being hired. What, but it's not discrimination to discriminate. Interesting, take you'd almost think is built right into the word their discovering ok, but it makes me asked this question and yes, I'm serious. I need a backup plan if it becomes the. If america becomes like south Africa was.
back up. Well, we're working a white men go to be safe and to be treated like a forces. Certainly number four: where can I go now I'll tell you that tell you where people Russia is this at all. I'm italy, japan, argentina, iceland, indonesia, who dare paraguay, uruguay for the weed.
You a the problem yeah, so I'm ruling out new zealand and Australia as they already went, woke th balance on the list of possibilities. Antarctica is looking good, not allow discrimination or sup against penguins or something, and he was due for a flip switzerland. You say now so sure I think I think europe has the is: is lama sized problem. I think Europe will probably become islamic eventually, and hungary is too close to russia for my tastes, too close and new zealand and australia to owc iceland. As I told you, Iceland had volcanoes and the whole country melted is all made of ice. So I and doesn't exist anymore because of fucking melt, notes, lesson.
The question, no doubt really still there and will last is another country, Montenegro yeah. I don't want to be over in that europe eastern europe area, not comfortable with that. You know, you know one of the best answers was was argentina apparently, argentina is both multi ethnic and a true melting pot. But can anybody confirm that I've actually heard really good things about our argentina and the people and sort of the social part? Is that true? Is that an exaggeration? I had a friend who used to travel there just for the women, and apparently he had a really really good time, because all he had to do is be an american and walk in the door and suddenly you'd be popular with the ladies. That's what he said while argentina's it might be a mess in terms of their economy and all that. But if you add your own money.
Is is the culture at least non discriminatory, saudi arabia, philippines, that's interesting the philippines, and so I don't have plans to move, but I think you know it's just sort of my way to be prepared for everything yup. My house was built to withstand you know all the common disasters and I built in a place that was, you know, free from most of the common disasters. And now, if, if I lost my power, I could live the coldest day in California. You know, I guess in the forties. I can make a fire and put some blankets on me. I could live, but if you, if you lose your life
especially in wisconsin in February like if the whole state loses his power. Wow. Good luck on that. So I've always picked tried to pick situations where you have lots of escape. You can get away, you can survive. You know Alyssa my house as it's own water supply. I don't have to depend on the town, so Annabelle's solar, but I don't have a battery yet I needed a battery backup, but likewise I think it is time for white men to at least have a backup plan, because I do think america could fall in terms of being safe to live here is not there, but you know that these things can be read on the edge for a long time before they they flip. So things could change quickly, as could have a backup plan. Arab costa rica heard good things about costa rica, but I think that might be more about the lifestyle than it is about lack of discrimination. Uruguay, o agua, not paraguay, Uruguay, as the.
or when the paraguay right do, I have that right, neverland, the jonestown and probably not the guy other. Alright. Ladies and gentlemen, that's all I got for you today, thanks for joining the best livestream ever, and yeah youtube. I will talk to you tomorrow. If you're wondering will I be livestreaming on christmas day? What do you think? Will I be livestreamed at the normal time on christmas day, yeah yeah? Yes, I will, because I don't take days off so I'll, see you on christmas, but also see you tomorrow, and I have a great day thanks. You too,.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-25.