« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2329 CWSA 12/21/23 The 2024 Democrat Hoax Strategy And Lots More Fun News

2023-12-21 | 🔗

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Dude it to drop a bomb bomb bomb from good morning everybody and welcome to the highlight of human civilization series. Eventually, I've had a bad start to the morning this morning. I think it will all get better. The show was gonna be amazing, based on how it started if you'd like to take this show this experience of the levels that nobody can even understand. All you need is a cover. My girl, clasped, a tanker jealous stein, accounting, jug or flask, or vessel of any kind fill it with your favorite liquid. I like coffee, enjoy me now for the unparalleled pleasure, the dopamine end of the day. The thing that makes everything better, it's called the simultaneous it happens, now go well. Let me tell you he seemed to have a sound problem right. He find out why hello see will not plugged in the, although alone the lolo lulu LULU, the looks like is broken. The you can hear me narrow. You can hear me on youtube, they're right, the you at you actually can't hear me the uva now the. Why would that be the sound, the dunno, the.
so I guess we're done with this. I try to restart the two to do so. Abbott's will restart the about that. The work, the air, the body, the schism garments, moon. Yes, so let me let me tell you what happened to my morning alright, so it turns out that the sound problem is no doubt related to the first story. I was going to tell you so every morning the first part of my day I fill this gigantic mug with coffee and then I walk into my darkened office and look for the the lilla a hot plate. I put it on your single hot plate backer and I sat it on the hotplate and then I usually turn on the lights. Now the hoplite is black and darken
I'm on a darkness, so I just sort of feel for it then yup, but the coffee on I neglected to turn off the hot plate from yesterday. When I used it, which caused some burning of my fingers and some tip age of the coffee, because, as I burned my left hand, was putting the coffee on the radio, the it still a their rather situation, where you
Spill a little of something and then you try to quickly correct it and then that works out great. Doesn't it quickly correct it now now now what happens is you're flailing to correct it results in slightly more spillage how much slightly more spillage? One hundred percent of the coffee in this cup is quite a lot of coffee ended up being sprayed across every object. On my desk from apparently the sound which didn't work through my keyboard completely. The entire top of the keyboard was liquid to all of the electronics of the lamp. Every cord and my my desk thing and a lot of my notes covered with coffee.
So. The first part of my day was cleaning up the biggest coffee spill. I've ever seen in my life I mean it looked like the exxon Valdez just shit at my office. It was all over the floor. It was all over my computer. It was Oliver everything. There was nothing that didn't have coffee on it. When I was done now, keep in mind that this is four in the morning- and I haven't had coffee yet you know how unpleasant it is to clean coffee from every crevice of everything you own and not have any coffee in you is the worst, but the good news is. The good news is that I cleaned everything.
I got it all under control, except evidently I've burned out my mixer- I don't know where that is not working am but here's the good news I wanted. I got a brand new, fresh cup of coffee and while it was filling up in my coffee machine, I was watching looking at my phone and I I probably looked at my phone too long because it filled up. You ever have a coffee that feels like right up to the top, and then you say yourself, oh shit. What am I going to do now that I could like stand here and try to sip it off the top, and then that always burns you, because it's too hot and the like? You don't want to stand there until it cools off, but you get a sip it off the top and my coffee maker phrases like grandma's stuff. It adds air to it so that it's like
This really tastes good. So if you suck off the top, then you just get the bad black coffee on the bottom, so I don't want to do that. So I did what any of you would do in the situation I said to myself. Yes, the coffee is so close to the top of my cup. That almost every motion will spill it and the last night I want to do- is still some coffee less for damn sure let you spent forty five minutes. Clearly it up.
there's no way I'm going to spill it, but you know what I have the skill and the stamina. I have the balance of the training to carry this cup of coffee without any spillage whatsoever. Watch me do it, and so, while the long story short after I finished cleaning off my stairway yeah, I got every stare. Every snare top the bottle full of coffee, but the good news is. There is no coffee on my desk. There's no coffee on my stairs and there is coffee in my stomach. Yes yeah. It was a little bit of a prisoner island situation, but god damnit I'm back at.
I just I'm just going to phase through this day, no matter what it takes, I will not be beaten by coffee. Alright, let's go to the news, the important stuff. There are three things that I've been wanting to. Try one is as a duck. Or huberman idea of getting sun in the morning at reset your circadian rhythms or whatever, so I tried that yesterday, I've tried it before. Have I tried it yesterday in particular, I also tried grounding the idea that if you stand on the ground outdoors in your bare feet, it'll somehow change your electrical situation so do they estimate? I also tried, for the first time, I've had it for years, but a infrared sauna, as I did those three things gasoline morning, grounded with my bare feet and took a an infrared sauna.
I feel for the rest of the day, really really good, really really good. I had a I just showed good all day, my the reds honor did in fact make my your muscles less painful. There's really good, so I don't know which of those three things maybe governs are more suspicious of the grounding, I'm not sure, that's real, the grounding part dozens unreal. Frankly, perestroika. So those who think we really didn't feel good. I abstain under fifty nine We shall be released by three
I remained sealed, which of those names. Do you care about the one hundred and fifty that they're going to show us or the three? They won't. Of course, there's nothing you can do with the abstain story that doesn't make it worse. Am I right there's nothing, there's nothing. You can do without story that won't turn it into a worse version of what it already is, which is terrible, nothing yup thanks to the one hundred and fifty names, Ah, now I'm really curious about the three you're not gonna, give us also doctrine, everyone says, there's some study the says it's called the cathedral of that then, if you try Do you work in a low, silly environment? You can do more tell them local staff, but if you're in it
cathedral or just a high ceiling place makes you more creative and you can do more creative work. Now. This is a subset of one of my reframes. The you will see in my amazing book. Reframe your brain Everybody is talking about actually love before people talking about and was re frames as us. It's for writers, block. That you don't have writers block. The refrain is you're in the wrong place. Here's what I did, what I learned is, if I can create anything where I am is probably because, where I am is the position on said is the light in the room? Is the physical environment? Is these sounds motionless around me, and I have to change those links. If you sit in a room by yourself- and you say
Oh, I want to raise something. I need to gray something I can't do it. I've got writer's block, you probably doubt you're, probably in the wrong place, just move your place. I discovered- and I talk about it too much that if I go to starbucks there's something about the noise of starbucks and the way they design the the building, which also has high ceilings by the way. If you go in starbucks high ceilings, I mean higher than your house usually, and I can work like crazy, even with the noise and the bustle and the bad tables and the sticky tables a man literally, I elbows around the table, and it's just like full of sticky, coffee and chip, and people are talking on the phone everything this shouldn't work.
works perfectly. So you really can't guess what is a good place to work? You really can you just have to attest to her stormy daniels or said some funny things about one hundred Biden and it's the most honest, take I've ever owned an underbite, so stormy daniels for the win. He would you like you're, the most honest thing anybody ever said about one hundred by. Storm is, as other seems like he'd, be fun to party with jack yeah. I would love to party with. Under I mean he's is apparently cleaned up his act, so he is not partying, but he would have been fun at and then it goes on she s everybody's, like oh, my god. He didn't pay as taxes used His money on hookers and blow, unlike like you,.
I do the exact same thing. If you thought you could get away with it, you wouldn't spend you wouldn't spend someone else's money on ana on hookers and blow. If you could, if you could get away with it. Oh I wouldn't I wouldn't do that. No, no! No I'm a you would. I know you are, but I wouldn't do that. Gonna work continues its destruction of its reputation Apparently now there are reports of
What are you separate acts of plagiarism by their president claudine gay lever, the new york times as polished or a hit piece on her? Basically imagine the new york times, basically just trashing her at this point. Ah, yes, so that they're, they're, saying or plagiarism is like a genuine problem. So what do you? What do you think do you think harvard will be forced to get rid of her now,
no, I don't think so. Nope and I guess Saturday night live compared. Claudine gay to urkel, so even Saturday night live is going after the spree brew or new zealand. According to the end awoke this account Alex either they're going to end funding for all sporting bodies that don't crack down on trans players competing as women. Now what's interesting is didn't you think new zealand was kind of a super awoke, but apparently they've turned completely on the question of trans in sports and are going to defend you if you're, if you're going to have
transitioning players playing on the women's team, so yeah anyway, that's happening. Do you think that there's a genuine shift in the whole woke ness business or or are we getting a no the the muggers it? Can you do me a favor on youtube that the microphone is unplugged, because I spilled coffee on my mixer and it doesn't more, which I didn't realize until I turned it on. So please tell the other people you stop asking me to plug. In my microphone, could you do that? The stop just asked him to stop saying it and so the rest of you could you answer that question for me set out to see it because otherwise, I'm have to cover up the comments. I just put some table for it, so I can see it because I can't really do the show if everybody's talking about sound everybody
Gonna turn it off in a minute the alright, the giro under control them. But there is a the. Well, sir journalism sailor, young people are increasingly get their news from tiktok. And is causing a problem, because that young people are getting a wrong it and even about Israel, a mass war So here's what the war usually tik, tok versus scot I wasn't doing so well, I was
winning that, and now it looks like it's tiktok vs, Israel, anything that's gonna go tiktok, so tiktok is a honestly as an existential threat, Israel. I don't think that's too far as it does. That too far, I don't think that's hyperbole. I think that tiktok is an existential threat to the existence of Israel, because what is done is is seems to have propagandized young people to be anti israel and those young people. I hate to tell you that they're going to get older and they're going to be in charge, so they basically just brainwashed a generation to abandon support of Israel. Now now the question of how much united states should support Israel is a separate question. I'm just tell you what's going to happen right, so it's not whether they should or they shouldn't I'm just telling you what's going to happen. What's going to happen as if tiktok continues unabated. If no changes are made, Israel will go on a business.
I don't see how they can survive, because if you take out the american support, you know they're going to take out every other countries supported the same time. So it looks like a the battle is now between Israel's very existence and tiktok still operating at least in america. Do you think that Israel can win? That this'll be a real good test, because we worry that china and tiktok in general, is having too much influence on congress, but separately there are lots of people, say, hey Israel's having too much influence on our government. Now I would say, of course, both china and Israel are trying to influence our government, because we try to influence everybody else. Everybody tried to influence everybody, that's normal, but now the fight is between really two very powerful rivals, while they're not rivals is just one is doing something that is bad for the other and well, who do you think, is more powerful china's influence over congress or israel's influence over congress, and if they have to fight it out over the existence of tiktok, who would win china or israel, I'm seeing mostly china, and what do you think close call? I actually don't know the smiths can be a close one, because the chinese money is apparently changing something, but Israel has it as a big effect as well. So if this gets reframed as an existential threat to Israel, there's a much better chance against spans because the? U s is trying to support Israel, but it wouldn't make any sense to try to support Israel at the same time we're allowing tiktok to destroy israel. So I think congress has to make a decision. Are we for Israel? Are we on Israel's side, because that doesn't make sense if tiktok is still operating? That makes no sense if you're going to be on Israel's side? Why not actually do it.
My money, money alps, but I would say that giving israel money, certainly they like in the house, but all that they could have done almost everything they need without our money- and you know it, they can't know they cast survive. While tiktok is still operating in america, they cannot survive in the long run, sewing gonna, get that fixed them among Israel's side. On that completely aid you wanna, make a buck. Guest specifies gotta platform that lets you make one super easily then distributed everywhere and even money. All in one place for free, it's called spotify for bud gasters and here's how it works. Spotify about gas, useless, you recorded every part gas rate from your phone or computer. So no matter what you set up is like you can start reading today, then he couldn't distributor bud gas to spot a fine and everywhere else, pod guess heard video park s role so available. In spite of my whispered five about guessers, you can earn money in a variety of ways, including as a pot gas subscriptions and best of all this totally free would no catch. Ever since I discovered spotify for progress, is my life has been easier and I've been making money as great features so highly recommended given to try down.
despite a favour by gasters up or go to w w w that spot. If I come backslash spot gases to get started, there is a new research. The size do your own research on line nation is, if I ever told me that, before. Let's add this to the pile of you know: you could just ass god. If you just ask me, I would have told you: how do people do research? Oh, I just read the story. The said bigfoot he's gonna be alive,
At the congress or their research it to go down a little rabbit hole and if I find a search for his bigfoot run for congress and then what comes up a whole bunch articles about big foe running for congress, you are yep yep, absolutely I knew it. Errors approve piglets, run them to congress. Yet the more you search on your own, the dumber you get and now there's a study that backs it up. Except you know what the problem is. Studies are fake, too. Why would you believe this study, Would you believe that the study is twenty? Twenty, almost one in twenty four? Why would you believe a study? Is it? The study is like every other study. It's a coin. Flip is literally a fifty percent chance of being true. Fifty
preserved and sosa was either true or false are only two conditions right either this do your own research in there helped you or it didn't help you fifty fifty. You don't know any of that. Just because a study that says it went one way. It literally tells you nothing. Does everybody get that there are only two possibilities like a coin flip, but the studies in general studies in general, half of them don't hold up in the long run, and so, if a new study comes out in this category of things, which often turn out not to be true, there's just one study, it actually tells you nothing like actually literally nothing because you don't know which fifty percent isn't the fifty percent fake ones with fifty percent real ones, and you could have guessed without even having the study. If you flipped a coin or aghast.
Same odds of being right, didn't didn't, add anything which is weird when you think about it, but I do believe it's true that people convince themselves that their conspiracy theories are real by finding other people said the same thing. That seems obvious so it turns out that poverty is way down instead of up. Wouldn't you think scot, I know there's something she can't measure I know some put. Sometimes the poles are not accurate. Sometimes year predict things way in the future, but there's one thing: you, though, should be police innovation
Poverty, because you know they do it every year, so they should have the methodology down pretty well, you know what they were doing wrong. This is going to blow your whole fucking head off. Here's how they were calculating poverty, wrong, you're, not even going to believe us. They tried to measure how much money you are getting now, your your common sense as well. That's what poverty is, how much money I receive right! It's pretty obvious! My poverty level is basically how much money I get so so a small group decided to revise it and say what, if we looked at, how much you consume.
The obviously was happening when they looked at how much people consumed people were consuming a level of a staff that was well beyond poverty. So if you looked at what they actually spend and consume is way above the poverty line, they're now starving and they're, mostly not homeless. So it turns out that when you measured people's income, his nose not just credit cards when you make because the poor don't even have credit cards the, but what he meant. When you looked at poverty, it turns out that poor people have lots of ways to get resources and they weren't all being included yeah. It's not so much a credit card thing credit cards, more of a middle class that thing that the people are so poor. They don't even have a bank we're actually doing better
than we thought they had some way to get money. Then basically, government services, plus, whatever else also might have been write, could have been cry, but whatever they were doing, there were getting more consumption power than the income suggested. So, with the most basic thing, you think you could measure weren't, even close weren't, even close but if you can't measure doing your own research and be be confident about it and you can't really measure poverty levels, at least we can measure and predict climate change one hundred years in advance. Now how lucky are we about that either? All these other things are hard to measure, but it looks like we're really good at measuring, climate change and, as you know, the climate will continue getting warmer and warmer and there is no way around it.
my next stories about these cold snap in china, so china policy. China is suddenly record in the mongolian part of china in a town called the whole heart yeah, the town of her heart. was super cold. Now I don't know if there's a town called the whole cold. There was also super warm, which would feel right, but the town of whole heart were all the passages were warmer than they show them? How hot new gold record.
I radically and what are the climate change people say when records recalled, are being set in China. Well, here's what I say: here's what I say who cares about china, china's like the size of a postage stamp, that no child is actually a pretty big place, Be careful our mongolia area, so china is setting records, recalled, but here's what she didn't know. Climate change doesn't just make things warmer. It makes the extremes more variable yeah. So this is just one of the extremes caused by warming. Another thing that's happening is that the arctic ice now is plunging for years well several years ago. Is that stopped plunging and started increased?
It is still increasing and sort of back where almost where it was so it turns out that none of the protections have been raised so far, at least about ice and water levels and the general warming. Well, nothing really So, where yeah, it's all that a global warming this causing the the lowest at lower temperatures woozy. we talk about the hawks situation for twenty twenty four. As you know, we, wherever we meaning the people who study body,
have been able to do or say what would you call it? The almost anthropology or it's almost like a a dig where we piece together the democrat structure of power. Now that includes all the extended parts. Like the you know, you've got the a dl, the usa, while the idea has nothing to do with the Democrats, they're just trying to protect young jewish people from various abuses, but it turns out that there's, like a Democrat who's, the head of it, who uses that. Also, besides doing the good work to protect jewish people, also just as a hammer to your hammer on any but a republic, so there's a whole bunch of illegitimate fact. Checkers ill, legitimate watch, dogs, illegitimate misinformation, people and they have all been mapped, and you can see that basically, democrat operatives or their their buddies are the ones running these fake organizations which do a combination of real work, just in case.
a look at our real work. Israel is real work where's that really the big purpose real purposes for the fake stuff, where they can just say republicans, relying everything sounds so here's user might take on what we know so far. We were expecting, for example, that there will be some tens pole, hoaxes now, a tadpole if you think of a circus tend. The ten pole is like that, the big a poll the holes,
the dead so there'll be lots of minor hoaxes, and we all knew that, but months ago included. Many people, including me, said: oh, what will be the twenty twenty four a hoax against trump? Well now we know so here's here's what it looks like. First of all, have you all noticed that Biden and his supporters have stopped talking about policies like our policy is better than whatever trump would do or whatever the republicans will do, because at this point, am I right that the policies of the Republicans, with the exception of haley republicans, can have similar policies by vivek is going to get you something that looks like trump but his own, his own take on it right, yet so, as basically republican policies, which are very clear and very much, in contrast to current policies, immigration, the novice now wouldn't
expect that, given that the republicans are polling well collectively and they've got a different, different policies that are really different. Don't you think that all the conversation should be about those differences in policies? Well, it turns out that the ad the Democrats have learned through polling that all of their policies are unpopular except one was a popular policy. I mean the one this isn't. The top group is abortion, but abortion has been cleverly moved into a state problem which, by the way, the more I think about it. I thought it was a gigantic mistake by republicans to make a deal of abortion and essentially make themselves unelectable, but I think in the long run it allowed them to win federal elections by taking it away from the federal decision making process. So I think, like a trump or a vague, is a r e here's my opinion on abortion, but remember I don't make any decisions on abortion. If I'm president, as totally not my job and I'm going to let the people whose job it is to the citizens and the governments of the states.
So at the point at this point see if you notice that Biden and his proxies have gone completely personal attack complete personal attacks, mostly against trump of course. So here's the what I call the three legged stool of houses that we can see now will be the the primary temple houses for twenty twenty four number one. The trump quote: invokes hitler, invokes hitler with his polluting the blood comments, etc. So this is just the fine people hopes to the fine people. Oaks was that young, the hopes that he praised NEO nazis in charlottesville, when indeed it was,
it's the deceptive at it and he condemned the nazis, so they just change it to the opposite of what he actually did, while they're doing that here by. If you remove the context, it just looks like he took something out of mein kampf, which he never actually says and is easy to make it look like. Oh it's hitler, that's how hitler talks, because nobody knows the difference. Number two is still colluding with Putin and his prudence puppet. So this is just russia collusion too. So we've got find people hoax to his eller.
Russia collusion to his boom prudence body. Then we have January six. Oaks is an insurrectionist, so he is hitler, putin puppet insurrectionist, what new all of those have in common they're, not even close to reality, and they have nothing to do with his policies that at one point where the country notice that the the Democrats have given up on policy they've, just given up his total character assassination period now it works because it turns out that, like half of the country believes that the colorado decision, keeping of him off the ballot was the right one, because he's such a demonstration, this it's actually working anyway. Those tentpole hoaxes are, of course, the justification for the weaponization of the government. Now is this scott and other people being all a snowflake he and worrying about their weaponization of the government, or is the government simply doing his job to find wrongdoing and punishes? Well, we do know that after two thousand and sixteen and MIKE Benz's been great at uncovering this and explaining it that the the
was literally said. We can't have this happen, the gap which is meaning trump, getting luck and they created a whole structure to make sure it didn't and then sorrows in the meantime was getting his is a lefty prosecutors in place, and so they'd created a structure where they could lie about trump. The fact checkers would would back them the the fake you know a the ls and yoda, the various other fake organizations would back them, so they would have. This is what the Democrats like to do. They like to create fake external companies or entities which which tell them the right so that their fake news can say well, democrats make this claim and then these fact checkers agree with them. So now it's ok for us, the news to say it's true when it's not so. Basically you have the news that the fake that it's a big constellation of editors is maybe hundreds of these fake entities that have been created in the last several years. So now you've got enough judges that are lefty leaning, who will do literally anything like the colorado judges, and so the weaponization of government depends very much on selling the three hoaxes that weaponization normally nobody would want. Would you agree.
If you just ask people without any contact, you stop civilian street say you think the government should be weapons against individuals, it wouldn't matter of your democratic republic. Then you'd say what did you ask me? Of course not. I don't want the government a weapon eyes to guess the public I'll be there. the thing but suppose I came up to him and said: hitler's taking power, The only way to get rid of a MR well. So that stretch our interpretation of was the law. Just
it sort of bend our ideas about what the constitution is saying. But are you ok with that, because if we just the idea which is banned in a little bit, just just work and a little bit, we can keep hitler and of office now? What do the people on the streets I well, I normally be totally gives against this weaponization of government and now that you've convinced convinced me that he's hilary he's friends with Putin and he was an insurrection as well in this one case. This one case, I guess I guess in favour of a little bit of weapons decision, because it so important. So it's a pretty good play that the entire packages
Pretty tight, so they've got the the fake persuasion of three houses. That's enough to convince you that weaponization of the government normally would be bad, but in this special case it might be the only thing to save the planet, not to mention all that climate changes could kill you. If you don't get the right press, they say I so that's what dodges old dominates ear will dominate year, they'll be new ones, but those are probably the piglets dead, Lou congress person and says this about the colorado trial. He said the cholera no trial court, then this export is no account got your oil and made rock solid findings. Of fact, the trump engaged insurrection Supreme court would not have any basis overruled
the findings, the only ways a supreme court can overturn this to make the poor the perverse ruling. The president's can engage in an insurrection, well tat, low drop in the hammer, and things are by right now. Remember the most important thing you need to know you understand, the news is the players, There are some players who are so insanely political that nothing that comes out of their mouth should be taken seriously: TED Lewis, one of those I like ten lw I've interacted with a man executed and he is sort of a happy warrior you know, but when he gets into the political situation and anything about trump, he goes just completely. Bat shit, crazy. Here's, the things that didn't
happen through, says colorado, trial, Cora, held the trial. Now they ve been were. Where was where was tribe, giving his evidence that there was no insurrection. The judges just sat there and said it was obviously insurrection, so there was nothing like a trial and they made rock solid findings of fact that engage in red insurrection that didn't happen. There was no fact trial of insurrection. You should make an all this up and that this report would have no basis overrule well. The smartest people are pretty sure that it could be close to a unanimous
decision, which the supreme who are almost never does in overturning it. Does he really believe any of this? Do you think that TED lieu believes one word that he wrote? I dunno, I actually don't know, doesn't look like. He believed it been made yeah, I me to believe this you'd have to be really fucking stupid of this stateless take. This is like a I q. Twenty I mean this is so fucking stupid. So I I'm going to give him I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he knows what he's doing, because the other alternative is kind of insulting, and I kind of like him article, you can't buy us mechanical. Would you like a zombie update, go big zombie problem.
as a sean ono, Lennon posted. He said that today, at this point, if he going to get the bulk of your news from cable you're, officially a zombie now, if you get your dues by watching both the left, leaning and right, leaning, cable, you're, at least triangulating on something- maybe a little better idea, what the fake news as well. Yes, if you're only watching your preferred network, you have no fucking idea. What's going on, you would have no idea. What's going on
you would really be lost and he was more proof of zombies. There's an online survey than the fifty four per cent of the respondents approve of the decision of colorado. How in the world, can you be well informed and think the colorado decision made any sense? How can he do that.
quelques and here are some of the things we know about Biden. He actually said this in public notices awhile ago after he said that we just have to demonstrate talking about trump is Biden talking about choppy, so we just have to demonstrate that he will not take power. What we have to demonstrate that he will not take power. Does that sound the same as we need to run an election and when we have to demonstrate that he will I'll, take power? Then he goes on if he does run so this is before trump ran, making sure under a quote, legitimate efforts of the constitution does not become the next president, so he says we're going to demonstrate that he will not take power and they get to use the legitimate efforts under the constitution.
if the law, so he is literally saying we're going to use the law to keep him out of office. What he doesn't say is that he's guilty. And they said no use any anything they can use in the law to keep him out of office. The isn t say: is this a very clearly? What can a wet isley justice department is? What looks like to me? The meal was had a clear, though you is going to try to do within the law, but
then the law, if it's your own people in your own judges, the law, because whatever you want it to be, so let me ask you: this is: is colorado decision within the law or if the supreme court didn't want to overturn it, it would be so the trick the trick here is that will make them more anything. I want because judges can just behind the day where they want? So that's pretty scary, but at least he isn't anything like this right. It would be terrible if he said some.
Will sounded a lot like we're going to use lawfare to take out our competitor because we can't beat them in election, but do we see any signs of that actually happening? Well, here's a Glenn Greenwald explaining the situation he says. Trump's first indictment was from a liberal manhattan prosecutor, his other state cases from the Democrat, the democratic party machine in atlanta. He is two federal cases, are under the Biden, department of justice and now a colorado court full of dems just banned him from the ballot. One choosers see ninety one. Ninety one charges and this colorado thing and every bit of it is funded by and done by democrats that doesn't look like any kind of justice system. Does it? Wouldn't you think that at least some of this would be republican driven if there was anything there yeah, this looks exactly like Biden said what he was going to do and now he's executing it right in front of us now. How many of how many casual viewers of news would be aware that Biden said he was going to do this, use the legal system to the extreme and that all of these these cases are bullshit cases that are just tried to slow down trump? How many democrats actually know that.
how many of them know the Democrats created an entire structure of fake entities to support their own fake news. If you did a survey, do you think any Democrat would know that I doubted there? Aren't there aren't even that many republicans who could explain, but the people you'll really pay attention to it. There have been some are death threats to those colorado judges according to NBC news. Now, let me say as clearly as possible. I do not support any death threats against justices or any violence whatsoever. I do not encourage that. However, However, I also live in the real world, and here is the question I ask myself.
so the if those justices made that ruling and got a bunch of death threats, one as they learned about cause and effect again, do not make death threats against justices or any political people, or anybody really and don't do any violence cause. I don't do that, but do you think the justices learn that if they tried to fuck the country right in front of the country that at least half of the country will notice and they're not going to like it? I have a real mixed feeling about this, but I feel like I'm turning evil. You know like Biden, because the Democrats are saying you know. Normally we wouldn't do evil things.
What's stopping trump is too important, so we're going to do a little evil to stop him, and then I feel myself looking at this and say: oh, these are colorado judges who tried to do an insurrection and take out the preferred candidate of bow half the country off the election air for basically the the dumbest ridiculous. That is legal.
excuse. You've ever seen looks like some of the worst things I've ever seen done in the history of the united states, and then the patriots, the united states, and you know what we're going to fucking kill you honestly emotionally. I don't have a single problem with it, but legally and morally and ethically do not new this shit yeah, I I can say it doesn't bother me because it doesn't bother me at all honestly, like you know the way I feel it. I don't feel it. I don't feel the problem, but intellectually do not. Do it don't get yourself in trouble, don't threaten people, don't do it do not do it, but honestly, it made me feel bad cause. Cause of the fact has to work right. The entire system depends on mutually assured destruction if any court in this country did something to destroy the united states and found themselves getting destroyed as a result, that's not a bad outcome. It's not nothing. You'd ask for was not a bad outcome. You need bad things to bad outcomes. Otherwise nothing works. Nothing works, there's gotta be pushback, but not this way, alright
Did you know that as a twenty two thousand and twenty election was coming by that there were democrats who were talking about a military coup to get rid of trump? In writing. Mike pence talks about us. Apparently somebody named her rosa brooks and twenty twenty. How did the transition integrity project and they're talking about plans to get rid of trump? If he were? I guess if they thought he lost the election, but he didn't leave so they they thought yeah. We can get MIKE pence to do the twenty fifth amendment may be: maybe a military coup or just having the military refused to follow orders. They were actually talking about really really illegal shit.
In writing the night. It that's exactly what it looks like no binding said this recently from poses many threats to our country. Now, listen, listen for the part where he says trumps. Policies would not be good. His I'm sure, that's here by says trump poses many threats to our country
the right to choose civil rights, voting rights and america's standing in the world, but the greatest threat he poses is toward democracy. Was there anything thereabout his policies? Anything is literally just about yeah. He is scary, orange man, bad. I forget, if I told you this yesterday, but george clooney as his movie about some american athletes competing in nazi germany when hitler was in charge, so in other words his movie the scope of hitler in your face in a popular movie and the way this kind of unusual cause, you don't always have a movie in which hitler as a main character, but george clooney is now. Let me ask you this you're aware that the cia is well known decades ago. They used to work with movie, theaters or movie producers to make sure
the movies were brainwashing americans. The way they want said the movies would make you patriotic and want to join the military you'd want to be rambo. It was so basically is well understood that the cia was influencing hollywood to make movies that brainwashed, the public in ways that they thought were good for the country. I guess I hope, but thankfully that all stopped, but by total coincidence, there's a george clooney movie in which hiller is featured at exactly the same time. The Democrats are trying to make you think about hiller. Now, I'm not saying the cia influenced george clooney, but I would tell you if I were in the cia and it might were my job to influence people. There are certain people I would target as obvious wants to target. George clooney would be at the top of the list. Why is obviously a democrat? But more importantly, his political. If you went to him and said george, you can help us save america really how well, if you make movies that fit the narrative of getting rid of trump by making hiller more in our minds, because he's been hitler's been compared to trump. He want people see hitler really think about them, really have a sort of a hitler first frame in their mind, and then you know we can get rid of trump. So if you are going to make a movie, I know you've got lots of choices, but do you have anything that would be like Hillary? She, oh yeah, we'll put at the front of the line. Now. Let me be very clear. I don't want to accuse george clooney of something I don't have any evidence that I'm just say if you are looking for evidence that the cia was still manipulating things, that's exactly what it would look like. It would look like finding
A political person who's a popular celebrity george clooney and getting that person to be associated with the content. That is right on point with your narrative, and this is right on point with the narrative. Does that mean that george clooney is a cia asset? How would I know I just know it would look exactly like this yet and if you're looking for other hints that the cia might want to still influence movies, you would look for a crazy stuff like something that didn't make any
For example, the usa, I'll just pick your crazy example say: netflix gave a development deal to obama, who had no experience in the film industry. Now. Have you ever seen an ex president go into the movie business or they did they dared netflix did give it.
Album deal to the obamas, oh yeah, he did now again, I'm not saying I have any evidence that the cia wants the obamas to make content. That is good for the Democrats. I'm not saying that I don't have any evidence of it. I'm just saying that if the cia were influencing hollywood, who would look exactly like this exactly like? So you decide, this isn't exactly what it looks like the coarseness, of course this, because when it comes to the government, what is the assumption that is the government innocent until proven guilty, nope nope
the government has to be guilty until proven is if they can't give you transparency, you should just a similar guilty. So I dont now of the cia is influencing movies. I don't know, I can't prove it, but I assume it is a good working assumption because it looks exactly like it and you can prove otherwise. There was good, in your assumption. Alright, do you remember vague embraced what some call the great replacement idea that the immigration is being uncontrolled as part of a plan by the democrats to get more democrat voters, as they assume that
Events will be more likely democrat Rasmussen, ass people. How likely is it that some people are promoting mass immigration into the united states as part of a political agenda to replace the existing american population? Hathaway Rasmussen worded. This is the point way to say it an appropriate way, but really the great replacement while people talk about is replacing white people, and so there there's a slight difference? Well, maybe a big difference between replacing or adding Democrat voters, vs or a real real plan is to get rid away the not exactly the same, but the veg steak, I think, has more to do with the voting. So so vega is doing little.
victory dance the day because apparently polling shows that people largely agree with a vague that the people coming into the country are part of a plan by democrats to get more voters. So here's the thing men said it was probably true, but sixty two percent women. Fifty three so is that consistent the men sixty two percent said: oh yeah, it's obvious you're bringing in these other voters, but women said you're far less fifty three. I think this is the natural difference between protectors and nurturers. Don't you like is the nurturers are like yeah. It's a problem. I mean it's a problem, but there are people. We should treat him nice, so he has some. It might cause some issues, but still nurturing is important and taking care of people, whereas
men say I did you just say that there's a risk of the border. Well, yes, but you know what I'm sure we can handle it and the men say what closed the border while, but you know we could probably let them in in the sanctuary says well, we'll find a way to and the men are like or or close the fucking border as just a male instinct. So you can see there'd be a mill mill. female difference, but apparently every group black white young and old by a majority, a majority. Every group believes that immigration is for the purpose of changing the voting balance in the united states. Every group lacked hispanic white, young, old, male and female. Every group agrees with vague every group. Have you ever seen that before every group
boys us through every group. I don't know I've ever seen that you do you think of anything else and the other political decision were every group agreed by majority. What will be any other? I can't think of any other topic. This is the only one Alright and then elon musk waited. He said. A member of congress told him, I guess in person a member of congress told him that it is a deliberate means of importing future left wing. Voters know what elon musk didn't say is if that member of congress was republican or democrat that matters, if republicans at it, it could be political, though, if a Democrat's at it I'd think oh wow, that is really telling
someone so I'd like to know who that was, or at least their party, and then he says viewed through that lens. This administration's facilitation of massive illegal immigration precisely matches their goal, so it would certainly explain why something as easy as closing the border isn't map. The only explanation is that somebody in charge doesn't want it up. There's no other explanation, though,. I guess so vague. Also after Nicky early goes nicky early Nikki haley was claiming that the october seventh attack was an october seventh, because it's putting his birthday and so Putin is connected with the hamas thing. Therefore, food must be killed because he's trying to destroy Israel as inside project. I guess.
But the vex us about that he says: Nikki haley is now a psychotically, claiming that Putin's birthday is on october, seventh and that's somehow related to a mass attack on Israel, but then it gets more fun.
Then veg says you can see the dollar signs flashing in her eyes, she needs to publish your tax returns and clients of her and clients over defense contractor now and then a vague ends with roll that log over roll that log over now. That's good persuasion because you can see the log can you can you just feel the log as you can see, all the bugs and worms coming out underneath is so visual. I don't think vegas enough credit for the quality of his communications, even though, even though people noted, I don't think they fully notice. Not I mean I mean everybody was watching, say: okay, we've never really seen anybody like us. Honestly. I've never seen anybody with this level of skill running for president communication. Skill understanding of topics have you know either. I think your rfk Jr is super skilled, very persuasive, very smart can go deep,
issues, but I think that makes another level of ease. Even above that, and of course, I always say about trump. Comparing trump to anybody is a waste of time, because there's just one truck by whatever he does this just as one package of persuasion, you just can't compare that to anything but of the people who are not trump in the world. I've never seen anything like navi, never seen anything like it. It is a whole other level and there's nothing else happened. We would at least remember that we had one american who could do that. You know how important that is to me. It's a really important, because if you see the the bumbling idiots that usually run for office, you say to yourself: are we supposed to be putting our best people there? They were best people
Why why don't good people ever run for office? Is it just your proximity and idiots buffoons and clowns all the time and then suddenly a vague shows up now you get lover. Aid is policies as a separate question question you get a look at him and say: oh we're not sending our best. We definitely send best. Absolutely we send our best now and I say good things about our schedule. You too, I think this is quite an addition to the process now like, of course,.
And trump houses losses do. But honestly, when, when did we ever run anybody as qualified as vivek ever jefferson, thomas jefferson, maybe meet you after the after work at it I mean, I think, abe lincoln was kind of a bad guy. I'm not sure abe lincoln was the good guy that we tried to remember him, as but of good guys yeah the way it is in a class. By himself I saw a post by some x user called jacqueline Doyle, who replied to me and said that the situation in Gaza is complex.
Requires a careful understanding of historical, political and humanitarian factors is important to approach discussions with empathy and respect for all perspectives involved, to which I say, nah nah know how many people think the Gaza situation is complex, complicated and complex. Hamas is the simplest situation I've ever seen. Let me explain it to you. Let me explain the entire middle east, all the complexity, the side
as the best military guess. What they want. Are you still confused? Anybody? Have any extra questions? There's nothing else to know. Thus all story see the the complicated part is the part that doesn't matter right. So let's talk about you who is there three thousand years ago and then that this poorer than yo, that let's talk about the? U n and nineteen forty eight and then what happened then, who left and why they left and then the yoga her boss and then the palestinians, but then the palestinians and then there's an abuse of the palestinians. But then there are terrorists, so you have to do some things if you're unsure. If you talk about all that stuff, it gets complicated. But you know all of that stuff hasn't common everything I mentioned as one thing in common, none
matters because the industry, doesnt matter, that's the stars are trying to tell you they get to get you on their side, but the eu, the israeli military, is the entire story.
Israel wants a certain set of things. They have the military to make it happen, and so that's what's going to happen, wants to discuss. Oh here's. What I would like to happen. What good is that? What you would like to happen as no no impact aerobics about your good ideas of what they should do, nope no impact, how about your disgust at the terrible things they're doing nope, knowing that none of the complicated stuff matters there is lots of complication, but none of it matters. So when people asked me what I think about it, I've come up with a solution for that that I feel is the best one. The all I say is that Israel's response to the october seven is justified based on only this. This is the only justification. Anybody who could do what they're doing would do it. We would every other.
It would do there are zero countries that would let that go, and there shouldn't be any countries that let that go now if you want to get into, but but but Hamas, you know they had reasons. I don't care. What what would the reasons have to do with eva, because it's just it's just cause of the fact. If you do that to any country october seventh in that country has the ability to do it back to you harder. What do you think is going to happen? Our discussion of what should happen is completely used It is just gonna is just caused the fact, so I have no
No confusion whatsoever, and then, if you try to take me down the rabble newspapers, Scott, when you say is justified, are you considering these three thousand years of history, and my answer is now now you know why? Because, as a matter of three thousand years of history, dozen fucking member is the one with the big military will get whatever they want. If Hamas had the better military, they would destroy Israel and we would be sad But it would happen, it would happen, no doubt about it. That would happen, and we could talk about the history all day long. While I happen it wouldn't make any difference as long as our military was strong enough to get it done. Yeah was slow, stop imagining, there's anything complicated about the Middle EAST once was power when it does it.
The idea says they confirmed they had killed five thousand hamas fighters. You might say to yourself well that sounds like good news. If you're on Israel's side, here's the bad news, they estimate there were thirty thousand of them and some of the senior leaders might have already escaped so they've only killed seventeen percent of a group. They vowed to kill one hundred percent they're, not really very close to the unborn, but I have a real question of how how anybody knows how many people were in tunnels still alive? How do you count the people that are in the tunnel that collapsed? Do you think, is possible
if the real number is closer to you know ten or fifteen thousand, but since nobody knows who's in the tunnel, they're not confirmed if they already got rid of what a third of the tunnels. Maybe a third of the tunnels are blown up, something like that. They wouldn't have any idea whose how many people are left now I heard it estimate can somebody do with the fact seconds. This would be an estimate that came from Hamas and for the npc, as I'd like to give the young pieces are prompt in a moment. I'm going to stay the number that came from Hamas as the source
a mass is an unreliable source. They should be expected to lie and exaggerate the death of the civilians. Now, what I'd like you to do a fear an mp say is I want you to hear that and then go into the common sissy scott? Why are you believe in Hamas is ass, the most obviously to say so? The emphases get ready to say the most obvious thing, which is almost reported. I think twenty thousand deaths in Gaza as it did ever you their number. I heard it
passing now have I mentioned that Hamas is not a reliable source of that instrument that I mentioned level is not reliable. However, have you noticed that the news is quite happy to put their numbers right so as long as the news ports that number that will become than real number at least serve in the common consciousness now before?
the war began or before the real heavy fighting started. I said what would be the number of people dead or claim to be dead. That would be the the real problem for israel like. So, if you imagined, for example- and this didn't happen, but imagine if Israel has gone in hard into gaza, five hundred people died, but they got control the situation and accomplished their goals. I would say to myself five hundred wow, that's a lot of people. You don't want five hundred people dying, but I would also say you know what kind of proportional mean actually is better than proportional is as less than you could have killed. If it were five hundred people and then I said alright, just in my mind, what would I feel were too many deaths.
like what number would just seem just ana control that the beginning before anybody was dead, and I said twenty thousand did I say that out loud. I don't remember- and I said privately that I didn't say that aloud. Okay, so he just hit that number. From this point on, twenty thousand is kind of the level at which the the holocaust narrative that supports israel's very existence is very weakened, because now it's going to be transposed and compared to twenty thousand people. The claim have I mentioned that Hamas has claims of casualties are not reliable at all as they may they may have. I mentioned that before
yeah they're, not reliable, but it will become part of the common consciousness because the media were reported. So I worry a lot about twenty thousand. Twenty thousand is a is a red flag like there there was a heavy yellow all the way, but now you're into red flag territory where it looks like from this day forward forever and at least people in the middle east than anybody sportsman tiktok is going to say that they that they were alive when a genocide happened. Am I right now, I'm not saying, isn't genocide and a more nuanced than that. I'm just saying that that twenty thousand number, even coming from the least reliable source ever, is a real problem. Ten thousand, I think they could live with, but if the, if Hamas gets away with keeping the twenty thousand number, is now keep in mind that Israel said they wanted to kill thirty thousand people who are actually warriors of the moss. So Israel's target number of deaths is thirty thousand at a minimum, thus not account that's not counting any civilians, so if they do what they plan to do and got all thirty thousand, and then you added on top of that the number of civilian deaths. It's like a whole vietnam. You know I mean as american, desperate fifty thousand a year.
Oh no, fifty thousand total way what was vietnam. Vietnam was fifty thousand total global war for american casualties. Obviously the vietnamese lost millions yeah, let's over fifty thousand, so I I think Israel, if they actually did what they say, they're going to do the reported number, whether that's close to reality or not, is going to look like fifty thousand and that's a real problem. The real problem we'll see how they handle it and Biden is hiring a director for social communications, and I saw this on a on a post by Alex.
And where do you think that they would advertise for irish, their director of social communications, where it would be a good place to I guess, parameters you learn on threats, threads. as far as they're looking for their social media master yeah we're going to get her we're going to get the best and the brightest of threads alright
I want to look an ex if I were them, but alright is like Mary. I have nothing to add to that joke, because it's a joke myself and that, ladies and gentlemen, is what I'd like to tell talked about today. Sorry about the sound problems, I'll figure out what's going on here, but it looks like my spilled. Coffee is going to be the real answer to that question. I'll, probably push some button accidentally or figured out thanks for joining a youtube and thanks for putting up with the bad, sound and I'll talk to you morrow
Transcript generated on 2023-12-23.