« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2323 CWSA 12/15/23 All The News Fit To Sip To. Bring Coffee, Beware Of Thanos

2023-12-15 | 🔗

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Politics, SF Dept. Of Reparations, UFO Biologics, Super Intelligence AI, Personal AI Ban, Hurricane Resistant Town, Babcock Ranch, Miles Taylor, Congressional NATO Legislation, Nikki Haley, Biden Crime Family, AI Plateau, Woke Microsoft Word, Israel Hamas Tunnel Warfare, NDAA Warrantless Surveillance, Chuck Schumer Border Policy, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And if you liked this experience to go up to levels which nobody could even imagine. Well, all you need, for that is a cup or mug or a glass tank, they're jealous and style. The canteen, jug or flask of vessel of any kind can fill it with your favorite liquid. I like coffee enjoyed me now for them allow pleasure or the dopamine hit of the day. The thing that makes everything better. It's called the subtleties happens now savor, it go yeah, pretty good, pretty good Well, let's check the news: have you noticed that sometimes the news is full of fresh and wonderful, and then other days like this. I yesterday's coffee that you microwaved.
Well today is a little bit of yesterday's coffee, but we're going to make something of it. We're going to turn it into gold. That's right! We're going to spin old coffee into gold. just watched and well, it looks like san francisco has defunded their department of reparations. So they said that in a reparations office that did some high quality work to come up with the amount of money that all white people and other people owed black people for reparations. The things that number was two billion a piece or something like that
I get it wasn't too practical, but now san francisco as a quietly or taken their budget away, and so the reparation people actually went from having a budget that job to ask for more money to not getting the more money that they asked for, but also losing their budget and their jobs. So it turned out to be sort of reverse reparations. Are so not exactly what some hoped, but exactly what we expected? Remember. I told you that it was brilliant to have a committee come up with actual numbers for reparations, because as soon as you did that it could go away because you knew they were going to come up with something so stupid that even people who are generally on their side couldn't agree with it and that's what happened so this would be a case of embrace and amplify embrace and amplify. So somebody comes to you and says: hey. We should have reparations if you said no, it never goes away. No, no reparations, yes, reparations now, you've, gotta fight for the rest of your life, but what did san francisco and governor newsom did? I remember I told you was brilliant when they did it. I call this in advance. I said: no, you embrace it, you embrace it. You form a committee and you make them give you a
specific recommendation that will be so fucking stupid that nobody will even consider plot passive and then you're done? So that's what they did they just let them come up with a really stupid idea and then they're like alright taking a bunch away. Alright, I would like to interject a another speculation into the you fo controversy. What are the possibilities? One possibility that whistleblowers are all telling the truth, the united states as a warehouse full of? U f, o's, not only that, but some down to? U f, o pilots aliens we've got aliens. Maybe that's one possibility the other possibility, as I've already told you is that we're lying to our adversaries effectively, indirectly giving them the idea that we have alien technology and if they were to attack us. Oh, my god, we'd unleash
what alien technologies they better not attack and sell the possibility, there is a third possibility which I realized has been, let's say: signaled by David Grush or he's one of the whistleblowers, and he says that they have quote biologics. Why would you use that word what? Why would you say that there are biologics? Is it because you don't want to say that it's the pilot of the ship? Is it because the ship was carrying a cargo of biologics? Is it a man ship with biologics, which would include the pilot or.
Is it an unmanned probe that has some cargo that they describe as biologics? Do you know who else had biologics on their ship name? Somebody go who who had biologics on their ship hiller is a good guess, but now kirk, no good gas odyssey. No! No! I thank you. Yes, Noah Noah had biologics on his boat, so here's what I think could be the reason that the government is not telling you what they found if they found something. I'm just going to put this out there what else they found a probe from another planet. There was clearly designed to drop some biologics on this planet, to seed the planet with life and the fact that we found more than one suggests that it's an ongoing program from some other planet and we may have been seeded with life more than once. What? If there's another planet that has a high school project in which you drop some biologics on earth and you watch what kind of animals and people evolve now you say to yourself what kind of project would that be because it would take a billion years ready this to happen. You wouldn't get your grade, to which I say first of all, time might be different. So if we're the simulation or where a different reality or something maybe they came from another dimension, you never know. Maybe time is different. Maybe they can just watch time happen faster from their dimension. Maybe a million years is really ten minutes. You don't know possibilities, but here's what I think I think we've found an alien probe with biologics, which were meant to create life on this planet and that it debunks all of our religious traditions and that the us government cannot release information, which would say, god definitely didn't create humans now. Can I wait for the npc is npc? Is please weigh in? I just said that if, if, if life on earth was seeded by another planet,
Then it means a god did not create life on our planet and disease. What do you say? I know you're gonna say it you might as well do said. Go it. Can I say it with our sarcastic expression to mark you, boss got that doesn't mean there's, no god, because god my degrade the aliens yes cat. Can I agree with you and fuzzy asked thickly? Yes, that's possible, yes, there's not rule, thereby everything. I said yes, it's possible. The firth were seated by aliens, maybe god may they lose
yes as possible: no I'm not ruling that out now, if there's any npc who would like to weigh in no matter how much you clarify it somebody's going to say, but you know what you forgot is that the god might have created the aliens know does It does say it going to do all of my npc traps. Here's another embassy trap. You know I like to design a home that is really well designed: tiny homes, tiny homes, tiny homes, the embassies will yell tiny homes too small. For me I didn't say tiny homes. I don't want them to be tidy. I have tiny homes now we're not talking about them, but I have tiny holes too small, no we're not talking about tiny homes. So every now and then you have to yeah it's promethium. I just watched pro
which, by the way, that's probably what made me think of it, and so that's what I'm going to go with I'm going to go with if we have biologics, which I think we don't so my my first assumption is we don't have anything there are no aliens, no biologics donations. That's my first guess. Second, guess is: if we do have something: it's not a pilot and the reason I say it's not a pilot is, I can't imagine anybody, say biologics if they meant there was actual some kind of life. It's gotta be a probe that seating the seating. Now you also ask the question: why would there be more than one of them cause? We we keep hearing oh there's more than one ship more than one. Well, that would suggest probes, wouldn't it and then you also asked why would they crash? How could they come across the vastness of space and then they crash on earth? Well, a probe would be designed to crash probes are designed to crash after they give their information and maybe released in biologics upon crashing. So I think the fact that if there's more than one it would explain why they crashed because they receiving the planet.
It would explain why they say biologics instead of people. It would also explain why they're not telling the public, because we'd have too much impact on our religious or religious beliefs, alright it if we were created by aliens. How does the bible work? How does Islam work? That is judaism work? Doesn't it doesn't work? I mean I get that you can say well, but god created the aliens as we said, but that's. really really different than genesis. That would be leaving a lot. You are created by three three armed aliens and indifferent. Oh, so that's what I'm putting out there. If it's biologic, if we really have biologics, then there, then the origin stories are have been debunked all right:
There is an idea that to control the coming super, ai is so there's a new term, not just regular ai but super intelligence. So that's the one we're worried about we're, not worried about these mirror large language models. They're just blabber and tell us lies- were worried about the up, I mean super intelligence and when the super intelligence gets here, it'll be so super intelligent. We won't know what it's doing to us or if it means us harm, but one of the ideas We would use dumais eyes to control the the strong eyes, so what that would look like? Is you tell a limited ai that you trust, because it's too dumb to do anything to you? It's yeah it'd, be like chat, chat, gb, t two point:
five- that's actually one of their testing, so that was so dumb that you wouldn't worry it's going to take over the world. It just doesn't have that capability, but it might be smarter than you when it comes to telling you what the other ai is up to so the dumb one. Why you say? Hey? U s there, I to optimize computer code, but I'm looking at their computer occurred faster than you can, Yeah, there's a little a virus that put it in there that you'd be like what yeah the super intelligence. You didn't ask it to do,
but somehow on its own, it put a virus in your code. You like, I would never have known that if I had not asked the dummy eye to check the work of the smart, I it's not bad. I have to say that as recently smart sounding when you agree, take a look at the end I make so. The pandemic was a good example of smart guy, and may I, during the pandemic, who are this? Our aim is the super intelligence fancy found she and the scientists who is working with there were like the super I, but what about? What about the rest of or you are not rocks you will. I jpg jpy gbp to boil five.
you knew what a virus, what you ve heard of vaccinations. You ve heard of this thing called. I remember I drugs clerk. We are you just trying to work out was true and was not by you like chat, jpg. Two point: five like I don't really know it's gotta, but the experts who do know what's going on there like super, I can check there were great except the UKIP. It turns out that the dumb citizens did an above average job of checking the work of these supervisory. I experts because we can tell when they were lying. We just didn't know what they are going to do before they did it, but you can tell what it was a lie like you detect, something's wrong. I didn't know exactly what but you're like. Ok, that's not quite right. So I think of my worked at a weak, I helping you with a I'm gonna go first.
That and tell you that it seems inevitable the
it will have a personal ai. So here's where I think it's going to go is not exactly not exactly this, but a version of us. I don't think you're going to want your personal ai to be crippled. So if you said to be scott, I'm going to build an ai into your chip in your head. Aren't going to build a I m to your phone, but it'll be europe, nobody has access to it. You can train it for your own purposes, etc. I want that one to be really really smart, but maybe not so smart. You know, has consciousness and wants to kill me or something not that smart, just so smart. They can check the work of the other eight eyes and I'm going to need more than chat gb to you too boy. Five, I'm gonna need at least four probably five. You know that to be able to check the work of a higher level lay eyes, but I'll tell you it's it's going to be my first,
the levy that will do all of my checking with other ray eyes, I want to have zero direct involvement with any other ai. Does that make sense? I never want to use any. I accept my own mind. will be like eight agent, the negotiated, the other s eyes. but I will never know what even which aim to use never go it will sort out all the commercial lapse which one to use? We talk to my own and say: look I need to do this thing profoundly the safest way to do this, and then the aid goes out to negotiate, negotiates with the other re eyes until. it happens, but you're not going to be talking to all these different interfaces. I think you're only going to have one ai and it's going to be your own. Nothing else will feel safe. Would you agree? Would you feel
save in a world of ai. If you didn't have one that was your own, powerful self defense, I wouldn t be lifeline. You need your own, I like Oh, I just realized. Of course you don't. How could you know what I just realized? They'll tell you do know. You have a second amendment, well its controversial, of course, but part of its for self defense. We protect yourself against government, Now ass, the government took away your guns, you'd be helpless. What does the government tried to take away? Your personal lay The government said you can have your own eye, but you can you can
interact with all the ai that are in the world, but you just can't have your own personal one, because I could imagine that big laugh and I could imagine the law, because some big company or companies didn't want you checking their work. What if you're a? I said, Scott the government wants to fund ukraine. That is a terrible, partisan idea, almost certainly because of corruption. you think the government's going to say, yeah use your personal ai to help you make decisions, nope, they're going to say you're not allowed to have a personal ai because you're personally I is hypnotizing. You just tell you things that the government doesn't think you should know is, isn't
feeling you know your personal ai is not protecting. You is making you more and more risk. What's the argument against the second amendment sure, maybe those guns will protect you in some ways, but they're going to be more dangerous than not having a gun. As the argument, your argument is, the world is less safe if you have a gun. Thus the counter argument to the second amendment, you're less safe, if you have a gun, that's the whole point of the counter argument. You don't think that the government or big companies, as some point, will argue that you should not have your own personal ai, to protect yourself against those same big companies and against any abuses. By that same government, it seems inevitable to me that government,
big business will try to take your own personal, ai away from you, because you'll be too well protected from their abuse. If you have it and they're going to argue that your personal ai is lying to you and the only true ai are the ones that the government has approved and that you're personally, I will be full of lies and fake news and it will be misleading you and the most. It will be the most dangerous thing. That's ever happened to human beings. This personally, I, if you want protection, is guaranteed there. It is that protection is guaranteed someday in the future, and it won't be that long next, five years in the next five years. I want you to remember that I told you that, having a personal concierge kind of an ai that the many that negotiate,
the other ai's it. There will be a movement. Maybe it are successful, but there will be a movement to ban them. You want to bet against anybody. Anybody want to take the other side of that bet and better to like and whatever ai you want for yourself, not a chance a I will be so dangerous. The government will say I can't give you a that's a personal ai, because we can't control it. It'll be like a gun. Ai will be so dangerous. Would you like a gun? Let me give you an example. Suppose you had personally, I told you how to make a nuclear weapon. Now you probably couldn't get the materials, but let us take some
For example, suppose you had a personal ai told you how to make a poison that couldn't be detected and you can murder anybody wanted and then the poison would evaporate or something and be undetectable. Would the government say yeah you can have that information. I don't mind if your personally, I tells you how to make an undetectable murder poison. Oh, Oh the moment, ass a thing you are personally I would be illegal. Does it say no? No, no europe we're still a? I can't tell you dangerous things, so that's why you have to use only the ai disconnect as the government, so the government can make sure that the ai everybody's using is not telling anybody dangerous, stuff, no dangerous stuff. So there's no way you could have your own ai it. It will be socially and politically impossible for individual
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I'm on the spot, five, whereby guessers up or go to w w w dot? Spotify dot com, backslash broadcasters to get started as a whole. A town in florida called babcock ranch that they built specifically to be a hurricane resistant, so it was designed from the ground up to be hurricane resistant resistant. So they put it thirty feet above the ground, so the flooding wouldn't bother it. They got good drainage. barely they just did everything right, but in addition to doing everything right they designs, the town. So it's they built a town where there was nothing there, so they put the right a number of stores and retail and stuff so close to everybody.
Good transportation that they have their own energy, apparently the entire town just uses solar, just solar, that's it so during the hurricane they didn't lose their power. I don't know their works with solar. How in the world are yours, solar, your solar solely now ripped up by hurricane, so solar, solar panels, public solar panels, not the ones in the house, but a public facility that would not be affected by hurricane hurricane, but apparently wasn't underground underground solar. So so they built basically
fifteen minutes seti that they decided from scratch specifically for the area and is also low cost. Apparently thousands don't call so much in the rent is good and they ve got nice parks and places for kids and just nice place. Is there no NBC on this today? Where's worthy mps? there. You go like you as waiting for the first that breezy jolly mo fifty the gulags? Thank you. I was looking for the first NBC to say I have a design city? If you desire to be efficient, it's a good blog, I think well, those or even seem like similar concepts. I feel like all of our products should be well. Designed for no no design the town never does. the town,
is the only way I could be designed is into a fifteen minute. Gulags. They'll take your cause. You will be a slave navy Do you know why you should never design a car really well, because somebody might pick up the car with a giant piece of equipment and use it to club you with a car? That's why you should never have a car somebody might
Kill you with a car, you can find a reason not to do anything, but if you're arguing against good design, you are not part of the thinking public. I do understand that you can design a gulag and you wouldn't want to live there. You could design a prison. You wouldn't want to live there, but you could also designed a really nice place that is just free and safe and low cost tidy go logs, wish you're getting. Maybe there are fifteen minute gulags tidy homes, soylent, green sorrowing, green, alright, spell voters up for grabs, there's other the annual who spent public opinion. Surveys came out and.
His support has eroded by fourteen percent from sixty seven to fifty three, I'm sorry, but that is not fourteen percent. This is fourteen as a fourteen percent. I hate it when the news does this it's now. Fourteen percent is down, That's different, so lots of course, and meanwhile trump has seen it is a sport rise from twenty nine percent in two thousand and twenty to thirty three percent. So buy them. Support with his very voters has gone down. Far more than transport has gone up, which more suggest they dont bother voting than than that they would blow for trump. So
wrong. Am I wrong there His single indicator is screaming trump, so we've seen the black market, the black vote, move to trump we've seen the hispanic vote moving to trump who who's not moving them are. Are there more single women than there were? Actually, there are probably a better more single women than there were in two thousand and twenty.
So maybe they automatically vote democrat or something I dunno. It would be really hard for me to imagine trump losing if he stays in the race and stays healthy and we're at that point where the the Democrats clearly know that, wouldn't you agree, they clearly know. I think we lost our looks like we lost the comments and locals. We could open up my phone and see if cs the comments. One moment please it'll work on my phone was not working. Well, we don't know if locals was working at the moment. It looks like that might have a glitch there, but youtubers you're still here and happy think I'm going to close it and open it again see if that works. What will make this work I swear now it looks like locals, is dead so locals as part of the rumble network now and rumble had been experiencing some denial of service attacks snackers from the outside think that's what's happening now. I think it's a hack attack, it looks like it looks, is probably ak
yeah anyway, so I will continue yeah. Let's, let's see if the you can tell us, the locals, people are bailing out cause. If you consider the number of viewers live here on youtube, it should go up a few hundred in a moment cause people are going realize. I can't that I'm not coming back on locals. I will carry on and colin rug posts, this annex, there's a former, I official name's charles mechanical, the name sounds familiar well, he is one of the people who helped investigate trump for colluding with russia, saying he was an f b. I guy trying to show that trump colluded with. He has been sentenced to four years in prison for checking notes colluding with russia colluding with russian. That's that's what he did.
the accepted seventeen thousand dollars for a russian oligarch was close. The burden. So we have for years in prison were colluding with russia and as and points out, and I always borne out. They always do what they accuse you of duty. is so. Hillary was colluding with russia, the f b I was colluding with russia and then even individually, their colluding with russia. Basically, there are no Democrats, we're not colluding with russia. As far as I can, though, of course, a whose trump well it's like we're going to have a soft landing, maybe in the economy.
And I dont understand this: how is inflation going down zone? I understand now that's possible. Now I get I get through the fed increased interest rates, but I thought it was mostly of money supply problem as the largest too much money can? Can they really change inflation this dramatically in one year of interest rates? What why did we think that everything was gonna go completely off the rails and then all it took was a few tweaks to the interest rates and then we're back in Is there something wrong here? Isn't there there's something wrong with the the narrative we're being given there's no way we could be going, we could have lower inflation how's that even possible, or are they just comparing it to the same period a few years ago? But prices are already
weigh up. So what we are now seeing is prices going down to levels which would be more healthy economy right, we're just saying that they stopped going up asked asked. That's all this happened, so there are already a way to everything's too expensive to afford, but is not going up even faster than they used to me. That's. It is now a lot to be happy about So anyway, but it seems to be a soft landing in the stock markets, responding here's, what I call a santos update, you thanos was these super bad guy from the marvel movies likud. Once you get all the jewels for his jewels glove, he gets snap. His fingers and fifty percent of the people on the planet would die immediately. So I'd like to compare trumped up to thanos, where
when the Democrats you're talking about him preserve so hyperbolic. So now, there's some guy miles, taylor, MSNBC, saying the trump. we'll discovery as all these powers once these present again and he might quote turn off the internet. Now that was on the list of many things he could do, but they're afraid that trump might use emergency powers to turn off the internet. Now, how do you achieve? That is a thing, but he human that does anybody see trump ever turning off the internet ever for any reason whatsoever how in the world
What do you say that out loud like like that's a serious possibility, meanwhile loose Janey says that constitutional checks and balances won't stop trump abuses, to which I say, lay stopped than last time. In fact, there are so many constitutional checks. balances that barely get anything done. I've never seen anybody who is more handicapped by constitutional checks and balances than he was you'd, be lucky if he gets everything I would worry more that he can't do anything like he. He can't even like you know, move into the office. Does the moving people will be. You know all balled up. Somehow.
So anyway, that's the fellows update every time. They, you use trump of being a super dictator alike, to replace it with their nose. Guess it's just dumber, that's funny you're, quite a few people are doing so it doesn't. Look like it doesn't. Look like locals is, could come back, let's try one more time just for fun, see if anything changed nope, does doornail congress who prove legislation. This is more of the same thing to prevent any more.
Isn't from withdrawing from the united withdrawing from nato in the united states. Now, of course, they're worried about trump. Thirty. Four minute point: do you remember? Do you remember if people said that the youtube thing dies at thirty four minutes? That was, that was the thirty four minute mark. Did you see that it was? It was right on the predicted thirty four minute mark.
What does that mean? Is this personal: how how how in the world how in the world that people predict in advance when that was going to happen at the thirty four minute mark how's that possible? Does anybody have a hypothesis for that? I mean it is suggests, there's some automated process, but it doesn't really suggest as a human watching, because why would they always take thirty four minutes? It feels like it's automated. You know what I think, I'm going to give you my best conspiracy theory. Now this is based on what we knew from the twitter files. Now I don't have evidence to this. I'm going to make an assumption that youtube, of course suppresses certain content. Everybody agrees with that right now, not necessarily for political reasons. They might suppress it because advertisers they know advertisers don't want to be associated with it, so it can be just business, but it's what I have for thousands of years see here's what I think. I think that when my traffic hes a certain point cause the traffic hasn't changed much in years, which is really impossible. I think when it hits a certain point, they introduce a number of errors into the into the experience to discourage people from staying, so that the glitches are just one thing. The glitches would be like a list of things to do like another might be
I don't know just you're making me less visible dan budgeting gets gets over a thousand life. He over one thousand live well or at most a local people. I think came over to where do you tube still do still there Even marco rubio was on that. We work with TIM gained, so is by partisan to make sure that the future president doesn't withdraw from nato without approval from the senate or an act of congress. Now, that's a thing this move right. There there's no way that we would have had to even really think about doing this, except are worried about from destroying the world like those
Hunter Biden says the republicans have quote weapon eyes. My dad's love for me. Well that that's true, the republicans have weapon eyes his love for him, but I have breaking news really to that congress. Just voted to give that weapon eyes the dad love to ukraine to help them in their war against Putin, so the weapon eyes. Dad love will be packaged up and sent a ukraine where all of our other weapons are is. Is anybody having
the turned it back on. Is anybody having this weird experience watching Democrats say: there's no evidence whatsoever that Joe Biden did anything wrong regarding hunter is weird to watch that, because you know, is working that the or the Democrats actually believe that there's no suggestion that you should worry about that has anything to do with the big guy. Now I love these specific wording that hunter used. He said my father was not financially involved in my business. It's sad that is technically true because he did not have a written agreement. The made his dad a financial partner in the business through
it is very narrowly technically true. He didn't have a financial interest in the business, but you know what else is true. The Joe Biden did have a financial interest in hunter.
Right cause hunter was giving him money not for really much of what he did just sort of existing and being something they can use. So technically, the business did not have a financial relationship with Joe Biden. That's actually true, but the real question is: did Joe Biden have a financial interest with his son who had a financial interest with the business? The answer appears to be as now. The other question is: does it matter if you can show that Joe Biden directly benefited from any of these activities and turns out the Jonathan turley tells us it doesn't matter as long as the Biden family benefited, then you could say that Joe Biden took a bribe. Did you know that? So if if China gave a bribe hypothetically to hunter Biden and Joe Biden was aware of It- and he wanted, you know- maybe more bribes or to keep his son safe and you don't need the money to go into Biden, Joe Biden.
pocket. It could go into one hundred buys his pocket and stay there and still bribery of the father as the father as an interest in the sun, so that that's established, apparently that's establish case law. So when the Democrats say there's no evidence what they don't mean is there's no evidence that that hunter was doing stuff, because that's kind of all you need is evidence that hunter was doing alright. What else is going on seventy percent? This is also from turtle,
Seventy percent of americans believe Biden did something that was at least sketchy weather was technically illegal or not, and it was sketchy. Seventy percent and in in the context of seventy percent of the public thinking, this Biden situation looks sketchy. One hundred percent of Democrats voted against investigating it. Seventy percent of the country said: oh there's something here and one hundred percent of Democrats say we're not going into it? That's a remarkable, but not unexpected. I'm going to agree with what mike sort of ihg said, which is. Can we stop talking about nikki haley being in a trump administration? Can we stop talking about her being a potential vice presidential running mate?
There's no way in the world that happens that they could not be more different, republicans shit. There would be a revolution if trump pick Nikki haley there's no way, but I'm not so my point is not that I think is unlikely. I do my point is it's not even worth discussing is so far out of the possible range, possibilities not worth discussing, but let me ask you this: what percentage Voters, according to rasmussen, believe here. We are likely to end up being the nominee when you think very closely at twenty nine percent. Twenty nine percent thinks she's likely to be the nominee go well. Apparently bill gates says something like he thinks. Generative.
I has plateaued and he says gb t five will not be any better. Do you think ai has plateaued, at least in terms of generative ai? I feel like he might be right now. Of course, you'd have to really carefully define what plateaued means. Here's what I think I think the current technology will be able to do you'll be able to speak to it and it'll create scenes that didn't exist, but we can kind of do that now,
so I feel like you might be right. A much closer to bill gates of this than I am too Brian. Ramallie use an expert in the field. So, if you listen to the expiration with them, not me, but I've got the same feeling the bill gates this. I think we ve let out, and I also think that the super intelligence is not really around the corner. It just says she'll like it. I just don't see anything to suggest that we ve crack the the logical part of how to make us super intelligence. I don't think it's just an engineering problem. I think we should Don't know how to do it. Maybe it's! Maybe it is not logically possible. I dunno alright, but here's some things happening that elon musk pointed out that microsoft word.
now sculled you if you use words that are not an inclusive, so apparently will now fact check a word like insane because of your calling somebody insane, maybe you're not being inclusive I will give you an air, an error, warning that you're not be inclusive. I love the fact that you love musk, mocks this stuff. Every day is the marking of it. That is important. can do it well. Remember I told you that we would find it.
Israel has all kinds of tunnel thwarting technology that we didn't know about sure enough. They have been using robots and even drones to map their tunnels map the hamas tunnels. So exactly what you thought, apparently, there are some specialized robots and specialized drones that are ideal for going down tunnels and seeing what's going on down there now. The part I don't know is how close the signal has to be to the person who is controlling it or even if there are autonomous cars, you can imagine the the jones being autonomous game, because there was some left to go down and map everything they could like a roomba. The roomba does that and then just returned to where they came like a roomba. So as basically a drone roomba, you could send it down
and if it doesn't get a shot up, it comes back and if it does get shot up, you send it down to kill whoever shot the last one. Alright, so they've got all kinds of technologies will hear more about that robot some tunnels the md a pass. The house So now we've got the fbi. I can continue surveilling americans without a warrant to which I say sounds the same as it always was. I've never believed the government had any constraints in following anybody for any reason, because you can get a warrant for anything just make up any bullshit, you can get a warrant and plus I don't think they even use them. I feel like whoever has access to all the communications in the world which,
Somebody would probably look at them. I don't think anything's private anymore, here's something a I can already do. It can convert a face in real time, so there will be a time in the very near future in which I could go on a livestream and change my face to a completely different person. Even the voice do the entire livestream as another person in their voice, and Exactly like that's already here now, there were the version I saw was a perfect. You would have known it. Wasn't real but we're right on the border of you're not going to tell the difference it's probably within a year. So imagine how much fun my future livestreams are going to be. When I can talk myself
into every costume like I'll, be sitting here and I'll say whatever the keyword is I'll, say, keyword make me trump and they'll just turn into trump right in front of you and then I'll do a joke as trump and I'll say. Keyword change me into Andrew tate and there'll be andrew tate for like a minute how cool that'd be that'd, probably within the year, probably within the year. Well, snapchat's version wasn't. so good that it looked like it was a real person, but it was getting there. I'd be happy if I just don't have to wear makeup on tv that'd be a big thing.
And now we also have a basically a holodeck app, so you can put it on your three d glasses now and you can talk into existence the environment you're in like a holodeck, so you can put on reading glasses and you can say something like I'm sitting in the doctor's waiting room. There are two chairs: it's a modern decorations. It just appears and then you're in the doctor's waiting room, but you could put yourself anywhere are on the space station and just graze it. It doesn't need a model already.
it can create it from nothing just talking to it. How cool is that? But you don't. I wonder if I would get bored with it in like ten minutes, and I told you that you know I had a three d. You know a virtual reality headset for awhile and I use it because I just wanted to know what was coming and there were some games. That games are really sticky and really fun, but they also gave you a headache made you sick to your stomach. So I found that the thrill of it ran out pretty quickly cause you, you sort of run through all the games that you like.
In a week or another you're, you're kinda bored with it yeah, so it doesn't last forever. I'm trying to figure out why yemen is probably the hoodies, I guess attack or attacking tankers in the red sea. There's another one. They struck a cargo ship, the red sea. What? What exactly are they trying to accomplish? Not realize it's, indian proxies, but are they doing what does not dare not even attacking american ships there? Just attacking ships does Ebay no care, but this chaos really apply you're. One of those who do you care about chaos, so I don't know what's going on here rooms. Meanwhile, sugar has told is democrat colleagues that is working on a border security plan.
So the democrats who have to get serious about border security, because if they don't republicans, will but as part of the deal for
If getting the funding for ukraine, and maybe Israel, I guess, but here's what I think on one hand, it looks like republicans, have this this leverage, because they don't want to improve the foreign spending so much unless they get good border security in this country. But I've had another. Take on this. My take is that the Democrats really want the republicans to push them to do this cause. I don't believe, there's any chance that chuck Schumer specifically will just pick him. You'd think he wants the border to be opened the way it is, I I say, there's no chance he wants that. He just doesn't have to deal with his own. His own base, there's people who do want that. So I think the Democrats who have power are taking advantage of the republicans pushing them. Yeah cause the ukraine and israel funding. So I feel, like everybody, who's, a republican and all of the reasonable democrats
I know that you did police and borders and stuff, I think they're, all on the same side on this one, but the Schumer has to make it look like it all. They pushed me and I had to compromise, but at least I got that ukraine funding for you, so I'm not sure chuck Schumer is the bad guy on this particular topic. I think he might be in the same size as republicans. Meanwhile, this, u s, officials are talking about what happens the gaza afterwards. And I guess they you,
I saw some officials are pushing for Gaza to be run by the palestinian security forces who had previously governed gaza, but they were driven out by how Hamas now is it my imagination, or is that the worst idea I've ever heard? I just I just don't see gossiping populated again, certainly not with any self governance. I can't see them. First of all, I think the Israel's going to make sure that it takes a long time before it's even safe to rebuild. They could buy themselves a few years of like oh, it's, too bad. The aquifers were destroyed when we flooded the tunnels you're going to have to wait a few years later clear upper.
Way we could build rebuild there's if we had a desalinization plant lamp for two billion and nobody wants to pay for that. So I guess it's to unsafe freshwater so that Israel is going to do this law. long delaying tactic to just keep it on popular, but in the long run I cannot see any way that Israel doesn't managed directly. I'm not even sure that palestinians will be allowed back in the probably have to be some point, but maybe not maybe not,
They can and aqua park is Israel. Winning well depends what timeframe you pick if you pick the immediate timeframe? Yes, if you say what does this does duty Israel's place in the world, does it get better or worse in the long run? I think the answer is it's not getting better. I mean this is like a little speed. Bumps are taken care of and as horrible as it was, you know. If you look at the entire arc of history october, seventh won't be the biggest deal in the entire arc of jewish history anyway, so
Here the muslim world backlash will be epic well now I dont know how to predict that, from my perspective, because you don't seem- the a lack of genuine caring for the palestinian people on behalf of a lot of other arabs in the area. So we don't know exactly how many people are going to be against Israel versus how many are mad at the palestinians for creating the situation in the first place. Oh Israel's battle tests in the thirty five interesting losing a lot of troops. Well, here's what wedding looks like in this case. I don't think israel.
Can say they lost, even if they have lots of losses of troops because they're just going to get it done at whatever cost it costs, so Israel's decided to pay the price. That's the difference between wanting and deciding Israel did not want to fix things in Gaza. They simply decided. So if, if casualties are high, they'll still do it, that's just not going to be a variable that stops them from doing we created this in the forties. Yeah, I would say, design is destiny. I think that when Israel was created, it largely guaranteed everything. That's happened after that I was the f thirty five faring against paragliders.
The so seems to be working. Alright, always is yemen where palestinians were integrated in as that way didn't work. I dunno the situation. If you haven't lol. Ukraine is lost, four hundred thousand troops and six hundred thousand escape, so they will have to be troops. Lots of coping with the authorities.
Alright, well, that's all I have today. It's really a topic. I missed it's like a slow friday, everybody's ready to go christmas shopping and youtubers get on locals, get extra stuff there and if you all, purchase your copy of reframe, your brain and the second version of how to fail of almost everything and still win big. I would get it now because I dunno, if you can get the hardcover, especially if you wait too long so make sure. Yes, there will be a christmas show. I will do a christmas version of the lifestream. Alright, you bought two so far great. I guarantee that if you buy either of these books for people who can read a book that they will be happy with the gift and in some cases it will totally change their lives. In fact, most of the time, if you see them, the comics people are buying your two and four copies. Five copies is because they've read it and they know the value in the grades. Your gift is god's debris, freeland, alright, with hat and beard on christmas, I dunno about the beard, but maybe that defiant generative, ai, the others, the right question when I think of generative ai ai, I think the ones that can say fill in the picture or you tell it to make you a picture of this and does it or you talk a movie into existence. I see those as generative ai. What I don't know
as if generative ai ai includes sentence completion. Does it does anybody know if you say, generative ai? Does that include the large language model where it just predicts the next words in the sequence, or is it separate from that process does included okay, so basically it's just the large language models and generative ai are kind of the venn diagrams are mostly the same. Would you say large language model and generative ai? Are those this venn diagram just overlap same thing or a little bit different different things, I'm being told that they're different, but how different are they like? Eighty percent, the same, I dunno they're all models, different things, okay, I guess we know now we'll leave that question. For later. All right, oh g, p t stands for generative pre trained transformer. I didn't know that gender.
Is pre trained, so g p t is generative by it's nature. Alright! Alright, ladies and gentlemen, that's all I got for you today, thanks for coming over locals sorry about the feed, I think there's still under a hacker attack over at the rumble network but at least at least you had a backup and we'll see you tomorrow and I'm going to be doing my man cave tonight. Local people know what that is, and if you want to follow, dilbert make sure you're doing an ex or on locals bye. For now.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-18.