« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2321 CWSA 12/13/23 The Thanos Mockery Play Is Working, AI Is Mean, Lots More Fun With News

2023-12-13 | 🔗

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Politics, Robot Patrol Dogs, Optimus Walking, Don Lemon, TCN, Tucker Carlson Network, Failing DEI Programs, DEI Hiring Limitations, Robby Starbuck, Bard AI, Christopher Rufo, Mike Benz, EIP, Election Integrity Project, Backwards Science, Weaponized FCC, Brendan Carr, Michael Cohen, Israel Hamas War, Flooding Hamas Tunnels, TikTok Support, Dictator Accusations Fail, President Trump, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
If you do wrap up on the bubble da da da da da good morning, everybody and welcome the highlight of human civilization. It's called coffee with Scott Adams and you've never had a better time, but could it go even higher? Could it be even better they can and all you need for that is a cup or mug or a glass a tanker charles, was time again to enjoy the flask a vessel of any kind fill it with your favorite liquid. I like coffee,
Join me now for the parallel pleasure. The dope me the other day and the thing that makes everything better is called the simultaneous happens happens now. Go hm yeah saber. Well, if you insult me five years ago, Scott should we build a wall on the southern border. You know what I would have said green.
Good idea, good idea, if you'd asked me four years ago, shall we build a wall on the southern border? I'd say you're good still good. Three years ago, two years ago, one year ago, same answer: yes, we need that wall, but today we learn that our government is considering and maybe even deploying robot dogs at the border, robot dogs. Well, I don't like to admit I was wrong.
about anything really, but I'm going to make an exception today. I was so wrong about that wall thing as if we built the wall, probably no chance of robot dogs now come on. What would you rather see immigrants coming up to the wall and saying? Ah, then we can't get over we'd better, go back. It's over, or would you rather see unlimited videos of robot dogs chasing immigrants across open fields, taking them down and waiting for the drone to come in to put the cuffs on you tell me, which is more fun now I don't. I don't wish any harm on the immigrants were just trying to have a better life. I really do want to see a robot not take down people running across. But the only one I am- I am all help me out here-
I'm not the only one right, I'm not the only one who wants to see robots take people down in the desert. Anybody else anybody ever came is just me. It's just me. It's just me and Barry Barry apparently is on board. Thank you. Barry. I am in other robot news, elon musk use. Tweeting new image of the new tussle robot optimists now Was pretty excited about agnes until I saw optimists walking as I basing the video of optimist walking. I dont want alarm you, but. It was all a like this now
I think you ve got. It fall on deaf ears, a question I have. How long is Joe Biden better robot. As there are no other humans who walk like that, am I right when I do my Biden walking impression. You said yourself that through the been everybody now you don't you say I've never seen by an here,
What like that and I didn't know like y- see the only person who wants like that. Then I saw optimist walking, and I said, oh she at lorry abbot, he's been a robot for a long time is he invited is really the perfect choice to make your first humanoid robots, because there's not much the work, whether you know, one of the hard things to do with the robots is to get the facial reactions right. But if you just to invite- and I have to do- is that pop up walter you're, though, that the founding fathers and just look like you, don't know, you are very,
easy bar for a robot to get across then what about intelligence? And then the hard part is getting. The intelligence well turns out that there again, ai doesn't have any trouble matching Joe Biden's intellect and communication style, and so it's perfectly possible. That Biden has been a robot for the last three years and we're just finding out just like add that to the mix. He's a by these new conspiracy theory. Aren't you tired of the old? We didn't really lebanon, the mood in the other, the calm trails and their boring right pizza gate boring morning. We need, we need a new conspiracy. Theory Biden has been a robot for three years is put none other.
speaking of robots, don lemon, who you know has retired from our forces, is forced to retire from cnn I guess he doesn't want cnn anymore, but reportedly watches daily wire and Ben Shapiro and appears morgan idly by sea. That coming. Did you ever imagine that. John lemon might have a little bit of, let's say, not love for, but maybe appreciation for a little bit of the messaging on the right that surprise you he shouldn't he shouldn't, because if you saw some of his older videos, he was pretty anti crime and he was against sagging pants.
basically any culture that would be negative to success. So are you surprised? I am not surprised that most wise, but because it always looked to me like the cnn horse, were playing a role. Did you always have the feeling that never looked to me like me, those whether almost opinions it always looked to me like the boys, told the man be, then
good paychecks. So they gave him what the boss wanted. I always wonder that about jake tapper, don't know you wonder if his opinions would change the moment. He took another job I feel like it might, but there's no way to know so. You you've seen now that Chris Cuomo, who also had been you, know these the er. Let's say the compatriot of the lebanon cnn, and you said recently that you'd be open to at least considering voting for trump, and most of you said. Well, that's a lie, and I told you it's not a lie. I'm not saying he'll vote for trump yeah that'd be still stretch, but when he says he's open to it. That is not another question. That's actually true.
I believe that there's a one hundred percent trip and if you heard tomorrow he hasn't said this, but if you were tomorrow don lemon say I haven't decided who to vote for, but I haven't ruled out trump. I wouldn't even be surprised now, I'm not saying he will ever say that I'm saying if he did it wouldn't be that inconsistent with what we know about him and and how he knows in an operator wouldn't be a huge surprise. The news it wouldn't be a surprise, and especially if you're talking about stuff like crime in the cities and open borders there, there is no reasonable democrat who thinks those are good ideas or any ide. So the survey as fifty percent of americans are watch content with the subtitles on most of the time, because again here it Chris Williamson was posting about
and when asked the main reason for using subtitles. Fifty five percent said it's hard to hear the dialogue and nearly three and forest glen bundled audio, didn't deny. It is impossible to watch tv. I've ever tried to watch any drama and during the daytime indoors is dark. Have you ever noticed that data it'll be daytime in somebody's office and it'll be dark and they just act like that's, ok and then all the people will mumble and Ara ara of all in the dark, so you can see it. You can't fucking hear it do you know? Why do you know why this content would be made that way? Now you may say to yourself: well, it's probably a technical limitation, but I don't have any problem hearing the news. Does anybody have any trouble
the news about. I hear every word that every ponder says, even if they have an accent, no matter what, even when they do the report from the field and there's like wind or background noise, I can hear them perfectly no problem at all, not once with a news program about sports. Do you have any trouble hearing sports now now now am you can say? Oh they're talking louder or something, but not really, the sports they're talking over the crowd, noise, they're, always talking over noise. I can hear the perfectly so. Why is it that dramas are all garbage that you can see them and he can't hear them.
I'll tell you why? Because all the directors and the actors and whatnot are trying for an academy award and the academy award, apparently you've got to have a disability. You've gotta be some kind of your ethnic or religious group. That's you know under fire, and you've got to be in the dark and you gotta whisper and mumble to sound serious and they just won't make any other kind of movie now. Part of that is because the creative people have too much power. You remember when movies were good back in the hitchcock era. Well, maybe you're, not young enough you're, not old enough to remember that, but there was a time when a movie would be a real tight. Ninety minutes and you'd watch that ninety business and you'd say that was that was tight. Good dialogue, good acting, didn't see where it was going nice twist at the end, while good show and now and now you watch a movie, you can guarantee that somebody will be tied to a chair to be tortured. You can guarantee that it'll be this overly long, romantic scene, so that you can understand that the two lead characters love each other, because you couldn't figure that out by the context, wrangling and then then it'll be some like cringey you're gay.
Seen that they have to put it in there just make sure everybody's got their situation and by the way, the the heterosis roll grungy as well. The cringey spark does not apply to the fact that regain the crunchy part is. I don't need to see. You know that semi racy sex scenes in the movie, they never add they never add to the quality of the movie. I fast forward through all the romance scenes I fast forward through all car chase scenes cause. They all look like now. You can't really. It was pretty hard to excite me with a car chase. All the torture scenes were submitted,
to a chair? And unusually, I also go past the one hero beats of fifteen people scenes? Oh, no, the hero is surrounded by fifteen people. I wonder if the hero can beat all fifteen in a death five. He asked again fast forward. Can you imagine yourself watching a hitchcock movie and even thinking the fast forward? Aerial part of it? Just just just, although your mind, you would never even consider it. You would never at all so yeah and- and I'm told that the reason is that the directors, the actors and the writers and stuff have more power, so they insist that all of their content get in there and then they gotta, throw in those things that people expect so yeah movies are a terrible. So china is deflating so instead of inflation and deflation- and we hear different stories of their imminent economic demise every day, probably all exaggerated. But I'm wondering this sort of a basic economic question. Would the united states or
It'd be toast, economical, if not for the fact everybody else was doing. Worse is the only thing: that's protecting america. The fact that everybody else is a little bit worse because, right now we can still attract investment, even though yeah we're shadow of our former selves economically in some ways. But it's because where are you going to put your money in russia, china and north korea? They will we just don't have what we used to have, but other people are worse. So that's a that's a pretty sketchy situation.
But this holding for now looks like Tucker carlson has started up his tucker carlson network and I am hearing all kinds of things about his he's doing an amazing job of getting attention. But I was listening to some audio clips from him yesterday and whether matthew was on spaces. He was talking about at quinn, John Pierre, a spokesperson is actually so dumb. He can't understand how she even got a driver's license, so so Tucker has vowed there for the rest of his days on this earth. He is going to tell the truth, no matter how brutal it is in his personal life and professional life. Now I always thought he was told the Jews before, but but it sounds like he is announcing. He is going to the next level as he doesn't have any sponsors writing. So he's just going right at the corruption and incompetence. He says everybody knows, Biden is senile and his spokesperson is the dumbest person we've ever seen on the job and it's a miracle. She got her driver's license now. Does anybody think that grim jean pierre is keeping their job for any reason.
other than her diversity. Nobody thinks that I, I can't imagine, there's even a democrat with a slave. She qualified for the job, but maybe I dunno, maybe they do but it'll be fun to watch. Tucker go for honestly. Speaking of the eye more articles about dying as though there's a backlash over the eye is the diversity, equity and
and stuff, and the colleges and companies are starting to pull back a little bit, not enough, and it is still pervasive, but it seems to be some kind of a trend going on air programs are being cut in various places, but here's the funniest part of the story, a one d I professional was interviewed about why everything's going wrong in the d ai programs are being cut and one person said that the solution was not to cut the eye, because you know you're not getting the result you are, the solution is more. The I is the dui stuff was getting heat for not being pro israel enough. I guess and they're saying, but if we were a little bit more t I we would be pro israel too.
Ampro will be more pro islamic people too, if only if only he gave us a little more money or more attention into this d. I will have a little bit harder than those problems that you're safe, harbor they'll go away. So you what you need is more of the thing: that's not working until it works now. I love it when something I don't like goes to the point of only being funny every story about it is just how funny this all is die. This is funny is funny.
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uniquely qualified to make about the ai? Are you ready, uniquely qualified, though now now that's a claim right? Imagine all the people in the world a billion of them- and I say I'm uniquely qualified to make the following point and have all a billion people I am uniquely qualified. Is that too big a claim? Can I pet? Can I back it up? Well I say I can. My biggest bestselling book was called the dilbert principle and the basic idea that and basically it's the thing that put me on the map, because I'm such a big hit is the idea that, at least in the early days of the tech boom, the high tech boom. I came up with the observation because I was working in corporate america at the time that if it was hard to get qualified technology people in your company, so there was a great thirst for more high tech employees and they were hard to get so.
If you wanted to find somebody who will be the boss of any high tech group, you didn't want somebody who had no experience in technology that'd be disaster, but you also don't want to waste one of your smart, really good, programmers or technical people. You don't want to waste an engineer in a management job. You know ordering the you know, having meetings and telling people to give me a status report. Mister wasted function, and so I so I made the wry observation that the bosses have all the technical groups were the dumbest people. Now that was actually true and not one hundred per cent true everywhere, like nothing is,
It was an observation and I will see all over the place and they would literally promote the least technically qualified person. So you didn't waste talent, it'll, just be a waste of talent at them, as manager. Now take that concept, which was obvious enough that it made the book a bestseller, because people read that and said: oh yeah, that's what we're seeing now. Let me ask you this: two years ago, we'll have a few years ago when George floyd became the big thing, and then businesses said. Oh, we better hurry up and gather some d. I employees of the yard depart who do you think they hired when they were in a big hurry to get a D I department did they look among their existing staff and say we have to pick our best and our brightest
I removed the deed, the I group, probably not, because you don't want to waste your best finance sky, very best technology woman. You know the the people who really are making the company hon, you don't want to waste them. So who are you going to get while are probably hiring from the outside? But if I ever told you that, if you do anything to artificially constrain your hiring pool, you're pretty much guaranteed to get less quality. But let me give you an example: if you said, let's put the greatest technology minds from the country of luxembourg in a contest against the greatest technology minds in, let's say china, which one would you expect to have greater technology minds, a tiny little country of luxembourg?
Which has very few people of any kind, much less geniuses probably have the right ratio, but there's just not many people. China could even have your hypothetically. They could have no fewer as a percentage and still have ten million more experts. So anything you do to artificially constrain the number of people that you consider guarantee. Is you
low quality? So now they're saying? Are we don't want to waste somebody using their existing structure? So, let's hire from the outside? At the same time, everybody else is hiring from the outside for the same reason, so you've got limited pool because suddenly everybody's trying together very much like ai experts, but the reason we're talking so much about this earlier screw. What, whatever his last name is, or who's missing from open ai suddenly is because there aren't many oven, the reason wouldn't say a mountain and yo look like he was pushed out of opening. I reason there was a big issue. Is there aren't many sara moments? There are not many of him right, and so, if every
It tries to make an ai group, and this will be elon musk's problem as well. You don't want to be the fifth company that tries to make a guy who's the first four already hired everybody who's in the the top, so everybody just wouldn't be anybody left.
Oh yeah, ok, while you gave me his real name, but it's not ok man from uncle reference. Alright! So here's the point: the d ai professionals are not only selected from a limited pool because everybody's selecting at the same time, all the companies got panicked at the same time. But on top of that, the d I professionals had to be black and female. Am I right? The the ones I see are fairly often black and female, so it looks to me like that was requirement of iron. I I can't imagine that zoos. Do you think that there's any D I group anywhere in america,
The white man running the eye group because you are just laugh at them as they did. Nobody would take her seriously. So you have to remove the category of all white man from your pool of potential hires about white women. Why women why women are actually doing kind of ok. in this world other, so if you want a white woman, you're going to have to get yourself, lesbian you're going to have to get a lesbian or disabled or something and, of course, there's nothing wrong with that. The nothing wrong with that. The point is it limits the pool
If you say we like white women, you know there'll be okay, but they gotta be lesbian, well, nouns, very small pool. So I want my I want to make the point as non bigoted as possible. It's not about the fact that they're black or that they're women, or that they're lesbians- that makes them less capable nothing like that that those characteristics are not part of the conversation. The conversation is: if you artificially limit the total number of people, you'll even consider you can possibly get a high quality set of people that everywhere I you could do it individually in some places where you can get it everywhere. So we we created a system somewhat accidentally that guaranteed the ni. I groups within every company would be the least capable employees, as I unfair, based based entirely on everybody, panicking to get the same small group of people and and.
Strenuously avoiding big populations like white man and big populations like high tech people who had other value. So I always say to you: design is destiny. This was a design which any any person who knew anything about anything who looked at so wait a minute you're all doing. At the same time and you're artificially limiting the type of person you could hire that design guarantees them confidence guarantees it. Now again, I'm not talking about any individual person who got hired. I remind you that, even if it doesn't sound like the sometime, I'm absolutely against any kind of discrimination against an individual or anything any of the immutable characteristics. So it's not about the individual. It's about just numbers. You restrict the pool, you get fewer people, so we should be seeing the complete destruction of the ai by incompetence alone. Now now, when Tucker carlson says look at john renaud, jean Pierre, I hate to say it but she's, obviously the least capable person who's ever done that job, and it's obvious that, although there's nothing wrong with black people or or women or lesbians, she was hired for those reasons or some subset of those reasons, and everybody knows she is doing a terrible job. Democrats know it, but they can't do anything about it. Do you think that Biden can remover not a chance, not a chance, so he has created a situation which, by design he can fix by design he put in somebody who you care fire now. Have you ever seen that happen before they have an employee, a high level employee who, no matter what they do, you can't fire them.
Have you heard of harvard harvard is that some kind of a college I hear and they have a president who is apparently plagiarized like crazy, and that did exactly the same thing that another college presidents already been asked to step down for in the entire country wants her to step down as well, not the entire country, but a lot of it and she can't be fired, can't be fired. So that's where design is predictive.
I went to the mall yesterday to just experience the christmas of it and didn't really need to go cause. I can buy anything. I want online, but if you didn't see this, I posted it picture of my mall. This is my local mall at this. As a christmas rush, it's five pm. This is yesterday five pm christmas rush and my mall there is there's not even a person. This is the middle of the rush. He can't even see a human being in the wall. Now this this was a misleading picture, because normally there were at least a few people. There was no store they had anybody waiting at the cash register like I walked by every store, and I just looked at to see if anybody was buying. There was no store with anybody at the cash register. Now, of course, people were buying things, but there was no line. Is christmas there's no line? What are they going to do with all these malls unthinking high end condos, because, honestly, I think it'd be kind of cool that live in. I live in a converted, mall be kinda cool yeah. It would depend how they did it, but I could totally see myself overpaying for a condo in the mall. I dunno why I just like the I like the space of it yeah they do such a good job of designing the space.
Is so that people will want to be. There just goes how it feels just the openness and everything I feel like you might like to live there. I dunno, but an indoor garden in the middle and the big open walkway has just put indoor gardens of the robots. Do the work began? Cool yeah? You need more windows, the more windows for sure, while Robby Robby starbuck. hello. I opening situation used google's barred there. I and it was ass, a series of questions about him, so he was asked a bunch of questions themselves and a I went on to make horrible defaming lies about how you know. I won't give you the examples, but basically just said use your horrible racist who did terrible things and here's the thing most of the claims were actually
We made it up so bard just lied like crazy about him. So he's a public figure. You know somebody that writes and posts and stuff. So as a public figure and a bard, basically just absolutely slimmed him. I mean I'm not even going to tell you what a sad cause unwanted in your head, just really bad. So then he said my god. This is something about ai or simply about me. So he ran a o c through the same set of questions and likes her a o c. Well, there's a spunky politician news, adding left, well yeah. Now how in the world are we ever get to use say I know it is starting to become clear?
The ai will be probably amazing and image generation, but the ability to create an image that doesn't exist in reality. I think it's going to be beyond amazing in that realm. I really didn't see that coming actual, but in terms of being an honest broker of information, I don't know if there's a chance. Don't know if that's solvable, because the whatever makes ai ai is still mysterious, even the people who built it. Don't know why it's doing what it's doing. They can't even predict what it will do next, but I ask you the following question: how could a I be anything but a racist if it's trained on public information? How is it even possible?
what I think is probably happening, just a guess: I'm guessing the ai might have bad things to say about people in general, or at least too many bad things just because it's tried to be honest and also because we will be picking up the criticisms of people at the same time I was reading about them, so in theory,
Eh, I should have a little bit good and probably a little bit bad about just about anybody right, but imagine if you're, the graders of the ai and you put Al Sharpton in there and it says his racist. What are you going to do you? Let that go nope, no you're going to go in there and say we better put a little safeguarded here. If you're Al Sharpton, you know we're not going to call you bad news, I'm sure they're not using that specific one, but just to get the idea that you put an a or c as it comes out and says: amc is a communist or something because we're critics say that. now. What are they going to do? Are they gonna say well as far as the critics do say that, and you know they show their work, so I'm not going to make a. I am not going to give it it's opinions, I'll just let it go into the wild and come up with it's own opinions.
What if they say, the aid that elsie was a communist. You think that the trainers there- I would let us down,
Or were they put in a little line of code that says? Okay, if it's a ever seen one color copies, and do you think that they might have an entire department that is doing nothing but putting in rules and adjusting so that traditionally, what do we call it to disadvantaged groups so that traditionally disadvantaged groups do not become further victimized by ai? And now many of our problems in the world are based on good intentions and by the way, do you think they will put the same safeguards him for robby starbuck? Do you think anybody bothered to do that? Something like if a if a notable white person is called a racist you may? Maybe you should back off on that. You think he put any book, but he put that rule into ai. Of course, not of course that you think if you ask questions about george floyd, that the ai will give you a completely unbiased opinion about them, not a chance, it'd be too important, so you're not going to get an honest answer from ai or just as bad. You won't know if it's honest, it's just as bad. If you don't now, because you think maybe they just programmed listen there,
The not helping out any of the space cartoonist sure that if you google me is not going to show you my point of view, you know that right. My point of view is is very well expressed in the wild because I was out there expressing it. But if you were to Google ai about my own situation, it'll just tell you. I was provocative and many people said I'm a racist. That seemed like a capturing everything you need to know about me and I feel, like us, leave again a few things. Few relevant things. But I will add to the ai- is bullshit at least when it comes to public figures. Did you know that one hundred percent of all articles about famous people are bullshit? I've been telling you
for awhile, but now we can add a I the bolshevik, so you're not gonna. Just have a writer lying about somebody, who's all public figures. Is now I make an up stories about public speaking of that bill, men who were No activist investor has been going hard at harvard, and so there was a big media hit piece on him. Surprise, surprise he's going after harvard's, another sipping hippies on him, and he had to write this extensive explanation to show you how wrong the reporting was- and I helpfully you know boosted his message by saying. Remember: all stories about public figures are fake. All stories about public
if you fake all of it as soon as you think some are real you're lost, they don't even bother writing the article. If it's going to be real, they don't even bother writing it. There are only two kinds of articles that journalists write. This person is awesome and everything they've ever done is kind of awesome too. Thus, for their friends- or this is a fucker, and this fucker is fucking, everybody cause he's a fucker and a racist. Nobody wants to run a story that says good points and bad points. Nobody does that. So all stories are either overly good or overly bad, but nobody tries to balance it because nobody would buy that story. He can be a writer if you write that condition balance stuff. Nobody wants it Yes, and so also Christopher rueful,
who is one of the superstars and fighting yes walkers wakes up to find three headpieces against him, and I guess the splc is after him, which I always remind you. You have to know the players. The news doesn't make any sense on a rush. You know who funds who who's married to who and who used to work in the administration have hope you less than minimum. You need to know. The splc is not exactly an independent operator who's. Looking out for your interests that they are some would say, some who know a lot would say: they're just stay at an organization. That's another kit job for the Democrats, basically as an organization to take out their political enemies. Now they do actually go after bad people. Just like the idea of the ideal does go after bad people and does do legitimate things, but they are
also very much a Democrat hammer, though it's not like they're trying to play the evil eye there. They're very corrupt organizations super corrupt as corrupt as you could possibly be. But if you didn't know that you might have a different opinion of Christopher UFO, when in fact you should think he's a hero or obama as producers. The first fiction film for netflix skulls, will leave the world behind. Would you be surprised to know that the critics love relics, love it? What do you think the audience thought about it? Absolute racist bullshit is anti white is literally anti white, say the critics are not going to watch it but say the people
they say about away and of course, the critics love that anti white stuff, but the the orleans not so much. Somebody said it's funny that obama is the president who bombed the most. I also used the one above in the most that obama do a lot of bombing remained a bar ooh obama just made a movie the bomb he made a bob do not never order somebody to make movies. What's his name obama, we don't want him to make a bomb that his name is obama, but that's not as funny as what the simulation has given us for the name of the leader of Hamas. Does anybody know the leader of Hamas? First name is yea ye. A last name is sin war sin
as I am and then war yea sin war now come on to bomb- is making bombs in the former movies. In this case,.
and the head of Hamas is going gay, sim war. None of this can be real yeah, and what about the former president, who is being a who's, been taken to court on what kind of charges is or former president being taken the corridor? What what do you call those trumped up, trumped up charges and here's the thing they're, actually literally trumped up charges, they're, clearly, obviously trumped up now that doesn't mean that they're not technically there, some violation that went on there, I'm saying that they trumped it up to the level where it sounds important when it never was trumped up charges.
The was Derek Chauvin, a chauvinist, but I dunno about that. I don't see what else is happening here. I might benz's, I think by benz is now a a must follow. But let me at him too, he's not even optional. If you want to pretend you understand the news just follow my benz b e mz, just like mercedes benz and he's talking about the election integrity partnership is on the show. The podcast and apparently this thing called the election integrity. Partnership was anything but and they they were involved in censoring millions of pro trump tweets added twenty twenty. So they were basically a censoring organization for censoring one side, more than others, of course, and there was a level high level d c operatives in the transition integrity project. So within the election integrity partnership, I think the separator within it doesn't matter that there was a transition integrity project. There were plotting according to MIKE a a color revolution. If trump won fair and square now, they don't say it that way in the darkness they make it sound like if you lose,
his m keeps power. Yet what do we do about it, but I think somewhere. Obviously it was also going to include if he won fair and square. There were going to do the same thing, whether he won not fair and square or won fair and square. They were going to do a color revolution. Now, if you don't know that term, it basically means that some outside entities will get a bunch of people to march. In the streets until the country becomes ungovernable and the leadership has to change that sort of something you do for some other country, if you're trying to change the leadership you funded from the outside, a bunch of seemingly grass roots protests of the night, grassroots at all, it's organized by some entity. So apparently the Democrats were planning to overthrow the country through the same the same mechanisms that they use to overthrow other countries or the released america as used and that it was actually documented
well understood that they were going to run a coup in the united states if trump won fair and square. Now, that's that's where MIKE Ben says. If you read their own words, they would couch it in if, if he clings to power illegally, they would do this so that that sort of a fig leaf. I think it's pretty obvious that they would have done it no matter what, if, if he had been in power, they would have done so, while I would argue that probably there's nothing so illegal that a court could deal with it is they're pretty smart about how the message things are. Does look exactly to me an opinion not a fact, but as an opinion, it does look exactly like they were planning an actual revolution.
like an honest to god, insurrection, that's what looks like to me. So I agree with my benzes interpretation and now an and of what I like to go backwards. Science. Backwards science, as new studies coming in that says that having kids makes you live longer. If you have one or two kids, that's the ideal. You'll live longer than people who have no kids, but also longer than
where multiple kids does that mean that one way you can improve your health is by having kids is as what they suggest and you have some kids will help yourself or- or I'm just going to put this out here. If I'm going to fuck a woman, do I pick one that looks unhealthy or one that looks healthy, try to try to guess my inner thoughts. I want to fuck that woman, but she looks like she's our last last breath. I think she was downloaded a week good to go now now. Is it possible.
The men select women for breeding based on their health. Of course. Of course, it is. Is it possible that women select men for breeding based on their health? Of course, others of course have is? Would you expect that when people choose each other wisely because of their good health, with the intention of having one or two children, which is a strong signal of somebody with control a plan and ability to stick to the plan, you think, if you looked at the people who can make a plan for moderation, they can they can execute the plan properly. Do you think that tells you something about their group as opposed to somebody who has seventeen kids, because they haven't figured out what's causing it or somebody who has no children, because nobody wants to wipe 'em up her husband doesn't seem like backward science to you to me, it looks like is just saying that healthy people are more likely to have one or two kids and you're, either going to be a nutjob or maybe you're insane. If you have seventeen kids and if you have no kids, maybe it's because nobody wanted to have a kid with you. That's at least part of it. Now, of course, a lot of these people don't want to have children or can't afford it, but still of the people who can't afford to have children. I would betcha that of the people who can afford it. The healthiest lucky ones end up more likely. Have it don't you think, that's likely the even ones who don't want them are still more likely to have them just because they're, so damn healthy that somebody's going to try to.
yeah you're not going to try to talk an unhealthy person and having to get by you might try hard to talk healthy person into it. As you say, it want more of that now. The reason I married you because I like all of that, so I want to see more of that backwards. Science at the fcc is going after musk's, worse Brendan Kara, chairman of the fcc, is calling you down and basically throwing the fcc under the bus as you should, because it looks like looks like it is completely political and I'm going to take the speculation and looks like this one. This is so obvious. I don't have to talk about it in terms like oh and some critics saying why people are claiming now. This one is so obvious. This is weaponized government going after elon musk because he's not playing the game at all. It is, and when the and, when Brendan Carr recalls of one publicly, I think we're done here right. I think we're done if you don't know Brendan Carr is look it up, but if he says this is exactly what it looks like it's exactly
It looks like that's the end of the story, but you don't get somebody like him calling the sound public unless it was way overboard, and it is to the Biden administration, through the fcc revoked a one hundred and eighty five million grant to starlink, So this is something that already been already been approved and the yankee back and they're, apparently putting in place some requirements that would make it impossible to go back. It's just purely political backers, Michael cohen trump, sir X, disgraced attorney. Did something pretty funny, so he is trying to reverse was say: he's supervise release, so he is your free person unsupervised release. We want to get rid of them.
At early, and so he filed up on getting a legal motion and referenced a number of case law, but three of the cases that he referenced do not exist at all. He didn't misinterpret them, they just don't exist. Grill and anybody wanna take a guess how that happened want to take a gap year. You got it, you got the ai yeah. I don't know for sure that I'm going to guess that he asked a for some case law. Have I mentioned that the ai cannot be dependent on? You should not believe anything. The ai tells you it just. Doesn't it's just not built to tell you the truth, it will tell you some version of imagination lying what you want to see an alright account every day, walking with Christ needs to seem to do a gigantic post. With a with a repeating letters about the vacant, coffee and scallops,
What can I say that I fucking seen that the last twenty four times you did it? You don't need to do it anymore. Nobody likes you, nobody likes you right now stop it has that to do that. So apparently the idea is going to flood those tunnels or maybe they've already started, as are the Gaza tunnels were flooded and here's. My question now, the bigger the big issue here is whether it will destroy the aquifers and make the water that is clean. Water underneath Gaza will it'll, be polluted with seawater and doesn't take much pollution to ruin the whole aquifer. So that's a big risk but, as I've said before, I do not believe.
Israel has any plans of populating Gaza again, certainly not with Hamas, and indeed Benjamin Netanyahu said he wants to block any attempt to put the palestinian authority in Gaza after the war or hamas. Obviously so, obviously Israel's going to keep management of it and I imagine they might look for creative alternatives with you or maybe some kind of coalition of friendly countries run a together ab. But one thing you won't see is the palestinians running does apparently that's just off the table, but the question I ask about flooding the tunnels is: what is the optimal way to flood them? I would say that the optimal way to flood them is not completely when you, when you flood them up to maybe chest level.
Because if there are any hostages in there- and you still give them another chance to get out because if you just flood them to chest level and just leave it there, just leave it there, I would imagine it would ruin all of their munitions and they would be frightened to death that the level would keep going up. So you should probably take it up to like chess level and then just really slowly keep going as I think they would come out of the tunnels, and I think that they there would be a greater chance that a hostel will come out than if you just filled it saw no positive, you should fill them. What do you think? I mean some people hate it when we speculate about military stuff and some of your head, but I'm kind of curious about what would be the smarter, because it's a psychological question as much as a military question right. So the thing that fascinates me is the psychology cause I put myself in the towel, and I tell myself, if you put it up to my chest, I would be sorry
right away. I would surrender immediately if the water, at my chest- and I was in the tub said- was see what there's news story tomorrow: nah fall is reported as algeria saying that at that the israelis lined up babies and executed them. Okay, does anybody believe that the idea of lined up babies of gaza and then execute you know you're? Here's my take, I'm going to say this firmly and clearly I don't believe any of the baby stories on either side
with that. Are you okay with me, not believing any of the baby stories? I don't believe valuable. Now, I'm not saying the babies weren't killed in the most horrible way, I'm sure they were but the specific stories they don't look reopening the item didn't believe any of the Israel ones. I don't believe the palestinian version is just war that it's just war in the sense that, of course, they're going to make the worst claims that they can. Now. If you think about the situation, there wasn't much room to go anywhere and make it sound worse than what actually happened.
We know happened because you could see it on the gopro's. What actually happened was so horrible, but I dunno if it was shocking enough, so maybe maybe little a little extra was put on some of the stories now, but it's a, but you should see these in the context of war where persuasion is part of the war. So if either side lied through their teeth about this stuff, I don't think I'd hold against them. Would you agree with that?.
once you say to yourself: this is a war. You can oppose the war in general, but if part of the war is propaganda, what are you going to? Do I mean? Were you expecting it not to happen? What were you expecting that somebody would leave one of their best weapons in unused? No, no propaganda is one of their best weapons, so of course they're using it. Of course, we just don't know which stories are totally made up and which are not, and this does not change in any way. The ten and ten brutality of what october seventh was you don't need the baby's toys, the the baby stories are not necessary to understand, what's happening, but might give you a little extra energy, so it made sense that they they lead with those stories alright to the department of education. U S, department of education's, that is six schools, including Stanford, and the university of California. U c, l a and rutgers who is ongoing, probe about discrimination and antisemitism and islamophobia so seriously. The department of education did not think that there was sufficient discrimination in education until it happened to Jews and islamic students in the united states. Are you fucking kidding me, you garbage pieces of shit, forty fucking years of overt discrimination against white men and you're, not even interested until it happens to the Jews and the islam has fuck you fuck you every one of you fucking pieces of shit, you racist pieces of shit. Now that said, I'm fully in favor of what we're doing I'm fully in favor of them looking into it, and I'm fully in favor of them rooting out anti semitism and islamophobia, I oppose islamophobia and obviously anti science, but really really we have to wait till this happen. We have to wait till october seventh on a twenty three before you fuckin pay attention to what's happening in the country. I'm so done with this. I love free speech
As a veteran, you have the feeling yet of envying me that I can say this: does anybody have that feeling it I'm not trying to make you envy me like that? There's no payoff for me, but I wondered if you watch me and say I wish I could do that. I just wonder because if I were watching, I I would, if I were in your place, I would wish I could do it now. These are despicable people despicable racists, the worst racists in the country, department of education, alright, so I'm totally in favor of ache for trump getting rid of the whole department, and this proves they're useless. So that's the best argument. I can
I have to get real well, here's something that isn't a big surprise. Tiktok, the the public opinion on banning tiktok has moved in favor of ticked up, there's a big move in which a republicans especially, are more favorable to keeping tiktok than getting rid of it ha has anything happened recently that would cause that hm what what is tic tac done recently, that would make them more popular with republican. Oh, how about a massive ad campaign on fox news in which they show all the good things they're doing for wounded veterans. Do you ever wonder if, if propaganda works, propaganda works now in this time, has there been anything happening? There would suggest that tiktok should be kept like what? What are the? What are the things in the news you're saying, while the first thing you're saying, is that fox news endorses tiktok by accepting their sponsorship. Let me say: look at fox news's, endorsing take back by accepting responses and fox news as the primary persuader of all things republican. So you can actually buy your way into the conversation and they did kind of impressive. I mean I this is sort of like when the serial killer does a really good job of killing people and I say less terrible. I wish that not happen, but you gotta admit that was a pretty good job.
Well, the people this is like that tiktok, you know, of course I think should be banned. I think it's an evil force, I think, is destroying america, but to do a really good job of it like it's hard for me, not to appreciate how freaking good they are doing this. That's a really well run company god how they ever got this now I dunno, but I would also say that the vague saying that he was going to use it makes it easier for republicans to say well, it can't be that bad and nikki haley, saying that her daughter uses it makes republicans say well, you'll. Be that bad you let your daughter use it if a vague susan can be that bad. So that's what you got anyway! I guess you because we deserve what we get had. The hill is reporting that the calls of trump as dictator know that, in other words, the critics main theme of calling trump a dictator, wait for it backfire. It's not working. You know why. You know why it's not working. You know either
smells like calling trumpet dictators, not worker is jobs making fun of it. Oh yeah yeah! Well, let me just say what they said about it. He says you're not going to be. This is trump talking recently at another rally. I guess. He says you're not going to be a decade or are you I said. No no other than day. One, this is what he said it originally, I think too, was is to have a deal more recently repeated again Okay, so I think this was the hannity at first, so when he said no, no, no other than day one we're closing the border area where Jolene Jolene Jolene after that, I'm not addicted and everybody applauded. So it worked the first time. You said that people just laughed and applauded so apparently is
with us, so he sat at a rally recently appear baker today than europe. I said that I want to be a dictator. I didn't say that I saw that one the dictator for one day himself, etc. You know, I won't be a declare, because. What I want you all right,
Wall and I want to drill drill drill now it's kind of perfect every time he says. Yes, I want to be a dictator, but just one day he forces the media to cover the story because it's their narrative. So if he does anything within their narrative, they have to cover this their narrative. So you go. He enters their narrative. If I ever tell you this, I've taught you this right. This is a hypnosis drake. If somebody has a narrative this damaging to you, you don't stand on the outside and throw stones at it that never works. You enter it. You enter ip, you wear it like a suit and you make it your bitch. That's the only way
it can be the bad nerve he entered that. He has already entered their arena. He made news on their theme. That means he is already hollowed them out. He was already wearing them like a suit and is already making them dance he's already doing it and every time he jokes about this, he makes and remind the country that he wants to get a wall border security and he wants to drill. He wants to bring your gas prices down so he turned. He turned the darkest worst accusation you could ever get into. First of all, a joke about literally a punchline. He turned it into a punchline, and then he used it to attract attention for two of the strongest parts of his candidacy that he would like people to know. Now that his genes
I don't think the tramp will ever be fully acknowledged for the level of this is pure jeez answer it's just and yeah, I'm trying to help him out by taking it to the next level and calling with santos santos was the super evil guy from marvel movies, and he was trying to destroy half of all the population of earth just by getting some jewels and snapping his fingers because of.
The world a better place, have half as many. I guess something like that. So I think it's funnier to say that they're afraid of thanos, but I came up with a new word for this whole trump is a dictator and trump treating it like a joke, not be not be, he is actual. He is bathing the nuts to come in and call him a dictator is beautiful. It's not just as effective. It's actually just beautiful and in the naughtiest ones are already going up because the you have to go with the nuts first because they're the ones willing to say things that sound ridiculous.
are just russia them on this dictator thing narrow ravine. This is the narrow remain so he's already heard, and everybody into the euro dictator nearer vain turned it into a punch line. However them out used as a suit, I used to get attention for his own policies. Can I miss him Oh my god. Well, they hurt is Fired another missile this time
at or near the uss mason they shut it down and I dunno looks like they might re attack them or something why the hell are the hutus firing at our navy that, just because iran is putting pressure on us through proxies well something's going to happen over there and it won't be won't be good for Louise. I, ladies and gentlemen, this brings me to the conclusion of what might be the best livestream in history a license, but I like to say: is there any story that I have missed while ebony akin anything amis horse got, he needs to let it go. I love the people who go at me as a personality, because I used to think. Oh you evil person. Why are you going after me personally, instead of instead of engaging with my arguments, but now that I'm older? I understand that as a surrender. So I accept your surrender if there's anybody else who would like to comment on my opinions by saying there is something wrong with me as a person. I would like to accept your surrender as well.
With everybody else like to surrender and just acknowledge that everything I say is right or good, nobody else does or referring the oh yeah, and I guess the obama movie had scenes that would scary you about owning a tesla, the weather. What a piece of shit that I I don't one! I certainly wonder if Obama is serious about any of this, it does seem to be that his interest in making movies for netflix has nothing to do with movies. Where would you say, that's fair that the obamas going into movies is just is just a propaganda. Did you think that obama is like looking over scripts and hiring people and said? I doubt it? No, I think Obama just said: go, make me some local movies and make sure that they have the following themes: something bad about elon musk, something bad about republican christians, something young something good about all black people, something bad about all white people yeah. That sort of thing just just put that lots of trains get us lots of trains. Alright, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to say bye to you, wonderful people on youtube. Thanks for joining I'll, see you tomorrow for another, as lifestream you've ever seen in your life life now.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-15.