« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2314 CWSA 12/06/23 Lots Of News With Persuasion Angles Today. That's My Jam

2023-12-06 | 🔗

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Politics, UK Covid Inquiry, Boris Johnson, Indoor Vertical Gardens, Kim Jong Un, China Debt Risk, VP Harris, Israel Hamas War, X Payment Processing, Nvidia AI Chips, Bruce Schneier, AI Cybersecurity Analysis, Time Magazine Person Of Year, Taylor Swift, Reid Hoffman, Nikki Haley Donors, CA Gender Neutral Law, Hunter Biden Loan Agreements, Rep. Mike Lee, Warrantless Surveillance, Bill Ackman, Anti-Semantic Universities, Interracial Preferences Study, Vivek Ramaswamy, J6 Entrapment, Thomas Massie vs Chuck Schumer, Mike Cernovich, President Trump, Dictator Accusations, Liz Cheney, Slow-Motion Assassination, Greg Gutfeld, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It is around about one locked up that that are up a poll good morning, everybody and welcome the highlight of human civilization. It's called coffee with Scott Adams, the best time even rab how'd you like to take it up to levels that even rob ryder could never understand, just randomly picking his name and all you did. There was a cupboard micro glass, a tanker, Jones's diary, gimme jeans, yoga landscape, essence of any kind, fill it with your favorite liquid. I like coffee. Driving. Now for the unparalleled pleasure, the dopamine the other day. The thing that makes everything better and makes you better to discuss the simultaneous at about is not so good
Well, just an update their yesterday, the locals. Why format alone, glitch that was related to a big, acknowledging migration going to have your system So what do we get through this little ugly batch might be a few more bugs, but we will get through that. It will be a lot better, much more stable and punctual so away for that alright. Well, there's lots of loose. Most of the stories are small, so I'll just pound through them the washington post, Having a strike, seven hundred or more people, and who is one of the writers, I think vanessa larsson, she posted on next- that she's so proud to be months, have another more washing posts. Colleagues walking out for twenty four hours on thursday, and she asked
it's the people to support our walk, walk out by not reading the washington post on thursday. Well, I can do better than that. I will support you not just thursday. I will support you for the rest of my life by not reading the Washington post. That's right that the intelligence based intelligence, driven fake news, racist publication that still employs fill bob phil bumper used to the washington post. What president gay is to harvard an embarrassment to the institution, although I dunno, which is more embarrassing, the fill been more insulted by being associated with the washington post, as well as the washington post were damaged by having him on the staff. He could work both ways.
alright starbucks is a lost. A lot of value, I guess in their stock because of boycotts are based on some political tweets, supporting the palestinians or something now I don't even know what starbucks did, but somehow starbucks is getting is getting injured by whatever is happening in Gaza and the crazy horse starbucks boris Johnson is, I guess, we're having some kind of a covert inquiry in the uk find out what really happened and who knew what all that stuff. The former prime minister, Boris Johnson, has to explain why five thousand of his whatsapp messages from the twenty twenty was period disappeared and boris, as he is now associate around some kind of technical thing, maybe something about the app I dunno. Maybe it was uninstalled or when it got reinstalled yeah. Maybe something like
technology and the apma something and then the something happened or maybe it'd be a glitch, maybe the the the dispute. Something like that. Now, when I look at boris Johnson and I look at his haircut, I said to myself: there's a man who never loses anything. I dunno, I think, that's hilarious. I look at his haircut may say: there's a man who never loses anything like his comb, for example, or his sense of fashion and style or another Couple I'm done that, but though I would like to see a list, we do if you come up with a year in the comments.
Tell me all the things that the uk government and the american government have lost. That was important data that provoked public beta, to say, let's say get your Epstein stuff are all things Epstein from his video cameras, then there's the video of his video cameras was death. There's a there's, a missing. The cameras went on. Let's see, you've got a hillary's emails, they they just sort of, went missing, got destroyed by hammers and whatnot. You got the january six, the entire january six at testimonies of all mysteriously missing. What else is missing? Yeah others there's no video of the
If being attacked in prison at we ve seen tat Jimmy offers still missing, and what about? What were about the twenty twenty election? Are there any any machines that don't have the data? In the store there are a lot of election data is missing or we haven't seen the? U a p videos, but I'm sure they exist, but they must be missing the obsidian jail video. There seems like there's a lot of things missing, just a lot of things missing anyway,.
Here's a trend you should watch, and so China has a company that is using ai to build indoor vertical gardens. Now. Why is this a big deal while indoor gardens greenhouses have been around forever, but they haven't quite replaced outdoor gardening? For, basic economic reasons, but you'd think that someday they would because your indoor gardening is going to be better on water, much easier and water Scully better on keeping the insects out much better and still be potentially better at managing light.
If you do it right and about the one problem they had was still space and, of course she got labor, but robots and ai. Who can resolve that for you, and also building vertically so they'll build so instead of putting everything from the ground where you run into space, they can just build shelves and keep going up to the ceiling. Now, if you have shelves the ceiling, you've got twice as much work robin right, because you got to get somebody up there to look around and.
Adjusts things, but if you had a robot robot with a couple of arms and some ai, the robot would not only know how much light and water and when to plant and how to get rid of any weeds of worthy and all the other medicine, as you wouldn't need insecticide, so you'd have less less chemicals fewer chemicals, so basically, indoor garden should be the way that we go. If you didn't get it just get the academics down. You know, Some will extra area should build with evans on guard imaginary room in your house, which, just as a robot like a rumor, work working all day and all night, just making sure everything's gonna be there. And it has an ai, so it can actually look at your plant to know what's wrong, you can just look at it and say whoa. It looks like a nice little water. I think I think the ai plus vertical
Shells is right at the edge right at the edge of worse, going to make more sense to be indoors. I think, and then you know maybe read the little lap. You know our solar panels to drive the robot and stuff, but I think once your labor goes down to practically zero and you can use the space better and then the ai make sure that your your your crop is I wonder what happens it's going to be a big deal, indoor gardens mark my words Kim jong un at an event guess he was talking about the women in north korea of babies and he actually wept. He actually cried in public enjoyment it because they will have enough baby.
Now I don't know that just telling people to have more babies is going to work when people are starving. I would think they're, starving and living in a repressive regime should have the natural effect of making people want to have fewer babies. I don't know how he's going to solve that Or even kim Jong, un is probably saying that they're in a death spiral, because at their current rate they will not have enough young people, the problem for everybody. Well speaking of countries,
If the problem drivers got that problem, but beyond that moody's just cut china's credit outlook to negative and rising debt risk. So I dunno. If I mentioned this, but china is unsafe for business. I dunno if their data situations could be worse than the united states, but I feel like there's going to be some kind of thing happening in the future that I can't even imagine in which debt will go away in year. Warren buffets solution for solving our debt problem. He says he can solve it tomorrow. All you do is pass a law that says. If you remember of congress- and you don't keep our debt below three percent gdp that you automatically on qualified to run for office,
you can't run for reelection if the debt is above a certain percentage of the gdp map, that's easy to say, but of course, nobody's going to pass a bill like that, but even if we had one, you think it would work, probably not probably not. I are almost vice president is reportedly hurried to the wall. Street journal is taking on a bigger role, inviting the white house on Israel, hamas war,
So here are some of the insightful things that are dumbest vice president is recommending now see if anybody ever thought of these things before these are these are so insightful. Apparently, she is pushing officials to articulate more empathy for palestinians, while nobody thought of that before. Ah empathy for noncombatants who are dying in a war, I'd never heard of that before. Okay, that that might be a good idea. Camera also the most obvious idea in the history of obvious ideas, but does she have something better than that? Does she know something better than the most obvious idea in the history of obvious ideas? Yes, and they should focus on post conflict Gaza plan, so they should spend more time talking about rebuilding Gaza, who told you that I did and it's the same advice. I've given was also the same advice. Israel would give you it's the same advice. Everybody would give you, which is, if you don't miss scribe,
you're going it's harder to get people to watch together, so she's right, but these are the most obvious things that you can ever advise. That kind of didn't really needed for any of this. Well, in other news, the x platform is moving ahead to become a payment processing app, in addition to being everything else
and they've got licenses now for processing payments and then a dozen us states, but they probably they have to get most of the states around them before they can go, but that's happening to me. That's a really big deal goes. You know if you've got a gazillion people on the app an app won't. Let me ask how many of you in the course of a week the normal week, how many of you would send money on some digital app, whether it's venmo or google pay or cash app? How many of you emily have use, use any kind of a digital app, at least
once fully the xcel, he has also won the lottery ss. He knows I dunno how you avoid it. I feel like I use it almost every day for one thing or another. Well, so I think that putting the payment thing in taxes will be a big deal cause you're already there. I do. so it nvidia, which makes is advanced jobs which, due among other things there there perfect job for I was the united states is trying to keep a veneer from shipping their best jobs. China is, we don't want china to be as good as we are. Or they are could be dangerous, but it really is arguing that they can tweak these chips or that or are degraded in some way and and not as good as ours, but we'll see about
but I guess china has been as much as twenty percent of nvidia's revenue. I will keep an eye on that. You think you can really keep china out of the ai game by making sure that their chips are not as good as ours. I dunno I feel like in school
DR china to be the one chip manufacturing, but why wouldn't they haven't already well? Why would why would prevent china from having their own chip industry? Is that the of the equipment you need to build the industry that they would have to build up all kinds of cars? I guess it's the same problem in the united states right united states doesn't have the chip industry it used to have, and it's hard to make it because you know, I guess, maybe maybe it's the trademarks and copyrights and patents I dunno I dunno, I just don't want prevents any major industrialized country from making their own chips. I'd love to know what's so hard about that the only high one can do it. So we need more know more about that.
And an expert will you should listen to bruce a sneer. Is one of these cyber security expert types and he's going to editorial slate in which he says that the era of ai is going to be an era of master spy, know what he means by that is that in the old days you, if you had a reason to spy on one person, was either a reason to suspect that you could get a warrant and then you could legally spy on that one person's communications. But if you
if ai you have the option to sort of just watching everybody and having a. I summarize, what they're saying and putting it into some important context as to whether they might be a terrorist or criminal, and then what are you going to do about it? Would it be first of all, would it be legal for ai to look through everybody's communications, and it's not a human right is not a human look things and communications, and if it finds something, then maybe it would flag it for the humans. Is that fair? Why don't we do that? Rn, you're you're, talking about the current situation, you know, banks have been doing there for four years. Banks have always run software that doesn't accuse a specific anybody of anything, but it looks at all their transactions and
for anything that has a as a patterns suggest fraught users patterns or whatever sees a pattern. It you know, surfaces for the humans, so we've been doing that forever and I guess, as legal, it's legal for the banks to do it, so I feel like there will be certainly loopholes where a I couldn't do it. So, if I haven't told you this before, stop doing anything illegal, if I have to Well, you that you're definitely going to get caught or at least think that you're doing illegal today that you have a digital footprint for you're, definitely going to get caught. You know, maybe this year next year and for years, but you're definitely going to get caught. If, if there's any signs of a crime in your life, you're gonna get caught, so you should immediately adjust
all of these illegal activities to get rid of them. Hey. Do you want to make a podcast spotify has got a platform that lets you make one super easily then distribute it everywhere and even earn money all in one place for free, it's called spotify for podcasters and here's how it works. Spotify for podcasters lets you record and edit podcasts right from your phone or computer. So, no matter what your setup is like you can start creating today, then you can distribute your podcast to spotify and everywhere else, podcast
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the economics of with all your video cameras will go down so much though just became everywhere and everywhere and sure enough there's pretty much a game everywhere. So they're still crime, but the odds of getting away with lots of different types of crimes is gone way. Now. now what if I can find every financial crime. Imagine a I'm looking for insider trading. It can find it every time. I is it's not that easy to find insider trading with normal mechanisms, but imagine I could find the browser laws cousin of the person who had the insider information about. We can't do that now:
is the normal way you would get away with insider trading is you'd? Have somebody else? Do it the dumb way to do it is to be a person in the company that has the insider information and then trade in that a day before the announcement but you're going to get caught, because the systems do look for that. They look for unusual trades right before big news events, but if you would simply talk to your cousin in person and said to your cousin, hey, you know your your brother in law that nobody will ever connect me to because it's stupid, he jumps tell him to buy a little bit of this and by the way you know, I might be asking that brought brother in law's cousin for a favor someday. So you can work things out. So, there's a system of benefit that just never shows up on paper, but a I could find it is. I know who your cousin is, and they know your cousin's friend made a trade and suddenly you know this. The sir you're hiding stuff doesn't work. Remember entre Biden had all these michelle.
corporations. Now that worked because nobody was looking for it as soon as they were looking for it. They can start to unwind it all, but if you weren't working for it you're going to discover it, but today I look for it. Could you? How could I have enough access to enough databases in other countries etc that it can find all the illicit corporate structures and also figure out how they connect to each other and just draw off the crime? Maybe maybe so? I think we're reaching that point I suggested. Where are we be done enough to let all the criminals out that's a different story, but we'll have the ability basically catch any crime. I don't you get away without either. Mass spying, yeah, that's definitely come taylor, swift.
is the person of the year and time magazine now. Did you everything that time magazine was making their choices based on objective criteria? Let me explain how the media works. I magazine makes her decision, who is the person of the year, not because it's necessarily the best choice or what the customers would think? Sometimes it's just marketing for the magazine, sometimes they're just being provocative, and they know it so that you will say to yourself my god. How could they say that I'm gonna have to read their argument. So you can see it is marketing. First, what time magazine might have a political bias as well and out asked if there's any political meaning, given that this is a presidential political year coming up there,
and taylor swift on the cover word. Would that be any kind of a political message in addition to just being good marketing for time? Well, maybe it is a post by a jack for sobek, says the the taylor swift, girl, boss, psyop hm. Is it a girl, boss, psyop has been fully activated from her hand, selected vaccine shill boyfriend to her dink lifestyle. The I n k is a dual income: no kids, dual income nuggets lifestyle to her upcoming twenty twenty four volt operation for democrats on abortion rights as all coming yeah. look a little bit like she's, been, let's say,
groomed by the media. To be a good. You know a powerful political spokesperson for young people now. Do you think that taylor swift, who cause young people to vote her away because she's taylor, swift, you think she can move votes? What do you think? Yes, yes, she got absolutely yeah now you're, maybe not completely by herself, but it would only take a few of your heroes to be on the same side before you say: hey, that's the that's the third hero
while the same side? I guess I'm honest, I did yes, yes, she can move the dial. She isn't. She is that powerful, so that may have a political component to it, either intentionally or not, and so, if you want you to the situation in ireland and saying to yourself hey that the tech censorship issues are happening in ireland right now, that doesn't affect us and if you're saying oh there, there are complaints against the
immigration issue there that doesn't affect us well, apparently, there's a a bill is being considered in ireland. That would require corporations just to show that they have taken all reasonable steps and exercised due diligence to avoid the can the having bad content. Basically hate speech. I guess so like most things, it's the side effect that you worry about. You know it's not. That is not what it says on the surface is what's going to happen after that. What's going to happen after that, Michael shellenberger is sounding. The alarm is: if one country succeeds in getting the big platforms to censor who they want them to censor otherwise lose their ability to operate a country, then the other countries are going to do right away and they will exert control over their social medias, as ireland did. If ireland succeeds- and this would be the end of free speech, basically, because if the governments can exercise this power, you don't need all the governments to do it. You just need enough governments to say you have to censor before it just becomes easy for everybody to do it all the governors to do it. So yeah, that's a big deal.
and common macgregor famous you have see. Fighter is actually kind of serious by running for president, I could actually, in my opinion, his popularity is taylor. Swift, like you, can actually when it actually, when I use another, ran factoid red. Often one of the biggest donor to the average rats reportedly gave one billion dollars to a Nicky hilly super back, so you ask yourself: why would the biggest or one of the biggest he might be the biggest now that there are other things? Donors are Having some troubles buried, often, why wouldn't you
we two are republican if he is one of the biggest democrats, donors and as vacant and hosted while this makes sense yeah cause. Have you noticed that the Nikki haley is sort of over performing? She seems like she's doing better than I expected. Well, maybe she's got more money than mile and why would Reid hoffman fund her? Is it because it's an anything but trump also if he can get and get an anti trump or elected atlanta, jumper buddy anybody, but trump that's good, but if he could get a Democrat elected as and better or is it just trading trouble in the republican party? Is it just the so chaos in the quota billion dollars? I use what I
tell you were red often so not only was the center of linked in the big billion there, but he is one of the pioneers of social media in general and specifically, what you pay him here was the understanding of human behaviour and addiction. I had to get somebody to really really like going back. The platform and how to get a network network effect where he and cetera now he's one of the so called paypal mafia, the people like Peter thiel and elon musk and David sachs reader often so they are all part of that paypal, original starter. Here's the thing I always say about that group. The one thing that that group has in common to a scary,
The grey is the understanding of human psychology, and I would argue that they know that better than any small group of people you've ever seen consistently their understanding of how people operate like how the brain works is really the secret to all their success. What what makes a service viral while makes you impossible to leave, asserts all that stuff, the elon musk making his first tesla. You are super fast just so people will be excited by it. The the ludicrous mode in the current tesla's completely the
it's a completely unnecessary? It just makes it irresistible to a certain kind of buyer, so yeah reid hoffman, is more than just a big donor. He is probably one of their biggest persuasion experts. So if you see a persuasion play coming out of the Democrats, probably read hoffman thought it was a good idea is if he thought it was. A bad idea, is probably influential enough to stop him and he's probably smart enough to suggest good ideas. So, if you're looking for who are the sometimes people ask me this? If, if a rubber,
she'll dd, is not involved in politics. This time I think he was looking to retire from that or, if he's not who are who are on the side of the Democrats, is their persuasion expert, and I would look at reid Hoffman as not just a rich guy given money and not just a brilliant entrepreneur, but he might be their persuasion expert. He might be the one I am keeping a persuasion eye on him by the way I like read. Often I've I've met him and he great guy and a very good, very good. Personal interaction is very kind to me. He has different political preferences, but I don't don't fault him for that. So yeah he's a good guy.
Anyway, facebook and never getting some heat for having too much sexual content for young people who somehow race. We have also been filed in new mexico, and does it just borrow your mind that the ex platform was signal now or their advertisements need close to counter the people? Why and none of it was true. It was way more true on the platform that backs the dope. That's way more true, but of course the truth doesn't matter, it's a political season. The truth of the matter. In California. I knew was got into effect in january. First, the count
Working retailers will be fine for not having gender neutral toy section for kids. You'll actually be fined if your toys are for boys and or girls, or I guess, if it just looks obvious as for boys or girls now, are there a lot of toys that are just naturally gender neutral? I thought that was already the case or aren't most are mostly gender neutral or maybe not most for kids, but this looks like just the just begging for lawsuits for no good reason and what? What would that look like anyway? How, if you label that, how would you label it? Would it be toys for boys, toys for girls and toys were undecided? The toys were non binary like how would you even call it out noise non gender toys or something at it? I feel like everything is
It's just designed to make it harder to be in business without getting sued non taxable swimsuits. I dunno I dunno what they do, but that was like a ridiculous overreach by government. So apparently, hunter Biden has something that the news is calling his sugar brother, sugar, brother somebody who gives a money. We don't know what this guy's getting in return. We can only imagine but early on has received four point: nine million dollars, From one hollywood lawyer Heaven, nor is it a three year period. Now I don't know about your friends. I've never had a friend. You will give me five million dollars for basically nothing in return.
Oh boy, do I wish I did wish. I had a friend like that, but when I say for nothing in return, that's that's unfair, because at the sum of it is that he bought hunters artwork. So I'm sorry, I probably I should correct myself. I exaggerated it's not that the game
five million dollars for nothing, some amount of it was loans for a daughter. There were loans. Could somebody get me a copy of the loan agreement or I'm just going to guess a better when he's asked for loan agreements he's going to say, they're missing, possibly lost lost or missing? Anybody want to take the other side of that bet that the loan documents they definitely existed, but I know, might be in my whatsapp messaging that reset itself somehow I have an app can rebel. Installed an app now. My files were all gone yeah. I think something like that sounds like that's going to happen, so I guess hunter does use this trick of saying something's alone,
and then avoiding taxes. You realize, of course, that at some point, if you said some things alone, then you don't ever pay it back at some point. You still have to call that income, don't you if you never pay it back? Actually I don't know the answer to that question. If anybody is an iris expert, let's say you: let's say you legitimately received a loan and you actually had paperwork for and then you just didn't pay it back, doesn't ever count as income. If it's obvious once it becomes obvious, there's no intention to ever pay it back, and maybe you have the money you just that. Maybe that's the key you have. The money is clearly clearly true. You have the money to pay it back, which you just don't visit, become income at that point, or does it become just bad news for the person who gave you the loan.
Banking perspective: if somebody defaulted, it wouldn't be a come if you simply defaulted, because you couldn't for that that doesnt become income, that's just a defaulted love, but if its clear you never had documents ten years. Goodbye you ve, never met just payment. You ve made no attempt to pay it back when the irish reclassified, that is alone eventual. If you also be says, if you do for card, it counts as income o unseen opinions. it was the dallas cowboys income interesting could have gone either way. I didn't know how that was going to go while these these are comments on social media. So talk to your accountant before you take my taxes. where anybody else's. So what do you think this? Is there any reason that this one
hollywood lawyer will be giving millions of dollars to one person who, by the way they were not childhood friends. This guy started giving hunter millions within you know a few years of meeting him as a friend I F b, I director
I was just flying in congress sen, MIKE Lee, went after him hard about the alleged changes in the processes to keep americans safe from illegal firing stuff, I guess, and there the trouble is that the f b I kept. I guess they kept being too specific about what they changed. It is sort of a trustless. We changed everything and that was good, so that michaeli just went off on him and it's really good because you know sometimes you said yourself of the suggest. You know all the politicians are just trying to through their moment. So it becomes a viral thing, so it looks like they're doing their job. Honestly, michaeli looked like a human being. Who was really mad? It didn't to me it didn't come off as your grandstanding. He just came off as a pissed off human bear, which is why I recommend it yeah. I wouldn't recommend me, or somebody gives her little speech in congress cause we're just trying to be a star, but he didn't look like that. I mean that's just the way. I am not reading his mind and you're saying that that was the impression I got. He looks sincere like a like a human who is being abused just like the rest of us, and he was talking just like you would. If you could talk freely like Jesus you, don't even let us see it. We have no reason to believe your different image of an offer. It was interesting to see iowa bill ackman and famous investor bill. Ackman has been going super hard on the presidents of the colleges that have allowed the anti semitic stuff to happen, and so here's a post from today he says those calling for the genocide of Jews violate
the university's code of conduct or rules regarding bullying, bullying or harassment. I was talking about the fact that three presidents of three colleges, harvard university of penn and mit, were hauled in by congress to explain why they weren't either all quitting or being fired or removed by the board, for allowing what most observers are saying, looks anti semitic, which is they're, allowing the anti jewish voices to intimidate the jewish students in a bullying clearly threatening way. They should not exist in any campus today, so bill athens going after him and against the the three presents all the all incident, the question of thus calling for the genocide of jews and violate your college's code of conduct. All three female and presence of those you have of those colleges said it depends on the context. Oh my god, it depends on the context now. Here's my take it does depend on the context. So technically, of course, everything depends on context, for what doesn't is there something that doesn't depend on context, of course, that you're, let's say the context, was
and somebody was giving a speech about why you should never do in public or that context would matter, because it would mean that what they said was the opposite of what they thought. Mr so yeah context matters, but in in the real world, is there ever going to be a context where this matters I mean really? Is there ever going to be a context that makes us okay? ever and with this ever be ok in any context, if any other ethnic group were involved, love of course, that well maybe way people in general and white man by any other group now be
Appropriate to others, I continued calls for those three college professors or ecology presidents to be fired by their boards. Will it happen? I doubt it. I don't think any of them will be fire. You nope no way. Alright who's. The study that the I think it was the envelope nos account and annex to great account to follow funds lot of good stuff. So there is a national relaxing studies and twenty twenty one. National russian studies was, namely the stuff Then told me at twenty one: they looked at rachel groups and how they re with each other and how they really themselves. So they asked the separately, the astor black asian, american and hispanic americans and
why people in america? How do you write your own group? Wasn t secure, Then how do you rate the other three groups, while the findings of this study assuming the study's right? We don't know, but the study seemed to indicate that white people are on average. Of course, we're not talking about every person that wins. These are just averages that they tended to rate themselves. Other white people, as well as the spanish black, am asian americans. As about the same so white people said, white people were average as everybody else about safe that nobody was special. Nobody was disavowed, nobody was put on a pedestal, just everybody's upset, so basically white people had been buying into the melting pot. You know everybody's the same, we're we're all equal.
Narrative of the other groups two months ago turns out that the other groups think that they're pretty awesome but white people suck so that you didn't see that coming or did you now. I gave some advice here and if you believed that the study is accurate and you believe that way, people generally are not biased against other people on average, but that other groups might have a very low opinion of you. If you're white don't do anything about it. As my advice, don't mention it in public, don't bring up that there's a study that suggests. Maybe
if there's a way to act that will keep you safer if you're white, because you will be very cancelled if you point that out, so what you should do, the only ethical thing. As I have been told, I didn't notice at first level the only moral and ethical thing to deal with your away person. Stu continue associating with people who have a low opinion of it has to do otherwise would be racist so that your advice, ok, Vague person today truth the one january six now looks more and more like entrapment. Well, that's pretty direct to a major candidate for president who is not drunk the same directly. The january.
It looks more like entrapment why, while there now more videos coming out the show of multiple incidences of police, hardly removing barriers to let the crowd into the cap all grounds calmly and repeatedly. Removing barriers that are working this. This is a key point. The barriers were worth,
The people were on the other side of it and they were sorta respecting the barrier because there were police there and the police actually removed the barriers and letterman. Then we've also seen multiple in interior security cameras. They show that the people look more like tourists are just wandering respectfully staying between the lines and the law enforcement was high, fiving and basically just letting them do their thing, because the they there didn't think there would be violent or they're in on something we don't know what they were thinking or why they did it. We just don't happen so do we have
excuse, yeah. Let me test the temperature of my audience and the comments do you think, is a fair statement. That january six now looks more and more like a trap that and we're also not told the number of undercover informants whatever in the crowd. So we're told that we're not going to be told how many worthy and trappers the alleged and trappers have, but let's just call them the undercover people, we're not told that number republican of their number. And what do I tell you about the government if this were an individual and an individual said? I have some information and I can tell you.
I say unambiguously. Well, I dunno what that person did but innocent until proven guilty, definitely innocent innocent innocent by our system, which is really good system until proven guilty. I don't care how, in I don't care how guilty and sounds can sound guilty, but you gotta prove that ship as the rule, but not for the government. If the government doesn't tell you something you can infer their guilt totally appropriate, it's logical. It might not be right, but you can infer that they have given you reason to believe they're guilty and you can act on it. At you, within the law, as it says you can so yeah. I agree with the vague and
say I was I didn't start here. I did not start out believing that there were enough f b. I informant to make a difference. I didn't start there. I always knew it was an interesting question, but I didn't have the data to firmly say one way or another, and I didn't assume that just because we knew that maybe one or two doors have been opened, or maybe some police officers acted a certain way or maybe re apps were still still a question mark. I didn't think that that was yet enough to put it together and say: oh welp, maybe it's exactly what it looks like, but but in the fullness of time when we can see the complete catalog of dirty tricks and intelligence ops, we can see the full bag of dirty tricks from the Democrats in general. We can see their desperation to hold onto power and we can see that they were trying to paint mega people as domestic terrorists. If you look at their motivation,
they has the motive. There's a motive for the crime: did they have the time to prepare for it? They had time to prepare as they knew it was coming, and would it be unprecedented? No, it would not it would. It would be well within the normal behavior, but usually it's something that you see america in instigating in another country. So it's normal for america to do it countries- and we also know now that is normal and routine or america to take tricks which they have applied only to other countries and apply domestically. We see this with the censorship etc. It's obvious, so you ve got the motivation. We ve got the means. Are there the resources we ve got a full fallen brower of supporting interests? We ve got a full map of
if the players, so we can see who is connected to it all, looks exactly like the lakes as it looks, and now we have an increasing number of anecdotal still anecdotal, but your rural bits of wisest police officer acting this way. Why is it when opening this gate? Why is this when just standing aside, if you put it all together, I'm going to stay there at this point, the burden of proof has to be on the government to prove innocence, right the burden of proof on the government. When you have that when there are this many signals, they have to prove it didn't happen. It's not like a citizen where they'd have to prove it did happen. They have to prove it didn't happen and, at this point, you're working assumption, you're working assumption this doesn't meteorite, but the correct working assumption is that
It's exactly what it looks like and it was entrapment and the rick sees the same thing you do. That is the correct working assumption, even if it turns out not to be true, which I would love I would. I would love that the government could. tell you how many operators were there, let you interview them or let the press interview, let you see any documents. There were no part of the decision making and then maybe there's nothing there, but when you act this guilty the working assumption as to the guilt. That's exactly what it looks like.
Alright and Thomas massey's getting some pushback from a number of people, Charles Schumer chuck Schumer. He was reacting to a massey's post I'll, tell you what his post was really sad that that to do what did it well messenger says? Was antisemitic now I'm going to tell you what thomas Massie posted and I want you to see how. Ah how anti semitic it looks to you as we posted a meme in which the rapper drake is shown in two pictures and any he's putting up a hand like you know. No more of that, though, or you know, don't give me that
puppets here and one of them says or what is a zionism. So at first he saying are now his first thing: approvingly, yes to zionism, but then he's looking disapprovingly and then the word say, or american patriotism to massey's post. She showed a what looked like a conflict between what congress was doing.
For zionism vs, america, now here's how I interpreted it and I'll, let you tell me how I'm interpreting it wrong. I interpreted it that he wants the american congress to use american money first for things that are primarily america, centric and not so much for something that's directly: Israel, centric and the country of Israel being part of that definition of scientists. Now, if an american politician says we should spend money
our own country instead of another country, is an ally in the strong ally, even one of my favorite allies that he was still prefer. As our elected representative, there we spend it on american interests were directly, although I do understand that america has an interest in israel's. Here will be the body. So second order of the first order is: do you have any money as more important than how you spend the avonlea without the mass usa we'd have to lemme. So here's what I learned from this, if you use a z, were c, I a weapon.
Apparently there's another interpretation of it that I can't find in a definition. So when I look at the definition of the words in this controversy, I see Massie using the z word to refer to the nation of Israel and protecting is that racist. It refers to the formation of the nature of the nation of Israel and then protecting that nation, but what's what's the anti semitic part? What am I missing in somebody fill me in, I mean, I honestly don't know right there. There are plenty of people who are jewish, who don't approve of zionism, meaning they don't approve of israel having no guests a jewish state, so that there's somebody who disagrees everything right, there's no issue that you don't have the screamer, so everybody there's always gonna be somebody discriminate. Does anybody have any idea why the word the z word is all. If you don't agree with prioritizing israel over the united states. Are you automatically anti semitic? Is it because here's here's my best hypothesis I'll see if any of this rings? True there? There is a second well, let's say: there's an alternative use of that scene where by people who are unambiguously racists and see a part of a global conspiracy, but that's not the that the dictionary definition, the dictionary definition is not what the worldwide conspiracy theorists are saying that surround definition or their own usage of it. The the common usage of it
Is the formation of Israel and then the support of it as a jewish state? Isn't it isn't that that's the definition right and I actually looked for the definition, because I thought maybe I maybe there was an element to the definition I didn't get, but here's my best take my best tag is that, of course, Thomas Massie is not using it in any anti semantic way. Hey. Let me just say this: Thomas massie did it you think he did an anti semitic post like this soon after october, seventh, an elected member of congress. You think he did an unambiguous anti semitic post, which he knew he was doing really really really. Could you actually stand in front of me and tell me you believe that, but your here's, my best, my best defensive schumer and salami steel man. This is that the right word, so I'm going to take Schumer's point of view and argue with the best I can. It is true that people who are definitely anti semitic have used the words iron as as a integral part of their antisemitic. Your larger message is that true, or can we agree on that, the people were unambiguously anti semitic, especially online use. The z word as part of their anti semitic
master. So, if you're associating with that group in every way like, even by using their wording while that's maybe a little suggestive of anti smell, is you're borrowing their language. I can see that I I I can see why someone would ask you to disavow the post, but that's really different from being anti smith, so I don't believe that even Schumer believes him as he is antisemitic he's talking about the choice of how the message would you agree with that that even Schumer is not saying he is anti semitic, he simply objecting to the master, because it's too suggestive of a world in which they use that word too much in the worst way. But here's the thing masses, not an idiot, you just weren't using words the way words words are used
what I get and here's the other thing. You need to know that this applies to my situation of my own, cancelling, but also almost all the other counselors. It's never about the person who gets cancelled and the public and the and the political players they use stories about public figures.
to attach their messaging to. So it's never really about the public figure. None of this is about Thomas Massie. It's about the fact that some people want to make sure you now that they're as supportive as they can be in the jewish community, and they want you to know that they won't tolerate anything that looks even suggestive of being on the other side. So the way to interpret it is as nothing to do thomas asked, because it legitimately has nothing to do with Thomas massie. He just used english words the way they're used in the way he likes to use them. Everybody understood exactly what he meant. There was no confusion about what he meant or who he is, but still fucking assholes can can turn it into something, because it's easy to do so, but also here's, here's, the other thing you should be aware- and this is a hot war. This is not a theoretical israel's at war and the right in the thick of it.
What I would not ask you to assume don't ask don't assume that people are being objective observers of Ellis. There is no objectivity happening here and if you try some objectivity, you're going to get your ass handed so a lot of the messaging pro and con of everything is more about. Do you support Israel? So this is point where any any little diversion from the perfect messaging in favor of Israel is going to get a lot of scrutiny. I'm surprised it hasn't happened to me yet. I've said from the start, I'm a one hundred percent backing Israel and my my reasons are easy. My reasons racing is what any country would do. Any country would experience what
in October seven would respond the same way if they could just add the military might to do it so having an opinion on it to me, just seemed like a waste of time is just going to happen. My opinion isn't going to change anything, so I am one hundred percent understanding of it and supportive of it, but I don't know that that'll protect me because you're either the first second, I say something that that could be interpreted as off message. The a the l will come after me right, but you can't be one hundred percent in favor of Israel and still be safe. You're, just as I am, I think, masses example that is up anyway enough about that as it may,
sort of which has pointed out. I'll just read is his boasting the the bill ackman and the the leading indicators of twenty twenty four He will never openly support trump talking about akron, not the point, even trump haters and see a huge mess meeting the country and imagine what most americans are thinking. Then micro finishes in his usual provocative way. He says: that's why the regime is using media apparatus apparatchiks to incite assassination hyperbole. That too far then exaggeration. Do you think the Democrats have an intentional strategy of getting trump assassinated, because it's the only way they can stop an obvious.
In the southern control, which is their own train, but they don't what then all republicans stop at they want to. I guess keep the train going. I agree with this completely and I'm going to I'm going to add some weight to it. Here's some weight. Rob writer says a trump would be the end of democracy, rob writer
The who's, the head of an organization that includes some former cia members on it some say without evidence that rob reiner might be part of the deep state blob and not just a person who has an opinion, some say, but if that were true that another, that's true enough, that he acts exactly like. He is part of the deep state I dunno. That was true. I just know his actions are consistent with it and if it were, as he says, is the end of democracy weapons at a signal to you.
Well by itself it would just be political blah, blah blah right. Those people say stuff like that, but what he said about trump is in the context of all this other stuff. For them, then imagine it does feel like a call to assassination it does because if you can tell people that trump is bad enough is enough of a hitler dictator or tyrant. Then you can make the case that there is nothing that is out of balance to stop him nothing's out of bounds. So look for this in their messaging nothing's ever bounce. They will say that they will say well, he might murder your children. so you do what you have to do. You know the school was like that. I went out loose jelly ones that a vote for trump.
Maybe in the last election, though, you get the vote him. Ah so where's jerry says that you'll probably lose your country. If you have, if you let him when I, what does Joe Biden say, is there anything, Scary sounded. He says we cannot let him win. We cannot let trump win. That's an interesting way to word it. Isn't it usually? Usually it's something like. Ah we have to you know we have to fight to win. If he wins, you know, there'll be a bad country, but if I will be good with that phrase, we cannot let him win. Does that sound like permission to do anything to keep him from if you cannot, that seems like a.
Going beyond preference cannot is a decision see the difference. We don't want him to win as a preference. Our team will do better as a preference he'd do a bad job, his preference. I do a good job, his preference. He has bad policies as the preference. I have good policies as preference. We cannot let him win his decision. that's not a province that is allowing anything. We cannot. Hello is a really strong and it feels like it feels like he meant it. I swear to god. We just have to have the all caps filter. If I read you the the stuff that the that the all caps people are saying on youtube
You would just laugh it's like. Why do you label yourself as a fucking idiot like? Why would you label yourself why I'm a fucking idiot? Look at my all cab statement? Oh, oh, oh! Alright! So the Democrats play What is there are going to go after the following things from the republicans? Are your ears are attack and the Republicans and they going to go after the potential for a national abortion ban? The Republicans talk about that. Apparently trump has wisely refused to engage on that question, which is
the right political stance and, as others have pointed out to me, that Democrats still have some power in congress. I don't see how they will never be a national abortion. Their view, How how in the world would congress changed so much that you could get a vote for national abortion there? Is that even certainly something that could happen, you don't say whether you'd like it or not, but is it possible? It doesn't seem like it, but it's a good political and it's good political club, because, to the extent that Democrats think it could happen, there's a good it's good to approach and
they say that the trouble climate funding we probably will and then they under he'll attack american democracy. This is coming from some damn democrat advisor. And then he's going to punish his political opponents and be a dictator. So trump does this town hall thing on hannity is asked the question about being a dictator. Remember what I told you I told you that he should he should mock people for the for that idea. You just laugh at him. He did not do that. Instead, he makes it so hard to support him.
instead, he said I ll always be a dictator from the first day. Can you give me, can you do any little relief here yet. Can you possibly give me a chance of surviving the next year? I feel like I'm gonna, get assassinated right I say to more good things about him and he says one more thing about being a dictator for the first day, I feel, like I'm gonna, get assassinated You try a little harder to keep you alive for those year. Fuck. Are you kidding me.
Don't say you're going to be a dictator the first day, but only the first day only the first day now was he joking of course. Of course he was joking, but when it gets recorded or just quoted, you don't get the joke part, you don't get that he wasn't taking any of it seriously. So, of course, the news today as a he says: yeah I'm going to be a dictator on the first day, they're literally quoting him as saying I'm going to be a dictator on day one because he actually said that. But then he said you know only day. One cause you're some stuffed underwater and it didn't even make sense. It didn't make sense because he wouldn't have to be a dictator. You know, if you actually the powers to do the things he was very does meet with a good. Why wouldn't you say that Why was it come on? Let's make it
will be easier for us a little bit alright. Well, I think you're probably trend in the right direction on that and yeah. I I think he he needs to be funnier in marketing He knows he needs to make sure everybody knows that he thinks you're urinary for thank you. It would be the way I'd explain. You wanna hear this fastest persuasive argument for how he will not become a dictator or goes become a dictator.
I've been present for four years. You know how hard it is to get anything done. You know how many people would have to be involved in any small decision. Even the smallest thing has to be approved by this miles of bureaucracy. You know how many of the bureaucracy, our trump supporters, mostly not mostly not you got, a whole government of people were against a europe forward. our new world am I gonna pick up a dictator when I can't even get an executive order pass. The doesn't your reverse in a few months ago, It's president, how in the world I couldn't, I couldn't even get the national guard to protect the capital on January six, how in the world do, but I I become a dictator and somebody can somebody tell me that player like if I, if I make a phone call and tell somebody to do some,
dictator stuff in your world. They go do it in my world, it starts as big or this big bureaucratic process which stops everything from happening. I I can't even do easy things. I can't even do things you want. You know what I else I can't get done. I can't build the wall and most of you on think about that. Not only can I not take over the country by talking by talking I'm not going to become a dictator, because I talk myself into it and talk you into it. You will need the entire function and structure and and the military to somehow be on the same side of that I can't even get. I can't even get congress to do the things that most of the people in the world want to be done. I can't even get easy things done. How in the world are we going to take over the country by posting untruth. It is not even acts.
It's not even on social media, he's only on his own social media. How in the world is he going to take over the country? I mean to me that's just funny and here's why that's persuasive, because, as soon as you say, the bureaucracy is so thick that I can't even do things that all of you want me to do. You'd be done. Wouldn't you the moment you hear that you go again. That's kind of true. If you can't even get things done that we want to be done, I in the world could you overthrow the country just because you thought it was a good idea, yeah and here's the even better one. If you want one that nobody would ever stop talking about it. He'll never say this, but it would be awesome. Let me explain something to you. Imagine trump saying this: if I tried to become a dictator, don Jr would kill me done, don junior would murder me, and you know what maybe you would
it maybe work if his and Ivanka would kill me, I think I'd believe that too, because you know what ivanka and don Jr are patriots and they would actually care about their country, probably more than one person even their father. Now you could argue about whether that's true or not right, but you would never forget it if he ever said suddenly like that, you could never get it on your head and by the end, people would joke about it. Yet they would joke about for a road and juniors going to kill you for this, but I think at wouldn't it be funny. If Don junior confirmed it imagined trump saying it, and then everybody has to talk to don Jr like would you would you as crazy? Would you imagine him saying absolutely absolutely, but just imagine that, because it's also, I think, probably true, and I think I could kill a family.
roughly picket miller, hate to admit it, but I probably could. But there are a few things. Oh and also they're, going to say: trump wants revenge, Steve, Bannon and probably others will be saying this- that that's a good thing and you know we should maybe key boosting their message that trump wants to get revenge, because in this, in this instance, he will be getting revenge against. woohoo done truly bad things not just to him but to the rule of law and to the integrity of the country. I just don't like that word. I like that word yeah Revenge is not really a good political work.
I would like to know when bandits talks about their word. He does define it as you're holding people accountable and prosecuting criminals. So he's very careful to say: I'm only talking about people did crimes, not I'm not talking about innocent people were just talked about literally criminals, but it's a bad look. Bad. I think something more like justice would work better. However, it is the primaries- and you know if there were more of a fight in the primary I'd. Say: users find words that might get people excited, but I think trump needs to be already priming towards the general election. Would you agree trump?
He to say should already be more towards the middle cause. He doesn't need to worry too much less. He goes to jail or as a health problem, he doesn't have to worry too much about the nomination unless something changes. That is the debate tonight. Oh thanks for reminding me, and there there's news today that I never thought I'd have to say now. I want you to sit down near this. This may come as a personal shot, somebody that let this affect you personally and I just want to say at once. If you weren't aware this you died. You died in his tragedy that you died outside not wire,
Why, oh, you died now now now that his name is James e? U y o and here's an exploding house in Arlington. They say which answers my question, which is: how can you be in a house that completely explodes and survive it, but apparently you died. So you died. Sorry, that's right and when he knocked on the door they said who's there yeah? You know me another s, ears. Do things to understand about the persuasion talking about this slow motion, assassination attempt on job which does looking
Exactly like that now you see that all the the people who are the trained and the train monkeys who say the things we're supposed to say are going to say he is a dictator and he is a it'll. Be hitler wants revenge coming after you will take away your democracy. Your democracy is going to be taken away. Now, here's the thing she needs. No persuasion was, it was not possible
They hypnotize somebody to come apart. Right has been tried and tested, no matter how good you are as they haven't this and no matter who the person is you hypnotizing, you cannot hypnotize them to take a gun and to shoot somebody if they believe the gun really has really bought real bullets. Sometimes they'll do it because they think it's just an experimental track and they think the gun doesn't have real bullets. But of course the gun does not have real bullets, because it's just the past, so the people who do take the gun and got issues. Somebody is not because they're hypnotized is supposedly know they. Nobody would ever give you a loaded gun and tv innocent person so that the tests are hard. It's hard to test it.
but there's no there's no example of anybody who's been hypnotized to harm to some. However, you can brainwash an entire segment of the public into thinking somebody else's heller, and then you just wait. You end up the same result. You just don't know which individual ends up deciding that they need to take matters into their own hands. So you are actually watching in my professional opinion, they slow motion assassination of president president attempted attempted attempted assassination. It has been led by the atlantic, washing post CNN emerson, be seen all the usual suspects, and I do believe that there are aware as
sort of it's caused them. They are aware that they haven't done such a bad job with the I'll say, the fabric of american civilization that they can possibly win in a straight up. Vote and if they can't win in australia, vote and here's, why it's such a problem that trump is threatening them. If they don't win, they think they might go to jail the way they think they might go to jail because they've done crimes in some cases, and then there are people who maybe didn't do crimes but they're worried that they will get blamed of a crime that into. I wonder if that's ever happened to somebody named trump ninety one times this year, yeah. So why would why do you think Democrats would be concerned about the government arresting them for charges that are bullshit ha ha? I wonder if they've been involved,
well the side that is arresting people for bullshit. You know like january, sixth and ninety one charges against trump for so far, nothing yeah, so yeah. I can see why they'd be worried that some that the government would ever come after somebody and trumped up charges now I would not support trump doing anything like that. I would be very very much seriously against any republican president who is doing political prosecutions. I hope I hope I would be wise enough to recognize the problem. Is you always think that the other side is a criminal or whatever they do to your team? Is a political witch hunt is just natural? You think they left. I hope I would be wise enough to know if,
public in and she did, that kind of thing to Democrat. I haven't seen it so I haven't seen a signal for it, but I worry. I worry that are not to do it, but I would mrs that's a big problem. Is you know what your side to do that. So when are you sure Democrats, if you needed. there. I would be on your side if anything, tromp or any other republic did look like a purely political prosecution. Like that and I were there
and I would also believe that that would be a big enough problem to impeach a president. So if, if trump did something that looked like political prosecutions, impeachments on the table, is you gotta be serious about that ship? He can't take that esteem play that can never be team play. That's just gotta, be the american play. What a special prosecutor for several areas be a good idea, maybe it's case by case situation, but maybe is it worth thinking on the z issue, and I know I know you're saying the the word thinking: are they just trying to use their own definition? Of the words? That's definitely what's happening, but I think this is more a case of trying to escape. Go people to boost your own message. So the the word thinking is just two people having an argument but trying to win by changing definition. Words what's happening with the the the zion
Stuff is just being used to identify people that can be boosters of your mess. The similar but different, the art, and so the other thing you need to know about persuasion is, although you can't hypnotize one person to murder, you can very easily hypnotized a group of people to see somebody as someone who is deserving of Merck and then he waved many weight. So I so look for that you should. You should look for more evidence that they're looking for a year at what would? What would be the right term for something that is outside of the political process will be. Would you call that extra political, the minutes outside of the political gotten, an extra judicial.
Extra judicial means. You learn something else now. Ladies and gentlemen, that is more than enough. I think we ve done the job here. You believe in strategic incompetence.
Ah, yes, I mean all the all the lost documents and lost files. I don't believe any of that. I believe that they're strategically to deleting things and claiming incompetence yeah, it's called lying. The question for you: do you think that trump this time will be able to assemble a high quality team, or will he be once again locked out from the other, the strong traditional players who normally would would want to be part of his administration? I emphasise
especially you might be able to get high quality people? I'm not positive could work the other way, but part of the reason is this: are the republicans have a lot of high quality people who could use jobs that do not want 'em? I'm definitely not a high quality person. The government job, but I don't even have to give you names, but just just imagine all of the republicans would make a good spokesperson for the administration if they had a communications that just just think of all the insanely good choices. Think of it like this insanely good I'll, go, throw it out for you, okay, I head of communications in a trump administration, greg garfield, yes or no.
Now I don't think he'd ever do it. It would be a it'll, be a suicide mission, but would trump be smart enough to know that if you made the if he made those stupid press events interesting. and you and let somebody with a real personality. Now somebody is just the same Oh, I don't know I'll look into that. You have asked a question already: you're the boss. What have you had? Somebody who actually engaged with the audience had fun with the audience
Audience may have been like you know, maybe they'd just like him and he just as follow it, because it's not a useful process. The the press events are just not useful and that's. Why did trump just get rid of them after a while he just stopped in to the deserts of bullshit. But somebody like you know, let let's say somebody of his capabilities. If you put somebody in who can make a joke or stuff the joke gets on tv, like a boring answer, maybe gets on t v, but you forget it anyway, but a real good funny answer becomes news. So trump could actually create news by making sure that his spokesperson was funny and said things that were supportive of the president, but also you couldn't forget now yeah, I don't think I don't think greg's going to be the head of communications, but you can come up with about you on your own. You could come up with ten republican names. That would be just fascinating in that job.
Fascinating but tyrus tires will be great. I'm seeing tires being suggested as as a communications in a republican it'd be great. He has the full the full talent stack, so yeah. I can get behind that. I'd watch it too, and far more of a far more likely watch. Tyrus was giving him because he, a big personality, is funny. You don't remember tony snow who had marked the stupid questions. Yeah, don't mention the art, that's all! For now, I'm going to go. Do something else or going to talk a little bit to the good people in locals and I'll say goodbye now to youtube thanks for joining you're awesome.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-08.