« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2312 12/04/23 CWSA: Let's Decide Who Is The Tyrant And Who Is The Defender Of Democracy

2023-12-04 | 🔗

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Politics, Date Cost, Bill Maher, MK-Ultra, Klaus Schwab, WEF, Bill Ackman, Harvard Anti-Semitism, Claudine Gay, Dana Bash, Trump Dictator Accusations, President Trump, Tucker Carlson, Jared Kushner, Governor Abbott, Elon Musk, Cenk Uygur, Thomas Sowell, Liz Cheney, TikTok Ban, Robert Kagan, Victoria Nuland, Mike Benz, Hamas Death Count, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's due to a report all about or a bump ooh la da da good morning, everybody and welcome to the island of human civilization. And if you like this experience to go up, The levels and nobody can remember understand with their puny human brains. All you need is cover mugger glass, a tanker jealous this time, a canteen jogger flask, a vessel of any guy, fill with your favorite liquid. I like coffee join me now the umbrella pleasure, the review the day, the thing that makes. everything better. It's called the simultaneous second happens now.
Well, if you don't mind, I've got a little technical problem. It looks like with the locals platform I'm going to see if turning them sideways makes the comments, work, nope, okay, that didn't work, but I'm sure they're there. Those comments will be fine after awhile and locals. Just imagine you'll see if I can well I'm sure, it'll correct itself, but in the meantime about some of that news, because it's really bother me that the comments were frozen so we'll see. If I can call up your comments on my other device will say.
is device dependent or not the sort we take the one? Second, the s device is device dependent. I am psychic, I can see your comments on this device are all good. Alright, I I saw that the people are dating less because of money and it was this big poll said people are spending much less and the average the cost of the date people say should be around one hundred and eighty nine dollars. Does that sound right? We average cost of the date. I guess there's a difference between what women think and what men think that somewhere in that two hundred to three hundred range
She's very popular, and but they were dating less. Alas, now is it my imagination or is every single element of society and see me We seemingly now completely banned on making us now reproduce eyes, so we got this too expensive. The date is too expensive to get married and have kids test wrong. Tell test austrian levels are dropping women are gonna, accuse you of rape or marriage system. Discourages marriage for men will take your money in your kids. Whenever we ve got the year the algae, bt, q growth, we ve got to take our telling people to be something other than
your family. Tell me tell me. is it true that literally everything, but literally everything is just about keeping us from reproducing. The open and then we ve got immigration and sort of taking up the slack. Here's a question for you: if, if american reproduction, hi. The average family were having three or four kids. Will we have immigration or are they actually connected and that these suppression of matter
Reproduction is and isn't in any way, quebec that the immigration, I hope now everything's connected you say, seems connected under the poet alright. So I dunno why I'm getting comments or locals on my phone just fine, but not on my ipad or not that's about. Let's see if I can put you here and I can see it the fixes one way or another. This is called, this is called a kluge and all the kluge's. It's where a you need a a tissue box, but your second device is your first device is not working the worst thing about it is they may have this this issue the biggest problem with the air, the iphone,
I actually hate apple for this. I hate that it's the same with the ipads that that the case is slippery and you always want to yours what a prophet up on something that deserves it just slides. Are you telling me that nobody thought of putting a little rubber on one side so that it doesn't slide on the table surface? Am I right? It's like this gigantic su that the phone is slippery and it breaks who would make a slippery phone. Let me just think about that. Suddenly, this mental hold in your hand, and they designed it to be slippery or something that you sat up on the surface of the metal slippery, not just slippery, but like supers lips I got slightly lower anyway club random, which is bill mars extra shop
She arose airline and I thought this was like it. I thought it was a deep fake. What I'm going to tell you, I didn't think, was passed, but that no more I've never heard of em gay, ultra low schwab or the w e f roseanne brought up all those things are. These are one of those things now, maybe because they were you inebriated, maybe
I just forgot that possible, but you know here are some of the other things he didn't know until recently, though, recently didn't know that the fine people hoax was a hoax, he made, he seems to know it now, but he didn't know there for years and I think he still believes in the bleach drinking hopes or maybe the injecting disinfectant hooks now either I've heard him say an awesome club random that he doesn't sample many sources of news. Is that all problem? Do you think the whole problem that we imagine as a left vs right is just that one side doesn't say the news that is that all this happening, one side just doesn't watch news. It feels like it. It feels like that's always happening. I would love to have a show where you bring in people from both sides, and somebody tells in the news that they've missed did you know there was a thing called the mk ultra. What let me test my audience, how many of you do not know where MK ultra is go? How many do not know what mk ultra is or was or there's something to it or not? Oh how interesting what if he but few people do that I mk ultra, let's see if I get it right, was a cia program to brainwash americans, as I write that that that's a reasonable explanation, it is no longer in place well
As a a thing by that name was no longer in place, but you didn't know that you didn't know that the cia is a documented, well understood thing that they had a program to brainwash americans through the they would use the media to do it. It's old it was cancelled, but is, is obviously back in some form, so we're currently under a cia brainwashing umbrella. Obviously, here I would say that fits into the category of obviously right. On the other hand, by the regular show your solar superadded treasure do it. If I really really obvious, if you better than this, so
yeah. A lot of the things you see are just cia ops they're, not not organic news. In any sense, you didn't know that I want to test this again. Maybe it was just the name of it that you are now familiar with. How many of you are not familiar with the fact that it's documented history? Nobody disagrees, there's no there's no historian on the left, or the right would disagree with this. This is a well established fact that the cia was at a program to brainwash americans. So how? If you didn't know that our own intelligence people anxiously and with approval rating this is where this really shocking. I didn't know that so many people didn't know that you do if you didn't know that nothing makes sense. Summit
some of you might be having a moment right now. What do you say to yourself win if the cia- and we know It- has been brainwashing americans for decades and were felicia? There still do. just maybe about under the name when that mean that everything we see in the news is manufactured. Exactly
everything you see on the news is manufacturer, not the news itself, although in some cases as manufactured do sometimes the news itself as manufactured I dunno. If you knew that you know people crave situations that will create news that is favorable to sew, but but just imagine how different the world looks if you know that you're in the middle of a gigantic brainwashing operation, if you didn't know that nothing makes sense that, for those of you who didn't know that, how did you explain everything you're saying I haven't really added anything? Make sense. if you didn't know that you're in a brainwashing operation- and that is well documented and well understood- but that's interesting, alright. So I guess it wasn't just bill Maher, but I was
Is that for those of you also didn't know that or didn't know, Klaus schwab is or the w e f. If you don't know those things, I don't know that you should be talking about politics, because those are pretty basic, really basic things. Yeah roseanne was the guest I dunno.
explain them, but she brought it up and he said to know alright. I am loving the activism of investor bill ackman who went to harvard, and now he is very, very unhappy with harvard about their antisemitism. As you say, and he has discovered from his own research. He talked to a bunch of professors. So first he wrote a big public letter to the president of harvard but his actions in response and it was about their anti sentences. So he went and talked to a bunch of professors, and then he gave the verbatim quotes from the professors. Oh my god, so
lackman, finds out that for many years the the policy was explicitly, though I await you guys know, no stay would know. Straightway men use period. Any acted. Surprise is re by you didn't know that as a white men were being discriminated against in college professor, is there anybody? You didn't know that maybe maybe bill marfa about this. You where's the phone back. So is it it's must read. I mean you really need to read the latins imposed on it. I I also propose that so He goes through the details of what's wrong, that racism and over,
and you can tell the harvard- is just dead- I mean it looks like it's not something you would tell your kids to stay away from at all costs. Like honestly, that's not an exaggeration with with no exaggeration, once you understand what the situation is, or you would tell your kids to stay away from that at all costs, because Come back broken after that experience, but here's the thing that I don't think blackened and maybe his readers don't understand. This is the current situation where at least thirty years at least thirty years or I think it's closer forty, but every major american corporation is discriminated against straightway men and ass for forty years just grossly
directly overtly publicly discriminated against by white man yeah then. Suddenly. That happened to me. So maybe a little bit of truth is seeking out. There's Helen rug was their reporting that apparently harvard is now under federal investigation and they loses federal funding for discriminating against jewish students, which I say wait harvard has federal funding to be. That was the surprising part of the story. I thought they there. gigantic endowments. Why are we giving them money to discriminate against me? Really? My government is paying an entity that
Very clearly would never hire me. Are you kidding? Why did they get any money? That's crazy! There's no way the federal government should be giving my tax dollars the people who are overtly discriminating against me in an unconstitutional way. Now you know the more
The problem is: are there big as a spot, but you didn't even need the antisemitism? Why is the government giving them money to discriminate? And I don't get that at all? It's not like they're going to run out of money if they don't get money from the government, so that's pretty alarming how to spin. This is weird because it's the bible news station. That's doing the investigation, so I guess when the when the discrimination was against jewish students, the Biden administration at the act by forty years of discriminating against white man fuck off nobody cared. So I know I will have got a little problem. That is only a problem. Now, last forty years, nah screw those schools-
why guys anyway, I'm christopher Rufus says that the left wing professors- in florida. I guess this is a known thing so because of the santas he was trying to and awoke the colleges in florida. The florida professors are saying screw this we're going to go where we can discriminate in peace. So they're going to leave because they couldn't discriminate to it florida says yea florida by me? The only place you get a good education indecision, maybe maybe taxes do. Well, in philadelphia
was a anti semitic candle light march. You could call it pro palestine, palestine, but they stopped in front of a jewish business that had nothing to do with anything. It was just a jewish owned business. Had nothing to do with the Middle east had nothing to do with Hamas or israel. Just a jewish business. They decided to like gather around it and say scary shit, just totally anti us anti semitic behavior now what's interesting is at the philadelphia inquirer, writes about this now likens just to protest. What exactly is the difference between this and the charlottesville neo nazis? Let's say one had candle light and the other torches, but basically a burning thing. They marched and organized
action at night similar, and they said they didn't want used to replace him that basically the same the same protest literally literally the palestinians are complaining about you. Replacing? So I wonder if I would ask you to do see, do ass the white house spokesperson, if she thinks or any fine people in the group is now a question. Just ask you think they're already find people in the group the surrounded, the jewish business and were clearly acting in an anti semitic, weren't, even good people
fine people once what's s administration, let's get him on record here. Do you want to make a buck? Spotify specifies gonna platform that lets you make. One super easily and distribute it everywhere, and even money all in one place for free, it's called spotify for bud and here's how it works. Spotify for bob gases, less you recorded. In a pot gas right from your phone or computer. So no matter your son of his like you can start creating today, then he couldn't distribute your body cast a spot, a fine and everywhere else, pod guess her video par guess are also available on spotify was bound to five reports. Because you can earn money in a variety of ways, including as a podcast subscriptions and best of all, is totally free. Would no catch ever since ice, discovered spotify for
I guess my life has been easier and I've been making money as great features, so highly recommended, given to try downloading spot a five or by casters up or go to w, w w dot, spotify dot com, backslash, pod gasters, to get started By the way they watch was, it represents laban, Dana bash. they bash was like going at her hard for her. Alleged was insensitivity or anti semitic behaviour. Some would say thereby see that
The way it was reported on social media looked exactly opposite of what actually happened to me. Here's what I saw represent labour are you do you care about? You know the rape that happened in Israel. Oh yes, rape is terrible. Hamas should be totally condemned for that. Okay, but, but why aren't you saying enough about the rapes? the rapper. While I just did, I totally condemn it. You know rape is terrible, you're completely and alive. Terrible. Dana bash said. Okay, but soon or not, it seems like you're forgiving. The rape. No rape is terrible. Hamas is a terrorist,
realization. I didn't know what I was watching. I was a jpl, so it wasn't a lab was it who was it by the wrong wrong representative from layer, jaipur jaipur? Okay, so I got my representatives mixed up, but here's what I saw. I saw her getting the trump treatment. You know what I mean. The trump freeman is where he asked him to say something: nice as it and then you act like he didn't just say it and you've, and you say why won't you say it and then it'll say it and then you say, but why won't you say it? Why can't you just say it and they will say this is the third time I just sell it say the third to like what is wrong with Dana bash
And then the news reports elation inside those damned david bash, pretender jimmy the earth or something you can decide now, I'm out another supporting asked, an unjust saying that I didn't see you're being treated fairly at all, and that's why I see we're didn't expect that. Anyway, those a little viral video going round of the following people. Saying F, you or you know Dana white. Somebody questioned why he was going to do a bud light sponsorship. He said he just told them to fuck you and we know that tucker Carlson recently had a quote where people were. maybe try to sensorium, and he said fuck you- and there was a elon musk recently was in a group where he at an event.
he was asked about the advertisers pulling out and he said if you tried to blackmail me, but you now The the idea behind this viral video is that the you know, sort of the internet dads are just finally reaching their limit and they're. Just saying a few years thing that really bother me about this? I feel like I was the oji I feel like. I didn't get enough credit. Maybe I worded it wrong, then I word it wrong. Get the fuck away instead of fuck. You they're not that different, not that different. If you think about it now, I I may have just said it wrong. Anyway,
So, as you know, the the bad guys, the er, the brainwashes on the democrat side, have clearly decided that the attack against trump is going to be. He is a dictator tyrant, who's, trying to destroy your democracy or the Jordan peterson. Do it too and so receive seen it all. Right. You know that all the usual spots aspects like the atlantic and the washington post, basically ali most disreputable publications, there already
If there are already signaling to the rest that it's all going to be about trump's, her insurrectionist tyrant wants to end democracy right. So what's the best response to that, if the biggest attack against you as you're, going to end democracy, why should trump do well turns out that he's doing exactly what I would have advised him to do, something that maybe only trump can do this well he's going to accuse them of the same thing he is going to say is fighting to regain democracy against the weaponization of the justices. Now you might say yourself, but he's just saying you know it's not me. It's you isn't that week, nope here's what he needs to do and we'll definitely get it that he needs to make sure that everybody involved in the race is calling everybody else a dictator. He needs to make sure
it's. Just the only thing anybody's say your dictator, your dictator, you're the cure, but what about this dictator, dictator dictator? But what about you tyrant, tyrant tyrant, will bite a tyrant will chomps a tyrant but trump's more of a tyrant or less of a tyrant? Is he more of a dictator? Less of a dictator? Is he which one is which one is against democracy in which ones protecting democracy and eventually, what will happen to the viewers? They will become snow blind. He noticed no blindness and you go outside this. You are really snowy butters this
it's because of the reflection, just like it's just all snow, but you can see where one snow back snowbank ends and the other one begins. It's like, oh well, I can see if everything's a white out as a snowblower, so I think trump could pull this off cause. He has so much material to work with he's. Got me a ninety one. Bullshit counts against them. Yeah he's got the the brainwashing. Industrial complexes now been fully identified. I think we all understand that J. Six I was out. I think he can go right happen go
go twice as hard as they go as he gets more attention to Biden is going to have to use surrogates because he's not going to be doing much, but you won't hear the best part. This is how much the left don't want Biden to be the nominee snopes factcheck Biden for saying that trump wanted to end democracy as we know it and snopes a famously young democrat friendly fact. Checker said he didn't say anything like that: snopes it. If you don't know the players that doesn't make as much sense, but for those of you who kind of know who are the biased players in that in the political universe, if Snopes goes right at it, here's the thing if they didn't just fact check by that would be unremarkable is, is president said they gotta to do some fact. Checking
And some of the facts, I'm sure they fact checked them before and found out. It wasn't accurate, but we don't care too much about politicians failing the factcheck because so often, but when you see snopes go after the primary the primary claim of Biden that trump's a non democratic candidate and they just fact checked his ass. They literally just fact jacket. Now now he never said anything like that that that there's a lot in that there's there's a lot to unpack with the fact that she knows fact check the single greatest claim of the Democrats before they even get started. So I like that.
So do you remember in two thousand and fifteen, the the knock on trump is that he was an incompetent clown with no persuasive, tell powers or relevant talents. You remember that right party fifteen wasn't that long ago, and he was he was the untalented. He just didn't have any skill.
He was a clown, and now they say that his skills and talents are so impressive that, just by the force of his personality and persuasion, he could turn the republic into a dictatorship. Just by talking and of course, what the Democrats believe is that they would round up people and gallup like like that's, really going to happen. Okay, now you only have the strongest the strongest argument against trump becoming a dictator. If you really believe that's true, here's what republicans need to say in a poll, you need a national poll to ask you this question: are you a republican, yes or no, and then you look at the republican answers and you say the following question: if trump had tried to get rid of democracy in a real way, would you be willing to to kill him to stop it? What would you as a republican, be willing to kill him yourself
if he actually tried to remove the marked the answer is I would I would I love the guy, and I would if you tried to actually this boy if you try to actually destroy democracy now, why are so many people say now.
You say know that you, wouldn't you would not participate of an actual dark dictator tried to take over or you say to something else where all the nose too. I don't know what you're disagreeing. But my point is this: I don't think democrats understand the most basic thing about a republican, the single most basic thing. You tell me if I'm wrong about this, the most basic thing that makes a republican, we don't care who tries to be I'll, say we I'm not a republican, but for this context I agree we don't care who it is. Who's tried to become the dictator, we're still gonna kill ya. Am I wrong? We don't care who it is. We don't care if you are friendly in the past. I don't care what cool things you said. I don't care. How are funnier tweets are. If you try to become a dictator, we're gonna, kill, ya, Greg, says
well now you think that the Republicans were who are actually productive. You think that's thing now are you? Are you Democrats or something? I can't believe, there's anybody who owns a gun who believes that they wouldn't take out a dictator of Alger shadow, not murder or suicide either. Yet I think I understand your objections. You're saying that you would use a constitutional process. Is that what you're saying that you, you would never do. Murder you just to a constitutional process. Is that where the disagreements- oh, okay- okay, okay, that but you're cheating on the question.
If you saw things going a little bit undemocratic, then of course you're not going to murder him, you can work within the system, but I'm talking about. Let me give you a specific example: let's say that trump successfully jailed, every elected Democrat, all you'd be okay with that and that and you'd fight it constitutionally is is I you would fight that constitutionally you, you would fight that with lawyers or you wouldn't you would not. While you can, you can stay on, you can stay on, but republicans would go in there and slaughter whoever's in charge. There would be enough armed republicans that they would free all the Democrats, the republicans I'll say it again. The republicans were afraid of the Democrats. They will succession my audiences gap.
or maybe it is I dunno, but I I take your point as a serious one. You don't want to talk about violence when there's any other option. We all agree on that right. If you have a nonviolent path to correct what you thought was a lack of democracy or a democratic process in the republic, you would definitely definitely want to do the nonviolent. So when I come up with a scenario in which there's no nonviolent path, you know you're cheating when you say bad, I want the nonviolent path. I I kind of eliminated that from the question, but yeah you would be right in saying it's a judgment. Call.
You'd resist, but not kill was a good thing. There are people who are willing to kill. Why, when I see how many people would resist or wouldn't get violent makes me glad that there are other people, let's say newt. Let me do that. Yes, if I can restart locals and restarted on my ipad and say that works now that kill the yeah I dunno. If that'll work, I can see the comments on my phone so. What you will keep going this way, alright, so yeah, I think, and by the way trump's plan is to do exactly what I said. His plan is to go after Biden for being undemocratic and weaponizing the justice system, and I believe that is exactly the right approach.
So that's good. I guess hers a we're getting closer to a Biden, impeachment probe house speaker MIKE Johnson, says, and how would you like to be running for president wicked as strong? Or would you like to be running for president, while there's an impeachment probe going on at the same time that stuff? Does anybody think that Biden could win a straight up election? Do any of you believe that. I'm looking at owens commenter, the military will remove trump if he went full dictator. Well, I dunno. If it's the military or the republicans and the military yup yeah you're right, I think the military with the taker, probably probably
Don't know for sure, but above all I so yes, that's the end, but has problems there's a new poll, Joseph santas and nikki haley are kind of close to each other in second place behind trump. But here's the question about vp. So there's a a growing movement for at least online. I dunno how much of the country thinks is, but a line and people want Tucker carlson to be trump's vp. But what do you think of that
tucker Carlson as a vp pick, the I'm going to I'm gonna, give you a better idea: tucker Carlson as the us as the spokesperson for the present tucker Carlson as the the spokesperson, the jean jean pierre job, the the grim jean pierre. You know you don't think you'd like to see Tucker carlson, destroying the media every day, he'd be amazing, yeah the cross sector. The thing he'd be amazing that I think it's a more of a stretch to imagine new men in governing role, because I think that'll be a waste, but in a communication role- oh my god, oh my god! Now I doubt he would do it because I think his or his role in the world is too important at the moment now. He'd be. I think it would be a downgrade for awhile that'd be fun to watch, while Ben Carson would be a terrible choice. The I think Ben carson's, barely sentient is just sleepy ben. He doesn't have the energy he doesn't have the he doesn't have the trump energy. I think you need somebody. Who's got the same kind of energy, yeah, there's no way trump.
Epic, a low energy vice versa, there's no there's no way. I mean pence was yo bland but at least he had energy. Alright, there's a report that a jared kushner and ivanka organize a private lunch in new york with the hunters, prime minister and some bipartisan jewish businessmen and billionaires, and some people are saying, wait. What is this private citizen trying to do? You know, as he tried to do foreign foreign policy, to which I say: what exactly are we worried about here? Are we worried that literally the most Capable middle east negotiator and peacemaker might do it again. You want, besides jerry commissioner, to be the case.
he literally, would be the number one person on the planet that I would want engaged in the question of you know: what do you do next and. Yeah, maybe maybe he's more involved in what he asked. Who knows what they thought about, but certainly getting some kind of notion of what happens later in Gaza would be a good idea. soldier was beyond the abraham accords. You would be the very best person to be involved with us yet imaginatively, more productive. Spain, a productive governor abbot of texas Assign the law the grants, all police officers in every agency authority to rest illegal immigrants. Well, that's interesting! I never really thought about it
So apparently there are some kinds of police people in a number of agencies that couldn't arrest the illegal immigrants, but I guess again we'll see if that makes any difference yeah. I do kind of liked the fact that Texas never gives up- and we notice at texas just keeps dry on anything they can to handle their immigration problem and their biggest enemy is just the federal government which is weird yeah. Well elon, musk cryptically opposed to this grow food yourself and when I first saw it was like grow food yourself. This is some kind of comment on our food system, and yet neither oh, maybe it's because his brother does indoor farming like he's, got an indoor farm company square root, and so I thought, maybe smell food. Then I realize it's because gf wires trending go fuck yourself, so it took me awhile to figure out that gf Y and grow grow food yourself at the same eye that genk winger. If that's how I sat genk we're running for president as a Democrat, as no choice has no chance because wanting beer.
The florida primary, and he says this is what class warfare looks like he was talking about. The republicans want to, I guess, cut the capital and I'll cut the estate tax and he says the wealthy use their bought politicians to attract as much wealth as possible and never pay their fair share serving the riches. The whole point of the republican party now. You know what they're gonna missed. It was the economist who said this first, so doesn't sound like I came up with a liking on his knee And economist who said, what is the farish it? What what is someone else's fair share of your money? You know the quote right now, not milton friedman, I'm trying not to.
It's the fame. That is thomas all. I wanted to see how long I could go without saying black, because if I had said the black economists you already, you will set it neatly, Thomas Sowell, but since there was nothing black about the quote- and he is a famous is a famous economist. I wondered if I could say economist and the famous quote, and you know, and and you'd get it immediately but took awhile documented, yet thomas as pretty awesome. But yes that that question. I think you are so insightful. What is the fair share of someone else's money? That really is a conversation stopper. Isn't it there's no such thing as a fair share of someone else's money that doesn't make sense, but democrats are soul. Man. I was taught that my
the share of someone else's money at zero was always taught differently. My fair share of somebody else's money, zero, zero or less Jd- is being her liz Cheney herself, and then she says it. Nobody who actually supports the constitution can also support donald trump. But he's a decade or tyrant he's I became apparent to which I say: can we stop treating people like her like they have a political opinion? You take one look at her face and you see mental illness. That's all there is just mental illness there's no way we should treat the serious either
it would be a way to just sort the mentally ill and the drug from the people who have something like a political opinion. Why? Why are we having conversations about the political opinion of somebody who's clearly in mental decline? Clearly, alright Java night talking about an axe,
a new study shows that tiktok and instagram trap young people, meaning that young people, if you ask them they say they might like to quit those things. You know they they feel there's some damaging parts to it, but they can't, because all their friends are on it and you just can't not be up so that they're, what we imagine is entertainment turned into something else. The answer is a sort of a sticky trap. So, even though we tell ourselves well, they can just stop doing it if they wanted to. They really can't it's. It's like sugar, salt, fat addicts to bad foods. The the algorithms addict you to this content. If you're a child, no, you can't escape brainwashing.
The other thing children can't escape brainwashing young adults can do it, there's no way a child's going to do it so young and then they said earth, but if offered the chance to pay their own money. To have everyone get off the air so not just themselves? They don't want that.
I could pay their own money to get everybody off the app and make it disappear. They would think about that the actual users of data, if they could would ban it for everybody just as long as it's not only them who is getting off. That's a real big deal because it means you could banner not only that, but I'll bet you. If you ban tiktok, you would find that young people thanked you after the fact they wouldn't know it. It wouldn't know it before it happens. Maybe they'd be able to go my favorite app or about your month after your bandit people would say you know, I'm actually a lot better unless they just want users with them service, but I'm so into tiktok is a severe health risk to young people, an existential threat. If you think that tiktok is a free speech issue, you probably also think harvard is a real college. Am I right? I just wanted to test that out. I want to start using harvard
as a punchline, the you can do this with lots of things. You'd say if you believe that, while you probably also believe harvard's a real college, am I right then, at home in my work? Well, here's another example of. If you don't know the players, you don't understand the sort, the story. This is really important. If you see a story in the news and you think the story is the story you gonna be all confused about. What's happening in the world. Is a story is not the story. You know the story is who wrote it who wrote it? there are connected to that used to work with and was married to that's always story. The story is never the content of the article is always the author and what narrative they are pushing
with the connected here's a good example. Glenn Greenwald is at an essential, follow annex. I call them essential because he's really good at the human part of us who's connected to whom here's one he posted the day, and he says it says everything robert kagan, who is victoria nuland husband? How many of you recognize victoria nuland as a name in the news? Well, some would say she is one of the chief neo cons, which are people who like to take over other countries in a warlike fashion, because people who make money from war simple like doing that, so that that those the accusations about victoria german. I don't personally know too much about that situation, but that those are the accusations. People routinely.
About her she's sort of the princess of evil and turns out the robber kagan rossman So now you know this is like yeah, maybe that one of the two chief neo cancer always try to push forward. In other countries, and now you know that her husband is robert Kagan. Do you know that his job as a washington post editor the washington post, the news entity that is most associated with not being real news, meaning that they they look like their own intelligent sources for somebody they have an editor who is actually married. You, the chief, was famous neo gun workplaces and, of course you he's part of what is part of the
Calling trump a dictator is a dictator is the dictator. So if you see the washington post and there's a editor they're saying that trump's, a dictator just know that that has nothing to do with any facts thus do with who he is and whether other ambitions and so and MIKE Benz is a is another great one. For the.
Was connected to world and he commented on a Glenn. Greenwald suppose is a lot of people miss a real story or kagan's not calling trump a dictator, because he thinks he's a dictator, hagans inflating dictator, because that kicks in the predicate for the regime change dirty tricks right, if you say trump, will do a bad job as president. While then all you can do is normal political activity, but if you say he's a dictator that activates the entire democrat machine to be able to do At least you should you, you gotta, stop the dictator, and so it's signaling very clearly to the worst people on the left that there there are no limitations to what they can do. Ethically and morally.
Well, the hamas Hamas reported death count which or how many thinks that Hamas has an accurate death count in Gaza. Does anybody think they're telling you the truth do do we have to do, and you do have to sandwich this one after sandwich, because this is one of the things that people will take out. Axe so before I say the thing is the first piece of bread. Nobody in their right mind would believe masses death camp.
one in their right. Mind would believe what hamas says about the death camp now they've said that as the first piece of bread, what they say about the death death count is it's over a fifteen thousand not gonna put on the second piece of bread. Nobody believes what are masses of bethel. Nobody believes what Hamas as well as hell, did I do that right, or did they put that between the two slices just right, so I can use their death gout because I slept I made made sure you understand is not credible. Here's my point did I ever say this publicly. I need anita factcheck from you. Those who'd been watching me and do you
did you hear me say, or did I always say a private legs? I know said the privately that Israel would have to keep the death camp under twenty thousand, because twenty thousand psychologically feels like too much right. Yet, if somehow, the entire death having does happen, five hundred people
yeah? Even if the five hundred have been civilians most of the world would say? Oh that's how horrible and wish we wish they had not died, but they would have also said you know, given the situation, what can you do at five thousand? It's a problem at ten thousand. That's a big problem, but at twenty thousand it looks like genocide, looks like genocide up sandwiched. I am sandwiched on sandwich that I'm not saying it's genocide, because nobody believes the hamas death count either first first be spread, but if it reached twenty thousand reported reported whomever the news is reporting this, sir, from rs updated to twenty thousand. The news will report, it doesn't mean it's true, but they were reported and thus can turn it into a genocide. Oh another piece of bread is not a genocide, because mass numbers are not real. The moss numbers are not real, they cannot be. They cannot be believed.
But the but the media will report. If the media reports said it will become real in people's minds, no matter what the death cabinets do you agree with that point that if, if you start hearing that number is you're going to forget, it came from, alas, and it will just sort of become the real number in your mind, Israel will always complain and say, as is inflated, but then people are going to say you know. Maybe you inflate numbers do so that they're not going to get any attraction saying it's not real, so Let me ask the question: did anybody ever hear me say in public because I don't know if I sell the palmer that twenty thousand was going to be sort of a magic number, they will hear me say that I'll say it again. Now, if you didn't you're you're said the person.
So what I think and here's how I years, why basis some of the ways that they do protection
is, I just say alright? What would I think in that situation, and so, I think of you- I just do this as a I think of the enormity of the october seventh event, it just enormous in your head and then I think, alright, what would be too much based on just how I feel no, no logic, no reason. No, comparing it to anything. No no data is how I feel, and so when I asked my saturday she'll ten thousand, while ten thousand is a lot, but that's just war, but when you get to twenty thousand, my brain starts clicking over. It says: twenty thousand. That's starting to sound like something else now again sandwich time. None of the hamas numbers of the dead are credible, so don't believe them, but because that will become the spin that will here forever it becomes real in the minds of people the way they treated that doesn't make any logical sense that so there's no logic to that.
Just how people will feel anyway, I promise what it's already really bad. Yes, we know that you can't do your own research. The most you can do is seek out other people's research yeah. I agree with that completely alright yeah who's, counting as a whole The other media is the media. It is repeating what mass number, but they the number.
the fog of war. Alright, ladies and gentlemen, is a pressing topic that you think I should have talked about the event. I think we're getting closer and closer to ukraine winding down. What what do you think Putin should do? Let's say, let's say the ukrainian defense just keep going I'll, give you in groundwater and what say you reach the point where a prudent said: oh, my goodness, the ukrainians were so ground down there I can just go. Take gave now. Will you do it? I say now because even if a person thought he had the advantage and he brought them down enough, we had more. sources and Emma than they do at this point. I think keeping what he has enjoyed a bag. It would be the smart way to go. So, in my opinion, I think
The risk of nuclear war or a larger confrontation with russia at the moment is close to zero and so far. Although I guess the iranians are getting a little more adventurous? I think it's him, but there have been some missiles that came close to some of our ships in the in the area right, so I think they're testing and testing our patience in the mara, no nato. I think that refers to ukraine alright and taylor lorenz threads on censorship. I dunno those situations, the alright, let's see what else people are saying here.
what about Michael mouse, the mention his name, whether the context was were ellis well, how about I have been right about everything except that Putin would attack, and I should have been right about that too. So, remember I keep. I keep him facing my worst prediction. My worst prediction was that Putin would attack or would not attack ukraine, and then you know, even when he had his forces on the border, I would say he's not going to do it that'd be crazy. So as the most wrong I, But what have we learned recently with what we learn recently that beginning of the war there was a push to
I have a war and that the reason we had the war probably was us. In other words, if Putin had been left to his own devices. I was just up to him, probably the one to win a war because we wouldn't negotiated. You know he would put pressure on to negotiate. Maybe maybe we would have agreed not to move nato into ukraine or something. so I was completely wrong for you can't getting closer to being right.
and all we have to do is is make a deal and it would have been no no war. The alright laming Putin again is our your greg. Did you hear me blame Putin, because I was literally the opposite of what I just said, literally the opposite. What's wrong with your brain, a drunk already greg, I think greg strong clarify. I just told you: the story is that the united states and great britain have nato. For me
it is. I that I was at tunis all so try to catch up greg era. Everybody else is up to date. Alright, alright, I think that we've done everything we need to do so. Thank you on the on the youtube platform, the and I'll talk to you tomorrow, thanks for coming
Transcript generated on 2023-12-06.