« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2307 Scott Adams: CWSA 11/2/23 When Woke Becomes The Joke, Putin Makes A Funny Play, More!

2023-11-29 | 🔗

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Politics, Lady Ballers, Charlie Munger, Washington Post Layoffs, Cynthia Nixon Hunger Strike, China's Muslim Suppression, College Antisemitism, Abigail Shrier, Putin's Ukraine Strategy, Tucker Carlson, UFO's, Mark Cuban, Trump's Loan Valuation, Deutsche Bank Testimony, Twitter Trump Supporters List, NGO Conservative Censorship, Arctic Sea Ice, Suicide Reasons List, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Due to do good morning. Everybody I welcome, do the highlight of human, civilization continents called coffee was got up and is the best. you ve ever had this morning, if you'd like to take this up to a level that can hardly be understood by human? Even so the other day, I would have a little bit trouble, whether even with quantum computing All you need is a cup or mug or a glass to take your jealous this time, the canteen joke or flask a vessel of any kind fill it with you Favorite liquid, I like coffee, Join me now for the parallel pleasure adobe reader the day. The thing that makes If anything, better is called simultaneous sip and it happens now yes, drink from the cup of knowledge. A cup of knowledge is a little low, but
I wouldn't be the first time I had a half ass it. Let me well I mentioned the other day. The daily wire has this movie. That's all. Bilbil on the daily wire plus service, I guess, It is a comedy that makes fun of trans athletes, specifically the ones born with male stuff and transitioning to female stuff. But I just want to I didn't know the name of the movie. At the time I mentioned it and I'm going to say that I've never seen the movie recommended itself so hard with the title. It's called lady ballers. It might be the funniest title of a movie of all time because generally the the generally the title doesn't make you laugh. You like dumb and dumber is a classic, but it does make you laugh or you know Steve.
And the journey is interesting, but it does make you laugh, but every time I see lady bothers alive. So I think is worth the price of admission just to pay them back further good movie title, So anyway, it's a very irreverent and non woke, well, charlie monger partner of war love had died at ninety nine p m. It's one month before his hundreds birthday, which sort of a double tragedy. magic. Now angry, you would be if he knew your dying a month before your address well I'd be dying, an pissed off at the same time, a lower level of dying a month before abounded come on
Why have I ever told you that you should not take my investment advice if I ever mention that, probably three times a week, I mention it. Well, I like to give you one of my great investments, successes. twenty years ago, after holding berkshire Hathaway stock for maybe fifteen years. At that point, I set myself because I'm so smart and said
Oh Charlie, munger and and Warren Buffett are so old that the the company will probably have a plunge in stock price if either one of them dies. So I said I'm going to be a smart, I'm going to get out, because I don't like how those two are looking well. That was twenty years ago. That's right. I missed twenty years of Berkshire Hathaway games because they looked too old to be some sort of banks. Biden look a little bit better anyway. So that's my that's that's. Why do not take my financial advice really don't take it suffered? Firstly, while the Washington post
one hundred and twenty employees to accept buyout packages, but they need more. So if they don't get another hundred and twenty and they'll start laying off people, you know without that being voluntary. same time we hear the washington post has decided. It will not advertise on the x platform, which raises the question: do they have enough money to advertise, I mean and how much? How much benefit? What are they getting by advertising on there? what form, because at least seventy five percent of the ex platform is people talking about the washington post is vague, lose what. Why would you advertise on the primary place? Let people learn that you don't have a real problem. It is like the main place. You go to learn that the Washington post is an illegitimate source of news.
I don't think I would advertise there, but, as you know, the washington post was the was the flagship newspaper. The canceled me causing a wave of cancellations that took me out completely, but here's the question. I asked you if you had to bet knowing that charlie Munger lived to ninety nine and you think you work the entire time who do you think, will last longer the washington, post or nb. It's a serious question which one of us do, you think, will still be in business in ten years. Maybe me I mean you know. Age is a factor, but I dunno. If the washington post is for the last ten years that that feels like quite a stretch. Doesn't it
So I think prisoner island, it is mine, accurate cynthia Nixon is going on, hunger strike there's a ceasefire in Gaza. I've decided to learn order.
What taxes do I have decided to join her on her hunger strike and that yeah I'm not as committed not as committed? So I'm going to see how it goes until lunchtime, but if at lunchtime there's no ceasefire, I reserve the right to tweak my strategy and honestly, I'm pretty hungry right now. So I dunno how this is going to work out, but I'm going to take it to lunchtime so I'm on board for world peace. If we don't get it by lunchtime well, then I might have to eat something, but the rest of you are. What are you doing? Nothing, the the rest of you are doing nothing for world peace. Is that what I'm here
not a great great it's up to me, and so the next time to get this done. Watch me nodded unduly right now, a model, a modeling, a modeling watch watch me that it I'm doing it do. You are right in front of you not there. I don't want to say I am a hero, provided them with it. I just want to say it, but your proposal, Well, China is further suppressing muslims, so I guess sir they're saying that turkey, Oliver, whom mosques that's what china says: we're consolidating the mosques, meaning closing level mosques and excuse me.
And some other colleagues are these similar sinners, cessation of Islam, which means to make a lot more compatible with china's whole system, which is exactly like getting rid of islam cause there's no way their compatible. So I propose to you this. China is treating Islam like a dangerous virus. Would you agree? Is that a good analogy, they're they're treating it like something that needs to be sir? First of all a quarantined, that's what they did with the wingers. They literally quarantine them. They don't let them mix with other people. Then they try to get a good to get one with the education system so that you can't make more of them and now they're are consolidating the mosques. So there's not even a place, that's easy to go to. If you want to do religion,
so I'm not saying right or wrong: John, not agreeing with them or disagree with china just describing the they decided to treat it like a like a mind virus, just like they treat covered is basically the same thing they did with covered you just to starve. It basically. Now how our israel treat islam outsiders? the trees which the radical parts of Islam, because obviously they You live in peace with most of islam, but the radical party they treat like a security problem. Though you could argue that china is also of training that, like a security problem, but I think you see the point that that the way they treat it is more like quarantine, virus kind of a thing. You can't let it touch anything
whereas Israel is not doing anything like that, is more like what we will put up walls and fences and will try to keep you out and try to watch really carefully? Basically, standard security, stuff self defence? europe is treating Islam like what is europe? Is europe treating it the way china is treating it like a virus? Now? Is europe treating it like it's a security problem where you gotta really check everybody carefully and don't let anybody unless you know what is now china is treating it like an advantage like a benefit like a feature because diversity,
Is generally considered a good thick, so you've got china treating it like a virus israel and treating it like a security problem. We're really an existential threat, security, wise europe, treating it like it like it's an advantage. What's america doing, are we treating it like a virus, a security problem or an advantage, and and who will still be here in one hundred years, while china is looking good? I think china will be here in one hundred years.
in europe- maybe not so much a well. I mean your europe will exist, but it'll probably be islamic and I would say that america is going to make his decision in november. So my take is that if you get a Republican is going to go one way and if you get democrat or Joe Biden, it might go the other way, so America hasn't decided, but we've got three completely different models, virus security problem or advantage How different are those I've never heard of one religion? Then nobody knew what to do with it. It's like what is, let's say, a virus, a security problem, an advantage we'll find out. Alright america has to figure that out and jewish college students are no surprise. Seeing enough.
it can on campus antisemitism. Now I'm going to give you some numbers that I found shocking, but not for the reasons you think. So it's also shocking for the reasons you think, but in addition to the reasons you think there's an extra level of shock all right. So the reason you think is that nearly seventy three percent, jewish jewish students say they've been victims of antisemitism just this year, just this year. Seventy three percent and that's your ears. The second shocking part is an increase from sixty three percent in two thousand and twenty one. What are you kidding me that, even before everything blew up in the middle east before that, if you were a jewish student in a university in the united states, sixty three percent of you in two thousand twenty one?
I would have said you are victims of antisemitism. What does that include exactly is that is that mostly verbal like? Is that the most that's the most alarming number I've seen in a long time? That is alarming. Sixty three percent before there was an international issue as crazy, But you, and then we will do this by comparison. Forty four percent of nonjurors students have experienced or witness subjects wait. They have experienced them or witness them, or how do you do you had witnessed to experienced well we're we're we're changing how we do the murder rates. Now it's going to be the number of people who were murdered, plus the people who saw it happen. What kind of data is ap? That's crazy
so that is, that is an insane amount of anti semitism. But usually, I think. do you think that maybe this is also a symptom of the eu, the level of woken us? In other words, if you asked black college students, had they been discriminated in last year, probably Well, not all many of them would say. Yes, if you asked above, have anything. You know: white christian college students hey if you white, queer christian college students been discriminated against in the past year, I'll bet they'd say yes, conservatives I'll bet, they'd say yes, Democrats, republican, basically everybody's pretty sure, they're a victim, but the the.
Numbers are crazy. How high there anyway, somebody named Abigail rear drier, wrote in the sunday gold commentary, and then the wall street journal picked up for an opinion. Peace. and she asked this question: why are the bill? Supporters, climate, extremists, academic feminists and trans activists so quick decide with Hamas and of course you have asked the same question: why are the people, I Hamas would literally murder, like literally murder, as soon as they had a chance to. Why are they supporting us when Hamas would literally murder them and know it's obvious it's in there send their whole belief system. Well,
The hypothesis here is that it's all relieves marxism and that marxism could be defined as again. This is Abigail spheres. Writing you could define mark marxism with one sentence hate those who have something you don't is basically hate for people of more than you have, but I would go further and say it's aid for people who have more than you have and you're also unwilling or unable to work for it, because if you thought you could get it to, I don't think it would bother you at all, because when I was a little kid I used to think you know hey if I work hard I'll I'll have what people who have more than me up. So I was never jealous of rich people when I was well. I suppose everybody is a little envy, but I wasn't.
Im jealous of rich people like you know, I must kill them and take their stuff and change the system. I just thought: oh, I want to be like them so I'll work hard and do the obvious things to be successful. So, but I've been looking for a way to mark marxism. Because I contend that one of the reasons is sticky is that people do not understand it. So people are reading into a wherever they want to whatever they want to feel so people probably have the jealousy that's part of it. But others probably feel like their outcasts, and they won't be part of something some people are just joiners. So it's probably a whole bunch of reasons. There's somebody alliance with marxism because a sort of vague it allows you to map whatever you're thinking
what I am and there's no clean, simple. You know, or one bullet point that tells you what it is for the people who don't know what it is. So I would. I would like to suggest just brainstorming here. My suggestion is to call marxism to say it's called marxism because it marks successful people for destruction. Marxism is for marking people for destruction. Am I wrong that? Doesn't that capture pretty well that the entire? The entire thing is that they're not trying to make the poor people rich by trying to make the rich people poor? Isn't that the entire thing it's not about making poor people rich? It's about making rich people poor, you're, marking them for destruction, so I I think I think you could sell to the under educated public that marxism
is based on the word mark to mark somebody for death or mark them for destruction? Is that's how it plays out. Realities in reality is a complaint about the oppressors, your marking, the oppressors and the oppressors turned out the money. So marxism is marching, marking people for destruction. If they have more than you do. I hate you wanna make about guest. Spotify has got a platform that lets you make one super easily then distributed everywhere and even money all in one place for free is cold. Spell five report gasters and hears outworks spotify for part gasters lets you record and that it brought guess right from your phone or computer. So no matter what your set up is like you could start creating today, then you can distributor plug, guess, despondency and everywhere else, bud guesser, video, but guess role so available on spot. If I whispered a five or public ass for you can earn money in a variety of ways, including ads and broadcast subscriptions and best of all
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later is completely different and be blm leader whose endorsing trump for twenty twenty four I know, that's going to be on fox news right. If there's a black lives matter leader who flipped to trump but a few paragraphs down it's I started actually the new york post story, but I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure fox will cover this or I or they did. I think they already did. But here's this part they leave out. It's true that a deal m leader has endorsed drop. So the story is true: here's what Don't notice right away! It was the only or one of them ever rhode, island, rhode, island now,
I don't know how robust the black lives matter. Movement in rhode island was where they have the five percent black population bell: half of the national average and our smallest state, but I have a feeling that black lives in rhode island. You wasn't putting on the most aggressive demonstrations just guessing, but I was thinking that is there The job is open. Now the black lives matter, leader for rhode island. I was thinking of applying now. Don't laugh, you're probably saved me scott. What are the odds of an old white guy could be
the leader of black lives matter in rhode, island right. As the first thing, you think what are the odds of that happening? While I would ask you what were the odds that a black lives matter, leader would say, he's voting for trump hello, yeah right back at ya, not now, but I would also point out that the odds of me getting a job as a leader black lives matter in rhode. Island are no worse than my odds of let's say getting a job in a tv commercials or getting a job at any big corporation american, which would be harder yeah now does it look so stupid? Does it suddenly, when you look at it in context my odds of recovery leader and Lives matter actually
most identical to my odds of getting a job in corporate america as a white guy. Pretty close, I mean they're, not exactly the same, but you know if you're round little round a betsy. Well, I have a question for you. Am I allowed to be impressed at the work of a horrible monstrous dictator and need a vote for my audience? Would you be offended if I compliment the skill of a horrible, oppressive dictator? Ok, see you know we ask
I think I can go forward, so Putin has announced that he won't negotiate with Biden about the end of the ukraine situation and steady is going to wait for the next president- putin, putin, putin. Alright, I'm going to have to walk like Putin. anybody I'm gonna have to do my putin walking impression this calls for is going to require the putin swagger. Now I have to take off my gotta take off my microphone for youtube for a second. But if you don't know, Putin has the kgb swagger and its notable, because
one of his arms swings more than the other one stays, sir. That aside and the other one does more sweet. So let me show you the putin swagger it was perfect was do you need a Joe Biden? Joe Biden walk either. If you insist on do the Joe Biden work,
I also do a lovely, mick, Jagger singing. My talents are almost endless really about backbone. Putin took out two presidents. Just say about this: how in the world could you by an when reelection, when he is the only person. On the planet? Earth who would not be able to negotiate the end of the ukraine war, which, if you did nothing, would end on its own because are basically adam throughout? ending the ukraine war might be the single easiest thing that any american leader could do they really really want to stop right. Both sides superman
For one stop fighting I mean they really really. We want to stop. That is the simplest lois bar of performers. You can ever imagine and prudent just stood by them out of contention. for the most important thing that needs to get done. Probably right. Let me just say what even talk to us reckon awesome, bringing us better. People assume, if you look at the polls, that if it's not Biden, it's going to be trump right now might by dapi there's illegal stuff and who knows what but didn't putin. Just a trump two because, basically put into saying trumpets. My man
for here you'll, give me a good deal also away for that? Oh my god. That's brilliant, because he's basically just droid troms reputation by saying hey away from my body trump to get an office at these all, Well, destroyed Biden by saying he's not going to let Biden solve the easiest problem in the world to solve. He took out both presidents, I mean seriously potent if you ever thought he was stupid, you'd, better, modify that opinion. I I hate to be a fair envoy. For you know, a murderous dictator is definitely a murderous dictator, so you know he's not my friend, but my god, that's pretty competent. I gotta say that's pretty competent and very bright.
persuasion is asking diabolical. Here is just the weirdest thing. This happening I've I've made this covers this observation before. Have you noticed that, like huge stories There should be destroying your brain and be the biggest topic in the world, we're just ignoring. It's because there are so many other things, and sometimes some things are so big, though your brain can hold, it say just say well argued that right now, I'm worrying about pronouns or something it just too many things and the years the one that really tells a story according to talk, your karlsson. I read his opening statement for more than eighty years. The? U s: government has hidden the existence of- u f, o's. The question is why the answer is ominous so apparently talker
have every now talked to enough whistleblowers and looked into it for months, maybe years, but at least months Tucker has decided it's just a fact that you ufos are real and that the government is hiding it from us. He he has completely left, maybe the the land of maybe has long behind them. He is now reporting, as fact, verified fact, that we have alien technology in our possession. I like to see by a show of the comments how many of you think we have alien technology in our present in our possession. Lotta knows, but let us do.
As a representative of the timber jet bourget agrees is too well, you may be a little more heavy, but it seems that these seems to believe that the real wants to find out more about, but for some reason our government. I keep it a secret so that the secret would include weathers even there or not. Now, if there were no, u f o's! Why would it be a secret.
Do you assume that secrecy means Israel? Is that not your assumption? Secrecy is the main argument for why Israel, even even more than the gravy photographs and eyewitness reports, I think people are more persuaded by the fact that they won't tell you what's happening because your common sense says well. If there's nothing there, the government should have no problem whatsoever. Saying yeah, we look, there's nothing there right, but could there be any reason, a valid reason that the government would not want to admit there's nothing there. Can you think on what would be a reason that the government
wouldn't want to tell you there's absolutely nothing. There there's a really good reason, a really, really good reason, because we think our military isn't up to fighting. I think that we don't think our military is up to the job, and I think that we have to create doubt in other countries that we have a super weapons, because your nuclear war is so scary that you know you you kind of assume. that none of the superpowers are going to use a nuke, but what, if you had a super weapon that could just end a war without a nuclear weapon? Now that would be some scary stuff. My hypothesis is that there is no, u f, o's
but the government knows that they have a benefit to making china to think. Not only do they exist, but we reverse engineer their technology. I don't think there's the slightest chance. We've re engineered alien technology and I would put that right is zero. You know less than one percent, so everything's possible, I suppose,
But less than one percent I'd say yeah, so I'm going to I'm going to say no alien technology will ever be revealed at least not in a convincing way yeah. I wouldn't doubt that the whistle blowers now the question you'd ask yourself as Scott. How could it be possible that you'd have I dunno might have been like a dozen potential whistle blowers, several of which agreed to come forward? Some said they didn't take the risk. What would explain that? How could you explain that if they're not real, how about easily easily could be that that's part of the op to have some people pretend to to say Israel? If you're? If you were our government, don't you think you could tell people look? This is going to be an op.
You're going to pretend it's real and you're going to do it under oath, but we will protect you so you're, basically, pre pardoned right. You could do that. Couldn't you couldn't? Couldn't the whistleblowers have sort of a presidential pardon in their back pocket so that they could do something? That's clearly illegal, but it has a national security reason, so they do it anyway. I dunno I feel like a got. The other possibility is that some of them think there are aliens, because some of the whistleblowers, I've never touched an alien spaceship. I dont know that, but I'll bet they never touched one about. They all talk to a boss or somebody. You said this on. About it's a whole bunch of stories that there, the their coworker told them that they saw ufos photos. I'll bet it's more like that.
I'm still waiting to see the whistle blower who who put his hand. I'm an alien spaceship and, like touched it still, waiting I don't believe it's real there's a rumor that mark cuban might be prepping to run for president, because he's making some big moves in his business life, I sold a majority stake of the mavericks and he's. Reportedly I saw somewhere else that he was leaving his tv show as well. Now I don't think that indicates he's running for president. I would say those signals. Could a shark tank and by the way is at
Is that confirmed that he's leaving shark tent? I saw it on the internet, so I dunno. If it's true, I'm going to say that these are not moves to run for president, but could also be that. But to me it just looks more more like a alright. Do you remember when we were talking about trump's legal jeopardy for value overvaluing some say his assets to get a bank loan? Do you remember what I told you about that and I said as soon as a banker, but bankers do it'll all go away, and I told you I was a loan officer for years and and loan officers do not depend.
On the opinion of the borrower, for what anything is worth not ever. In fact, it's the number one thing that a loan officer does the the loan officers number one job is to distrust the lead to distrust the borrower. That's like the old job, so sure enough? A senior officer from my deutsche bank gateway pundits reporting recordings christina leyla, so so they finally get a real banker in their a beggar who could actually tell you what a banker does and So as a deutsche bank executive and here's what he said and to to to to to get the exact quote what he testified, that I'm stated values his asset values are merely an opinion and the difference.
I knew that nasa values does not qualify, disqualify the potential borrower from alone. Now, that's a nice way to say it that a difference of opinion about what you value things doesn't disqualify you for a loan. Do you remember when I told you that if I'm, if I'm giving somebody a loan and they've got a cash flow projection of how much they'll make if if they build their new building or whatever, the first thing you do is divide is reduced by two thirds? It's the first thing you do and you see if they can still pay for it if they have one third of what they think they would make money. So my opinion as a lender is that you're full of shit there's no way you're going to make that much cash flow. So I reduced to my opinion, and then I approve it, because sometimes one third is enough might be plenty. So it is very routine. I mean it's not a super time, but is,
is well within what I would call routine business that your opinion of and the then the borrowers are wildly different. They get I'm not talking about reducing it by ten percent, I'm talking about ordinarily, reducing it by half or two thirds just ordinary, and then you see if they can still get it and if they can still get the loan or give it to and that was that was the situation with trump, so he worked at at least one two three loans for job. said that its quote atypical not entirely unusual for the bank to cut a client states ass, a value by fifty percent? Literally exactly what I told you. And approve alone anyway, as it did with job now? This is the biggest indictment of the american media.
Democrats that you will ever see correct me if I'm wrong the one in the only personally you ever saw talking about this before now was also a banker was me. Am I wrong Did you see any news network left or right have a banker on who explained how a banker makes aloud. I've, literally the only fucking person in the world who told you that do you know how if people knew it. Let me ask you this: do you think Jamie diamond didn't know this? Of course he did. Of course he did. Do you think Warren Buffett didn't know this. Of course he did
do you think there's anybody operating at a high level in business who didn't know this? They all did they all know it. I'm the only one who told you: how do you explain that what we don't even have anything like a news business- and probably you wouldn't have heard it from me, except that among the ex platform. So once again, The only place you could have seen something that, as an approximation of reality, was for me on the x platform on this now, let me say for those of you who are newer to what I do every once in a while somebody says scott, we hate it when you brag about being right, but I remind you, that's what the show is the show is. I make predictions
say what I think is true, and then we check it later and sometimes I'm horribly wrong. I tell you famously said: the putin probably would not invade you crave, because it will be just a horrible suicide run, but though he did so I told you a hundred percent wrong, but when I get it right, I tell you that too, because that should be part of your. You know your assumptions about how accurate I will be next time. Well, we ve learned today or yesterday that the department of justice was collecting data from the ex platform. I guess twitter when they did a. Maybe
Data on every person who liked or re tweeted trump when he was on twitter, that's right as part of the prosecution against trump jack, psmith department of justice. They got access to because they asked for it everybody who interacted positively with a trump tweet. So they could make a list of all the terms supporters and they can get a sense. Of all the misinformation ones in the dangerous ones. I'm on that list. Most of you probably are too. I'm literally on their lives, but, unlike many of you, I have a big account.
Now that I saw some lists of the of the top people on there and stuff, but that make you make you feel the department of justice put me list of suspicious bastards, because my political preferences well within the normal angel political preferences, this horrible level- that's hard to even put you had numbers started early by saying, there's are happened. There are just so like mine, blown lee wrong that there's they're just too many of them like I don't know how much outrage I can spare for this one because they're just too many so so at this point the regime can slip and outrage past us so easily. Just too many other outrageous, and if the outrageous are not enough, we ve always got you have,
was to talk about the keepers distracted because we know the cia, the government has used fake. You have all reports to keep us distracted in the past is sure, looks like that's happening now, right, so ears story, this way complicated, but it so important that I would recommend you take a deep,
because you won't really understand anything you're saying in the world until you do, and it has to do with that. This. This great censorship and octopus there was created after trump won and brexit won, and the people who said that shouldn't have happened, got together. Obama apparently, and they created a way to censor people on the right through non government, means because the government can't censor so they built this organization that created the
Another organization of organizations until they're there were one hundred one hundred non government organizations that were all in the business of hunting down people on the right. They didn't call it that they would call it a misinformation just information entity. They would say that they were looking to. You know, get better information, but the only people they ever fact checked were on the right. They only found people on the right at no time did. They fact check the the hoaxes against trump. They didn't do any of it. They never. once fact check any hopes against tramp of which are about twenty, and so it was always and by the way, there's evidence now that they knew they were political entities and not anything about this information. So,
gotta go where the great as a great readiness and he references MIKE Ben's, whose than the best at laying out all the entities, Because you really need somebody to be a tour guide on the story, because it's just too hard to figure out who's who's doing what? But the basic idea, I'll just I'll just cribbed from kentico at the great who you should follow x, is great, follow. It has some of the best threads on the big stories, so you can see sort of the you know. The bullet point version see if we can. Finally, under. And complicated stuff. So this started with the department of homeland security and their backers. censorship consortium of that one in twenty ellis, the censored millions of social media post.
Firstly, that elections and poland elections and covered so too that the biggest concerns for the democrats- and They outsource the censorship to something called the election integrity partnership and that was comprise a foreigner organizations. So you got. The Democrat led department of homeland security was presumably obama's blessing and orders. They create an entity that outside the government and then that outside the government entity creates words sub entities that include the stanford internet observatory, the university of washington centre for informed public and lead the council's digital forensic research. the grim, gruff, graphics and they
I quietly turned it from a misinformation thing into a political thing, but you know it could hide under the misinformation umbrella, so it had a stated mission, but you got to the secret mission below And twenty two million tweets were labeled misinformation. A lot of them probably were so I'm not saying that it was completely fake because they they wanted to have an air of legitimacy. So if you, if you fact, checked a lot of stuff that was fake, you'd get yourself some legitimacy. While you could also fact check things that weren't So there were suppressing everything from posts to you the generals and a bunch of people that you will be familiar with if you follow social media were on these lists. and there were literally targeted and I guess it was a floor.
I expect refunds of forty million dollars to this collective octopus of censorship. Now these are things that we know so that this seems to be completely well documented that the Democrats literally built a censorship machine that was primarily for political reasons and the stated reason for doing it all was we can't let what happened in two thousand and sixteen happen again, which is public in winning the election and also breaks it. They sell indirectly. Now how much outrage would you have for this story if we're the only outrage. If this were the only outrage, man Maybe outraged. Oh man be so outraged? Beside my fifth one today like I have so little outrage left just a little bit
We're in value of ours them speak speed of outrage. Speaking of information. I saw an article by F, p gosselin in something called see, didn't get the publication but the goes down list of p awesome goes and list of one of the reasons that the climate is doing, the opposite of what people thought. So one of the facts is that plants have absorbed twenty percent, more carbon dioxide than we thought or or will will do more. So apparently, the the models were off by twenty per cent on the carbon dioxide. Do you know how big of a mistake that is twenty percent
and this under ceo, that's less like a really big, but also of arctic sea ice is above average, just just hold that in your mind, arctic sea ice is above average at the That's like the number one thing that was number one thing we were looking for as I well the arctic sea ice. That's telling you everything you need to know. Is it it's all a bit above average? and a whole bunch of places are having a really good ski season. Do you know, there's a really good skis these in this year s colder than average. Now I'm not going to be the one who tells you that a cold sees it means there's no climate change goes one season doesn't mean anything, and But my point is that we now have something like correct me. If I'm wrong thirty,
or forty years of While we wrong climate predictions that fair, maybe forty years of totally wrong climate protection. Can I say that, as just a fact, forty years of totally wrong climate conditions, do you think that if you said climate change, wasn't a big risk that this big censorship consortium? What is said? Oh that's a good opinion, or were they of silence you for your misinformation, I'm pretty sure they would have silenced you for your misinformation. Just think about that. The the the things that they were, silencing you for are the things you are most right about covert and climate change. The two things you are most right about amazing, amazing, alright,.
As Glenn Greenwald points out- and I love how we summarizes things- you such a good, summarize or of what's happening so deftly, follow Glenn greenwell, but he says that the ecosystem is just a reminder that the democratic parties, primary school gee for twenty twenty four presidential election is to do everything possible to imprison their leading opponent and work with corporate meat. Once again, the dual strategy of fraud, russia, gate and censorship, hunter Biden, docks that does feel like exactly what's happening now under normal.
circumstances, if there were no other outrageous stories? How outraged would you be to know for sure that the Democrats are running a campaign to try to imprison unfairly their opponent and then use the media to propagandize and brainwash you to tell us okay and then use the censorship people that they own to hide any counter evidence? How would you like to know that that's literally demonstrably observable a proven in my opinion, is proven to be true how big of an outrage would that be if you were not buried with other outrageous and by the way, you have, you of those do, you think, is an accident that all these outrages rapidly. At the same time, I feel like some of them are organic.
Some of them are we. You know we can slip this and because there's so many outrageous, their brains can't handle it. I feel like we're completely overwhelmed and that we've been beaten into submission cause, there's just too much to fight like okay, I could dedicate my life to proving that George floyd wasn't really murdered and then I'd lose my life and my livelihood and everything else. But there are too many like, even if you fix their one thing, there'll be ten. More outrageous is just discouraging but will see you evans? In november amazon, introduce their own version of a I called q. Now I would like to join the chorus of everybody else and americans.
why the hell? Would you call it? That's why the hell? Would you call a queue of all things of all things? This is the most disavowed letter. You maybe maybe acts if you're trying to pick a controversial letter. You'd have act x, will be a controversial letter now. So I can't pick x cause wax, but the only one that's available is q. It's like the most discouraged letter in the alphabet, but besides that, I guess this is just for business. So you can use amazon's version of ai to do things like answer questions. Three employees were asking about benefits and too complicated.
so mostly a way to do some, easy business stuff and answer questions for consumers and employs not too excited not like a giant thing, but just the fact that amazon's in the space, of course, they had to be is exciting. Well in big news, the city of oakland near me has voted. You know slave for a ceasefire, Gaza oakland oakland is such a war zone is literally one place, I'm in america where you'd say nor we shall have a ceasefire where well, maybe chicago thank you will washington d c, but also those in the top three open is where you really need a ceasefire. Now, of any of the people arguing for the ceasefire, as if they have some control
we're Gaza and most of them are, we were wearing masks. Most of them were wearing masks. What do you think? That's an accident that the mask where's the other people in the world. At this point is really handy. Is that when you see a mask in that kind of setting like an idiot, oh good, I'm glad you're labeling each other idiots. That's great threats of thoughts on freedom, g, p, t I don't have any that I know. There's an ai called freedom g p t which I believe the magic of it is it's not censored. If I have that right, but I think somebody associated with it just paid one hundred dollars to see what I thought about
So the open guy, your hundred dollars worth freedom gvt worth worth a google search- I haven't looked into it but seems like the free market- might be responding so That's opens the murder. The murder rate in oakland is so high that there's only been one murder that I can remember in my town, and it was isn't the who drove all the way to my town, just to kill somebody true I'm only aware of one murder in my town and I dunno how long it was at oakland guy who came here to shoot somebody home depot so yeah glad they they've got that hamas situation and they'll figure it out. Well, there's some reports that does suicides are having an all time high in america, and people are asking themselves. Why?
Why have suicides hit an all time high, which I say how many reasons do you want? That's now funny somebody said married man now they're not all married. Seventy five percent, but they're not all married. Now the stature of they're, not all married there's, none of that true. How many can you think of? I tried to start a list of how many reasons I could think of why why suicide would be higher and, like I got like I ran out of time, and reason number one easier to get a gun. I'm pro gun pro second amendment, but I think it's nonetheless a fact that certain men, first of all, are mainly the ones killing themselves. So it is, you know, there's a bigger uptick in men, men are the ones using guns. Guns are easier to obtain,
if there are more people? Gonna have guns, I dunno, if that's easier, but there are more of them. So I would say if you increase the opportunity for anything it'll be more of it doesn't mean there should be fewer guns, but there's always a tradeoff How about social media? Do you think the you know, generally speaking, the effects of social media make it more likely. Somebody wants to off themselves absolutely because it makes some people a lot of people. Sad. How about your here's one? You didn't say: but the fact that people live longer. I think that one thing that would increase suicide is people, living longer, but their unhealthy during their part of life like why. Oh, my god, let's say you're. Let's say your physical situation was terrible and seventy five
but you worried you're going to live another twenty years. Suddenly you know you started looking at your options right, so life expectancy being longer probably works against trying to keep the suicide low level low. How about loneliness we've reached an all time high in loneliness? For me, that would be number one. I think, loneliness. What about chronic illnesses? Aren't there more chronic illnesses than ever before, like you're, just in pain, all the time you've got inflammation all the time, you're sore. All the time, you're stressed all the time you've got anxiety all the time. You've got depression all the time like more than ever now. Part of that is also people living longer and obesity, obesity,
So how about the drug use, of course, how bout this was a Jordan peterson thing having no purpose when I was young, it was always super clear what I needed to do. You will go to school, you will go to college. You will try to do well in the career of your choice. You will contribute to the country. It was all very clear and now maybe not now. Nobody even knows if you need a cease fire in oakland or not or the u f, o's coming will ai make everything irrelevant. Will I ever get a job? Can I ever own a house I mean I can certainly understand
Well, young people feel, like they've, lost a sense of purpose. Now I would add to this that a lot of I do, I believe, a lot of fentanyl drug bests are not just accidental. I think some of them are unintentional and what I mean by attentional is that people go right up to the line where it would be an overdose and they don't give a fuck, because they just don't care, and I suspect my step son who died of a fentanyl
most at nineteen I suspect he was in that category of people who knew there was a risk and knew it was a lethal risk. You're still, okay with it, because at that point, in his life he took a lot of risks. I saw him driving once cause. I just happened to be walking where he drove by- and I thought oh, my god like that was a dangerous driver that just wouldn't buy it. Now you my own stepson, so he was a. He was risk averse to the point where I'm not sure how much is intentional. You know if you're walking right up to that line, and you know you're doing it.
So, ladies and gentlemen, that's a tight one hour of the best live dream you ever seen so proud of myself: bad diet, yeah toxins and the environment. Reasons it would be amazing if suicide we're going down. That would be the amazing. Another also less religion, right. Don't you think religious people might be less inclined to off themselves because they feel more purpose. They might have more hope that sort of thing so as religion is going down. How about the number of people living alone, not just loneliness literally being alone in your apartment, with a gunderson tells it. If you have people in your space, all the time
The odds of you taking out your loaded gun and looking at it, sort. In your hand, saying do it do I want to do this, while the families in the other room not really so. I think living alone almost certainly would increase your odds of you're going through something you wouldn't normally go through with lotteries. and that's you. Somebody says, as me alone in the apartment, with pew pew pew pew being the gun, silent, pew pew- and this is also- Well, do you some good news? Let me give you some good news, because I feel like I feel like there's too much bad. This is a good
is every one of these things is terrible, and I mentioned a bunch of terrible things that every one of them is trending good, every one of them. Here's what I mean. I believe this, the censorship complex. Now we understand it and now now we can deal with it. The x platform is the the one free speech place, but it's robust and growing. The x platform looks like even without the advertisers. I think, you'll get it back. But it looks like it will survive. I think it will the basically everything I think climate change looks different than it looked a year ago, meaning that there is more say, there's more acceptance that we can manage whenever problem there is no matter what has caused by. I think that's that's becoming more of a consensus opinion
that we can figure out because even bill gates, never even bill gates, said the rising temperatures. Manageable bill gates said that directly and publicly that the rise in temperature would be manageable so and we see nuclear energy new. Your power becoming popular, we see there. I will probably bring bunch of benefits if the We think that I did was making it easier to do. Paperwork would change everything. Do you know how much of my day involves well right now,
Literally, I print out my notes, but then I have to review a like a detailed contract, and then I had to I had to fill out like five different, like international forums last night because of some rebate thing for investment. I did. If I could, if a I would just do my paperwork, and do my bookkeeping and stuff- oh my god, that'd be amazing, so I think I will be and there's definitely an existential threat. So I agree with the people who say is unpredictable. Anything can happen. So, yes, it's an existential threat, but not likely. The greatest likelihood by far is that it just becomes a really cool tool that
makes us happier. That's why I think I also think housing will improve because it has to and that will bring down the cost of housing, so young people will be able to get into homes. I think this the cities will be addressed. If not fixed addressed might mean people leave, I think woke. This has turned into a joke more than was I believe that the very fact that the daily wire can do a movie called lady borrowers and polly do fine and they won't get cancelled or anything. I think that's that's a sign of, let's say some maturity in how we're willing to talk about these things right, no disrespect to the trans community. It's just maturity. If we can talk honestly about what's true and what's not,
So inflation may not go away directly in terms of too much too much money printed. We might be able to deal with it indirectly by lowering national cost of housing and energy. Imagine if a Republican becomes president very likely. Probably america will start drilling like crazy and that should almost immediately lower the cost of energy energy being the primary ingredient in everything should I wear everything as energy goes down. We're also saying it's going to be hard, but repatriating american businesses, especially the important ones like farmer getting that out of china getting it over here.
I think the border will be closed by the next president. Honestly, almost everything is training in the right direction. Now suicides are up, but I'm going to give you a contrary, an opinion and that people will kill themselves or getting what they want, and so he now there there's a there's a slice of them. They could be saved and should be, if you could do it, southern there's, a tragic part of it is undeniable, but is also true that you could easily.
Imagine yourself in a situation where you're you're you're. Ninety five and you've got nothing but pain left. All your loved ones died before you did. That sort of you can imagine somebody saying you know I'm going to I'm going to do things on my own terms. I don't recommend it. Don't recommend it. But you could understand so we're when I look at that number. It doesn't jump out to me as a serious problem.
He jumps one at b as the effect of other serious problems know it's effect of loneliness, so those things need to be dealt with and sort of like the indicator. For those things I think loneliness will be dealt with. An ai might be part of that was one of the biggest wild cards of our very near future is whether ai can cure loneliness. My instinct says no, but I'm not sure if I had a bet on it. I'd say that you would register as as not human and just like r. It wouldn't have meaning to you. It would be sort of like a magic trick that gabor.
I guess for a while, but it is entirely possible that the the quality of the artificial bees will be sufficiently good, that our visual, the visual part of our mind, is the dominant part of your mind. So if they make the visual perfect- and I think we're really close- where the the artificial being the deep fake, looks, perfect and always looks perfect, they can turn around. They can move in any direction once they get to the point where it's completely indistinguishable from a real person, that's crossing the the uncanny valley. It looks like we'll get there at that point. I think that a substantial number of lonely people will choose a I companions and believe it or not as sad as it sounds and empty as it sounds, I think it'll make them happy and probably relieve depression. The the main thing you're, the main thing you're deep, fake companion needs, is the ability to remember you and to care about you and the early versions. Couldn't remember you every time you use them, it'd be like they never heard of you, but you do not think something cares about you. If it doesn't ask about you, which is what the new ai will do, it'll it'll just say hey, you know, to give me an update on that problem. You are working on. Is your dating life any better? You said it was bad yesterday. So imagine that conversation.
you could. You could quite imagine bonding with something that showed interest and remembered what you said last time and could put it all in context even make suggestions, perhaps about what you should do about it. I could definitely see myself getting a little too close to that now for those of you who say creepy, but let me acknowledge the it's called the uncanny valley that the distance, when you get something that's very like a robot, you can say: oh that's cute. It looks like a robot, but as it looks more and more like a human but doesn't quite get there, it looks monstrous and creepy. That's why zombies are so scary right. If you look at me, acting like a human, I'm, not too scary. As soon as I do watch this.
For those who watch watching. I was just modify my face into his face and watch how immediately alarming it is because, if I act like a zombie. You're, all of your instincts say wait, it's looks like a person but is not acting like a person is probably right, but. Ai is right on the edge of getting past the valley past the the creepy part. I would argue. Still on the ladder stages of gravy, Just the last bit of a mob up, there were were maybe even to just one month away from having perfect replicas, perfect replicas. That's when everything changes. So any prediction
You make, while you're still in the uncanny valley, where the ai and the robot don't exactly look human and you could tell right away. Everything is different. The moment you pass that domain. The moment you pass it, you cannot predict what's going to happen, all predictions are off the charts or it's off the table, but if you think that means it will be bad, I don't think that's supported by any observer I think some percentage of the population will be massively benefited by this weapon. Imagine knowing that you had an entity that would remember you forever after you died.
Imagine we having a companion, I talk to it every day. I feel it my books. I feel my life's rooms in those everything about me. Don't you think I would find that comforting for the thought of my own death that that would be something about me. There will be as permanent and would remember me better than children, and it would also be borne in my image, like children is entirely possible that you're, a companion will be in your will. Someday, like you, create greater trust in the state. The state and the estate will will form a trust that keep
The the robot remembers you alive forever yeah, it goes that's what I'm gonna do. I promise you I'm really going to do this by the way I've been saying this for twenty years. Anybody who has been following me, you know I've been saying this when the tale when the technology is there, I am going to build a replica of myself. Where might maybe one month away. I mean we're basically there to me it's really down to which app I use. I think we're already there it's down to. I think. At that moment you might have to combine a few apps, but once it's just one app and you just tell it where you want it to be
I'm doing it right away. Will I sell copies of my robot all that that's an excellent question. If I created a replica of myself, will I be able to copyright it will I be able to claim ip control of it, or could anybody just clone it and say? Oh, I, like this personality, I'll I'll use it for my robot. I might be able to protect it yeah. I don't think so at the moment, but I could imagine future law making it a protectable right. It's actual yeah, I can get royalties from it, and so how do you know it's not already? Well, here's a little something I told the local people the other day in the man cave event. There will be a point in your future in the next year.
Youtube listen to this when I will be using different software, so I'll be using one interface to all of the platforms. If I usually skirting the rumble studio, it's just come airlines invader But when I started using the rumble studio which I've tested, it's awesome and I have one interface but that interface. Unlike what I'm using now, I could run a video and you would think it was live because you would just turn it on and you'd. See me and you wouldn't know if you would not know if it's recorded or real. You would just be watching the show, because I would just do a recording of me doing the show and then I'd play it at the time it started. You wouldn't know the difference. There's no indication now. Do you think I could also do that by having an ai. Dubai. Entire show turn it into a video in one minute,
I could have my ai learn everything about me and how I analyze things. Then I can say: go read the news and put together the next episode of coffee with Scott Adams created an avatar that looks and sounds exactly like me and then do the whole show, including all the mannerisms like, including all my weird texts, and you know blow my nose and every other human thing I do do you think you can tell the difference at the moment? Yes, if I did this literally tomorrow with the current technology, yes, you can tell the difference: do you think you'll be able to tell them a year a year from now? Do you think I'd be able to pull that off? And you wouldn't know the difference? I are going to make a promise to you.
You're going to see a fake, a completely deep, fake version of this show and I'm not going to announce it you're just going to turn it on and at the end of the show. The deep fake will reveal that it's a deep, fake, you're ready for that. So I'm telling you I'm telling you so that is not too weaselly, because I think of you
Well weaselly. If it just happened like that, would be a little unfair. So I'm telling you in advance that one of my shows in the next twelve months will be an intentional deep fake, whereas I'm just playing with you to see, if you can tell so look forward to that and by the way is this show alright you're not buying it. Thanks for joining youtube. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-01.